biomedicina slovenica


  1. Štunf Špela; Herceg Azra; Globočnik Petrovič Mojca; Pfeifer Vladimir
    Successful treatment of Candida albicans anterior chamber infection after penetrating keratoplasty
  2. Matos Tadeja; Lejko-Zupanc Tatjana; Škofljanec Andreja; Jazbec Anja; Matos Erika; Maver Vodičar Polona; Germ Julija; Ciglar Tadeja; Tomazin Rok; Kofol Romina; Müller-Premru Manica; Pirš Mateja
    Candidaemia in Central Slovenia
  3. Filipič Bratko; Gradišnik Lidija; Gregorič Dunja; Pereyra Gonzales Adriana; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Mazija Hrvoje
    The polyphenol content and antimicrobial activity of selected propolis' extracts
  4. Filipič Bratko; Rihar Klemen; Exel Gregorič Dunja; Gradišnik Lidija; Pereyra Gonzales Adriana; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Galeotti Fabio; Volpi Nicola; Fachini Alfredo; Mazija Hrvoje
    Propolis extracts enhance the antimicrobial activity of Slovenian
  5. Filipič Bratko; Rihar Klemen; Pereyra Gonzales Adriana; Deželak Matjaž; Jaklič Domen; Kopinč Rok; Potokar Jana
    Antimikrobielle Aktivität von Medex' Zahnpasta mit Propolis "Apident" in vitro
    [Antimicrobial activity of Medex' tooth paste with Propolis "Apident" in vitro]
  6. Šikić Pogačar Maja; Maver Uroš; Marčun-Varda Nataša; Mičetić-Turk Dušanka
    Diagnosis and management of diaper dermatitis in infants with emphasis on skin microbiota in the diaper area
  7. Kočevar Glavač Nina; Lunder Mojca
    Preservative efficacy of selected antimicrobials of natural origin in a cosmetic emulsion
  8. Dolenc-Voljč Mateja; Točkova Olga
    Kandidoza perigenitalnega predela
    [Candidosis of the perigenital region]
  9. Tomazin Rok; Matos Tadeja
    Fungal infections in patients with cystic fibrosis
    [Glivne okužbe pri bolnikih s cistično fibrozo]
  10. Dolenc-Voljč Mateja; Jakič Maja; Bogovič Petra
    Kožna kandidoza
    [Cutaneous candidasis]
  11. Filipič Bratko; Gradišnik Lidija; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Trtnik Brabara; Pereyra Gonzales Adriana; Jaklič Domen; Kopinč Rok; Potokar Jana; Puzić Almin; Mazija Hrvoje
    Water soluble propolis and royal jelly enhance the antimicrobial activity of honeys and promote the growth of human macrophage cell line
  12. Pavlič Alenka; Matoh Urban; Rajić Vladan; Petelin Milan
    Effect of repeated antimicrobial photodynamic therapy in treatment of periodontitis associated with fanconi anemia
  13. Filipič Bratko; Gradišnik Lidija; Pereyra Gonzales Adriana; Jaklič Domen; Kopinč Rok; Potokar Jana
    Propolis and Royal Jelly enhance the antibacterial activity of Honeys against
  14. Murko Patricija; Fijan Sabina; Šostar-Turk Sonja
    Določevanje meje detekcije izbranih mikroorganizmov na različnih površinah v bolnišničnem okolju z metodo PCR
  15. Fijan Sabina; Gönc Vida; Zorman Iris; Šostar-Turk Sonja
    Primerjava dveh metod štetja glive Candida albicans kot enega izmed povzročiteljev bolnišničnih okužb
    [Comparison of two counting methods for the fungi Candida albicans]
