biomedicina slovenica

dr="Avstrija" : 1.736-1.835

  1. Podobnik Janez
    [Svečana otvoritev]
  2. Anonymous ;
    9. alpenlaendisch-adriatisches Symposium Rehabilitation bei hoher Querschnittlaehmung: schlussberich; 1997 jun 11-14; Bled
    [9. alpsko-jadranski simpozij Rehabilitacija bolnikov z viskoko okvaro hrbtenjače: zaključno poročilo; 1997 jun 11-14; Bled]
  3. Bajd T; Kralj A; Štefančič M; Lavrač N
    FES assisted walking in incomplete SCI subjects: an overview
  4. Prinčič J; Smrke D
    Behandlung grosser Knochendefekte mit aeuberer Fixation und Knochen-segmenttraktion
    [Treatment of large defects of long bones with external fixation and traction of bone segments]
  5. Baraga A
    Behandlung infizierter Defektpseudarthrosen des Unterschenkels mit mikrovaskulaer angeschlossenem freien Lappen
    [Infected defective non-unions of the leg treated by microvascular free tissue transfer]
  6. Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka; Toplak Cirila
    "Choose a lesser of two evils" Vinzenz Kern (1760-1829) and the introduction of vaccination in the Slovenian territories of the Habsburg monarchy - on the 200th anniversary of Jenner's discovery of the small-pox vaccination
  7. Kordaš M
    The renal handling of the substances with a kidney transport maximum
  8. Brauch H; Filipowicz M; Feurer M; Roedl H; Hoefler H; Stoerkel St; Glavač D
    Genetic origin of renal cell carcinoma
  9. Turk Z; Jelenc J; Barovič J
    Einsatz von Laser bei der Behandlung von myofaszialem Syndrom
  10. Lestan A; Volk N; Primic-Žakelj M; Pompe-Kirn V
    Cancer incidence among the personnel of the Institute of oncology in Ljubljana in the period 1965 to 1993
  11. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 6th International symposium epydemiology and occupational risks; 1998 Apr 22-24; Graz
  12. Simoniti F; Weber V
    The results of therapy of ovarian cancer at the department of gynecology and obstetrics in Celje from 1981 to 1990
  13. Gorišek B; Takač I
    The results of ovarian cancer treatment in Maribor
  14. Rakar Stelio
    Management of early stage ovarian cancer
  15. Kralj B; Cvjetičanin B; Fink-Domazed J
    Epidemiology of ovarian cancer
  16. Fras Peter A; Baškovič M; Bebar S; Vakselj A; Uršič-Vrščaj M; Stržinar V
    Changing concepts in confirmation of residual or recurrent ovarian
  17. Kobal B; Rakar S; Ribič-Pucelj M; Tomaževič T; Omahen A; Možina A; Lukanovič A
    Predicting an early ovarian cancer using noninvasive diagnostic methods: is it possible?
  18. Tomaževič Tomaž; Meden-Vrtovec Helena; Valentinčič Brigita
    Gonadotropin - releasing analogues: are they superior to human gonadotropins in patients with endometriosis
  19. Ribič-Pucelj Martina; Meden-Vrtovec Helena
    Nafarelin in the treatment of endometriosis
  20. Meden-Vrtovec Helena
    Therapeutic approach to endometriosis
  21. Anonymous ;
    Program and abstracts of the Alps-Adria-society for gynecology; 1998 Jun 26-27; Graz
  22. Bunc G; Milojković V; Košir G; Kovačič S; Rebol J
    Dumb-bell hypoglossal neurinoma with intra- and extracranial paravertebral expansion
  23. Stirn-Kranjc B; Brecelj J
    Electroretinography and visual evoked potentials in compressive lesion of the visual pathway
  24. Langmann G; Haller E-M
    Program, abstracts, lectures of the 22nd international congress of ophthalmology Alpe Adria; 1998 Oct 8-10; Graz
  25. Stanek Gerold; Strle Franc
    Lyme borreliosis and emerging tick-borne diseases in Europe
  26. Bunc M; Rozman J; Šuput D
    Force transducer for measurement of gill movements in fish
  27. Rozman Janez; Zorko Bojan; Seliškar Alenka
    Regeneration of the radial nerve in the dog influenced by electrical stimulation
