biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 17.467-17.566

  1. Hasan Khader M; Parker Dennis L; Alexander Andrew L
    Magnetic resonance water self-diffusion tensor encoding optimization methods for full brain acquisition
  2. Kendall Edward; Gong Zhao; Tuchek John; Obenaus Andre
    Physical and chemical caharacteristics of neurological injury in an avian model of primary generalized epilepsy
  3. Lukanc B; Seliškar A; Pečar J; Butinar J
    Primerjava halotanske in kombinirane intravenske anestezije z midazolamom in butorfanolom pri psih
    [Halothane anaesthesia in comparison with combined intravenous anaesthesia by midazolam and butorphanol in dogs]
  4. Rakuljič-Zelov S; Zadnik T
    Hematološki in biokemični profil krav z zasukom maternice
    [Haematological and biochemical profile of cows affected with with uterine torsion]
  5. Strmšnik L; Pogačnik M; Čebulj-Kadunc N; Kosec M
    Proučevanje pojatvenega cikla in zgodnjega razvoja zarodka pri ovci s transrektalno ultrasonografijo
    [Examination of oestrus cycle and early pregnancy in sheep using transrectal ultrasonography]
  6. Zorman-Rojs O; Krapež U; Grom J; Barlič-Maganja D
    Molecular detection and pathotyping of paramyxovirus type 1 isolates (Newcastle disease virus)
    [Molekularno dokazovanje in tipizacija patogenosti izolatov paramiksovirusov tipa 1 (virusa atipične kokošje kuge)]
  7. Kobal S
    Hematološki profil pri odraslih albino podganah pasme Hsd Cpb, tretiranih s herbicidom 2,4-diklorofenoksiocetno kislino
    [Hematological profile of the adult Hsd Cpb albino breed of rats treated with the herbicide 2,4 dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D)]
  8. Germ Mateja; Mazej Zdenka; Gaberščik Alenka; Haeder Donat-P
    The influence of enhanced UV-B radiation on Batrachium trichophyllum and Potamogeton alpinus - aquatic macrophytes with amphibious character
  9. Gaberščik Alenka; Vončina Meta; Trošt Tadeja; Germ Mateja; Bjoern Lars Olof
    Growth and production of buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) treated with reducted, ambient, and enhanced UV-B radiation
  10. Rozema J; Bjoern LO; Bornman JF; Gaberščik A; Haeder D-P; Trošt T; Germ M; Klisch M; Groeniger A; Sinha RP
    The role of UV-B radiation in aquatic and terrestial ecosystems - an experimental and functional analysis of the evolution of UV-absorbing compounds
  11. Urbanc-Berčič O; Gaberščik A
    The influence of water table fluctuations on nutrient dynamics in the rhizosphere of common reed (Phragmites australis)
  12. Štefančič M; Dragičevič K
    Menarche in secondary schoolgirls drom Velenje (Slovenia)
  13. Pompe-Novak Maruša; Wrischer Mercedez; Ravnikar Maja
    Ultrastructure of chloroplasts in leaves of potato plants infected by potato virus Yntn
  14. Avguštin G; Ramšak A; Peterka M
    Systematics and evolution of ruminal species of the genus Prevotella
  15. Muri Gregor; Čermelj Branko; Faganeli Jadran; Holc Janez
    Determination of black carbon in lacustrine and coastal marine sediments by thermal oxidation
  16. Toman Michael J; Podgornik Samo
    Artificial substrate colonization by macroinvertebrates in a small stream ecosystem
  17. Muri Gregor; Gaberščik Alenka
    Phare interlaboratory studies in Slovenia
  18. Blejec Andrej
    Statistična metoda za analizo odzivov vohalnih celic
  19. Urbančič Gorazd; Waringer Johann A
    The larva and the life cycle of Potamophylax pallidus (Klapalek 1899) (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae)
  20. Urbančič Gorazd
    Contribution to the knowledge of caddisflies (Trichoptera) of the reservoir Ledavsko jezero, NE Slovenia
    [Prispevek k poznavanju mladoletnic (Trichoptera) Ledavskega jezera, SV Slovenija]
  21. Kralj Jasna; Božič Janko
    Activity of attendants after licking and palpating the queen in honeybee (Apis mellifera carnica)
  22. Meglič Vladimir; Virant-Doberlet Meta; Šuštar-Vozlič Jelka; Čokl Andrej
    Isozyme variation in the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
