biomedicina slovenica

"HEALTH : 19581

  1. Sušelj Marjan
    Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije
    [Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia]
  2. Madera-Garcia Valerie; Coalson Jenna; Šubelj Maja; Bell Melanie; Hayden Mary; Agawo Maurice; Munga Stephen; Ernst Kacey
    Self-reported symptoms at last febrile illness as a predictor of treatment-seeking in Western Kenya
  3. Višić Uroš; Sočan Maja
    The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on nurses' and physicians' mental health
    [Pomen pandemije covida-19 za duševno zdravje medicinskih sester in zdravnikov]
  4. Plahuta Ana; Skrt Sanja; Jazbec Julija; Prosen Mirko; Ličen Sabina
    Zadovoljstvo pacientov z dostopnostjo zdravstvenih storitev v obdobju epidemije covid-19
    [Patient satisfaction with access to health services during the COVID-19 pandemic]
  5. Skela-Savič Brigita; Lobe Bojana; Bole Urban
    Prepričanja in implementacija na dokazih podprte prakse med visokošolsko izobraženimi medicinskimi sestrami in zdravstveniki (2. del)
    [Beliefs and implementation of evidence-based practice among nurses with a higher education degree (2. Part)]
  6. Rus Tanja; Peršolja Melita
    Direct psychosocial health risk factors in hospital employees
    [Direktni psihosocialni dejavniki tveganja za zdravje zaposlenih v bolnišnici]
  7. Prevodnik Katja; Hvalič Touzery Simona; Dolničar Vesna; Zaletel Jelka; Laznik Jerneja; Petrovčič Andraž
    Experience of patients with chronic conditions with telemedicine in primary care
    [Izkušnje kronično obolelih pacientov s telemedicinsko obravnavo v ambulantah družinske medicine]
  8. Vičič Vid; Kukec Andreja; Kugler Saša; Geršak Ksenija; Osredkar Joško; Pandel Mikuš Ruža
    Assessment of Vitamin D status in Slovenian premenopausal and postmenopausal women, using total, free, and bioavailable 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D)
  9. Globevnik Velikonja Vislava; Verdenik Ivan; Erjavec Karmen; Kregar-Velikonja Nevenka
    Influence of psychological factors on vaccination acceptance among health care workers in Slovenia in three different phases of the COVID-19 pandemic
  10. Lazarus Jeffrey V.; Romero Diana; Kopka Christopher J.; Karim Salim Abdool; Abu-Raddad Laith; Almeida Gisele; Baptista-Leite Ricardo; Barocas Joshua A.; Barreto Mauricio L.; Bar-Yam Yaneer; Matičič Mojca
    A multinational Delphi consensus to end the COVID-19 public health threat
  11. Šuc Nika; Vidmar Gaj; Cecić Erpič Saša; Lešnik Blaž
    Life satisfaction and athletic identity among Olympic para-alpine skiers
  12. Kaučič Boris Miha; Štemberger Kolnik Tamara; Filej Bojana
    Connection between lifestyle and life satisfaction of older adults in relation to the living environment
  13. Huebner Marianne; Lawrence Frank; Lusa Lara
    Sex differences in age-associated rate of decline in grip strength when engaging in vigorous physical activity
  14. Vatovec Rok; Kozinc Žiga; Voglar Matej
    The effects of isometric fatigue on trunk muscle stiffness
  15. Brdnik Monika; Šedivy Nuša; Podlogar Tina
    Presejanje mladostnikov ter uporaba novih pristopov k prepoznavi in preprečevanju samomorilnega vedenja
  16. Gomboc Vanja
    Pogled naprej
  17. Šedivy Nuša; Krohne Nina; Poštuvan Vita
    Pristopi k preprečevanju samomorilnega vedenja mladostnikov
  18. Krohne Nina; Gregorič Kumperščak Hojka; Poštuvan Vita
    Dejavniki tveganja in varovalni dejavniki povezani s samomorilnim vedenjem mladostnikov
  19. Šorgo Andrej; Crnkovič Nuša; Cesar Katarina; Selak Špela; Vrdelja Mitja; Gabrovec Branko
    The infuence of anxiety and fear of COVID-19 on vaccination hesitancy among postsecondary students
  20. Mihevc Matic; Zavrnik Črt; Virtič Tina; Mori-Lukančič Majda; Petek Šter Marija; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Poplas-Susič Tonka
