biomedicina slovenica |
vo="middle age" : 1.082-1.181
Stergar E
Kajenje cigaret se v razvitem svetu poslavlja in seli v nerazvite države
1993 ►
Bunta S; Arhanić V; Kocijančić M; Konstantinović S; Janković D
Naša iskustva u terapiji teških oblika akne sa 13-cis retinoičnom kiselinom (roaccutan)
1986 ►
Buturović J; Ponikvar R; Kveder R; Bubić-Filipi J; Puretić Z; Oštrić V; Močivnik M; Molnar V; Jerin L; Drinovec J; Črnuta R
Jugoslovenska multicentrična studija - 91 pacijent, 943 meseca biofiltracije
[Yugoslav multicentric study - 91 patients, 943 months of biofiltration]
1989 ►
Buturović J; Ponikvar R; Drinovec J
Jednokratna doza niskomolekularnog heparina kao antikoagulans tokom hemodijalize
[Single dose of low molecular weight heparin as anticoagulant during hemodialysis]
1989 ►
Kocijančič A; Gantar-Rott U
Utjecaj estrogensko-gestagenskih preparata na brzinu resorpcije kostiju v pomenopauzalnih žena
[Effects of estrogen-gestagen therapy on the rate of bone resorption in postmenopausal women]
1990 ►
Kosin M; Jezernik-Leskovšek J; Geršak B
Hirurška korekcija koarktacije aorte - rani i kasni rezultati
[Surgical repair of coarctation of the aorta: early and late results]
1989 ►
Jamšek M; Možina M
Avtomobilski izpušni plini in zastrupitve z ogljikovim monoksidom
[Exhaust gases and carbon monokside poisoning]
1993 ►
Možina M; Jamšek M
Zloraba benzodiazepinov in zdravljenje akutnih zastrupitev s flumazenilom
[Benzodiazepine abuse and acute poisoning treatment with flumazenil]
1993 ►
Frankič D; Pečar-Čad S; Milovanovič M; Oražem A
Zdravila in psihofizične lastnosti
[Drugs and psychophysical features]
1993 ►
Štefanič B
Naravna smrt v prometu
[Sudden death of natural causes and road accidents]
1993 ►
Kandare F; Štangl B; Šorli J; Bizjak M
Rezultati testova za otkrivanje opstrukcije u malim disajnim putevima u grupi radnika fabrike Sava
1987 ►
Kambič V; Gale N; Ferluga D; Fischinger J; Coer A
Die Bedeutung der immunohistochemischen und histochemischen Methoden zur Klassifizierung der hyperplastischen Aberrationen der Kehlkopfschleimhaut
1993 ►
Jakopič J
Vožnja pod vplivom alkohola - predlogi za drugačno obravnavo
[Driving under the influence of alcohol - some propositions for a different approach]
1993 ►
Horvat M; Noč M; Štajer D; Rode P; Pohar B; Bručan A; Možina M; Milčinski M; Grad A; Fortuna M
Asistirana cirkulacija
1989 ►
Gavrić V; Vlaisavljević V
Validnost diferencijacije solidnih tumora dojke na temelju direktnih ehografskih znakova
1991 ►
Gadžijev E; Pegan V
Naše izkušnje z zdravljenjem hepatocelularnega karcinoma
[Our experience in the treatment of HCC]
1989 ►
Fliser D
Učinkovitost hemodiafiltracije v primerjavi s hemodializo
[The efficiency of hemodiafiltration in comparison to hemodialysis]
1986 ►
Drinovec J; Kandus A; Malovrh M; Varl J; Bren A; Čižman B
Mjesto muromonaba CD3 kot transplantacije organa
1990 ►
Črnelč S; Strle F; Vatovec J; Gros A
Bolniki s prizadetostjo sluha in-ali ravnovesja v poteku lymske bolezni
1990 ►
Frangež I; Frangež M
Računalniška tomografija v stomatologiji
[Computerized tomography in dentistry]
1996 ►
Kuliš M
Napaka v diagnostiki in posledice
[Consequences of incorrect diagnosis]
1996 ►
Kuliš M; Kuliš J
Premolarizacija kočnikov z delno ekstrakcijo s protetičnega vidika
[Premolarization of molars with partial extraction - prosthetic aspects]
1996 ►
Gadžijev E; Stanisavljević D; Ferlan-Marolt V; Grkman J
Hepatobiliary cystadenoma protruding into the common bile duct, mimicking complicated hydatid cyst of the liver: report of a case
1995 ►
Šurlan M; Pavčnik D; Klančar J; Berden P; Knific J
Perkutana transluminalna renalna angioplastika in uporaba žilne opornice
