biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 16.767-16.866

  1. Žnidaršič Nada; Štrus Jasna; Drobne Damjana
    Ultrastructural alterations of the hepatopancreas in Porcellio scaber under stress
  2. Strgulc-Krajšek Simona; Jogan Nejc
    Epilobium montanum L. in E. collinum C. C. Gmel. v Sloveniji
    [Epilobium montanum L. and E. collinum C. C. Gmel. in Slovenia]
  3. Muri Gregor; Wakeham Stuart G; Faganeli Jadran
    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and black carbon in sediments of a remote alpine lake (Lake Planina, northwest Slovenia)
  4. Starčič Marjanca; Žgur-Bertok Darja; Jordi Bart JAM; Woesten Marc MSM; Gaastra Wim; van Putten Jos PM
    The cyclic AMP-cyclic AMP receptor protein complex regulates activity of the traJ promoter of the Escherichia coli conjugative plasmid pRK100
  5. Berne Sabina; Sepčić Kristina; Križaj Igor; Kem William R; McClintock James B; Turk Tom
    Isolation and characterisation of a cytolytic protein from mucus secretions of the Antarctic heteronemertine Parborlasia corrugatus
  6. Sepčić Kristina; Berne Sabina; Potrich Cristina; Turk Tom; Maček Peter; Menestrina Gianfranco
    Interaction of ostreolysin, a cytolytic protein from the edible mushroom Pleurotus ostreatus, with lipid membranes and modulation by lysophospholipids
  7. Rupnik Maja; Kato Naoki; Grabnar Miklavž; Kato Haro
    New types of toxin A-negative, toxin B-positive strains among Clostridium difficile isolates from Asia
  8. Muri Gregor; Brancelj Anton
    Seasonal water chemistry variations in three Slovenian mountain lakes
  9. Sepčić Kristina; Krušnik Ciril
    Ugotavljanje bioloških aktivnosti v ekstraktih sladkovodne spužve Spongilla lacustris Linneaus 1758
    [Screening of biological activities in extracts of the freshwater sponge Spongilla lacustris Linneaus 1758]
  10. Šajn-Slak Alenka; Vrhovšek Danijel; Kosi Gorazd
    Limnološke raziskave Slivniškega jezera
    [Limnological research of the Lake Slivnica]
  11. Krušnik Ciril; Toman Mihael J; Tavzes Branka
    Kategorizacija habitatov barjanskih jarkov z metodo RHS
    [Categorization of water ditches at the moor Ljubljansko barje with RHS]
  12. Kšela Juš; Trampuž Andrej; Pikelj Franjo
    Denga pri slovenskih popotnikih po vrnitvi iz tropskih krajev
    [Dengue in Slovene travellers returning from the tropics]
  13. Zemljič Eva; Završnik Matej
    Nenaden nastop hipoglikemije
    [Sudden begining of hypoglycemia]
  14. Pokorn Dražigost; Koch Verena; Hlastan-Ribič Cirila
    Prehrana in zdravje v Sloveniji
    [Health and nutrition in Slovenia]
  15. Kermavnar Melita K; Grad Anton; Meglič Bernard
    Razmerje med aktivnostjo simpatika in parasimpatika pri testu z nagibno mizo
    [The ratio between sympathetic and parasympathetic activity during head-up tilt table test]
  16. Rečnik Gregor; Avberšek Andreja
    Kako izboljšati kvaliteto življenja pri bolnikih s parkinsoizmom?
    [How to improve the quality of life of people with Parkinsonism?]
