biomedicina slovenica |
vo="male" : 1.301-1.400
Zorn B
Biokemijske preiskave semenskega izliva
1999 ►
Eustache F
Objective methods for the measurement of sperm concentration
1999 ►
Štiblar-Martinčič Draga
Apoptoza v tkivu testisa
1999 ►
Virant-Klun Irma
Funkcionalni testi v spermiologiji
1999 ►
Ježek D
Histological changes of testicular tissue in patients with oligo- and azoospermia
1999 ►
Zorn Branko
Inhibin-B: možnosti klinične uporabe v diagnostiki in terapiji moške neplodnosti
1999 ►
Strmšnik Lucija; Šinkovec Jasna; Zorn Branko; Majdič Gregor; Rozman Damjana
Izraženost gena CREM v modih neplodnih moških
1999 ►
Peterlin B
Genetski in genski dejavniki spermatogeneze
1999 ►
Drobnič S
Nenormalni spermiogram
1999 ►
Auger J
What is a normal semen sample?
1999 ►
Vraspir-Porenta Olga
Citohistologija humanega testisa in različni načini vrednotenja spermatogeneze
1999 ►
Zorn Branko; Virant-Klun Irma
Tečaj spermiologije, 1999 maj 31-jun 2; Ljubljana
1999 ►
Kovačič Uroš; Bajrović Fajko; Sketelj Janez
Recovery of cutaneous pain sensitivity after end-to-side nerve repair in the rat
1999 ►
Rozman P; Drabbels J; Schipper RF; Doxiadis I; Stein S; Claas FH
Genotyping for human platelet-specific antigens HPA-1, -2, -3, -4 and -5 in the Slovenian population reveals a slightly increased frequency of HPA-1b and HPA-2b as compared to other European populations.
1999 ►
Moreno R Gauchia; Rodrigez-Serna M; Silvestre JF; Alba MI; Aliaga AA
Neboleča tvorba na jeziku mladega moškega
[A painless mass on the tongue of a young man]
1999 ►
Leitzmann Michael F; Willett Walter C; Rimm Eric B; Stampfer Meir J; Spiegelman Donna; Colditz Graham A; Giovannucci Edward
Prospektivna raziskava vpliva uživanja kave na tveganje za nastanek simptomatskih žolčnih kamnov pri moških
[A prospective study of coffee consumption and the risk of symptomatic gallstone disease in men]
1999 ►
Neuman HP; Bender BU; Berger DP; Laubenberger J; Schultze-Seemann W; Wetterauer U; Ferstl FJ; Herbst EW; Schwarzkopf G; Glavač D
Prevalence, morphology and biology of renal cell carcinoma in von Hippel-Lindau disease compared to sporadic renal cell carcinoma
1998 ►
Peila R; Poletti A; Clonfero E; Veller-Formasa C
Acral melanoma after a bitumen burn
1999 ►
Planinšec Jurij
Razvojne spremembe strukture motoričnih sposobnosti v zgodnjem obdobju adolescence
[Developmental changes of motor ability structures in early adolescence]
1999 ►
Pompe-Kirn Vera
Epidemiološke značilnosti raka prostate v Sloveniji
1998 ►
Grabljevec Stane
Zdravstvena nega bolnika pri kirurškem zdravljenju raka na modih
1999 ►
Kmetec Andrej
Kirurško zdravljenje tumorjev na modih
1999 ►
Stanovnik Marjeta
Zdravljenje raka na modih s citostatiki
1999 ►
Bricelj Metka; Lokar Katarina
Vloga medicinske sestre pri sistemskem zdravljenju raka na modih
1999 ►
Lokar Katarina
Zdravstvena nega bolnika pri sistemskem zdravljenju raka na modih
1999 ►
Stanovnik Marjeta
Diagnostika in klasifikacija raka na modih
1999 ►
Skela-Savič Brigita; Velepič Marina
Kaj lahko sami storite za zgodnje odkrivanje raka na modih? (zloženka)
1999 ►
