biomedicina slovenica


  1. Žgajnar Janez; Lindtner Jurij
    Prognostični pomen katepsina D in PS-2 pri operabilnem raku dojk
  2. Zajc Tajana; Turk Vito
    Vpliv katepsina E na aktivnost cisteinskih katepsinov
  3. Banay-Schwartz M.; Bracco F.; Dahl D.; DeGuzman T.; Turk Vito; Lajtha A.
    The pH dependance of breakdown of various proteins by cathepsin D preparations
  4. Bidovec Katja; Stoka Veronika; Turk Vito
    Apoptosis triggered by TNF[alpha] in U937 cell line is independent of cysteine cathepsins and cathepsin D
  5. Bidovec Katja; Stoka Veronika; Turk Vito
    TNF[alpha]-induced apoptosis in U937 cell line is independent of cathepsin D and cysteine cathepsins
  6. Lah Turnšek Tamara; Calaf G.; Kalman Endre; Shinde B.; Somers R.; Estrada S.; Salero E.; Russo Jose; Daskal Y.
    Cathepsins B and L, but not cathepsin D are related to the tumorigenicity of transformed human breast epihelial cells (HBEC)
  7. Ocvirk Janja; Štabuc Borut; Vrhovec Ivan; Rudolf Zvonimir
    Clinical significance of serum cathepsin D in metastatic melanoma patients
  8. Brzin J; Meško P; Štrukelj B
    Potato plant - the source of inhibitors of cysteine, serine and aspartic (Cathepsin D) proteinases
  9. Štrukelj B; Pungerčar J; Ravnikar M; Meško P; Kopitar G; Poljšak-Prijatelj M; Turk V; Kregar I
    Immunohistochemical localization and cDNA cloning of jasmonic acid-inducible cathepsin D inhibitors from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
  10. Meško P; Kopitar M; Turk V
    Isolation and some properties of the potato inhibitor of cathepsin D
  11. Meško P; Kopitar M; Asmelash B; Puizdar V; Turk V
    Isolation and characterization of inhibitors of cathepsin D from potatoes
  12. Meško P; Kopitar M; Drobnič-Košorok M; Turk V
    Isolation and partial characterization of the potato inhibitor of cathepsin D
  13. Jagodic Monika
    Napovedna vrednost katepsinov D in L pri raku dojk
    [Predictive value of cathepsins D and L in breast cancer]
  14. Premzl Aleš; Kos Janko
    Cysteine and aspartic proteases cathepsins B and D determine the invasiveness of MCF10A neoT cells
    [Cisteinski in aspartatni proteazi katepsina B in D določata invazivnost MCF10A neoT celic]
  15. Šmid Alojz; Strojan Primož; Budihna Marjan; Škrk Janez; Vrhovec Ivan; Žargi Miha; Kos Janko
    Prognostic value of cathepsin B, D and stefins A and B in laryngeal carcinoma
  16. Stražiščar Štefan; Turk Vito
    Izolacija in opis katepsina D iz poskusnega granuloma
    [Isolation and characterization of cathepsin D from experimental granuloma]
  17. Galeša Katja
    Ekspresija, izolacija in karakterizacija ekvistatina in posameznih domen
  18. Premzl Aleš
    Vpliv monoklonskih protiteles proti katepsin B in proteinaznih inhibitorjev na proliferacijo, invazijo in angiogenezo tumorskih celic in vitro
    [The effects of anti-cathepsin B monoclonal antibodies and proteinase inhibitors on tumor cell proliferation, invasion and angiogenesis in vitro]
  19. Galeša K; Beekwilder J; Gunčar G; Turk V; Lenarčič B; Jongsma MA
    Phage display of the first and the third equistatin domains
  20. Strojan Primož
    Prognostic value of cathepsin and their endogenous inhibitors in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
    [Napovedni pomen katepsinov in njihovih endogenih inhibitorjev pri ploščatoceličnem karcinomu glave in vratu]
