biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 25.367-25.466

  1. Ferluga Dušan; Jerše Maja; Vizjak Alenka; Hvala Anastazija; Rozman Blaž; Kos-Golja Mojca; Bren Andrej F
    Correlation among WHO classes, histomorphologic patterns of glomerulonephritis and glomerular immune deposits in SLE
  2. Holc Iztok; Pahor Artur; Krajnc Ivan
    Wegener's granulomatosis - a diagnostic challenge
  3. Rott Tomaž; Vizjak Alenka; Koselj Mira
    ANCA-associated vasculitis - an autopsy study
  4. Vizjak Alenka; Nagode Breda; Rott Tomaž; Koselj Mira; Rozman Blaž; Kaplan-Pavlovčič Staša; Košnik Mitja; Petric Vlasta; Ferluga Dušan
    Antineutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies-antigen specificity and associated diseases
  5. Iglič Aleš; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Majhenc Janja
    Cylindrical shapes of closed lipid bilayer structures correspond to an extreme area difference between the two monolayers of the bilayer
  6. Bošnjak Roman; Dolenc Vinko V; Pregelj Rado; Kralj Alojz
    Motor response of the leg muscles produced by position-selective stimulation of spinal nerve roots
  7. Derganc Jure; Božič Bojan; Svetina Saša; Žekš Boštjan
    Stability analysis of micropipette aspiration of neutrophils
  8. Benčina D; Dovč P; Mueller-Premru M; Avšič-Županc T; Sočan M; Beović B; Arnež M; Narat M
    Intrathecal synthesis of specific antibodies in patients with invasion of the central nervous system by Mycoplasma pneumoniae
  9. Kolpakov Jurij; Tavčar Rok; Kobal Miloš F
    Napovedni dejavniki desetletne prognoze shizofrenije
    [The prognostic factors in the ten-years outcome of schizophrenia]
  10. Hitejc Zdenka
    Vzdrževanje stikov družine z otrokom z motnjo v duševnem razvoju v centru Dolfke Boštjančič
    [Maintaining relations between mentally handicapped children and their families in the Center Dolfka Bostjancic]
  11. Albreht Tit
    Analiza skladnosti odpustnih diagnoz z mednarodno klasifikacijo bolezni 9. revizije in ustreznosti kodiranja le-teh na internističnih in pljučnih oddelkih nekaterih slovenskih bolnišnic
    [Analysis of the compatibility of discharge diagnoses with the international classification of diseases, 9th revision, and of adequacy of their coding at internal medicine and pulmonary departments of some Slovenian hospitals]
  12. Rexrode Kathryn M; Carey Vincent J; Hennekens Charles H; Walters Ellen E; Graham Colditz A; Stampfer Meir J; Willett Walter C; Manson JoAnn E
    Abdominalna (viscelarna) debelost in koronarna bolezen srca pri ženskah
    [Abdominal adiposity and coronary heart disease in women]
  13. Small Joyce G; Hirsch Steven R; Arvantis Lisa A; Miller Barbara G; Link Christopher G G
    Kvetiapin pri bolnikih s shizofrenijo: dvojna slepa primerjava visokega in nizkega odmerka s placebom
    [Quetiapine in patients with schizophrenia]
  14. Purdon Scot E; Jones Barry D W; Stip Emanuel; Labelle Alan; Addington Don; David Stacy R; Breier Alan; Tollefson Gary D
    Nevropsihološke spremembe pri zgodnji fazi shizofrenije med 12-mesečnim zdravljenjem z olanzapinom, risperidonom ali haloperidolom
    [Neuropsychological change in early phase schizophrenia during 12 months of treatment with olanzapine, risperdol, or haloperidol]
  15. Štabuc B; Markovič A; Plesničar A; Cizelj TE
    Double modulation of 5-fluorouracil by leucovorin and low-dose methotrexate in advanced colorectal cancer
  16. Serša G; Štabuc B; Čemažar M; Miklavčič D; Rudolf Z
    Electrochemotherapy with cisplatin: the systemic antitumour effectiveness of cisplatin can be potentiated locally by the application of electric pulses in the treatment of malignant melanoma skin metastases
