biomedicina slovenica |
Li Haimei; Fernández-Guasti Alonso; Xu Yi; Swaab Dick Frans
Sexual orientation, neuropsychiatric disorders and the neurotransmitters involved
2021 ►
Bao Ai-Min; Swaab Dick Frans
Sexual differentiation of the human brain
2011 ►
Jurdana Mihaela
Physical activity and cancer risk. Actual knowledge and possible biological mechanisms
2021 ►
Geršak Ksenija; Geršak Živa Miriam; Turčin Arijana
Reproductive aging
2018 ►
Kranz Georg S.; Hahn Andreas; Kaufmann Ulrike; Küblböck Martin; Hummer Allan; Ganger Sebastian; Seiger René E.; Winkler Dietmar; Swaab Dick Frans; Windischberger Christian; Kasper Siegfried; Lanzenberger Rupert
White matter microstructure in transsexuals and controls investigated by diffusion tensor imaging
2014 ►
Swaab Dick Frans; Bao Ai-Min; Lucassen Paul J.
The stress system in the human brain in depression and neurodegeneration
2005 ►
Drevenšek Gorazd
Sex hormones in neurodegenerative processes and diseases
2018 ►
Josipović Božo
Sex hormone status in patients with early stage of rheumaroid arthritis
1998 ►
Cankar Ksenija; Mušič Mark; Finderle Žarko
Cutaneous microvascular response during local cold exposure
2016 ►
Zadravec-Zaletel Lorna; Todorovski Ljupčo; Jereb Berta
Hypogonadism after childhood cancer treatment
2012 ►
Kravos Alenka
Vpliv hormonov na glas
[The influence of hormones on the voice]
2012 ►
Snoj Tomaž; Čebulj-Kadunc Nina; Nemec Svete Alenka; Kobal Silvestra
Determination of sex hormones in rat hair after administration of testosterone propionate and estradiol valerate
2012 ►
Büdefeld Tomaž; Grgurevič Neža; Tobet Stuart; Majdič Gregor
Reorganization of hypothalamic regions in SF-1 KO mice
2009 ►
Kopčavar Guček Nena; Košir Miha
Znanje in mnenja pacientov o klasični in bioidentični hormonski terapiji
[Knowledge and standpoints of patients about classic and alternative hormonal therapy]
2013 ►
Drevenšek Gorazd
The role of sex hormones in the cardiovascular system
2012 ►
Dubey Raghvendra K
Sex hormones
2012 ►
Kravos Alenka; Hočevar-Boltežar Irena
The role of thyroid and sex hormones in Reinkes edema of vocal folds and chronic laryngitis
2011 ►
Černe Jasmina Živa; Novaković Srdjan; Frković-Grazio Snježana; Pohar-Perme Maja; Stegel Vida; Geršak Ksenija
Estrogen metabolism genotypes, use of long-term hormone replacement therapy and risk of postmenopausal breast cancer
2011 ►
Grgurevič Neža; Tobet Stuart; Majdič Gregor
Behavioral characterization of steroidogenic factor-1 knockout mice
[Proučevanje obnašanja miši brez gena SF-1]
2010 ►
Frahm Krystle A; Büdefeld Tomaž; Majdič Gregor; Tobet Stuart
Susceptibility of the vascularization in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus to altered GABA receptors signaling, endogenous sex hormones, and prenatal stress
2010 ►
Uršič-Vrščaj Marjetka
Spolni hormoni in rak
[Sex hormones and cancer]
2008 ►
Gošnak-Dahmane Raja; Ribarič Samo
Fiziologija agresivnega vedenja
[Physiology of aggresive behaviour]
2008 ►
Writzl K; Hoovers Jan; Sistermans Erik A; Hennekam Raoul C
LEOPARD syndrome with partly normal skin and sex chromosome mosaicism
2007 ►
Kuhar Primož; Lunder Mojca; Drevenšek Gorazd
The role of gender and sex hormones in ischaemic-reperfusion injury in isolated rat heart
2006 ►
Kuhar Primož; Lunder Mojca; Drevenšek Gorazd
The role of gender and sex hormones in ischemic-reperfusion injury in isolated rat hearts: ischemic‐reperfusion injury in isolated male rat hearts is reduced only after pretreatment of animals but not with direct administration of testosterone to the isolated heart
2007 ►
Robinson June K
Anatomski in hormonalni vplivi na dermato-venerološko zdravje žensk
[Anatomical and hormonal influences on women's dermatologic health]
2006 ►
Žerjav-Tanšek Mojca
Značilnosti pubertetnega razvoja pri fantih
2005 ►
Letonja M; Peterlin B; Bregar D; Petrovič D
Are the T/C polymorphism of the CYP17 gene and the tetranucleotide repeat (TTTA) polymorphism of the CYP19 gene genetic markers for premature coronary artery disease in Caucasians?
