biomedicina slovenica |
vo="male" : 1.501-1.600
Mlakar U
Prikaz bolnika s povečanimi bezgavkami in kožnimi infiltrati
1998 ►
Kopčavar-Guček N
Neprepoznana koronarna bolezen pri 68-letnem bolniku
1998 ►
Dvoršak B; Ekart R
Rabdomioliza in akutna ledvična odpoved po zlorabi heroina
1998 ►
Košnik M; Mušič E
Bolnik s kronično urtikarijo in angioedemom
1998 ►
Meznarič-Petruša Mija; Župančič Neža; Krevs Nedeljko
The role of skeletal muscle biopsy in the diagnosis of cardiomyopathy
1998 ►
Klutmann Susanne; Bohuslavizki Karl H; Schulte Ulrike; Kroeger Sabine; Bleckmann Christian; Mester Janos; Clausen Malte
Palliation of painful osseous metastases in patients with prostate cancer using Re-186-HEDP
[Paliativno zdravljenje bolečih kostnih metastaz pri bolnikih s karcinomom prostate z uporabo Re-186-HEDP]
1998 ►
Bunc Matjaž; Drevenšek Gorazd; Budihna Metka; Šuput Dušan
Effects of equinatoxin II from Actinia equina (L.) on isolated rat heart: the role of direct cardiotoxic effects in equinatoxin II lethality
1999 ►
Zorn B; Virant-Klun I
Spremembe kvalitete semena in Slovenci
1998 ►
Zorn B
Biti seropozitiven za HIV in postati oče!
1998 ►
Zorn B; Virant-Klun I; Šinkovec J; Vraspir-Porenta O
Karcinom in situ testisa neplodnih moških
1998 ►
Zorn B; Virant-Klun I; Kolbezen M; Briški A; Drobnič S
Aktivnost encima elastaze v semenski tekočini pri neplodnih moških
1998 ►
Zorn B
Moške indikacije za intrauterno inseminacijo (IUI)
1998 ►
Volavšek Metka
Tumorska neoangiogeneza pri incidentnem karcinomu prostate
1998 ►
Kovač Viljem
The cause of testicular cancer
[Vzroki za nastanek raka testisov]
1998 ►
Denišlič Miro; Meh Duška
Sjogren's syndrome in patients with chronic idiopathic axonal polyneuropathy
1998 ►
Zupan A; Šavrin R; Erjavec T; Kralj A; Karčnik T; Škorjanc H; Obreza P
Effects of respiratory muscle training and electrical stimulation of abdominal muscles on respiratory capabilities in tetraplegic patients
1997 ►
Krajnc Ivan; Vizjak Alenka; Hvala Asta; Jurčić Vesna; Rozman Blaž
The significance of histologic analysis of skin lesions in Porphyria cutanea tarda: lihgt microscopy, electron microscopy immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence analysis
1998 ►
Bren A; Kandus A; Ferluga D
Rapidly progressive renal graft failure associated with interferon-alpha treatment in a patient with chronic myelogenous leukemia
1998 ►
Židanik Miloš
Disociativna fuga: prikaz primera
[Dissociative fugue: case report]
1998 ►
Krajnc I; Vizjak A; Hvala A; Jurčić V; Rozman B
Bedeutung der histopathologiscen Analyse der Hautlaesionen bei Skleromyxoedem: Lichtmikroskopie, Elektronenmikroskopie, Immunhistochemie und Immunfluoreszenzmikroskopie
[Significance of the histopathologic analysis of cutaneous lesions in scleromyxedema: light microscopy, electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence]
1998 ►
Valenčič Vojko; Djordjevič Srdjan; Godina Nada
Comparision of biomechanical characteristics of musculus biceps brachii before and after acute physical exercise in human
1998 ►
Stanonik Marko
