biomedicina slovenica

"Ions" : 37.910

  1. Morgan Tina
    Izbor treh skupin zdravil, ki so pri starostnikih potencialno neprimerna
    [Three groups of potentially inappropriate medications for the elderly]
  2. Beović Bojana
    Strategija zdravljenja invazivnih glivnih bolezni in poraba protiglivnih zdravil pri nas in v Evropi
    [Strategies for treatment of invasive fungal infections and antifungal use in Slovenia and Europe]
  3. Shehu Kolnikaj Tea; Herman Rok; Janež Andrej; Jensterle Sever Mojca
    Eating disorders in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
    engpolycystic ovary syndromeeating disordersmetabolic disturbancesslvsindrom policističnih jajčnikovmotnje prehranjevanjapresnovne motnje423517955Shehu KolnikajTeaavtor181075811HermanRok56792avtor4627555JanežAndrej18372avtor1-016.01116969571Jensterle SeverMojca32347avtor1-016.01222393
  4. Muzurović Emir; Volčanšek Špela; Zibar Tomšić Karin Zibar; Janež Andrej; Mikhailidis Dimitri P; Rizzo Manfredi; Mantzoros Christos S.
    Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists and dual glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide/glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists in the treatment of obesity/metabolic syndrome, prediabetes/diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease—current evidence
  5. Matjašič Alenka
    Diagnostic reference levels in dental radiology
    [Diagnostične referenčne ravni v dentalni radiologiji]
  6. Godec Matic; Izlakar Jani; Podobnik Gašper
    MRI safety and management of patients with cardiovascular implantable electronic devices
    [Magnetnoresonančna varnost in obravnava pacientov z vstavljenimi kardiovaskularnimi elektronskimi napravami]
  7. Salkić Edina; Julardžija Fuad; Šehić Adnan; Jusufbegović Merim; Sofić Amela; Jušić Meris; Bajrović Jasmina
    Magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of fetal central nervous system anomalies
  8. Maličev Elvira; Železnik Klara; Jazbec Katerina
    An evaluation of a volumetric method for the flow cytometric determination of residual leukocytes in blood transfusion units
  9. Madera-Garcia Valerie; Coalson Jenna; Šubelj Maja; Bell Melanie; Hayden Mary; Agawo Maurice; Munga Stephen; Ernst Kacey
    Self-reported symptoms at last febrile illness as a predictor of treatment-seeking in Western Kenya
  10. Višić Uroš; Sočan Maja
    The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on nurses' and physicians' mental health
    [Pomen pandemije covida-19 za duševno zdravje medicinskih sester in zdravnikov]
  11. Plahuta Ana; Skrt Sanja; Jazbec Julija; Prosen Mirko; Ličen Sabina
    Zadovoljstvo pacientov z dostopnostjo zdravstvenih storitev v obdobju epidemije covid-19
    [Patient satisfaction with access to health services during the COVID-19 pandemic]
  12. Rus Tanja; Peršolja Melita
    Direct psychosocial health risk factors in hospital employees
    [Direktni psihosocialni dejavniki tveganja za zdravje zaposlenih v bolnišnici]
  13. Prevodnik Katja; Hvalič Touzery Simona; Dolničar Vesna; Zaletel Jelka; Laznik Jerneja; Petrovčič Andraž
    Experience of patients with chronic conditions with telemedicine in primary care
    [Izkušnje kronično obolelih pacientov s telemedicinsko obravnavo v ambulantah družinske medicine]
  14. Gonçalves Paula P.; Stenovec Matjaž; Grácio Luciano; Kreft Marko; Zorec Robert
    Calcium-dependent subquantal peptide release from single docked lawn-resident vesicles of pituitary lactotrophs
  15. Mikić Jasna; Matkovič Andraž; Bon Jurij; Kanjuo-Mrčela Aleksandra
    The effects of grammatical gender on the processing of occupational role names in Slovene
  16. Sajovic Jakob; Setnikar Lesjak Anina; Eberlinc Andreja; Primožič Jasmina; Drevenšek Eva; Drevenšek Martina
    Maxillary arch dimensions, occlusion assessment and space conditions in patients with cleft palate in the period of deciduous dentition - a retrospective study
  17. Matthews Philip S. C.; Campbell Cori; Săndulescu Oana; Matičič Mojca; Ruta Simona Maria; Rivero-Juárez Antonio; van Welzen Berend Joost; Tan Boun Kim; Garcia Federico; Gherlan George Sebastian
    Acute severe hepatitis outbreak in children
  18. Šuc Nika; Vidmar Gaj; Cecić Erpič Saša; Lešnik Blaž
    Life satisfaction and athletic identity among Olympic para-alpine skiers
  19. Kaučič Boris Miha; Štemberger Kolnik Tamara; Filej Bojana
    Connection between lifestyle and life satisfaction of older adults in relation to the living environment
