biomedicina slovenica

angiolog : 201-300

  1. Robida Andrej
    Underestimation of the severity of pulmonary outflow tract obstruction in the first day of life - Doppler echocardiographic study
  2. Eltohami Ahmed; Robida Andrej
    Arteriovenous malformation of the vein of Galen in a newborn diagnosed with color Doppler examination
  3. Šurlan M; Klančar J; Kuhelj D; Salapura V; Ključevšek T; Stankovič M; Berden P; Kunst T
    Interventional radiology in haemodialysis fistuale and grafts
  4. Šikovec A
    Endoscopic ligation of perforators in chronic venous insufficiency
  5. Mušič M; Cankar K; Finderle Ž
    The correlation between cold perception and skin microcirculatory response to local cooling
  6. Miloševič Z
    Carotid angioplasty and stenting with different cerebral protection devices
  7. Melik Ž; Cankar K
    The effect of diazepam on gender differences in cutaneous LD flux response to local cooling
  8. Lenasi H; Štrucl M
    Effect of regular endurance training on cutaneous postocclusive reactive hyperaemia
  9. Kuhelj D; Šurlan M; Salapura V; Berden P; Klančar J; Ključevšek T; Kunst T; Popovič P; Stankovič M; Glušič M
    Multidetector CTA of peripheral arteries - a new method for pathology detection
  10. Kozak M
    Diagnostic assessment if chronic limb ischemia - basis for therapeutic interventions
  11. Kocijančič I; Miloševič Z
    Acute carotid stent thrombosis: successful treatment with second carotid stent placement
  12. Klokočovnik T
    Treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysms by minilaparotomy
  13. Kecelj-Leskovec N; Planinšek-Ručigaj T; Godić A
    Compression theories about long-stretch snd short-strecth bandages in practice
  14. Horvat-Ledinek A
    Cerebral sinus thrombosis
  15. Flis V; Tetičkovič E
    Three dimensional ultrasound of atherosclerotic plaques in internal carotid artery: comparison of GSM values between symptomatic and asymptomatic pati
  16. Fras Z
    Comprehensive assessment of cardiovascular risk
  17. Eržen B; Šebeštjen M; Šabovič M; Keber I; Poredoš P
    Inflammation parameters in young post-myocardial patients with high or low coronary risk
  18. Eržen B; Šebeštjen M; Šabovič M; Keber I; Poredoš P
    Comparison of endothelial dysfunction in young postmyocardial patients with high or low coronary risk
  19. Černe A; Noč M
    Safety and efficacy of Preclose suturing device after percutaneous coronary procedure
  20. Cankar K; Finderle Ž; Štrucl M
    The effect of calcium-blockers on cutaneous postocclusive reactive hyperaemia
  21. Berden P; Vrtovec M
    Role of CT angiography in diagnosis of traumatic aortic injury
  22. Cerar Majda
    Spirometrija v ambulanti družinske medicine - naše izkušnje
    [Spirometry in general practice setting - our experience]
  23. Košorok Pavle
    Kaj lahko pričakujemo od dnevne bolnišnice
    [What can we expect from day surgery]
  24. Žižek Bogomir
    Najpogostejše motnje srčnega ritma in njihov klinični pomen
    [Most frequent arrhythmias and their clinical importance]
  25. Svoljšak Janez
    Samovlek - nova metoda zdravljenja bolečin v ledveni hrbtenici
    [Self traction as a new method of back pain treatment]
  26. Mulej Marija
    Kako pri bolniku s periferno arterijsko boleznijo preprečujemo srčno-žilne zaplete
    [Patients with peripheral atherosclerotic disease; how to prevent ischaemic cardiovascular events]
  27. Skok Pavel
    Starostniki in refluksna bolezen požiralnika
    [The elderly and reflux disease of the esophagus]
  28. Tepeš Bojan
    Učinki nesteroidnih protivnetnih zdravil na prebavila in vloga zaviralcev protonske črpalke
    [Gastrointestinal side-effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and role of proton pump inhibitors]
  29. Govc-Eržen Jana
    Meritve gleženjskega indeksa v zdravstvenem domu
    [The measurements of ankle - brachial index in primary health care]
  30. Blinc Aleš
    Priporočila za odkrivanje in zdravljenje periferne arterijske bolezni
    [Recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of peripheral arterial disease]
  31. Franić Damir
    Nadomestno hormonsko zdravljenje - kje smo danes?
