biomedicina slovenica

dr="Avstrija" : 1.476-1.575

  1. Kozak Matija; Dovč Tadeja; Rožman Primož; Blinc Aleš
    A case of pseudothrombocytopenia after infusion of abciximab in vivo and anticoagulant-independent platelet clumping after rechallenge with abciximab in vitro
  2. Jeran Zvonka; Jaćimović Radojko; Smodiš Borut; Batič Franc
    The use of lichens in atmospheric trace element deposition studies in Slovenia
  3. Potočnik Marko
    Ulcus vulvae acutum
  4. Bunc Gorazd; Kovačič Srečko; Strnad Simona
    Sympathetic nervous system exclusion following experimental subarachnoid haemorrhage prevents vasospasm in rabbits
  5. Strojnik T
    Acute epidural haematoma in a patient with Paget's disease of the skull
  6. Simončič Primož; Kalan Polona
    Annual pattern of sulphur content in spruce needles from heavily and less polluted areas
  7. Kraigher Alenka; Sočan Maja
    Pneumokokken - Impfkampagne in Slowenien
  8. Fidler V; Prepadnik M; Fettich J
    Gamma-PF clinical protocols
  9. Fidler V; Prepadnik Milan
    Nuclear medicine IBM PC PIP-gamma-PF computer system
  10. Anonymous ;
    Working material upgrading analog gamma cameras with standard PCs and relevant software
  11. Pahor D; Gračner B
    Argon laser treatment for subhyaloid hemorrhage
  12. Novak-Andrejčič K; Logar P; Brovet-Zupančič I; Jančar B
    Malignant melanoma of the choroid treated by brachytherapy with 106RU
  13. Gračner T
    Color Doppler imaging in diagnosis of malignant melanomas of the uvea
  14. Novak-Andrejčič K
    Choroidal osteoma: two cases presenting in second pregnancy
  15. Vičič A; Drnovšek-Olup B
    Wegener granulomatosis as an orbital pseudotumor
  16. Brate-Solar T; Drnovšek-Olup B; Dovšak P
    Surgical treatment of recurrent pterygium with alloplant
  17. Pahor D
    The influence of pupillary diameter on intraocular lens power calculation
  18. Blažič-Maležič M; Puvalič M
    6-year experience with Lincoff-Kreissig balloon procedure for retinal detachment surgery
  19. Drnovšek-Olup B
    Eyelid reconstruction after malignant tumor excision
  20. Debelič V; Drnovšek-Olup B; Andrejčič-Novak K
    Non-Hodgkin's orbital lymphoma - a case report of 4 patients treated at the Department of ophthalmology, University medical centre Ljubljana, Slovenia
  21. Pirtošek Zvezdan
    PSP and CBD: tautopathies
  22. Anonymous ;
    Abstractband. Jahrestagung der Oesterreichischen Parkinsongesellschaft: Gemeinsam mit dem Alpine Basal Ganglia Club und der Oesterreichischen Gesellschaft fuer Neurologie; 2001 Maer 1-3; Innsbruck
    [Joint annual meeting of the Austrian Parkinson society, the Alpine basal ganglia club and the Austrian neurological society]
  23. Trgovčič J; Štimac D; Polić B; Krmpotić A; Pernjak-Pugel E; Tomac J; Hasan M; Wraber B; Jonjić S
    Immune responses and cytokine induction in the development of severe hepatitis during acute infections with murine cytomegalovirus
  24. Dolenc V; Fettich M; Koršič M; Pregelj R; Škrap M; Lamovec Z; Čerk M; Kregar T
    Blood clot evacuation in aneurysm surgery in the acute stage (arguments pro and con)
  25. Filipič Metka; Žegura Bojana; Fatur Tanja; Lah Tamara
    Antimutagenic effects of fermented milk product
  26. Fatur Tanja; Filipič Metka; Lah Tamara
    Co-mutagenic effects of cadmium and food mutagens IQ and B(a)P in HepG2 cells
  27. Anonymous ;
    International conference on dietary factors: cancer causes and prevention; 2001 Feb 14-17; Vienna
  28. Kofol-Seliger A; Cegnar T
    Ambrosia pollen in the air of Ljubljana (Slovenia): diurnal variations and relation between meteorological parameters and pollen counts
  29. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 2nd European symposium on aerobiology; 2000 Sep 5-9; Vienna
  30. Žolnir Manca; Eržen Damijan; Zalokar Polona; Šorli Jurij
    How rapid is laboratory diagnostics of tuberculosis?