  28. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 6th Vienna international workshop on functional electrostimulation: basics, technology, application; 1998 Sep 22-24; Vienna
  29. Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Petrovec Miroslav; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Nicholson William L; Sumner John W; Childs James E; Strle Franc
    Human ehrlichiosis in central Europe
  30. Bavcon J; Druškovič B; Gogala N
    Effects of UV-B radiation on the Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in five years
  31. Anonymous ;
    Cytogenetic studies of forest trees and shrubs - review, present status, and outlook on the future; 1998 Sep 6-11; Graz
  32. Smolar N; Vrhovšek D; Kosi G; Krušnik C
    The ecologically acceptable flow in the context of rational water management of Mediterranean river Rizana
  33. Krušnik C; Kosi G
    New indicator values of diatoms for assessment of water quality in Slovenia
  34. Anonymous ;
    Book of abstracts of the International conference assessing the ecological integrity of running waters; 1998 Nov 9-11; Vienna
  35. Dolenc J; Dermastia M
    Systemic infection with PVYNTN does not severely alter meristem activity in susceptible potato cultivar 'Igor" grown in vitro
  36. Anonymous ;
    Abstracts of the 10th EAPR virology section meeting; 1998 Jul 5-10; Baden
  37. Anonymous ;
    Programme of the Workshop on land recovery and man-made risks; 1998 Nov 16-18; Vienna
  38. Družina Branko
    A short review of the situation regarding monitoring of wastewaters and measurements of certain carcinogenic substances in drinking water
  39. Zorman Milan; Kokol Peter; Podgorelec Vili; Ojsteršek Milan; Brest Janez
    Evaluation of Wold Wide Web sites using neural networks and fractal metrics
  40. Pahor Artur; Krajnc Ivan; Gorenjak Maksimiljan; Holc Iztok
    The clinical significance of antinuclear antibodies in connective tissue disease
  41. Krajnc Ivan
    Skleromyxoedema - Arndt-Gottron: Uebersicht eineer 2jaehrigen Behandlung
    [Scleromyxoedema Arndt-Gottron: a case report over 2-year treatment period]
  42. Krajnc Ivan; Vizjak Alenka; Hvala Asta; Jurčić Vesna; Rozman Blaž
    The significance of histologic analysis of skin lesions in Porphyria cutanea tarda: lihgt microscopy, electron microscopy immunohistochemical and immunofluorescence analysis
  43. Paradiž J; Lovka M
    Plant biossays of possible environmental contamination
  44. Filipič M
    Comparison of short-term mutagenicity assays: results on wastewater and surface water samples
  45. Filipič M; Baričevič D
    Inhibitory effect of Salvia officinalis extracts on SOS functions induced by UV irradiation
  46. Anonymous ;
    Abstract book of the 28th annual meeting of the European environmental mutagen society (EEMS); 1998 Sep 7-10; Salzburg
  47. Krajnc I; Vizjak A; Hvala A; Jurčić V; Rozman B
    Bedeutung der histopathologiscen Analyse der Hautlaesionen bei Skleromyxoedem: Lichtmikroskopie, Elektronenmikroskopie, Immunhistochemie und Immunfluoreszenzmikroskopie
    [Significance of the histopathologic analysis of cutaneous lesions in scleromyxedema: light microscopy, electron microscopy, immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence]
  48. Družina Branko
  49. Anonymous ;
    NATO/CCMS pilot study. Evaluation of demonstrated and emerging technologies for the treatment of contaminated land and groundwater (phase III): annual report, number 228; 1998 Feb 23-27; Vienna
  50. Fokter SK
    Pistenschilauf und die Ruptur des vorderen Kreuzbandes
    [Alpine skiing and anterior cruciate ligament injuries]
  51. Jenny E; Flora G; Berghold F
    Jahrbuch '97. Alpine Notfallmedizin und Rettungswesen im Winter Arbeitsmedizin und Hoehe; 1997; Innsbruck