    [Hormone replacement therapy - where are we today?]
  32. Pinter Bojana
    Mladostnice in kontracepcija
    [Adolescents and contraception]
  33. Kopčavar-Guček Nena
    Kaj bi moral zdravnik družinske medicine vedeti o reproduktivnem zdravju
    [What should a family physician know about reproductive health]
  34. Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka
    Lokalna uporaba nesteroidnih antirevmatikov
  35. Stepanović Aleksander
    Bolnik z bolečino - primera iz ambulante zdravnika družinske medicine
    [Patient with pain - case descriptions from family medicine setting]
  36. Rotar Žiga; Tomšič Matija
    Zdravljenje osteoartroze - paracetamol ali nesteroidni antirevmatiki?
    [Treatment for osteoarthritis - paracetamol or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs?]
  37. Dernovšek Mojca Z
    Shizofrenija in zdravnik družinske medicine
    [Schizophrenia and family physician]
  38. Tomori Martina
    Družinski zdravnik in odnosi v družini
    [Family physician and relations in the family]
  39. Boben-Bardutzky Darja
    Motivacija za zdravljenje odvisnosti
    [Motivation in treatment of addiction]
  40. Snoj Zvezdana
    Depresija pri bolnikih z rakom
    [Depresion in patients with cancer]
  41. Skela-Savič Brigita
    Spremljanje zadovoljstva bolnikov v bolnišnični obravnavi na Onkološkem inštitutu Ljubljana
    [Patient satisfaction evaluation of the hospital care at the Institute of oncology of Ljubljana]
  42. Ihan-Hren Nataša
    Sodobno zdravljenje akutnega bakterijskega rinosinusitisa
    [Contemporary treatment of bacterial rhinosinusitis]
  43. Ihan Alojz
    Spremljanje imunskega stanja
    [Evaluation of immune status]
  44. Poredoš P; Eržen B; Gradišek P
    Arterial wall functional and morphologic changes in arterial hypertension
  45. Farkaš Jerneja; Černe Katja
    Delazmožnost po akutnem koronarnem sindromu in miokardni revaskularizaciji
  46. Starc V
    Effects of hypoxemia and metabolic activity on the density of the perfused capillaries in the muscle tissue
  47. Potočnik N; Arnol M; Marc O; Starc V
    Changes in the finger artery compliance in man during mental stress
  48. Blinc A
    Secondary prevention in peripheral arterial disease - what is the evidence?
  49. Blinc A
    Ankle-brachial index as marker of cardiovascular risk
  50. Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Kopčavar-Guček Nena; Petek Davorina
    Kakovostna obravnava bolnika v družinski medicini: izbrana poglavja s področja vodenja bolnika z rakom, bolečino, psihiatrija, ginekologija, angiologija, gastroenterologija in delavnice. Zbornik predavanj 31. srečanje delovnih skupin; 2005 maj 27-28; Ljubljana
  51. Poredoš Pavel; Blinc Aleš
    What is new in angiology?