Vegelj-Pirc Marija
Stiske bolnikov z rakom na modih
1999 ►
Pompe-Kirn Vera
Epidemiološke značilnosti raka mod v Sloveniji
1999 ►
Kuhelj J; Kisner K; Bratuš D; Robič V; Burger J
Brachytherapy in prostatic carcinoma
1999 ►
Pleterski-Rigler D
Kawasakijeva bolezen je tudi bolezen povečanih bezgavk
[Kawasaki disease as lymph node disease]
1999 ►
Berce V; Bratanič N; Žerjav-Tanšek M; Kržišnik C; Battelino T
Hiponatremija kot posledica zdravljenja nočne enureze z dezmopresinom
[Hyponatremia as a consequence of treatment of nocturnal enuresis with desmopressin]
1999 ►
Drevenšek Gorazd; Bunc Matjaž; Budihna MV; Šuput Dušan
Lowering of the coronary flow in isolated rat heart by equinatoxin II depends upon extracellular Ca2+ concentration
2000 ►
Chowdhury-Haque H; Popoff MR; Zorec Robert
Actin cytoskeleton and exocytosis in rat melanotrophs
2000 ►
Bunc Matjaž; Frangež Robert; Rozman Janez; Šuput Dušan
The effects of equinatoxin II on respiration - possible mechanism of the toxin lethality
2000 ►
Majdič Gregor; Snoj Tomaž; Horvat Aleš; Mrkun Janko; Kosec Marjan; Cestnik Vojteh
Relationship between postnatal thyorid hormone levels and testis size
2000 ►
Zver Samo; Koželj Mirta; Černelč Peter
Chlamydia pneumoniae pneumonia with acute hemorrhagic pericarditis in patient with acute leukemia
1997 ►
Wang X; Gleich L; Pavelic ZP; Li YO; Gale N; Hunt S; Gluckman JL; Strambrook PJ
Cervical metastases of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma correlate with loss of heterozygosity on chromosome 16q
1999 ►
Chowdhury-Haque Helena; Popoff Michel R; Zorec Robert
Actin cytoskeleton depolymerization with Clostridium spiroforme toxin enhances the secretory activity of rat melanotrophs
1999 ►
Starc R; Bručan A; Bunc M
Acute myocardial infarction induced by alcohol ingestion in an asymptomatic individual
1999 ►
Tavčar Rok; Dernovšek MZ; Žvan Vukosav
Self-amputation of left hand: a case report
1999 ►
Galimberti G; Danielsdottir TM; Agosti AM; Medica D; Berlot G; Gullo A
Low invasive haemodynamic monitoring in beri-beri cardiomiopathy
1997 ►
Lavrač N
Selected techniques for data mining in medicine
1999 ►
Rode Mirela; Šmid Lojze; Budihna Marjan; Šoba Erika; Rode Matjaž; Gašperšič Dominik
The effect of pilocarpine and biperiden on salivary secretion during and after radiotherapy in head and neck cancer patients
1999 ►
Kavčič Anamarija; Veličkovič-Perat Milivoj
Prevalence of cerebral palsy in Slovenia: birth years 1981 to 1990
1998 ►
Tomič Viktorija; Kern Izidor
Bacillus cereus pneumonia with empyema
1999 ►
Skok Pavel
Superior vena cava syndrome: the significance of endosonography in diagnosing enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes - a case report
1997 ►
Skok Pavel
Does endoscopic hemostasis effect the reduction of mortality in patients with hemorrhage from the digestive tract?
1998 ►
Skok Pavel
Endoscopic hemostasis in exulceratio simplex-Dieulafoy's disease hemorrhage: a review of 25 cases.
1998 ►
Skok Pavel
The epidemiology of hemorrhage from the upper gastrointestinal tract in the mid-nineties - has anything changed?
