biomedicina slovenica |
"drug addiction" : 130
Delić Mirjana
Drug addiction and how to counter it
2021 ►
Mežnar Rok; Homar Vesna
Prevalenca hepatitisa B in C pri uporabnikih Centra za preprečevanje zdravljenja odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog v Zdravstvenem domu Novo mesto
2021 ►
Lavre Miha; Zelko Erika; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Petek Šter Marija
Značilnosti uporabnikov programa Centra za preprečevanje in zdravljenje odvisnosti Slovenj Gradec
2020 ►
Pokrajac Tatjana; Nolimal Dušan; Leskovšek Evita
Stigma, drug addiction and treatment utilisation
2016 ►
Kastelic Andrej
Network of centres for the prevention and treatment of illicit drug addiction
2014 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel Rihtar Tatja
Abstract book, program
2017 ►
Kastelic Andrej
Mental health and drug addiction treatment in custodial setting, including young people, with an amphasis on new psychoactive substances
2017 ►
Novak Šarotar Brigita; Štuhec Matej; Brunec Sara; Švab Vesna
Characteristics of patients with mental disorders in a Slovene prison
2018 ►
Oreščanin-Dušić Zorana; Tatalović Nikola; Vidonja-Uzelac Teodora; Nestorov Jelena; Nikolić-Kokić Aleksandra; Mijušković Ana; Spasić Mihajlo B.; Paškulin Roman; Bresjanac Mara; Blagojević Duško
The effects of ibogaine on uterine smooth muscle contractions
2018 ►
Posadzki Paul; Mastellos Nikolaos; Ryan Rebecca; Gunn Laura H; Felix Lambert M; Pappas Yannis; Gagnon Marie-Pierre; Julious Steven A; Xiang Liming; Oldenburg Brian; Car Josip
Automated telephone communication systems for preventive healthcare and management of long-term conditions
2016 ►
Gabrovec Branko; Jelenc Marjetka; Prislan Kaja; Lobnikar Branko
Violence against working personnel in Slovenian drug addiction rehabilitation centre network
2017 ►
Kadenšek Klavdija; Bregar Branko
Razumevanje vloge medicinske sestre pri spremembi življenjskega sloga posameznikov, v preteklosti odvisnih od prepovedanih drog
[Understanding the role of a nurse in facilitating lifestyle change among former illicit substance abusers]
2017 ►
Fister Petja; Kržan Mojca; Paro Panjan Darja
Clonidine for neonatal abstinence syndrome
2016 ►
Syrjänen Kari J.; Branca Margherita; Eržen Mojca; Lörincz A
Drug addiction is not an independent risk factor for oncogenic human papillomavirus infections or high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
2008 ►
Šegrec Nuša; Kastelic Andrej
Treatment of people who use drugs with comorbid mental health disorders
2015 ►
Delić Mirjana; Pregelj Peter
Outcome of hospital treatment of drug addiction in Slovenia - preliminary results
2013 ►
Delić Mirjana; Švab Vesna
The stigma of drug addicted persons in Slovenian internet media
2013 ►
Delić Mirjana; Pregelj Peter
Predictors of outcome of hospital treatment of drug addiction in Slovenia - preliminary results
2014 ►
Špendl Joland Barbara; Rašić Jure; Skela-Savič Brigita; Bregar Branko
Odnos med odvisnostjo od alkohola in odvisnostjo od prepovedanih drog in primernost za napovedovanje uspešnosti zdravljenja
2015 ►
Delić Mirjana
Factors associated with the outcome of opioid drug addiction treatment in Slovenia - preliminary results
