biomedicina slovenica

vo="animal" : 4.903-5.002

  1. Korbelik M; Krošl G; Olive PL; Chaplin DJ
    Distribution of Photofrin between tumour cells and tumour associated macrophages
  2. Rozman J; Trlep M
    Multielectrode spiral cuff for selective stimulation of nerve fibres
  3. Rozman J; Sovinec B; Trlep M; Zorko B
    Multielectrode spiral cuff for ordered and reversed activation of nerve fibres
  4. Gerber G; Černe R; Randić M
    Participation of excitatory amino acid receptors in the slow excitatory synaptic transmission in rat spinal dorsal horn
  5. Černe R; Jiang M; Randić M
    Cyclic adenosine 3'5'-monophosphate potentiates excitatory amino acid and synaptic responses of rat spinal dorsal horn neurons
  6. Rusin KI; Jiang MC; Černe R; Randić M
    Interactions between excitatory amino acids and tachykinins in the rat spinal dorsal horn
  7. Randić M; Jiang MC; Rusin KI; Černe R; Kolaj M
    Interactions between excitatory amino acids and tachykinins and long-term changes of synaptic responses in the rat spinal dorsal horn
  8. Randić M; Jiang MC; Černe R
    Long-term potentiation and long-term depression of primary afferent neurotransmission in the rat spinal cord
  9. Černe R; Rusin KI; Randić M
    Enhancement of the N-methyl-D-aspartate response in spinal dorsal horn neurons by cAMP-dependent protein kinase
  10. Kolaj M; Černe R; Randić M
    The opioid peptide dynorphin modulates AMPA and kainate responses in acutely isolated neurons from the dorsal horn
  11. Glavač D; Dean M
    Optimization of the single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) technique for detection of point mutations
  12. Allikmets R; Gerrard B; Glavač D; Ravnik-Glavač M; Jenkins NA; Gilbert DJ; Copeland NG; Modi W; Dean M
    Characterization and mapping of three new mammalian ATP-binding transporter genes from an EST database
  13. Pungerčar J; Kordiš D; Štrukelj B; Liang NS; Gubenšek F
    Cloning and nucleotide sequence of a cDNA encoding ammodytoxin A, the most toxic phospholipase A2 from the venom of long-nosed viper (Vipera ammodytes)
  14. Križaj I; Bieber AL; Ritonja A; Gubenšek F
    The primary structure of ammodytin L, a myotoxic phospholipase A2 homologue from Vipera ammodytes venom
  15. Choumet V; Saliou B; Fideler L; Chen YC; Gubenšek F; Bon C; Delot E
    Snake-venom phospholipase A2 neurotoxins. Potentiation of a single-chain neurotoxin by the chaperon subunit of a two-component neurotoxin
  16. Liang NS; Pungerčar J; Križaj I; Štrukelj B; Gubenšek F
    Expression of fully active ammodytoxin A, a potent presynaptically neurotoxic phospholipase A2, in Escherichia coli
  17. Pungerčar J; Štrukelj B; Kopitar G; Renko M; Lenarčič B; Gubenšek F; Turk V
    Molecular cloning of a putative homolog of proline/arginine-rich antibacterial peptides from porcine bone marrow
  18. Aragon-Ortiz F; Gubenšek F
    A thrombin-like enzyme from bushmaster (Lachesis muta stenophyrs) venom
  19. Graf J; Rupnik M; Zupančič G; Zorec R
    Osmotic swelling of hepatocytes increases membrane conductance but not membrane capacitance
  20. Schara R; Serša I; Štiblar-Martinčič D; Skalerič U
    Določanje oblike vnetja v parodontologiji z magnetnoresonančno spektroskopijo
    [Assessment of gingival inflammation by magnetic resonance spectroscopy]
  21. Bogataj M; Mrhar A; Korošec L
    Evaluation of bioadhesive properties of microspheres on isolated guinea pig vesical and intestinal mucosa
  22. Mrhar A; Karba R; Irman-Florjanc T; Primožič S; Erjavec F
