biomedicina slovenica |
Žgajnar Janez; Lindtner Jurij
Prognostični pomen katepsina D in PS-2 pri operabilnem raku dojk
1995 ►
Zajc Tajana; Turk Vito
Vpliv katepsina E na aktivnost cisteinskih katepsinov
2015 ►
Banay-Schwartz M.; Bracco F.; Dahl D.; DeGuzman T.; Turk Vito; Lajtha A.
The pH dependance of breakdown of various proteins by cathepsin D preparations
1985 ►
Bidovec Katja; Stoka Veronika; Turk Vito
Apoptosis triggered by TNF[alpha] in U937 cell line is independent of cysteine cathepsins and cathepsin D
2014 ►
Bidovec Katja; Stoka Veronika; Turk Vito
TNF[alpha]-induced apoptosis in U937 cell line is independent of cathepsin D and cysteine cathepsins
2014 ►
Lah Turnšek Tamara; Calaf G.; Kalman Endre; Shinde B.; Somers R.; Estrada S.; Salero E.; Russo Jose; Daskal Y.
Cathepsins B and L, but not cathepsin D are related to the tumorigenicity of transformed human breast epihelial cells (HBEC)
1994 ►
Ocvirk Janja; Štabuc Borut; Vrhovec Ivan; Rudolf Zvonimir
Clinical significance of serum cathepsin D in metastatic melanoma patients
1995 ►
Brzin J; Meško P; Štrukelj B
Potato plant - the source of inhibitors of cysteine, serine and aspartic (Cathepsin D) proteinases
1993 ►
Štrukelj B; Pungerčar J; Ravnikar M; Meško P; Kopitar G; Poljšak-Prijatelj M; Turk V; Kregar I
Immunohistochemical localization and cDNA cloning of jasmonic acid-inducible cathepsin D inhibitors from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
1994 ►
Meško P; Kopitar M; Turk V
Isolation and some properties of the potato inhibitor of cathepsin D
1988 ►
Meško P; Kopitar M; Asmelash B; Puizdar V; Turk V
Isolation and characterization of inhibitors of cathepsin D from potatoes
1987 ►
Meško P; Kopitar M; Drobnič-Košorok M; Turk V
Isolation and partial characterization of the potato inhibitor of cathepsin D
1988 ►
Jagodic Monika
Napovedna vrednost katepsinov D in L pri raku dojk
[Predictive value of cathepsins D and L in breast cancer]
2005 ►
Premzl Aleš; Kos Janko
Cysteine and aspartic proteases cathepsins B and D determine the invasiveness of MCF10A neoT cells
[Cisteinski in aspartatni proteazi katepsina B in D določata invazivnost MCF10A neoT celic]
2003 ►
Šmid Alojz; Strojan Primož; Budihna Marjan; Škrk Janez; Vrhovec Ivan; Žargi Miha; Kos Janko
Prognostic value of cathepsin B, D and stefins A and B in laryngeal carcinoma
1997 ►
Stražiščar Štefan; Turk Vito
Izolacija in opis katepsina D iz poskusnega granuloma
[Isolation and characterization of cathepsin D from experimental granuloma]
1973 ►
Galeša Katja
Ekspresija, izolacija in karakterizacija ekvistatina in posameznih domen
2002 ►
Premzl Aleš
Vpliv monoklonskih protiteles proti katepsin B in proteinaznih inhibitorjev na proliferacijo, invazijo in angiogenezo tumorskih celic in vitro
[The effects of anti-cathepsin B monoclonal antibodies and proteinase inhibitors on tumor cell proliferation, invasion and angiogenesis in vitro]
2001 ►
Galeša K; Beekwilder J; Gunčar G; Turk V; Lenarčič B; Jongsma MA
Phage display of the first and the third equistatin domains
2001 ►
Strojan Primož
Prognostic value of cathepsin and their endogenous inhibitors in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
[Napovedni pomen katepsinov in njihovih endogenih inhibitorjev pri ploščatoceličnem karcinomu glave in vratu]
2000 ►
