biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 26.467-26.566

  1. Hočevar-Boltežar I; Janko M; Žargi M
    Role of surface EMG in diagnostics and treatment of muscle tension dysphonia
  2. Geršak B; Trobec R; Pšeničnik M
    Loss of endothelium mediated vascular relaxation as a response to various clamping pressures: part 2. Direct measurements of clamping pressures and scanning electron microscope study
  3. Geršak B; Trobec R; Krisch I
    Loss of endothelium mediated vascular relaxation as a response to various clamping pressure: part 1. A pharmacological study
  4. Jeršek B; Gilot P; Gubina M; Klun N; Mehle J; Tcherneva E; Rijpens N; Herman L
    Typing of Listeria monocytogenes strains by repetitive element sequence-based PCR
  5. Štiblar-Martinčič Draga
    Activation and motivation of medical students for learning histoembryology
  6. abd Zaitoun Al-Mouti
    Rapid stereological method for assessing the area fraction (AA) of prostatic carcinoma in TURP specimens
  7. Zhengwei Yang; Guoquan Liu; Wreford Nigel G
    A new distance method for the quantitative analysis of point patterns in space
  8. Janaček Jiri; Kubinova Lucie
    3D reconstruction of surfaces captured by confocal microscopy
  9. Čoh Milan; Kugovnik Otmar; Štuhec Stanko
    Biomehanske značilnosti golf udarca
    [Biomechanical characteristics of golf shots]
  10. Svetina S; Božič B; Žekš B
    A mechanism for the establishment of polar cell morphology based on the cytoskeleton-derived forces exerted on the cell boundary
  11. Macedoni-Lukšič Marta
    Preživetje otrok z možganskim tumorjem v Sloveniji 1968-1992
    [Survival of children with brain tumors in Slovenia 1968-1992]
  12. Bloch Robert; Pavčnik Dušan; Uchida Barry T; Krajina Antonin; Kamino Toshio; Timmermans Hans; Loriaux Marc; Hulek Peter
    Polyurethane-coated Dacron-covered stent-grafts for TIPS: results in swine
  13. Milačič Radmila; Benedik Miha; Knežević Svetlana
    Adsorption-desorption processes of aluminium, zinc and cooper on plastic tubing in haemodialysis monitors
  14. Butinar Dušan
    Prognoza hude poškodbe glave pri otrocih
    [Outcome of severe head injury in children]
  15. Zbačnik Rok; Gregorič Gašper
    48-urno neinvazivno ambulantno merjenje krvnega tlaka pri bolnikih s končno ledvično odpovedjo, zdravljenih s pomočjo hemodialize
    [48-hour non-invasive ambulatory blood pressure monitoring in patients with end stage renal failure, treated by haemodialysis]
  16. Jug Borut
    Vpliv fluvoksamina in maprotilina na sproščanje in farmakokinetiko histamina pri podgani in vivo
    [The influence of fluvoxamine and maprotiline on the release and kinetics of histamine in the rat in vivo]
  17. Mirt Darja
    Proučevanje etiologije in morfogeneze tako imenovanega grizenja bokov (flank biting) pri prašičih v intenzivni reji
    [An investigation into the aetiology and morphogenesis of so called flank biting in pigs in an intensive type of breeding]
  18. Pestevšek U; Pitamic S; Žust J
    Vpliv dodatka kulture kvasovk v obroku na potek vampove fermentacije, spremembo telesne teže ter mlečno proizvodnjo pri kravah po porodu
    [Influence of addition of yeast culture to diets of dairy cows in postpartal period on body weight, ruminal fermentation and milk production]
  19. Pestevšek U; Modic T; Juntes Polona; Pogačnik M
    Reja ovac na ekološko rekultiviranih odlagališčih elektrofiltrskega pepela
    [Sheep breeding on ecologically recultivated electrofilter ash dumping areas]
  20. Zorman-Rojs Olga; Štalcer Liljana
    Dokaz protiteles proti aviarnemu pnevmovirusu v primerjavi s kliničnim pojavljanjem sindroma oteklih glav pri matičnih jatah težkih hibridov