  52. Legan Mateja; Vraspir-Porenta Olga; Keše Darja; Zorc-Pleskovič Rusa; Zorc Mateja
    Histopathologic signs for the inflammatory role of Chlamydia pneumoniae in the high-grade atherosclerotic coronary artery wall
  53. Tetičkovič E; Menih M
    Role of 3D ultrasonography in evaluating carotid disease
  54. Šeruga T; Markovič I
    Endosacular coil embolisation of unruptured intracranial artery aneurysms in the posterior cerebral circulation with GDC detachable coils
  55. Lobnik A; Kanič V
    First experience with iloprost in patients with coronary heart disease unsuitable for revascularization
  56. Flis V; Miksić K; Stirn B
    Carotid endarterectomy - results from the Maribor general/teaching hospital
  57. Šebeštjen M; Žegura B; Videčnik V; Keber I
    Determinators of endothelial dysfunction and carotid intima media thickness in combined hyperlipidemia
  58. Blinc Aleš; Fras Zlatko; Jug Borut; Poredoš Pavel
    Book of papers of the 14th congress of the Mediterranean league of angiology and vascular surgery; 2004 June 16-19; Portorož
  59. Kompara Gregor; Granda Samo; Kanič Vojko
    Percutaneous coronary intervention using drug-eluting stents in a young female patients with three-vessel coronary artery disease
  60. Kanič Vojko; Penko M
    Invasive versus conservative treatment of acute coronary syndrome without ST elevation (non ST ACS) in everyday practice
  61. Petrovič Daniel; Bregar Dejan; Gužič-Salobir Barbara; Škof Erik; Špan Matjaž; Terzić Rifet; Globočnik-Petrovič Mojca; Keber Irena; Letonja Mitja; Zorc Marjeta; Podbregar M; Peterlin Borut
    Sex difference in the effect of ACE-DD genotype on the risk of premature myocardial infarction
  62. Pavlovič M; Flis V; Matela J; Košir G; Miksić K
    Use of allopurinol to reduce lower-limb swelling following femoropopliteal bypass grafting
  63. Poredoš P; Golob M; Jensterle M
    Interrelationship between peripheral arterial occlusive disease, carotid atherosclerosis and flow mediated dilation of the brachial artery
  64. Pavlovič M; Matela J; Miksić K; Flis V
    Peripheral congenital arteriovenous fistulae: observe, operate, or obturate?
  65. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the 9th Mediterranean congress of angiology and vascular surgery
  66. Pavlovič Milan; Flis Vojko; Miksić Kazimir
    Does the Taylor patch improve longe-term results of PTFE grafts?
  67. Matela J; Pavlovič M; Miksić K; Flis V
    Peripheral congenital arteriovenous fistulae: observe, operate, or obturate?
  68. Anonymous ;
    Program, abstracts of the 13th Congress of the European chapter of the International union of angiology EUROCHAP' 99 with a pilgrimage to "HIPPOCRATES TEMPLE" on the island Cos; 1999 May 26-30; Rhodes
  69. Žvan B; Zaletel M; Pogačnik T; Kiauta T
    Testing of cerebral endothelium function with L-arginine after stroke
  70. Keber Irena; Lainščak Mitja; Horvat Alojz; Dobovišek Jurij
    Obravnava bolnikov s srčnim popuščanjem v splošni in univerzitetni bolnišnici v letu 1997
    [Treatment of heart failure patients in university and general hospital in 1997]
  71. Zorc Marjeta; Zorc-Pleskovič Ruda; Vraspir-Porenta Olga; Legan Mateja; Petrovič Daniel
    Apoptosis and histopathologic changes in diffuse coronary atherosclerosis
  72. Poredoš P
    Endothelial dysfunction in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
  73. Žižek B; Poredoš P
    Dependence of morphological changes of the carotid arteries on essential hypertension and accompanying risk factors
  74. Prešern-Štrukelj Metka; Poredoš Pavel
    The influence of electrostimulation on the circulation of the remaining leg in patients with one-sided amputation
  75. Salobir Barbara; Šabovič Mišo; Peternel Polona; Stegnar Mojca
    Fibrinolytic parameters and lipoprotein(a) in young women with myocardial infarction