    [Raznovrstnost izoencimov pri stenici vrste Nezara viridula (L.) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)]
  23. Kofler Bojan
    Prispevek k poznavanju razširjenosti in pogostosti Alfonzovega slepega brzca (Anophthalmus alphonsi) (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae)
    [Contribution to the knowldhe of the distribution and frequency of Anophthalmus alphonsi (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Trechinae)]
  24. Babij Valerija; Jogan Nejc
    Ricciocarpos natans (L.) Corda - novoodkrita vrsta jetrenjaka v flori Slovenije
    [Ricciocarpos natans (L.) Corda - newly discovered liverwort species in the Slovenian flora]
  25. Rebeušek Franc; Verovnik Rudi
    Naravovarstveno vrednotenje Radenskega polja pri Grosupljem na podlagi inventarizacije favne dnevnih metuljev (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera)
    [Nature conservation value of Radensko polje near Grosuplje based on the inventory of butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera)]
  26. Vidmar Katarina; Štefančič Marija
    Infant mortality in Celje, Slovenia, in the 19th century
    [Umrljivost dojenčkov v Celju v 19. stoletju]
  27. Tomazo-Ravnik Tatjana; Ivanović Božina
    Anthropologic characteristics of two historical personages of the Petrović-Njegoš dynasty
    [Antropološke značilnosti dveh zgodovinskih osebnosti dinastije Petrović-Njegoš]
  28. Leben-Seljak Petra; Štefančič Marija
    Dental caries in skeletal samples from northeastern Slovenia
    [Karies v skeletnih serijah severovzhodne Slovenije]
  29. Štefančič Marija; Ferenčak Manja
    The influence of temperature conditions in prenatal period on the menarcheal age in girls from the Maribor region
    [Vpliv temperaturnih razmer v prenatalmem obdobju na nastop menarhe pri deklicah iz mariborske regije]
  30. Strel Janko; Kovač Marjeta; Jurak Gregor; Bendarik Jaka; Leskošek Bojan
    Comparison of physical development of school children between 1990 and 2000 on the basis of the data obtained from the sports educational chart
    [Primerjava telesnega razvoja šolske mladine med leti 1990-2000 s pomočjo podatkov športnovzgojnega kartona]
  31. Šajn-Slak Alenka; Vrhovšek Danijel; Kosi Gorazd
    Eutrophication of Šmartinsko lake and its multiple use
    [Evtrofikacija Šmartinskega jezera in večnamenska uporaba]
  32. Regvar Marjana; Groznik Nevenka; Goljevšček Karmen; Gogala Nada
    Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi at various differentially managed ecosystems in Slovenia
    [Raznolikost arbuskularno mikoriznih gliv v različnih vplivanih ekosistemih v Sloveniji]
  33. Trošt Tadeja; Gaberščik Alenka
    The effect of enhanced UV-B radiation on Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) needles of two different age classes
    [Vpiv povečanega UV-B sevanja na iglice smreke (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) dveh starostnih razredov]
  34. Grgič Tanja; Kos Ivan
    Temperature preference in some centipede species of the genus Lithobius Leach, 1814 (Chilopoda : Lithobiidae)
    [Temperaturna preferenca nekaterih vrst strig rodu Lithobius Leach, 1814 (Chilopoda : Lithobiidae)]
  35. Plazar Janja; Jogan Nejc
    Skupina smrdljičke (Geranium robertianum agg.) v Sloveniji
  36. Vrezec Al
    The breeding density of Eurasian scops owl Otus scops in urban areas of Pelješac peninsula in southern Dalmatia
    [Gnezditvena gostota velikega skovika Otus scops v urbanih okoljih polotoka Pelješac v južni Dalmaciji]
  37. Trontelj Peter
    Popis kosca Crex crex v Sloveniji leta 1999 kaže na kratkoročno stabilno populacijo
    [The 1999 Slovenian corncrake Crex crex census indicates short-term stable population]
  38. Fišer Cene; Kostanjšek Rok
    Prispevek k poznavanju favne pajkov skakačev v Sloveniji (Araneae, Salticidae)
    [Contribution to the knowledge of the jumping spiders fauna in Slovenia (Araneae, Salticidae)]
  39. Frajman Božo; Fišer Cene
    Prispevek k poznavanju opraševalcev vrst Euphorbia nicaeensis All. in E. lucida W. and K.
