biomedicina slovenica

pr=Blinc : 401-431

  1. Blinc R; Muševič I; Žekš B
    Ferroelectric liquid crystals in a static magnetic field
  2. Blinc R; Muševič I; Žekš B
    A microscopic explanation for the anomalous temperature dependence of the pitch in ferroelectric liquid crystals
  3. Blinc R; Jarh O; Zidanšek A
    NMR determination of the fractal geometry of gels around the collapse transition
  4. Blinc A; Poredoš P
    Primerjava uspešnosti različnih revaskularizacijskih posegov na perifernih arterijah in ocena stroškov pri posameznih postopkih
  5. Zidanšek A; Blinc A
    The influence of transport parameters and enzyme kinetics of the fibrinolytic system on thrombolysis: mathematical modelling of two idealised cases
  6. Francis Charles W; Onundarson Pall T; Carstensen Edwin L; Blinc Aleš; Meltzer Richard S; Schwarz Karl; Marder Victor J
    Enhancement of fibrinolysis in vitro by ultrasound
  7. Blinc A; Planinšič G; Keber D; Jarh O; Lahajnar G; Zidanšek A; Demšar F
    Dependence of blood clot lysis on the mode of transport of urokinase into the clot--a magnetic resonance imaging study in vitro
  8. Blinc Aleš
    Vpliv načina prenosa urokinaze v krvne strdke na njihovo raztapljanje
  9. Blinc A; Kennedy SD; Bryant RG; Marder VJ; Francis CW
    Flow through clots determines the rate and pattern of fibrinolysis
  10. Povše T; Muševič I; Žekš B; Blinc R
    Phase transitions in ferroelectric liquid crystals in a restricted geometry
  11. Muševič I; Žekš B; Blinc R; Rasing T
    Magnetic-field-induced biaxiality in an antiferroelectric liquid crystal
  12. Zidanšek A; Blinc A; Lahajnar G; Keber D; Blinc R
    Lysing patterns of blood clots: a nuclear magnetic resonance imaging study in vitro and mathematical modelling of the lysing pattern kinetics
  13. Blinc Aleš; Francis Charles W; Trudnowski Janet L; Carstensen Edwin L
    Characterization of ultrasound-potentiated fibrinolysis in vitro
  14. Muševič I; Blinc R; Žekš B; Čopič M; Wittchrood MM; Rasing Th; Orihare H; Ishibashi Y
    Gapless phason in an antiferroelectric liquid crystal
  15. Blinc A; Keber D; Lahajnar G; Stegnar M; Zidanšek A; Demšar F
    Lysing patterns of retracted blood clots with diffusion or bulk flow transport of plasma with urokinase into clots - a magnetic resonance imaging study in vitro
  16. Blinc A; Keber D; Lahajnar G; Zupančič I; Zorec-Karlovšek M; Demšar F
    Magnetic resonance imaging of retracted and nonretracted blood clots during fibrinolysis in vitro
  17. Muševič I; Žekš B; Blinc R; Wierenga HA; Rasing Th
    Phason dispersion and magnetic-field-induced band gap in a ferroelectric liquid crystal
  18. Muševič I; Žekš B; Blinc R; Wierenga HA; Rasing Th
    Observation of magnetically induced changes in the phason band structure in a ferroelectric liquid crystal
  19. Rasing T; Muševič I; Žekš B; Blinc R; Seppen A
    Ferroelectric liquid crystals in high magnetic fields
  20. Žekš B; Blinc R
    Dielectric properties of smectic C liquid crystals
  21. Demšar F; Jarh O; Blinc A; Šuput D; Jevtič V
    Slikanje z magnetno resonanco pri raziskavah krvi in mikrocirkulacije
  22. Blinc M; Dernovšek M; Sket D
    In vivo degradation of noradrenaline by MAO A in locus coeruleus of the rat
  23. Blinc A; Lahajnar G; Blinc R; Zidanšek A; Sepe A
    Proton NMR study of the state of water in fibrin gels, plasma, and blood clots
  24. Keber D; Blinc A; Fettich J
    Increase of tissue plasminogen activator in limbs during venous occlusion: a simple haemodynamic model
  25. Skalerič U; Blinc R; Cevc P; Dolinšek J; Funduk N; Mihailović D; Schara M; Stepišnik J
    NMR tomografija in spektroskopija v stomatologiji
  26. Blinc Aleš
    Transportne lastnosti spinsko označenih molekul v fibrinskih gelih, plazemskih in krvnih strdkih
  27. Kveder M; Zupančič I; Lahajnar G; Blinc R; Šuput D; Ailion DC; Ganesan K; Goodrich C
    Water proton NMR relaxation mechanisms in lung tissue
  28. Blinc R; Žekš B
    Proton order-disorder in KH2PO4-type ferroelectrics: Slater theory and Ising model in a transverse tunneling field
  29. Filipič C; Levstik A; Levstik I; Blinc R; Žekš B
    Spontaneous polarization of helicoidal ferroelectric smectic C* liquid crystals
  30. Blinc Aleš
    Tomografija in spektroskopija z jedrsko magnetno resonanco v medicini
    [Tomography and spectroscopy by magnetic resonance in medicine]
  31. Levstik A; Filipič C; Žekš B; Blinc R; Arend H
    Dielectric properties of the quasi-one-dimensional hydrogen bonded ferroelectric crystal PbHPO4

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