biomedicina slovenica |
"HEALTH : 19581
Sušelj Marjan
Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije
[Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia]
2018 ►
Madera-Garcia Valerie; Coalson Jenna; Šubelj Maja; Bell Melanie; Hayden Mary; Agawo Maurice; Munga Stephen; Ernst Kacey
Self-reported symptoms at last febrile illness as a predictor of treatment-seeking in Western Kenya
2022 ►
Višić Uroš; Sočan Maja
The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on nurses' and physicians' mental health
[Pomen pandemije covida-19 za duševno zdravje medicinskih sester in zdravnikov]
2022 ►
Plahuta Ana; Skrt Sanja; Jazbec Julija; Prosen Mirko; Ličen Sabina
Zadovoljstvo pacientov z dostopnostjo zdravstvenih storitev v obdobju epidemije covid-19
[Patient satisfaction with access to health services during the COVID-19 pandemic]
2022 ►
Skela-Savič Brigita; Lobe Bojana; Bole Urban
Prepričanja in implementacija na dokazih podprte prakse med visokošolsko izobraženimi medicinskimi sestrami in zdravstveniki (2. del)
[Beliefs and implementation of evidence-based practice among nurses with a higher education degree (2. Part)]
2022 ►
Rus Tanja; Peršolja Melita
Direct psychosocial health risk factors in hospital employees
[Direktni psihosocialni dejavniki tveganja za zdravje zaposlenih v bolnišnici]
2022 ►
Prevodnik Katja; Hvalič Touzery Simona; Dolničar Vesna; Zaletel Jelka; Laznik Jerneja; Petrovčič Andraž
Experience of patients with chronic conditions with telemedicine in primary care
[Izkušnje kronično obolelih pacientov s telemedicinsko obravnavo v ambulantah družinske medicine]
2022 ►
Vičič Vid; Kukec Andreja; Kugler Saša; Geršak Ksenija; Osredkar Joško; Pandel Mikuš Ruža
Assessment of Vitamin D status in Slovenian premenopausal and postmenopausal women, using total, free, and bioavailable 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D)
2022 ►
Globevnik Velikonja Vislava; Verdenik Ivan; Erjavec Karmen; Kregar-Velikonja Nevenka
Influence of psychological factors on vaccination acceptance among health care workers in Slovenia in three different phases of the COVID-19 pandemic
2022 ►
Lazarus Jeffrey V.; Romero Diana; Kopka Christopher J.; Karim Salim Abdool; Abu-Raddad Laith; Almeida Gisele; Baptista-Leite Ricardo; Barocas Joshua A.; Barreto Mauricio L.; Bar-Yam Yaneer; Matičič Mojca
A multinational Delphi consensus to end the COVID-19 public health threat
2022 ►
Šuc Nika; Vidmar Gaj; Cecić Erpič Saša; Lešnik Blaž
Life satisfaction and athletic identity among Olympic para-alpine skiers
2022 ►
Kaučič Boris Miha; Štemberger Kolnik Tamara; Filej Bojana
Connection between lifestyle and life satisfaction of older adults in relation to the living environment
2022 ►
Huebner Marianne; Lawrence Frank; Lusa Lara
Sex differences in age-associated rate of decline in grip strength when engaging in vigorous physical activity
2022 ►
Vatovec Rok; Kozinc Žiga; Voglar Matej
The effects of isometric fatigue on trunk muscle stiffness
2022 ►
Brdnik Monika; Šedivy Nuša; Podlogar Tina
Presejanje mladostnikov ter uporaba novih pristopov k prepoznavi in preprečevanju samomorilnega vedenja
2022 ►
Gomboc Vanja
Pogled naprej
2022 ►
Šedivy Nuša; Krohne Nina; Poštuvan Vita
Pristopi k preprečevanju samomorilnega vedenja mladostnikov
2022 ►
Krohne Nina; Gregorič Kumperščak Hojka; Poštuvan Vita
Dejavniki tveganja in varovalni dejavniki povezani s samomorilnim vedenjem mladostnikov
2022 ►
Šorgo Andrej; Crnkovič Nuša; Cesar Katarina; Selak Špela; Vrdelja Mitja; Gabrovec Branko
The infuence of anxiety and fear of COVID-19 on vaccination hesitancy among postsecondary students
2022 ►
Mihevc Matic; Zavrnik Črt; Virtič Tina; Mori-Lukančič Majda; Petek Šter Marija; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Poplas-Susič Tonka
