biomedicina slovenica |
re="Farm Vestn" : 438-537
Vovk T; Bogataj M; Mrhar A; Pečar S; Schara M
Evaluation of mucose reduction properties by modeling the experimental data
1999 ►
Škof Anita
Validation of the kinetic chromogenic method for routine testing of bacterial endotoxins in pharmaceutical products
1999 ►
Zwittnig-Čop L
Design for the new production line for tablets in the galenical laboratory unit of Lekarna Ljubljana
1999 ►
Trojak A; Pišek R; Planinšek O; Srčič S
The granulation of model drugs with different binders in the fluid bed granulator and prediction of optimum binder with spreading coefficient values
1999 ►
Pišek R; Tuš M; Srčič S
The influence of rotational speed and surface of rotating disc on direct pelletization with rotor technology
1999 ►
Salobir M; Ferčej-Temeljotov D; Resman A; Podobnik B; Lučovnik P; Mohar M; Kofler B
Characterisation of variable physico-chemical properties of lisinopril dihydrate
1999 ►
Planinšek O; Trojak A; Srčič S
Assessment of the surface energy of powders by contact angle measurement and inverse gas chromatography
1999 ►
Zadravec Darko; Kerč Janez; Kristl Julijana
Some physico-chemical properties of new antiinflammatory agent LK-423
1999 ►
Legen I; Kristl A
Hydrolipophilic properties of some guanine derivates and their permeability through rat jejunum and mucus dispersions
1999 ►
Špiclin P; Gašperlin M
Microemulsions as carriers for ascorbic acid derivatives
1999 ►
Rebolj N; Kristl J; Gašperlin M
Phase behaviour of dispersion systems with silicone polyether surfactants
1999 ►
Srčič S; Kerč J
Modification of acyclovir dissolution from powder, capsules and tablets
1999 ►
Ahlin P; Kristl J; Šentjurc M
Incorporation of model drugs with different lipophilicity in SLN dispersions
1999 ►
Bogataj M; Mrhar A
The influence of acetone on the properties of chitosan hydrochloride microspheres
1999 ►
Baumgartner Saša; Kristl Julijana; Sepe Ana; Lahajnar Gojmir
Investigation of hydrophilic matrix tablets using magnetic resonance imaging
1999 ►
Zver I; Kerč J
Compatibility study of pravastatin sodium and pharmaceutical excipients
1999 ►
Rebolj N; Kristl J; Dong J; Binks BP
Surfactant molecular geometry in micro- and macro- emulsions
1999 ►
Smola Nataša; Urleb Uroš
Near infrared spectroscopy applied to quality control of incoming material in the pharmaceutical industry
1999 ►
Primožič Stanislav; Kozjek Franc; Kmetec Vojko; Veber Marjan
Transport kinetics of zinc-ciprofloxacin complex across the model lipid membrane
1999 ►
Primožič Stanislav
Advances in pharmacometric and regulatory aspects of bioequivalence
1999 ►
Srčič S; Kerč J
Study of enalapril maleate properties relevant to technological processing
1999 ►
Burjak M; Bogataj M; Mrhar A
Development of mucoadhesive microspheres for intravesical application
1999 ►
Conte Ubaldo; Maggi Lauretta
A successfull approach to develop a versatile drug delivery system using multi-layer tablet production: the Geomatrix technology
1999 ►
Junginger HE; van der Geest R; Bodde HE; Danhol M
Iontophoretic delivery of apomorphine - form in vitro modelling to the patient
1999 ►
Kerč J; Rebič B; Kofler B; Mohar M; Urbančič J
Preparation and evaluation of three-phase pharmaceutical form (threeform) for nifedipine once daily application
1999 ►
Komarek P; Magulova D
Study of properties of drug formulations using radionuclides
1999 ►
Kristl Albin; Legen Igor
Mucus/mucin dispersions as a model for drug absorption
1999 ►
Gabor E; Lochner N; Wolf M; Wirth M
Acid sensitive doxorubicin - WGA prodrugs: preparation and characterization using Caco-2 monolayers
1999 ►
Bernkop-Schnuerch A