1994 ►
Gabrijelčič T; Gračner R
Kirurško reševanje zapletov pri perkutanih revaskularizacijskih posegih na koronarnih arterijah
1994 ►
Berden P; Šurlan M; Klančar J; Knific J; Pavčnik D
Uspešnost rekanalizacije perifernih arterij z uporabo žilnih opornic
1994 ►
Klančar J; Šurlan M; Berden P; Knific J; Pavčnik D; Čerk M
Perkutana transluminalna angioplastika brahiocefalnih arterij
1994 ►
Knific J; Berden P; Klančar J; Šurlan M; Pavčnik D
Uspešnost zdravljenja sprememb na femoro-poplitealnih in golenskih arterijah s perkutano transluminalno angioplastiko
1994 ►
Berden P; Knific J; Klančar J; Pavčnik D; Šurlan M
Takojšnji in pozni rezultati perkutane transluminalne angioplastike aorto-iliakofemoralnega predela
1994 ►
Roček M; Peregrin J; Roztočil K; Šochman J
Pulse-spray pharmacomechanical thrombolysis: experience and clinical results
1994 ►
Meh D; Denišlič M
Sensory thresholds in older adults: reproducibility and reference values
1995 ►
Meh D; Denišlič M
Influence of age, temperature, sex, height and diazepam on vibration perception
1995 ►
Denišlič M; Meh D; Popović M; Kos-Golja M
Small nerve fibre dysfunction in a patient with Sjoegren's syndrome: neurophysiological and morphological confirmation
1995 ►
Pirečnik Anita; Klančar Slavica
Internistična prva pomoč Kliničnega centra Ljubljana - prikaz dejavnosti v polletnem obdobju
[Internal medicine emergency department of Medical center Ljubljana - presentation of a six-month activity]
1995 ►
Rajšek M; Kovač M; Žnidaršič M
Predbolnišnično izvajanje kardiopulmonalnega oživljanja z vidika zdravnikov splošne nujne medicinske pomoči Ljubljana
[Pre-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation - view of Ljubljana EMS physicians]
1995 ►
Gautam V
A brief introduction to the British emergency medical service
[Kratek uvod v britansko urgentno medicinsko službo]
1995 ►
Skok P
Krvavitev iz prebavil - kako uspešna je endoskopska hemostaza?
[Gastrointestinal haemorrhage - how efficient is endoscopic haemostasis?]
1995 ►
Križman I
Krvavitve iz prebavne cevi - epidemiologija
[Gastrointestinal haemorrhage - epidemiology]
1995 ►
Le-Gall J-R; Lemeshow S
Specific probability models: the customisation technique applied to models for sepsis
1995 ►
Pretnar-Darovec A; Andolšek-Jeras L
Perimenopauza i postmenopauza
1995 ►
Janet Evgen
Poročiolo ZZV Ravne na Koroškem: Epidemiološki dejavnosti na področju drog v Koroški regiji
1995 ►
Štajer D; Noč M; Pernat A; Zidar N; Kržišnik-Zorman S; Možina H
Rupture of free ventricular wall and interventricular septum following acute myocardial infarction
1995 ►
Voga G
Correlation between scoring systems and extent of diagnostic evaluation
1995 ►
Kremžar B; Pintar T
Scoring systems for polytraumatised patients
1995 ►
Pohar B
Intraaortic balloon counterpulsation
1994 ►
Mladenović Vlastimir; Domljan Zlatko; Rozman Blaž; Jajić Ivo; Mihajlović Dimitrije; Ðorđević Jovan; Popović Milan; Dimitrijević Miroslava; Živković Milutin; Campion Giles
Safety and effectiveness of leflunomide in the treatment of patients with active rheumatoid arthritis
1995 ►
Gordon DW; Rosenthal G; Hart J; Sirota R; Baker AL
Zaužitje čaparala: naraščajoč obseg jetrnih okvar zaradi uživanja zdravilnih zelišč: ameriški komentar
[Chaprral ingestion: the broadening spectrum of liver injury caused by herbal medications]
1995 ►
Lam S; Scannell R; Roessler D; Smith MA
Centralni katetri vstavljeni skozi periferno veno v bolnišnici za nujne primere
[Peripherally inserted central catheters in an acute-care hospital]
1995 ►
Čuk N
Bolniki s sladkorno boleznijo in zapleti zaradi nje v letih 1990-94 na območju Zdravstvenega doma Idrija