1998 ►
Komadina Radko; Smrkolj Vladimir
Intussusception after blunt abdominal trauma
1998 ►
Čižman Milan; Rakar Rasta; Zakotnik Breda; Pokorn Marko; Arnež Maja
Severe forms of tick-borne encephalitis in children
1999 ►
Milić Radoje
Free testosterone/cortisol ratio in trained and sedentary males
1999 ►
Kondrič Miran; Štihec Jože
Differences in some physical characteristics and motor abilities of primary school boys in Slovenia from age 8-15
1999 ►
Karpljuk Damir; Ušaj Anton
Influence of endurance running training at 16 and 32 km distances on chosen physiological variables
1999 ►
Karpljuk Damir; Videmšek Mateja
The influence of an experimental endurance training programme on the heart rate values of 11 years old boys
1999 ►
Kapus Venceslav; Štrumbelj Boro; Bednarik Jakob; Šajber Dorica
Relations between anthropometric measures and swiming characteristics
1999 ►
Jakhel Rudolf
Arm position during maximum velocity of karate fist-punch
1999 ►
Emberšič Danilo S; Čoh Milan
Morphological and kinematical parameters correlated to success in javelin throw for the European best junior males and females (MEPA 1997)
1999 ►
Wahl Nancy G; Castilla Magolia A; Lewis-Abney Kay
Prevalenca bakterije Gardnerella vaginalis pri predpubertetnih dečkih
[Prevalence of Gardenerella vaginalis in prepubertal males]
1999 ►
Korošec Marko; Meznarič-Petruša Mija; Peterlin Borut; Zidar Janez
Prikaz dveh bolnikov (bratov) z bulbospinalno mišično atrofijo
[Bulbospinal muscular atrophy - a case report on two patients (brothers)]
1999 ►
Pograjc Larisa; Dernovšek Mojca Z
Antropometrične meritve in prehrambena anketa vojakov slovenske vojske
[Anthropometric measurements and nutritional questionary of Slovene army soldiers]
1997 ►
Vrtovec Bojan
Vpliv koronarne bolezni na dinamiko repolarizacije prekatov
1999 ►
Friedlander Anne L; Casazza Gretchen A; Horning Michael A; Ušaj Anton; Brooks George A
Endurance training increases fatty acid turnover, but not fat oxidation, in young men
1999 ►
Peterlin Borut; Zorn Branko; Debevec Marija; Gregorič Jelka; Kunej Tanja; Drobnič Sašo; Šinkovec Jasna
Genetika moške neplodnosti
1998 ►
Zver Samo; Modic Mojca
Zastrupitev s supervarfarini
1999 ►
Lavre Janez; Vujkovac Bojan; Šabovič Mišo; Kotnik Franc; Benko Davorin
Uspešno zdravljenje intracerebralnih in subduralnih krvavitev s traneksamično kislino pri dializnem bolniku
1999 ►
Pirc Jelka
Diplopia due to the 6th cranial nerve palsy following dural puncture
1999 ►
Petelin M; Ivanuša T; Pavlica Z; Skalerič U
Obnova čeljustne kosti po lokalnem dovajanju superoksidne dismutaze
[Local delivery of superoxide dismutase stimulates alveolar bone regeneration]
1999 ►
Caristi D; Herrera-Castro R; Frassanito P; Zadnik I; Gullo A
Continuous spinal anesthesia in high-risk patient for vascular surgery - case report
1999 ►
Galimberti G; Grassi P; Valvassori A; Gullo A; Muchada R
Focus on vascular surgery which utility of a low-invasivity hemodynamic monitoring system?