    Modeling and computer simulation of histamine pharmacokinetics
  23. Gash DM; Bresjanac M; Junn F; Zhang Z
    Trophic mechanisms mediating functional recovery following intrastriatal implantation
  24. Turk T; Maček P; Šuput D
    Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase by a pseudozoanthoxanthin-like compound isolated from the zoanthid Parazoanthus axinellae (O. Schmidt)
  25. Siddiqi F; Blinc A; Braaten J; Francis CW
    Ultrasound increases flow through fibrin gels
  26. Ravnik D; Vandot B
    Skeletal muscle regeneration under delayed neural influence
  27. Pšeničnik M; Pipan N
    Cytochemical staining of vacuolar compartments in the developing small intestine of mice
  28. Ribarič S; Stefanovska A; Vodovnik L; Cvirn P
    Muscle force recovery after continuous direct current stimulation of a crushed nerve
  29. Ribarič S; Somasundaram B
    Effects of isoprenaline and neuropeptide Y on intracellular ionic calcium transients are additive in contracting rat ventricular cardiac myocytes
  30. Ribarič S; Jarh O; Sepe A; Demšar F
    Prolonged T1 values of the crushed nerve are not exclusively attributable to Wallerian degeneration or endoneurial edema
  31. Noč M; Štajer D; Možina H; Gorjup V
    Effects of alternative techniques of closed-chest CPR - may these techniques improve the outcome?
  32. Noč M
    Do we need to ventilate during cardiopulmonary resuscitation?
  33. Jezernik K; Pšeničnik M; Romih R
    Mouse urinary bladder response to the presence of urinary stones in sodium saccharin-treated animals
  34. Jeram S; Roessler W; Čokl A; Kalmring K
    Structure of atympanate tibial organs in legs of the cave-living Ensifera, Troglophilus neglectus (Gryllacridodea, Raphidophoridae)
  35. Ferjan I; Erjavec F
    Contribution of serotonin reuptake to differential histamine and serotonin secretion from rat peritoneal mast cells
  36. Kashyap Ashwin; Blinc Aleš; Marder Victor J; Penney David P; Francis Charles W
    Acceleration of fibrinolysis by ultrasound in a rabbit ear model of small vessel injury
  37. Čurin-Šerbec V; Delot E; Faure G; Saliou B; Gubenšek F; Bon C; Choumet V
    Antipeptide antibodies directed to the C-terminal part of ammodytoxin A react with the PLA2 subunit of crotoxin and neutralize its pharmacological activity
  38. Grubič Z; Komel R; Walker WF; Miranda AF
    Myoblast fusion and innervation with rat motor nerve alter distribution of acetylcholinesterase and its mRNA in cultures of human muscle
  39. Zupančič-Kralj L; Jan J; Marsel J
    Assessment of polychlorobiphenyls in human-poultry fat and in hair-plumage from a contaminated area
  40. Zupan S; Filipič B; Eberl-Gregorič E; Babič M
    Piezoelectric immunosensors for detection of antibodies against Legionella pneumophila
  41. Zorec R; Hoyland J; Relf G; Bunting R; Mason WT
    Dynamic four-wavelength video imaging of intracellular pH and calcium homeostasis in cultured bovine lactotrophs
  42. Zupančič G; Zorec R
    Cyclic AMP increases the size of unitary exocytotic events in cultured rat melanotrophs
  43. Wahl SM; Mergenhagen SE; Skalerič U; Allen JB
    Role of TGF-beta in development and in inflammation of oral tissues
  44. Virant-Doberlet M; Jeram S; Drašlar K; Čokl A; Kalmring K
    Morphology of the cerci of a cave cricket Troglophilus neglectus: receptor types and cercal glands
  45. Virant-Doberlet M; Horseman G; Loher W
    Two types of brain neuron innervate the corpora allata of the grasshopper Gomphocerus rufus
  46. Virant-Doberlet M