[Diabetes patients and complications of diabetes in the catchment area of Idrija]
1995 ►
Neumann Hartmut PH; Eng Charis; Mulligan Lois M; Glavač Damjan; Zaeuner Ingeborg; Ponder Bruce A J; Crossey Paul A; Maher Eamonn R; Brauch Hiltrud
Consequences of direct genetic testing for germline mutations in the clinical management of families with multiple endocrine neoplasia, type II
1995 ►
Vidovič N; Kolar G
Vzroki slepote v Sloveniji
[The causes of blindness in Slovenia]
1995 ►
Lazar IM
Odnos zasavskih zdravnikov do zdravega načina življenja
[The disproportion between attitude about healthy life style and behaviour among doctors in Zasavje region]
1995 ►
Šelb J; Kravanja M; Ficko A
Analiza umrljivosti v letu 1994 v Sloveniji
[Mortality analysis in 1994 in Slovenia]
1995 ►
Brenk K; Bucik V; Moravec-Berger D
Bortnerjeva lestvica za merjenje vedenjskega vzorca tipa-A - nekatere psihometrijske lastnosti
1993 ►
Tomori M; Ziherl S
Osebnostne in socialne determinante pri nastanku in razvoju alkoholizma
1990 ►
Ostojič Ž; Steklasa J; Stracenski B
Recidivi varic po operativni odstranitvi vene safene
1993 ►
Davie CA; Pirtošek Z; Barker GJ; Kingsley DP; Miller PH; Lees AJ
Magnetic resonance spectroscopic study of parkinsonism related to boxing
1995 ►
Jolić V
Real-time transabdominalna ultrasonografija - novi postupak mjerenja kuta kontinentnosti u dokazivanju stresne urinarne inkontinence
[Real-time transabdominal ultrasonography - a new method to study the angle of continence in the evaluation stress urinary incontinence]
1995 ►
Grad A; Baloh RW
Vertigo of vascular origin. Clinical and electronystagmographic features in 84 cases
1989 ►
Hamman R; Longridge NS; Mekjavić I; Dickinson J
Effect of age and training schedules on balance improvemet exercises using visual biofeedback
1995 ►
Gaul CA; Mekjavić IB
Helicopter pilot suits for offshore application: A survey of thermal comfort and ergonomic design
1987 ►
Aksentijević D; Kobal J
Isoelectric electroencephalogram (EEG) in brain death patients with cerebrovascular disease
1994 ►
Kos J; Šmid A; Krašovec M; Svetic B; Lenarčič B; Vrhovec I; Škrk J; Turk V
Lysosomal proteases cathepsins D, B, H, L and their inhibitors stefins A and B in head and neck cancer
1995 ►
Kraut A; Logar P; Stirn-Kranjc B
Harmful corticosteroid monotherapy in uveitic patients: two case reports
1991 ►
Takač I; Gorišek B
Liječenje malignoma ovarija citoreduktivnom operacijom
1991 ►
Stupar J; Kanc-Hanzel K; Klemenc B; Gantar A; Miklič M
Chromium status of tannery workers in relation to metabolic disorders
1993 ►
Arnež ZM; Pirjavec A; Valdatta L
Le avulsioni del terzo distale dell'arto inferiore
[Distal third avulsion in the lower limbs]
1995 ►
Smerdu V; Karsch-Mizrachi I; Campione M; Leinwand L; Schiaffino S
Type IIx myosin heavy chain transcripts are expressed in type IIb fibers of human skeletal muscle
1994 ►
Kenda MF; Turk J; Stare J
Sudden death after acute myocardial infarction-nine years of different aspects
1992 ►
Stanimirović A; Kansky A; Basta-Juzbašić A; Škerlev M; Beck T
Hereditary palmoplantar keratoderma, type papulosa, in Croatia
1993 ►
Al-Sabti K; Lloyd DC; Edwards AA; Stegnar P
A survey of lymphocyte chromosomal damage in Slovenian workers exposed to occupational clastogens
1992 ►
Schreiner LJ; Cameron IG; Funduk N; Miljković L; Pintar MM; Kydon DN
Proton NMR spin grouping and exchange in dentin
1991 ►
Mušič E; Tomšič M; Logar D
Gold salt alveolitis in 3 patients with rheumatoid arthritis
[Goldsalzalveolitis bei drei Patienten mit rheumatoider Arthritis]
1995 ►
Arnež ZM; Smith RW; Eder E; Šolinc M; Kersnič M
