biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.08 : 6.184-6.283

  1. Ambrožič Jana; Brvar Miran; Bunc Matjaž
    Obravnava bolnikov s podhladitvijo na Internistični prvi pomoči Kliničnega centra od leta 2003 do leta 2005
    [Treatment of patients with accidental hypothermia in the Medical emergency department, University medical centre Ljubljana, between 2003 and 2005]
  2. Picer Mladen; Picer Nena; Kovač Tatjana; Hodak-Kobasić Vedranka; Čalić Violeta; Miošić Neven; Cenčić-Kodba Zdenka; Rugova Ariana
    PCBS hazards to Karst water system, as consequences of war in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo and Metohija
  3. Bricelj Mihael; Čenčur-Curk Barbara
    Bacteriophage transport in the unsaturated zone of karstified limestone aquifers
  4. Fortuna Marjan
    Iatrogene komplikacije
    [Iatrogenic complications]
  5. Tavčar Rok; Pregelj Peter; Kocmur Marga
    Značilnosti bolnikov, sprejetih brez privolitve na Psihiatrično kliniko Ljubljana
    [Characteristics of involuntarily admitted patients to University psychiatric hospital]
  6. Kariž Stojan; Korošec Simon; Grom Igor
    Obravnava utopljencev na Internem oddelku izolske bolnišnice od leta 1992 do leta 2004
    [Management of near-drowing victims in the Internal department of General hospital Izola from 1992 to 2004]
  7. Pavlin-Klemenc Maja; Šinigoj Damijana; Mišigoj-Krek Jelka; Spazzapan Bernardo
    Sporazumevanje ob zastrupitvah s prepovedanimi drogami je lahko problem
    [Communication with drug addicted persons in the case of intoxication may be a problem]
  8. Brvar Miran; Grenc Damjan; Bunc Matjaž; Možina Martin
    Najpogostejša vprašanja pri zdravljenju zastrupitev s heroinom
    [The most common questions about heroin poisoning therapy]
  9. Pregelj Peter; Kocmur Marga; Tavčar Rok
    Suicidalno vedenje pri pacientih, pregledanih v Urgentni psihiatrični ambulanti na Psihiatrični kliniki v Ljubljani
    [Suicidal behaviour of patients in Urgent psychiatry outpatients department at University psychiatric hospital in Ljubljana]
  10. Kovač Miha
    Analiza dohodnih telefonskih klicev in njihov vpliv na obremenitev zdravnikov splošne nujne medicinske pomoči v Ljubljani
    [An analysis of incoming phone calls and their influence on the workload of doctors at the prehospital emergency department in Ljubljana]
  11. Prijon Ticijana; Ermenc Branko
    Umrljivost v cestnem prometu
    [Mortality in road traffic]
  12. Grmec Štefek; Golub Mirjam; Jelatancev Alina; Zabavnik Zoran
    Razmerje med srednjim arterijskim tlakom in delnim tlakom ogljikovega dioksida ob koncu izdiha (pet CO2) pri nadomeščanju tekočin pri hemoragičnem šoku
    [Relationship between mean arterial pressure and end-tidal partial pressure of carbon dioxide during haemorrhagic shock and volume resuscitation]
  13. Buić-Rerečić Dajna; Plut-Švigelj Mateja; Ploj Tom
    Inducirana hipotermija po vzpostavitvi spontane cirkulacije - ali naredimo dovolj?
    [Induced hypothermia after ROSC - are we doing enough?]
  14. Starc Radovan
    Direktno stentiranje zožitev na koronarnih arterijah - težave pri izboru velikosti stenta
    [Direct stenting of coronary stenoses - the problem of stent size selection]
  15. Mažič Matej; Kešpert Branko
    Zunajbolnišnični srčni zastoj s primarno VF/VT - izid oživljanja in preživetje bolnikov
    [Out of hospital cardiac arrest with primary VF/VT - outcome of resuscitation and survival of patients]
  16. Lainščak M; Keber I
    Management in Heart failure clinic improves survival in heart failure patients
  17. Lainščak M; Keber I
    Predictors of long term mortality after hospitalization for heart failure
  18. Lainščak M; Keber I
    Patients knowledge predicts prognosis in patients receiving care in Heart failure clinic
  19. Lainščak M; Keber I
    Differences in management of heart failure patients, treated by cardiologists and general internal medicine specialists
  20. Lainščak M; Keber I
    Management in Heart failure clinic improves survival and reduces heart failure rehospitalization in heart failure patients
  21. Lainščak M; Keber I
    Long term improvement of heart failure patient's knowledge receiving care in the heart failure clinic
  22. Lainščak M; Balažic A
    Sociodemographic predictors of knowledge and self-management measures in heart failure patients: a pilot study
  23. Mičetić-Turk D; Kokol P; Turk Z; Blažun H
    Continuing professional education and work-integrated learning - a necessary condition for nurses' professional development
  24. Kokol Peter; Mičetić-Turk Dušanka; Blažun Helena
    Integrating working experiences into nursing education with intelligent tools
  25. Olenšek Andrej; Matjačić Zlatko; Bajd Tadej
    Muscle contracture emulation system
  26. Sever M; Meglič M; Ribarič S; Runovc F; Kordaš M
    The use of equivalent electronic circuits in physiology teaching
  27. Možina Martin; Demšar Janez; Smrke Dragica; Zupan Blaž
    Nomograms for naive Bayesian classifiers and how can they help in medical data analysis
  28. Sajko Špela; Kubinova Luce; Wernig Anton; Čebašek Vita; Eržen Ida
    Is satellite cell pool reducted during ageing?