  31. Anonymous ;
    ESM 2000. Final programme and abstract book of the 21st annual congress of the European society of mycobacteriology; 2000 July 2-5; Vienna
  32. Koželj M; Kirbiš J; Lejko-Zupanc T; Cijan A; Reschner H
    A calcified anterior mediastinal mass in a patient with aortic regurgitation
  33. Ocepek Lidija
    The emerging role of PD nurse in Slovenia
  34. Anonymous ;
    The new millennium - working in harmony. Final programme and abstract book of the 4th European Parkinson's disease association conference; 2000 Nov 9-12; Vienna
  35. But Igor; Reljić Milan
    The value of serum CA 125 for the management of tubo-ovarian abscesses
  36. Gorišek Borut; Žegura Branka; Kavalar Rajko; But Igor; Krajnc Ivan
    Primary breast cancer of the vulva: a case report and review of the literature
  37. Miksić Kazimir; Flis Vojko; Pavlović Milan; Tetičković Erih
    Carotid body tumour surgery: a report of seven patients
  38. Čižman Milan; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Petrovec Miroslav; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Pokorn Marko
    Seroprevalence of ehrlichiosis, Lyme borreliosis and tick-borne encephalitis infections in children and young adults in Slovenia
  39. Radonjić-Miholič Vesna
    Kopfschmerzen nach Unfallbedingten Hirnverletzungen - Ein "Erwartetes" symptom oder/und ein Rehabilitationshindernis
    [Glavobol po nezgodni možganski poškodbi - "pričakovan" simptom ali/in ovira rehabilitaciji]
  40. Leskovec Vesna
    Dynamometrische Messungen des Stammes und der Hueftmuskelkraft im Zusammenhang mit Kreuzschmerzen
    [Dinamometrijsko merjenje sil mišic trupa in kolkov v povezanosti z bolečino v križu]
  41. Kozina Dragica
    Natuerliche Faktoren in der Behandlung von Rueckenschmerzen
    [Naravni faktorji v zdravljenju bolečin v križu]
  42. Fischer G; Barovič J; Kobinger W
    Schmerzreduktion und Gebesserte Beweglichkeit bei Krankenheiten des Stuetzapparates durch Niederfrequente Magnetfelder
    [Zmanjšanje bolečine in izboljšana gibljivost pri boleznih podpornega aparata z nizkofrekvenčnimi magnetnimi polji]
  43. Šavrin Rajmond
    Inkontinenz bei aelteren Personen mit Rueckenmarkschaedigung
    [Problematika inkontinence pri starejših osebah z okvaro hrbtenjače]
  44. Damjan Hermina; Groleger Katja
    Willkuerliche Sphinkterkontrolle als Moeglicher Indikator fuer das rehabilitationsergebniss bei Kindern mit Schaedel-Hirn-Trauma
    [Zavestna kontrola sfinktrov kot možen prediktor kasnega izhoda rehabilitacije pri otrocih z nezgodno poškodbo glave]
  45. Košorok Viktorija; Grabljevec Klemen
    Kontinenzstoerungen und ein Spezifischer Therapeutischer Ansatz nach Hirntrauma
    [Motnje kontinence in specifičen terapevtski pristop po nezgodni možganski poškodbi]
  46. Hren Marta
    Die Rolle der Krankenschwester bei der behandlung der Inkontinenz bei Neurologischen patienten
    [Vloga medicinske sestre pri pri obladovanju inkontinence pri nevroloških bolnikih]
  47. Klopčič-Spevak M; Bajuk S; Naglič N; Svoljšak J
    Selbstbehandlung Chronischer Kreutzschmerzen mit der Modifizirten Methode der Autotraktion der Lendenwirbelsaeule - Beurteilung der Wirksamkeit
    [Samozdravljenje kronične bolečine v križu z modificirano metodo samovleka ledvene hrbtenice. Ocena uspešnosti]
  48. Marinček Črt; Meh Duška
    Schmerzbeurteilung in der Rehabilitation
    [Ocenjevanje bolečine v rehabilitaciji]
