biomedicina slovenica |
"Ruptura" : 74
Grabljevec Klemen; Zore Martin Rudolf
Rehabilitacija degenerativne bolezni rotatorne manšete
2022 ►
Štemberger Laura; Hrovat Ferfolja Tjaša; Merše Lovrinčević Katarina
Vaginalni porod po carskem rezu: ugotovitve raziskav
[Vaginal birth after caeserean: research findings]
2022 ►
Snoj Žiga; Tomažin Tjaša; Salapura Vladka; Kuhelj Dimitrij
Single centre experience with Excluder stent graft
2022 ►
Preziosa Chiara; Corvi Federico; Pellegrini Marco; Bochicchio Sara; Pajtler Rošar Ana; Staurenghi Giovanni
Optical coherence tomography angiography findings in a case of choroidal neovascularization secondary to traumatic choroidal rupture
2020 ►
Kacin Alan; Drobnič Matej; Marš Tomaž; Miš Katarina; Petrič Maja; Weber Daša; Grapar Žargi Tina; Martinčič David; Pirkmajer Sergej
Functional and molecular adaptations of quadriceps and hamstring muscles to blood flow restricted training in patients with ACL rupture
2021 ►
Kozar Nejc; Serdinšek Tamara; Tašner Tanja; Reljič Milan; Gavrić-Lovrec Vida; Kovač Vilma
Diagnosis and management of rudimentary horn pregnancy rupture, misinterpreted as bicornuate uterus in the 14th week of pregnancy
2021 ►
Tomšič Ahčin Luka; Lapoša Andrej
Redek primer zaprte rupture globoke upogibalke prsta v coni III dlani
[A rare case of closed flexor digitorum profundus rupture in zone III of the palm]
2019 ►
Strnad Matej
2018 ►
Kališnik Jurij-Matija
Prepoznava z obolenji aorte povezanih nujnih stanj in njihovo zdravljeńje
[Contemporary diagnostic and treatment of emergency aortic disease-associated conditions]
2017 ►
Čretnik Andrej; Kosanović Miloš; Košir Roman
Long-term results with the use of modified percutaneous repair of the ruptured Achilles tendon under local anaesthesia
2019 ►
Antonič Miha; Djordjević Anže; Mohorko Tamara; Petrovič Rene; Lipovec Robert; Jurič Peter
Left ventricular pseudoaneurysm following atrioventricular groove rupture after mitral valve replacement
2019 ►
Miklič Marko
Pristop k bolniku s sumom na rupturo anevrizme abdominalne aorte
[Approach to a patient with a suspected abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture]
2018 ►
Miklič Marko
Pristop k bolniku s sumom na rupturo anevrizme abdominalne aorte
[Approach to a patient with suspected abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture]
2018 ►
Lonzarić Dragan; Kruščić Aleksandar; Dinevski Dejan; Povalej Petra; Jesenšek Papež Breda
Primary surgical repair of acute Achilles tendon rupture
2017 ►
Rupar Petra; Kovač Mihael; Andoljšek Matej
Operativno zdravljenje rupture distalne kite bicepsa
2010 ►
Frangež Igor; Krašna Matevž; Nizič Tea; Smrke Dragica
Ruptura sprednje kite golenske mišice
[Rupture of the anterior tibialis tendon]
2015 ►
Sukič Klavdija; Miksić Mirjana; Jagrič Tomaž; Potrč Stojan
Izolirano predrtje želodca pri nedonošenem otroku - predstavitev primera
2010 ►
Knehtl Maša; Ekart Robert; Bevc Sebastjan; Horvat Matjaž; Hojs Radovan
Exit-site infection and acute peritonitis due to peritoneal dialysis catheter rupture
2015 ►
Bratuž Andreja; Kolar Neva
Fizioterapevtska ocena in obravnava pacienta s popolno rupturo kit mišic infraspinatus in supraspinatus
[Physiotherapeutic assessment and intervention of the patient with infraspinatus and supraspinatus tendon rupture]
2012 ►
Zupančič Jožica; Hlebš Sonja
Fizioterapevtska obravnava rame po pristopu Cyriax
[Physiotherapeutic treatment of the shoulder according to Cyriax approach]
2008 ►
Kavčič Pavel; Benca Maja; Limpel Novak Katja; Koder Jadran; Salapura Vladka
Psevdotumor akromioklavikularnega sklepa po obsežni rupturi rotatorne manšete