  76. Žegura B; Videčnik V; Šebeštjen M; Keber I
    Factors involved in endothelial dysfunction in early phase after surgical menopause
  77. Lokar L; Urlep-Šalinović V; Zagradišnik B; Kokalj-Vokač N
    Correlation beetwen ProC Global assay and coagulation inhibitor assays
  78. Bombek Mirko; Kanič Vojko
    Interna II: Oddelek za kardiologijo in angiologijo
  79. Samama Meyer Michel; Desnoyers Pierre; Gerotziafas Grigoris T
    Low molecular weight heparins: a comparative review of pharmacodynamic, clinical pharmacology
  80. Samama MM; Kher A
    Anticoagulation: the old and new
  81. Scholz T; Krause S; Finkelberg L; Loesche W
    Detection of small platelet aggregates and their inhibition by glycoprotein IIb/IIIa antagonists in a laser aggregometer
  82. Niessner A; Kaun C; Christiansen G; Pedersen AS; Simon S; Zorn G; Georgopoulos A; Graninger W; Huber K; Wojta J
    Outer membrane protein 11 (OMP 11) and OMP 15 of Chlamydia pneumoniae induce the chemokine interleukin-8 (IL-8) and the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-6 in human endothelial cells in vitro
  83. Weiss T; Macfelda K; Kaun C; Zorn G; Kapeller B; Springer C; Bialy J; Losert UM; Breuss JM; Binder BR
    Inflammatory cytokines and growth factors regulate plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) in human adult cardiac myocytes (HACM)
  84. Miles LA; Green M; Gong A; Jardi M; Felez J
    Monoclonal antibodies detect receptor-induced binding sites (RIBS) in plasminogen induced by its interaction with cells
  85. Barrowcliffe TW; Jardi M; Cancelas JA; Rabaneda M; Fabregas P; Felez J
    Procoagulant activity of T lymphoblastoid cells due to exposure of negatively charged phospholipid
  86. Barrowcliffe TW; Rabaneda M; Gray E; Felez J
    Procoagulant activity of activated endothelial cells - the importance of negatively charged phospholipids
  87. Speidl WS; Graf S; Nikfardjam M; Niessner A; Zorn G; Wojta J; Huber K
    High sensitivity C-reactive protein predicts risk for further coronary events in stable patients with premature coronary artery disease
  88. Hiltunen L; Paunio M; Kaaja R; Vahtera E; Krusius T; Rasi V
    A prospective nested case control study of thromboembolic complications of pregnancy
  89. Kuismanen K; Salonvaara M; Mononen T; Riikonen P
    Treatment of a newborn with neonatal purpura fulminans in a family with hereditary type II protein C deficiency
  90. Niessner A; Hornykewycz S; Joerg M; Zorn G; Graf S; Binder BR; Huber K
    Increased risk of restenosis after successful percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty in patients with permanently elevated anticardiolipin antibodies
  91. Michiels JJ; Kasbergen HAA; Trienekens PH
    Evidence for safe exclusion of deep vein thrombosis (DVT- by a rapid ELISA D-dimer test in 434 consecutive outpatients with suspected DVT
  92. Michiels JJ; Posthuma W; Ponjee GAE; Stef E; Quint WG; van Doorn LJ
    DNA typing for thrombophilia-related factor V leiden and prothrombing G20210A mutations by multiplex PCR and reverse hybridisation LiPA in 473 thrombosis patients
  93. Furlan M
    New strategies in diagnosis and treatment of thrombocitic thrombocytopenic purpura
  94. Vermylen J
    Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia
  95. Prandoni P
    The optimal treatment of venous thrombosis
  96. Vermylen J
    Platelet glycoprotein receptor antagonists
  97. Felez J
    Cell surface associated fibrinolysis
  98. Blinc A
    Transport of fibrinolytic agents as a rate-limiting step in fibrinolysis and thrombolysis
  99. Palareti G
    Laboratory and therapeutic quality control of anticoagulant treatment: an update
  100. Collen D; Lijnen HR
    Recent developments in thrombolytic therapy

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