biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 25.567-25.666

  1. Jezerinac Mirna
    Motivacija dijakov Srednje zdravstvene šole v Novem mestu za nadaljnje šolanje
    [Motivation of High school students in Novo mesto for continuing education]
  2. Maleš Andreja; Hoyer Silvestra
    Spolna zloraba otrok
    [Sexual abuse of children]
  3. Škerbinek Ana Ladi
    Poklicna identiteta slovenskih medicinskih sester
    [Professional identity of Slovenian nurses]
  4. Žorž Gojmir
    Ocena erektilne disfunkcije pri obiskovalcih v 19 ambulantah splošne medicine
  5. Peuker Elmar T; White Adrian; Ernst Edzart; Pera Franz; Filler Timm J
    Travmatski zapleti pri akupunkturi: terapevti bi morali poznati anatomijo človeka
    [Traumatic complications of acupuncture: therapists need to know human anatomy]
  6. Langman Michael J; Jensen Dennis M; Watson Douglas J; Harper Sean E; Zhao Peng-Liang; Quan Hui; Bolognese James A; Simon Thomas J
    Neželeni učinki rofekoksiba na zgornja prebavila v primerjavi z nesteroidnimi protivnetnimi zdravili
    [Adverse upper gastrointestinal effect of rofecoxib compared with NSAIDs]
  7. Pastuszak Anne; Schick-Boschetto Betsy; Zuber Carol; Feldkamp Marcia; Pinelli Maria; Sihn Sally; Donnenfeld Alan; McCormack Michael; Leen-Mitchell Marsha; Woodland Cindy
    Izid nosečnosti po jemanju fluoksetina (prozaca) v prvem trimesečju
    [Pregnancy outcome following first-trimester exposure to fluoxetine]
  8. Must Aviva; Spadano Jennifer; Coakley Eugenie H; Field Alison E; Colditz Graham; Dietz William H
    Bolezensko breme, povezano s preveliko težo in debelostjo
    [The disease burden associated with overweight and obesity]
  9. Simončič B
    Aproksimalni del plombe in delna papilotomija
    [Approximal part of the filling and partial papillotomy]
  10. Petelin M; Ivanuša T; Skalerič U
    Ocena izgube ali obnove čeljustne kosti s konvencionalno in računalniško podprto radiološko analizo
    [Alveolar bone loss or gain evaluation with conventional visual radiography and digital substraction radiography]
  11. Kopač I; Sterle M; Batista U
    Vpliv kemičnih retrakcijskih sredstev na celične kulture keratinocitov dlesne
    [The influence of chemical retraction agents on cell cultures of gingival keratinocytes]
  12. Eržen I; Cvetko E; Obreza S; Angaut-Petit D
    Fiber types in the mouse levator auris longus muscle: a convenient preparation to study muscle and nerve plasticity
  13. Bešić N; Auersperg M; Golouh R
    Prognostic factors in follicular carcinoma of the thyroid - a multivariate survival analysis
  14. Michal Michal; Lamovec Janez; Mukenšnabl Petr; Pizinger Karel
    Spiradenocylindromas of the skin: tumors with morphological fatures of spiradenoma and cylindroma in the same lesion: report of 12 cases
  15. Schara M; Nemec M; Pečar S
    The involvement of uric acid in the scavenging of nitroxide radicals by ascorbate
  16. Muić V; Ljubićić M; Vodopija I; Mayer V
    Evidence of seropersistent VDRL test reactivity in an elderly Treponema pallidum-infected population
  17. Simonić E; Kaštelan M; Čabrijan L; Štašić A; Gruber F
    The influence of psychological factors on the development and course of psoriasis
  18. Miljkovič J; Kecelj N; Balkovec V; Penko M; Kansky A
    Darier's disease in Slovenia
  19. Nančovska Irena; Todorovski Ljupčo; Jeglič Anton; Fefer Dušan
    Deterministic predictive models for DC voltage reference source control
  20. Židanik Suzana
    Poraba laboratorijskih testov zdravnikov splošne medicine Zdravstvenega doma Maribor v letih 1997 in 1998
    [Utilization of laboratory tests by general practitioners in Health center, Maribor in year 1997 and 1998]
  21. Skok Pavel; Čeranič Davorin
    Doplerski ultrazvok in barvni energijski žilni prikaz v diagnostiki jetrnih tumorjev