  20. Kirn Borut; Diedrich Mario; Schmitz-Rode Thomas; Steinseifer Ulrich; Jansen Sebastian V.
    Detection of physiological control inputs preload and afterload from intrinsic pump parameters in total artificial heart
  21. Gorišek Miksić Nina; Papst Lea
    Nadzorovana raba protimikrobnih zdravil pri zdravljenju in preprečevanju okužb v kirurgiji
    [Antimicrobial stewardship in the treatment and prevention of infections in surgery]
  22. Lenasi Helena; Šorli Jurij; Mihaljević Zrinka; Drenjačević I.
    The effect of an acute oral glucose load on oxidative stress markers and cutaneous microvascular reactivity
  23. Ihrler Stephan; Stiefel David; Jurmeister Philipp; Sandison Ann; Chaston Nicola; Laco Jan; Zidar Nina; Brčić Luka; Stoehr Robert; Agaimy Abbas
    Salivary carcinosarcoma
  24. Kern Petra; Čurin-Šerbec Vladka
    The challenges and limitations of choosing targets for CAR-T cell therapy
  25. Hren Rok; Serša Gregor; Simončič Urban; Milanič Matija
    Imaging perfusion changes in oncological clinical applications by hyperspectral imaging
  26. Pohar Perme Maja
    Simplifying survival analysis using pseudo-observations
  27. Symposium in celebration of Per Kragh Andersen's contributions to statistics
  28. Huebner Marianne; Lawrence Frank; Lusa Lara
    Sex differences in age-associated rate of decline in grip strength when engaging in vigorous physical activity
  29. Rowbottom Hojka; Rokavec Valentin; Voršič Matjaž; Šmigoc Tomaž; Ravnik Janez
    Analiza pooperativnih infekcij po operacijah obrabnostnih sprememb ledvene hrbtenice
    [Analysis of postoperative infections after surgery for degenerative changes of the lumbar spine]
  30. Vatovec Rok; Kozinc Žiga; Voglar Matej
    The effects of isometric fatigue on trunk muscle stiffness
  31. Poštuvan Vita; Rahne Maja; Šedivy Nuša; Brdnik Monika
    Implementacija projekta v okviru vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanov
  32. Kovač Valerija; Černilec Maja; Čurin-Šerbec Vladka
    Toward a therapy of neurodegenerative diseases - a lesson learned from prion diseases
  33. Šorgo Andrej; Crnkovič Nuša; Cesar Katarina; Selak Špela; Vrdelja Mitja; Gabrovec Branko
    The infuence of anxiety and fear of COVID-19 on vaccination hesitancy among postsecondary students
  34. Torkar Tanja; Homar Vesna; Švab Vesna
    Triangulation study of needs assessment of people with severe mental illness in “follow-up” day hospital settings
    15) and focus groups (n
    4) in three sequential rounds, triangulating patients', relatives' and experts' views. A content analysis was carried out. Results Study reveals a diverse spectrum of needs of SMI patients in follow-up DH programmes. The analysis yielded six themes: optimal daily functioning, work and educational activities, social network inclusion, continuous treatment, support and guidance, long-term care. DH programmes should assess the needs of patients with SMI and be adapted according to the findings. In addition to clinical treatment, requirements for continuous treatment, psychological and social needs, therapeutic relationship in less-restrictive settings should be considered.
