biomedicina slovenica


  1. Bezjak Mihael; Korat Sebastijan; Winkler David
    PACS - informacijski sistem za pridobivanje, shranjevanje, obdelovanje in posredovanje slik
    [Picture archiving and communications system]
  2. Radič-Brglez Renata
    Kako razumeti in ne pregoreti v zdravstvu
    [How to understand and avoid burnout in health care]
  3. Čokl Andrej; Žunič Alenka; Laumann Raúl Alberto
    The role of interference in insect substrate-borne vibrational communication
    [Vloga interference v vibracijski komunikaciji žuželk preko podlage]
  4. Oven Alenka
    Starostnik in (ne)uporaba računalnika in interneta
    [Elderly and (not)use computers and the internet]
  5. Bonin Adrijana; Kvas Andreja; Domajnko Barbara
    Komunikacija med medicinsko sestro in pacientom z obolenjem ali poškodbo v predelu obraza in ustne votline ob odpustu iz oddeleka
    [Communication during a discharge process between a nurse and a patient with a disease or an injury of facial and oral cavity area]
  6. Gorišek Borut
  7. Starc Jasmina
    Komunikacija kot sredstvo izražanja pacientovih potreb
    [Communication as a means of expression of patients needs]
  8. Singh Priyanka; Jorgačevski Jernej; Kreft Marko; Grubišić Vladimir; Stout Randy F.; Potokar Maja; Parpura Vladimir; Zorec Robert
    Single-vesicle architecture of synaptobrevin2 in astrocytes
  9. Selič Polona
    Komunikacija s kroničnimi bolniki v slovenski družinski medicini in smiselnost uporabe sredstev informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije
    [A cross-sectional study on doctor-chronic patient communication in Slovenian family medicine and the factors associated with patients' attitudes towards the use of information communication technology]
  10. Rajer Mirjana
    The benefits and pitfalls of the internet in communication with cancer patients
  11. Surbone Antonella; Zwitter Matjaž; Rajer Mirjana; Stiefel Richard
    New challenges in communication with cancer patients
  12. Štih Anita; Ferjan Marko
    Komunikacija na delovnem mestu in njen vpliv na zdravje zaposlenih v javnem zdravstvenem zavodu
    [The influence of the workplace communication on the health of employees in public health institutions]
  13. Eržen Ivan
  14. van Velthoven Michelle HMMT; Tudor Car Lorainne; Gentry Sarah; Car Josip
    Telephone delivered interventions for preventing HIV infection in HIV-negative persons
  15. Gentry Sarah; van Velthoven Michelle HMMT; Tudor Car Lorainne; Car Josip
    Telephone delivered interventions for reducing morbidity and mortality in people with HIV infection
  16. Harris Matthew; Greaves Felix; Gunn Laura H; Car Josip
    Multidisciplinary integration in the context of integrated care - results from the North West London Integrated Care Pilot
  17. Lesar Irena
    Vloga zdravstvenega osebja pri soočanju človeka s kronično boleznijo
  18. Di Iorio Concetta Tania; Bratina Nataša
    Cross-border flow of health information: is privacy by design enough? Privacy performance assessment in EUBIROD
  19. Babnik Katarina; Šavle Majda
    Kulturna raznolikost: komunikacija s pacienti iz različnih etničnih, kulturnih in jezikovnih okolij
    [Cultural diversity: communication with patients from different ethnic, cultural and linguistic backgrounds]
  20. Hočevar Posavec Bojana; Starc Jasmina
    Izvajanje rednih letnih razgovorov v zdravstvenih ustanovah
    [[The regular annual interview in health care facilities]]
  21. Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Kersnik Janko
    Which pharmaceutical sales representatives' features do slovenian family physicians value?
  22. Little Paul; Kersnik Janko; Švab Igor
    Effects of internet-based training on antibiotic prescribingrates for acute respiratory-tract infections