Thiolated polymers: a new generation of mucoadhesive polymers
1999 ►
Florence Alexander T; Dimitrijević Dejana; Sakthivel Thiagarajan; Murdan Sudaxshina
Interactions of delivery systems with the biological environment: non passive vectors
1999 ►
Peppas Nicholas A; Torres-Lugo Madeline; Pacheco-Gomez Javier; Foss Aaron; Huang Yanbin; Ichikawa Hideki; Leobandung William
Recent advances and molecular observations on controlled drug and protein delivery
1999 ►
Mrhar Aleš
Guest editor's preface
[Beseda gostujočega urednika]
1999 ►
Bogovič Meta; Kobal Nataša
Klinična farmacija, farmakoepidemiologija in farmakoekonomika novih kardiovaskularnih zdravil
[Clinical pharmacy, pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacoeconomics of the new cardiovascular drugs]
1999 ►
Jakševac-Mikša Maja
Regionalni značaj programa EuroPharm foruma u državama srednje i istočne Europe
[Regional importance of the EuroPharm forum programs in the countries of central and eastern Europe]
1999 ►
Maučec-Zakotnik Jožica
Oris programov CINDI v Sloveniji in vloga farmacevtov pri njihovi izvedbi
[An outline of the current CINDI projects in Slovenia and the role of pharmacists in their performance]
1999 ►
Milovanovič Meta
Program, načrtovanje in izvedba farmacevtske skrbi za obvladovanje hipertenzije v slovenskih lekarnah
[Development and implemetation of pharmaceutical care program for patients with hypertension in Slovenia]
1999 ►
Gustafsen Ida
The joint CINDI/EuroPharm forum project on pharmacy-based hypertension management
[CINDI in EuroPharm forumov skupni projekt vodenja hipertenzije v lekarnah]
1999 ►
Kikelj Danijel
Novi inhibitorji angiotenzinske konvertaze in antagonisti angiotenzina II
[Novel ACE inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor antagonists]
1999 ►
Kikelj Danijel
Novi inhibitorji HMG-CoA-reduktaze
[Novel inhibitors of HMG-CoA reductase]
1999 ►
Frankič Darja
Farmacevtska intervencija
[Pharmaceutical intervention]
1999 ►
Kielgast Peter
A vision for pharmacy
[Farmacija: pogled v prihodnost]
1999 ►
Primožič Stanislav
Simpozij Slovenskega farmacevtskega društva ob njegovi 24. skupščini. Farmacevtska intervencija (farmacevtsko posredovanje), Novosti v farmakoterapiji bolezni srca in ožilja: beseda gostujočega urednika
[The annual symposium of the Slovenian pharmaceutical society. Pharmaceutical intervention, Trends in the pharmacotherapy of cardiovascular diseases: guest editor's note]
1999 ►
Krstulović Ana; Krznarić Željko; Rudolf Maja; Ostojić Rajko; Vucelić Boris; Malenica Branko
Prevalence of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) in autoimmune hepatitis
[Učestalost antineutrofilnih citoplazmatskih autoantitijela (ANCA) u bolesnika s autoimunim hepatitisom]
1998 ►
Dvornik Š; Radošević-Stašić B; Milin Č; Ćuk M; Trobonjača Z; Ravlić-Gulan J; Rukavina D
Metabolički aspekti imunološke reakcije
[Metabolic aspects of immune reaction]
1998 ►
Sedmak Marjeta; Zupančič Mirjana; Logar-Car Gordana
Funkcijski jetrni testi in prognostična ocena nujnosti za transplantacijo jeter pri otroku
[Liver function tests and prognostic assessment of hte need for liver transplantation in a child]
1998 ►
Kocijan Irena
Molekularna dijagnostika i terapija bolesti jetre
[Molecular diagnosis and therapy of liver diseases]
1998 ►
Topić Elizabeta
Novi funkcionalni, prognostički i dijagnostički testovi bolesti jetre
[New functional, prognostics and diagnostic tests of liver diseases]
1998 ►
Jagić Vjekoslav
Enzimske promjene u želučanom soku i krvi - moguće dijagnostičko značenje u različitim nozološkim entitetima
[Enzymatic changes in gastric juice and blood - possible diagnostic significance in various nosologic entities]