  35. Biasizzo Helena; Šoba Barbara; Ilovski Frosina; Harlander Matevž; Lukin Matej; Blatnik Olga; Turel Matjaž; Srpčič Matevž; Kern Izidor; Beović Bojana
    Severe and rare case of human dirofilaria repens infection with pleural and subcutaneous manifestations, Slovenia
  36. Alhalabi Karam T; Stichel Damian; Sievers Philipp; Peterziel Heike; Sommerkamp Alexander C; Sturm Dominik; Wittmann Andrea; Sill Martin; Jäger Natalie; Beck Pengbo; Kitanovski Lidija
    PATZ1 fusions define a novel molecularly distinct neuroepithelial tumor entity with a broad histological spectrum
  37. Potočnik Nejka
    The effect of submaximal exercise on cutaneous blood flow, thermoregulation and recovery hemodynamics following endurance exercise
  38. Stropnik Domen
    Zdravljenje hrustančnih lezij z avtologno implantacijo mletega hrustanca
    [Treatment of chondral lesions using autologous minced cartilage implantation]
  39. Felbabić Tomislav; Samsa Žiga; Benedičič Mitja
    Okužbe v funkcionalni nevrokirurgiji
    [Infections in functional neurosurgery]
  40. Samsa Žiga; Hribernik Borut
    Okužbe pri nevrokirurških bolnikih v Splošni bolnišnici Celje
    [Infection rates after neurosurgical procedures in General hospital Celje]
  41. Ostojić-Kapš Silva; Gostiša Borut
    Primerjava blokade zgornjega debla (trunkusa) brahialnega pleteža z interskalenim blokom pri operaciji ramenskega obroča v budnem stanju
    [Superior trunk block vs interscalene block for awake shoulder surgery]
  42. Bogićević Aleksandar; Novak Ivan; Čretnik Andrej
    Okužbe po odprti naravnavi in učvrstitvi zlomov kolkov v UKC MB
    [Infections after open reduction and internal fixation of hip fractures in UMC MB]
  43. Halec Bine; Tisaj Eva; Radovanović Nataša
    Pomanjkanje izvajalcev zdravstvene nege v enoti intenzivne medicine: pomen timskega dela in dobrih medosebnih odnosov
    [Shortage of nurses in the intensive care unit: the importance of teamwork and good interpersonal relationships]
  44. Lešnik Amadeus; Fekonja Urška; Mori Jernej
    Ocena skrbnega ravnanja pri vstavitvi urinskega katetra v urgentnih enotah
    [Urinary catheterization: assessment of safe practice among nurses in emergency departments]
  45. Jarabek Leon; Jamšek Jan; Cuderman Anka; Rep Sebastijan; Hočevar Marko; Kocjan Tomaž; Jensterle Sever Mojca; Špiclin Žiga; Maček Ležaić Žiga; Cvetko Filip; Ležaič Luka
    Detection and localization of hyperfunctioning parathyroid glands on [18F]fluorocholine PET/CT using deep learning ‐ model performance and comparison to human experts
  46. Gradišnik Maja; Lešnik Amadeus; Mlinar Reljić Nataša
    Stiske starostnikov ob namestitvi v domsko varstvo
    [The distress of older people in nursing homes]
  47. Rutar Veronika
    Potreba po izboljšanju terapevtskih možnosti pri odraslem bolniku z epilepsijo - brivaracetam
    [The need for additional therapeutic options in adult epilepsy treatment - brivaracetam]
  48. Navodnik-Preložnik Maja
    Zaviralci natrij-glukoznega prenašalnega sistema 2, sladkorna bolezen ter nova priporočila o prehrani in telesni dejavnosti
    [Sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors, diabetes, and new recommendations for nutrition and physical activity]
  49. Frljak Sabina
    Transtiretinska kadriomiopatija
