biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 16.467-16.566

  1. Turnšek Tamara; Kregar Igor; Lebez Drago
    Acid sulphydryl protease from calf lymph nodes
  2. Anderluh Gregor; Hong Qi; Boetzel Ruth; MacDonald Colin; Moore Geoffrey R; Virden Richard; Lakey Jeremy H
    Concerted folding and binding of a flexible colicin domain to its periplasmic receptor TolA
  3. Dolenc-Koce Jasna; Vilhar Barbara; Bohanec Borut; Dermastia Marina
    Genome size of Adriatic seagrasses
  4. McClelland D; Evans RM; Abidin I; Sharma S; Choudhry FZ; Jaspars M; Sepčić K; Scott RH
    Irreversible and reversible pore formation by polymeric alkylpyridinium salts (poly-APS) from the sponge Reneira sarai
  5. Germ Mateja; Dolinšek Mateja; Gaberščik Alenka
    Macrophytes of the river Ižica - comparison of species composition and abundance in the years 1996 and 2000
  6. Germ M; Gaberščik A
    Comparison of aerial and submerged leaves in two amphibious species, Myosotis scorpioides and Ranunculus trichophyllus
  7. Zhang Fan; Barborič Matjaž; Blackwell T Keith; Peterlin Matjaž
    A model of repression: CTD analogs and PIE-1 inhibit transcriptional elongation by P-TEFb
  8. Sixl Wolfdieter; Petrovec Miroslav; Marth Egon; Wuest Gilda; Stuenzner Doris; Schweiger Richard; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Investigation of anaplasma phagocytophila infections in Ixodes ricinus and Dermacentor reticulatus ticks in Austria
  9. Podnar Simon
    Electromyography of the anal sphincter: which muscle to examine?
  10. Dolžan V; Stopar-Obreza M; Žerjav-Tanšek M; Breskvar K; Kržišnik C; Battelino T
    Mutational spectrum of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in Slovenian patients: a novel Ala15Thr mutation and Pro30Leu within a larger gene conversion associated with a severe form of the disease
  11. Zheng Yong-Hui; Plemenitaš Ana; Fielding Christopher J; Peterlin Matija B
    Nef increases the synthesis of and transports cholesterol to lipid rafts and HIV-1 progeny virions
  12. Malovrh Marko
    The role of sonography in the planning of arteriovenous fistulas for hemodialysis
  13. Marušič Andrej; Starc Radovan; Marušič Dorjan
    Constructing a coronary scale for ischemic heart disease: case-control study
  14. Marušič Andrej; Tavčar Rok; Dernovšek Mojca; Šteblaj Tone
    Comparison of psychiatric inpatient suicides with suicides completed in the surrounding community
  15. Rožić-Hristovski Anamarija; Humar Iztok; Hristovski Dimitar
    Developing a multilingual, personalised medical library portal: use of MyLibrary in Slovenia
  16. Firbas P; Al-Sabti K
    Cytosystematic studies on the Charophyta in Slovenia
  17. Berovič Marin; Habijanič Jožica; Zore Irena; Wraber Branka; Hodžar Damjan; Boh Bojana; Pohleven Franc
    Submerged cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum biomass and immunostimulatory effects of fungal polysaccharides
  18. Fuerst Jurij; Kocmur Margareta
    Use of psychiatric drugs in Slovenia in comparison to Scandinavian countries
  19. Kapš Peter; Kocmur Marga
    Depression in a patient with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis
  20. Kocmur Margareta; Dernovšek Mojca Z
    Attitudes towards suicide in Slovenia: a cross-sectional survey
  21. Jarc-Vidmar Martina; Kraut Aleksandra; Hawlina Marko
    Fundus autofluorescence imaging in Best's vitelliform dystrophy
  22. Štabuc-Šilih Mirna; Hawlina Marko