  23. McDonnell Adam; Mekjavić Igor B.; Dolenc-Grošelj Leja; Jaki Polona; Eiken Ola
    Effect of hypoxia and bedrest on peripheral vasoconstriction
  24. Stavrou Nektarios; McDonnell Adam; Eiken Ola; Mekjavić Igor B.
    Indices of psychological strain during hypoxic bedrestand confinement
  25. Hakl Marek; Vondráčková Dana; Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka
    Transdermal buprenorphine (Transtec) in clinical practice: an introduction to three short communications
  26. Hadjichristodoulou Christos; Mouchtouri Varvara A; Guglielmetti Paolo; Pirnat Nina; Sočan Maja
    Actions for prevention and control of health threats related to maritime transport in European Union
  27. Ebert Maja; Mesti Tanja; Ivanetič Maja; Červek Matej; Rajer Mirjana; Zavratnik Boštjan; Unk Mojca; Ravnik Maja; Horvat Marija; Gregorič Brigita; Pelipenko Klara; Zakotnik Branko; Červek Jožica; Tonkli Alenka
    Parameters estimating the length of survival in the end of life care
  28. Palliative care reaching out
  29. Naranđa Jakob; Brodnik Tomaž; Milčić Milko; Dinevski Dejan
    Telemedicina in ortopedija
    [Telemedicine and orthopaedics]
  30. Gurol-Urganci Ipek; de Jongh Thyra E; Vodopivec Jamšek Vlasta; Atun Rifat; Car Josip
    Mobile phone messaging reminders for attendance at healthcare appointments
  31. Vidmar Jernej
    Psihološko ozadje samopoškodovalnega vedenja
    [Psychological background of self-harm behaviour]
  32. Iljaž Rade; Meglič Matic; Petek Davorina; Kolšek Marko; Poplas-Susič Tonka
    Adherence factors to paperless primary healthcare
    [Dejavniki za sprejetje brezpapirne oskrbe v osnovnem zdravstvu]
  33. Roncelli-Vaupot Silva; Železnik Danica
    Pomen asertivnosti v zdravstvu
    [The importance of assertiveness in health care]
  34. Chowdhury Haque Helena; Velebit Marković Jelena; Radić Nataša; Frančič Vito; Mekjavić Igor B.; Eiken Ola; Zorec Robert
    A new approach to study properties of isolated preadipocytes following in vivo exposure to hypoxia
  35. Ouwehand L.
    Proceedings of Life in space for life on earth, 18-22 June 2012, Aberdeen
  36. Stanič Uroš; Dolinšek Slavko; Cerkvenik Škafar Andreja; Grmek-Košnik Irena; Stanič Jana; Cerinšek Gregor
    The specific approach for establishment of innovation hospitals in Gorenjska region
  37. Vovk Mihaela; Korošec Barbara; Ogrin Maja; Jenko Mojca; Groleger Katja
    Analiza postopka testiranja sposobnosti bolnikov za uporabo sistema za nadomestno komunikacijo, ki omogoča vodenje računalnika z usmerjanjem pogleda
    [Analysis of a testing protocol for evaluation of patients' ability to use an eye-tracking based alternative communication system]
  38. Plankar Matej; Brežan Simon
    The concept of coherence in models of the meaning in cognition
  39. Mlinar Suzana
    Analiza izražanja študentov zdravstvene nege - profesionalna komunikacija
    [Analysis of the expression of nursing students - professional communication]
  40. Prijatelj Vesna; Rajkovič Vladislav; Šušteršič Olga
    A model for risk assessment in health care using a health care failure method and effect analysis
    [Model ocenjevanja tveganj v zdravstvu z uporabo metode analize mogočih napak in njihovih posledic, prilagojene za zdravstvo]
  41. Blažun Helena; Vošner Janez; Kokol Peter
    Vpliv informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije na višjo kakovost življenja starostnikov
    [Impact of information communication technology on quality of life of elderly people]
  42. Zurc Jelena; Dovžan Aleš; Ahčin Andreja; Gašparić Mojca
    Vpliv konja na mladostnike
    [Influence of horse on adolescents]
  43. Perušek Anica; Zurc Joca; Skela-Savič Brigita
    Komunikacija in kakovost odnosov med medicinsko sestro in starostniki v patronažnem varstvu
    [Communication and quality of relations beetwen community nurses and elderly people in community healthcare]
  44. Ličen Sabina
    Uporaba informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije med študenti zdravstvene nege v času študija
    [#The #use of information - communication technology among nursing students during their course of study]
  45. Robert-Inacio Frédérique; Oudinet Ghislain; Colonna François-Marie
    Ship classification from multispectral videos
  46. Ogorevc Eva; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Veranič Peter
    Are extracellular vesicles involved in phenotypic oncogenic transformation?