Transuretralna mikrovalovna termoterapija - tehnološki dosežek pri zdravljenju BHP
1997 ►
Oblak Ciril
Trajni stenti v spodnjih sečilih
1997 ►
Moser E; Gomišček G; Schuster J; Echsel H
Systematic investigation of degradation effects on spin-spin relaxation times in mouse-liver by low resolution NMR
1989 ►
Moser E; Schuster J; Gomišček G; Echsel H
Systematic investigation of degradation effects on spin-lattice relaxation times in mouse-liver by low resolution NMR
1989 ►
Krajnc Ivan; Rozman Blaž; Pahor Artur
Porphyria cutanea tarda mit schweren Klinischen komplikationen
1998 ►
Remškar Zlata; Fras Zlatko
Antifosfolipidni sindrom: prikaz dveh primerov
[Antiphospholipid syndrome: two cases report]
1998 ►
Anonymous ;
Steklina pri ljudeh v Texasu in New Jerseyu, 1997
[Human rabies - Texas and New Jersey, 1997]
1998 ►
Poredoš Pavel; Žižek Bogomir
Plasma viscosity increase with progression of peripheral arterial atherosclerotic disease
1996 ►
Beović B; Lejko-Zupanc T; Pretnar J
Sequential treatment of deep fungal infections with amphotericin B deoxycholate and amphotericin B colloidal dispersion
1997 ►
Štrumbelj Iztok; Grabar Daniel; Robnik-Lorenčič Slavica; Kotnik-Kevorkijan Božena; Strojnik Tadej
Prikaz bolnika z večkratno odpornimi bakterijami - mikrobiološki pregled
1998 ►
Auer Vladimir; Ðarmanti Avgust; Szepessy Nikolai
Manija po jemanju hormonov nadledvične skorje in kirurškem posegu v splošni anesteziji: predstavitev pacienta
1998 ►
Vodovnik A; Mašera A; Ovčak Z
Immunohistochemistry of spermatocytic seminoma
1998 ►
Živin Marko; Šprah Lilijana; Sket Dušan
Antiparkinsonian potential of interaction of LEK-8829 with bromocriptine
1998 ►
Virant-Klun Irma; Zorn Branko; Štiblar-Martinčič Draga; Meden-Vrtovec Helena
Germ cell apoptosis in human testis
1998 ►
Ombelet W; Stevens K; Vandeput H; Vereecken A; Bosmans E
Andrology in the nineties: modern art in the 2000's. Book of abstracts and miniposters of the international symposium on human reproduction and male subfertility and assisted reproduction; 1998 Apr 22-25; Genk, Belgium
1998 ►
Zorn Branko; Virant-Klun Irma; Meden-Vrtovec Helena
Determination de l'activite enzymatique de l'elastase du liquide seminal. Valeur diagnostique et pronostique du dosage chez l'homme infertile
1997 ►
Virant-Klun Irma; Zorn Branko; Tomaževič Tomaž; Meden-Vrtovec Helena
Influence de la denaturation de l'ADN spermatique sur le potentiel de developpement cellulaire embryonnaire apres injection intracytoplasmique de spermatozoide (ICSI)
1997 ►
Zorn B; Virant-Klun Irma; Sucur V; Vrtovec-Meden H
Stress induced by short-term war affected sperm motility in young men from Slovenia
1998 ►
Virant-Klun I; Zorn B; Meden-Vrtovec H
The effect of sperm DNA denaturation on motility of human spermatozoa
1998 ►
Anonymous ;
Male sterility for motility disorders: etiological factor and treatment. Program and abstract book of the international symposium; 1998 Jan 30-31; Paris, France
1998 ►
Virant-Klun Irma; Zorn B; Bačer-Kermavner L; Meden-Vrtovec H; Tomaževič T
DNA integrity of testicular, epididymal and ejaculated spermatozoa
1996 ►