  17. Planšak Suzana; Hlastan-Ribič Cirila; Pokorn Dražigost
    Vsebnost maščob in beljakovin ter energijska gostota v mesnih in brezmesnih obrokih v vrtcih
  18. Pokorn Dražigost; Cerar Anton; Hlastan-Ribič Cirila
    The role of various diets and colon tumours experimentally induced by 1,2-dimethylhydrazine on the gastric content in rats
    [Vpliv različnega režima prehrane in eksperimentalno povzročenih tumorjev debelega črevesa z 1,2-dimetilhidrazinom na želodčno vsebino podgan]
  19. Turpie Alexander GG; Bauer Kenneth A; Eriksson Bengt I; Lassen Michael R
    Fondaparinuks v primerjavi z enoksaparinom pri preprečevanju venskih trombembolizmov pri velikih ortoprdskih operacijah: metaanaliza štirih randomiziranih, dvojno slepih raziskav
    [Fondaparinux vs enoxaparin for the prevention of venous thrombembolism in major orthopedic surgery: a meta-analysis of 4 randomized double-blinded studies]
  20. Kitzman Delane W; Little William C; Brubaker Peter H; Anderson Roger T; Hundley Gregory W; Marburger Christian T; Brosnihan Bridget; Morgan Timothy M; Stewart Kathryn P
    Patofiziološke značilnosti izoliranega popuščanja srca v diastoli v primerjavi s popuščanjem srca v sistoli
    [Patophysiological characterization of isolated diastolic heart failure]
  21. Koepsell Thomas; McCloskey Lon; Wolf Marsha; Vernez-Moudon Anne; Buchner David; Krauss Jess; Patterson Matthew
    Označeni prehodi za pešce in tveganje starejših pešcev, da motorno vozilo trči vanje
    [Crosswalk markings and the risk of pedestrian-motor vehicle collisions in older pedestrians]
  22. Rozman Aleš; Debeljak Andrej
    Slepa igelna biopsija parietalne plevre v diagnostiki plevralnega izliva
    [Needle pleural biopsy in the diagnosis of pleural effusion]
  23. Pevec Teodor; Smrkolj Vladimir; Veselko Matjaž
    Zadaj omejena notch-plastika: klinične izkušnje z drugačno postavitvijo femoralnega kanala pri artroskopski rekonstrukciji sprednje križne vezi s presadkom kite pogačice s pripadajočima kostnima narastiščema
    [Posteriorly limited notchplasty: clinical experience with a different femoral tunnel orientation for arthroscopic anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using a patellar tendon graft with its bone attachments]
  24. Tomaževič T; Ribič-Pucelj M; Vogler A; Bokal E; Virant I; Drobnič S; Zorn B; Ban H; Korošec S; Kuhelj-Recer J
    Mesto endoskopske kirurgije pri zdravljenju neplodnosti zaradi distalne okvare jajcevodov
    [The place of endoscopic surgery in the treatment of infertility due to distal tubal lesions]
  25. Tarquini Simone; Armienti Pietro
    Film color scanner as a new and cheap tool for image analysis in petrology
  26. Friess Martin
    An application of the relative warps 106analysis to problems in human paleontology - with notes on raw data quality
  27. Reed Matthew G; Howard CV
    The sampling error of rotator estimates of eye volume
  28. Mayhew Terry M
    Stereological studies on fetal vascular development in human placental villi
  29. Blacher Silvia; Devy Laetitia; Noel Agnes; Foidart Jean-Michel
    Quantification of angiogenesis on the rat aortic ring assay
  30. Lavialle Olivier; Angella Franck; Germain Christian; Baylou Pierre
    Dynamic particle systems for object structure extraction
  31. Tarquini Simone; Armienti Pietro
    Quick determination of crystal size distributions of rocks by means of a color scanner
  32. Gardel Alfredo; Lazaro Jose Luis; Lavest Jean Marc
    Influence of mechanical errors in a zoom camera
  33. Ohser Joachim; Nagel Werner; Schladitz Katja
    The Euler number of discretised sets - surprinsing results in three dimensions
  34. Stroeven Piet; Stroeven Martijn
    Dynamic computer simulation of concrete on different levels of the microstructure - part 1
  35. Andre Gilles; Hess Sigrid; Mering Catherine
    Gray tone filtering on ERS-SAR images applied to change detection and mapping
  36. Komenda Jacek; Maroli Barbara; Hoeglund Lars
    Recognitioon of patterns on fracture surfaces by automatic image analysis
  37. Hanbury Allan; Serra Jean
    Mathematical morphology in the CIELab space
  38. Jernot Jean-Paul; Jouannot-Chesney Patricia; Lantuejoul Christian; Nouet Gerard; Ruterana Pierre
    Topological localisation of defects at atomic scale
  39. Lacaze Jacques; Arnal Alexis; Dupuy Jean-Luc; Poquillon Dominique
    Separation of the inter- and intra-particle porosity in images of powder compacts
  40. Bodlak Karel; Balasundaram Arun; Gokhale Arun M; Beneš Viktor
    Characterization of bivariate size-orientation distribution on circular plate particles
  41. Lauschmann Hynek; Nedbal Ivan