[Pseudotumor of the acromioclavicular joint after an extensive rotator cuff tear]
2008 ►
Peterlin-Mašič Lucija
Učinkovine, ki vplivajo na trombozo
[New drugs affecting thrombosis]
2014 ►
Čretnik Andrej
Achilles tendon repair under local anesthesia
2012 ►
Negi Smita I; Patel Jay; Patel Manish; Loyalka Pranav; Kar Biswajit; Gregorič Igor
Successful repair of aortic annulus rupture during transcatheter aortic valve replacement using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support
2013 ►
Rupreht Mitja; Jevtič Vladimir; Serša Igor; Vogrin Matjaž; Jevšek Marko
Evaluation of the tibial tunnel after intraoperatively administered platelet-rich plasma gel during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using diffusion weighted and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI
2013 ►
Rupreht Mitja; Jevtič Vladimir; Serša Igor; Vogrin Matjaž; Jevšek Marko
DWI and DCEI in monitoring of the tibial tunnel healing after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with intraoperatively administered platelet-rich plasma gel
2012 ►
Soršak Titina; Frangež Igor
Ruptura kite dolge iztegovalke palca na nogi
[Rupture of extensor hallucis longus tendon]
2012 ►
Praprotnik A; Senekovič V
Ruptura rotatorne manšete
1995 ►
Vogrin Matjaž
Uporaba novih bioloških modelov pri rekonstrukciji sprednje križne vezi kolenskega sklepa
[Use of new biological models in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction surgery]
2009 ►
Ban-Frangež Helena; Zupan Pavel
Ruptura folikla in krvavitev v rumeno telesce
2007 ►
Glavič Andraž
Ruptura anevrizme torakalne aorte - vzrok za akutno abdominalno bolečino - prikaz primera
[Ruptured thoracic aorta aneurism - cause of acute abdominal pain - a case report]
2007 ►
Lobnik Anton; Šuran David; Sinkovič Andreja
Sindrom Tako-tsubo pri bolnikih, zdravljenih v Splošni bolnišnici Maribor v letih 2004-2006
[Syndrome Tako-tsubo in patients treated in General Hospital Maribor in 2004-2006]
2007 ►
Popović Dražen; Stanković Sašo; Čopi Jelka
Ruptura anevrizme abdominalne aorte
2007 ►
Pavčec Zlatko; Žokalj Ivan; Saghir Hussein; Pal Andrej; Roić Goran
Doppler ultrasound in the diagnosis and follow-up of the muscle rupture and an arteriovenous fistula of the thigh in 12 year boy
[Uporaba dopplerskega ultrazvoka pri ugotavljanju in sledenju mišične rupture in arteiovenozne fistule na stegnu 12-letnega dečka]
2006 ►
Sajovic M; Vengust V
Artroskopska verifikacija hondralnih lezij pri rupturah sprednje križne vezi kolena
[Arthroscopical verification of chondral lesions at the ruptures of anterior cruciatum ligament]
1989 ►
Juvan-Kramer Katja; Cerar Vasilij; Šurlan Miloš; Verdenik Igor
Poporodna histerektomija
[Postpartum hysterectomy]
2006 ►
Schimitz Katja; Kocjančič Aljoša
Travmatska ruptura torakalne aorte
[Traumatical rupture of thoracic aorta]
2004 ►
Veliu Skender; Maračič Andjelo; Bricelj Marko; Kostanjevec Borut
Ruptura vranice - prikaz primera
[Spleen injury - case report]
2004 ►
Zupančič Živa
Travmatska ruptura bronhusa pri otroku
[Traumatic bronchial rupture in a child]
2000 ►
Vidovič Damjan; Potrč Stojan
Travmatska ruptura trebušne slinavke pri otroku
2003 ►
Rener Karla; Gorjup Vesna; Savnik-Iskra Mojca; Klančar Janez
Ruptura anevrizme vranične arterije kot vzrok hemoragičnega šoka - prikaz primera
[Spontaneous rupture of splenic artery aneurysm as a cause of haemorrhagic shock - case report]
2003 ►
Pleskovič Alojz; Omejc Mirko; Vidmar Dubravka
Ruptura tankega črevesa ob topi poškodbi trebuha - prikaz primera
[Perforation of the small intestine caused by blunt abdominal trauma - case report]
2003 ►
Šabovič Mišo