    [Transthyretin amyloid acardiomyopathy]
  50. Čerček Miha
    Protitrombotično zdravljenje pri bolniku s srčno-žilnimi boleznimi
    [Antithrombocit therapy in patients with cardiovaskular diseases]
  51. Kšela Juš
    Turbulenca srčne frekvence
    [Heart rate turbulence]
  52. Becner Anja; Gorišek Miksić Nina; Baklan Zvonko
    Okužbe sečil pri starostnikih
    [Urinary tract infections in the elderly]
  53. Logar Mateja
    Bolnišnične okužbe sečil v povezavi s katetri
    [Catheter-associated hospital urinary tract infections]
  54. Nadrah Kristina
    Antibiotično zdravljenje okužb sečil
    [Antibiotic treatment of urinary infections]
  55. Križan-Hergouth Veronika
    Novejši pristopi v mikrobiološki diagnostiki okužb sečil
    [New approaches in microbiological diagnostics of urinary tract infections]
  56. Mitrovič Simona; Lavrič Štrukelj Irena; Čufar Andreja
    Dermatiki v magistralni recepturi - pomen izbire prave mazilne podlage
    [Dermal magistral preparation - how to choose appropriate excipient]
  57. Žitnik Lidija
    Priporočila za načrtovanje nosečnosti pri bolnicah z multiplo sklerozo
    [Pregnancy planning recommendations for women with multiple sclerosis]
  58. Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology and therapeutics
  59. Savšek Lina
    Nova diagnostična merila za multiplo sklerozo
    [New diagnostic criteria for multiple sclerosis]
  60. Celli Bartolome R.; Locantore Nicholas; Tal-Singer Ruth; Riley John; Miller Bruce E.; Vestbo J; Yates Julie C.; Silverman Edwin K; Owen Caroline A.; Divo Miguel; Košnik Mitja
    Emphysema and extrapulmonary tissue loss in COPD: a multi-organ loss of tissue phenotype
  61. Ključevšek Damjana; Vidmar Dubravka; Prosen Gregor
    Pogled radiologa na usmerjene ultrazvočne preiskave neradiologov
    [A radiologist‘s perspective on pointof-care ultrasound examinations by non-radiologists]
  62. Sluga Nastja; Križančić Bombek Lidija; Kerčmar Jasmina; Sarikas Srdjan; Postić Sandra; Pfabe Johannes; Skelin Maša; Korošak Dean; Stožer Andraž; Rupnik Marjan
    Physiological levels of adrenaline fail to stop pancreatic beta cell activity at unphysiologically high glucose levels
  63. Glavač Damjan; Mladinić Miranda; Ban Jelena; Mazzone Graciela L.; Sámano Cynthia; Tomljanović Ivana; Jezernik Gregor; Ravnik-Glavač Metka
    The potential connection between molecular changes and biomarkers related to ALS and the development and regeneration of CNS
  64. Fekonja Anita
    Morphological diversity of permanent maxillary lateral incisors and their impact on aesthetics and function in orthodontically treated patients
  65. Meštrovič Popovič Katarina; Povalej Bržan Petra; Langerholc Tomaž; Marčun-Varda Nataša
    The impact of Lactobacillus plantarum PCS26 supplementation on the treatment and recurrence of urinary tract infections in children - a pilot study
  66. Tzanis George; Harris Michael; Brekke Mette; Marzo-Castillejo Mercè; Serap Cifcili Saliha; Wawrzynek Wojciech; Flamm Maria; Buono Nicola; Petek Davorina
    What factors empower general practitioners for early cancer diagnosis? A 20-country European Delphi Study
  67. Jeruc Jera
    Histomorphological diagnosis of ulcerative colitis and associated conditions
  68. Pal Partha