  16. Akay Mehmet H.; Sirlak Mustafa; Gregorič Igor; Frazier O.H.
    Infected right atrial thrombus after explantation of a left ventricular assist device
  17. Zidar Nace; Montalvão Sofia; Hodnik Žiga; Nawrot Dorota A.; Žula Aleš; Ilaš Janez; Kikelj Danijel; Tammela Päivi; Peterlin-Mašič Lucija
    Antimicrobial activity of the marine alkaloids, clathrodin and oroidin, and their synthetic analogues
  18. Xhevdet Aliu; Štubljar David; Križnar Igor; Jukić Tomislav; Skvarč Miha; Veranič Peter; Ihan Alojz
    The disinfecting efficacy of root canals with laser photodynamic therapy
  19. Kralj-Kunčič M; Jaklič D; Lapanje A; Gunde-Cimerman N
    Antibacterial and antimycotic activities of Slovenian honeys
  20. Kett DH; Azoulay E; Echeverria PM; Vincent JL; Muzlovič I; Ožek B; Tomič V; Knafelj R; Švigelj V
    Candida bloodstream infections in intensive care units: analysis of the extended prevalence of infection in intensive care unit study
  21. Cankar K; Finderle Ž; Jan J
    The effect of hyperbaric oxygenation on postradiation xerostomia and saliva in patients with head and neck tumours
  22. Schollmayer Petra; Vidović-Valentinčič Nataša
    Keratitis Candida Albicans po karatoplastiki pri bolnici Sjoegrenovim sindromom
    [Candida Albicans keratitis after penetrating kertoplasty in a patient with Sjoegren syndrome]
  23. Kisand Kai; Trebušak-Podkrajšek Katarina; Bratanič Nina; Battelino Tadej
    Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis in APECED or thymoma patients correlates with autoimmunity to Th17-associated cytokines
  24. Zameitat Elke; Gojković Zoran; Knecht Wolfgang; Piškur Jure; Loffler Monika
    Biochemical characterization of recombinant dihydroorotate dehydrogenase from the opportunistic pathogenic yeast Candida albicans
  25. Woolfit Megan; Rozpedowska Elzbieta; Piškur Jure; Wolfe Kenneth H
    Genome survey sequencing of the wine spoilage yeast Dekkera (Brettanomyces) bruxellensis
  26. Kopač P; Bajrović N; Zidarn M
    Candida albicans antigen should not be part of allergen skin prick test screening panel
  27. Matos Tadeja; Zver Samo; Seme Katja; Čižman Milan; Ravnik Janez
    Občutljivost gliv kvasovk, osamljenih iz nadzornih kužnin bolnikov s hematološkimi malignimi boleznimi v obdobju 1992-2005
    [Sensitivity of yeast isolated from surveillance specimens in patient with haematological malignancies in year 1992-2005]
  28. Krašna Teja; Knez Maja
    Klinično vrednotenje testa za določanje mananskega antigena Candida albicans pri bolnikih s sumom na invazivno glivno okužbo
  29. Trpin Simon; Gračner Tomaž; Pahor Dušica; Gračner Bojan
    Phacoemulsification in isolated endogenous Candida albicans anterior uveitis with lens abscess in an intravenous methadone user
  30. Uranjek Jasna; Kasnik Darja
    Pljučnica, povzročena s Candido krusei, kot zaplet zdravljenja tubo-ovarijskega abscesa - prikaz primera
    [Candida krusei pneumonia as a complication of a tuboovarian abscess treatment - case report]
  31. Verovnik Sanja
    Tampon, namočen v jogurt
  32. Gračner T; Trpin S; Pahor D; Gračner B
    Izolirani endogeni candida albicans sprednji uveitis z abscesom leče pri intravenoznem uporabniku metadona
    [Isolated endogenous candida albicans anterior uveitis with lens abscess in an intravenous methadone user]
  33. Galeša Mojca
    Preizkušanje protimikrobne učinkovitosti permravljinčne in perocetne kisline na različnih materijalih
  34. Lakkawar A; Chattopadhyay S; Somvanshi R; Sikdar A
    Experimental candidiasis in rabbits inoculated with a fowl isolate of Candida albicans - a clinical and pathological study
    [Eksperimentalno povzročena kandidiaza s ptičjim izolatom Candida albicans pri kuncih - klinična in patološka študija]
  35. Sok M; Dragaš AZ; Eržen J; Jerman J
    Sources of pathogens causing pleuropulmonary infections after lung cancer resection
  36. Golle Andrej; Lorenčič-Robnik Slavica; Kotnik-Kevorkijan Božena; Saletinger Rajko
    Občutljivost gliv iz hemokultur za protiglivična zdravila
  37. Matos Tadeja
    Glivična sepsa - nove diagnostične metode
  38. Baklan Zvonko; Golle Andrej; Lorenčič-Robnik Slavica; Unuk Sibila
    Glivična sepsa - epidemiologija in prikaz stanja v Splošni bolnišnici Maribor
  39. Matos Tadeja
    Oportunistične glive
  40. Dolenc-Voljč Mateja
    Odnos med povzročitelji in nekaterimi epidemiološkimi dejavniki pri bolnikih z onihomikozo