    Influence of corneal thickness on comparative intraocular pressure with Goldmann and non-contact tonometers in keratoconus
  23. Globočnik-Petrovič Mojca; Hawlina Marko; Peterlin Borut; Petrovič Daniel
    BgIII gene polymorphism of the alpha2beta1 integrin gene is a risk factor for diabetic retinopathy in Caucasian with type 2 diabetes
  24. Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka
    Renal transplant artery stenosis
  25. Cesar Simona; Potočnik Nejka; Starc Vito
    Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure-volume relationship in septic rats with open thorax
  26. Rozman J; Trlep M; Zorko B; Bunc M
    Stimulation of nerves innervating the pancreas of a dog
  27. Car Josip; Švab Igor; Kersnik Janko; Vegnuti Miljana
    Management of lower urinary tract infection in women by Slovene GPs
  28. Klavs I; Bufon-Lužnik T; Škerl M; Grgič-Vitek M; Lejko-Zupanc T; Dolinšek M; Prodan V; Vegnuti M; Kraigher A; Arnež Z
    Prevalence of and risk factors for hospital-acquired infections in Slovenia - results of the first national survey, 2001
  29. Hedberg Maria; Nord Carl Erik; Kolman Jana
    Antimicrobial susceptibility of Bacteroides fragilis group isolates in Europe
  30. Nagai Kensuke; Appelbaum Peter C; Davies Todd A; Kelly Linda M; Hoellman Dianne B; Tambić-Andrašević Arjana; Drukalska Liga; Hryniewicz Waleria; Jacobs Michael R; Kolman Jana
    Susceptibilities to telithromycin and six other agents and prevalence of macrolide resistance due to L4 ribosomal protein mutation among 992 pneumococci from 10 central and eastern European countries
  31. Nagai Kensuke; Appelbaum Peter C; Davies Todd A; Kelly Linda M; Hoellman Dianne B; Tambić-Andrašević Arjana; Drukalska Liga; Hryniewicz Waleria; Jacobs Michael R; Kolman Jana
    Susceptibility to telithromycin in 1,011 Streptococcus pyogenes isolates from 10 central and eastern European countries
  32. Pahor D
    Retinal light sensitivity in haemodialysis patients
  33. Milavec-Žmak P; Podgornik H; Jančar J; Podgornik A; Štrancar A
    Transfer of gradient chromatographic methods for protein separation to convective interaction media monolithic columns
  34. Pretnar Gorazd; Steindl Franz; Meager Anthony; Thorpe Robin; Borth Nicole; Schmatz Christine; Metzger Rainer; Katinger Herman WD; Ferlan Igor
    Interferon alpha primes early proliferative response of bone marrow cells in vivo
  35. Hočevar A; Tomšič M; Praprotnik S; Hojnik M; Kveder T; Rozman B
    Parasympathetic nervous system dysfunction in primary Sjoegren's syndrome
  36. Petkovšek M; Nastran J; Vončina D; Zajec P; Miklavčič D; Serša G
    High voltage pulse generation
  37. Jarm Tomaž; Serša Gregor; Miklavčič Damijan
    Oxygenation and blood flow in tumors treated with hydralazine: evaluation with a novel luminescence-based fiber-optic sensor
  38. Čemažar Maja; Auersperg Marija; Ščančar Janez; Srebotnik-Kirbiš Irena; Pogačnik Ana; Serša Gregor
    Schedule-dependent interaction between vinblastine and cisplatin in Ehrlich ascites tumor in mice
  39. Kranjc Simona; Čemažar Maja; Grošel Alenka; Ščančar Janez; Serša Gregor
    Electroporation of LPB sarcoma cells in vitro and tumors in vivo increases the radiosensitizing effect of cisplatin
  40. Serša Gregor; Čemažar Maja; Rudolf Zvonimir
    Electrochemotherapy: advantages and drawbacks in treatment of cancer patients
  41. Grabner Sabina; Košmrlj Janez; Bukovec Nataša; Čemažar Maja