  21. Strojan Primož; Budihna Marjan; Šmid Lojze; Vrhovec Ivan; Škrk Janez
    Urokynase-type plasminogen activator, plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 and cathepsin D: analysis of their prognostic significance in squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
  22. Bartenjev Igor
    A enzima proteolitica catepsina D pode ser um novo fator prognostico nos melanomas malignos cutaneos
  23. Bartenjev I; Rudolf Z; Štabuc B; Vrhovec I; Perkovič T; Kansky A
    Cathepsin D expression in early cutaneous malignant melanoma
  24. Lah T; Skalerič U; Babnik J; Turk V
    Cathepsin D, L and B in inflamed human gingiva
  25. Turk V; Lah T; Kregar I
    Cathepsin D, Cathepsin E
  26. Babnik J; Lah T; Cotič V; Turk V
    Anticathepsin D antibody-sepharose chromatography of human cathepsin D
  27. Turk V; Lah T; Puizdar V; Kregar I; Pain RH
    The existence of a precursor of cathepsin D: Evidence from autolysis, denaturation and activation studies
  28. Lah T; Turk V; Pain RH
    Denaturation of cathepsin D
  29. Lah T; Turk V
    Autolysis studies of cathepsin D
  30. Lah T; Drobnič-Košorok M; Turk V; Pain RH
    Conformation, structure and activation of bovine cathepsin D. Unfolding and refolding studies
  31. Suhar A; Schauer P; Škrk J; Turk V; Likar M
    Effect of interferon of activity of cathepsin D
  32. Turk V; Puizdar V; Lah T; Gubenšek F; Kregar I
    Structural and denaturation studies of cathepsin D and the existence of its possible precursor
  33. Gubenšek F; Kregar I; Lapanje S; Turk V
  34. Osmak M; Nikšić D; Brozović A; Ambriović-Ristov A; Vrhovec I; Škrk J
    Drug resistant tumor cells have increased levels of tumor markers for invasion and metastasis
  35. Šprem Marina; Babić Damir; Abramić Marija; Miličić Duško; Vrhovec Ivan; Škrk Janez; Osmak Maja
    The levels of cathepsin D and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 in normal, benign and malignant ovarian tissues
  36. Bartenjev Igor
    Intratumorska koncentracija katepsina D pri malignem melanomu kože - primerjava z morfološkimi in kliničnimi prognostičnimi značilnostmi
  37. Lah Tamara
    Proteaze in proteinazni inhibitorji v napredovanju raka: možna uporaba v prognozi, preventivi in anti-metastatski terapiji: zaključno poročilo o rezultatih raziskovalnega projekta v letu 1999
  38. Lah Tamara T; Čerček Miha; Blejec Andrej; Kos Janko; Gorodetsky Ella; Somers Robert; Daskal Ierachmiel
    Cathepsin B, a prognostic indicator in lymph node-negative breast carcinoma patients: comparison with cathepsin D, cathepsin L, and other clinical indicators
  39. Lah Tamara T; Kalman Endre; Najjar Denise; Gorodetsky Ella; Brennan Patrick; Somers Robert; Daskal Ierachmiel
    Cells producting cathepsins D, B, and L in human breast carcinoma and their association with prognosis
  40. Šprem Marina; Babić Damir; Abramić Marija; Miličić Duško; Vrhovec Ivan; Škrk Janez; Osmak Maja
    Cathepsin D and plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1 in normal, benign and malignant ovarian tissues: a preliminary report
    [Katepsin D in inhibitorji ter aktivatorji plasminogena tipa 1 v normalnem, benignem in malignem ovarijskem tkivu: uvodno poročilo]
  41. Strojan Primož
    Katepsin D in rak dojke
    [Cathepsin D and breast cancer]
  42. Rogelj Boris
    Inhibitorji cisteinskih proteniaz kot potencialne obrambne molekule za zaščito rastlin