    Auto-shape analysis of image textures in fractography
  42. Popa Ana Maria; Chaix Jean-Marc
    Quantitative image analysis of microstructure evolution during solid state sintering of W-Cu
  43. Anguy Yannick; Belin Sophie; Ehrlich Robert; Ahmadi Azita
    Interpretation of mercury injection experiments using a minimum set of porous descriptors derived by quantitative image analysis
  44. Courbebaisse Guy; Trunde Frederic; Jourlin Michel
    Wavelet transform and lip model
  45. Ogilvie Steven; Isakov Evgeny; Taylor Colin; Glover Paul
    A new high resolution optical method for obtaining the topography of fracture surfaces in rocks
  46. Sozanska Maria; Iacoviello Francesco; Cwajna Jan; Jerome Michael; Sojka Jaroslav; Galland Jacques
    Quantitative analysis of fatigue fracture surface in the duplex steel
  47. Laporterie Florence; Flouzat Guy; Amram Oliver
    The morphological pyramid and its applications to remote sensing: multiresolution data analysis and features extraction
  48. Blacher Silvia; Maquet Veronique; Jerome Robert; Pirard Jean Paul
    Image analysis characterization of highly oriented freeze-drying porous materials
  49. Cecchi Emmanuelle; Lavest Jean-Marc; Van Wyk de Vries Benjamin
    Videogrammetric reconstruction applied to volcanology: perspectives for a new measurement technique in volcano monitoring
  50. Bonton Pierre; Boucher Alain; Thonnat Monique; Tomczak Regis; Hidalgo Pablo J; Belmonte Jordina; Galan Carmen
    Colour image in 2D and 3D microscopy for the automation of pollen rate measurement
  51. Mering Catherine; Chopin Franck
    Granulometric maps from high resolution satellite images
  52. Mitić Vojislav V; Nikolić Zoran S; Mitrović Ivona; Jordović Branka; Brankov Vladimir
    The application of stereology method for estimating the number of 3D BaTiO3 - ceramic grains contact surfaces
  53. Douiri Nisrine; Khoudeir Majdi; Olivier Christian
    Roughness characterization of an indoor environment
  54. Donnadieu Patricia; Matsuda Kenji; Epicier Thierry; Douin Joel
    Measurements of strain fields due to nanoscale precipitates using the phase image method
  55. Chermant Jean-Louis; Boitier Guillaume; Darzens Severine; Coster Michel; Chermant Liliane
    Damage morphological parameters
  56. Bezrukov Alexander; Stoyan Dietrich; Bargiel Monika
    Spatial statistics for simulated packings of spheres
  57. Kaerkkaeinen Salme; Vedel-Jensen Eva B
    Estimation of fibre orientation from digital images
  58. Flin Frederic; Brzoska Jean-Bruno; Lesaffre Bernard; Coleou Cecile; Lamboley Pascal
    Computation of normal vectors of discrete 3D objects: application to natural snow images from X-ray tomography
  59. Delarue Arnaud; Jeulin Dominique
    Multi-scale simulation of spherical aggregates
  60. Lagoute Jerome; Zambelli Tomaso; Martin Stephane; Gauthier Sebastien
    Spatial repartition of current fluctuations in a scanning tunneling microscope
  61. Kestener Pierre; Lina Jean-Marc; Saint-Jean Philippe; Arneodo Alain
    Wavelet-based multifractal formalism to assist in diagnosis in digitized mammograms
  62. Kervrann Charles
    Bayesian image segmentation through level lines selection
  63. Boulc'h Florence; Schoulder Marie-Claude; Donnadieu Patricia; Chaix Jean-Marc; Djurado Elisabeth
    Domain size distribution of Y-TZP nano-particles using XRD and HRTEM
  64. Jernot Jean-Paul; Jouannot-Chesney Patricia; Lantuejoul Christian
    Evaluating the Euler-Poincare characteristic of a set using a spatial tessellation
  65. Garcia David; Courbebaisse Guy; Jourlin Michel
    Image analysis dedicated to polymer injection molding
  66. Arnould Xavier; Coster Michel; Chermant Jean-Louis; Chermant Liliane; Chartier Thierry; Elmoataz Abder
    Segmentation and grain size of ceramics
  67. Hlubinka Daniel; Beneš Viktor
    Prediction of the extremal shape factor of spheroidal particles
  68. Balagurunathan Yoganand; Dougherty Edward; Frančišković-Bilinski Stanislav; Bilinski Halka; Vdović Neda
    Morphological granulometric analysis of sediment images
  69. Stoyan Dietrich; Stoyan Helga; Tscheschel Andre; Mattfeldt Torsten
    On the estimation of distance distribution functions for point processes and random sets
  70. Shen Hong
    New concepts and test methods of curve profile area density in surface: estimation of areal density on curved spatial surface
  71. Hao Chongyang; Qi Min; Heute U; Moraga C
    New method for fast image edge detection based on subband decomposition
  72. Umesh-Adiga PS; Knight Samantha JL; Chaudhuri BB
    Characterization and automatic counting of F.I.S.H. signals in 3-D tissue images
  73. Gadek Artur; Wojnar Leszek; Czerwinski Edward