Breast reconstruction by the free lower transverse rectus abdominis musculocutaneous flap
1988 ►
Arnež ZM; Bajec J; Bardsley AF; Scamp T; Webster MH
Experience with 50 free TRAM flap breast reconstructions
1991 ►
Lister GD; Arnež ZM
Arterial T and Y grafts
1991 ►
Arnež ZM; Scamp T
The bipedicled free TRAM flap
1992 ►
Arnež Z; Tyler M; Giacomarra V; Planinšek F
The radial forearm-lateral arm mega free flap
1994 ►
Hesse S; Luecke D; Maležič M; Bertelt C; Friedrich H; Gregorič M; Mauritz KH
Botulinum toxin treatment for lower limb extensor spasticity in chronic hemiparetic patients
1994 ►
Stefanovska A; Vodovnik L; Benko H; Turk R
Treatment of chronic wounds by means of electric and electromagnetic fields. Part 2. Value of FES parameters for pressure sore treatment
1993 ►
Hovnik-Keršmanc M
Neposredni vzroki smrti po zlomih kolka zaradi slučajnih padcev v Sloveniji
[Immediate causes of death following hip fracture due to accidental fall in Slovenia]
1995 ►
Golouh R; Bračko M
False-positive diagnosis of pelvic chondrosarcoma in a patient with a healing iliac bone fracture: a case report
1994 ►
Rodi Z; Vodušek DB; Denišlič M
Sacral nervous system involvement in patients with multiple sclerosis
1994 ►
Štajer D; Noč M; Horvat M
Is there always a need for urgent surgical treatment of postinfarction ventricular septal rupture?
1994 ►
Šelb Jožica; Kravanja M; Vegnuti Miljana
Health situation in adults in Slovenia, measured by some mortality indices
1994 ►
Sartor F; Thijs L; Staessen JA; Dolenc P; Amery A; Buchet J-P; Claeys F; Fagard R; Lauwerys RR; Lijnen P; Roels H; Rondia D
Environmental lead exposure does not increase blood pressure in the population: evidence from the Cadmibel study
1993 ►
Skalerič U; Kovač-Kavčič M
Periodontal treatment needs according to patient's gender, body weight and smoking
1991 ►
Rott T; Gantar-Rott U; Eržen J; Orel J
Pathologic changes in primary hyperparathyroidism (PH) - differentiation between parathyroid hyperplasia and adenoma
1992 ►
Meh D; Denišlič M
Quantitative assessment of thermal and pain sensitivity
1994 ►
Buturović J; Žemva Ž; Ponikvar R
Filling a dialysis circuit with albumin does not prevent platelet activation during hemodialysis: in vivo study
1994 ►
Denišlič M; Meh D
Neurophysiological assessment of peripheral neuropathy in primary Sjogren's syndrome
1994 ►
Vodušek DB; Plevnik S; Vrtačnik P; Janež J
Detrusor inhibition on selective pudendal nerve stimulation in the perineum
1988 ►
Don Lehmkuhl L; Dimitrijević MR; Zidar J
Lumbosacral evoked potentials (LSEPs) and cortical somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) in patients with lesions of the conus medullaris and cauda equina
1988 ►
Merello M; Pirtošek Z; Bishop S; Lees AJ
Cardiovascular reflexes in Parkinson's disease: effect of domperidone and apomorphine
1992 ►
Zidar J; Baeckman E; Bengtsson A; Henriksson KG
Quantitative EMG and muscle tension in painful muscles in fibromyalgia
1990 ►
Vodušek DB
Pudendal somatosensory evoked potentials
1990 ►
Prestor B; Žgur T; Dolenc VV; Zidar J
Epidural and subpial corticospinal tract potentials evoked by transcutaneous motor cortex stimulation in man
1990 ►
Prestor B; Žgur T; Dolenc VV
Subpially recorded spinal cord evoked potentials during dorsal root entry zone coagulation in cervical and thoracic region
1990 ►
Klopčič-Spevak M; Prevec TS
Evaluation of peripheral nerve regeneration by somatosensory cerebral evoked potentials
1990 ►
Frankel JP; Pirtošek Z; Kempster PA; Bovingdon M; Webster R; Lees AJ; Stern GM
Diurnal differences in response to oral levodopa
1990 ►
482 582 682 782 882 982 1.082 1.182 1.282 1.382
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