    Implementacija telemonitoringa starejših bolnikov z arterijsko hipertenzijo in sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2 na primarni ravni v Sloveniji
  21. Lunežnik Patricija; Lorber Mateja
    Napredna zdravstvena nega na primarni ravni zdravstvenega varstva: prikaz prakse iz tujine
    [Advanced nursing practice at primary care: an example from abroad]
  22. Milavec Kapun Marija; Jug Došler Anita; Kvas Andreja; Šimenc Jana; Rajkovič Uroš; Beštek Mate
    Zbornik prispevkov z recenzijo in izvlečkov
    [Book of papers with peer review and abstracts]
  23. Halec Bine; Tisaj Eva; Radovanović Nataša
    Pomanjkanje izvajalcev zdravstvene nege v enoti intenzivne medicine: pomen timskega dela in dobrih medosebnih odnosov
    [Shortage of nurses in the intensive care unit: the importance of teamwork and good interpersonal relationships]
  24. Radovanović Nataša; Tisaj Eva; Halec Bine
    Pomanjkanje zdravstvenih delavcev ob soočenju s pandemijo covid-19: odziv bolnišnice
    [The shortage of healthcare workers during covid-19: hospital feedback]
  25. Šikić Pogačar Maja; Mičetić-Turk Dušanka; Fijan Sabina
    Knowledge of fermentation and health benefits among general population in North-eastern Slovenia
  26. Železnik Danica
    Doživljanje zdravja kot vrednote posameznika in družbe
  27. Žitnik Šircelj Metka; Železnik Danica
    Upoštevanje ukrepov zdravstvenih delavcev v domovih starejših občanov pri obvladovanju okužbe z virusom SARS-CoV2
    [Compliance of healthcare workers in nurrsing homes with prevention control measures of virus inection SARS-COV-2]
  28. Karo Mateja; Železnik Danica
    Vloga medicinske sestre pri preventivnem testiranju na hepatitis B, C in HIV v zaporu
    [The role of the nurse in preventive testing for hepatitis B, C and HIV in prison]
  29. Železnik Uroš
    Pomen motivacije kot napovedovalca uspeha v trenutnih programih za nadzor telesne teže
    [The importance of motivation as an announcer of success in current weight control programs]
  30. Pušnik Danijela
    Medicinske sestre vedno v skrbi za druge - kaj pa skrb zase?
    [Nurses always take caring of others - what about taking care of yourself?]
  31. Zorčič Valerija; Tomažič Jožica; Lešnik Amadeus
    Pomen partnerskega odnosa pri spremembi pacientovega življenjskega sloga s ciljem obvladovanja krvnega tlaka
    [The importnace of a partnership in changing a patient's lifestyle with the goal of managing blood pressure]
  32. Gradišnik Maja; Lešnik Amadeus; Mlinar Reljić Nataša
    Stiske starostnikov ob namestitvi v domsko varstvo
    [The distress of older people in nursing homes]
  33. Šerdoner Domen
    Učinkovitost z omejevanjem spodbujajoče terapije na funkcijsko neodvisnost pri pacientih po nezgodni možganski poškodbi
    [Effectiveness of constraint induced movement therapy on functional independence in patients with traumatic brain injury]
  34. Arh Tamara; Šerdoner Domen; Železnik Danica
    Doživljanje zdravljenja in rehabilitacija pacienta s transplantacijo srca
    [Patient experience on treatment and rehabilitation after heart transplantation experience of treatment and rehabilitation of a patient with heart transplantation]
  35. Železnik Uroš; Železnik Danica; Blažun Vošner Helena; Roncelli-Vaupot Silva
    Doživljanje zdravja kot vrednote posameznika in družbe
    [Experiencing health as a value of an individual and of society]
  36. PLOS global public health
  37. Mitrovič Simona; Lavrič Štrukelj Irena; Čufar Andreja
    Dermatiki v magistralni recepturi - pomen izbire prave mazilne podlage
    [Dermal magistral preparation - how to choose appropriate excipient]
  38. Hafner Bratkovič Iva
    Enigmatična vloga inflamasomov v zdravju in bolezni
    [Elusive role of inflammasomes in health and disease]