Virant-Klun I; Zorn B; Debevec M; Meden-Vrtovec H
Sperm DNA denaturation as a possible indicator for the outcome of ICSI
1997 ►
Zorn B; Virant-Klun I; Meden-Vrtovec H
Determination de l'activite enzymatique de l'elastase du liquide seminal. Valeur diagnostique et pronostique du dosage chez l'homme infertile
1998 ►
Virant-Klun Irma; Zorn B; Tomaževič T; Meden-Vrtovec H
Influence de la denaturation de l'ADN spermatique sur le potentiel de developpement cellularie embryonnaire apres injection intracytoplasmique de spermatozoide (ICSI)
1998 ►
Virant-Klun Irma
Nenormalnost dezoksiribonukleinske kisline (DNA) spermijev - nov vidik moške neplodnosti
1995 ►
Zorn Branko; Virant-Klun I
Novosti na področju andrologije v svetovni literaturi
1996 ►
Virant-Klun Irma
Reaktivne oblike kisika (ROS) kot dejavnik moške neplodnosti
1996 ►
Zorn B; Drobnič S; Virant-Klun I; Kolbezen M; Meden-Vrtovec H
ICSI is not influenced by reactive oxygen species production
1997 ►
Zorn B; Drobnič S; Virant-Klun I; Briški A; Kolbezen M; Meden-Vrtovec H
Antibiotic therapy does not influence sperm parameters and ICSI results in elastase-positive infertile men
1997 ►
Virant-Klun I; Zorn B; Debevec M; Meden-Vrtovec H
Sperm DNA denaturation as a possible indicator for the outcome of ICSI
1997 ►
Zorn B; Virant-Klun Irma; Kolbezen M
Clinical use of the triple test (elastase, reactive oxygen species and DNA integrity) for semen evaluation before ICSI
1996 ►
Virant-Klun Irma; Zorn B; Bačer-Kermavner L; Meden-Vrtovec H; Tomaževič T
DNA integrity of testicular, epididymal and ejaculated spermatozoa
1996 ►
Vodovnik A; Ferlan-Marolt V; Gadžijev E
Variegated histological spectrum of HCC simultaneously comprising benign, borderine adenomatous, and malignant features
1996 ►
Kocijančič Andreja
Sindrom suprarenalne feminizacije
1997 ►
Klokočovnik Tomislav
Kirurško zdravljenje iliakalnih anevrizem: prikaz primera
[Surgical reconstruction iliac aneurysm: case report]
1998 ►
Rodi Z; Denić K; Vodušek DB; Štraus I; Vesel M
Short and long-term amplitude variability of intraoperative bulbocavernosus reflex (BCR)
1998 ►
Stankovski Vlado; Kersnič Boštjan; Smrke Dragica; Iglič Aleš; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
Difference in size of hip-joint weight bearing area in male and female population
1998 ►
Dimanco U; Farina D; Coletti-Moja M; Laterza F; Matacchione M; Merletti R; Olcese M; Rosso MG
Recruitment pattern analysis by surface EMG using linear arrays in normal subjects
1998 ►
Kraus J; Mušova Z; Bodaj A; Kožich V; Matoška V; Krejčova Š
Genotype/phenotype correlations in neuromuscular disorders
1998 ►
Derganc M; Gaber B; Lazar I; Grosek Š; Brčič A
Metabolic care of severely burned children - presented through a case of successful treated 8 year old boy with 80% TBSA deep burn
1997 ►
Sedmak Boris
Ultrazvok in ultrazvočno vodena biopsija prostate
1996 ►
Gregorič Milan
Suppression of flexor reflex by transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in spinal cord injured patients
1998 ►
Vračko J; Wiechel KL
How often might a trans-cystic-duct stone extraction be feasible?
