biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 15.667-15.766

  1. Lovrečič Barbara; Lovrečič Mercedes
    Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of heroin users at first or repeated outpatient treatment
  2. Lock Karen; Gabrijelčič-Blenkuš Mojca; Martuzzi Marco; Otorepec Peter; Kuhar Aleš; Robertson Aileen; Wallace Paul; Dora Carlos; Maučec-Zakotnik Jožica
    Conducting an HIA of the effect of accession to the European union on national agriculture and food policy in Slovenia
  3. Lalić Hrvoje; Volavšek Črtomir; Radošević-Stašić Biserka
    Chromosomal instability and double minute chromosomes in a breast cancer patient
  4. Svetina Saša; Kuzman Drago; Waugh Richard E; Ziherl Primož; Žekš Boštjan
    The cooperative role of membrane skeleton and bilayer in the mechanical behaviour of red blood cells
  5. Iljaž Rade
    Predstavitev Brežiškega centra za preprečevanje in zdravljenje odvisnosti od nedovoljenih drog in prikaz primera
    [Presentation of the Brežice centre for prevention and treatment of illicit drug addiction and case report]
  6. Franić Damir
    Vloga ginekologa na primarni ravni na zmanjšanje incidence invazivnega raka na materničnem vratu
    [The role of the gyneacologist at the primary level in decreasing the incidence of invasive forms of the cervical cancer]
  7. Lainščak Mitja; Kerbev Mateja; Horvat Alojz; Benko Davorin; Klančnik-Gruden Maja; Keber Irena
    Rezultati raziskave "Euroheart failure" v Sloveniji: značilnosti in diagnostična obravnava bolnikov, bolnišnično zdravljenih zaradi srčnega popuščanja
    [Results of "Euroheart failure" survey in Slovenia: characteristics and diagnostic procedures in hospitalised heart failure patients]
  8. Fležar Matjaž
    Preiskava pljučne funkcije pri otrocih
    [Lung function testing in children]
  9. Iglič Aleš; Veranič Peter; Jezernik Kristijan; Fošnarič Miha; Kamin Boris; Haegerstrand Henry; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
    Spherocyte shape transformation and release of tubular nanovesicles in human erythrocytes
  10. Zupančič Karel; Meden-Vrtovec Helena; Tomaževič Tomaž; Žnidaršič Viktorija
    The future law on infertility treatment and on biomedically assisted procreation in Slovenia
  11. Vrbič Vito
    O skutecznosci programow zapobiegania prochnicy w Slowenii
  12. Veranič Peter; Romih Rok; Jezernik Kristijan
    What determines differentiation of urothelial umbrella cells?
  13. Podbregar Matej; Krivec Bojan; Voga Gorazd
    Impact of morphologic characteristics of central pulmonary thrombemboli in massive pulmonary embolism
  14. Dariinskii Anatolii; Tupitsyna AI; Birhstein TM; Safyannikova MG; Amoskov VM; Emri Igor
    Microphase separation in brushes capable of liquid crystal ordering
  15. Kogej Tina; Wheeler Michael H; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea; Gunde-Cimerman Nina
    Evidence for 1,8-dihydroxynaphthalene melanin in three halophilic black yeasts grown under saline and non-saline conditions
  16. Balabaev NK; Darinskii AA; Neelov IM; Lukasheva NV; Emri I
    Molecular dynamics simulation of a two-dimensional polymer melt
  17. Kralj Aleš; Prodan Ted; Emri Igor
    An apparatus for measuring the effect of pressure on the time-dependent properties of polymers
  18. Emri Igor; Kaplunov Julius; Nolde EV
    Analysis of transient waves in thin structures utilizing matched asymptotic expansions
  19. Gašperšič Rok; Štiblar-Martinčič draga; Osredkar Joško; Skalerič Uroš
    In vivo administration of recombinant TNF-alpha promotes bone resorption in mice
  20. Dernovšek Mojca Zvezdana; Prevolnik-Rupel Valentina; Rebolj Matejka; Tavčar Rok
    The quality of life of schizophrenic outpatients, treated with depot neuroleptics