  29. Burger Helena
    Role of orthoses in rehabilitation of sport injuries
  30. Švab Igor
    Deset dilem v odnosu med zdravnikom in bolnikom
    [The dilemmas in the doctor-patient relationship]
  31. Kolšek Marko
    Sporočilo v steklenici
    [Massage in the bottle]
  32. Živčec-Kalan Gordana; Šuta Franc
    Navodila za prvo nenujno napotitev na sekundarni nivo zdravstvene obravnave
    [Instrumentations for first non-urgent referral to the secondary health care level]
  33. Fuerst Jurij
    Predpisovanje zdravil na področju depresije in demence, astme ter protibolečinskih in protivnetnih zdravil
    [Prescribing of antidepressants, drugs for dementia, asthma medications, and analgesics]
  34. Poplas-Susič Tonka
    Obravnava bolnika z astmo v ambulanti zdravnika družinske medicine
    [Treatment of asthma patients in family practice]
  35. Šuškovič Stanislav
    Zdravljenje astme - ali je vse dorečeno?
    [Do we know everything about asthma treatment?]
  36. Mušič Ema
    Alergijsko vnetje nosne sluznice in astma - podobnosti patogeneze in zdravljenja
    [Allergic rhinitis and asthma - pathogenesis and treatment]
  37. Zaletel Marjan
    Nova farmakološka možnost zdravljenja nevropatske bolečine - novejše klinične raziskave
    [New pharmacological treatment options for neuropathic pain - recent studies]
  38. Pražnikar Aleš
    Pristop k zdravljenju nevropatske bolečine - prikaz kliničnih primerov
    [Approach to the treatment of neuropathic pain - case reports]
  39. Gregorič Milan
    Klinična slika nevropatske bolečine in smernice za zdravljenje
    [The clinical picture of neuropathic pain and therapeutic guidelines]
  40. Klančar Darinka
    Vloga zdravnika družinske medicine pri zmanjševanju samomora pri slovenskih moških
    [The role of family practitioner in lowering the suicide behaviour between Slovene men]
  41. Čerin Tadeja
    Obravnava bolnikov, pripadnikov različnih etničnih skupin
    [Patient centered clinical care in modern crosscultural communities]
  42. Petek Davorina
    Kako pritegniti bolnika z dolgotrajno boleznijo k zdravljenju?
    [How can we attent patient with chronic disease to adhere to treatment?]
  43. Vodopivec-Jamšek Vlasta
    Dostopnost zdravnika družinske medicine
    [Accessibility in primary care]
  44. Kersnik Janko
    Kaj smo se naučili v Črnem lesu?
    [What are the lessons from Črni les?]