1998 ►
Osredkar Joško
Diagnostične metode za odkrivanje infekcije s Helicobacter pylori
[Diagnostic methods for detection of Helicobacter pylori infection]
1998 ►
Tepeš Bojan
Diagnostika okužbe z bakterijo Helicobacter pylori
[Diagnostics of the Helicobacter pylori infection]
1998 ►
Mičetić-Turk Dušanka
Diagnostika gastrointestinalnih bolezni v otroški dobi
[Diagnostics of gastrointestinal disease in children]
1998 ►
Malešič Ivan
Laboratorijska diagnostika gastrointestinalnih bolezni
[Laboratory diagnostics of gastrointestinal diseases]
1998 ►
Malešič Ivan
Beseda gostujočega urednika
[Guest editor's note]
1998 ►
Primožič Stanislav
Beseda organizacijskega odbora
1996 ►
Rus Veljko S
Sociopsihološki vidiki Aids-a
[Sociopsychologic aspects of AIDS]
1998 ►
Dulion Annick
Role of pharmacists in the right against AIDS: Vancouver declaration
[Vloga farmacevta v borbi proti AIDS: Vancouverska deklaracija]
1998 ►
Urbanc-Mokotar Marina
Vloga farmacevta pri obvladovanju in preprečevanju AIDS-a
[Pharmacist's role regarding the prevention and control of AIDS]
1998 ►
Lukić Ljubiša
Varna transfuzija krvnih pripravkov
[Safe transfusion of blood-derived medicinal products]
1998 ►
Czarnecki Andrzej
Pharmacoepidemiology - a tool to contemporary pharmacotherapy
[Farmakoepidemiologija - orodje sodobne farmakoterapije]
1998 ►
Tomažič Janez
Sodobni koncept protiretrovirusnega zdravljenja
[Modern concept of antiretroviral treatment]
1998 ►
Marc Gašper
Učinkovine v zdravljenju okužbe z virusom človeške imunske pomanjkljivosti (HIV)
[Drugs in therapy of HIV infection]
1998 ►
Zelger Georges L
Clinical pharmacy: contribution to a rational and cost-effective therapy
[Klinična farmacija: prispevek k racionalni in stroškovno učinkoviti terapiji]
1998 ►
Primožič Stanislav
Trialog bolnik-zdravnik-farmacevt: spodbude in težave
[The patient-physician-pharmacist trialogue: challenges and obstacles]
1998 ►
Primožič Stanislav
Beseda gostujočega urednika
[Guest editor's note]
1998 ►
Fredro-Kumbaradzi E; Popovska-Pavlovska F; Simov A; Goracinova K
Phase inversion of multiple W/O/W into W/O emulsion by osmotic pressure gradient
1995 ►
Coppi G; Iannuccelli V; Cameroni R
Calcium alginate membrane coated matrices as oral drug delivery system
1995 ►
Ugarković S; Trendovska-Serafimovska G; Sapkareva B
Controlled release formulation of verapamil hydrochloride tablets
1995 ►
Vandelli MA; Forni F; Cameroni R; Bernabei MT
A new crosslinked gelatin in the microsphere preparation
1995 ►
Rodriguez L; Cini M; Cavallari C; Passerini N; Saettone MF; Monti D; Caputo O
Ultrasound-assisted compaction of pharmaceutical materials
1995 ►
Rodriguez L; Cini M; Grecchi R; Spadoni A; Cocquio T; Cavallari C; Sancin P
A practical guide to film-coating with a special coating pan: theoretical aspects and experimental validation
1995 ►
Kasa P Jr; Pintye-Hodi K; Szabo-Revesz P; Selmeczi B
Investigation of use of a new pregelatinized starch in wet granulation
1995 ►
Mucci A; Vandelli MA; Salvioli G; Schenetti L; Cameroni R
A contribution on the complexation of ursodeoxycholic acid with beta-cyclodextrin
1995 ►
Lovrecich M; Rubessa F; Zingone G
Effect of ageing on drug release of indomethacin from solid solutions with polymers
1995 ►
Goracinova K; Klisarova L; Simov A; Fredro-Kumbaradzi E; Petruševska-Tozi L
Characterization of fluid bed prepared granulations with verapamil. HCl as active substance
1995 ►
Ponchel G; Durrer C; Irache JM; Puisieux F; Duchene D
Intestinal mucoadhesion of colloidal particles
1995 ►
Chicco D; Moneghini M; Rubessa F; Vojnović D
