biomedicina slovenica


  1. Mičetić-Turk Dušanka; Krachler Michael; Rossipal Erich
    Concentrations of the essential trace elements in colostrum, mature human milk and different milk formulas
  2. Malovrh Tadej
    Vpliv novih prehranskih dopolnil na imunost
    [The influence of new food supplements on immunity]
  3. Obermajer Tanja; Lipoglavšek Luka; Tompa Gorazd; Treven Primož; Mohar Lorbeg Petra; Bogovič Matijašić Bojana; Rogelj Irena
    Colostrum of healthy Slovenian mothers: microbiota composition and bacteriocin gene prevalence
  4. Malovrh Tadej
    S kolostrumom proti spomladanskim alergijam
  5. Malovrh Tadej
    Kolostrum in imunski sistem
  6. Malovrh Tadej
    Kolostrum za zdravje in moč
  7. Malovrh Tadej
    Kaj je kolostrum?
  8. Mičetić-Turk Dušanka
    Trace elements and other concentrations in colostrum, mature human milk and different milk formulas
  9. Bratanič Borut
    Biokemija ženskega mleka
  10. Rossipal E; Krachler M; Li F; Mičetić-Turk D
    Investigation of the transport of trace elements across barriers in humans: studies of placental and mammary transfer
  11. Mičetić-Turk D; Rossipal E; Krachler M; Li F
    Maternal selenium status in Slovenia and its impact on the selenium concentration of umbilical cord serum and colostrum
  12. Oberstar Bernarda
    Prehranjevanje dojenčka v prvem letu življenja
  13. Bigec Martin
    Sodelovanje farmacevtskega tehnika in pediatra pri svetovanju o negi, prehrani in zdravljenju akutne bolezni pri dojenčku in malem otroku
  14. Fidler N; Salobir K; Stibilj V
    Fatty acid composition of human milk in different regions of Slovenia
  15. Fidler Nataša; Salobir Karl; Stibilj Vekoslava
    Fatty acid composition of human colostrum in Slovenian women living in urban and rural areas
  16. Fidler Nataša
    Maščobno-kislinska sestava materinega mleka v Sloveniji
    [Fatty acid composition of human milk in Slovenia]
  17. Fidler Nataša; Koletzko Berthold
    The fatty acid composition of human colostrum
  18. Fidler Nataša; Salobir Karl
    Polyunsaturated fatty acid composition of human colostrum lipids in Slovenia: regional differences
  19. Levačić-Turk Zorica; Belović Branislava; Gruškovnjak Štefan; Drožina Erika; Aladič Smiljana
    Prisotnost lindana v materinem mleku
    [Presence of lidan in human milk]
  20. Krachler M; Rossipal E; Mičetič-Turk D
    Trace element transfer from the mother to the newborn - investigations on triplets of colostrum, maternal and umbilical cord sera
  21. Bratanič B
    Dojenje in materino mleko
    [Breast-feeding and human breast milk]
  22. Mičetić-Turk D; Rossipal E; Li F
    Maternal selenium status in Slovenia and its impact on the selenium concentration of umbilical cord serum and colostrum
  23. Cimerman Nina; Drobnič-Košorok Marinka; Korant Bruce D; Turk Boris; Turk Vito
    Characterization of cystatin C from bovine parotid glands: cysteine proteinase inhibition and antiviral properties
  24. Mićunović J
    Serumske beljakovinske frakcije pri teletih pred zaužitjem kolostruma in po njem
  25. Lavrič M
    Laktacija i dojenje
  26. Klobasa F; Habe F; Werhahn E
    The absorption of colostral immunoglobulins in newborn piglets. I. Effect of time from birth to the first feeding
    [Untersuchungen uber die Absorption der kolostralen Immunglobuline bei neugeborenen Ferkeln. I. Mitteilung: Einfluss der Zeit von der Geburt bis zur ersten Nahrungsaufnahme]
  27. Klobasa F; Butler JE; Habe F
    Maternal-neonatal immunoregulation: suppression of de novo synthesis of IgG and IgA, but not IgM, in neonatal pigs by bovine colostrum, is lost upon storage
  28. Klobasa F; Habe F; Werhahn E
    The absorption of colostral immunoglobulins in newborn piglets. II. Effect of water or glucose solutions on the permeability of the newborn intestine
    [Untersuchungen uber die Absorption der kolostralen Immunoglobuline bei neugeborenen Ferkeln. II. Mitteilung: Einfluss von Wasser oder von Glukoselosung auf die Durchlassigkeit des neugeborenendarmes]
  29. Klobasa F; Werhahn E; Habe F
    The absorption of colostral immunoglobulins in newborn piglets. III. Influence of the duration of colostrum administration
    [Untersuchungen uber die Absorption der kolostralen Immunglobuline bei neugeborenen Ferkeln. III. Mitteilung: Einfluss der Verabreichungsdauer der Kolostralmilch]

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