    [Cysteine proteinase inhibitors as potential plant defense molecules]
  43. Bavec Saša
    Kloniranje in ekspresija prve in tretje domene ekvistatina v Escherichia coli
  44. Strojan Primož
    Napovedni pomen katepsinov in njihovih endogenih inhibitorjev pri bolnikih s karcinomi glave in vratu
  45. Strojan Primož; Budihna Marjan; Šmid Lojze; Vrhovec Ivan; Škrk Janez
    Cathepsin D in tissue and serum of patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
  46. Levičar Nataša; Blejec Andrej; Golouh Rastko; Grazio Snežana; Vrhovec Ivan; Brunner Nils; Kos Janko; Lah Tamara T
    Prognostic relevance of cysteine cathepsins B and L and serine proteases U-PA and their inhibitors, stefins A and B and PAI-1 in breast cancer
  47. Strojan Primož
    Napovedni pomen katepsinov B in D ter stefinov A in B pri bolnikih s karcinomom grla
  48. Strojan P
    Prognostic value of cathepsins B, D and stefins A and B in patients with laryngeal carcinoma
  49. Ocvirk J; Štabuc B; Vrhovec I; Rudolf Z
    Serum cathepsin D in metastatic melanoma patients
  50. Osmak M; Babić D; Abramić M; Vrhovec I; Miličić D; Škrk J
    Cathepsin D content in malignant tumours of corpus uteri
  51. Strojan P; Budihna M; Šmid L; Škrk J; Kos J; Vrhovec I
    Expression and prognostic value of cathepsins B, D and stefins A and B in laryngeal carcinoma
  52. Berbić Selma; Puizdar Vida; Kopitar-Jerala Nataša; Begić Lejla; Kalman Endre; Spaić Damjan; Turk Vito; Kos Janko
    Human cathepsin D: isolation and immunochemical characterization
  53. Turk Dušan; Gunčar Gregor; Podobnik Marjetka; Pungerčar Jože; Štrukelj Borut; Turk Vito
    Crystal structure of porcine cathepsih H determined at 2.1 A resolution
  54. Šmid L; Strojan P; Budihna M; Škrk J; Vrhovec I; Žargi M; Kos J
    Prognostic value of cathepsin B, D and stefins A and B in laryngeal carcinoma
  55. Žgajnar Janez; Lindtner Jurij
    Prognostična vrednost katepsina D in PS2 pri operabilnem raku dojk
    [Prognostic value of cathepsin D and PS2 in operable breast cancer]
  56. Lah Tamara T; Kos Janko; Blejec Andrej; Frkovič-Grazio Snežana; Golouh Rastko; Vrhovec Ivan; Turk Vito
    The expression of lysosomal proteinases and their inhibitors in breast cancer: possible relationship to prognosis of the disease
  57. Juntes P; Drobnič-Košorok M; Pogačnik M
    Applicability of antihuman cathepsins on canine tissues
  58. Strojan Primož
    Cathepsins and their endogenous inhibitors in clinical oncology
  59. Ocvirk J; Štabuc B; Volk N
    Serum cathepsin D in melanoma patients with metastatic melanoma
  60. Žgajnar Janez; Lindtner Jurij; Vrhovec Ivan; Škrk Janez
    Prognostic value of cathepsin D and PS2 in operable breast cancer
  61. Ocvirk Janja; Štabuc Borut; Rudolf Zvonimir; Vrhovec Ivan; Škrk Janez
    Serum cathepsin D in melanoma patients
  62. Strojan Primož; Budihna Marjan; Škrk Janez; Šmid Lojze; Kos Janko; Vrhovec Ivan
    Cathepsins B, H, L, D and their endogenous inhibitors stefins A and B in head and neck carcinoma
  63. Budihna M; Strojan P; Šmid L; Škrk J; Vrhovec I; Župevc A; Rudolf Z; Žargi M; Kraševec M; Svetic B; Kopitar-Jerala Nataša; Kos Janko
    Prognostic value of cathepsins B, H, L, D and their endogenous inhibitors: stefins A and B in head and neck carcinoma
  64. Lah T; Vihar M; Dubbin A; Turk V