  21. Filipič Bratko; Sladojev Srečko; Shehata Medhat; Schwarzmeier Josef; Koren Srečko
    Novel serum replacement based on bovine ocular fluid: a useful tool for cultivation of different animal cells in vitro
  22. Ahčan Uroš; Zorman Peter; Recek Dejan; Ralca Simon; Majaron Boris
    Port wine stain treatment with a dual-wavelength Nd: Yag laser and cryogen spray cooling
  23. Tennant Alan; Penta Massimo; Tesio Luigi; Grimby Gunnar; Thonnard Jean-Louis; Slade Anita; Lawton Gemma; Simone Anna; Marinček Črt; Burger Helena
    Assessing and adjusting for cross-cultural validity of impairment and activity limitation scales through differential item functioning within the framework of the Rasch model: the PRO-ESOR project
  24. Burger Helena; Marinček Črt; Jaeger Robert J
    Prosthetic device provision to landmine survivors in Bosnia and Herzegovina: outcomes in 3 ethnic groups
  25. Logar M; Ružić-Sabljić E; Lotrič-Furlan S; Cimperman J; Jurca T; Strle F
    Comparison of erythema migrans caused by Borrelia afzelii and Borrelia garinii
  26. Rozman J; Bunc M; Zorko B
    Modulation of hormone secretion by functional electrical stimulation of the intact and incompletely dysfunctional dog pancreas
  27. Ahčin Janja
    Zavzetost bolnikov z arterijsko hipertenzijo za zdravljenje
    [Patient compliance in the treatment of arterial hypertension]
  28. Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Verovnik Franc
    Uporaba zdravilnih rastlin med prebivalci Velenja
    [The use of the medicinal herbs in the city of Velenje]
  29. Modrijančič Mojca; Drinovec Jože; Mrhar Aleš
    Some pharmacoeconomic aspects of congestive heart failure in Slovenia
    [Nekateri farmakoekonomski vidiki srčnega popuščanja v Sloveniji]
  30. Čučnik Saša; Križaj Igor; Rozman Blaž; Kveder Tanja; Božič Borut
    Concomitant isolation of protein C inhibitor and unnicked beta2-glycoprotein I
  31. Zega Anamarija; Mlinšek Gregor; Šolmajer Tomaž; Trampuš-Bakija Alenka; Stegnar Mojca; Urleb Uroš
    Thrombin inhibitors built on an azaphenymalaline scaffold
  32. Kladnik Aleš; Vilhar Barbara; Chourey Prem S; Dermastia Marina
    Sucrose synthase isozyme SUS1 in the maize root cap is preferentially localized in the endopolyploid outer cells
  33. Stušek P; Hamdorf K
    Properties of pupil mechanisms in owl-fly Ascalaphus macaronius (Neuroptera)
  34. Garaventa P; Falmali M; Sepčić K; Geraci S
    Laboratory analysis of antimicrofouling activity of poly-aps extracted from Reniera sarai (Porifera: Demospongiae)
  35. Gaberščik Alenka; Urbanc-Berčič Olga; Kržič Nina; Kosi Gorazd; Brancelj Anton
    The intermittent lake Cerknica: various faces of the same ecosystem
  36. Zidar P; Drobne D; Štrus J; Van Gestel CAM; Donker M
    Food selection as a means of Cu intake reduction in the terrestrial isopod Porcellio scaber (Crustacea, Isopoda)
  37. Filipič Metka; Hei Tom K
    Mutagenicity of cadmium in mammalian cells: implication of oxidative DNA damage
  38. Verovnik R; Sket B; Prevorčnik S; Trontelj P
    Random amplified polymorphic DNA diversity among surface and subterranean populations of Asellus aquaticus (Crustacea: Isopoda)
  39. Zagmajster Maja
    Display song of parti-coloured bat Vespertilio murinus Linnaeus, 1758 (Chiroptera, Mammalia) in southern Slovenia and preliminary study of its variability
  40. Verovnik Rudi
    The presence of Plebeius pyrenaicus dardanus (Feyer, 1845) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) on Mt Čvrsnica in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with notes on the butterfly fauna of this mountain
  41. Kecelj N; Vizjak A; Dragoš V; Lunder T
    Neonatal erythematous lupus: case report