    [[Pomen zunajceličnih veziklov v rakasti transformaciji celic]]
  47. Biljanović Petar
    MIPRO 2013
  48. Ličen Sabina; Plazar Nadja
    Razlike v asertivnem vedenju med študentkami zdravstvene nege in študentkami drugih fakultet
    [Differences of assertive behavior among female nursing students and female students of other faculties]
  49. Blazinšek Urška; Zurc Joca; Skela-Savič Brigita
    Učinkovitost komunikacije diplomiranih in srednjih medicinskih sester z dementnimi bolniki v psihiatričnih bolnišnicah
    [Communication effectiveness between graduate or secondary school nurses and dementia patients in psychiatric hospitals]
  50. Kvas Andreja; Seljak Janko
    Ocena vodstvenih kompetenc na področju etike za vodje v zdravstveni negi
    [Assessment of ethics-related competences in nurse leaders]
  51. Prijatelj Vesna
    Računalniška oprema mora biti vključena v sistem obvladovanja bolnišničnih okužb
    [Computer equipment must be included in the nosocomial infection control system]
  52. Pavlović Aleksandar; Štemberger Kolnik Tamara; Žvanut Boštjan
    Oblikovanje elektronske vloge za sprejem pacienta na negovalni oddelek
    [E-application forming for addmission of the patient to the nursing care unit]
  53. Mičetić-Turk Dušanka
    Učenje komunikacije v medicinskem izobraževanju
    [Communication teaching in medical education]
  54. Reschner Hrvoje; Petrovič Danijel; Šinkovec Matjaž
    Pomen polimorfizmov adhezijskih genov in genov koagulacijske kaskade pri nastanku miokardnega infarkta oziroma stabilne koronarne bolezni pri sladkorni bolezni tipa 2
    [Gene polymorphism of adhesion genes and genes of coagulation cascade in the development of myocardial infarction and stable coronary artery disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus]
  55. Lindqvist Olav; Lunder Urška
    Complexity in non-pharmacological caregiving activities at the end of life
  56. Lainščak Mitja; Kadivec Saša; Košnik Mitja; Benedik Barbara; Bratkovič Marjana; Jakhel Tatjana; Marčun Robert; Mikloša Petra; Štalc Barbara; Farkaš-Lainščak Jerneja
    Discharge coordinator intervention prevents hospitalizations in patients with COPD
  57. Selič Polona
    Pod kakšnimi pogoji bi slovenski zdravniki družinske medicine pristali na redno uporabo e-pošte in mobilnega telefona za stike s svojimi bolniki?
    [Which circumstances would make Slovenian family physicians accept the regular use of e-mail and mobile phones in communications with their patients?]
  58. Civljak Marta; Stead Lindsay F; Hartmann-Boyce Jamie; Sheikh Aziz; Car Josip
    Internet-based interventions for smoking cessation
  59. Goslar Tomaž; Podbregar Matej
    Acute ECG ST-segment elevation mimicking myocardial infarction in a patient with pulmonary embolism
  60. Ivetić Vojislav; Kersnik Janko; Klemenc-Ketiš Zalika; Švab Igor; Kolšek Marko; Poplas-Susič Tonka
    Opinions of Slovenian family physicians on medically unexplained symptoms
  61. Potokar Maja; Vardjan Nina; Stenovec Matjaž; Gabrijel Mateja; Trkov Saša; Jorgačevski Jernej; Kreft Marko; Zorec Robert
    Astrocytic vesicle mobility in health and disease
  62. Harris Matthew; Greaves Felix; Gunn Laura H; Car Josip
    Multidisciplinary group performance measuring integration intensity in the context of the North West London Integrated Care Pilot
  63. Tudor Car Lorainne; Gentry Sarah; van Velthoven Michelle HMMT; Car Josip
    Telephone communication of HIV testing results for improving knowledge of HIV infection status
  64. Vodopivec Jamšek Vlasta; de Jongh Thyra E; Gurol-Urganci Ipek; Atun Rifat; Car Josip
    Mobile phone messaging for preventive health care
  65. de Jongh Thyra E; Gurol-Urganci Ipek; Vodopivec Jamšek Vlasta; Car Josip; Atun Rifat A.
    Mobile phone messaging for facilitating self-management of long-term illnesses
  66. Boc Anja; Čebašek Vita
    Vene spodnjih udov anatomija in nova terminologija
    [Veins of the lower limbs anatomy and new terminology]
  67. Virant-Doberlet Meta
    When a good rhythm can also be a bad rhythm - a story of bug communication
  68. Virant-Doberlet Meta; Bluemel Joanna K.; Derlink Maja; Pavlovčič Petra; King R. Andrew; Wilson Michael; Stewart Alan; Symondson William O. C.