    [Doppler ultrasound and color power angio imaging in liver tumor diagnostics]
  22. Reljič Milan
    Dejavniki ogrožanja za neželen izid nosečnosti pri grozečem splavu v prvem trimesečju
    [Risk factors for an adverse pregnancy outcome in threatened abortion in the first trimester]
  23. Marčun Robert; Trinkaus Darinka; Košnik Mitja
    Punkcija perikardnega izliva s pomočjo ultrazvočnega kontrasta
    [Contrast echocardiography guided pericardiocentesis]
  24. Verdenik Ivan
    Slovenski referenčni standardi za težo, dolžino in obseg glavice ob rojstvu za določeno gestacijsko starost populacije, rojene v letih 1987-96
    [Slovene reference standards for weight, length and head circumference at birth for given gestational age of population born in years 1987-96]
  25. Malovrh Petra; Barlič Ariana; Podlesek Zdravko; Maček Peter; Menestrina Gianfranco; Anderluh Gregor
    Structure-function studies of tryptophan mutants of equinatoxin II, a sea anemone pore-forming protein
  26. Anderluh G; Barlič A; Potrich C; Maček P; Menestrina G
    Lysine 77 is a key residue in aggregation of eguinatoxin II, a pore-forming toxin from sea anemone Actinia equina
  27. Brancelj Anton; Gorjanc Nataša
    On the presence of Chirocephalus croaticus (Steuer, 1899) in an intermittent lake in SW Slovenia
  28. Sket Boris
    The nature of biodiversity in hypogean waters and how it is endangered
  29. Sket Boris
    Fuxiana yangi g.n., sp.n. (Crustacea: Amphipoda), a "baikaloid" amphipod from the depths of Fuxian Hu, an ancient lake in the karst of Yunnan, China
  30. Sket Boris
    High biodiversity in hypogean waters and its endangerment - the situation in Slovenia, the Dinaric karst, and Europe
  31. Anderluh Gregor; Podlesek Zdravko; Maček Peter
    A common motif in proparts of cnidarian toxins and nematocyst collagens and its putative role
  32. Dolenc Jasna; Vilhar Barbara; Dermastia Marina
    Systemic infection with potato virus YNTN alters the structure and activity of shoot apical meristem in a susceptible potato cultivar
  33. Lešnik Aleksandra; Poboljšaj Katja
    Prispevek k poznavanju favne dvoživk (Amphibia) severovzhodne Slovenije
    [A contribution to the knowledge of amphibian fauna of north-eastern Slovenia]
  34. Bedjanič Matjaž; Pirnat Alja; Šalamun Ali
    Prispevek k poznavanju favne kačjih pastirjev širšega območja ob reki Dravi med Ptujem in Središčem ob Dravi, severovzhodna Slovenija (Insecta: Odonata)
    [A contribution to the knowledge of the dragonfly fauna of broader area along Drava R. between Ptuj and Središče ob Dravi, northeastern Slovenia (Insecta: Odonata)]
  35. Kuntner Matjaž
    Prispevek k poznavanju favnistike in ekologije pajkov severovzhodne Slovenije (Arachnida: Araneae)
    [A faunistic-ecological contribution to the knowledge of the spider fauna of north-eastern Slovenia (Arachnida: Araneae)]
  36. Kersnik J
    Predictive characteristics of users of alternative medicine
  37. Kersnik Janko
    Management of sickness absence: a quality improvement study from Slovenia
  38. Kenda Rajko B; Novljan Gregor; Kenig Anton; Hojker Sergej; Fettich Jure
    Echo-enhanced ultrasound voiding cystography in children: a new approach
  39. Avšič-Županc T; Petrovec M; Furlan P; Kapš R; Elgh F; Lundkvist A
    Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in the Dolenjska region of Slovenia - a 10-year survey
  40. Petek Davorina; Kores-Plesničar Blanka
    Depresivne in anksiozne motnje pri bolnikih s kronično somatsko boleznijo v družinski medicini
    [Depression and anxiety in patients with chronic somatic disease in family practice]
  41. Podobnik Blaž; Miklavčič Damijan
    Influence of hydralazine on interstitial fluid pressure in experimental tumors - a preliminary study
    [Vpliv hydralazina na tlak medcelične tekočine v poskusnih tumorjih]
  42. Čemažar Maja; Auersperg Marija; Serša Gregor