  42. Benedičič-Pilih A; Vizjak A; Wojnarowska F; Berčič M; Pejovnik-Pustinek A; Arzenšek J; Kansky A
    Drug induced linear IgA dermatosis: case report and a short review
  43. Jovanović DL; Petrović A; Paravina M; Stanojević M; Binić I
    Chronic contact allergic and irritant dermatitis of palms and soles: routine histopathology not suitable for differentiation
  44. Vlaisavljević V; Reljič M; Gavrić-Lovrec V; Zazula D; Sergent N
    Measurement of perifollicular blood flow of the dominant preovulatory follicle using three-dimensional power Doppler
  45. Potrč Stojan; Kavalar Rajko; Horvat Matjaž; Gadžijev Eldar Miša
    Urgent Whipple resection for solid pseudopapillary tumor of the pancreas
  46. Šelb-Šemerl J; Kenda MF
    Out of hospital sudden cardiac death among physically active and inactive married persons younger than 65 years in Slovenia
  47. Langbein WE; Maloney C; Kandare F; Stanič U; Nemchausky B; Jaeger RJ
    Pulmonary function testing in spinal cord injury: effects of abdominal muscle stimulation
  48. Gabrijel Mateja; Repnik Urška; Kreft Marko; Grilc Sonja; Jeras Matjaž; Zorec Robert
    Quantification of cell hybridoma yields with confocal microscopy nad flow cytometry
  49. Kreft M; Milisav I; Potokar M; Zorec R
    Automated high through-put colonization analysis of multichannel confocal images
  50. Čuk Angela
    Na izsledkih temelječa medicina - 2. klinična uporaba in kritike
    [Evidence-based medicine - 2. clinical use and critics]
  51. Besednjak-Kocijančič Lilijana
    Pozitivna povezava med atopijskim dermatitisom in debelostjo pri otrocih, mlajših od šestnajst let
    [A link between atopic dermatitis and obesity in children under sixteen years]
  52. Šuškovič Stanislav; Košnik Mitja
    Zdravljenje bolnikov z od glukokortikoidov odvisno astmo z majhnimi odmerki ciklosporina
    [Treatment of steroid dependent asthmatics with low doses of cyclosporine]
  53. Gašperšič R; Skalerič U
    Ustni lichen planus in spremljajoče bolezni
    [Oral lichen planus and associated conditions]
  54. Košnik I; Wraber B; Košnik M; Ihan A
    Sulphidoleukotriene release from peripheral blood mononuclear cells in chronic urticaria and anaphylaxis
  55. Buturović-Ponikvar J; Ponikvar R
    High-grade renal transplant artery stenosis after suboptimal angioplasty: favourable long-term outcome
  56. Rogel Polona
    Povezanost 24-urnega krvnega tlaka z razvojem športnega srca pri ženskah in moških
    [Is gender difference in development of athlete's heart related to 24-hour blood pressure?]
  57. Štalc Jurij; Tominc Uroš
    Primerjava endotelijske funkcije in magnetoresonančnih lastnosti žilne stene med bolniki s klasično in dilatativno obliko ateroskleroze
    [Comparison of endothelial function and magnetic resonance characteristics of vessel wall among patients with classic and dilatative atherosclerosis]
  58. Fan Xiaohui; Kopitar-Jerala Nataša; Premzl Aleš; Bestagno Marco; Burrone Oscar; Kos Janko
    Molecular cloning and chimerisation of an inhibitory anti-cathepsin B antibody and its expression in chinese hamster ovary cells
  59. Sajko Špela; Kubinova Lucie; Cvetko Erika; Kreft Marko; Wernig Anton; Eržen Ida
    Frequency of M-cadherin-stained satellite cells declines in human muscles during aging
  60. Stergar Eva
    Trendi v razširjenosti uporabe drog med všolanimi mladostniki v Sloveniji 1995-1999
    [Trends of drug use dissemination at Slovenian secondary school students in the time period 1995-1999]
  61. Paragi Metka; Kolman Jana; Kraigher Alenka; Čižman Milan; Gubina Marija; Ribič Helena
    Possibility of application of new pneumococcal conjugate vaccines in children in Slovenia