    Enigmatic Aphrodes
  69. Biljanović Petar
    MIPRO 2013
  70. Golle Andrej; Lorenčič Robnik Slavica; Kotnik-Kevorkijan Božena; Novak Dušan
    Odvzem kužnin pri bolniku z vročino
    [Collection of clinical specimens from patient with fever]
  71. Zafošnik Andrej; Kalacun Vanja; Dajčman Davorin
    Endoskopske preiskave v anesteziji - predstavitev bolnice
    [Endoscopic procedures in anaesthesia - case report]
  72. Crnjac Anton; Pivec Vid; Ivanecz Arpad
    Thoracobiliary fistulas
  73. MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry
  74. Leskovar Klavdija; Blažun Helena; Pišlar Milena
    Socialno vključevanje oseb s težavami v duševnem zdravju s pomočjo informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije (IKT)
    [Social inclusion of people with mental disorders using information and communication technology (ICT)]
  75. Zupan Anton; Jenko Mojca
    Assistive technology for people with cerebral palsy
  76. Zwitter Matjaž
    Communication in view of limited resources
  77. Zidanšek Anja; Rifel Janez; Švab Igor
    Poučevanje sporazumevanja s pomočjo videa in simuliranih bolnikov 15 let izkušenj Medicinske fakultete v Ljubljani
    [Teaching communication with the help of video and simulated patients 15 years of experience of the Medical faculty of Ljubljana]
  78. Goličnik Marko
    Solution of the Webb equation for kinetics of cholinesterase substrate-inhibition/activation using the adomian decomposition method
  79. Štrukelj Roman; Šuštar Vid; Mrvar-Brečko Anita; Veranič Peter; Haegerstrand Henry; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Sevšek France
    Suppression of membrane vesiculation as anticoagulant and anti-metastatic mechanism erole of stability of narrow necks
  80. Plankar Matej; Brežan Simon; Jerman Igor
    The principle of coherence in multi-level brain information processing
  81. Boc Anja; Čebašek Vita
    Vene spodnjih udov - anatomija in nova terminologija
    [Veins of the lower limbs - anatomy and new terminology]
  82. Pičman Matevž
    Elektroencefalografski vmesnik med možgani in računalnikom
  83. Goličnik Marko
    Die Kinetik der Invertinwirkung of L. Michaelis and M. L. Menten revisited after 100 years: closed-form solutions of genuine invertase-reaction dynamics
  84. Huckvale Kit; Car Mate; Morrison Cecily; Car Josip
    Apps for asthma self-management: a systematic assessment of content and tools
  85. Belisario Jose S Marcano; Bruggeling Michelle N; Gunn Laura H; Brusamento Serena; Car Josip
    Interventions for recruiting smokers into cessation programmes
  86. Selič Polona
    Dejavniki v komunikacijskem polju, povezani s kakovostjo medsebojnega sporazumevanja
    [Factors associated with the quality of interpersonal communication in professionals]
  87. Selič Polona
    Dejavniki, povezani z odnosom do uporabe e-pošte v medsebojni komunikaciji v družinski medicini pri zdravnikih in bolnikih v Sloveniji
    [The factors associated with attitudes towards the use of e-mail as a means of communication between family physicians and their patients in Slovenia]
  88. Gurol-Urganci Ipek; de Jongh Thyra; Vodopivec-Jamšek Vlasta; Car Josip; Atun Rifat
    Mobile phone messaging for communicating results of medical investigations
  89. Car Josip; Gurol-Urganci Ipek; de Jong Thyra; Vodopivec-Jamšek Vlasta; Atun Rifat
    Mobile phone messaging reminders for attendance at healthcare appointments
  90. Atherton Helen; Sawmynaden Prescilla; Sheikh Aziz; Majeed Ayeem; Car Josip
    Email for clinical communication between patients/caregivers and healthcare professionals
  91. Sawmynaden Prescilla; Atherton Helen; Majeed Azeem; Car Josip
    Email for the provision of information on disease prevention and health promotion
  92. Goljar Nika; Ivanovski Matic
    Motnje občutljivosti, zaznavnih in spoznavnih sposobnosti in izid rehabilitacije po možganski kapi
    [Sensory, perceptual and cognitive deficits and rehabilitation outcome after stroke]
  93. Jenko Mojca; Ocepek Julija; Zupan Anton
    Eye controlled human computer interaction for severely motor disabled children: two clinical case studies
  94. Šereg-Bahar Maja; Soklič-Košak Tanja; Hočevar-Boltežar Irena
    Voice problems among Slovenian physicians compared to the teachers: prevalence and risk factors
  95. Schuller-Petrović S; Pavlović MD; Schuller S; Schuller-Lukic B; Adamič M
    Telangiectasias resistant to sclerotherapy are commonly connected to a perforating vessel
  96. George Carlisle; Whitehouse Diane; Duquenoy Penny
    eHealth: legal, ethical and goverance challenges
  97. Lokar Maruša
    Nastanek in stabilnost membranskih nanostruktur: mikroveziklov in membranskih nanocevk: morfološka analiza
  98. Zevnik Rok
    Univerzalni diagnostični komunikacijski vmesnik L@B-IS map
    [L@B-IS Map universal diagnostic communication gateway]
  99. Breskvar Marko; Maček-Kvanka Marjeta; Tonejc Mihael; Vavpotič Mitja
    Novi telemedicinski sistem v slovenski transfuzijski službi
    [The new telemedicine system in Slovenian blood transfusion service]
  100. Meyer Barbara; Atherton Helen; Sawmynaden Prescilla; Car Josip
    Email for communicating results of diagnostic medical investigations to patients

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