  49. Grabljevec Klemen; Požlep Gorazd; Godec Marija; Prešern-Štrukelj Marjetka
    Einfluss der Praeoperativen Epiduralanalgesie auf den Phantomschmerz und Schmerzen nach Amputation der unteren Extremitaet wegen Peripherer Arterieller Verschlusskrankheit
    [Vpliv pre-operativne epiduralne analgezije na pojav fantomskega občutka in bolečine po amputaciji spodnjega uda zaradi periferne arterijske okluzivne bolezni]
  50. Meh Duška; Burger Helena
    Schmerzen nach Amputationen
    [Bolečine po amputaciji]
  51. Kovačič Dare
    Psychologische Aspekte der Schmerzes in der Therapie
    [Psihološki vidiki bolečine v rehabilitaciji]
  52. Škorjanc Tatjana
    Schulterschmerzen als Spaetkomplikation bei Rueckenmarkverletzten
    [Bolečina v rami kot pozna komplikacija pri osebah z okvaro]
  53. Anonymous ;
    Schmerz und Inkontinenz in der Rehabilitation. Kurzfassungen 10. alpenlaendisch-adriatisches Symposium fuer internationale Zusammenarbeit in der Rehabilitation; 2000 Sep 13-16; Trieste
    [Bolečina in inkontinenca v rehabilitaciji. Povzetki. 10. alpsko-jadranski simpozij za mednarodno sodelovanje na področju rehabilitacije]
  54. Radonjić-Miholič Vesna
    Glavobol - pričakovan sopojav ali nadležna ovira okrevanja po nezgodni možganski poškodbi
  55. Leskovec Vesna
    "Dynamometric measurements of trunk and hip muscle force in connection with low back pain"
  56. Šavrin R
    Problematika inkontinence pri starejših osebah z okvaro hrbtenjače
  57. Damjan Hermina; Groleger Katja
    Zavestna kontrola sfinktrov kot možni napovedni dejavnik kasnega izhoda rehabilitacije pri otrocih z nezgodno poškodbo možganov
  58. Košorok V; Grabljevec K
    Motnje kontinence in specifičen terapevtski pristop po nezgodni možganski poškodbi
  59. Hren Marta
    Vloga medicinske sestre pri obvladovanju inkontinence pri nevroloških bolnikih
  60. Klopčič-Spevak M; Bajuk S; Naglič N; Svoljšak J
    Samozdravljenje kronične bolečine v križu z modificirano metodo samovleka ledvene hrbtenice - ocena uspešnosti
  61. Marinček Črt; Meh Duška
    Ocenjevanje bolečine v rehabilitaciji
  62. Grabljevec K; Požlep G; Godec M; Prešern-Štrukelj M
    Vpliv pre-operativne epiduralne analgezije na pojav fantomskega občutka in bolečine po amputaciji spodnjega uda zaradi periferne arterijske okluzivne bolezni (PAOB)
  63. Meh Duška; Burger Helena
    Bolečine po amputaciji
  64. Kovačič D
    Psihološki vidik bolečine v rehabilitaciji
  65. Škorjanc Tatjana
    Bolečina v rami kot pozna komplikacija pri osebah z okvaro hrbtenjače
  66. Anonymous ;
    Schmerz und inkontinenz: schlussbericht. 10. alpenlaendisch-adriatisches Symposium fuer internationale Zusammenarbeit in der Rehabilitation; 2000 Sep 13-16; Trieste
    [Bolečina in inkontinenca v rehabilitaciji: sklepno poročilo. 10. alpsko-jadranski simpozij za mednarodno sodelovanje na področju rehabilitacije]
  67. Krušnik Ciril; Toman Mihael J
    Vertical distribution of benthic invertebrates in stream sediments
  68. Anonymous ;
    International meeting River bottom 5; 2000 Jun 19-22; Lunz
  69. Urbanič Gorazd; Krušnik Ciril; Malicky Hans
    Rhyacophila schmidinarica, a new species of the philopotamoides group (Trichoptera: Rhyacophilidae) from the northern Balkan peninsula
  70. Brancelj Anton; Šiško Milijan; Gorjanc Nataša
    Diurnal vertical migration of zoo-plankton in fishless high mountain lakes - induced by UVB-radiation?