  39. Unveiling the incidences and trends of the neglected zoonosis cystic echinococcosis in Europe
  40. Rotar-Pavlič Danica
    Training of family doctors in residency in Slovenia
  41. Tzanis George; Harris Michael; Brekke Mette; Marzo-Castillejo Mercè; Serap Cifcili Saliha; Wawrzynek Wojciech; Flamm Maria; Buono Nicola; Petek Davorina
    What factors empower general practitioners for early cancer diagnosis? A 20-country European Delphi Study
  42. Radanić Darko; Žavbi Gregor; Pavlič Alenka
    Vedenje o vplivu ustne higiene na ustno zdravje med srednješolci
  43. Pivač Sanela; Gradišek Primož; Skela-Savič Brigita
    Basic resuscitation training for third-cycle primary school students
  44. Herman Rok; Janež Andrej; Goričar Katja; Rizzo Manfredi; Jensterle Sever Mojca
    Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on disease control status and quality of life of patients with acromegaly
  45. Stojnić Nataša; Mori-Lukančič Majda; Zavrnik Črt; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Poplas-Susič Tonka
    Integrated care for type 2 diabetes and hypertension in Slovenia from the perspective of patients and the health care team
  46. Rus Prelog Polona; Kokalj Anja
    Implementation of multidisciplinary approach and clinical pathway at the geriatric psychiatry unit of University Psychiatric Clinic Ljubljana, Slovenia
  47. Železnik Klara; Čitar Manuela; Marić Ivica; Tomac Gordana; Maličev Elvira
    Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia: effect of heat inactivation of patient’s serum on functional flow cytometric assay results
  48. Virtič Tina; Mori-Lukančič Majda; Mihevc Matic; Zavrnik Črt; Stojnić Nataša; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Poplas-Susič Tonka
    Introduction of peer support as part of scaling-up integrated care in patients with concomitant diabetes and arterial hypertension at the primary health care level in Slovenia
  49. Artnik Barbara; Ranfl Martin
    Oral hygiene and the use of fluoride toothpastes in children and adolescents in Slovenia in 2019
  50. Magajna Anja; Artnik Barbara; Ranfl Martin
    Factors related to oral health-related quality of life among children and adolescents in Slovenia
  51. Magajna Anja; Artnik Barbara; Ranfl Martin
    Dejavniki z ustnim zdravjem povezane kakovosti življenja med otroki in mladostniki v Sloveniji
    [Factors related to oral health-related quality of life among children and adolescents in Slovenia]
  52. Stanimirović Dalibor; Tepej Jočić Lucija
    Accelerated digitalization of the epidemiological measures
  53. Osredkar Joško; Geršak Živa Miriam; Karas Kuželički Nataša; Snoj Tratnik Janja; Mazej Darja; Falnoga Ingrid; Horvat Milena; Geršak Ksenija
    Association of Zn and Cu levels in cord blood and maternal milk with pregnancy outcomes among the Slovenian population
  54. Filipič Bratko; Gradišnik Lidija; Mazija Hrvoje
    The astrocytes and astroglia morphology and their biological properties
  55. Velnar Tomaž; Gradišnik Lidija
    Astrocytes and their role in health and disease
  56. Zerbo Šporin Dorjana; Domjanič David; Žvanut Boštjan
    Effectiveness of pulmonary rehabilitation performed through exercise training with stable COPD
    [Učinkovitost pljučne rehabilitacije z vključeno telesno vadbo pri bolnikih s stabilno KOPB]
  57. Petravić Luka; Rojs Ana; Križančić Bombek Lidija; Dolenšek Jurij
    Prekinitveni post - moder ali zgolj moderen?
    [Intermittent fasting - wise or a whim]
  58. Žnidaršič Reljič Špela; Borinc Beden Andreja; Jagrič Friškovec Anita; Baš Denis
    Organizacija preventivnega zdravstvenega varstva ter cepljenje otrok in mladostnikov v času epidemije COVID-19
    [The organisation of preventive health care and vaccination of children and adolescents during the COVID-19 epidemic]
  59. Haldane Victoria; Jung Anne-Sophie; Foo Chuan De; Shrestha Pami; Urdaneta Elena; Turk Eva; Gaviria Juan I; Boadas Jesus; Buse Kent; Miranda J Jaime