    Ulcerative colitis - etiology, diagnosis, diet, special populations, and the role of interventional endoscopy
  69. Gradišar Meta; Markovič Božič Jasmina; Spindler-Vesel Alenka
    Nove strategije obvladovanja pooperativne slabosti in bruhanja
    [New strategies for the management of postoperative nausea and vomiting]
  70. Pivač Sanela; Gradišek Primož; Skela-Savič Brigita
    Basic resuscitation training for third-cycle primary school students
  71. Pušnik Luka; Slak Peter
    Subtotalno razcepljena prsnica - prikaz primera
    [Subtotal sternal cleft - a case report]
  72. Marinčič Katja; Kotnik Primož
    Vloga rjavega maščevja pri debelosti in z debelostjo povezanih presnovnih sprememb
    [The rple of brown fat in obesity and obesity related metabolic complications]
  73. Sinreih Maša
    Efficacy evaluation of steric block oligonucleotides for splice correction
  74. Herman Rok; Janež Andrej; Goričar Katja; Rizzo Manfredi; Jensterle Sever Mojca
    Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on disease control status and quality of life of patients with acromegaly
  75. Stafrace Samuel; Lobo Maria-Luisa; Augdal Thomas A.; Avni E. Fred; Bruno Costanza; Damasio M. Beatrice; Darge Kassa; Franchi-Abella Stephanie; Herrmann Jochen; Ibe Donald; Ključevšek Damjana
    Imaging of anorectal malformations
  76. Vasović Ljiljana; Mrkaić Ana; Trandafilović Milena; Drevenšek Martina
    Specifies of the fetal median callosal artery
  77. Oblak Aleš; Boyadzhieva Asena; Caporusso Jaya; Škodlar Borut; Bon Jurij
    How things take up space
  78. Trandafilović Milena; Vasović Ljiljana; Vlajković Slobodan; Stojanović Borisav; Mladenović Todorović Marija; Drevenšek Martina
    Bilateral aplasia of the anterior cerebral artery in the presence of its vascular source
  79. Cikajlo Imre; Hukić Alma; Udovčić Pertot Anja
    The size and behavior of virtual objects have influence on functional exercise and motivation of persons with multiple sclerosis
  80. Jovanović Mark; Brvar Miran
    Toksični učinki kokaina na srčnožilni sistem in obravnava bolnikov z bolečino v prsih zaradi zlorabe kokaina
    [Toxic cardiovascular effects of cocaine and management of patients with cocaine- associated chest pain]
  81. Janež Andrej
    Predstavitev prvih slovenskih priporočil za zdravljenje debelosti z zdravili
    [Presentation of the first Slovenian recommendations for the pharmacological treatment of obesity]
  82. Brvar Miran
    Akutne in kronične posledice uživanja pripravkov kanabidiola (CBD)
    [Acute and chronic effect of cannabidiol (CBD)]
  83. Kyriakoulis Konstantinos G.; Dimakakos Evangelos P.; Kyriakoulis Ioannis G.; Catalano Mariella; Spyropoulos Alex C.; Schulman Sam; Douketis James; Falanga Anna; Blinc Aleš; Kozak Matija; Poredoš Pavel; Šuput Dušan
    Practical recommendations for optimal thromboprophylaxis in patients with COVID-19
  84. Tomic Maja; Bolha Luka; Pižem Jože; Ban Helena; Vrtačnik-Bokal Eda; Štimpfel Martin
    Association between sperm morphology and altered sperm microRNA expression
  85. Šmigoc Schweiger Darja; Davidović Povše Maja; Trebušak Podkrajšek Katarina; Battelino Tadej; Avbelj Stefanija Magdalena
    GNRHR-related central hypogonadism with spontaneous recovery - case report