    [Demonstration of antibodies to avian pneumovirus in comparison with clinical manifestation of swollen head syndrome in broiler breeders]
  21. Nemec Alenka; Snoj T; Čebulj-Kadunc Nina; Cestnik V
    Vpliv koncentracije antikoagulanta K3EDTA na krvno sliko bikov
    [The influence of anticoagulant K3DELTA on CBS (complete blood count) in bulls]
  22. Ocepek M; Posedi J
    Uporabnost testa pomnoževanja nukleinskih kislin (gen-probe) in testa hibridizacije nukleinskih kislin (accuprobe) v diagnostiki tuberkuloze pri živalih
    [Evaluation of gen-probe amplified Mycobacterium tuberculosis direct test and accuprobe culture identification test, in diagnostic of animal tuberculosis]
  23. Zajc Irena; Sampson J
    Preverjanje starševstva pri čistokrvnih pasmah domačih psov s pomočjo raznolikih mikrosatelitov
    [Parentage testing in pure breeds of domestic doug using polymorphic microsatellites]
  24. Čandek-Potokar Marjeta; Uršič M; Fazarinc G
    Vrednosti pH1 najdaljše hrbtne mišice (m. longissimus dorsi) v odvisnosti od njene histokemične zgradbe pri za stresni sindrom (PSS) nedovzetnih prašičih
    [Histochemical profile of longissimus dorsi muscle as related to pH1 in porcine stress syndrome (PSS) resistant pigs]
  25. Snoj T; Cestnik V; Krušič L; Čebulj-Kadunc Nina; Pardubsky T
    Vsebnost testosterona v blatu odraščajočih žrebcev lipicanske pasme
    [Fecal testosterone concentrations in growing Lipizzan stallions]
  26. Doganoc Darinka Z
    Ostanki skupnega živega srebra v živilih živalskega izvora
    [Residues of total mercury in food of animal origin]
  27. Trobec Roman; Slivnik Boštjan; Geršak Borut; Gabrijelčič Tone
    Computer simulation and spatial modelling in heart surgery
  28. Bresnihan Barry; Alvaro-Gracia Jose Maria; Cobby Mark; Doherty Michael; Domljan Zlatko; Emery Paul; Nuki George; Pavelka Karel; Rau Rolf; Rozman Blaž
    Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with recombinant human interleukin-1 receptor antagonist
  29. Štiblar-Martinčič D; Coer A
    The effect of irradiation on FRTL-5 cell morphology
  30. Farah S; Al-Shubaili A; Montaser A; Hussein JM; Malaviya AN; Mukhtar M; Al-Shayeb A; Khuraibet AJ; Khan R; Trontelj JV
    Behcet's syndrome: a report of 41 patients with emphasis on neurological manifestations
  31. Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Petrovec Miroslav; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Nicholson William L; Sumner John W; Childs James E; Strle Franc
    Human ehrlichiosis in central Europe
  32. Brecelj Jelka; Štrucl Martin; Raič Vanda
    Simultaneous pattern electrorentinogram and visual evoked potential recordings in dyslexic children
  33. Strle Franc; Nadelman Robert B; Cimperman Jože; Nowakowski John; Picken Roger N; Schwartz Ira; Maraspin Vera; Aguero-Rosenfeld Maria E; Varde Shobha; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Wormser Gary P
    Comparison of culture-confirmed erythema mirgans casued by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto in New York state and by Borrelia afzelii in Slovenia
  34. Vogt G; Štrus J
    Diseases of the shrimp Palaemon elegans (Crustacea: Decapoda) in the Bay of Piran, Adriatic sea
  35. Šepič E; Bricelj M; Leskovšek H
    Degradation of fluoranthene by Pasteurella sp. IFA and Mycobacterium sp. PYR-1: isolation and identification of metabolites
  36. Balantič Z; Fležar M; Novak P; Šorli J; Kandare F
    Construction of anthropometric measuring chair (AMC) for lung function prediction
  37. Bilban M
    The influence of gender on traffic accidents - the case of the Republic of Slovenia