Implementacija telemonitoringa starejših bolnikov z arterijsko hipertenzijo in sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2 na primarni ravni v Sloveniji
2022 ►
Lunežnik Patricija; Lorber Mateja
Napredna zdravstvena nega na primarni ravni zdravstvenega varstva: prikaz prakse iz tujine
[Advanced nursing practice at primary care: an example from abroad]
2022 ►
Milavec Kapun Marija; Jug Došler Anita; Kvas Andreja; Šimenc Jana; Rajkovič Uroš; Beštek Mate
Zbornik prispevkov z recenzijo in izvlečkov
[Book of papers with peer review and abstracts]
2017 ►
Halec Bine; Tisaj Eva; Radovanović Nataša
Pomanjkanje izvajalcev zdravstvene nege v enoti intenzivne medicine: pomen timskega dela in dobrih medosebnih odnosov
[Shortage of nurses in the intensive care unit: the importance of teamwork and good interpersonal relationships]
2022 ►
Radovanović Nataša; Tisaj Eva; Halec Bine
Pomanjkanje zdravstvenih delavcev ob soočenju s pandemijo covid-19: odziv bolnišnice
[The shortage of healthcare workers during covid-19: hospital feedback]
2022 ►
Šikić Pogačar Maja; Mičetić-Turk Dušanka; Fijan Sabina
Knowledge of fermentation and health benefits among general population in North-eastern Slovenia
2022 ►
Železnik Danica
Doživljanje zdravja kot vrednote posameznika in družbe
2022 ►
Žitnik Šircelj Metka; Železnik Danica
Upoštevanje ukrepov zdravstvenih delavcev v domovih starejših občanov pri obvladovanju okužbe z virusom SARS-CoV2
[Compliance of healthcare workers in nurrsing homes with prevention control measures of virus inection SARS-COV-2]
2022 ►
Karo Mateja; Železnik Danica
Vloga medicinske sestre pri preventivnem testiranju na hepatitis B, C in HIV v zaporu
[The role of the nurse in preventive testing for hepatitis B, C and HIV in prison]
2022 ►
Železnik Uroš
Pomen motivacije kot napovedovalca uspeha v trenutnih programih za nadzor telesne teže
[The importance of motivation as an announcer of success in current weight control programs]
2022 ►
Pušnik Danijela
Medicinske sestre vedno v skrbi za druge - kaj pa skrb zase?
[Nurses always take caring of others - what about taking care of yourself?]
2022 ►
Zorčič Valerija; Tomažič Jožica; Lešnik Amadeus
Pomen partnerskega odnosa pri spremembi pacientovega življenjskega sloga s ciljem obvladovanja krvnega tlaka
[The importnace of a partnership in changing a patient's lifestyle with the goal of managing blood pressure]
2022 ►
Gradišnik Maja; Lešnik Amadeus; Mlinar Reljić Nataša
Stiske starostnikov ob namestitvi v domsko varstvo
[The distress of older people in nursing homes]
2022 ►
Šerdoner Domen
Učinkovitost z omejevanjem spodbujajoče terapije na funkcijsko neodvisnost pri pacientih po nezgodni možganski poškodbi
[Effectiveness of constraint induced movement therapy on functional independence in patients with traumatic brain injury]
2022 ►
Arh Tamara; Šerdoner Domen; Železnik Danica
Doživljanje zdravljenja in rehabilitacija pacienta s transplantacijo srca
[Patient experience on treatment and rehabilitation after heart transplantation experience of treatment and rehabilitation of a patient with heart transplantation]
2022 ►
Železnik Uroš; Železnik Danica; Blažun Vošner Helena; Roncelli-Vaupot Silva
Doživljanje zdravja kot vrednote posameznika in družbe
[Experiencing health as a value of an individual and of society]
2022 ►
PLOS global public health
2021 ►
Mitrovič Simona; Lavrič Štrukelj Irena; Čufar Andreja
Dermatiki v magistralni recepturi - pomen izbire prave mazilne podlage
[Dermal magistral preparation - how to choose appropriate excipient]
2020 ►
Hafner Bratkovič Iva
Enigmatična vloga inflamasomov v zdravju in bolezni
[Elusive role of inflammasomes in health and disease]
2018 ►
Unveiling the incidences and trends of the neglected zoonosis cystic echinococcosis in Europe