    [A contribution to the knowledge of Euphorbia nicaeensis All. in E. lucida W. and K.pollinators]
  40. Kostanjšek Rok; Štrus Jasna; Avguštin Gorazd
    Genetic diversity of bacteria associated with the hindgut of the terrestrial crustacean Porcellio scaber (Crustacea: Isopoda)
  41. Potočnik Hubert; Kljun Franc; Račnik Jožko; Skrbinšek Tomaž; Adamič Miha; Kos Ivan
    Experience obtained from box trapping and handling wildcats in Slovenia
  42. Pompe-Novak Maruša; Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja; Popovič Tatjana; Štrukelj Borut; Ravnikar Maja
    The impact of potato cysteine proteinases in plant growth and development
  43. Fatur T; Tušek M; Falnoga I; Ščančar J; Lah TT; Filipič M
    DNA damage and metallothionein synthesis in human hepatoma cells (HepG2) exposed to cadmium
  44. Jersabek CD; Brancelj A; Stoch F; Schabetsberger R
    Distribution and ecology of copepods in mountainous regions of the Eastern Alps
  45. Jogan Nejc; Plazar Janja
    Lonicera japonica Thunb. - nova natularizirana vrsta slovenske flore
    [Lonicera japonica Thunb. - new naturalized plant species in Slovenian flora]
  46. Ambrožič-Dolinšek J; Camloh M; Bohanec B; Žel J
    Apospory in leaf culture of staghorn fern (Platycerium bifurcatum)
  47. Žerovnik Eva; Pompe-Novak Maruša; Škarabot Miha; Ravnikar Maja; Muševič Igor; Turk Vito
    Human stefin B readily forms amyoid fibrils in vitro
  48. Krušnik Ciril; Urbanič Gorazd
    Preliminary list of Slovenian Trichoptera
  49. Muri G; Čermelj B; Faganeli J; Brancelj A
    Black carbon in Slovenian alpine lacustrine sediments
  50. Mulec Janez; Starčič Marjanca; Žgur-Bertok Darja
    F-like plasmid sequences in enteric bacteria of diverse origin, with implication of horizontal transfer and plasmid host range
  51. Bulog Boris; Mihajl Katarina; Jeran Zvonka; Toman Mihael J
    Trace element concentrations in the tissues of Proteus anguinus (Amphibia, Caudata) and the surrounding environment
  52. Schrader Š; Horseman G; Čokl A
    Directional sensitivity of wind-sensitive giant interneurons in the cave cricket Troglophilus neglectus
  53. Berne Sabina; Križaj Igor; Pohleven Franc; Turk Tom; Maček Peter; Sepčić Keistina
    Pleurotus and Agrocybe hemolysins, new proteins hypothetically involved in fungal fruiting
  54. Bačič Tinka; Jogan Nejc
    Multivariate morphometric study of the Bromus erectus group (Poaceae-Bromeae) in Slovenia
  55. Drobne Damijana; Rupnik Maja; Lapanje Aleš; Štrus Jasna; Janc Miha
    Isopod gut microflora parameters as endpoints in toxicity studies
  56. Storch V; Štrus J; Brandt A
    Microscopic anatomy and ultrastructure of the digestive system of Natatolona obtusata (Vanhoeffen, 1914) (Crustacea, Isopoda)
  57. Starčič Marjanca; Johnson James R; Stell Adam L; van der Goot Jeanet; Hendriks Henno GCJM; van Vorstenbosch Camillo; van Dijk Linda; Gaastra Wim
    Haemolytic Escherichia coli isolated from dogs with diarrhea have characteristics of both uropathogenic and necrotoxigenic strains
  58. Rubinič Borut; Vrezec Al
    Prispevek k poznavanju smrtnosti ptic na cestah v Sloveniji
    [A contribution to the knowledge of bird mortality on Slovene roads]
  59. Zdravič Franjo
    Zdravljenje opeklin v izjemnih razmerah
    [Treatment of burns in exceptional conditions]
  60. Šipek-Dolničar A; Hojnik M; Božič B; Vizjak A; Rozman B; Ferluga D
    Clinical presentations and vascular histopathology in autopsied patients with systemic erythematosus and anticardiolipin antibodies
  61. Vraspir-Porenta Olga