  38. Medica I; Logar N; Batagelj M; Peterlin B
    Characteristics of moyotonic dystrophy in Istria: molecular genetics approach - mutation analysis
  39. Zerbo D; Fležar M; Štefančič M
    BMI and Heath-Carter somatotypes of female students in Ljubljana
  40. Tomazo-Ravnik T
    Studies of body composition in Slovenia
  41. Štefančič M; Tomazo-Ravnik T
    A longitudinal observation of growth and body composition in a sample of 10 to 14-year-old children from Ljubljana, Slovenia
  42. Grobovšek-Opara Sonja; Kožuh-Novak Mateja; Križman Igor
    Vpliv alkoholnih pijač, prehrane in zdravil na tveganje zbolevanja za jetrno cirozo
    [Influence of alcohol consumption, diet and drugs on the risk for liver cirrhosis occurrence]
  43. Vižintin Tjaša; Čižman Milan
    Poraba in trendi protimikrobnega zdravljenja v Kliničnem centru v Ljubljani 1995-1997
    [Antimicrobial usage and trends in the University medical centre in Ljubljana from 1995 to 1997]
  44. Burger Helena; Marinček Črt
    Sindrom post-polio v Sloveniji: rezultati študije 100 ljudi, ki so preboleli otroško paralizo
    [Post-polio syndrome in Slovenia: results of a survey of 100 polio survivors]
  45. Gričar Marko; Latifić-Jasnič Dunja; Kenda Miran F
    Uporaba glikozidov digitalisa na kliničnem oddelku za kardiologijo - ali ravnamo pravilno?
    [Use of cardiac glycosides at cardiology department - are we doing the right thing?]
  46. Keber Irena; Škof Erik; Špan Matjaž; Štlek Mateja; Gužič Barbara
    Učinkovitost pri izvajanju sekundarne preventive po srčnem infarktu: razlike med tremi slovenskimi mesti
    [Efficacy in application of secondary preventive measures after myocardinal infarction: the differences between three Slovenian cities]
  47. Logar-Car Gordana; Gubina Marija; Ferlan-Marolt Vera
    Helicobacter pylori in nova terapevtska shema desetdnevnega zdravljenja simptomatskega kroničnega gastritisa pri otrocih
    [Helicobacter pylori and new therapeutic scheme of tendays treatment of symptomatic chronic gastritis at children]
  48. Molj Jelka; Ivanuša Marijan; Drinovec Jože; Mrhar Aleš
    Some epidemiological aspects of ulcer disease in Slovenia
    [Nekateri epidemiološki vidiki ulkusne bolezni v Sloveniji]
  49. Turel Matjaž; Debeljak Andrej; Kecelj Peter
    Torakoskopska plevrodeza s smukcem pri malignem plevralnem izlivu
    [Thoracoscopic talc pleurodesis for malignant pleural effusion]
  50. Debeljak Andrej; Šorli Jurij; Kecelj Peter
    Tujki v bronhijih. Naše izkušnje s 33 bolniki od 1988 do 1997
    [Bronchial foreign bodies - Our experience with removal in 33 patients, 1988-1997]
  51. Košnik Mitja; Mušič Ema; Kern Izidor
    Imunološke preiskave invazivno odvzetih vzorcev
    [Immunology of specimens obtained by invasive methods]
  52. Žolnir-Dovč Manca; Triller Nadja; Eržen Damijan; Kajba Stanislav
    Mycobacterium tuberculosis v invazivno odvzetih kužninah
    [Mycobacterium tuberculosis in specimens obtained by invasive techniques]
  53. Kumelj Marko; Tomič Viktorija; Triller Nadja
    Bakteriologija invazivno odvzetih vzorcev
    [Bacteriology of specimens collected by invasive techniques]
  54. Šifrer Franc; Drinovec Igor; Trinkaus Darinka; Kumelj Marko; Tomič Viktorija
    Mali bronhoalveolarni izpirek pri intubiranem bolniku
    [Minibronchoalveolar lavage in intubated patient]
  55. Debeljak Andrej; Kecelj Peter; Kern Izidor; Eržen Janez; Rott Tomaž
    Diagnostična torakoskopija pri 201 bolniku od 1985 do 1998
    [Diagnostic thoracoscopy done in 201 patients between 1985 and 1998]
  56. Remškar Zlata; Rezar Leopold; Debeljak Andrej; Kecelj Peter