  45. Vatovec-Progar Irena
    Nenamerna izguba telesne teže
    [Unintentional weight loss]
  46. Šega-Jazbec Saša; Horvat-Ledinek Alenka
    Klinična slika in zdravljenje multiple skleroze
    [Clinical features and treatments of multiple sclerosis]
  47. Kogoj Aleš
    Vedenjske in psihične spremembe pri demenci
    [Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia]
  48. Grad Anton
    Arterijska hipertenzija in možganskožilne bolezni
    [Arterial hypertension and cerebrovascular disorders]
  49. Kopčavar-Guček Nena
    Odkrivanje in prepoznavanje stresne urinske inkontinence v ambulanti družinske medicine
    [Recognizing and diagnosing of stress urinary incontinence in family practice]
  50. Lukanovič Adolf
    Diferenciana diagnoza urinske inkontinence
    [Differential diagnosis of urinary incontinence]
  51. Kores-Plesničar Blanka
    Depresija, tesnobnost in kronična bolečina
    [Depression, anxiety and chronic pain]
  52. Velenik Vaneja
    Solidni tumorji ter nova spoznanja pri zdravljenju bolnikov z rakom
    [Solid tumors and new developments in cancer patients treatment]
  53. Tomšič Matija; Rotar Žiga
    Revmatoidni artritis in osteoartroza: novosti v zdravljenju z zdravili
    [Pharmacological treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis]
  54. Rotar-Pavlič Danica
    Strah pred rakom in kancerofobija
    [Fear of cancer and cancerophobia]
  55. Obralić Nermina
    Vloga bifosfonatov pri zdravljenju bolnikov s solidnimi tumorji
    [Role of biphosphonates in treating patients with solid tumors]
  56. Kovač Viljem
    Najpogostejši znaki in simptomi malignomov, ki bi jih morali pravočasno prepoznati in ustrezno ukrepati
    [The most frequent signs and symptoms of malignant diseases which are important for their early recognition and treatment]
  57. Borštnar Simona; Červek Jožica
    Kostni zasevki in hiperkalcemija: možnosti zdravljenja
    [Skeletal metastases and hypercalcemia: treatment options]
  58. Bilban-Jakopin Cvetka; Zakotnik Branko
    Najpogostejše zdravstvene težave po radioterapiji in kemoterapiji
    [Most frequent side effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy]
  59. Pajk Bojana
    Preprečevanje in zdravljenje slabosti in bruhanja pri bolniku z rakom
    [Prevention and treatment of nausea and vomiting in cancer patients]
  60. Valentinčič Tine; Miklavc Pika; Dolenšek Jurij; Pliberšek Kaja
    Correlations between olfactory discrimination, olfactory receptor neuron responses and chemotherapy of amino acids in fishes
  61. Ahčan Jerneja; Čižman Milan; Jazbec Janez
    Okužbe po presaditvi krvotvornih matičnih celic pri otrocih
    [Infection after hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation in children]
  62. Ahčan Jerneja; Čižman Milan; Novljan Gregor; Rus Rina; Sedmak Marjeta; Maček Vasilija; Kopriva Silvester
    Okužbe po presaditvi čvrstih organov pri otrocih
    [Infections after solid organ transplantation in children]
  63. Beović Bojana; Turel Matjaž; Vidmar Stanko
    Posebnosti okužb pri bolnikih s presajenimi pljuči in izkušnje v Sloveniji
    [Infections in lung transplant patients, experiences in Slovenia]
  64. Lejko-Zupanc Tatjana; Gabrijelčič Tone; Zorman Darko; Vrtovec Bojan
    Posebnosti okužb po presaditvi srca
    [Risks and epidemiology of infections after heart transplantation]
  65. Beović Bojana; Markovič Saša; Ribnikar Mojca; Špec-Marn Ana; Sojar Valentin; Stanisavljević Dragoje
    Posebnosti okužb pri bolnikih s presajenimi jetri in izkušnje v Sloveniji
    [Infection in liver transplant patients and experience in Slovenia]
  66. Tomažič Janez; Kandus Aljoša; Grego Katarina
    Okužbe po presaditvi ledvic
    [Infections in kidney transplantation]
  67. Videčnik Jerneja; Pretnar Jože
    Posebnosti okužb po presaditvi krvotvornih matičnih celic in izkušnje v Sloveniji
    [Infections in patients with haematopoietic stem cell transplantation - Slovene experiences]
  68. Zakotnik Breda; Čižman Milan; Tomažič Janez
    Cepljenje pri bolnikih s presajenimi čvrstimi organi in krvotvornimi matičnimi celicami
    [Vaccination in solid organ and stem cell transplant recipients]
  69. Cerar Daša; Beović Bojana
    Preprečevanje okužb pri bolnikih s presajenimi organi in tkivi: kemoprofilaksa in svetovanje
    [Prevention of infections in solid organ and tissue transplant recipients: chemoprophylaxis and counseling]
  70. Karner Primož; Matos Tadeja; Eržen Damjan
    Bakterijske in glivične okužbe pri bolnikih po presaditvi: diagnostika, klinična slika in zdravljenje