    Pt(II) complexes with N-(3-pyridyl)-2-(4-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl)diazenecarboxamide and their reactions with glutathione
  42. Mekid H; Tounekti O; Spatz A; Čemažar M; El-Kebir FZ; Mir LM
    In vivo evolution of tumour cells after the generation of double-strand DNA breaks
  43. Barbič Matija; Kralj Božo; Coer Andrej
    Compliance of the bladder neck supporting structures: importance of activity pattern of levator ani muscle and content of elastic fibers of endopelvic fascia
  44. Volavšek Metka; Bračko Matej; Gale Nina
    Distribution and prognostic significance of cell cycle proteins in squamous carcinoma of the larynx, hypopharynx and adjacent epithelial hyperplastic lesions
  45. Beović Bojana; Matos Boštjan; Bošnjak Roman; Seme Katja; Mueller-Premru Manica; Hergouth-Križan Veronika; Čižman Milan
    Prevention of nosocomial lower respiratory tract infections in patients after intracranial artery aneurysm with a short course of antimicrobials
  46. Beović Bojana; Pečarič-Meglič Nuška; Marin Jožica; Bedernjak Jože; Muzlovič Igor; Čižman Milan
    Fatal human herpesvirus 6-associated multifocal meningoencephalitis in an adult female patient
  47. Čižman Milan
    The use and resistance to antibiotics in the community
  48. Bozdogan B; Appelbaum PC; Kelly LM; Hoellman DB; Tambić-Andrašević A; Dtukalska L; Hryniewicz W; Hupkova H; Jacobs MR; Kolman J
    Activity of telithromycin and seven other agents against 1034 pediatric Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates from ten central and eastern European centers
  49. Bozdogan B; Appelbaum PC; Kelly LM; Hoellman DB; Tambić-Andrašević A; Drukalska L; Hryniewicz W; Hupkova H; Jacobs MR; Kolman J
    Activity of telithromycin compared with seven other agents against 1039 Streptococcus pyogenes pediatric isolates from ten centers in central and eastern Europe
  50. Božič Mojca; Stegnar Mojca
    Validation of an automated immunoturbidimetric assay for measurement of plasma D-dimer
  51. Vrtovec Bojan; Starc Vito; Meden-Vrtovec Helena
    The effect of estrogen replacement therapy on ventricular repolarization dynamics in healthy postmenopausal women
  52. Dejnožkova Eva; Dokladal Petr
    A parallel architecture for curve-evolution partial differential equations
  53. Lezoray Olivier
    Supervised automatic histogram clustering and watershed segmentation. Application to microscopic medical color images
  54. Bronnikov Sergei; Sukhanova Tatiana
    Recognition and statistical size distribution of microdomains in TEM-images of polyimide films during their processing
  55. Hu Jing; Stroeven Piet
    Application of image analysis to assessing critical pore size for permeability prediction of cement paste
  56. Stroeven Piet; Stroeven Martijn
    Dynamic computer simulation of concrete on different levels of the microstructure - part 2
  57. Angulo Jesus; Nguyen-Khoa Thao; Massy Ziad A; Drueeke Tilman; Serra Jean
    Morphological quantification of aortic calcification from low magnification images
  58. Lešničar Gorazd; Poljak Mario; Seme Katja; Lešničar Janko
    Pediatric tick-borne encephalitis in 371 cases from and endemic region in Slovenia, 1959 to 2000
  59. Grmec Štefek; Kupnik Dejan
    Does the Mainz emergency evaluation scoring (MEES) in combination with capnometry (MEESc) help in the prognosis of outcome from cardiopulmonary resuscitation in a prehospital setting?