    Integrating HIV and substance misuse services: a person-centred approach grounded in human rights
  60. Petelin Ana; Bogataj Urška; Čeklić Urška; Dolenc Petra; Kozinc Žiga; Merše Lovrinčević Katarina; Martinović Kristina; Peršolja Melita; Prosen Mirko; Stubelj Mojca
    Zdravje otrok in mladostnikov
    [Health of children and adolescents]
  61. Škerjanc Alenka
    Prezentizem med zdravstvenimi delavci invalidi
    [Presenteeism among disabled health workers]
  62. Skamen Urška; Sodja Eva; Žolnir-Dovč Marija
    Testa QuantiFERON TB in TB Plus v Sloveniji v obdobju 2008-2019
    [QuantiFERON TB and TB Plus tests in Slovenia between 2008 and 2019]
  63. Agbarya Abed; Shalata Walid; Addeo Alfredo; Charpidou Andriani; Cuppens Kristof; Rajer Mirjana; Jakopović Marko; Płużański Adam; Hiltermann Jeroen; Araújo António
    Real-world journey of unresectable stage III NSCLC patients
  64. Dernovšček Hafner Nataša
    Skrb za duševno zdravje delavcev v zdravstvu med pandemijo covida-19
    [Taking care of health workers' mental health during the covid-19 pandemic]
  65. Margan Andrea; Dodič-Fikfak Metoda
    Vpliv podatkov o zdravju delavcev na odločanje delodajalca med procesom prestrukturiranja
    [The impact of workers' health data on employers' decision during workforce restructuring]
  66. Draksler Katja; Dernovšček Hafner Nataša; Dodič-Fikfak Metoda
    Prestrukturiranje v tekstilni industriji in zdravje delavcev
    [Textile industry restructuring and worker's health]
  67. Kurent Martin
    Analiza zdravstvenega stanja delavcev izbranih poklicnih skupin, vključenih v poklicno zavarovanje-rezultati projekta Premik
    [Analysis of worker's health in selected occupational groups covered by occupational insurance: the results of the Premik project]
  68. Stergar Eva; Urdih Lazar Tanja
    Na izkušnjah preteklosti k učinkovitejši promociji zdravja pri delu
    [Learning from the past to acchieve more effective workplace health promotion]
  69. Horby Peter; Lim Wei Shen; Landray Martin J.; Kačar Mark
    Dexamethasone in hospitalized patients with Covid-19
  70. Bouvier Anne-Marie; Primic-Žakelj Maja; Jarm Katja
    Differences in the management and survival of metastatic colorectal cancer in Europe. A population-based study
  71. Segaloff Hannah; Melidou A; Adlhoch C; Pereyaslov Dmitriy; Robesyn Emmanuel; Penttinen Pasi; Olsen Sonja L; Prosenc Katarina; Sočan Maja; Berginc Nataša; Šubelj Vesna
    Co-circulation of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 and influenza A(H3N2) viruses, World Health Organization (WHO) European Region, October 2018 to February 2019
  72. Adlhoch C; Mook Piers; Lamb Favelle; Ferland Lisa; Melidou A; Amato-Gauci Andrew; Pebody Richard; Sočan Maja; Prosenc Katarina
    Very little influenza in the WHO European Region during the 2020/21 season, weeks 40 2020 to 8 2021
  73. Rachev Boris; Wilking Nils; Kobelt Gisela; Spandonaro Federico; Rajer Mirjana; Roediger Alexander; Normand Raphaël; Zielinski Christoph
    Budget projections and clinical impact of an immuno-oncology class of treatments
  74. Zambrano Sofia C.; Haugen Dagny Renata Faksvåg; Heide Agnes van der; Tripodoro Vilma A.; Ellershaw John; Fürst Carl-Johan; Voltz Raymond; Mason Stephen; Daud María L.; De Simone Gustavo; Lunder Urška; Kodba Čeh Hana; Bakan Miša
    Development of an international Core Outcome Set (COS) for best care for the dying person
  75. Sherriff Nigel Stuart; Jones A. M.; Mirandola M; Gios Lorenzo; Klavs Irena
    Factors related to condomless anal intercourse betweenmen who have sex with men
  76. Pevernagie Dirk A.; Gnidovec Stražišar Barbara; Grote Ludger; Heinzer Raphael; Mcnicholas Walter T.; Penzel Thomas; Randerath Winfried; Schiza Sophia; Verbraecken Johan; Arnardottir Erna S.