    Slepa igelna biopsija parietalne plevre
    [Needle pleural biopsy]
  57. Terčelj-Zorman Marjeta; Šuškovič Stanislav; Kern Izidor; Eržen Janez
    Transtorakalna pljučna aspiracijska punkcija
    [Transthoracic aspiration needle biopsy]
  58. Kecelj Peter; Debeljak Andrej
    Bronhoskopska igelna aspiracija
    [Bronchoscopic needle aspiration]
  59. Debeljak Andrej; Osolnik Katarina
    Toga bronhoskopija
    [Rigid bronchoscopy]
  60. Sibata Claudio H; de Almeida Carlos E; Shin Ku
    Thyroid doses due to stereotactic radiosurgery of the brain
    [Obsevalne doze na ščitnico pri stereotaksični radiokirurgiji možgan]
  61. Štabuc Borut; Markovič Aleksandra; Brecelj Erik; Bešlija Samir; Cizej Tomaž-Edvard
    Phase II study of fluorouracil, leucovorin and interferon alpha-2a in patients with advanced colon cancer
    [Zdravljenje bolnikov z metastatskim rakom širokega črevesa s fluorouracilom, levkovorinom in interferonom alfa-2a]
  62. Koritnik Katarina; Coer Andrej
    The role of thyroid radiation carcinogenesis in rats
    [Vloga tiroksina pri karcinogenezi ščitnice]
  63. Garaj-Vrhovac Vera; Kopjar Nevenka
    Micronuclei in cytokinesis-blocked lymphocytes as an index of occupational exposure to antineoplastic drugs
    [Mikronukleus test pri osebah s poklicno izpostavljenostjo citostatikom]
  64. Roić Goran; Čop Slavko; Posarić Vesna; Ercegović Suzana
    Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis: ultrasound diagnosis
    [Hipertrofična pilorična stenoza: ultrazvočna diagnoza]
  65. Brnić Zoran; Drinković Ivan; Hebrang Andrija
    High-resolution ultrasound and power-Doppler - advances in pre-invasive diagnosis of solid breast lesions: our one-year experience
    [Ultrazvok z visoko ločljivostjo in energijski Doppler - prednosti preinvazivnega diagnosticiranja solidnih lezij v dojki, izkušnje enoletnega dela]
  66. Pogačnik M; Kansky A
  67. Dragoš V; Zaletel-Kragelj L
    Terbinafine levels in hair-samples of children with Microsporum canis scalp infection
  68. Peharda V; Kaštelan M; Čabrijan L; Saftić M; Gruber F
    Terbinafine in the treatment of tinea capitis
  69. Orožim E
    Treatment of Microsporum canis infected cats with terbinafine
  70. Prelog I; Dolenc-Voljč M
    Intermittent itraconazole in the treatment of distolateral onychomycosis - our experience
  71. Rogl-Butina M
    Side effects of systemic antimycotic treatment
  72. Kansky A; Dolenc-Voljč M; Bowden PE; Belič M
    Mycological examination in pachyonychia congenita
  73. Drobnič-Košorok M; Zrimšek P; Zdovc I
    Immunogenic proteins in dermatophyte mycelial extracts
  74. Stary A; Kuchinka-Koch A; Schiller A
    Yeast colonization of mucous membranes: prevalence and identification of different species
  75. Zdovc I
    Epidemiological and diagnostic features of animal dermatophytosis
  76. Dolenc-Voljč M; Lunder M
    Epidemic of Microsporum canis infection in the region of Ljubljana
  77. Ginter G
    Mycoses in children: systemic treatment
  78. Bunc Matjaž; Drevenšek Gorazd; Budihna Metka; Šuput Dušan
    Effects of equinatoxin II from Actinia equina (L.) on isolated rat heart: the role of direct cardiotoxic effects in equinatoxin II lethality
  79. Zorn B; Virant-Klun I; Valentinčič-Gruden B; Bačer-Kermavner L; Peterlin B; Debevec M; Kunej T; Talan T; Babnik J; Meden-Vrtovec H
    Izid postopka neposrednega vnosa semenčice v citoplazmo jajčne celice (ICSI) na Ginekološki kliniki v Ljubljani: retrospektivna študija ob rojstvu 101 otroka
  80. Balent Andreja
    Vpliv morfološkega prostora na koordinacijske sposobnosti učenk 5. razreda osnovne šole