Mixture design applied to solubility predictions and pharmaceutical formulation
1995 ►
Abraham MH
The correlation and prediction of transport properties of drugs and other molecules
1995 ►
Mrhar Aleš
Guest editor's preface
[Beseda gostujočega urednika]
1995 ►
Trojak Andrijana; Planinšek Odon; Srčič Stanko
Uporabnost parametra proste površinske energije v farmacevtsko tehnoloških procesih
[The use of surface free energy value in the pharmaceutical technology processes]
2000 ►
Frankič Darja
Razmišljanja o vplivu globalizacije na farmacevtski poklic
[Reflections on the impact of globalisation on the pharmaceutical profession]
2000 ►
Obreza Aleš; Sollner Marija
Mannichove baze s protitumornim in protimikrobnim delovanjem
[Mannich bases with antitumor and antimicrobial activity]
2000 ►
Golmajer Andrej; Kozjek Franc
Farmakokinetične lastnosti makrolidov
[Pharmacokinetic properties of macrolides]
2000 ►
Golmajer Andrej; Kozjek Franc
Makrolidi in njihove farmakodinamične lastnosti
[Macrolides and their pharmacodynamic properties]
2000 ►
Breznik Matej; Kikelj Danijel
Mimetiki prolina in cis/trans izomerizacija peptidne vezi prolina
[Surrogates of proline and cis/trans isomerization of proline peptide bond]
2000 ►
Breznik Matej; Planinšek Odon; Kikelj Danijel
Struktura aktivnih mest nekaterih serinskih proteaz kot osnova za načrtovanje inhibitorjev
[Structures of serine protease active sites as basis for rational design of inhibitors]
2000 ►
Zadravec Darko; Kerč Janez; Kristl Julijana
Pregled gastrointestinalnih pospeševalcev absorpcije učinkovin
[Review of gastrointestinal drug absorption enchancers]
2000 ►
Mlinarič-Raščan Irena
Molekularni vidiki programirane celične smrti
[Molecular basis of a programmed cell death]
2000 ►
Mlinar Barbara; Lukač-Bajalo Jana
Genetika galaktozemij z okvaro galaktoza-1-fosfat-uridiltransferaze
[Genetics of galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase deficient forms of galactosemia]
2000 ►
Gašperlin Mirjana; Kristl Julijana
Inovativni pristopi k oblikovanju kozmetičnih negovalnih izdelkov
[Innovation concepts in skin care product design]
2000 ►
Gobec Stanislav
2000 ►
Mlinšek Gregor; Kristl Julijana
Vnos peptidnih in proteinskih učinkovin skozi nosno služnico
[Intranasal delivery of peptide and protein drugs]
2000 ►
Šorli Jurij
Protivnetna farmakoterapija respiratornih bolezni - novosti v zdravljenju astme
[Antiinflammatory pharmacotherapy of the respiratory diseases - recent advanced in asthma therapy]
1997 ►
Smola Nataša; Urleb Uroš
Oxytetracycline base - monograph
[Oksitetraciklin baza - monografija]
2000 ►
Planinšek Odon
Makrofiltracija in mikrofiltracija v farmaciji
[Macrofiltration and microfiltration in pharmacy]
2000 ►
Gantar Mateja; Štrukelj Borut
Mehanizmi delovanja in oblikovanje biotehnoloških produktov
[Mechanisms of action and formulation of biotech products]
2000 ►
Cesar Jožko; Sollner Marija
Terapevtska uporabnost antagonistov vitronektinskega receptorja
[Therapeutical applicability of vitronectin receptor antagonists]
2000 ►
Peterlin-Mašič Lucija; Pečar Slavko
Kombinatorična kemija
[Combinatorial chemistry]
2000 ►
Jenko-Brinovec Špela; Plaper Andreja; Zalar Stane
Introduction of in vitro toxicological methods in the pharmaceutical factory Krka
[Uvajanje in vitro toksikoloških metod v tovarni zdravil Krka]
2000 ►
Ferlan Andrej
Antralini v terapiji psoriaze-luskavice
[Anthralines in therapy of psoriasis]
2000 ►
Svetic B; Strojan P; Vrhovec I
Prognostic value of cathepsins B and L and stefins A and B in head and neck carcinoma
2000 ►
1 38 138 238 338 438 538 638 738 838
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