  60. Žegura Branka; Keber Irena; Šebeštjen Miran; Koenig Wolfgang
    Double blind, randomized study of estradiol replacement therapy on markers of inflammation, coagulation and fibrinolysis
  61. Takač Iztok
    Role of appendectomy in predicting lymph node metastases in patients with ovarian cancer
  62. Skok P
    Fatal hemorrhage from a giant Mallory-Weiss tear
  63. Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda; Meden-Vrtovec Helena; Osredkar Joško; Verdenik Ivan
    Follicular fluid renin concentration in patients with polycystic ovaries treated with gonadotrophins in an in vitro fertilisation programme
  64. Gašperšič Rok; Štiblar-Martinčič Draga; Osredkar Joško; Skalerič Uroš
    Influence of subcutaneous administration of recombinant TNF-alpha on ligature-induced periodontitis in rats
  65. Gaberšček S; Kališnik M; Pavlin K; Pezdirc M; Hojker S
    Influence of lithium on cell function in two different cell systems
  66. Poredoš P; Golob M; Jensterle M
    Interrelationship between peripheral arterial occlusive disease, carotid atherosclerosis and flow mediated dilation of the brachial artery
  67. Ebert M
    Peer programs in prevention of sexually transmitted infections
  68. Tamiolakis D; Thomaidis V; Tsamis J; Lambropoulou M; Venizelos J; Papadopoulos N
    Quantification of abrasive cytology in the diagnosis of maxillofacial skin and mucosal disorders
  69. Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda
    Chlamydia trachomatis and human papillomavirus 16 and 18 in adolescents
  70. Padovese V; Cimolino T; Magaton-Rizzi G; Trevisan G
    Immigration and clandestinity: new challenge for STD centre
  71. Cauley Jane A; Norton Larry; Lippman Marc E; Eckert Stephen; Krueger Kathryn A; Purdie David W; Farrerons Jordi; Karasik Avraham; Mellstrom Dan; Kocijančič Andreja
    Continued breast cancer risk reduction in postmenopausal women treated with raloxifene: 4-year results from the MORE trial
  72. Delmas Pierre D; Ensrud Kristine E; Adachi Jonathan D; Harper Kristine D; Sarkar Somnath; Gennari Carlo; Reginster Jean-Yves; Pols Huibert AP; Recker Robert R; Kocijančič Andreja
    Efficacy of raloxifene on vertebral fracture risk reduction in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis: four-years results from randomized clinical trial
  73. Kreft M; Križaj D; Grilc S; Zorec R
    Properties of exocytotic response in vertebrate photoreceptors
  74. Stavrev Pavel; Hristov Dimitre
    Prostate IMRT fractionation strategies: two-phase treatment versus simultaneous integrated boost
    [Radiobiološka primerjava dveh optimiziranih načinov obsevanja (IMRT) prostate: obsevanja v dveh delih in istočasnega visokodoznega obsevanja na manjše polje]
  75. Kovkarova Elizabeta; Stefanovski Tome; Dimov Aleksandar; Naumovski John
    Telomerase in lung cancer diagnostics
    [Telomerasa pri ugotavljanju pljučnega raka]
  76. Kranjc Simona; Čemažar Maja; Grošel Alenka; Pipan Živa; Serša Gregor
    Effect of electroporation on radiosensitization with cisplatin in two cell lines with different chemo- and radiosensitivity
    [Učinek elektroporacije s cisplatinom na radiosenzibilizacijo dveh celičnih linij z različno občutljivostjo za kemoterapevtike in obsevanje]
  77. Trinkaus Miha; Vranič Andrej; Dolenc Vincenc V; Lah Tamara T
    Cathepsin L in human maningiomas
    [Katepsin L pri meningiomu]
  78. Soumarova Renata; Horova Hana; Šeneklova Zuzana; Horova Ivana; Budikova Marie
    Prognostic outcome of local recurrence in breast cancer after conserving surgery and mastectomy
    [Prognostična vrednost lokalne ponovitve bolezni pri raku dojke po ohranitveni kirurgiji in mastektomiji]
  79. Koprivnik Mateja; Jamar Breda
    Dedicated small bowel follow-through - experience of Clinical institute of radiology in Ljubljana
    [Natančna radiološka preiskava ozkega črevesa - izkušnje na Kliničnem radiološkem inštitutu v Ljubljani]
  80. Križaj Milena; Zaletel Marija
    Vpliv bivalnih pogojev na varnost in dobro počutje varovancev doma starejših občanov