    [Bacteial and fungal infections in transplant recipients: diagnosis, clinical features and management]
  71. Logar Mateja
    Virusne okužbe pri transplantirancih: klinična slika in zdravljenje
    [Viral infections after transplantation: clinical picture and treatment]
  72. Meško Karmen M; Poljak Mario; Seme Katja
    Diagnostika virusnih okužb pri prejemnikih presadkov
    [Diagnosis of viral infections in transplant recipients]
  73. Kopčavar-Guček Nena; Beović Bojana
    Obravnava bolnika z okužbo po presaditvi pri izbranem zdravniku
    [Transplanted patient with infection in general/family practice]
  74. Matičič Mojca
    Virusni hepatitis pri bolnikih po transplantaciji
    [Viral hepatitis in transplant patients]
  75. Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Turel Matjaž
    Pristop k bolniku s pljučno prizadetostjo po transplantaciji
    [Diagnostic approach in patient with pulmonary complications following organ transplantation]
  76. Tomažič Janez
    Febrilno stanje po presaditvi organov in tkiv
    [Febrile illness after organ and tissue transplantation]
  77. Kotnik Vladimir; Kovač Damjan; Banič Blaž
    Imunske spremembe po presaditvi organov ali tkiv
    [Immune response following organ and tissue transplantation]
  78. Avsec-Letonja Danica
    Program presajanja čvrstih organov v Sloveniji
    [Program of transplantation of organs in Slovenia]
  79. Pretnar Jože; Jazbec Janez
    Program presajanja kostnega mozga v Sloveniji
    [Haemotopoietic stem cell transplantation programme in Slovenia]
  80. Arnež Maja
    Novosti v pediatrični infektologiji
    [Novelties in pediatric infectology]
  81. Logar Mateja
    Sodobni pristop k bolniku po vrnitvi iz tropskih krajev
    [New approaches to the patient after the return from tropical destinations]
  82. Beović Bojana
    Nova protibakterijska zdravila: ertapenem, linezolid, telitromicin
    [New bacterial drugs: ertapenem, tinezolid, telithromycin]
  83. Lejko-Zupanc Tatjana; Grmek-Košnik Irena; Dermota Urška; Juteršek Borut
    Ali se grožnja odpornih bakterij širi preko zidov slovenskih bolnišnic?
    [Is the threat of resistant bacteria spreading beyond the walls of Slovenian hospitals?]
  84. Tomažič Janez; Matičič Mojca
    Sodobna protivirusna zdravila, ki jih uporabljamo v klinični praksi pri odraslih bolnikih
    [Antiviral drugs in current clinical practice in adult patients]
  85. Kodrič Nada
    Pediatric regional anaesthesia
  86. Novak-Jankovič Vesna
    Analgesia in major abdominothoracic surgery
  87. Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka
    Pharmacological basis for choice of local anesthetic for central and peripheral blocks
  88. Novak-Jankovič V; Paver-Eržen V; Oberauner L; Strauch L; Hollan J; Lopuh M; Kumše B
    The influence of epidural clonidine on the postoperative leucocytes count
  89. Novak-Jankovič Vesna
    The comparison of the effects of epidural v.s. intravenous clonidine on hemodynamic and metabolic stress response and propofol requirement during lung surgery
  90. Oroszy D; Lopuh M
    Adverse outcomes in ambulatory anaesthesia
  91. Novak-Jankovič Vesna
    Analgesia in major abdominal surgery
  92. Hribar Primož; Kremžar Boriana
    Slovenian project on quality control in polytrauma patient
  93. Požar-Lukanovič N; Sojar V; Stanisavljevič D
    Haemodynamic monitoring during laparoscopic liver resection
  94. Albreht Tit
    Razvoj analitike zdravstvenih potreb in zdravstvenih sistemov
    [Development of the analysis of health needs and health systems]
  95. Teržan Metka
    Promocija zdravja na delovnem mestu
    [Workplace health promotion]
  96. Primic-Žakelj Maja; Zadnik Vesna
    Raziskovalno delo službe epidemiologija in registri raka na Onkološkem inštitutu
    [Fields of research in the epidemiology and cancer registries unit at the institute of oncology]
  97. Hlastan-Ribič Cirila; Cerar Anton; Pokorn Dražigost
    Učinek kefirja z različno vsebnostjo maščob v hrani poskusnih živali na pojav eksperimentalnih črevesnih tumorjev
    [Effects of kefir with different fat levels on chemically induced colorectal epithelial tumors]
  98. Eržen Ivan
    Epidemiologija okolja
    [Environmental epidemiology]
  99. Juričič Mojca
    Okolje in vpliv na zdravje otrok in mladih
    [Environmental effects on health of children and youth]
  100. Čakš Tomaž
    Obvladovanje uporabe tobaka nekoč, danes in v prihodnje
    [Control over tobacco use: yesterday, today and tomorrow]

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