2022 ►
Rotar-Pavlič Danica
Training of family doctors in residency in Slovenia
2022 ►
Tzanis George; Harris Michael; Brekke Mette; Marzo-Castillejo Mercè; Serap Cifcili Saliha; Wawrzynek Wojciech; Flamm Maria; Buono Nicola; Petek Davorina
What factors empower general practitioners for early cancer diagnosis? A 20-country European Delphi Study
2022 ►
Radanić Darko; Žavbi Gregor; Pavlič Alenka
Vedenje o vplivu ustne higiene na ustno zdravje med srednješolci
2022 ►
Pivač Sanela; Gradišek Primož; Skela-Savič Brigita
Basic resuscitation training for third-cycle primary school students
2022 ►
Herman Rok; Janež Andrej; Goričar Katja; Rizzo Manfredi; Jensterle Sever Mojca
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on disease control status and quality of life of patients with acromegaly
2022 ►
Stojnić Nataša; Mori-Lukančič Majda; Zavrnik Črt; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Poplas-Susič Tonka
Integrated care for type 2 diabetes and hypertension in Slovenia from the perspective of patients and the health care team
2022 ►
Rus Prelog Polona; Kokalj Anja
Implementation of multidisciplinary approach and clinical pathway at the geriatric psychiatry unit of University Psychiatric Clinic Ljubljana, Slovenia
2022 ►
Železnik Klara; Čitar Manuela; Marić Ivica; Tomac Gordana; Maličev Elvira
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: effect of heat inactivation of patient’s serum on functional flow cytometric assay results
2022 ►
Virtič Tina; Mori-Lukančič Majda; Mihevc Matic; Zavrnik Črt; Stojnić Nataša; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Poplas-Susič Tonka
Introduction of peer support as part of scaling-up integrated care in patients with concomitant diabetes and arterial hypertension at the primary health care level in Slovenia
2022 ►
Artnik Barbara; Ranfl Martin
Oral hygiene and the use of fluoride toothpastes in children and adolescents in Slovenia in 2019
2022 ►
Magajna Anja; Artnik Barbara; Ranfl Martin
Factors related to oral health-related quality of life among children and adolescents in Slovenia
2022 ►
Magajna Anja; Artnik Barbara; Ranfl Martin
Dejavniki z ustnim zdravjem povezane kakovosti življenja med otroki in mladostniki v Sloveniji
[Factors related to oral health-related quality of life among children and adolescents in Slovenia]
2022 ►
Stanimirović Dalibor; Tepej Jočić Lucija
Accelerated digitalization of the epidemiological measures
2022 ►
Osredkar Joško; Geršak Živa Miriam; Karas Kuželički Nataša; Snoj Tratnik Janja; Mazej Darja; Falnoga Ingrid; Horvat Milena; Geršak Ksenija
Association of Zn and Cu levels in cord blood and maternal milk with pregnancy outcomes among the Slovenian population
2022 ►
Filipič Bratko; Gradišnik Lidija; Mazija Hrvoje
The astrocytes and astroglia morphology and their biological properties
2022 ►
Velnar Tomaž; Gradišnik Lidija
Astrocytes and their role in health and disease
2022 ►
Zerbo Šporin Dorjana; Domjanič David; Žvanut Boštjan
Effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation performed through exercise training with stable COPD
[Učinkovitost pljučne rehabilitacije z vključeno telesno vadbo pri bolnikih s stabilno KOPB]
2022 ►
Petravić Luka; Rojs Ana; Križančić Bombek Lidija; Dolenšek Jurij
Prekinitveni post - moder ali zgolj moderen?
[Intermittent fasting - wise or a whim]
2022 ►
Žnidaršič Reljič Špela; Borinc Beden Andreja; Jagrič Friškovec Anita; Baš Denis
Organizacija preventivnega zdravstvenega varstva ter cepljenje otrok in mladostnikov v času epidemije COVID-19
[The organisation of preventive health care and vaccination of children and adolescents during the COVID-19 epidemic]
2022 ►
Haldane Victoria; Jung Anne-Sophie; Foo Chuan De; Shrestha Pami; Urdaneta Elena; Turk Eva; Gaviria Juan I; Boadas Jesus; Buse Kent; Miranda J Jaime