  52. Derganc M; Gaber B; Lazar I; Grosek Š; Brčič A
    Metabolic care of severely burned children - presented through a case of successful treated 8 year old boy with 80% TBSA deep burn
  53. Anonymous ;
    Advances in the therapy of burn children: abstract of the international symposium; 1997 jul 3-4; Graz
    [Fortschritte in der Therapie von Verbrennungen bei Kindern: Internationales Symposium; 1997 jul 3-4; Graz]
  54. Samardžija Zoran; Čeh Miran; Makovec Darko; Kolar Drago
    Determination of the solubility of cerium in BaTiO3 by quantitative WDS electron probe microanalysis
  55. Benedičič Desimira; Ravnikar Maja; Gogala Nada
    The regeneration of bean plants from meristem culture
  56. Kopacek Peter
    Robotics in Alpe-Adria region. Preprints of the 4th international workshop on robotics in Alpe-Adria region RAA '95 as part of the Central European initiative CEI; 1995 Jul 6-8; Poertschach
  57. Kopacek Peter
    Robotics in Alpe-Adria region. Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop (RAA '93); 1993 Jun; Krems
  58. Spinnato S; Talacchi A; Perini S; Dolenc V; Bricolo A
    Conservative treatment of a traumatic direct low-flow carotid-cavernous sinus fistula: a case report
  59. Boljka M; Stirn B; Zupan M
    Die Fibrinbindung an Mikrovilli der Hornhautepithelzellen bei Fibrinmikroabrasio mit autologen Blut
    [Binding of fibrin to the Microvilli of the corneal epithelial cells during "fibrin micro abrasio" with autologous blood]
  60. Stirn-Kranjc B; Cvenkel B
    Rehabilitation sehschwacher Kinder
    [Rehabilitation of low-vision children]
  61. Anonymous ;
    Oracle openworld. EOUG conference; 1997 Apr; Vienna
  62. Hristovski D
    Using OLAP in the medical and health care sectors
  63. Lončarič D; Turk Z; Jesenšek-Papež B
    Herstellung und Anwendung des Original-Fragebogens (ICIDH; WHO) in der Rehabilitation von Patienten mit Peitschenschlagverletzung der Halswirbelsaeule
  64. Barovič Jože; Turk Z; Fischer G; Kobinger W
    Kriterien fuer die nichtoperative Rehabilitation des Schultergelenkes
  65. Omejc M; Repše F; Jelenc F; Štor Z
    Ergebnisse nach elektiven und Notfalloperationen beim linksseitigen Kolonkarzinom
  66. Repše S; Omejc M; Juvan R; Jelenc F
    Frueh- und Spaetergebnisse der erweiterten und multiviszeralen Resektionen beim Magenkarzinom
  67. Maček J; Novosel B; Družina B; Zakrajšek S
    Determination of gaseous products evolved during incineration and pyrolysis of solid wastes
  68. Pillmann W
    Envirotech Vienna 1992. Proceedings of the Industrial waste management: waste reduction and treatment site remediation and water purification; 1992 Apr 22-24; Vienna
  69. Družina B; Maček J; Novosel B; Zakrajšek S
    Treatment of hazardous wastes within the new law on environmental protection in Slovenia
  70. Anonymous ;
    Experience with strengthening safety culture in nuclear power plants. Report of a Technical committee meeting; 1994 Jun 20-24; Vienna
  71. Mueller E; Niessen W; Shhwameder H
    Abstracts. 1st International Congress on Skiing and Science, January 7-13, 1996, Arlberg, Austria
  72. Rozman J; Krajnik J; Tekavčič I
    Selective stimulation of the common peroneal nerve: correction of drop foot in three patients
  73. Šorli J; Kandare F; Stanič U; Jaeger R; Lenart L
    Abdominal muscle FES assists ventilation: a feasibility study
  74. Anonymous ;
    Proceedings of the 5th Vienna international workshop on functional electrostimulation: basics, technology, clinical application; 1995 Aug 17-19; Vienna
  75. Gomišček G; Moser E; Fercher AF; Gurker N; Pirs J; Marin B; Blinc R
    Grundlagen der Bildrekonstruktion mit einem kleinen MR-Tomographen