    Integration of vibratory inputs from six legs at the level of the ventral cord neuron in Gryllus campestris
  47. Šuput D; Abramič D; Zalar B; Demšar F
    The embryonic development of a chick embryo: MRI study
  48. Rupnik M; Zorec R
    Heterotrimeric GTP-binding proteins control Ca2+-independent secretory activity of rat melanotrophs
  49. Zupančič G; Zorec R
    Cyclic AMP increases the size of unitary exocytotic events in cultured rat melanotrophs
  50. Šuput D; Zalar B; Abramič D; Demšar F
    Embryionic development of vertebrates: MRI study
  51. Štiblar-Martinčič D
    The influence of light-dark rhythm on the microscopical structure of the mouse thyroid gland
  52. Štalc A; Šentjurc M; Pečar S
    On the topography of the active centre of acetylcholinesterase
  53. Štalc A; Šentjurc M
    Influence of biologically active substances on the cell membrane fluidity as studied by EPR
  54. Štalc A
    Changes in the membrane lipid domains and their significance in pharmacology and toxicology
  55. Štalc A; Šentjurc M
    Interaction of organophosphorus compounds with the phospholipid bilayer of various cell membranes
  56. Stiedl O; Čokl A; Kalmring K
    Antennal vibrosensory input in Locusta migratoria
  57. Starc V; Yellin EL; Nikolić SD
    Diastolic tonus: the fact or misconception
  58. Otto D; Amon T; Janiszewski J
    Interneurones originating in the suboesophael ganglion that control cricket ventilation
  59. Maximov GV; Radenovič Č; Jeremić M; Schara M; Šentjurc M
    Oscillatory processes of ion transport and microviscosity of the excitable membranes "potential sensor" of potential dependent ion channels
  60. Kralj M; Pipan N
    Influence of 2-Br-alfa-ergocryptine on the lactating mammary gland secretion
  61. Kolenc-Krajnik A; Batista U; Križaj D
    Response of fibroblasts to low intensity direct and biphasic currents
  62. Jezernik K; Pipan N
    Asymmetric-unit membranes and membrane glycoconjugates in differentiating mammalian urinary bladder urothelium
  63. Horseman G; Virant-Doberlet M; Werner L
    Neuroanatomy of the brain-retrocerebral complex in the grasshopper Gomphocerus rufus
  64. Horseman BG; Virant-Doberlet M; Hartmann R
    Influence of pars laterals neurons on juvenile hormone production in Locusta migratoria
  65. Harjaček M; Malenica B; Beketič L; Šimaga Š; Čurin-Šerbec V; Vitale L; Novak Ð
    Monoclonal antibodies against breast cancer antigen
  66. Gubenšek F; Čurin-Šerbec V; Liang NS; Pungerčar J; Turk D
    Presynaptic toxic site in ammodytoxin
  67. Gazmuri RJ; Tang W; Weil MH; Noč M
    Options for enhancement of myocardial perfusion during cardiac resuscitation
  68. Demšar Franci; Kveder Marina; Rugelj Samo; Blinc Aleš; Šentjurc Marjeta; Pečar Slavko
    Hydroxylamines as oxygen-sensitive procontrast agents for in vivo magnetic resonance imaging
  69. Čurin V; Babnik J; Kos J; Gubenšek F; Turk V
    Distribution of the EGG white cystatin in chicken
  70. Čurin-Šerbec V; Kopitar N; Glonar L; Dintinjana M; Gubenšek F
    Monoclonal antibodies against antigen B of the blood system ABO
  71. Batista U; Miklavčič D; Serša G
    The effect of low level dierct curent on V-79 cell line in vitro
  72. Avšič-Županc T; Likar M; Novakovič S; Čižman B; Kraigher A; van der Groen G; Stojanovič R; Obradovič M
    Evidence of the presence of two hantaviruses in Slovenia, Yugoslavia
  73. Erdani Mateja
    Histološka in ultrastrukturna analiza sečnega mehurja pri močerilu (Proteus anguinus Laurenti, Urodela, Amphibia)