    Tehnika avtohistoradiografije na nekaterih organih mišk po injekciji človeških serumskih albuminov markiranih z 131J (RIHSA)
    [Autoradiography technique fore some mice tissues after a single injection of RISHA labelled with 131J]
  62. Trontelj Jože
    Merjenje živčno-mišičnega drgeta, združeno s tensilonskim preskusom - nova diagnostična tehnika za miastenijo gravis
    [Measurement of neuromuscular jitter associated with tensilon test: a new diagnostic method for myasthenia gravis]
  63. Vavken Evgen; Benedik Martin; Jeglič Anton; Vodovnik Lojze
    Implantirana funkcionalna elektronska opornica za skeletno muskulaturo
    [Implanted functional electronic brace for skeletal muscles]
  64. Jagodic Anton; Mazovec Majda
    Fonokardiogram pri umetnih srčnih zaklopkah
    [Phonocardiography of artificial heart valves]
  65. Varl Bojan; Kastelic Boris
    Thyreoiditis subacuta de Quervain
    [Subacute de Quervain's thyroiditis]
  66. Tavčar Danilo; Kranjec Igor
    K morfologiji in histogenezi gigantocelularnih epulisov
    [Morphology and histogenesis of giant cell epulis]
  67. Schauer Primož; Likar Miha; Japelj Miha
    Preskus protivirusne dejavnosti derivatov tiazolidinocetne in tiofenkarbonske kisline: I. preprečitev razvoja citopatogenig sprememb v celicah v kulturi in razmnoževanja virusov v kurjih plodovih
  68. Vozelj Marjan
    Osamitev C-reaktivnega proteina in pripravljanje ustreznega antiseruma
    [Isolation of C-reactive protein and preparation of c_reactive protein antiserum]
  69. Vargazon Nevenka; Reiner Danica
    Antibiotična terapija pri salmoneloznih infekcijah otrok
    [Antibiotic therapy in cases of salmonella infections with children]
  70. Žargi Rado
    Enterični virusi povzročitelji endemičnega seroznega meningitisa na slovenskem ozemlju
    [Enteroviruses causing the endemic serous meningitis on the territory of Slovenia]
  71. Erjavec Franc
    Novejši pogledi na način delovanja glukokortikoidov
    [New views on glucocortocoid action]
  72. Zajc Franc
    Zdravljenje herpesa roženice
    [Treatment of herpetic keratitis]
  73. Vadnjal Alma; Belhar Peter
    Salmonele pri klavni živini na klavnicah in v predelovalnicah mesa na Gorenjskem
    [Salmonellas isolated from animals in slaughter houses and cannereies in Gorenjska]
  74. Senčar Miljan
    Kongenitalna subtotalna agenezija sakruma, kombinirana z luksacijo kolka
    [Congenital subtotal agenesia of sacrum combined with congenital displacement of hip joint]
  75. Vidmar Stane; Orel Janez; Benedik Martin
    Benigni tumorji in ciste požiralnika
    [Benign tumors and cysts of the oesophagus]
  76. Stražiščar Štefan; Turk Vito
    Kolagenolitski katepsin iz poskusnega granuloma in njegovo delovanje na kolagen
    [Collagenolytic cathepsin of experimental granuloma and its action on collagen]
  77. Turk Josip; Jagodic Anton; Kenda Miran
    Postinfarktni sindrom
    [Postmyocardial infarction syndrome]
  78. Varl Bojan; Kocijančič Andreja; Rosina Mira; Karo Franc
    Obravnava sedmih primerov primarnega hiperparatiroidizma in ene hiperparatiroidne krize
    [Clinical study of seven primary hyperparathyroidism cases and one of hyperparathyroid crisi]
  79. Zaveršnik Herbert; Ačko Martin
    Zdravljenje kronično agresivnega hepatitisa z D-penicilaminom
    [The cure of chronically aggressive hepatitis by D-penicillamin]
  80. Žargi Rado; Furman-Jakopič Mart
    Enteroviroze pri nas
    [Enteroviroses in Slovenia]
  81. Sedlar Danuška
    Diagnostični kriteriji in terapevtski problemi pri gramnegativni sepsi
