biomedicina slovenica


  1. Gutierrez-Aguirre Ion; Banjac Marko; Steyer Andrej; Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja; Peterka Matjaž; Štrancar Aleš; Ravnikar Maja
    Concentrating rotaviruses from water samples using monolithic chromatographic supports
  2. Blinc Aleš; Božič Mojca; Vengust Rok; Stegnar Mojca
    Methyl-methacrylate bone cement surface does not promote platelet aggregation or plasma coagulation in vitro
  3. Petelin M; Bizimoska S; Pavlica Z
    Vpliv različnih podlag na učinek benzil nikotinata v lični sluznici podgane
    [Influence of different ointments on effect of hyperemic drug benzyl nicotinat into oral mucosa in rat]
  4. Karamarković Aleksandar R; Gadžijev Eldar M; Nikolić Valentina; Djukić Vladimir R
    Surgical anatomy of the segmental bile duct (B3) of the liver: surgical importance of the round ligament approach
  5. Smrkolj V; Banovec J
    Preskušanje intramedularne armature pri premostitveni osteosintezi kostnega defekta z metilmetakrilatom
    [Testing of the intramedullary reinforcement used in osteosynthesis with bone grafting of the bone defect with methyl-metacrylate]
  6. Mihelič Igor; Krajnc Matjaž; Koloini Tine; Podgornik Aleš
    Kinetic model of a methacrylate-based monolith polymerization
  7. Hahn R; Podgornik A; Merhar M; Schallaun E; Jungbauer A
    Affinity monoliths generated by in situ polymerization of the ligand
  8. Pflegerl K; Podgornik A; Berger E; Jungbauer A
    Direct synthesis of peptides on convective interaction media monolithic columns for affinity chromatography
  9. Šeruga Tomaž
    Perkutana vertebroplastija v zdravljenju kompresijskih zlomov vretenc zaradi osteoporoze
  10. Lunder Tomaž; Rogl-Butina Mirjam
    Chronic urticaria from an acrylic dental prosthesis
  11. Petelin Milan; Šentjurc Marjeta; Stolič Zorka; Skalerič Uroš
    EPR study of mucoadhesive ointments for delivery of liposomes into the oral mucosa
  12. Navinšek B; Panjan P; Krušič J
    Hard coatings on soft metallic substrates
  13. Kristl J; Pečar S; Šmid-Korbar J; Schara M
    Molecular motion of drugs in hydrocolloids measured by electron paramagnetic resonance
  14. Poljšak-Prijatelj M; Drinovec B; Kuret J
    Imunsko označevanje virusnih in bakterijskih antigenov s koloidnim zlatom za presevni elektronski mikroskop
    [Immuno-gold labeling of viral and bacterial antigens for transmission electron microscope]
  15. Šmid-Korbar J; Čop L; Grošelj D
    Formulation and evaluation of oral mucoadhesive films containing metronidazole
  16. Funduk N; Schara M; Cevc P
    Polymerization of cold cured acrylic resin studied by EPR

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