biomedicina slovenica

"drug addiction" : 130

  1. Delić Mirjana
    Drug addiction and how to counter it
  2. Mežnar Rok; Homar Vesna
    Prevalenca hepatitisa B in C pri uporabnikih Centra za preprečevanje zdravljenja odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog v Zdravstvenem domu Novo mesto
  3. Lavre Miha; Zelko Erika; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Petek Šter Marija
    Značilnosti uporabnikov programa Centra za preprečevanje in zdravljenje odvisnosti Slovenj Gradec
  4. Pokrajac Tatjana; Nolimal Dušan; Leskovšek Evita
    Stigma, drug addiction and treatment utilisation
  5. Kastelic Andrej
    Network of centres for the prevention and treatment of illicit drug addiction
  6. Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel Rihtar Tatja
    Abstract book, program
  7. Kastelic Andrej
    Mental health and drug addiction treatment in custodial setting, including young people, with an amphasis on new psychoactive substances
  8. Novak Šarotar Brigita; Štuhec Matej; Brunec Sara; Švab Vesna
    Characteristics of patients with mental disorders in a Slovene prison
  9. Oreščanin-Dušić Zorana; Tatalović Nikola; Vidonja-Uzelac Teodora; Nestorov Jelena; Nikolić-Kokić Aleksandra; Mijušković Ana; Spasić Mihajlo B.; Paškulin Roman; Bresjanac Mara; Blagojević Duško
    The effects of ibogaine on uterine smooth muscle contractions
  10. Posadzki Paul; Mastellos Nikolaos; Ryan Rebecca; Gunn Laura H; Felix Lambert M; Pappas Yannis; Gagnon Marie-Pierre; Julious Steven A; Xiang Liming; Oldenburg Brian; Car Josip
    Automated telephone communication systems for preventive healthcare and management of long-term conditions
  11. Gabrovec Branko; Jelenc Marjetka; Prislan Kaja; Lobnikar Branko
    Violence against working personnel in Slovenian drug addiction rehabilitation centre network
  12. Kadenšek Klavdija; Bregar Branko
    Razumevanje vloge medicinske sestre pri spremembi življenjskega sloga posameznikov, v preteklosti odvisnih od prepovedanih drog
    [Understanding the role of a nurse in facilitating lifestyle change among former illicit substance abusers]
  13. Fister Petja; Kržan Mojca; Paro Panjan Darja
    Clonidine for neonatal abstinence syndrome
  14. Syrjänen Kari J.; Branca Margherita; Eržen Mojca; Lörincz A
    Drug addiction is not an independent risk factor for oncogenic human papillomavirus infections or high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
  15. Šegrec Nuša; Kastelic Andrej
    Treatment of people who use drugs with comorbid mental health disorders
  16. Delić Mirjana; Pregelj Peter
    Outcome of hospital treatment of drug addiction in Slovenia - preliminary results
  17. Delić Mirjana; Švab Vesna
    The stigma of drug addicted persons in Slovenian internet media
  18. Delić Mirjana; Pregelj Peter
    Predictors of outcome of hospital treatment of drug addiction in Slovenia - preliminary results
  19. Špendl Joland Barbara; Rašić Jure; Skela-Savič Brigita; Bregar Branko
    Odnos med odvisnostjo od alkohola in odvisnostjo od prepovedanih drog in primernost za napovedovanje uspešnosti zdravljenja
  20. Delić Mirjana