    Antitumor effectiveness of bleomycin on SA-1 tumor after pretreatment with vinblastine
    [Protitumorsko delovanje bleomicina na SA-1 tumorjih po predhodni terapiji z vinblastinom]
  43. Šprem Marina; Babić Damir; Abramić Marija; Miličić Duško; Vrhovec Ivan; Škrk Janez; Osmak Maja
    Cathepsin D and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 in normal, benign and malignant ovarian tissues: a preliminary report
    [Katepsin D in inhibitorji ter aktivatorji plasminogena tipa 1 v normalnem, benignem in malignem ovarijskem tkivu: uvodno poročilo]
  44. Proulx Gary M; El-Agamawi Ahmed Y; Lee Jeffrey R; Orner James B; Czuczman Myron; McCarthy Phillip; Bernstein Zale; Bernstein Steve
    Primary non-Hodgkin's lymphomas of bone: treatment and outcome
    [Primarni ne-Hodgkinov lymphom kosti: zdravljenje in potek bolezni]
  45. Čufer Tanja
    Combined modality treatment with organ preservation in invasive bladder cancer
    [Kombinirano zdravljenje raka sečnega mehurja z možnostjo ohranitve organa]
  46. Bohuslavizki Karl H; Klutmann Susanne; Bruns Juergen; Kroeger Sabine; Bleckmann Christian; Buchert Ralph; Dobrowolskij Dimitrij; Mester Janos; Clausen Malte
    Value of 18F-FDG-PET in clinical management of patients with osteosarcoma
    [Pomen 18F-FDG-PET pri vodenju bolnikov z osteosarkomom]
  47. Bohuslavizki Karl H; Klutmann Susanne; Neuber Karsten; Wedler Juliane; Altenhoff Juergen; Kroeger Sabine; Buchert Ralph; Bleckmann Christian; Clausen Malte
    Correlation of 18F-FDG-PET and histopathology in patients with malignant melanoma
    [Korelacija 18F-FDG-PET s histopatologijo pri bolnikih z malignim melanomom]
  48. Vračko Jožef; Wiechel Karl-Ludvig
    Trypsin level in gallbladder bile and ductitis and width of the cystic duct
  49. Cimerman Nina; Meško-Brguljan Pika; Krašovec Marta; Šuškovič Stanislav; Kos Janko
    Twenty-four hour variations of cystatin C and total cysteine proteinase inhibitors activity in sera from healthy subjects
  50. Cvelbar Martina; Krbavčič Aleš; Dobrovšak-Sourek Vlasta
    Correlation between liquid chromatography size-exclusion chromatography and Kjedahl method for determination of protein content in I. V. immunoglobulin fractions
  51. Kranjec Igor; Černe Andreja
    Vascular complications after percutaneous coronary interventions using abciximab (Reopro TM): prospective evaluation with Doppler color flow imaging
  52. Gole M; Divjak M
    Delovno mesto in delovno vzdušje fizioterapevta
    [Working environment and atmosphere in the physiotherapy ward]
  53. Pavlovčič Vinko; Dolinar Drago; Arnež Zoran
    Femoral head necrosis treated with vascularized iliac crest graft
  54. Hengstman GJD; Van Venrooij WJ; Vencovsky J; Moutsopoulos HM; Van Engelen BGM; Božič B
    The relative prevalence of determatomyositis and polymyositis in Europe exhibits a latitudinal gradient
  55. Herman Srečko; Cop F
    The trabecularly oriented non-cemented hip prosthesis
  56. Herman Srečko
    Intertrochanteric osteotomy of the femur
  57. Gale Nina; Kambič V; Poljak Mario; Coer A; Velkavrh D; Mlačak B
    Chromosomes 7,17 polysomies and overexpression of epidermal growth factor receptor and p53 protein in epithelial hyperplastic laryngeal lesions
  58. Bunc M; Šuput D; Rozman J
    Force transducer for measurement of muscle contraction
  59. Štancar J; Šentjurc M; Schara M
    Fast and accurate characterization of biological membranes by EPR spectral simulatios of nitroxides
  60. Petrovič U; Gunde-Cimerman N; Zalar P
    Xerotolerant mycobiota from high altitude Anapurna soil, Nepal
  61. Weise R; Kreft M; Zorec R; Homann U; Thiel G
    Transient and permanent fusion of vesicles in Zea mays coleoptile protoplasts measured in the cell-attached configuration
  62. Pompe-Kirn Vera; Japelj Barbara; Primic-Žakelj Maja