Integrating HIV and substance misuse services: a person-centred approach grounded in human rights
2022 ►
Petelin Ana; Bogataj Urška; Čeklić Urška; Dolenc Petra; Kozinc Žiga; Merše Lovrinčević Katarina; Martinović Kristina; Peršolja Melita; Prosen Mirko; Stubelj Mojca
Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov
[Health of children and adolescents]
2022 ►
Škerjanc Alenka
Prezentizem med zdravstvenimi delavci invalidi
[Presenteeism among disabled health workers]
2022 ►
Skamen Urška; Sodja Eva; Žolnir-Dovč Marija
Testa QuantiFERON TB in TB Plus v Sloveniji v obdobju 2008-2019
[QuantiFERON TB and TB Plus tests in Slovenia between 2008 and 2019]
2022 ►
Agbarya Abed; Shalata Walid; Addeo Alfredo; Charpidou Andriani; Cuppens Kristof; Rajer Mirjana; Jakopović Marko; Płużański Adam; Hiltermann Jeroen; Araújo António
Real-world journey of unresectable stage III NSCLC patients
2022 ►
Dernovšček Hafner Nataša
Skrb za duševno zdravje delavcev v zdravstvu med pandemijo covida-19
[Taking care of health workers' mental health during the covid-19 pandemic]
2022 ►
Margan Andrea; Dodič-Fikfak Metoda
Vpliv podatkov o zdravju delavcev na odločanje delodajalca med procesom prestrukturiranja
[The impact of workers' health data on employers' decision during workforce restructuring]
2022 ►
Draksler Katja; Dernovšček Hafner Nataša; Dodič-Fikfak Metoda
Prestrukturiranje v tekstilni industriji in zdravje delavcev
[Textile industry restructuring and worker's health]
2022 ►
Kurent Martin
Analiza zdravstvenega stanja delavcev izbranih poklicnih skupin, vključenih v poklicno zavarovanje-rezultati projekta Premik
[Analysis of worker's health in selected occupational groups covered by occupational insurance: the results of the Premik project]
2022 ►
Stergar Eva; Urdih Lazar Tanja
Na izkušnjah preteklosti k učinkovitejši promociji zdravja pri delu
[Learning from the past to acchieve more effective workplace health promotion]
2022 ►
Horby Peter; Lim Wei Shen; Landray Martin J.; Kačar Mark
Dexamethasone in hospitalized patients with Covid-19
2020 ►
Bouvier Anne-Marie; Primic-Žakelj Maja; Jarm Katja
Differences in the management and survival of metastatic colorectal cancer in Europe. A population-based study
2021 ►
Segaloff Hannah; Melidou A; Adlhoch C; Pereyaslov Dmitriy; Robesyn Emmanuel; Penttinen Pasi; Olsen Sonja L; Prosenc Katarina; Sočan Maja; Berginc Nataša; Šubelj Vesna
Co-circulation of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and influenza A(H3N2) viruses, World Health Organization (WHO) European Region, October 2018 to February 2019
2019 ►
Adlhoch C; Mook Piers; Lamb Favelle; Ferland Lisa; Melidou A; Amato-Gauci Andrew; Pebody Richard; Sočan Maja; Prosenc Katarina
Very little influenza in the WHO European Region during the 2020/21 season, weeks 40 2020 to 8 2021
2021 ►
Rachev Boris; Wilking Nils; Kobelt Gisela; Spandonaro Federico; Rajer Mirjana; Roediger Alexander; Normand Raphaël; Zielinski Christoph
Budget projections and clinical impact of an immuno-oncology class of treatments
2021 ►
Zambrano Sofia C.; Haugen Dagny Renata Faksvåg; Heide Agnes van der; Tripodoro Vilma A.; Ellershaw John; Fürst Carl-Johan; Voltz Raymond; Mason Stephen; Daud María L.; De Simone Gustavo; Lunder Urška; Kodba Čeh Hana; Bakan Miša
Development of an international Core Outcome Set (COS) for best care for the dying person
2020 ►
Sherriff Nigel Stuart; Jones A. M.; Mirandola M; Gios Lorenzo; Klavs Irena
Factors related to condomless anal intercourse betweenmen who have sex with men
2020 ►
Pevernagie Dirk A.; Gnidovec Stražišar Barbara; Grote Ludger; Heinzer Raphael; Mcnicholas Walter T.; Penzel Thomas; Randerath Winfried; Schiza Sophia; Verbraecken Johan; Arnardottir Erna S.