    Effect of histomorphometric parameters on compression strength of vertebral bodies
  74. Sahin Buenyamin; Aslan Hueseyin; Unal Buenyami; Canan Sinan; Bilgic Sait; Kaplan Sueleyman; Tumkaya Levent
    Brain volumes of the lamb, rat and bird do not show hemispheric asymmetry: a stereological study
  75. Mayhew Terry M
    Fibrin-type firbinoid in human placenta: a stereological analysis of its association with intervillous volume and villous surface area
  76. Liu Guoquan; Yu Haibo
    Experimental evaluation of stereological methods for determining 3D grain size and topological distributions
  77. Stroeven Piet; Stroeven Martijn
    Assessment of particle packing characteristics at interfaces by space system
  78. Liu Guoquan; Yu Haibo
    On the sampling of serial sectioning technique for three dimensional space-filling grain structures
  79. Chia Joanne; Baddeley Adrian
    Accuracy of estimates of volume fraction
  80. Keith Jonathan M; Gay Stephen L
    Estimating volume distributions using maximum entropy
  81. Spencer Steven; Sutherland David
    Stereological correction of mineral liberation grade distributions estimated by single sectioning of particles
  82. Aboav David A
    An attempt at an algebraic theory of crystal structure. Part 4
  83. Pišljar Marko; Koren Franc; Bilač Gordana; Smrkolj Vladimir
    Vpliv vremena na prometne poškodbe
    [Impact of atmospheric conditions upon traffic related injuries]
  84. Koren F; Pišljar M; Bilač Gordana; Smrkolj V
    Prometne poškodbe v odvisnosti od negativnega biotropnega učinka front
    [Traffic related injuries depending upon adverse biotropic impact of the fronts]
  85. Tršinar B; Oblak C; Smrkolj V
    Recurrent adrenocortical carcinoma in a child
  86. Gentuh Saul; Lipps Janie; Lorenzi Gayle; Nathan David M; Davis Matthew D; Later John M; Cleary Patricia A
    Učinki intenzivnega zdravljenja mikrovaskularnih zapletov sladkorne bolezni tip 1
    [(Effect of intensive therapy on the microvscular complications of type 1 diabetes mellitus)]
  87. Rewers Arleta; Chase H Peter; Mackenzie Todd; Walravens Philip; Roback Mark; Rowers Marian; Hamman Rochard F; Klingensmith Georgeanna
    Napovedi za akutne zaplete pri otrocih s sladkorno boleznijo tipa 1
    [(Predictors of acute complications in children with type 1 diabetes)]
  88. Tohen Mauricio; Chengappa KN Roy; Suppes Trisha; Zarate Carlos A; Calabrese Joseph R; Bowden Charles L; Sachs Gary S; Kupfer David J; Baker Robert W; Risser Richard C
    Uspešnost olanzapina skupaj z valproatom ali litijem pri zdravljenju bolnikov z manijo, ki so delno neodzivni na monoterapijo z valproatom ali litijem
    [(Efficacy of olanzapine in combination with valproate or lithium in the treatment of mania in patients partially nonresponsive to valproate or lithium monotheapy)]
  89. Smrkolj V; Banovec J
    Preskušanje intramedularne armature pri premostitveni osteosintezi kostnega defekta z metilmetakrilatom
    [Testing of the intramedullary reinforcement used in osteosynthesis with bone grafting of the bone defect with methyl-metacrylate]
  90. Žargi Rado
    Atipična virusna pnevmonija
  91. Stropnik Zlata
    Pomen določanja bakterijske občutljivosti za antibiotike
  92. Tumova Lenka; Brancuzka Renata; Tuma Jiri
    The effects of salicylic acid on flavonoid production in Ononis arvensis tissue culture
    [Vpliv salicilne kisline na biosintezo flavonoidov v tkivnih kulturah njivskega gladeža (Ononis arvensis)]
  93. Smrkolj V
    Histološke promjene pod uticanjem imunosupresije
  94. Smrkolj Vladimir
    Didaktična pripravljenost zdravnikov za zdravstveno vzgojo prebivalstva
  95. Smrkolj V
    Študij učinkov heterolognega antilimfocitnega seruma pri termično močno poškodovanih mišjih samcih seva Albany in CBA
  96. Valentinčič M
    Nekaj o črevesnih parazitih v Sloveniji
  97. Varl Bojan
    Težave pri reseciranem želodcu zaradi ulkusa
  98. Breznik Matej
    Klaritromicin (Fromilid) v zdravljenju okužb na spodnjih dihalih
    [Clarithromycin (Fromilid) in the treatment of lower respiratory tract infections]
  99. Prelesnik Uroš; Deželak Zdenka
    Analiza zadovoljstva pacientov in zaposlenih v zdravstvenem zavodu
    [Analysis of patient and staff satisfaction in a health care institution]
  100. Stare Mateja; Kersnič Petra
    Pogostost poškodb z ostrim predmetom v operacijskem bloku Kliničnega centra Ljubljana
    [Frequency of injuries with sharp objects in the operating theatre of the Clinical center in Ljubljana]

   16.267 16.367 16.467 16.567 16.667 16.767 16.867 16.967 17.067 17.167  

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