2014 ►
Delić Mirjana; Pregelj Peter
Outcome of hospital treatment of drug addiction in Slovenia - preliminary results
2013 ►
Delić Mirjana; Kajdiž Karmen; Melnick Gerald; Pregelj Peter
Psychometric evaluation of the Slovenian translation of the Circumstances, Motivation and Readiness Scales
2015 ►
Delić Mirjana; Pregelj Peter
Outcome of hospital treatment of drug addiction in Slovenia - preliminary results
2013 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel Rihtar Tatja
[Abstract book]
2015 ►
Alkoholizm i Narkomania
[Alcoholism and Drug Addiction]
1988 ►
Delić Mirjana; Kajdiž Karmen; Pregelj Peter
Factors associated with the outcome of opioid drug addiction treatment in Slovenia
2014 ►
Šegrec Nuša; Ucman Saša
Integrating services for patients with dual disorders
2010 ►
Šegrec Nuša
Treating patient with comorbid disorders and drug interactions with substitution medication
2010 ►
Šegrec Nuša
Stimulant use and psychiatric comorbidity
2010 ►
Dular Katja
Značilnosti funkcioniranja odvisnih družin in čustvena kompetentnost oseb, odvisnih od psihoaktivnih snovi
[Functioning of families with addiction and emotional competence of psychoactive substance users]
2013 ►
2011 ►
Šegrec Nuša; Kastelic Andrej
Services for treatment of patients with complex needs
2011 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Mlakar Janez; Pregelj Peter
Preliminary data on validity of the drug addiction treatment efficacy questionnaire
2013 ►
Kastelic Andrej
Addressing drug addiction and HIV in criminal justice system and in prison settings
2012 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Šegrec Nuša
Liječenje ovisnosti o drogama u jugoistočnoj Europi u zajednicama i zatvorima
[Drug addiction treatment in SE Europe in communities and custodial settings]
2012 ►
Muscat Richard
Treatment systems overview
2010 ►
Kostnapfel Rihtar Tatja; Švab Igor
Tvegano vedenje uživalcev prepovedanih drog na potovanju
[Risk behaviours of illicit drug users while travelling]
2013 ►
Eržen Teja; Butala Matej; Čuk Vesna
Odvisnost od prepovedanih drog pri mladostnikih in vidik zdravstvene nege
[Drug addiction in young people and the aspect of nursing care]
2013 ►
Dular Katja
Dinamika in funkcioniranje družine kot dejavnika tveganja za razvoj odvisnosti od psihoaktivnih snovi
2012 ►
Lovrečič Barbara; Lovrečič Mercedes; Rovai Luca; Rugani Fabio; Bacciardi Silvia; dell' Osso Liliana; Maremmani Angelo Giovanni Icro; Maremmani Icro
Ethnicity and drug addiction history: a comparision between Italian and Slovenian heroin addicts
2012 ►
Vuković-Baras Sladjana; Skopljak Vlasta; Kljajić Zlatko; Kolja-Poljak Nikola; Petričević Joško; Stojanović Dražen; Mulić Rosanda
Intravenous addiction as a main transmission route of HCV infection in some counties of Croatia
2010 ►
Hvala-Cerkovnik Mojca; Okanovič Mateja; Bregar Branko
Good practice example: daily treatment program in Center for treatment of drug addiction (CZOPD) Ljubljana
2011 ►
Štimpfel Karmen Nina; Bregar Branko; Kržič Sabina
Could nursing care professionals be a support element in the theapy of drug-addicted patients?