  76. Moser E; Gomišček G; Langenberger W; Radlbauer R
    In vivo Protonenspektroskopie zur Diagnose und Verlaufskontrolle bei primaeren Gehirntumoren
  77. Horvat M; Liang L; Mandič V
    Determination of total and methylmercury compounds in the IAEA human hair intercomparison samples - experience of the IAEA-MEL
  78. Anonymous ;
    Assessment of enviromental exposure to mercury in selected human populations as studied by nuclear and other techniques. Report on the 3rd research co-ordination meeting; 1994 Jun 6-10; Monaco
  79. Moser E; Gomišček G; Stollberger R; Felber S
    NMr-Qualitaetskontrolle an klinischen Diagnosegeraeten - Oesterreich im europaeischen Vergleich
  80. Rant J; Pregl G; Glumac B; Ravnik M
    Utilization of neutron beams of the Ljubljana Triga Mark II reactor
  81. Djurić S; Milenković Z; Klopčić-Spevak M; Spasić M
    Somatosensory evoked potential monitoring during intracranial surgery
  82. Krajnc I; Pahor A
    Stressfrakturen bei Patienten mit rheumatoider Arthritis
  83. Dolenc VV; Prestor BP; Šušteršič J; Pregelj R
    Transclinoid-transsellar-transcavernous approach to basilar tip aneurysms
  84. Pasqualin Alberto; Da Pian Renato
    New trends in management of cerebro-vascular malformations. Proceedings of the international conference; 1992 Jun 8-12; Verona
  85. Anžlovar Sabina; Kovač Maja; Ravnikar Maja
    Photosynthetic pigments in healthy and virus-infected potato plantlets (Solanum tuberosum L.) grown in vitro
  86. Rogina D; Druškovič B
    The influence of altitude and exposition on the degree of cytogenetic damage to Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in Slovenia
  87. Jurc M; Jurc D; Gogala N; Simončič P
    Air pollution and fungal endophytes in needles of Austrian pine
  88. Vodnik D; Božič M; Gogala N; Gabrovšek K
    Growth response of ectomycorrhizal Norway spruce seedlings transplanted on lead-polluted soil
  89. Bavcon J; Gogala N
    The influence of UV-B irradiation on the mitotic activity in Picea abies L.) Karst
  90. Holc I; Krajnc I; Pahor T
    Akute Schmerzzustaende in der Rheumatologie
  91. Krajnc I; Holc I
    Opiate in der Rheumatologie
  92. Veselko M; Prinčič J; Tonin M
    Diagnostic significance of haemarthrosis in an acutely injured knee-arthroscopic evaluation
  93. Zupanič-Slavec Z
    Morbus Škerljevo - an unknown disease among Slovenians in the first half of the 19th century
  94. Antolič V; Iglič A; Kralj-Iglič V; Pavlovčič V
    Contact stress distribution in the normal and dysplastic hip in different positions of the upper part of the body during skiing
  95. Arntzen JW; Sket B
    Speak of the devil: the taxonomic status of Proteus anguinus parkelj revisited (Caudata: Proteidae)
  96. Krajnc I
    Palindromischer Rheumatismus-Weiterentwicklung in die erosive rheumatoide Arthritis--Darstellung der 3jahrigen Behandlung eines Patienten
    [Palindromic rheumatism-progression to erosive rheumatoid arthritis--presentation of 3 years treatment of a patient]
  97. Krajnc I
    Anti-Jo-1-positive Polymyositis mit interstitieller Alveolitis und Perikarderguss: Uberblick einer 3jahrigen Behandlung
    [Anti-Jo-1-positive polymyositis with interstitial alveolitis and pericardial effusion: overview of 3 years treatment]
  98. Rakovec S; Mihelčič B
    Diabetikerfuss - modifizierte Amputation und Fruehrehabilitation
    [Zgodnja rehabilitacija bolnikov z modificirano amputacijo diabetičnega stopala (Rezime)]
  99. Lenarčič J
    Some considerations on hyper-redundant robots
  100. Lenarčič J; Stanič U; Oblak PM
    Considerations on objectives, tasks, and organisation an Alpe-Adria centre for robotics and automation

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