biomedicina slovenica

"cardiac damage" : 11

  1. Rajić Vladan; Aplenc Richard; Jazbec Janez; Velenšek Prestor Veronika; Debeljak M
    Influence of the polymorphism in candidate genes on late cardiac damage in patients treated due to acute leukaemia in childhood
  2. Rajić Vladan; Aplenc Richard; Debeljak Maruša; Velenšek Prestor Veronika; Karas Kuželički Nataša; Mlinarič-Raščan Irena; Jazbec Janez
    Influence of polymorphism in candidate genes on late cardiac damage in patients treated due to acute leukemia in childhood
  3. Velenšek Veronika; Mazič Uroš; Kržišnik Ciril; Demšar Damjan; Jazbec Janez; Jereb Berta
    Cardiac damage after treatment of childhood cancer: a long-term follow-up
  4. Petrovič Daniel
    Optimizing cardiac and vascular protection in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes
  5. Ploj Tom
    Poškodbe z električnim tokom - pogled internista
    [Electrical injuries - internist's prospective]
  6. Velenšek-Prestor Veronika
    Okvara srca po zdravljenju raka v otroštvu
    [Cardiac damage after treatment of childhood cancer]
  7. Andjelković Lea; Šuštaršič Jasna
    Vpliv spola in spolnih hormonov na nastanek akutnih ishemičnih poškodb pri izoliranem podganjem srcu
  8. Velenšek-Prestor V; Koželj M; Rakovec P; Jereb B
    Late cardiac damage of anthracycline therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia in childhood
  9. Velenšek-Prestor Veronika; Rakovec Peter; Koželj Mirta; Jereb Berta
    Late cardiac damage of anthracycline therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia in childhood
  10. Velenšek-Prestor V; Koželj M; Rakovec P; Jereb B
    Late cardiac damage of anthracycline therapy for acute lymphoblastic leukemia in childhood
  11. Dobovišek Jurij
    Hipertenzivna okvara srca - pomen ehokardiografije
    [Hypertensive cardiac damage - value of echocardiography]

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