2011 ►
Bregar Branko; Hvala-Cerkovnik Mojca
Problem of uncritical consumption of alcohol after establishing abstinence from psychoactive substances (PAS)
2011 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Ivančić Ante
5th Adriatic drug addiction treatment conference, 7th SEEA symposium on addictive behaviors; 2010 Sep 30-Oct 2; Ohrid
2011 ►
Lovrečič Barbara; Lovrečič Mercedes
Heroin addicts with and treatments
2003 ►
Novak-Gosarič Doroteja; Lovrečič Mercedes; Lovrečič Barbara
The Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (HIIS): financial funds from basic insurance for the treatment of illicit drug addiction
2006 ►
Kostnapfel Tatja; Švab Igor; Rotar-Pavlič Danica
A qualitative exploration of travel-related risk behaviours of injection drug users from two Slovene regions
2011 ►
Oprešnik-Rodman Tatjana; Bregar Branko; Horvat Rezka; Hvala-Cerkovnik Mojca; Okanovič Mateja; Mejak Vesna
Presentation of the Center for treatment of drug addiction, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2007 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel Tatja
Substitucijski programi zdravljenja odvisnosti od opioidov v Sloveniji
[Opioid substitution treatment programs in Slovenia]
2010 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Dubajić Goran
Experience with SR morphine in Slovenia
2009 ►
Matičič Mojca; Kastelic Andrej
Nacionalne usmeritve obvladovanja okužbe z virusom hepatitisa C pri uživalcih drog v Sloveniji
[National guidelines for the management of hepatitis C virus infection in drug users in Slovenia]
2009 ►
Dular Katja; Globevnik-Velikonja Vislava
Pregnancy and drug addiction
2007 ►
Čuk-Rupnik J
Otroci staršev, zdravljenih v Centrih za preprečevanje in zdravljenje odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog
[Children of the parents treated in Centers for prevention and treatment of addiction to illicit drugs]
2009 ►
Šegrec Nuša; Delič Mirjana; Kastelic Andrej
Psychiatric side effects of interferon (IFN) treatment of chronic hepatitis C in patients with substance abuse disorder
2007 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja
Best practice in managing substance abuse
2007 ►
Caran Alexander M; Dubajić Goran; Kastelic Andrej
Opioid dependence treatment with buprenorphine: a 2-year experience from our Slovenian centers for prevention and treatment of drug addictions
2007 ►
Sergec Nuša; Delić Mirjana; Kastelic Andrej
Psychiatric side effects of interferon (IFN) treatment of chronic hepatitis C in patients with substance abuse disorder
2007 ►
Lovrečič Mercedes
Evropske agencije in Evropski center za spremljanje drog in zasvojenosti z drogami - European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
2007 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja
Best practice in managing substance abuse
2007 ►
Caran AM; Dubajić G; Kastelic A
Opioid dependence treatment with buprenorphine: a 2-year experience from four Slovenian centers for prevention and treatment of drug addictions
2007 ►
Kralj Mojca; Bregar Brane
Vpliv skrbi zase na kakovost in učinkovitost zdravstvene nege bolnika, odvisnega od drog
[Impact of self-care on quality and productivity of nursing care of drug addiction patients]
2007 ►
Milivojevič Nataša
Vpliv ergolinskega derivata LEK-8829 na zasvojenost s kokainom pri podgani
2006 ►
Iljaž Rade; Blaževič Marjetka; Kramer Milka
Review of the first 10 years of Brežice centre for prevention and treatment of illicit drug addiction
2005 ►
Strbad Ervin
Kratka predstavitev delovanja CPZOD Novo mesto
[Short presentation of Centre prevention and treatment of drug addiction Novo mesto]
2005 ►
Pišec Andrej; Kaube Sanja; Kmetec Irena; Kodrič Petra
Center za preprečevanje in zdravljenje odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog Zdravstveni dom "dr. A. Drolca" Maribor
[Center for prevention and treatment of drug addiction primary Health centre "dr. A. Drolca" Maribor]
2005 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja
Treatment of drug addiction in south eastern Europe: a country overview
2004 ►
Hvala-Cerkovnik Mojca; Okanovič Mateja; Bregar Branko
Good practice example: daily treatment program in Center for treatmnet of drug addiction (CZOPD) Ljubljana
2006 ►
Lovrečič Mercedes
Problematika nevropsihofarmakoterapije zasvojenih s heroinom s pridruženo duševno motnjo
2006 ►
Iljaž Rade; Kramar Milka