    Factors associated with the outcome of opioid drug addiction treatment in Slovenia - preliminary results
  21. Delić Mirjana; Pregelj Peter
    Outcome of hospital treatment of drug addiction in Slovenia - preliminary results
  22. Delić Mirjana; Kajdiž Karmen; Melnick Gerald; Pregelj Peter
    Psychometric evaluation of the Slovenian translation of the Circumstances, Motivation and Readiness Scales
  23. Delić Mirjana; Pregelj Peter
    Outcome of hospital treatment of drug addiction in Slovenia - preliminary results
  24. Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel Rihtar Tatja
    [Abstract book]
  25. Alkoholizm i Narkomania
    [Alcoholism and Drug Addiction]
  26. Delić Mirjana; Kajdiž Karmen; Pregelj Peter
    Factors associated with the outcome of opioid drug addiction treatment in Slovenia
  27. Šegrec Nuša; Ucman Saša
    Integrating services for patients with dual disorders
  28. Šegrec Nuša
    Treating patient with comorbid disorders and drug interactions with substitution medication
  29. Šegrec Nuša
    Stimulant use and psychiatric comorbidity
  30. Dular Katja
    Značilnosti funkcioniranja odvisnih družin in čustvena kompetentnost oseb, odvisnih od psihoaktivnih snovi
    [Functioning of families with addiction and emotional competence of psychoactive substance users]
  31. Programme
  32. Šegrec Nuša; Kastelic Andrej
    Services for treatment of patients with complex needs
  33. Kastelic Andrej; Mlakar Janez; Pregelj Peter
    Preliminary data on validity of the drug addiction treatment efficacy questionnaire
  34. Kastelic Andrej
    Addressing drug addiction and HIV in criminal justice system and in prison settings
  35. Kastelic Andrej; Šegrec Nuša
    Liječenje ovisnosti o drogama u jugoistočnoj Europi u zajednicama i zatvorima
    [Drug addiction treatment in SE Europe in communities and custodial settings]
  36. Muscat Richard
    Treatment systems overview
  37. Kostnapfel Rihtar Tatja; Švab Igor
    Tvegano vedenje uživalcev prepovedanih drog na potovanju
    [Risk behaviours of illicit drug users while travelling]
  38. Eržen Teja; Butala Matej; Čuk Vesna
    Odvisnost od prepovedanih drog pri mladostnikih in vidik zdravstvene nege
    [Drug addiction in young people and the aspect of nursing care]
  39. Dular Katja
    Dinamika in funkcioniranje družine kot dejavnika tveganja za razvoj odvisnosti od psihoaktivnih snovi
  40. Lovrečič Barbara; Lovrečič Mercedes; Rovai Luca; Rugani Fabio; Bacciardi Silvia; dell' Osso Liliana; Maremmani Angelo Giovanni Icro; Maremmani Icro
    Ethnicity and drug addiction history: a comparision between Italian and Slovenian heroin addicts
  41. Vuković-Baras Sladjana; Skopljak Vlasta; Kljajić Zlatko; Kolja-Poljak Nikola; Petričević Joško; Stojanović Dražen; Mulić Rosanda
    Intravenous addiction as a main transmission route of HCV infection in some counties of Croatia
  42. Hvala-Cerkovnik Mojca; Okanovič Mateja; Bregar Branko
    Good practice example: daily treatment program in Center for treatment of drug addiction (CZOPD) Ljubljana
  43. Štimpfel Karmen Nina; Bregar Branko; Kržič Sabina
    Could nursing care professionals be a support element in the theapy of drug-addicted patients?