    Trend incidence pljučnega raka in kadilskih navad pri moških v Sloveniji
    [Trends in lung cancer and smoking habits in the male population of Slovenia]
  63. Debeljak Andrej; Kern Izidor; Triller Nadja; Kecelj Peter
    Transtorakalna igelna aspiracijska biopsija pljuč na Golniku 1998
    [Transthoracic needle aspiration biopsy of lung at Golnik in 1998]
  64. Kocijančič Andreja; Preželj Janez; Gantar-Rott Urška; Kos-Golja Mojca
    Intermitentno ciklično zdravljenje osteoporoze z etidronatom
    [Intermittent cyclical etidronate treatment of osteoporosis]
  65. Ihan-Hren Nataša
    Limfocitne podvrste v kroničnih periapikalnih parodontitisih
    [Lymphocyte subpopulations in chronical periapical parodontitis]
  66. Židanik Miloš; Židanik Suzana
    Pogostnost osebnostnih motenj v psihiatrični ambulanti
    [Personality disorders diagnosed in psychiatric ambulatory care]
  67. Zorn Branko; Virant-Klun Irma; Drobnič Sašo; Tomaževič Tomaž; Talan Tanja; Peterlin Borut; Ravnik-Glavač Metka; Meden-Vrtovec H
    Nosečnost in otroci po metodi neposrednega vnosa semenčice v citoplazmo jajčne celice na Ginekološki kliniki v Ljubljani: retrospektivna študija ob rojstvu 101. otroka
    [Pregnancies and children after intracytoplasmic sperm injection attempt at the Department of obstretics and gynecology in Ljubljana: retrospective study after the birth of 101 children]
  68. Freestone Nicholas S; Ribarič Samo; Mason William T
    The effect of insulin-like growth factor-1 on adult rat cardiac contractility
  69. Perharič Lucija; Shaw Debbie; Colbridge Mark; House Ivan; Leon Christine; Murray Virginia
    Toxicological problems resulting from exposure to traditional remedies and food supplements
  70. Koželj Vesna
    The basis for presurgical orthopedic treatment of infants with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate
  71. Stephenson Joan
    Upanje na izkoreninjenje HIV-a zbledi, zaradi ponovnega pojava virusa po prekinitvi terapije s HAART-om
    [Hopes for HIV eradication dim as stopping HAART allows resurgence]
  72. Cohen Frances; Kemeny Margaret E; Kearney Kathleen A; Zegans Leonard S; Neuhaus John M; Conant Marcus A
    Stalni stres kot napovedni dejavnik za ponavljanje genitalnega herpesa
    [Persistent stress as a pedictor of genital herpes recurrence]
  73. Ettinger Bruce; Black Dennis M; Miltak Bruce H; Knickerbocker Ronald K; Nickelsen Thomas; Genant Harry K; Christiansen Claus; Delmas Pierre D; Zanchetta Jose R; Stakkestad Jacob
    Zmanjšanje tveganja za zlom vretenca pri ženskah v menopavzi, ki imajo osteoporozo in so bile zdravljene z raloksifenom: rezultati triletne randomizirane študije
    [Reduction of vertebral fracture risk in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis treated with raloxifene: results from a 3-year randomized clinical trial]
  74. Shay David K; Holman Robert C; Newman Robert D; Liu Lenna L; Stout James W; Anderson Larry J
    Hospitalizacije zaradi bronhiolitisa pri otrocih v ZDA, 1980-1996
    [Bronchiolitis-associated hospitalisations among US children, 1980-1996]
  75. Mahne Stanislav; Jelačin Tomaž; Mioč Jakov; Guzej Žare; Jakomin Milan
    Poškodbe žolčevodov pri laparoskopski in klasični holecistektomiji
    [Bile duct injuries during laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy]
  76. Tanović H; Akšamija G
    Valorizacija zapletov pri laparoskopskih holecistektomijah v začetnem obdobju na kliniki za abdominalno kirurgijo KCU Sarajevo
    [Evaluation of complications in the initial series of laparoscopic cholecystectomies done at the Department of abdominal surgery, Sarajevo]
  77. Raguž K; Jerković V; Kraljik D; Latić F; Samardžić J; Bano V; Penavić I
    Naše izkušnje z laparoskopskim zdravljenjem malignih bolezni širokega črevesa
    [Our experience with laparoscopic management of colorectal carcinoma]