    Horse alpha2-macroglobulin: circular dichroism studies of conformational changes upon reaction with proteinases and methylamine
  65. Štrukelj B; Ravnikar M; Meško P; Poljšak-Prijatelj M; Pungerčar J; Kopitar G; Kregar I; Turk V
    Molecular cloning and immunocytochemical localization of jasmonic acid inducible cathepsin D inhibitors from potato
  66. Bratanič Jasna; Jeglič Anton; Filipič Bratko
    Prikaz mikrobioloških rezultatov elektromagnetne stimulacije celičnih kultur
  67. Ocvirk J
    Katepsin D pri bolnikih z malignim melanomom
  68. Žgajnar J
    Prognostična vrednost katepsina D in PS2 pri operabilnem raku dojk
  69. Brzin J; Meško P; Kregar I
    Potato tubers contain protein inhibitors of cysteine, serine and aspartic proteinases
  70. Lenarčič B; Krašovec M; Ritonja A; Olafsson I; Turk V
    Inactivation of human cystatin C and kininogen by human cathepsin D
  71. Kos J; Šmid A; Krašovec M; Svetic B; Lenarčič B; Vrhovec I; Škrk J; Turk V
    Lysosomal proteases cathepsins D, B, H, L and their inhibitors stefins A and B in head and neck cancer
  72. Kos J; Lah T; Popovič T; Turk V
    Degradation of cysteine proteinases by urokinase type PA
  73. Lenarčič B; Grebenc M; Ritonja A; Turk V
    Further knowledge about interaction of cathepsin D with cystatins
  74. Meško P; Kopitar M; Ritonja A; Križaj I; Grebenc M; Asmelash B; Turk V
    Further studies on the aspartic proteinase inhibitor from potato
  75. Lenarčič B; Kos J; Dolenc I; Lučovnik P; Križaj I; Turk V
    Cathepsin D inactivates cysteine proteinase inhibitors cystatins
  76. Ritonja Anka; Križaj Igor; Meško Pika; Kopitar Majda; Lučovnik Peter; Štrukelj Borut; Pungerčar Jože; Buttle David J; Barrett Alan J; Turk Vito
    The amino acid sequence of a novel inhibitor of cathepsin D from potato
  77. Barlič-Maganja D; Štrukelj B; Pungerčar J; Gubenšek F; Turk V; Kregar I
    Isolation and sequence analysis of the genomic DNA fragment encoding an aspartic proteinase inhibitor homologue from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
  78. Castiglioni T; Merino MJ; Elsner B; Lah TT; Sloane BF; Emmert-Buck MR
    Immunohistochemical analysis of cathepsins D, B, and L in human breast cancer
  79. Ferle-Vidović A; Kaštelan M; Petrović D; Škrk J; Vrhovec I
    Changes in the quantity of cathepsin D in irradiated human cells following treatment with hyperthermia and interferon alpha
  80. Kregar I; Ravnikar M; Pungerčar J; Poljšak-Prijatelj M; Štrukelj B
    Proteinase inhibitors are a part of plant defense mechanism
  81. Snoj S
    Koncentracija katepsina D v malignih in normalnih tkivih
    [Concentration of cathepsin D in malignant and normal tissues]
  82. Lah TT; Kokalj-Kunovar M; Drobnič-Košorok M; Babnik J; Golouh R; Vrhovec I; Turk V
    Cystatins and cathepsins in breast carcinoma
  83. Koželj G; Pihlar B; Marsel J; Gubenšek F; Ritonja A; Kregar I
    Labelling of some enzymes by electrolytic iodination: a comparative study
  84. Filipič B; Schauer P; Urh M; Keše D; Likar M
    Effect of rat (beta)-interferon on intracellular levels of hydrolases in rat embryonal fibroblasts (Wistar strain)
  85. Lah T; Skalerič U; Babnik J; Turk V
    Detection of cathepsin L-like proteinase and cathepsin D in gingival fluid
  86. Keše D; Schauer P; Škrk J; Suhar A; Marin J; Likar M; Turk V
    Influence of proteinases on interferon in vitro

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