    On the rise and fall of the apnea-hypopnea index: A historical review and critical appraisal
  77. Young Johanna; Coulombier Denis; Domanovič Dragoslav; Zeller Hervé; Gossner Céline M; Sočan Maja
    One health approach for West Nile virus surveillance in the European Union
  78. Plachouras Diamantis; Kärki Tommi; Hansen Sonja; Lejko-Zupanc Tatjana; Korošec Aleš
    Antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals
  79. Tjaden Lidwien A.; Noordzij Marlies; van Stralen Karlijn J.; Kuehni Claudia E.; Raes Ann; Cornelissen Elisabeth A.M.; OʼBrien Catherine; Papachristou Fotios; Schaefer Franz; Groothoff Jaap W.; Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka; Novljan Gregor; Battelino Nina
    Racial Disparities in Access to and Outcomes of Kidney Transplantation in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
  80. Kravos Andrej; Kračun Lucija; Kravos Klara; Iljaž Rade
    The impact of patientʼs socio-demographic characterictics, comorbidities and attitudes on flu vaccination uptake in family practice settings
    [Vpliv bolnikovih psihosocialnih značilnosti, komorbidnosti in stališč na odločitev o cepljenju proti gripi v ambulantah družinske medicine]
  81. Snoj Žiga; Vidmar Jernej; Gergar Maša; Plut Domen; Salapura Vladka
    T2 distribution profiles are a good way to show cartilage regional variabilities and cartilage insufficiency
  82. Allemani Claudia; Matsuda Tomohiro; Di Carlo Veronica; Harewood Rhea; Matz Melissa; Nikšić Maja; Bonaventure Audrey; Valkov Mikhail; Estève Jacques; Coleman Michel P.; Primic-Žakelj Maja; Zadnik Vesna
    Global surveillance of trends in cancer survival 2000-14 (CONCORD-3)
  83. Antonini Angelo; Cikajlo Imre; Peterlin-Potisk Karmen
    Acceptability to patients, carers and clinicians of an mHealth platform for the management of Parkinson's disease (PD_Manager)
  84. Kastelic Kaja; Voglar Matej; Šarabon Nejc
    Acute effect of full time office work in real environment on postural actions and lumbar range of motion
  85. Madorran Eneko; Stožer Andraž; Bevc Sebastjan; Maver Uroš
    In vitro toxicity model
  86. Hondebrink L.; Zammit M.; H L. C. G.; Hermanns-Clausen M.; Lonati D.; Faber K.; Brvar Miran
    Effect of the first wave of COVID-19 on Poison Control Centre activities in 21 European countries
  87. Radoš Krnel Sandra; Roškar Maja; Hovnik-Keršmanc Marjetka; Rehberger Maruša; Levičnik Gorazd; Hočevar-Grom Ada
    Changes in alcohol consumption among different population groups during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic:
  88. Gregorčič Samo; Hrovat Jaka; Bizjak Neli; Rener-Primec Zvonka; Hostnik Tadeja; Stres Blaž; Perković-Benedik Mirjana; Osredkar Damjan
    Difficult to treat absence seizures in children
  89. Prevolnik Rupel Valentina; Mori-Lukančič Majda; Ogorevc Marko
    Costs and quality of life in patients with systemic arterial hypertension in Slovenia
  90. Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Rochfort Andree
    Sustainability for planetary health
    [Trajnost za planetarno zdravje]
  91. Vodička Staša; Zelko Erika
    Remote consultations in general practice ‐ a systematic review
    [Posvet na daljavo v družinski medicini ‐ pregled literature]
  92. Ranfl Martin; Vurzer Blaž; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana
    Body mass index as a proxy indicator for poor oral hygiene habits in adult diabetic patients
    [Indeks telesne mase kot nadomestni kazalnik slabih navad ustne higiene med odraslimi diabetki]
  93. Gojznikar Jan; Zdravković Bogdan; Vidak Marko; Leskošek Branimir; Ferk Polonca
    TiO[sub]2 nanoparticles and their effects on eukaryotic cells
  94. Vinko Matej; Mikolič Petra; Roškar Saška; Jeriček Klanšček Helena
    Positive mental health in Slovenia before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
  95. Žmavc Mark; Šorgo Andrej; Gabrovec Branko; Crnkovič Nuša; Cesar Katarina; Selak Špela
    The protective role of resilience in the development of social media addiction in tertiary students and psychometric properties of the Slovenian Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS)
  96. Novak Klemenec Teja; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Rifel Janez; Švab Igor
    Zaupanje bolnikov ambulant družinske medicine v zdravstveni sistem
  97. Vodička Staša; Zelko Erika
    Management of mitochondrial leukoencephalopathy-related ataxia and cognitive impairment in a primary health care setup
  98. Medicine, case reports and study protocols
  99. Pokrajac Tatjana
    Economic burden of the most common infectious diseases in children in Slovenia
  100. Mihevc Matic; Zavrnik Črt; Mori-Lukančič Majda; Virtič Tina; Prevolnik Rupel Valentina; Petek Šter Marija; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Poplas-Susič Tonka
    Telemonitoring of elderly with hypertension and type 2 diabetes at the primary care level
    [Telemonitoring starejših bolnikov s hipertenzijo in sladkorno boleznijo tipa 2 na primarni ravni]

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