  17. Soomets Ursel; Lindgren Maria; Gallet Xavier; Haellbrink Mattias; Elmquist Anna; Balaspiri Lajos; Zorko Matjaž; Pooga Margus; Brasseur Robert; Langel Uelo
    Deletion analogues of transportan
  18. Kern Izidor; Kecelj Peter; Košnik Mitja; Mermolja Milivoj
    Mnogojedrne velikanke v bronhoalveolarnih izpirkih
    [Multinucleated giant cells in bronchoalveolar lavage]
  19. Strojnik Tadej
    Zdravljenje hudih poškodb možganov s spremljanjem intrakranialnega tlaka in možganskega prekrvitvenega tlaka
    [Treatment of severe brain injuries with monitoring of intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure]
  20. Tepeš Bojan
    Primerjava dveh trotirnih antimikrobnih shem zdravljenja okužbe z bakterijo Helicobacter pylori
    [The comparisson of two antimicrobial triple therapies of Helicobacter pylori infection]
  21. Velenšek-Prestor Veronika; Rakovec Peter; Koželj Mirta; Jereb Berta; Kržišnik Ciril
    Pomen sledenja srčne funkcije pri mladostnikih, zdravljenih z antraciklini zaradi raka v otroštvu
    [Importance of follow up of cardiac function after treatment with anthracyclines for cancer in childhood]
  22. Hraška Viktor; Sojak Vladimir; Kaldararova Monika; Siman Jaroslav; Mašura Jozef; Krevs Nedeljko; Mazić Uroš; Vesel Samo; Gaber Brane; Podnar Tomaž
    Results of anatomic correction of transposition of the great arteries in Slovakia and Slovenia
    [Rezultati anatomske korekcije transpozicije velikih arterij na Slovaškem in v Sloveniji]
  23. Gardaševič Ivana
    Slikanje z magnetno resonanco v diagnostiki sakroiliitisov iz skupine seronegativnih spondiloartritisov
    [Magnetic resonance imaging in diagnostic of sacroiliitides as a part of seronagative spondyloarthritides]
  24. Gril Iztok; Jug Marko
    Pomen Schwannovih celic za vzdrževanje regeneracije senzoričnih aksonov pri podgani
    [The role of Schwann cells in maintaining regeneration of sensory axons in the rat]
  25. Poredoš Pavel; Kek Anita
    Relation of blunted dilation of the brachial artery in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus to microalbuminuria
  26. Malovrh Tadej; Škoberne Mojca; Gruntar Igor; Kotnik Vladimir
    The cell-mediated immune response to Borrelia afzelii, garinii and bugdorferi in C57BL/6 mice is dependent on antigen specificity
  27. Tome Davorin
    Winter diet of the long-eared owl Asio otus in Slovenia
    [Zimska prehrana male uharice Asio otus v Sloveniji]
  28. Cencič A; LeFevre F; Koren S; La Bonnardiere C
    Tetracycline-controlled expression of glycosylated porcine interferon-gamma in mammalian cells
  29. Kogovšek-Vidmar Tatjana; Pečar-Čad Silva
    Sistemske novosti, promocija zdravja v javnih lekarnah in izdaja zdravil za zdravljenje duševnih bolezni
    [Systemic novelties, health promotion in the community pharmacies and dispensing of drugs for the treatment of mental illness]
  30. Mariniello Giuseppe; Horvat Alenka; Popović Mara; Dolenc Vinko V
    Cellular dumbbell schwannoma of the hypoglossal nerve presenting without hypoglossal nerve palsy
  31. Popović M; Bresjanac M; Sketelj J
    Role of axion-deprived Scwann cells in perineurial regeneration in the rat sciatic nerve
  32. Pečar-Čad Silva; Oražem Andreja
    Ambulantno predpisovanje zdravil
  33. Hovnik-Keršmanc Marjetka
    Raba alkohola in vpliv na zdravje
  34. Rok-Simon Mateja
  35. Grobovšek-Opara Sonja; Rok-Simon Mateja
  36. Grobovšek-Opara Sonja
    Dejavnost specialističnih ambulant na sekundarni ravni
  37. Teržan Metka
    Zdravstveno stanje delavcev
  38. Arhar Darja
    Patronažno varstvo
  39. Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Ivas Nada
    Dejavnost osnovnega zdravstvenega varstva za odraslo populacijo