  62. Murn J; Mlinarič-Raščan I
    Modulation of apoptotic demise in B lymphoma cells
  63. Kajič Petra; Milošev Ingrid; Pihlar Boris; Pišot Venčeslav
    Determination of trace cobalt concentrations in human serum by adsorptive stripping voltammetry
  64. Mlakar Boštjan; Gadžijev Eldar M; Ravnik Dean; Hribernik Marija
    Anatomical variations of the arterial pattern in the right hemiliver
  65. Beravs Katarina; Frangež Robert; Demšar Franci
    Specific absorption rate study for radiofrequency current density imaging using a two-dimensional finite element model
  66. Gabrijelčič Jasmina; Casas A; Rabinovich RA; Roca J; Barbera JA; Chung KF; Rodriguez-Roisin R
    Formoterol protects against platelet-activating factor-induced effects in asthma
  67. Šorli J
    The effect of cost evaluation in the treatment of asthma
  68. Podnar T; Runovc F; Milisav I; Kordaš M
    Simulation of some short-term control mechanisms in cardiovascular physiology
  69. Balantič Zvone; Zupan Anton
    Measurements of respiratory capacity in patients with neuromuscular diseases
  70. Brinovec V; Lešničar G; Meglič-Volkar J; Matičič M; Baklan Z; Poljak M; Seme K; Ferlan-Marolt V; Luzar B
    Treatment of chronic hepatitis C: our experience
  71. Hvala A; Ferluga D; Vizjak A; Koselj-Kajtna M
    Fibrillary noncongophilic renal and extrarenal deposits: a report on 10 cases
  72. Erman Andreja; Vidmar Gaj; Jezernik Kristijan
    Temporal and spatial dimensions of postnatal growth of the mouse urinary bladder urothelium
  73. Gračner Tomaž; Pahor Dušica; Gračner Bojan
    Wirksamkeit der selektiven Lasertrabekuloplastik bei der Behandlung von primaerem Offenwinkelglaukom
    [Efficacy of selective laser trabeculoplasty in the treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma]
  74. Pahor Dušica
    Reduktion der Lichtunterschiedsempfindlichkeit der Netzhaut bei Diabetikern
    [Reduction of retinal light sensitivity in diabetic patients]
  75. Hudovernik Mojca; Pahor Dušica
    Intraocular pressure after phacoemulsification with posterior chamber lens implantation in open-angle glaucoma
  76. Aleman Berthe MP; Raemaekers John MM; Tirelli Umberto; Bortolus Roberto; van't Veer Mars B; Lybeert Marnix LM; Keuning Jo J; Carde Patrice; Tomšič Radka; Vovk Marjeta
    Involved-filed radiotherapy for advanced Hodgkin's lymphoma
  77. Petelin M; Pavlica Z; Batista Urška; Štiblar-Martinčič Draga; Skalerič U
    Effects of periodontal dressings on fibroblasts and gingival wound healing in dogs
  78. Kuzman D; Svetina S; Waugh RE; Žekš B
    Elastic properties of the red blood cell membrane that determine echinocyte deformability
  79. Jilge B; Minassian K; Rattay F; Pinter MM; Gerstenbrand F; Binder H; Dimitrijević MR
    Initiating extension of the lower limbs in subjects with complete spinal cord injury by epidural lumbar cord stimulation
  80. Pahor D; Gračner B
    Veraenderungen der Lichtunterschiedsempfindlichkeit (LUE) der Netzhaut nach der YAG-Laser-Kapsulotomie
    [Changes of retinal light sensitivity after YAG-laser capsulotomy]
  81. Vilfan Tanja; Černila Boštjan; Črešnar Bronislava; Breskvar Katja
    Identification of regulatory elements in stress inducible epimerase promoter from filamentous fungus Rhizopus nigricans
  82. Brvar Miran; Ploj Tom; Koželj Gordana; Možina Martin; Noč Marko; Bunc Matjaž
    Case report: fatal poisoning with Colchicum autumnale
  83. Žolnir-Dovč Manca; Poljak Mario; Eržen Damijan; Šorli Jurij
    Molecular epidemiology of tuberculosis in Slovenia: results of a one-year (2001) nation-wide study
  84. Dornik Ema; Vidmar Gaj; Žumer Maja
    Analiza citiranih virov Obzornika zdravstvene nege