  71. Urbanc-Berčič Olga; Brancelj Anton; Šiško Milijan
    Carbonaceous particles from sediment traps in mountain lakes of the Triglave national park, Slovenia
  72. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstract book of the international symposium High mountain lakes and streams: indicators of a changing world; 2000 Sep 4-8; Innsbruck
  73. Ambrožič Jana; Logar Dušan; Štajer Dušan; Gorjup Vojka; Kos-Golja Mojca; Horvat Matija
    Recurrent sepsis and seronegative arthritis in a patient with a selective IgG3 deficiency
  74. Hočevar-Boltežar Irena; Zidar Nina; Žargi Miha; Župevc Avgust; Lestan Boris; Andoljšek Dušan
    Amyloidosis of the larynx
  75. Tomšič Matija; Šifrer Franc
    Acute respiratory distress syndrome in a polymyositis patient with the anti-Jo-1 antibody
  76. Rozman Blaž; Božič Borut; Kos-Golja Mojca; Plešivčnik-Novljan Martina; Kveder Tanja
    Immunoserological aspects of idiopathic inflammatory muscle disease
  77. Luzar Boštjan; Ferluga Dušan
    Role of lipids in the progression of the renal disease in systemic lupus erythematosus patients
  78. Hvala Anastazija; Kobenter Tatjana; Ferluga Dušan
    Fingerprint and other organised deposits in lupus nephritis
  79. Šipek-Dolničar Alenka; Hojnik Maja; Rozman Blaž; Vizjak Alenka; Ferluga Dušan
    Small vessel thrombosis without major thrombotic events in systemic lupus erythematosus patients with antiphospholipid syndrome
  80. Jeruc Jera; Jurčić Vesna; Vizjak Alenka; Hvala Asta; Babič Nika; Kveder Rado; Praprotnik Sonja; Ferluga Dušan
    Tubulo-interstitial involvement in lupus nephritis with emphasis on pathogenesis
  81. Ferluga Dušan; Jerše Maja; Vizjak Alenka; Hvala Anastazija; Rozman Blaž; Kos-Golja Mojca; Bren Andrej F
    Correlation among WHO classes, histomorphologic patterns of glomerulonephritis and glomerular immune deposits in SLE
  82. Holc Iztok; Pahor Artur; Krajnc Ivan
    Wegener's granulomatosis - a diagnostic challenge
  83. Zidar Nina; Volavšek Metka; Trček Ciril; Kern Izidor; Gale Nina
    Wegener's granulomatosis in the upper respiratory tract
  84. Rott Tomaž; Vizjak Alenka; Koselj Mira
    ANCA-associated vasculitis - an autopsy study
  85. Vizjak Alenka; Nagode Breda; Rott Tomaž; Koselj Mira; Rozman Blaž; Kaplan-Pavlovčič Staša; Košnik Mitja; Petric Vlasta; Ferluga Dušan
    Antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies-antigen specificity and associated diseases
  86. Praprotnik Sonja; Rozman Blaž; Blank Miri; Shoenfeld Yehuda
    Pathogenic role of anti-endothelial cell antibodies in systemic vasculitis
  87. Rozman Blaž; Ferluga Dušan; Vizjak Alenka
    Autoimmune systemic diseases - a hot topic for clinicians and pathologists
  88. Filipič Bratko; Koren Srečko; Toth S; Kovasc K; Somogyvori S
    The unusual dual effect of the square-wave electroshock on growth properties of transformed and nontransformed cells
  89. Orešić K; Filipič Bratko; Sladojev S; Orešić T
    Demonstration of the biological activity of the acidlabile component of the human leukocyte interferon
  90. Anonymous ;
    Biotherapy: news on cytokines, monoclonal antibodies and genetic vaccines: the course on biotheraphy, held 1999 Sep 10-11; Wiena
  91. Črne-Finderle N; Pregelj P; Krejci E; Massoulie J; Pette Dirk; Sketelj J
    The patern of neuromuscular transmission regulates a key component of the neuromuscular junction: acetylcholinesterase
  92. Eržen I; Cvetko E; Dolenc I; d'Albis A; Leisner E; Gohlsch B; Pette D; Sketelj J
    Can the restricted adaptive range in MHC isoform profile be overcome in regenerating muscles?
  93. Frey Manfred; Giovanoli Pietro; Koller Rupert
    Proceedings of the 5th international muscle symposium; 2000 May 19-21; Vienna
  94. Vatovec-Progar I; Švab I
    Independent practitioners in Slovenia after the health care reform
  95. Kersnik J
    Epidemiology of mental problems in family practice attenders
  96. Žorž G
    Use of Prime-MD in primary care
  97. Žorž G; Bulc M
    A survey of erectile dysfunction in Slovenia
  98. Kersnik J
    Measurement of health status in family practice patients
  99. Bulc M; Corc G
    Health needs of the elderly in Ljubljana primary health care
  100. Petek D
    Depressive anxiety disorders in patients with chronic somatic disease

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