On the rise and fall of the apnea-hypopnea index: A historical review and critical appraisal
2020 ►
Young Johanna; Coulombier Denis; Domanovič Dragoslav; Zeller Hervé; Gossner Céline M; Sočan Maja
One health approach for West Nile virus surveillance in the European Union
2019 ►
Plachouras Diamantis; Kärki Tommi; Hansen Sonja; Lejko-Zupanc Tatjana; Korošec Aleš
Antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals
2018 ►
Tjaden Lidwien A.; Noordzij Marlies; van Stralen Karlijn J.; Kuehni Claudia E.; Raes Ann; Cornelissen Elisabeth A.M.; OʼBrien Catherine; Papachristou Fotios; Schaefer Franz; Groothoff Jaap W.; Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka; Novljan Gregor; Battelino Nina
Racial Disparities in Access to and Outcomes of Kidney Transplantation in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
2016 ►
Kravos Andrej; Kračun Lucija; Kravos Klara; Iljaž Rade
The impact of patientʼs socio-demographic characterictics, comorbidities and attitudes on flu vaccination uptake in family practice settings
[Vpliv bolnikovih psihosocialnih značilnosti, komorbidnosti in stališč na odločitev o cepljenju proti gripi v ambulantah družinske medicine]
2015 ►
Snoj Žiga; Vidmar Jernej; Gergar Maša; Plut Domen; Salapura Vladka
T2 distribution profiles are a good way to show cartilage regional variabilities and cartilage insufficiency
2020 ►
Allemani Claudia; Matsuda Tomohiro; Di Carlo Veronica; Harewood Rhea; Matz Melissa; Nikšić Maja; Bonaventure Audrey; Valkov Mikhail; Estève Jacques; Coleman Michel P.; Primic-Žakelj Maja; Zadnik Vesna
Global surveillance of trends in cancer survival 2000-14 (CONCORD-3)
2018 ►
Antonini Angelo; Cikajlo Imre; Peterlin-Potisk Karmen
Acceptability to patients, carers and clinicians of an mHealth platform for the management of Parkinson's disease (PD_Manager)
2018 ►
Kastelic Kaja; Voglar Matej; Šarabon Nejc
Acute effect of full time office work in real environment on postural actions and lumbar range of motion
2018 ►
Madorran Eneko; Stožer Andraž; Bevc Sebastjan; Maver Uroš
In vitro toxicity model
2020 ►
Hondebrink L.; Zammit M.; H L. C. G.; Hermanns-Clausen M.; Lonati D.; Faber K.; Brvar Miran
Effect of the first wave of COVID-19 on Poison Control Centre activities in 21 European countries
2022 ►
Radoš Krnel Sandra; Roškar Maja; Hovnik-Keršmanc Marjetka; Rehberger Maruša; Levičnik Gorazd; Hočevar-Grom Ada
Changes in alcohol consumption among different population groups during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic:
2022 ►
Gregorčič Samo; Hrovat Jaka; Bizjak Neli; Rener-Primec Zvonka; Hostnik Tadeja; Stres Blaž; Perković-Benedik Mirjana; Osredkar Damjan
Difficult to treat absence seizures in children
2022 ►
Prevolnik Rupel Valentina; Mori-Lukančič Majda; Ogorevc Marko
Costs and quality of life in patients with systemic arterial hypertension in Slovenia
2022 ►
Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Rochfort Andree
Sustainability for planetary health
[Trajnost za planetarno zdravje]
2022 ►
Vodička Staša; Zelko Erika
Remote consultations in general practice ‐ a systematic review
[Posvet na daljavo v družinski medicini ‐ pregled literature]
2022 ►
Ranfl Martin; Vurzer Blaž; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana
Body mass index as a proxy indicator for poor oral hygiene habits in adult diabetic patients
[Indeks telesne mase kot nadomestni kazalnik slabih navad ustne higiene med odraslimi diabetki]
2022 ►
Gojznikar Jan; Zdravković Bogdan; Vidak Marko; Leskošek Branimir; Ferk Polonca
TiO[sub]2 nanoparticles and their effects on eukaryotic cells
2022 ►
Vinko Matej; Mikolič Petra; Roškar Saška; Jeriček Klanšček Helena
Positive mental health in Slovenia before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
2022 ►
Žmavc Mark; Šorgo Andrej; Gabrovec Branko; Crnkovič Nuša; Cesar Katarina; Selak Špela
The protective role of resilience in the development of social media addiction in tertiary students and psychometric properties of the Slovenian Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS)
2022 ►
Novak Klemenec Teja; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Rifel Janez; Švab Igor
Zaupanje bolnikov ambulant družinske medicine v zdravstveni sistem
2022 ►
Vodička Staša; Zelko Erika
Management of mitochondrial leukoencephalopathy-related ataxia and cognitive impairment in a primary health care setup
2021 ►
Medicine, case reports and study protocols
2020 ►
Pokrajac Tatjana
Economic burden of the most common infectious diseases in children in Slovenia
2022 ►
Mihevc Matic; Zavrnik Črt; Mori-Lukančič Majda; Virtič Tina; Prevolnik Rupel Valentina; Petek Šter Marija; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Poplas-Susič Tonka
Telemonitoring of elderly with hypertension and type 2 diabetes at the primary care level
[Telemonitoring starejših bolnikov s hipertenzijo in sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2 na primarni ravni]
2022 ►
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Institute for Biostatistics and Medical Informatics