2005 ►
Preželj Janez
Endokrine spremembe v poznejših letih
2005 ►
Petrovič Daniel; Peterlin Borut
Genetic markers of restenosis after coronary angioplasty and after stent implantation
2005 ►
Andjelković Lea; Kupljen Jasna
Vpliv spola in spolnih hormonov na nastanek akutnih ishemičnih poškodb pri izoliranem podganjem srcu
[Effects of sex hormones on postischemic damage of isolated rat hearts]
2004 ►
Kocijančič Andreja
Osteoporoza in kronična vnetna črevesna bolezen (KVČB)
2004 ►
Kovačič Uroš; Žele Tilen; Osredkar Joško; Sketelj Janez; Bajrović Fajko F
Sex-related differences in the regeneration of sensory axons and recovery of nociception after peripheral nerve crush in the rat
2004 ►
Battelino Tadej
Diagnostika pri otrocih z nejasnim spolovilom
2001 ►
Lanišnik-Rižner Tea; Lin Hsueh K; Peehl Donna M; Steckelbroeck Stephan; Bauman David R; Penning Trevor M
Human type 3 3alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (aldo-keto reductase 1C2) and androgen metabolism in prostate cells
2003 ►
Bošnjak Dragica
"Igla v senu" in igra hormonov ... : nove raziskave o raku dojk
2002 ►
Šuštaršič J
Vpliv spolnih hormonov na nastanek akutnih ishemičnih poškodb pri izoliranem podganjem srcu
[The influence of sex hormones on the development of acute ischaemic injury of isolated rat heart]
2002 ►
Lanišnik-Rižner Tea; Lin Hsueh K; Penning Trevor M
Role of human type 3 3alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (AKR1C2) in androgen metabolism of prostate cancer cells
2003 ►
Meden-Vrtovec Helena
Vloga spolnih hormonov
2002 ►
Pinter B
Biološki učinki spolnih hormonov
2002 ►
Andjelković Lea; Šuštaršič Jasna
Vpliv spola in spolnih hormonov na nastanek akutnih ishemičnih poškodb pri izoliranem podganjem srcu
2001 ►
Pinter Bojana
Spolni hormoni in njihovi biološki učinki
[Sex hormones and their biological effects]
2001 ►
Andjelković Lea; Šuštaršič Jasna
Vpliv spola in spolnih hormonov na nastanek akutnih ishemičnih poškodb pri izoliranem podganjem srcu
[Subchronic pretreatment of rats with sex hormones diminishes postschaemic damage of their isolated hearts]
2002 ►
Šuštaršič J; Andjelković L; Drevenšek G; Budihna MV
Subchronic pretreatment of rats with sex hormones diminishes postischaemic damage of their isolated hearts
2001 ►
Pinter Bojana
Hormonska kontracepcija in metabolizem kosti
[Hormonal contraception and bone metabolism]
2001 ►
Ribarič Samo
Biologija agresivnega vedenja
[Biology of aggressive behaviour]
2000 ►
Kocmur Marga
Psihični učinki eksogenih spolnih hormonov
2000 ►
Kobal Borut
Nevroendokrina kontrola reprodukcije
2000 ►
Grobovšek-Opara Sonja
Vpliv zdravil na tveganje zbolevanja za jetrno cirozo
[Impact of drugs on the morbidity risk of liver cirrhosis]
1999 ►
Planinšek Franc; Šolinc Matjaž
1999 ►
Dittgen M
Transdermal administration of hormones
1997 ►
Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
Izolacija in karakterizacija 17beta-hidroksisteroidne dehidrogenaze iz glive Cochliobolus lunatus
1996 ►
Legan M
Vpliv inzulina, rastnega faktorja 1, rastnega hormona in spolnih hormonov na kostno gostoto
[The influence of insulin, growth factor 1, growth hormone and sex steroids on bone mineral density]
1994 ►
Komadina R
Stereološke značilnosti zlomov proksimalne stegnenice (primerjava ročne, polavtomatske in avtomatske metode)
[Histomorphometric characteristics of cancellous bone in fractures of the proximal femur (comparison of manual, semi-automatic and automatic method)]
1995 ►
Drinovec Jože; Stražiščar Katja
Farmakoterapija v adolescenci
[Pharmacotherapy in adolescence]
1995 ►
Battelino T; Kržišnik C
Vloga hormonov pri spolni diferenciaciji
1995 ►
Hudnik-Plevnik T; Črešnar B
Factors affecting the induction of 11 alpha-hydroxylase of progesterone in the filamentous fungus Rhizopus nigricans
1990 ►
Ambrožič I; Kosec M; Černe F; Mrkun J; Pristov V; Petač D
Study of new methods for the observation of involution processes in dairy cows after parturition
1994 ►
Kocijančič A
Preprečevanje in zdravljenje osteoporoze
1989 ►
Geršak K
Spolni hormoni
1989 ►
Rozman B; Kveder T; Rupenovič S; Vrhovec I; Lestan B
Imunski mehanizmi pri avtoimunskih boleznih
1986 ►
Kocijančič A
Bolezni žlez z notranjim izločanjem kot vzrok impotence
1988 ►
Lorger J
Vpliv ženskih spolnih hormonov, apliciranih novorojenim pujskom, na izoblikovanje okostja. (The influence of female sex hormones administered to new born piglets on the development of the skeleton)
1986 ►
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