    [Diagnostic criteria and therapeutic problems of gram-negative sepsis]
  82. Zaveršnik Herbert
    Posledice akutnega virusnega hepatitisa
    [The effects of acute virus hepatitis]
  83. Vozelj Marjan
    Preučevanje medija za vzdrževanje Treponema pallidum zunaj telesa
    [Studies of basal media for the Treponemal imobilization test (TPI)]
  84. Pavlica Z; Petelin M; Skalerič U
    Vpliv parodontalne bolezni na sistemsko zdravje rizične populacije psov
    [Influence of periodontal disease on systemic health in dogs]
  85. Gašperšič R; Štiblar-Martinčič D; Skalerič U
    Vpliv podkožnega dovajanja TNF-alfa na razvoj parodontitisa pri podganah
    [Influence of subcutaneous administration of TNF-alpha on experimental periodontitis in rats]
  86. Skalerič U; Gašperšič R; Gašpirc B; Grošelj D; Kovač-Kavčič M; Petelin M; Schara R
    Napotnice za specialista ustnih bolezni in parodontologije - analiza in priporočila za splošnega stomatologa
    [Referral of patients to the specialist for oral medicine and periodontology: analysis and recommendations for the general practitioner]
  87. Mlinar A; Ražem A
    Odziv ustne sluznice na dentalne vsadke
    [Response of the oral mucosa to dental implants]
  88. Cvetko E; Skalerič U
    Radiološka analiza prisotnih zob v čeljustih glede na starost in spol preiskovancev
    [Radiological analysis of tooth loss according to gender and age]
  89. Grošelj D; Ferkolj I; Seme K
    Zdravstveno stanje zob in parodoncija ter razjeda dvanajstnika
    [Health status of soft and hard oral tissues in patients with duodenal ulcer]
  90. Vilfan Draško; Tomaževič Tomaž; Bertole Jože
    Epidemiologija endometrijskega karcinoma
    [Epidemiology of endometrial carcinoma]
  91. Tratnik Marjana; Kastelic Mara
    Kvantitativna urinokultura - poskus ocene učinkovitosti kemoterapevtikov
    [The quantitative culture of urine - some observations on sensitivity to chemotherapeutics]
  92. Zupančič Stane
    Angiopatije diabetikov
    [Diabetic angiopathies]
  93. Stergar Stane; Žel Tone
    Vzroki slepote v SR Sloveniji
    [The causes of blindness in the SR Slovenia]
  94. Turk Josip
    Endocarditis bacterialis: sodobni pogledi na etiopatogenezo in diagnostiko
    [Bacterial endocarditis]
  95. Truelzsch Konrad; Rinder Heinz; Trček Janja; Bader Lutz; Wilhelm Ulrike; Heesemann Juergen
    "Staphylococcus pettenkoferi" a novel staphylococcal species isolated from clinical specimens
  96. Trobec Roman; Geršak Borut; Hren Rok
    Body surface mapping after partial left ventriculotomy
  97. Colleoni Marco; Gelber Shari; Coates Alan S; Castiglione-Gertsch Monica; Gelber Richard D; Price Karen; Rudenstam Carl-Magnus; Lindtner Jurij; Collins John; Thuerlimann Beat
    Influence of endocrine-related factors on response to perioperative chemotherapy for patients with node-negative breast cancer
  98. Alexander FE; Schairer C; Brinton LA; Nomura AMJ; Hislop TG; Bain C; Siskind V; Rohan TE; Primic-Žakelj Maja; Ravnihar Božena
    Familial breast cancer: collaborative reanalysis of individual data from 52 epidemiological studies including 58 209 women with breast cancer and 101 986 women without the disease
  99. Šebenik Matjaž; Ackroyd Rocky; Pogačnik Ana
    High volume fine-needle aspiration: Slovenian experience
  100. Novaković Srdjan; Fras Peter A; Jezeršek-Novaković Barbara
    Telomerase activity as a biological marker in some gynecological tumors: comparison with tissue and serum CA 125

   16.967 17.067 17.167 17.267 17.367 17.467 17.567 17.667 17.767 17.867  

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