    [The histological and ultrastructural analysis of the urinary bladder of Proteus anguinus Laurenti (Urodela, Amphibia)]
  74. Cenčič A
    Prašičji imunski interferon
    [Porcine immune interferon]
  75. Tome D
    Gnezditvena biologija in ekologija male uharice (Asio otus)
    [Breeding biology and ecology of the long-owl (Asio otus)]
  76. Kropivšek Nuša
    Zanimivosti o nižinskem urhu
    [Points of interest in the fire-bellied toad]
  77. Kuntner Matjaž
    Poletni študij biologije pajkov v ZDA
    [Biology of spiders summer school in USA]
  78. Verčkovnik T
    Odnos do živali - predsodki
  79. Bulog B
    Dve desetletji funkcionalno-morfoloških raziskav pri močerilu (Proteus anguinus, Amphibia, Caudata)
    [Two decades of functional-morphological studies of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata)]
  80. Korošec M
    Vertikalna razporeditev makroinvertebratov v Osapski reki
    [Vertical distribution of macroinvertebrates in the Osp river]
  81. Hasenbichel M
    Vertikalna razporeditev mikroinvertebratov v usedlinah Osapske reke
    [Vertical distribution of microinvertebrates in the sediments of the Osp river]
  82. Chen JP; Stegnar M
    Fragment e-neoantigen in plasma and e-antigen in serum as monitoring parameters in thrombolysis
  83. Ye CQ; Tu KC; Zhou SB; Xie FL
    Application of stereology in radioiodine toxicology
  84. Bassingthwaighte JB
    Fractal vascular growth patterns
  85. Bertram JF; Wreford NG; Nurcombe V
    Neuronal number in the chick lateral motor column estimated using optical disectors
  86. Koenig M; Larsen SE; Cruz-Orive LM; Weibel ER
    Stereology of membrane loss in vertical sections: II. aplication to mitochondria
  87. Veranič P; Pipan N
    The use of chloroquine in analysing autophagy in fish hepatocytes after cessation of treatment with estradiol 17 beta-II. chloroquine in autophagy analysis
  88. Wollina U; Berger U
    Cutaneous merkel cells in porcine and human tissue expansion
  89. Janežič D; Brooks BR
    Harmonic analysis and molecular dynamics for proteins
  90. Šentjurc M; Štalc A
    EPR study of parathion influence on the rat superior cervical ganglion
  91. Schara R; Brecelj A; Sepe A; Demšar F; Skalerič U
    MR imaging of periodontal tissues in vivo
  92. Filipič B; Carlsson K; Zupan S; Hartman-Pretnar K
    A novel protein determination micromethod
  93. Križaj D; Rice ME; Nicholson C
    The relationship between the geometry and extracellular volume fraction in an isolated brain tissue
  94. Mozrzymas JW; Marco M; Starc T; Ruzzier F
    Biophysical properties of potassium channels in pig articular chondrocytes
  95. Jezernik K
    Asymmetric membranes and the permeability barrier of the developing mammalian urinary bladder
  96. Brown D; Mason WT; Sikdar SK; Zorec R
    Intracellular dialysis with non-hydrolysable GTP analogues affects cainduced exocytosis in bovine pituitary lactotrophs in vitro
  97. Mason WT; Sikdar SK; Zorec R
    Ca2+-induced cell membrane capacitance increase in bovine lactotrophs in vitro
  98. Mason WT; Hoyland J; Kato M; Akerman S; Bunting R; Zorec R
    Dynamic video imaging of intracellular calcium and exocytosis in anterior pituitary cells secreting prolactin and growth hormone
  99. Zorec R; Henigman F; Mason WT; Kordaš M
    Electrophysiological study of hormone secretion by single adenohypophyseal cells
  100. Kordaš M; Melik Živa; Peterec D; Zorec R
    Current pump-assisted voltage-clamp apparatus

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