  44. Bregar Branko; Hvala-Cerkovnik Mojca
    Problem of uncritical consumption of alcohol after establishing abstinence from psychoactive substances (PAS)
  45. Kastelic Andrej; Ivančić Ante
    5th Adriatic drug addiction treatment conference, 7th SEEA symposium on addictive behaviors; 2010 Sep 30-Oct 2; Ohrid
  46. Lovrečič Barbara; Lovrečič Mercedes
    Heroin addicts with and treatments
  47. Novak-Gosarič Doroteja; Lovrečič Mercedes; Lovrečič Barbara
    The Health Insurance Institute of Slovenia (HIIS): financial funds from basic insurance for the treatment of illicit drug addiction
  48. Kostnapfel Tatja; Švab Igor; Rotar-Pavlič Danica
    A qualitative exploration of travel-related risk behaviours of injection drug users from two Slovene regions
  49. Oprešnik-Rodman Tatjana; Bregar Branko; Horvat Rezka; Hvala-Cerkovnik Mojca; Okanovič Mateja; Mejak Vesna
    Presentation of the Center for treatment of drug addiction, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  50. Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel Tatja
    Substitucijski programi zdravljenja odvisnosti od opioidov v Sloveniji
    [Opioid substitution treatment programs in Slovenia]
  51. Kastelic Andrej; Dubajić Goran
    Experience with SR morphine in Slovenia
  52. Matičič Mojca; Kastelic Andrej
    Nacionalne usmeritve obvladovanja okužbe z virusom hepatitisa C pri uživalcih drog v Sloveniji
    [National guidelines for the management of hepatitis C virus infection in drug users in Slovenia]
  53. Dular Katja; Globevnik-Velikonja Vislava
    Pregnancy and drug addiction
  54. Čuk-Rupnik J
    Otroci staršev, zdravljenih v Centrih za preprečevanje in zdravljenje odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog
    [Children of the parents treated in Centers for prevention and treatment of addiction to illicit drugs]
  55. Šegrec Nuša; Delič Mirjana; Kastelic Andrej
    Psychiatric side effects of interferon (IFN) treatment of chronic hepatitis C in patients with substance abuse disorder
  56. Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja
    Best practice in managing substance abuse
  57. Caran Alexander M; Dubajić Goran; Kastelic Andrej
    Opioid dependence treatment with buprenorphine: a 2-year experience from our Slovenian centers for prevention and treatment of drug addictions
  58. Sergec Nuša; Delić Mirjana; Kastelic Andrej
    Psychiatric side effects of interferon (IFN) treatment of chronic hepatitis C in patients with substance abuse disorder
  59. Lovrečič Mercedes
    Evropske agencije in Evropski center za spremljanje drog in zasvojenosti z drogami - European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
  60. Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja
    Best practice in managing substance abuse
  61. Caran AM; Dubajić G; Kastelic A
    Opioid dependence treatment with buprenorphine: a 2-year experience from four Slovenian centers for prevention and treatment of drug addictions
  62. Kralj Mojca; Bregar Brane
    Vpliv skrbi zase na kakovost in učinkovitost zdravstvene nege bolnika, odvisnega od drog
    [Impact of self-care on quality and productivity of nursing care of drug addiction patients]
  63. Milivojevič Nataša
    Vpliv ergolinskega derivata LEK-8829 na zasvojenost s kokainom pri podgani
  64. Iljaž Rade; Blaževič Marjetka; Kramer Milka
    Review of the first 10 years of Brežice centre for prevention and treatment of illicit drug addiction
  65. Strbad Ervin
    Kratka predstavitev delovanja CPZOD Novo mesto
    [Short presentation of Centre prevention and treatment of drug addiction Novo mesto]
  66. Pišec Andrej; Kaube Sanja; Kmetec Irena; Kodrič Petra
    Center za preprečevanje in zdravljenje odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog Zdravstveni dom "dr. A. Drolca" Maribor
    [Center for prevention and treatment of drug addiction primary Health centre "dr. A. Drolca" Maribor]
  67. Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja
    Treatment of drug addiction in south eastern Europe: a country overview
  68. Hvala-Cerkovnik Mojca; Okanovič Mateja; Bregar Branko
    Good practice example: daily treatment program in Center for treatmnet of drug addiction (CZOPD) Ljubljana
  69. Lovrečič Mercedes
    Problematika nevropsihofarmakoterapije zasvojenih s heroinom s pridruženo duševno motnjo
  70. Iljaž Rade; Kramar Milka
    Ali lahko napovemo čas vzdrževalnega zdravljenja z metadonom? Pregled 10-letnega dela Centra za preprečevanje in zdravljenje odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog (CPOZD) Brežice