  86. Arkar Ula; Perković-Benedik Mirjana; Bizjak Neli; Osredkar Damjan
    Cavernomatous malformations of the CNS
  87. Podbregar Ana; Vidmar Gaj; Moharić Metka
    Lower urinary tract function in patients with fracture in thoracolumbal junction
  88. Bizjak Maša; Emeršič N.; Zajc Avramovič Mojca; Vesel Tina; Mlakar G.; Berce Vojko; Markelj Gašper; Plankar Srovin Tina; Golli Tanja; Osredkar Damjan; Koren Anja; Toplak Nataša; Pokorn Marko; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Ihan Alojz; Fafangel Mario; Avčin Tadej
    High incidence of multisystem inflammatory syndrome and other autoimmune diseases after SARS-CoV-2 infection compared to COVID-19 vaccination in children and adolescents in south central Europe
  89. Vink Frederique J.; Meijer Chris J.L.M.; Hesselink Albertus; Floore Arno N.; Lissenberg-Witte Birgit I.; Bonde Jesper; Pedersen Helle; Cuschieri Kate S.; Poljak Mario; Oštrbenk Valenčak Anja
    FAM19A4/miR124-2 methylation testing and HPV16/18 genotyping in HPV-positive women under the age of 30 years
  90. Shehu Kolnikaj Tea; Herman Rok; Janež Andrej; Jensterle Sever Mojca
    Assessment of eating disorders and eating behavior to improve treatment outcomes in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
  91. Pokorn Marko; Paragi Metka; Kastrin Tamara; Blagus Rok; Ahčan Jerneja; Baš Denis; Dolenc Blaž; Vintar Spreitzer Mateja; Rakus J.; Javh Dobernik Tanja; Cimperman Ajda; Tomšič-Matić Marjeta; Borinc Beden Andreja; Mole Helena
    Pneumococcal carriage and invasive disease in Slovenia after 3 years of PCV10 in the NIP
  92. Hrastar Erika; Železnik Klara
    Screening for transfusion-transmissible infections in Slovenia
  93. Baš Denis
    Pogled primarnega pediatra na okužbe z VZV pri otrocih
    [A primary pediatrician‘s view of VZV infections in children]
  94. Plankar Srovin Tina; Baš Denis
    Alarmantni znaki pri okužbah ‐ kdaj je potrebno otroka napotiti v bolnišnico
    [Alarm signs in infections ‐ when the child needs to be referred to the hospital]
  95. Roškar Luka; Pušić Maja; Roškar Irena; Kokol Marko; Pirš Boštjan; Smrkolj Špela; Lanišnik-Rižner Tea
    Models including preoperative plasma levels of angiogenic factors, leptin and IL-8 as potential biomarkers of endometrial cancer
  96. Pilih Klemen Aleš; Kozic Mitja
    Partial triceps tendon avulsion delayed reconstruction using Achilles tendon allograft, a case report
  97. Harlander Matevž; Lestan David; Turel Matjaž; Drnovšek Globokar Mojca; Mušič Elizabeta Špela; Pirc Dejan; Fileković Ribarič Suada; Gradišek Michael Jožef; Greif Boris; Jaksch Peter; Klepetko Walter; Štupnik Tomaž
    Presaditev pljuč v Sloveniji ‐ izkušnje prvih treh let
    [Lung transplantation in Slovenia ‐ experience in the first three years]
  98. Krhlikar Nina; Umek Lan; Vidović Valentinčič Nataša
    Dolgoročni potek in izid bolezni pri bolnikih z intermediarnim uveitisom s spremljanjem vsaj 20 let
    [Long term course and visual outcome in patients with intermediate uveitis with a follow up of at least 20 years]
  99. Kokondoska Grgič Vesna; Mrše Dora
    Analytical and biomedicine applications
  100. Vener Claudia; Zadnik Vesna; Žagar Tina
    Clear improvement in real-world chronic myeloid leukemia survival

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