  40. Brcar-Štrukelj Polona
    Zdravstveno varstvo šolarjev in mladine
  41. Kirar-Fazarinc Irena
    Zdravstveno varstvo žensk
  42. Šelb Jožica; Kravanja Miloš
  43. Gruntar-Činč M; Jordan-Markočic O
    Using the Verona Benchmark to introduce health promotion concepts and the investment for health approach in the city of Nova Gorica, Slovenia
  44. Fidler A; Likar B; Pernuš F; Skalerič U
    Vpliv dolgotrajnosti razvijalca na natančnost digitalne subatrakcijske radiografije
    [Influence of developer exhaustion on accuracy of digital subtraction radiography]
  45. Cvetko E; Skalerič U
    Prisotnost in stopnja nagnjenosti drugih stalnih kočnikov na osnovi analize panoramskih rentgenskih posnetkov
    [Roentgenographic analysis of inclined second molars]
  46. Grošelj D; Rener-Sitar K
    Subgingivalni zobni kamen po nekirurškem zdravljenju
    [Residual subgingival calculus following nonsurgical treatment]
  47. Kovač-Kavčič M; Skalerič U
    Rizični dejavniki napredovanja parodontalne bolezni
    [Risk factors for the progression of periodontal disease]
  48. Petelin M; Schara R; Kovač-Kavčič M; Batista U; Skalerič U
    Pomen in primerjava gingivalnih obvez
    [Comparison of three periodontal dressings]
  49. Pols HAP; Felsenberg D; Hanley DA; Štepan J; Munoz-Torres M; Wilkin TJ; Qin-Sheng G; Galich AM; Vandormael K; Kocijančič A; et al ;
    Multinational, placebo-controlled, randomized trial of the effects of alendronate on bone density and fracture risk in postmenopausal women with low bone mass: results of the FOSIT study
  50. Štupar Janez; Vrtovec Matjaž; Kocijančič Andreja; Gantar Anton
    Chromium status of tannery workers in relation to metabolic disorders
  51. Jekovec-Vrhovšek Maja; Kocijančič Andreja; Preželj Janez
    Effect of vitamin D and calcium on bone mineral density in children with CP and epilepsy in full-time care
  52. Ettinger Bruce; Black Dennis M; Miltak Bruce H; Knickerbocker Ronald K; Nickelsen Thomas; Genant Harry K; Christiansen Claus; Delmas Pierre D; Zanchetta Jose R; Kocijančič A; et al ;
    Reduction of vertebral fracture risk in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis treated with raloxifene
  53. Polanec J; Pavelič ZP; Myers WL
    Effect of Wnt-1 antisense RNA on the outgrowth of a mammary adenocarcinoma cell line expressing that oncogene
  54. Geršak Ksenija; Lavrenčak Jaka; Us-Krašovec Marija
    DNA ploidy of human granulosa cells from natural and stimulated in vitro fertilization cycles
  55. Šuklar Suzana
    Razširjenost kajenja med medicinskimi sestrami in zdravstvenimi tehniki v Pomurju ter njihova vloga v boju proti kajenju
    [Smoking among nurses and nursing technicians in Pomurje region and their role in the fight against smoking]
  56. Balaban Marija; Zaletel Marija
    Vpliv zdravstvene vzgoje na prehrano osnovnošolca
    [The impact of health education on the eating habits of primary school children]
  57. Dornik Ema
    Poklicna orientiranost študentov zdravstvene nege in zdravstvene vzgoje
    [Professional orientation of students of nursing care and health education]
  58. Kvas Andreja
    Dejavniki tveganja pri bolnikih z ishemično boleznijo srca
    [Risk factors in patients with ishaemic heart disease]
  59. Buček-Hajdarevič Irena; Kardoš Zorica
    Preprečevanje dejavnikov tveganja pred operativnim posegom in po njem
    [Prevention of risk factors before and after surgical procedure]
  60. Peternelj Andreja
    Idejni projekt negovalnega oddelka v Bolnišnici Golnik
    [Conceptual project of a nursing department at the Hospital Golnik]
  61. Smrkolj Špela; Keber Irena