    [The impact of living conditions on safety and well-being of the clients in a home for the elderly]
  81. Donko Jana; Hoyer Silvestra
    Evalvacija zdravstvenovzgojnega programa Šole za starše
    [Evaluation health education program of the School for parents]
  82. Starc Andrej
    Program zdravstvenega izobraževanja sladkornih bolnikov
    [Program of health education of diabetes patients]
  83. Potočnik Iztok; Oberauner Lucija
    Subduralni blok - zaplet epiduralne anestezije
    [Subdural block - a complication of epidural anaesthesia]
  84. Iljaž Rade
    Stališča zdravstvenega osebja in bolnikov do uporabe računalnikov v ZD Brežice
    [Attitudes of health professionals and users of health services toward using computers in Primary health centre of Brežice]
  85. Šuškovič Stanislav
    Raziskava o odraslih in otroških bolnikih z astmo v Sloveniji
    [Research on adult and pediatric asthmatic patients in Slovenia]
  86. Erjavec-Škerget Alenka; Zagradišnik Boris; Kokalj-Vokač Nadja
    Subtelomerne kromosomske preureditve - eden od vzrokov za idiopatsko mentalno retardacijo
    [Subtelomeric chromosomal abberations - one of the reasons for idiopathic mental retardation]
  87. Herman Darja; Dolžan Vita; Breskvar Katja
    Genetic polymorphism of cytochromes P450 2C9 and 2C19 in Slovenian population
    [Genetski polimorfizem citokromov P450 2C9 in 2C19 v slovenski populaciji]
  88. Malovrh Marko
    Approach to patients with end-stage renal disease who need and arteriovenous fistula
  89. Škrbinc B; Babič A; Čufer T; Us-Krašovec M
    Cytological grading of breast cancer in Giemsa-stained fine needle aspiration smears
  90. Cankar Ksenija; Finderle Žare
    Gender differences in cutaneous vascular and autonomic nervous response to local cooling
  91. Kersnik Janko; Koželj-Rekanović Zdenka
    Poznavanje zdravil iz domače lekarne
    [Knowledge about home-kept medicines]
  92. Planinšec Jurij
    Ugotavljanje gibalne dejavnosti mlajših otrok
    [Assessment of physical activity of young children]
  93. Mokdad H; Ford Earl S; Bowman Barbara A; Dietz William H; Vinicor Frank; Bales Virginia S; Marks James S
    Prevalenca debelosti, sladkorne bolezni in dejavnikov tveganja, povezanih z debelostjo, 2001
    [Prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and obesity related health risk factors]
  94. Fontaine Kevin R; Redden David T; Wang Chenxi; Westfall Andrew O; Allison David B
    Izgubljena leta življenja zaradi debelosti
    [Years of life lost due to obesity]
  95. Furberg Curt D; Wright Jackson T; Davis Barry R; Cutler Jeffrey A; Alderman Michael; Black Henry; Cushman William; Grimm Richard; Haywood Julian; Leenen Frans
    Vodilni izidi hipertenzije pri bolnikih z velikim tveganjem, ki so bili zdravljeni z zaviralci encima angiotenzinske konvertaze ali zaviralci kalcijevih kanalčkov v primerjavi z diuretiki: študija ALLHAT (the antihypertensive and lipid-lowering treatment to prevent heart attavk trial)
    [Major outcomes in high-risk hypertensive patients randomized to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor or calcium channel blocker vs diuretic (ALLHAT)]
  96. Pinter MM; Gesterbrand F; Dimitrijević MR
    Epidural electrical stimulation of posterior structures of the human lumbosacral cord: 3. control of spasticity
  97. Murg M; Binder H; Dimitrijević MR
    Epidural electric stimulation of posterior structures of the human lumbar spinal cord: 1. muscle twitches - a functional method to define the site of stimulation
  98. Pinter MM; Dimitrijević MR
    Gait after spinal cord injury and the central pattern generator for locomotion
  99. Sherwood AM; McKay WB; Dimitrijević MR
    Motor control after spinal cord injury: assessment using surface EMG
  100. McKay WB; Tuel SM; Sherwood AM; Stokić DS; Dimitrijević MR
    Focal depression of cortical excitability induced by fatiguing muscle contraction: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study

   15.967 16.067 16.167 16.267 16.367 16.467 16.567 16.667 16.767 16.867  

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