Strojan Primož; Budihna Marjan; Šmid Lojze; Vrhovec Ivan; Škrk Janez
Urokynase-type plasminogen activator, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 and cathepsin D: analysis of their prognostic significance in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
2000 ►
Bartenjev Igor
A enzima proteolitica catepsina D pode ser um novo fator prognostico nos melanomas malignos cutaneos
2001 ►
Bartenjev I; Rudolf Z; Štabuc B; Vrhovec I; Perkovič T; Kansky A
Cathepsin D expression in early cutaneous malignant melanoma
2000 ►
Lah T; Skalerič U; Babnik J; Turk V
Cathepsin D, L and B in inflamed human gingiva
1985 ►
Turk V; Lah T; Kregar I
Cathepsin D, Cathepsin E
1984 ►
Babnik J; Lah T; Cotič V; Turk V
Anticathepsin D antibody-sepharose chromatography of human cathepsin D
1984 ►
Turk V; Lah T; Puizdar V; Kregar I; Pain RH
The existence of a precursor of cathepsin D: Evidence from autolysis, denaturation and activation studies
1981 ►
Lah T; Turk V; Pain RH
Denaturation of cathepsin D
1983 ►
Lah T; Turk V
Autolysis studies of cathepsin D
1982 ►
Lah T; Drobnič-Košorok M; Turk V; Pain RH
Conformation, structure and activation of bovine cathepsin D. Unfolding and refolding studies
1984 ►
Suhar A; Schauer P; Škrk J; Turk V; Likar M
Effect of interferon of activity of cathepsin D
1983 ►
Turk V; Puizdar V; Lah T; Gubenšek F; Kregar I
Structural and denaturation studies of cathepsin D and the existence of its possible precursor
1981 ►
Gubenšek F; Kregar I; Lapanje S; Turk V
1979 ►
Osmak M; Nikšić D; Brozović A; Ambriović-Ristov A; Vrhovec I; Škrk J
Drug resistant tumor cells have increased levels of tumor markers for invasion and metastasis
1999 ►
Šprem Marina; Babić Damir; Abramić Marija; Miličić Duško; Vrhovec Ivan; Škrk Janez; Osmak Maja
The levels of cathepsin D and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 in normal, benign and malignant ovarian tissues
2000 ►
Bartenjev Igor
Intratumorska koncentracija katepsina D pri malignem melanomu kože - primerjava z morfološkimi in kliničnimi prognostičnimi značilnostmi
2000 ►
Lah Tamara
Proteaze in proteinazni inhibitorji v napredovanju raka: možna uporaba v prognozi, preventivi in anti-metastatski terapiji: zaključno poročilo o rezultatih raziskovalnega projekta v letu 1999
1999 ►
Lah Tamara T; Čerček Miha; Blejec Andrej; Kos Janko; Gorodetsky Ella; Somers Robert; Daskal Ierachmiel
Cathepsin B, a prognostic indicator in lymph node-negative breast carcinoma patients: comparison with cathepsin D, cathepsin L, and other clinical indicators
2000 ►
Lah Tamara T; Kalman Endre; Najjar Denise; Gorodetsky Ella; Brennan Patrick; Somers Robert; Daskal Ierachmiel
Cells producting cathepsins D, B, and L in human breast carcinoma and their association with prognosis
2000 ►
Šprem Marina; Babić Damir; Abramić Marija; Miličić Duško; Vrhovec Ivan; Škrk Janez; Osmak Maja
Cathepsin D and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 in normal, benign and malignant ovarian tissues: a preliminary report
[Katepsin D in inhibitorji ter aktivatorji plasminogena tipa 1 v normalnem, benignem in malignem ovarijskem tkivu: uvodno poročilo]
2000 ►
Strojan Primož
Katepsin D in rak dojke
[Cathepsin D and breast cancer]
2000 ►
Rogelj Boris
Inhibitorji cisteinskih proteniaz kot potencialne obrambne molekule za zaščito rastlin
