biomedicina slovenica |
John Mike T.; Häggman-Henrikson Birgitta; Sekulić Stella; Stamm Tanja; Oghli Ibrahim; Schierz Oliver; List Thomas; Baba Kazuyoshi; Bekes Katrin
Mapping oral disease impact with a Common Metric (MOM)-project summary and recommendations
2021 ►
Rener-Sitar Ksenija; John Mike T.; Truong Vy; Tambe Sailee; Theis-Mahon Nicole
Nonmalignant oral disease-specific dental patient-reported outcome measures for adult patients
2021 ►
John Mike T.; Sekulić Stella; Bekes Katrin; Al-Harthy Mohammad H.; Michelotti Ambra; Reissmann Daniel R.; Nikolovska Julijana; Sanivarapu Sahityaveera; Lawal Folake B.; List Thomas; Peršić Kirsić Sanja; Rener-Sitar Ksenija
Why patients visit dentists - a study in all WHO regions
2020 ►
Teubl Birgit J.; Stojković Biljana; Docter Dominic; Pritz Elisabeth; Leitinger Gerd; Poberaj Igor; Prassl Ruth; Stauber Roland H.; Fröhlich Eleonor; Khinast Johannes G.; Roblegg Eva
The effect of saliva on the fate of nanoparticles
2017 ►
Zidar Nina; Gale Nina
Novosti na področju ustnih bolezni
[Advances in oral diseases]
2015 ►
Artnik Barbara
Oral health indicators in Europe
2013 ►
Artnik Barbara
Oral health promotion and oral diseases prevention
2013 ►
Petelin Milan; Cotič Jasna; Perkič Katja; Pavlič Alenka
Oral health of the elderly living in residential homes in Slovenia
2012 ►
Petričević Nikola; Rener-Sitar Ksenija
Kvaliteta života ovisna o oralnom zdravlju kod pacijenata s novim potpunim protezama
[Oral health related quality of life in patients with new conventional complete dentures]
2009 ►
Kosem R
Cilji, želje in realnost - zobozdravstveno varstvo otrok in mladostnikov v Sloveniji
[Goals, aspirations and reality - oral health care for children and adolescents in Slovenia]
2005 ►
Petelin M; Bizimoska S; Pavlica Z
Vpliv različnih podlag na učinek benzil nikotinata v lični sluznici podgane
[Influence of different ointments on effect of hyperemic drug benzyl nicotinat into oral mucosa in rat]
2003 ►
Košir N
Otroško zobozdravstvo v Sloveniji
[Paediatric dentistry in Slovenia]
2003 ►
Skalerič U; Gašperšič R; Gašpirc B; Grošelj D; Kovač-Kavčič M; Petelin M; Schara R
Napotnice za specialista ustnih bolezni in parodontologije - analiza in priporočila za splošnega stomatologa
[Referral of patients to the specialist for oral medicine and periodontology: analysis and recommendations for the general practitioner]
2002 ►
Matičič M
Okužba z virusom hepatitisa C s stomatološkega vidika
[Hepatitis C virus infection from the dentist's perspective]
2002 ►
Košir Narcisa
Ustne bolezni otrok
[Oral pathology in children]
2000 ►
Kramar Barbara
Pogostnost bolezni ustne sluznice in obzobnih tkiv pri osebah v Sloveniji, okuženih s človeškim virusom imunske pomanjkljivosti (HIV-1) in virusom hepatitisa C (HCV)
[Prevalence of oral pathology and periodontal disease in HIV-1 and HCV infected patients in Slovenia]
1999 ►
Žalar Aleksandra
Nekatera izhodišča zdravstvenovzgojnega programa proti visokemu krvnemu tlaku
1987 ►
Ahlin P; Kristl J; Grošelj D
Izdelki za ohranjanje zdravlja zob in ustne votline
[Dental and oral health products]
1996 ►
Romšek-Poljšak T
Spremljanje rezultatov poslovanja na nivoju stroškovnih mest v organizaciji osnovnega zdravstvenega varstva
[Follow-up of business results on the level of costs categories within the organization of primary Health Care]
1996 ►
Pavlica Z
Vpliv bolezni ustne votline na zdravstveno stanje konj
[The influence of oral diseases on health in horses]
1995 ►
Skalerič U
Razvoj in perspektive Oddelka za ustne bolezni in parodontopatologijo
[Development and prospects of the Unit of oral diseases and periodontics at the Department of stomatology]
1996 ►
Vrbič V
Obletnica Oddelka za zobne bolezni
[Anniversary of the Unit of oral diseases]
1996 ►
Skalerič U
Delovanje in uporaba chlorhexidina v stomatologiji
[Action and use of chlorhexidine in dentistry]
1995 ►
Rode M; Vrbič V
Povezava med socialnim statusom in stanjem v ustih pri skupini prebivalcev Slovenije, starih več kot 55 let
[Connection between social and oral status in a group of inhibitants of Slovenia above 55 years of age]
1994 ►
Premik M
Nekateri rezultati projekta "Oralno zdravje in kvaliteta življenja Slovencev"
[Some results of "Oral health project and the quality of life of Slovene populations"]
1994 ►
Mlinar A; Skalerič U
Antibiotično zdravljenje ekstraoralnih bolezni zavira razvoj parodontalne bolezni
[Antibiotic treatment of extraoral diseases supress the progression of periodontal disease]
1992 ►
Obersnel D; Grošelj D
Adhezivna mazilna podlaga.
[Adhesive ointment base]
1987 ►
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