  78. Klokočovnik Tomislav
    Endoanevrizmorafija anevrizme abdominalne aorte skozi minimalno laparotomijo
    [Endoaneurysmorrhaphy - minimally invasive abdominal aortic aneurysm repair]
  79. Gorenšek Milan
    Vpliv odstranjevanja krvnega strdka pri peptični razjedi na učinkovitost injekcijske skleroterapije
    [Influence of clot removal on the success of injection sclerotherapy in peptic ulcer]
  80. Zorko B; Rozman J; Seliškar A
    Influence of electrical stimulation on regeneration of the radial nerve in dogs
  81. Ihan-Hren N; Gubina M; Ihan A
    Cytotoxic T lymphocytes in periapical granulomas
  82. Boudry Christophe; Coster Michel; Herlin Paulette; Chermant Jean-Louis
    Influence of microscopical magnification on speed and quality of DNA measurement of archival tumors
  83. Boudry Christophe; Coster Michel; Chermant Liliane; Herlin Paulette; Chermant Jean-Louis
    Convex hulls in Z2: application to cell sorting
  84. Janaček Jiri
    Errors of spatial grids estimators of volume and surface area
  85. Overgaard-Larsen Jytte; Gundersen Hans Joergen G
    Virtual test system for global spatial sampling in thick, arbitrarily orientated uniform, random sections
  86. Tang Yong; Nyengaard Jens R; Baandrup Ulrik; Gundersen Hans Joergen G
    Design-based stereology of the human heart
  87. Ruijter Jan M; Christoffels Vincent M; Moorman Antoon FM; Lamers Wouter H
    Densitometric and stereological determination of zonal gene expression in liver
  88. Mueller-Premru Manica; Gubina Marija
    Serotype, antimicrobial susceptibility and clone distribution of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a University hospital
  89. Smrke D; Prinčič J
    Platten- und Schraubenosteo- synthese bei Femurschaftfakturen: Retrospektive Studie von 500 Femurschaftfrakturen
  90. Košir N
    Trendovi u prevenciji zubnog kariesa kod djece u Sloveniji
  91. Čokl Andrej; Virant-Doberlet Mira; McDowell Andrew
    Vibrational directionality in the southern green stink bug, Nezara viridula (L.), is mediated by female song
  92. Kovač Maja; Ravnikar Maja
    The interaction of jasmonic acid, sucrose and light is reflected in photosynthetic pigment metabolism in potatoes grown in vitro
  93. Cameron NG; Birks HJB; Jones JV; Berge F; Catalan J; Flower RJ; Garcia J; Kawecka B; Koinig KA; Šiško M; et al ;
    Surface-sediment and epilithic diatom pH calibration sets for remote European mountain lakes (AL:PE project) and their comparison with the surface waters acidification programme (SWAP) calibration set
  94. Ambrožič-Dolinšek Jana; Camloh Marjana; Žel Jana
    Plant regeneration from scales of the fern Platycerium bifurcatum (Cav.) C. Chr.
  95. Žel Jana; Mlakar-Medved Manja
    The efficient regeneration of the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. Igor in vitro
  96. Stanič Darja; Štrukelj Borut; Štrucl Renata; Demšar Tina; Reavy Brian; Barker Hugh; Žel Jana
    Transformation of Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun by the coat protein gene of PVYntn
  97. Milavec Mojca; Kovač Maja; Ravnikar Maja
    Photosynthetic pigments in potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) cv. Igor after primary infection with potato virus Yntn
  98. Kreft Samo; Pompe Maruša; Ravnikar Maja; Umek Andrej; Štrukelj Borut
    Accumulation rate of rutin is decreased after infection of susceptible potato cultivar with PVYntn
  99. Dolenc Jasna; Dermastia Marina
    Root system of PVYntn-infected potato cultivar "Igor" grown in vitro
  100. Petrovič Nataša; Miersch Otto; Ravnikar Maja; Kovač Maja
    Relation between the endogenous jasmonic acid and decreased potato virus Yntn concentration in potato treated with jasmonic acid

   25.067 25.167 25.267 25.367 25.467 25.567 25.667 25.767 25.867 25.967  

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