[Cysteine proteinase inhibitors as potential plant defense molecules]
1999 ►
Bavec Saša
Kloniranje in ekspresija prve in tretje domene ekvistatina v Escherichia coli
1999 ►
Strojan Primož
Napovedni pomen katepsinov in njihovih endogenih inhibitorjev pri bolnikih s karcinomi glave in vratu
1998 ►
Strojan Primož; Budihna Marjan; Šmid Lojze; Vrhovec Ivan; Škrk Janez
Cathepsin D in tissue and serum of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
1998 ►
Levičar Nataša; Blejec Andrej; Golouh Rastko; Grazio Snežana; Vrhovec Ivan; Brunner Nils; Kos Janko; Lah Tamara T
Prognostic relevance of cysteine cathepsins B and L and serine proteases U-PA and their inhibitors, stefins A and B and PAI-1 in breast cancer
1998 ►
Strojan Primož
Napovedni pomen katepsinov B in D ter stefinov A in B pri bolnikih s karcinomom grla
1997 ►
Strojan P
Prognostic value of cathepsins B, D and stefins A and B in patients with laryngeal carcinoma
1997 ►
Ocvirk J; Štabuc B; Vrhovec I; Rudolf Z
Serum cathepsin D in metastatic melanoma patients
1997 ►
Osmak M; Babić D; Abramić M; Vrhovec I; Miličić D; Škrk J
Cathepsin D content in malignant tumours of corpus uteri
1997 ►
Strojan P; Budihna M; Šmid L; Škrk J; Kos J; Vrhovec I
Expression and prognostic value of cathepsins B, D and stefins A and B in laryngeal carcinoma
1997 ►
Berbić Selma; Puizdar Vida; Kopitar-Jerala Nataša; Begić Lejla; Kalman Endre; Spaić Damjan; Turk Vito; Kos Janko
Human cathepsin D: isolation and immunochemical characterization
1997 ►
Turk Dušan; Gunčar Gregor; Podobnik Marjetka; Pungerčar Jože; Štrukelj Borut; Turk Vito
Crystal structure of porcine cathepsih H determined at 2.1 A resolution
1997 ►
Šmid L; Strojan P; Budihna M; Škrk J; Vrhovec I; Žargi M; Kos J
Prognostic value of cathepsin B, D and stefins A and B in laryngeal carcinoma
1997 ►
Žgajnar Janez; Lindtner Jurij
Prognostična vrednost katepsina D in PS2 pri operabilnem raku dojk
[Prognostic value of cathepsin D and PS2 in operable breast cancer]
1997 ►
Lah Tamara T; Kos Janko; Blejec Andrej; Frkovič-Grazio Snežana; Golouh Rastko; Vrhovec Ivan; Turk Vito
The expression of lysosomal proteinases and their inhibitors in breast cancer: possible relationship to prognosis of the disease
1997 ►
Juntes P; Drobnič-Košorok M; Pogačnik M
Applicability of antihuman cathepsins on canine tissues
1997 ►
Strojan Primož
Cathepsins and their endogenous inhibitors in clinical oncology
1996 ►
Ocvirk J; Štabuc B; Volk N
Serum cathepsin D in melanoma patients with metastatic melanoma
1996 ►
Žgajnar Janez; Lindtner Jurij; Vrhovec Ivan; Škrk Janez
Prognostic value of cathepsin D and PS2 in operable breast cancer
1996 ►
Ocvirk Janja; Štabuc Borut; Rudolf Zvonimir; Vrhovec Ivan; Škrk Janez
Serum cathepsin D in melanoma patients
1996 ►
Strojan Primož; Budihna Marjan; Škrk Janez; Šmid Lojze; Kos Janko; Vrhovec Ivan
Cathepsins B, H, L, D and their endogenous inhibitors stefins A and B in head and neck carcinoma
1996 ►
Budihna M; Strojan P; Šmid L; Škrk J; Vrhovec I; Župevc A; Rudolf Z; Žargi M; Kraševec M; Svetic B; Kopitar-Jerala Nataša; Kos Janko
Prognostic value of cathepsins B, H, L, D and their endogenous inhibitors: stefins A and B in head and neck carcinoma
1996 ►
Lah T; Vihar M; Dubbin A; Turk V