Ateroskleroza in kardiovaskularne bolezni: (pomen "aktivne" vloge vnetja v procesu ateroskleroze)
[Atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases]
2003 ►
Oberstar Frančišek
Fizioterapija po rupturah Ahilove tetive
[Rechabilitation after ruptures of Achill's tendon]
2001 ►
Praprotnik Anton; Senekovič Vladimir; Al-Mawed Saud
Ruptura rotatorne manšete
2001 ►
Jevtič Vladimir; Višnar-Perovič Alenka
Ruptura rotatorne manšete - radiološke diagnostično slikovne metode
2001 ►
Kruščič Aleksander
Ruptura jeter in retroperitonealnega duodenuma: (prikaz primera)
1975 ►
Košak Miro; Obrez IVO; Jezernik-Leskovšek Jolanda; Stropnik Jože; Gros Marjan
Travmatska deceleracijska ruptura torakalne aorte: poročilo o sedmih primerih
1970 ►
Flajs J; Strnad S
Traumatična ruptura desnega srca
1933 ►
Ferlan-Marolt V; Juteršek A
Atraumatska spontana ruptura jednjaka
1978 ►
Košak M
Deceleracijska ruptura aorte
1984 ►
Gombotz H
Travmatska ruptura aorte
1984 ►
Vidmar L; Radšel-Medvešček A; Tomaževič T; Eržen M
Ruptura vranice pri infekcijski mononukleozi
1983 ►
Držečnik J; Kokalj J; Škodnik S
1981 ►
Joksimović B; Magarašević M; Malović I; Miletić T
1977 ►
Aleksovski D; Novak J; Dimčevski D; Atanasov A
1976 ►
Sever Marko; Prinčič Janez; Štor Zdravko
Travmatska ruptura žolčnika
[Traumatic rupture of the gallbladder]
2000 ►
Kunst Tomaž; Berden Pavle
Computed tomographic angiography of body vasculature
[Računalniškotomografska angiografija]
2000 ►
Finnegan Lorreta
Challenges in the assessment and treatment of drug dependent women of childbearing age
[Izzivi pri vodenju in zdravljenju uživalk drog v rodni dobi]
2000 ►
Černič-Šuligoj Nataša
Ruptura tendinoznih hord mitralne zaklopke
[Rupture of mitral chordae tendineae]
1999 ►
Remškar Mojca; Gorjup Vojka; Štajer Dušan; Horvat Matija
Ruptura anevrizme torakoabdominalne aorte
[Rupture of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm]
1999 ►
Pavlovčič Vinko
Ruptura rotatorne manšete
1996 ►
Šabovič Mišo
Farmakološko zdravljenje ateroskleroze in njenih zapletov
[Pharmacological treatment of atherosclerosis and its complications]
1998 ►
Tršinar Bojan; Cotič Dominik
Poškodbe urogenitalnega trakta pri otrocih
[Injuries of the urogenital tract in children]
1997 ►
Žmavc Andrej; Strouhal P
Ruptura želodca s pnevmoperitonejem - redkejša reanimacijska poškodba
[Stomach rupture and pneumoperitoneum - a rare resuscitation injury]
1997 ►
Žuran Ivan; Voga Gorazd; Krivec Bojan; Skale Rafael; Parežnik Roman; Podbregar Matej; Kralj Eduard; Zatler Simona
Ruptura srca po akutnem miokardnem infarktu: vpliv drenaže perikarda z negativnim tlakom na potek tamponade srca (prikaz štirih primerov)
[Left ventricular rupture following acute myocardial infarction: influence of pericardial sac drainage with negative pressure on the course of cardiac tamponade]
1997 ►
Prinčič J; Štraus I; Sok M
Ruptura diafragme kao posledica povrede
1989 ►
Oberstar F
Ambulantna fizioterapija po rupturah Achillove tetive
1994 ►
Vučaj A; Perc A; Tkalec Z; Raffay Z; Močivnik M; Šporn B
Ruptura aneurizme abdominalne aorte. Uspješno rješavanje postoperativnih smrtonosnih komplikacija
1989 ►
Cepuder J
Ruptura kite supraspinatusa
[Rupture od supraspinatus tendon]
1989 ►
Zupančič F; Praprotnik A
Ruptura rotatorne manšete rame
[Rupture of shoulder rotatory cuff]
1988 ►
Capuder J
Ruptura Ahilove kite
[Rupture of tendon Achillis]
1988 ►
Cepuder J
Ruptura bicepsove kite
[Rupture of the biceps tendon]
1988 ►
Dolenc-Stražar Z; Verko M
Ruptura aorte pri prometnih nesrečah. (Rupture of the aorta occuring in traffic accidents)
1986 ►
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