    Ugodni učinki rehabilitacije po srčnem infarktu pri starejših ljudeh
    [Benefits of rehabilitation after myocardial infarction in the elderly]
  62. Grmek-Košnik Irena; Mueller-Premru Manica; Seljak Marija; Pavlica Tatjana; Peternelj Brigita; Pohar Majda; Kolman Jana
    Analiza epidemije stafilokokne zastrupitve s hrano
    [Analysis of the epidemic of staphylococcal food poisoning]
  63. Triller Nadja; Debeljak Andrej; Kecelj Peter; Eržen Damjan; Osolnik Katarina; Kern Izidor; Žolnir-Dovč Manca; Šorli Jurij
    Bronhoskopska diagnostika pljučne tuberkuloze
    [Diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis by flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy]
  64. Zupan Igor; Belčijah Arifi; Kenda Miran F
    Razširjenost dejavnikov ogrožanja za nastanek ateroskleroze pri bolnikih z ugotovljeno koronarno boleznijo srca v ljubljanski in primorski regiji
    [Prevalence of risk factors for atherosclerosis in patients with known coronary heart disease in the Ljubljana and Primorje region]
  65. Rode Mirela
    The role of saliva in the prevention of intraoral complications following irradiation
    [Vloga sline pri preprečevanju intraoralnih zapletov po obsevanju]
  66. Burja S
    Prognostic value of ultrasonic findings of periventricular hyperechogenicity in preterm neonates
  67. Rugelj Darja; Gašperič Ines
    Stoja paraplegikov v kroničnem obdobju
  68. Kragelj Rudi; Erjavec Tatjana
    Ocenjevanje mikrocirkulacije z metodo bližnje infrardeče spektroskopije
  69. Kumar Erika; Zupan Anton; Pražnikar Aleš
    Učinek koencima Q10 na funkcijske zmogljivosti bolnikov z živčno-mišičnimi boleznimi
  70. Brejc Tone
    Poskus rekonceptualizacije teorije izgube pri sprejemanju telesne prizadetosti
  71. Rodenacker Karsten; Bruehl Andreas; Hausner Martina; Kuehn Martin; Liebscher Volkmar; Wagner Michael; Winkler Gerhard; Wuertz Stefan
    Quantification of biofilms in multi-spectral digital volumes from confocal laser-scanning microscopes
  72. Pierret Alain; Moran Chris J; McLachlan Colin B; Kirby John M
    Measurement of root length density in intact samples using x-radiography and image analysis
  73. Brown Sheena M; Napper Ruth M; Mercerl Alison R
    Analysis of structural plasticity in the honey bee brain using the Cavalieri estimator of volume and the disector method
  74. Insausti Ana M; Insausti Ricardo; Cruz-Orive Luis M; Manrique Manuel
    Stereological analysis of the cochlear nuclei of monkey (Macaca fascicularis) after deafferentation
  75. De Bri Edin; Lei Wei
    Biochemical and histological effects of tetracyclines on spontaneous osteoarthritis in guinea pigs
  76. Muche Lutz; Rother Paul; Friesenegger Antje; Geupel Markus
    Evaluation of inhomogeneities in histological structures (cartilage, retina)
  77. Petersen Peter M; Giwercman Aleksander; Gundersen Hans J; Pakkenberg Bente
    Efficient and unbiased tools for quantitating Leydig and Sertoli cells in the testis from testes biopsies
  78. Bertram John F; Cahill Meroe M
    Glomerular capillary growth and cellular hyperplasia in a model of focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis
  79. Johnson Kelli J; Wreford Nigel G; Hoy Wendy G; Betram John F
    Estimating total glomerular number in human kidneys with a physical disector/fractionator combination
  80. Miki Takanori; Harris Simon J; Wilce Peter; Takeuchi Yoshiki; Bedi Kuldip S
    A stereological analysis of the effect of early postnatal ethanol exposure on neuronal numbers in rat dentate gyrus
  81. Pečovnik-Balon Breda; Kavalar Rajko
    Brown tumor in association with secondary hyperparathyroidism: a case report and review of the literature
  82. Pečovnik-Balon B; Krpan D
