biomedicina slovenica

"DIFFUSION" : 301-342

  1. Svetek J; Schara M; Nemec M; Nothnagel EA
    Osmolality effects on membrane transport properties and membrane domain structure measured in maize root tissue in situ by spin proble EPR
  2. Šmid P
    Nekateri novi inhibitorji difuzijskega transporta vode skozi eritrocitno membrano
    [Some new inhibitors of diffusional water transport across erythrocyte membrane]
  3. Blinc A; Kennedy SD; Bryant RG; Marder VJ; Francis CW
    Flow through clots determines the rate and pattern of fibrinolysis
  4. Kveder T
    Identifikacija in razlikovanje avtoprotiteles proti nekaterim intracelularnim proteinom in ribonukleoproteinskim kompleksom
  5. Ščuka R
    Prispevek k proučevanju občutljivosti shigelle sonnei za antibiotike
    [A study of sensitivity of Shigella sonnei to antibiotics]
  6. Bunn C; Kveder T
    Counterimmunoelectrophoresis and immunodiffusion for the detection of antibodies to soluble cellular antigens
  7. Akerman SN; Zorec R; Cheek TR; Moreton RB; Berridge MJ; Mason WT
    Fura-2 imaging of thyrotropin-releasing hormone and dopamine effects on calcium homeostasis of bovine lactotrophs
  8. Krt B
    Vrednotenje pomembnejših seroloških metod pri diagnostiki ovčje bruceloze - okužbe z bakterijo Brucella ovis
    [Evaluation of the more important serologic methods in diagnostics of ovine brucellosis - infection with Brucella ovis]
  9. Blinc A; Keber D; Lahajnar G; Stegnar M; Zidanšek A; Demšar F
    Lysing patterns of retracted blood clots with diffusion or bulk flow transport of plasma with urokinase into clots - a magnetic resonance imaging study in vitro
  10. Gubina M; Derganc M; Čižman M; Primožič J
    Long term survey of bacterial isolates from CSF and their sensitivity to antibiotics
  11. Zorman-Rojs O; Čajavec S; Ergotić N; Josipović D; Sladić D; Mrzel I; Lukežić I
    Testing of two inactivated polyvalent vaccines gumpeskal+IB and nobi vac IB+G+ND in broiler breeder flocks
  12. Kočevar J
    Vloga kristalizacije pri oblikovanju zdravilnih pripravkov
    [The role of crystallisation in pharmaceutical dosage forms formulation]
  13. Irman-Florjanc T; Erjavec F
    The role of mast cells in redistribution of tele-methylhistamine in the body
  14. Lahajnar G
    Difuzijski prenos vode skozi eritrocit: raziskave z metodo NMR
  15. Felber B; Felber E; Franz S; Ruzicka T; Meurer M
    Antibodies to the 46 KD LA/SSB protein detected by immunoblotting: their clinical relevance in patients with connective tissue diseases
  16. Petelin M; Skalerič U; Cevc P; Schara M
    Vpliv citronske kisline na difuzijo molekul v zobni cement
    [The effects of citric acid on the diffusion of molecules in root cementum]
  17. Kandare F
    Fiziologija dihanja
    [Physiology of breathing]
  18. Kovač J
    Študij občutljivosti Neisseriae gonorrhoeae za penicilin
    [Sensitivity of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to penicillin]
  19. Pavičić Ž; Bumber-Balanča S; Kansky A
    Salivary immunoglobulin A in infants and small children with pure atopic dermatitis
  20. Skalerič U; Petelin M; Cevc P; Schara M
    Prepustnost in difuzijski procesi v sklenini mlečnih in stalnih zob
    [Permeability and diffusion processes in enamel of deciduous and permanent teeth]
  21. Kristl J; Srčič S
    Novi pristopi v oblikovanju zdravil
    [New approaches of drug delivery design]
  22. Malačič V
    Estimation of the vertical eddy diffusion coefficient of heat in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic)
  23. Malačič V
    Estimation of the vertical eddy diffusion coefficient of heat in the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic)
  24. Petelin Milan
    Vpliv parodontalne bolezni na prenos molekul skozi zobni cement
  25. Jazbec I; Klinkon M; Gregorović V
    Modifikacija imunodifuzijskega testa za ugotavljanje enzootske goveje levkoze
    [Modification of immunodifusion test in the diagnostics of enzootic bovine leucosis]
  26. Kozjek F; Mrhar A; Bogataj M; Kobe J
    The effect of physicochemical properties of acyclovir and deoxyacyclovir on the in vitro diffusion
  27. Jazbec I; Klinkon M; Gregorović V
    Hematological profile in herd infected with enzootic leukosis
  28. Zorman O
    Uvajanje testov inhibicije hemaglutinacije in imunodifuzije v diagnostiko infekcioznega bronhitisa
    [Application of haemagglutination inhibition and immunodiffusion tests in infectious bronchitis diagnostics]
  29. Vukčević M; Sekulić S; Mitrović M
    Uticaj položaja tela na dobijene vrednosti transfer-faktora i koeficijenta difuzije pluća u zdravih
    [Influence of the posture on the obtained values for lung transfer-factor and diffusion coefficient in healthy persons]
  30. Klemenc F
    Problematika elementarnega živega srebra v zobozdravstvu
  31. Furlan J
    Bronhialni odgovor po zaužiti hrani pri odraslih astmatikih
  32. Milavc J
    Študij nekaterih vidikov transporta in metabolizma v celicah z jedrsko magnetno resonanco
    [Certain aspects of transport and metabolism in cells as studied by nuclear magnetic resonance]
  33. Babnik J; Skalerič U; Čurin V; Lah T; Turk V
    Inhibitorji cisteinskih proteinaz v vneti dlesni
    [Inhibitors of cysteine proteinase in the inflammed gingivae]
  34. Jazbec I; Gregorović V; Skušek F
    Uspešno izkoreninjanje enzootske goveje levkoze na slovenskih farmah
    [Successful eradication of enzootic bovine leucosin on cattle farms in Slovenia]
  35. Faganeli J; Dolenec T; Pezdič J; Ogorelec B; Mišič M
    Nutrients in sediment pore waters of the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic)
  36. Lužnik-Bufon T; Vidmar L; Kobler P
    Pomanjkanje komponent komplementnega sistema pri bolnikih z meningokokno infekcijo
  37. Ivačić Z; Nevjestić A; Jazbec I
    Dijagnostika leukoze goveda
    [Diagnosis of bovine leukosis]
  38. Mohar M
    Določevanja hitrosti raztapljanja trdnih zdravilnih oblik "in vitro"
  39. Cevc P; Zupančič I; Lavrenčič BB
    Diffusion measurements in tooth enamel by EPR imaging
  40. Klinkon-Ogrinec M
    Hematološki in biokemijski profil pri živalih, pozitivnih in negativnih glede na enzootsko govejo levkozo. (Haematological and biochemical prophyle in animals positive and negative regarding enzootic bovine leucosis)
  41. Jazbec I; Klinkon M; Gregorović V
    Uporabnost imunodifuzijskega testa za diagnostiko enzootske goveje levkoze iz tkivnih sokov. (The applicability of immunodiffusion test in tissue juices of different organs at the diagnostics of enzootic bovine leucosis)
  42. Kristl A; Primožič S; Kozjek F
    Hitrost sproščanja in biološka uporabnost treh različnih pripravkov z nifedipinom. (The liberation rate and biovailability of three different nifedipine formulations).

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