biomedicina slovenica

"drug addiction" : 101-130

  1. Ikica Branko; Ikica Andrej; Prelesnik Uroš; Caran Aleksandar M
    Avtomatiziran video nadzor Centra za preprečevanje in zdravljenje odvisnosti od prepovedanih drog v Trbovljah
    [Automated video surveillance of "Centre for drugs and drug addiction" in Trbovlje]
  2. Lahajnar Slavica
    Zdravljenje bolečine pri kroničnem vnetju trebušne slinavke
    [Pain management of chronic pancreatitis]
  3. Benedik Emil
    Osebnostne značilnosti uživalcev prepovedanih drog
    [Personality characteristics of illicit drug users]
  4. Fras-Štefan Tamara
    Incidence and prevalence of blood-borne diseases among the patients in methadone treatment in centre for the prevention and treatment of drug addiction Ljubljana between 1999 and 2002
  5. Fras-Stefan T; Debevec-Švigelj M; Korene M; Omahen L
    HBV vaccine use for immunization of patients in the centre for the pre- vention and treatment of drug addiction Ljubljana - are we successful?
  6. Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja
    The network of centres for the prevention and treatment of drug addiction in the Republic of Slovenia
  7. Krek Milan; Krek-Mišigoj Jelka
    Bolniki, vključeni v vzdrževalni metadonski program in njihova navzočnost v prometu
    [Patients, participating in a methadone maintenance programme and their involvement in the road traffic]
  8. Plauštajner Vito; Erpič Viktorija
    Mnenja obsojencev ZPKZ Dob pri Mirni o skupnem prestajanju kazni odvisnih od nedovoljenih drog in ostalih
    [The opinion of prisoners at ZPKZ Dob regarding cohabitation of prisoners dependent on illegal drugs and other prisoners]
  9. Barborič Jožica; Boben-Bardutzky Darja
    Organizacija dela po načelih terapevtske skupine
    [Work organisation based on the principles of the therapeutic community]
  10. Žvelc Gregor
    Značilnosti objektnih odnosov oseb, ki so odvisne od drog
    [Characteristic of the object relations of drug addicts]
  11. Grilc Eva; Nolimal Dušan
    Samodestruktivno vedenje med injicirajačimi uživalci drog (IUD)
    [Self destructive behaviour among drug abusers]
  12. Maremmani Icro; Signoretta Salvatore; Zolesi Orietta; Liguori Antonia
    Affective temperaments, personality traits (TPQ) and risk of drug addiction, an investigation in 1010 14-26-year-old students
  13. Skočir Jasmina; Peče Miran; Čeh Nada
    Preventivno zdravstveno varstvo študentov
    [Preventive health care for students]
  14. Štefanič Borut; Kadiš Peter
    Cases of death caused by opiates in the casebook of the Institute of forensic medicine 1991-1996
  15. Zver-Skomina Janja; Novak-Antolič Živa; Kastelic Andrej
    Management of pregnant drug abusers
  16. Rus-Makovec Maja
    Drug dependent adolescent with alcohol dependent parents
  17. Koželj Gordana; Kuštrin-Samba Alenka; Zorec-Karlovšek Majda
    Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analyses of illicit drugs and psychotropic substances at The institute of forensic medicine in Ljubljana
  18. Zorec-Karlovšek Majda; Koželj Gordana; Kuštrin-Samba Alenka
    Drug addiction and traffic safety in Slovenia
  19. Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja; Flaker Vito; Zorec-Karlovšek Majda; Reisinger Marc
    Heroin addiction in Europe. Book of abstracts of the 3rd European methadone and other substitution treatments conference together with Regional meeting of central and eastern European countries on treatment programmes with emphasis on outreach and open community approach; 1997 Sep 17-20; Ljubljana
  20. Zorec-Karlovšek Majda; Kuštrin-Samba Alenka; Koželj Gordana
    Role of the toxicological laboratory at the Institute of forensic medicine in Ljubljana in monitoring drug addiction
  21. Nolimal Dušan
    Comparison of key informant and multiplier estimates in Slovenia
  22. Anonymous ;
    Estimating the prevalence of problem drug use in Europe: papers arising from a scientific seminar on addiction prevalence estimation: methods and research strategies held in Stasbourg, 1996 Jun 10-14
  23. Žagar Dušan
    Psihiatrično izvedensko poročilo in mnenje o osebi, odvisni od drog
    [Psyhiatric expert opinions and reports on drug addicts]
  24. Krek Milan; Mišigoj-Krek Jelka
    Nekatere moralno-etične dileme pri zdravljenju odvisnosti od ilegalnih drog
    [Certain moral and ethical dilemmas in the treatment of addiction with illicit drugs]
  25. Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja; Kastelic Andrej
    Mreža pomoči odvisnim od drog in vzdrževalni metadonski program
    [Network to help drug addicts and methadone maintenance programme]
  26. Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja; Kastelic Andrej
    Zakonodaja na področju drog
    [Legislation in the field of drugs]
  27. Dolenc A
    Sodnomedicinsko izvedenstvo v cestnem prometu na Slovenskem (včeraj, danes in jutri)
    [Medico-legal aspects of road traffic in Slovenia]
  28. Šinko Bojan
    Program lokalne akcijske skupine za preprečevanje odvisnosti - za boljše življenje v projektu zdravo mesto Ptuj
    [Local action programme for prevention of addiction - for a better life in healthy city of Ptuj project]
  29. Nolimal D; Lahajnar I; Rode N
    Antisocialnost in odvisnost of drog
    [Antisocial behaviour and drug addiction]
  30. Tomori M
    Zloraba psihotropnih snovi - kakšna je slovenska scena danes
    [Abuse of psychoactive substances - today's scene in Slovenia]

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