    [Can we predict tenure in methadone maintance treatment? Initial ten years of services provided by the Brežice Centre for prevention and treatment of illicit drug addiction]
  71. Dernovšek Mojca Zvezdana; Lovrečič Mercedes; Čelan-Lucu Branka
    Violent incidents during treatment for drug addiction - estimated and documented frequency
  72. Dernovšek Mojca
    Assessement of functioning of the Centres fot prevention and treatment of drug addiction on illicit drugs for 2003 in the Republic of Slovenia
  73. Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja
    Ob desetletnici organiziranega zdravljenja odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog v Republiki Sloveniji
    [Ten years of organised drug addiction treatment in the Republic of Slovenia]
  74. Lovrečič Mercedes; Lovrečič Barbara; Dernovšek Mojca Z; Tavčar Rok; Maremmani Icro
    Unreported double frequency of heroin addicts visiting psychiatric services and addiction treatment services
  75. Zorec-Karlovšek M; Niedbala S; Fritch D; Manns A; Steinmeyer S
    The suitability of oral fluid testing in outpatient clinics for treatment of drug addiction
  76. Zorec-Karlovšek M; Niedbala S; Fritch D; Manns A; Steinmeyer S
    The suitability of oral fluid testing in outpatient clinics for treatment of drug addiction
  77. Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja; Ivančič Ante
    Drug addiction treatment in south eastern Europe: see Adriatic addiction treatment network
  78. Zorec-Karlovšek Majda; Niedbala Sam; Steinmezer Stefan; Manns Andreas
    The suitability of oral fluid testing in outpatient clinics for treatment of drug addiction
  79. Lovrečič M
    Instrument for assessment services for prevention and treatment of drug addiction (part II)
  80. Pribaković Rade B; Belec Miran; Vegnuti Miljana; Lovrečič Mercedes
    Monitoring treatment system in Slovenia
  81. Maremmani Icro; Pacini Matteo; Lovrečič Mercedes
    Clinical foundations for the use of methadone in jail
  82. Lovrečič B; Lovrečič M
    Heroin addicts and treatments
  83. Lovrečič B; Lovrečič M; Dernovšek MZ; Tavčar R
    Heroin addicts with and without comorbidity
  84. Lovrečič Mercedes; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja
    Epidemiological monitoring system on drugs: networking and dissemination
  85. Kovačič Beti; Švab Zlata; Lovrečič Mercedes
    Use of MDMA in heroin users
  86. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the 1st Adriatic drug addiction conference; 2003 May 21-22, Poreč and 1st central and south eastern European symposium on addictive behaviours; 2003 May 23; Portorož
  87. Lovrečič Barbara
    Some aspects of heroin addicts
  88. Kolšek Marko
    Zasvojenost s tabletami
    [Drug addiction]
  89. Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja
    Treating drug addiction in the Republic of Slovenia
  90. Lovrečič Mercedes
    Report on the drug situation 2003 of the Republic of Slovenia
  91. Rihter Liljana
    Testing the evaluation model in praxis in the field of drug addiction
    [Preverjanje modela evalviranja v praksi v programih, ki se ukvarjajo z odvisniki]
  92. Lovrečič Barbara; Lovrečič Mercedes
    Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of heroin users at first or repeated outpatient treatment
  93. Kastelic Andrej; Rihtar-Kostnapfel Tatja
    Zdravljenje odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog v Republiki Sloveniji
    [Drug addiction treatment in the Republic of Slovenia]
  94. Iljaž Rade
    Predstavitev Brežiškega centra za preprečevanje in zdravljenje odvisnosti od nedovoljenih drog in prikaz primera
    [Presentation of the Brežice centre for prevention and treatment of illicit drug addiction and case report]
  95. Ikica Branko; Ikica Andrej; Prelesnik Uroš
    Varovanje zdravstvenih objektov z avtomatiziranim video nadzorom
  96. Kauzlarić I
    Drug addiction treatment and harm reduction a activity in a small place health centre
  97. Nolimal Dušan
    Ethical considerations in drug abuse epidemiology and research
  98. Anonymous ;
    Ethics and drug use. Seminar on ethics, professional standards and drug addiction; 2003 Feb 6-7; Strasbourg
  99. Klavs Irena
    Drug-related infectious diseases
  100. Anonymous ;
    Annual report 2003: the state of the drugs problem in the acceding and candidate countries to the European union

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