1999 ►
Peressutti R; Di Silvestre A; Margarit O; Cecotti R; Lugatti E; Giordano F
Varicella pneumonia, a severe complication in adult chickenpox
1999 ►
Guyatt Gordon
Petinsedemdesetletni moški s kongestivnim srčnim popuščanjem
[A 75-year-old man with congestive heart failure]
1999 ►
Peršolja Melita
Očetovo izražanje navezanosti do novorojenca glede na prisotnost pri porodu
[Paternal attachment behaviour as related to presence at delivery]
1998 ►
Ciglenečki Iza; Trampuž Andrej
33-letni bolnik z vročino, povečanimi dimeljskimi bezgavkami in razjedami na gležnju po vrnitvi iz južne Afrike
[A 33-year-old patient with fever, inguinal lymphadenopathy and ankle ulcers returing from the south of Africa]
1999 ►
Švab Igor
The undertaker
1999 ►
Smrke Dragica; Arnež Zoran M
Case of severe injury of lower limb treated with new Ljubljana traction method
1999 ►
Stanovnik Marjeta
Rak mod
1999 ►
Oblak Ciril
Rak prostate
1999 ►
Štrumbelj B; Ušaj A; Kapus V; Bednarik J
Some factors influencing performance on 400 meters freestyle swimming
1999 ►
Štihec J; Karpljuk D; Boštjančič A
How do fourth grade male students from primary school spend their summer holidays
1999 ►
Rajtmajer D
Latent structure of motor abilities of five and a half year old boys
1999 ►
Milić R
Free testosterone/cortisol ratio in trained and sedentary males
1999 ►
Kremžar B; Špec-Marn A; Kompan L; Cerović O
Normal values of SvO2 as therapeutic goal in patients with multiple injuries
1997 ►
Kondrič M; Štihec J
Differences in some physical characteristics and motor abilities of primary school boys in Slovenia from age 8-15
1999 ►
Kolar E; Čuk I
Correlation of the selected morphologic and motor variables for boys aged 7 to 8 in sports gymnastics
1999 ►
Karpljuk D; Videmšek M
The influence of an experimental endurance training programme on the heart rate values of 11 years old male students
1999 ►
Kapus V; Štrumbelj B; Bednarik J; Šajber D
Relations between anthropometric measures and swimming characteristics
1999 ►
Zorn B; Oblak C; Virant-Klun I; šinkovec J; Žemva Ž; Meden-Vrtovec H
Is there still any indication for andrological microsurgical procedures in the intacytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) era?
1999 ►
Zorn B; Virant-Klun I; Drobnič S; Šinkovec J; Žemva Ž; Tomaževič T; Meden-Vrtovec H
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection with frozen-thawed spermatoza is to be preconized in all forms of azoospermia
1999 ►
Zorn B; Virant-Klun I; Šinkovec J; Drobnič S; Žemva Ž; Meden-Vrtovec H
FSH and inhibin B as markers of spermatogenesis
1999 ►
Virant-Klun I; Štiblar-Martinčič D; Zorn B; Šinkovec J; Meden-Vrtovec H
Germ cell apoptosis related to abnormal spermatogenesis and worse embryo quality in infertile men
1999 ►
Velikonja V; Otoničar B; Zorn B
Personality traits of men with Klinefelter syndrome and their partners
1999 ►
Strmšnik L; Šinkovec J; Zorn B; Virant-Klun I; Majdič G; Rozman D
CREM gene expression in the testis of azoospermic infertile men
1999 ►
Reš U; Reš P; Kastelic D; Stanovnik M; Kmetec A; Merlo A
Birth after treatment of a man with seminoma and azoospermia with a frozen-thawed testicular sperm extraction- TESE in ICSI procedure
1999 ►
Kolbezen-Simoniti M; Virant-Klun I; Zorn B; Drobnič S; Meden-Vrtovec H
IVF outcome by frozen-thawen aemen in infertile men with bad semen quality
1999 ►
Brezigar A; Merlo A; Reš P; Kastelic D; Božič J; Kunej T; Kniewald AR; Peterlin B
Chromosome anomalies and Y chromosome microdeletions finding in 35 infertile men referred for genetic counselling prior to intracytoplasmic sperm injection
1999 ►
Peterlin B
Genetic counselling before ICSI
1999 ►
Rozman Damjana; Fink Martina; Fimia Gian Maria; Sassone-Corsi Paolo; Waterman Michael R
Cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP)/cAMP - responsive element modulator (CREM)-dependent regulation of cholesterogenic lanosterol 14alpha-demethylase (CYP51) in spermatids
1999 ►
Skok Pavel; Sinkovič Andreja
Acute hemorrhage into the peritoneal cavity - a complication of chronic pancreatitis with pseudocyst: a case report from clinical practice
1999 ►
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