Horse alpha2-macroglobulin: circular dichroism studies of conformational changes upon reaction with proteinases and methylamine
1987 ►
Štrukelj B; Ravnikar M; Meško P; Poljšak-Prijatelj M; Pungerčar J; Kopitar G; Kregar I; Turk V
Molecular cloning and immunocytochemical localization of jasmonic acid inducible cathepsin D inhibitors from potato
1995 ►
Bratanič Jasna; Jeglič Anton; Filipič Bratko
Prikaz mikrobioloških rezultatov elektromagnetne stimulacije celičnih kultur
1995 ►
Ocvirk J
Katepsin D pri bolnikih z malignim melanomom
1995 ►
Žgajnar J
Prognostična vrednost katepsina D in PS2 pri operabilnem raku dojk
1995 ►
Brzin J; Meško P; Kregar I
Potato tubers contain protein inhibitors of cysteine, serine and aspartic proteinases
1995 ►
Lenarčič B; Krašovec M; Ritonja A; Olafsson I; Turk V
Inactivation of human cystatin C and kininogen by human cathepsin D
1991 ►
Kos J; Šmid A; Krašovec M; Svetic B; Lenarčič B; Vrhovec I; Škrk J; Turk V
Lysosomal proteases cathepsins D, B, H, L and their inhibitors stefins A and B in head and neck cancer
1995 ►
Kos J; Lah T; Popovič T; Turk V
Degradation of cysteine proteinases by urokinase type PA
1989 ►
Lenarčič B; Grebenc M; Ritonja A; Turk V
Further knowledge about interaction of cathepsin D with cystatins
1989 ►
Meško P; Kopitar M; Ritonja A; Križaj I; Grebenc M; Asmelash B; Turk V
Further studies on the aspartic proteinase inhibitor from potato
1989 ►
Lenarčič B; Kos J; Dolenc I; Lučovnik P; Križaj I; Turk V
Cathepsin D inactivates cysteine proteinase inhibitors cystatins
1988 ►
Ritonja Anka; Križaj Igor; Meško Pika; Kopitar Majda; Lučovnik Peter; Štrukelj Borut; Pungerčar Jože; Buttle David J; Barrett Alan J; Turk Vito
The amino acid sequence of a novel inhibitor of cathepsin D from potato
1990 ►
Barlič-Maganja D; Štrukelj B; Pungerčar J; Gubenšek F; Turk V; Kregar I
Isolation and sequence analysis of the genomic DNA fragment encoding an aspartic proteinase inhibitor homologue from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
1992 ►
Castiglioni T; Merino MJ; Elsner B; Lah TT; Sloane BF; Emmert-Buck MR
Immunohistochemical analysis of cathepsins D, B, and L in human breast cancer
1994 ►
Ferle-Vidović A; Kaštelan M; Petrović D; Škrk J; Vrhovec I
Changes in the quantity of cathepsin D in irradiated human cells following treatment with hyperthermia and interferon alpha
1993 ►
Kregar I; Ravnikar M; Pungerčar J; Poljšak-Prijatelj M; Štrukelj B
Proteinase inhibitors are a part of plant defense mechanism
1994 ►
Snoj S
Koncentracija katepsina D v malignih in normalnih tkivih
[Concentration of cathepsin D in malignant and normal tissues]
1995 ►
Lah TT; Kokalj-Kunovar M; Drobnič-Košorok M; Babnik J; Golouh R; Vrhovec I; Turk V
Cystatins and cathepsins in breast carcinoma
1992 ►
Koželj G; Pihlar B; Marsel J; Gubenšek F; Ritonja A; Kregar I
Labelling of some enzymes by electrolytic iodination: a comparative study
1986 ►
Filipič B; Schauer P; Urh M; Keše D; Likar M
Effect of rat (beta)-interferon on intracellular levels of hydrolases in rat embryonal fibroblasts (Wistar strain)
1986 ►
Lah T; Skalerič U; Babnik J; Turk V
Detection of cathepsin L-like proteinase and cathepsin D in gingival fluid
1986 ►
Keše D; Schauer P; Škrk J; Suhar A; Marin J; Likar M; Turk V
Influence of proteinases on interferon in vitro
1986 ►
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