1998 ►
Stroemstedt Maria; Waterman Michael R; Haugen Trine B; Tasken Kjetil; Parvinen Martti; Rozman Damjana
Elevated expression of lanosterol 14 alpha-demethylase (CYP51) and the synthesis of oocyte meiosis-activating sterols in postmeiotic germ cells of male rats
1998 ►
Bervar Mojca; Černelč Peter
Zdravljenje čiste aplastične anemije pri bolniku s kronično limfocitno levkemijo
[Treatment of pure red cell aplastic anemia in patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia]
1998 ►
Mlakar Uroš
Mielodisplastični sindrom s pridobljeno korpuskularno hemolitično anemijo in kasnejšim prehodom v AML - prikaz primera
[Myelodysplastic syndrome with acquired corpuscular haemolytic anaemia and later transition in AML - case report]
1998 ►
Pospihalj B; Vodopija N; Ovčak Z; Golouh R
Granulomatous prostatitis: a clinicopathologic study of idiopathic and posttransurethral lesions
1995 ►
Zidar N; Ferluga D
Pathogenesis of radiation-induced vasculopathy of internal carotid artery study of a case
1993 ►
Rotter A; Ferluga D; Jasnić D; Dolenc-Stražar Z; Pirc B; Hvala A
Primary hemangiosarcoma of the heart
1993 ►
Ovčak Z; Mašera A; Staniša O
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the heart
1993 ►
Čebašek Vita
Histokemična in morfometrična analiza mišice latissimus dorsi človeka
1997 ►
Preželj Janez
1998 ►
Preželj Janez
1998 ►
Romih Rok; Jezernik Kristijan; Mašera Andrej
Uroplakins and cytokeratins in the regenerating rat urothelium after sodium saccharin treatment
1998 ►
Bajrović Fajko; Sketelj Janez
Extent of nociceptive dermatomes in adult rats is not primarily maintained by axonal competition
1998 ►
Sketelj Janez; Črne-Finderle Neva; Štrukelj Borut; Trontelj Jože V; Pette Dirk
Acetylcholinesterase mRNA level and synaptic activity in rat muscles depend on nerve-induced pattern of muscle activation
1998 ►
Skok P; Ćeranić D
Color power angio and doppler sonography useful imaging methods for monitoring TIPS
1996 ►
Vodopija Nado; Sedmak Boris; Kolenc Alojzij
Radikalna prostatektomija pri karcinomu prostate
1997 ►
Sedmak Boris
Diagnostični postopki pri raku prostate
1997 ►
Mašera Andrej; Ovčak Zdenka
Nove možnosti v patohistološki diagnostiki karcinoma prostate
1997 ►
Kolenc Alojzij
Benigna hiperplazija prostate (BHP)
1997 ►
Oblak Ciril
Normalna funkcija prostate
1997 ►
Jevtič V
Traumatic lateral atlanto-occipital dislocation with spontaneous bony fusion: a case report
1989 ►
Lerchl Alexander; Nieschlag Eberhard
Impact of environmental temperature on human scrotal temperatures
1996 ►
Spinnato S; Talacchi A; Perini S; Dolenc V; Bricolo A
Conservative treatment of a traumatic direct low-flow carotid-cavernous sinus fistula: a case report
1997 ►
Coskun Yavuz; Bayraktaroglu Ziya
Patološki primer meseca
[Pathological case of the month]
1998 ►
Kores-Plesničar Blanka
Utjecaj neuroleptične terapije na spolne funkcije muškaraca
1995 ►
Starc Vito; Zaletel Marjan; Peterec Daniel
Approximately parabolic dependence of P-R interval length on heart rate during respiratory sinus arrhythmia
1997 ►
Rus Maja; Lindič Jelka; Drinovec Jože
Akumulacija laktata i piruvata u arterijskoj krvi ispitanika nesportista i rekreativaca posle submaksimalnog opterećenja na cikloergometru u ležećem položaju
1984 ►
Gollhofer A; Strojnik V; Rapp W; Schweizer L
Behaviour of triceps surae muscle-tendon complex in different jump conditions
1992 ►
Vodovnik A; Popović M; Praprotnik D
Acute multiple sclerosis simulating brain tumour: a case report
1996 ►
Jogan Hektor
O človeku, ki je iskal sneg v puščavi: klinični primer
1997 ►
Bresjanac M; Sagen J; Seigel G; Paino CL; Kordower J; Gash DM
Xenogeneic adrenal medulla graft rejection rather than survival leads to increased rat striatal tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity
1997 ►
Ahčan U; Arnež ZM; Janko M; Dovšak D
Regeneration of sudomotor and sensory nerve fibres after digital replantation and microneurovascular toe-to-hand transfer
1997 ►
Kuhelj Janez
Mesto intersticijske brahiradioterapije pri zdravljenju raka prostate
1997 ►
Kragelj Borut
Vloga radioterapije v zdravljenju karcinomov prostate
1997 ►
Vrhovec Ivan; Ulaga-Čokl Pia
Resnica o specifičnem antigenu prostate
1997 ►
Primic-Žakelj Maja
Etiologija in smiselnost zgodnjega odkrivanja raka prostate
1997 ►
Pompe-Kirn Vera
Epidemiološke značilnosti raka prostate v Sloveniji
1997 ►
1.001 1.101 1.201 1.301 1.401 1.501 1.601 1.701 1.801 1.901
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