  85. Tomič Viktorija; Svetina-Šorli Petra; Trinkaus Darinka; Šorli Jurij; Widmer Andreas; Trampuž Andrej
    Uspešni nadzor bolnišničnega širjenja proti meticilinu odporne bakterije Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
    [Control of nosocomial spread of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)]
  86. Dželalija Boris; Medić Alan; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Hemoragijska vrućica s bubrežnim sindromom: importirana i/ili autohtona bolest u Zadarskoj regiji
    [Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome: imported or native disease in the Zadar area]
  87. Cedilnik Anton; Gorup Eva C
    Log-konkavni karakter mikrobne rastne krivulje brez lag-faze
    [Log-concave character of microbial growth function without lag phase]
  88. Jeraj Nataša; Romih Rok; Lenasi Helena; Breskvar Katja
    In situ detection of progesterone binding sites in the plasma membrane of the filamentous fungus Rhizopus nigricans
  89. Miletić-Medved Marica; Markotić Alemka; Kuzman Ilija; Marić Zorana; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Epidemija hemoragijske vrućice s bubrežnim sindromom u zajednici liječenih ovisnika o psihoaktivnim drogama u Ivanovcu
    [An outbreak of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in the Ivanovac drug therapeutic community]
  90. Pohar-Marinček Živa; Bračko Matej; Lavrenčak Jaka; Us-Krašovec Marija
    DNA ploidy as a prognostic factor in rhabdomyosarcoma: analysis of 35 cases with image cytometry
  91. Jarm Tomaž; Podobnik Blaž; Serša Gregor; Miklavčič Damijan
    Effect of hydralazine on blood flow, oxygenation, and interstitial fluid pressure in subcutaneous tumors
  92. Škufca Andreja Cirila
    Socialne predstave o raku
    [Social representations about cancer]
  93. Škufca-Smrdel Andreja Cirila
    Experiencing professional strains of nurses, radiation engineers and physicians working at the Institute of oncology in Ljubljana
    [Doživljanje preobremenjenosti medicinski sester, radioloških inženirjev in zdravnikov na Onkološkem inštitutu v Ljubljani]
  94. Premzl Aleš; Kos Janko
    Cysteine and aspartic proteases cathepsins B and D determine the invasiveness of MCF10A neoT cells
    [Cisteinski in aspartatni proteazi katepsina B in D določata invazivnost MCF10A neoT celic]
  95. Zajc Irena; Frangež Leonida; Lah Tamara T
    Expression of cathepsin B is related to tumorigenicity of breast cancer cell lines
    [Izražanje katepsina B je povezano s tumorigenostjo celičnih linij raka dojke]
  96. Kodama Takahide; Satoh Hiroaki; Ueno Takahiro; Homma Shinsuke; Sekizawa Kiyohisa
    Pubic bone metastasis as first manifestation of lung cancer
    [Metastaza sramne kosti kot prvi znak pljučnega raka]
  97. Kaneko Yoshiko; Haraguchi Norihiro; Kodama Takahide; Kagohashi Katsunori; Ishii Yukio; Satoh Hiroaki; Sekizawa Kiyohisa
    Endobronchial metastasis as first manifestation of renal cell carcinoma
    [Endobronhialna metastaza kot prvi znak ledvičnega karcinoma]
  98. Smrdel Uroš; Zwitter Matjaž; Kovač Viljem
    Brain metastases in lung cancer. Impact of prognostic factors on patient survival
    [Možganske metastaze pri bolnikih s pljučnim rakom. Vpliv prognostičnih dejavnikov na preživetje]
  99. Gunde-Cimerman N; Sonjak S; Zalar P; Frisvad JC; Diderichsen B; Plemenitaš A
    Extremophilic fungi in arctic ice: a relationship between adaptation to low temperature and water activity
  100. Bizjak-Mali Lilijana; Bulog Boris
    Histology and ultrastructure of the gut epithelium of the neotenic cave salamander, Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata)

   15.167 15.267 15.367 15.467 15.567 15.667 15.767 15.867 15.967 16.067  

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