    Patients with analgetic nephropathy on chronic hemodialysis have a high incidence of severe secondary hyperparathyroidism
  83. Štabuc Borut; Vrhovec Levin; Štabuc-Šilih Mirna; Cizej Tomaž Edvard
    Improved prediction of decreased creatinine clearance by serum cystatin C: use in cancer patients before and during chemotherapy
  84. Polanec J; Seppala I; Rousseau S; Hedman K
    Evaluation of protein-denaturing immunoassays for avidity of immunoglobulin G to rubella virus
  85. Toman Mihael J
    Freshwater ecology in Slovenia: basic and applied research in the chair of ecology
  86. Jogan Nejc
    Dryopteris submontana (Fraser-Jenk. & Jermy) Fraser-Jenk. - neglected species from Dryopteris villarii agg. in the flora of Slovenia
    [Dryopteris submontana (Fraser-Jenk. & Jermy) Fraser-Jenk. - prezrta vrsta iz Dryopteris villarii agg. v flori Slovenije]
  87. Lah TT; Strojnik T; Levičar N; Bervar A; Zajc I; Pilkington G; Kos J
    Clinical and experimental studies of cysteine cathepsins and their inhibitors in human brain tumors
  88. Pleskovič Alojz
    Vloga laparoskopije pri akutnem abdomnu
    [The role of laparoscopy in the management of acute abdomen]
  89. Boršoš Imre; Podboj Jernej
    Iatrogene poškodbe in zapleti pri endoskopski kirurgiji nosu in obnosnih votlin
    [Iatrogenic injuries and complications in endoscopic surgery of the nose and paranasal sinuses]
  90. Stefanovič Milan; Gorenšek Milan; Juteršek Albert; Zorko Tatjana
    Koloskopije pri osebah z nizkim tveganjem karcinoma širokega črevesa
    [Colonoscopy in individuals at low risk for colorectal carcinoma]
  91. Barbič M; Kralj B
    Effect of intra-abdominal position of the bladder neck and stability of its supporting structures on pressure transmission ratio after colposuspension
  92. Babnik-Peskar Darja; Višnar-Perovič Alenka
    Strictures of the male urethra: how to perform and evaluate radiourethrography and sonourethrography to avoid mistakes
    [Zožitev moške sečnice: pravilna izvedba in vrednotenje radiografske in ultrazvočne uretrografije, da se izognemo napakam]
  93. Vidmar Dubravka
    Hydrocolonic sonography in the detection of large bowel disease
    [Hidrokolonsonografija v odkrivanju bolezni širokega črevesa]
  94. Jevtič Vladimir; Praprotnik Anton
    Magnetic resonance arthrography of the glenohumeral joint
    [Magnetnoresonančna artrografija ramenskega sklepa]
  95. Višnar-Perovič Alenka; Aničin Aleksandar; Zupančič Živa; Černelč Bojana; Šmid Lojze; Vidmar Dubravka B; Gorenc Milan
    Ultrasound-guided aspiration biopsy of subclinical regional metastases of head and neck carcinoma
    [Ultrazvočno vodena aspiracijska biopsija prikritih področnih zasevkov karcinoma glave in vratu]
  96. Jamar Breda; Šurlan Katarina
    Defecography: a report on 35 cases
    [Defekografija: poročilo o 35 primerih]
  97. Jukić Stjepan; Vrgoč Nedo; Dadić Vlado; Krstulović-Šifner Svjetlana; Piccinetti Corrado; Marčeta Bojan
    Spatial and temporal distributions of some demersal fish populations in the Adriatic sea described by GIS technique
  98. Germ Mateja; Gaberščik Alenka
    The distribution and abundance of macrophytes of the lowland Ižica river (Slovenia)
    [Razporeditev in pogostost makrofitov v nižinski reki Ižici]
  99. Brecelj M; Pikelj F; Gubenšek F; Anderluh G
    Polymerase chain reaction as a diagnostic tool for detecting Leishmania
  100. Čokl Andrej; Virant-Doberlet Meta; Stritih Nataša
    The structure and function of songs emitted by southern green stink bugs from Brazil, Florida, Italy and Slovenia

   24.867 24.967 25.067 25.167 25.267 25.367 25.467 25.567 25.667 25.767  

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