    [Effects of morphological space on coordination abilities of schoolgirls in 5th grade primary school]
  81. Jukić-Petrovčič Jasna
    Ureditev bivalnega okolja pri astmatikih in pogostnost astmatičnih napadov
    [Arrangement of living environment of asthma patients and its relation to the frequency of asthma attacks]
  82. Cvetek Slavko
    Ugotavljanje potreb višjih medicinskih sester po kontinuiranem strokovnem izobraževanju: poročilo o raziskavi
    [Identification of first-level nurses' felt needs for continuing professional education: research report]
  83. Pahor Majda
    Univerzitetni študij za medicinske sestre: primer prve generacije študentk zdravstvene vzgoje
    [University level study for nurses: the case of the first generation of students of health education]
  84. Strmecki Lana; Benedik-Dolničar Majda; Komel Radovan
    A novel mutation Q602STOP in exon 12 of the FVIII gene
  85. Senekovič Vladimir; Veselko Matjaž; Tonin Martin
    Artroskopska pritrditev odlomka tibialnega narastišča sprednje križne vezi s kanuliranim vijakom
    [Arthroscopic fixation of avulsion fracture of the tibial insertion of the anterior cruciate ligament with a cannulated screw]
  86. Veselko Matjaž; Tonin Martin
    Kirurška tehnika artroskopsko asistirane oskrbe zlomov platoja golenice. Naše izkušnje
    [Arthroscopic management of fractures of the tibial plateau - Our experience]
  87. Rems Miran; Lah Tone; Grubišič Aleksander; Bahun Jaka
    Katera holecistektomija pri bolnikih starejših od 75 let?
    [Which cholecystectomy for patients older than 75 years?]
  88. Vračko Jože
    Laparoskopski transcistični pregled žolčevodov in odstranjevanje žolčevodnih kamnov
    [Laparoscopic transcystic common bile duct exploration and bile duct stones extraction]
  89. Guček Andrej; Stanisavljević Dragan; Benedik Miha; Premru Vlado
    How to record peritoneal catheter infections
  90. Milošev Ingrid; Strehblow Hans-Henning; Navinšek Boris; Panjan Peter
    Titanium nitride by XPS
  91. Milošev Ingrid; Strehblow Hans-Henning; Navinšek Boris; Panjan Peter
    Zirconium nitride by XPS
  92. Kirinčič Stanislava; Klofutar Cveto
    A volumetric study of aqueous solution of poly(ethylene glycol)s at 298.15 K
  93. Milošev Igrid; Strehblow Hans-Henning; Navinšek Boris; Panjan Peter
    Chromium nitride by XPS
  94. Anderle Alojzija
    Spolnost pri adolescentih v radovljiški občini
    [Sexuality among adolescents in the Radovljica region]
  95. Kramar-Perovnik Katja
    Vegetarijanska prehrana med študenti
    [Vegetarian food among students]
  96. Hero Nikša
    Primerjava rezultatov po operaciji idiopatičnih skolioz po Harringtonovi in Cotrei-Duboussetovi C-D metodi
    [Comparison of Harringoton and Cotrel-Dubousset C-D surgical treatment of idiopathic scoliosis]
  97. Velušček Irena
    Odnos goriških dijakov prvih letnikov do zdravja v šolskem letu 1995/96
    [Health attitudes of students attending the first year of secondary schools in the region of Nova Gorica in the school year 1995/96]
  98. Hojs Ana
    Energijska gostota hitre hrane
    [Energy density in fast food]
  99. Pohar Majda; Kikel Alice
    Rezultati ankete o prehrani osmošolcev na Gorenjskem
    [Results of a questionnaire on nutrition among primary school pupils in the Gorenjska region]
  100. Medved Meta; Kelšin Nevenka; Miloševič Nataša; Ulčakar Tadej; Kus Primož
    Prehrambene navade ljubljanskih osmošolcev
    [Eating habits among primary school children in Ljubljana]

   25.967 26.067 26.167 26.267 26.367 26.467 26.567 26.667 26.767 26.867  

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