  41. Podust Larisa M; Stojan Jure; Poulos Thomas L; Waterman Michael R
    Substrate recognition sites in 14alpha-sterol demethylase from comparative analysis of amino acid sequences and X-ray structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis CYP51
  42. Banič S
    Delovanje enterovioforma in vitro na Candida albicans in na stafilokoke rezistentne proti antibiotikom
  43. Črepinko-Stropnik Z
    Candida albicans faktorji virulence
  44. Bren Andrej; Guček Andrej; Lindič Jelka; Kovač Damjan; Kovač Jani; Kandus Aljoša
    Experiences with fungal peritonitis in patients on peritoneal dialysis (PD)
  45. Sollner M; Pečar S; Štalc A
    The influence of the lipophilicity of 7-oxoacyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamines on their immunorestoration activity in vivo
  46. Lamb David C; Kelly Diane E; Waterman Michael R; Stromstedt Maria; Rozman Damjana; Kelly Steven L
    Characteristics of the heterologously expressed human lanosterol 14alpha-demethylase (other names: P45014DM, CYP51, P45051) and inhibition of the purified human and Candida albicans CYP51 with azole antifungal agents
  47. Grosek Štefan; Petreska Mirjana; Matos Tadeja; Derganc Metka; Primožič Janez; Škerl Marjetica
    Glivne okužbe v enoti za intenzivno terapijo otrok
  48. Reberšek-Gorišek Jelka
    Bolnišnične glivne okužbe
  49. Bren A
    Fungal peritonitis in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
  50. Rogl-Butina M
    Negonokokni uretritisi in cervicitisi
    [Nongonococcal urethritis and cervicitis]
  51. Bartenjev I; Potočnik M
    Kožne spremembe pri bolnikih okuženih s HIV
    [Skin manifestations in HIV infected patients]
  52. Mueller-Premru Manica; Križan-Hergouth Veronika; Koren Srečko
    Povzročitelji in mikrobiološka diagnostika okužb pri nevtropeničnem bolniku
    [Etiologic agents and microbiological diagnosis of infections in patients with neutropenia]
  53. Popovič R
    Okužbe s kandido v dermatologiji
    [Candida infections in dermatology]
  54. Tomažič J; Matičič M; Kotnik V; Simčič S; Wraber B; Zakotnik B
    Ex vivo effect of azithromycin in human leukocyte bactericidal functions
  55. Maček M; Černelč P; Mueller-Premru M; Križan-Hergouth V
    Ugotavljanje gliv v nadzornih kužninah pri bolnikih z akutno levkemijo
    [Isolation of fungi from surveillance cultures in patients with acute leukaemia]
  56. Kotnik V
    Ugotavljanje vzroka nekaterih kroničnih ponavljajočih se okužb
    [Determination of the cause of certain chronic recurrent infections]
  57. Juteršek A
    Patologija vnetja in ulkusa na želodcu in dvanajstniku
    [Pathology of the gastric and duodenal inflammation and ulcer formation]
  58. Veller-Fornasa C; Scarpa S; Belloni-Fortina A; Biasinutto C; Peserico A
    A three-year observation of skin mycoses at the Padua University dermatology department
  59. Tomažič J; Kotnik V; Simčič S; Wraber B
    In vivo interference of azithromycin with some human immune functions
    [Vpliv azitromicina na nekatere humane imunske funkcije in vivo]
  60. Karba R; Gubina M; Vodovnik L
    Effects of direct electric current on the growth of microbes and their susceptibility to antibiotics
  61. Karba R; Gubina M; Vodovnik L
    Growth inhibition in Candida albicans due to low intensity constant direct current
  62. Stropnik Zlata
    Možnosti dokazovanja nekaterih klinično pomembnih gliv
  63. Bokonjić M; Macanović K; Gvozdenović B
    Naše izkušnje z oronazolom v zdravljenju površinskih mikoz
  64. Dragaš AZ; Rednak S
    The laboratory investigations of a disinfectant composed of natural substances
  65. Rode M; Kogoj-Rode M
    Glivične infekcije v ustni votlini
  66. Rott T; Volavšek M; Ferluga D
    Pregled oportunističnih okužb pri bolnikih z AIDS-om
    [A review of opportunistic infections in patients with AIDS]
  67. Dragaš AZ; Krbavčič A; Galeša M
    Die desinfizierende Wirkung der Perameisensaeure im Vergleich mit Peressigsaeure auf verschiedenen Materialien
    [The disinfection activity of performic and peracetic acids on different materials]
  68. Simčič S
    Preučevanje kemijskih lastnosti antigenov za imobilizacijo
  69. Praček D; Jarc M; Gračner B
  70. Planinšič I
  71. Filipović S; Koteva-Penev L; Penev G; Filipović-Gligorijević J; Milošević R
    The levels of the immunoglobulins in asthmatic patients in whose sputum the funges were isolated

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