Ali lahko napovemo čas vzdrževalnega zdravljenja z metadonom? Pregled 10-letnega dela Centra za preprečevanje in zdravljenje odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog (CPOZD) Brežice
[Can we predict tenure in methadone maintance treatment? Initial ten years of services provided by the Brežice Centre for prevention and treatment of illicit drug addiction]
2006 ►
Dernovšek Mojca Zvezdana; Lovrečič Mercedes; Čelan-Lucu Branka
Violent incidents during treatment for drug addiction - estimated and documented frequency
2005 ►
Dernovšek Mojca
Assessement of functioning of the Centres fot prevention and treatment of drug addiction on illicit drugs for 2003 in the Republic of Slovenia
2005 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja
Ob desetletnici organiziranega zdravljenja odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog v Republiki Sloveniji
[Ten years of organised drug addiction treatment in the Republic of Slovenia]
2005 ►
Lovrečič Mercedes; Lovrečič Barbara; Dernovšek Mojca Z; Tavčar Rok; Maremmani Icro
Unreported double frequency of heroin addicts visiting psychiatric services and addiction treatment services
2004 ►
Zorec-Karlovšek M; Niedbala S; Fritch D; Manns A; Steinmeyer S
The suitability of oral fluid testing in outpatient clinics for treatment of drug addiction
2003 ►
Zorec-Karlovšek M; Niedbala S; Fritch D; Manns A; Steinmeyer S
The suitability of oral fluid testing in outpatient clinics for treatment of drug addiction
2004 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja; Ivančič Ante
Drug addiction treatment in south eastern Europe: see Adriatic addiction treatment network
2004 ►
Zorec-Karlovšek Majda; Niedbala Sam; Steinmezer Stefan; Manns Andreas
The suitability of oral fluid testing in outpatient clinics for treatment of drug addiction
2003 ►
Lovrečič M
Instrument for assessment services for prevention and treatment of drug addiction (part II)
2004 ►
Pribaković Rade B; Belec Miran; Vegnuti Miljana; Lovrečič Mercedes
Monitoring treatment system in Slovenia
2003 ►
Maremmani Icro; Pacini Matteo; Lovrečič Mercedes
Clinical foundations for the use of methadone in jail
2004 ►
Lovrečič B; Lovrečič M
Heroin addicts and treatments
2003 ►
Lovrečič B; Lovrečič M; Dernovšek MZ; Tavčar R
Heroin addicts with and without comorbidity
2003 ►
Lovrečič Mercedes; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja
Epidemiological monitoring system on drugs: networking and dissemination
2003 ►
Kovačič Beti; Švab Zlata; Lovrečič Mercedes
Use of MDMA in heroin users
2003 ►
Anonymous ;
Book of abstracts of the 1st Adriatic drug addiction conference; 2003 May 21-22, Poreč and 1st central and south eastern European symposium on addictive behaviours; 2003 May 23; Portorož
2003 ►
Lovrečič Barbara
Some aspects of heroin addicts
2003 ►
Kolšek Marko
Zasvojenost s tabletami
[Drug addiction]
2004 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja
Treating drug addiction in the Republic of Slovenia
2003 ►
Lovrečič Mercedes
Report on the drug situation 2003 of the Republic of Slovenia
2004 ►
Rihter Liljana
Testing the evaluation model in praxis in the field of drug addiction
[Preverjanje modela evalviranja v praksi v programih, ki se ukvarjajo z odvisniki]
2003 ►
Lovrečič Barbara; Lovrečič Mercedes
Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of heroin users at first or repeated outpatient treatment
2003 ►
Kastelic Andrej; Rihtar-Kostnapfel Tatja
Zdravljenje odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog v Republiki Sloveniji
[Drug addiction treatment in the Republic of Slovenia]
2003 ►
Iljaž Rade
Predstavitev Brežiškega centra za preprečevanje in zdravljenje odvisnosti od nedovoljenih drog in prikaz primera
[Presentation of the Brežice centre for prevention and treatment of illicit drug addiction and case report]
2003 ►
Ikica Branko; Ikica Andrej; Prelesnik Uroš
Varovanje zdravstvenih objektov z avtomatiziranim video nadzorom
2003 ►
Kauzlarić I
Drug addiction treatment and harm reduction a activity in a small place health centre
2003 ►
Nolimal Dušan
Ethical considerations in drug abuse epidemiology and research
2003 ►
Anonymous ;
Ethics and drug use. Seminar on ethics, professional standards and drug addiction; 2003 Feb 6-7; Strasbourg
2003 ►
Klavs Irena
Drug-related infectious diseases
2003 ►
Anonymous ;
Annual report 2003: the state of the drugs problem in the acceding and candidate countries to the European union
2003 ►
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Institute for Biostatistics and Medical Informatics