biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 17.267-17.366

  1. Gobec Stanislav; Urleb Uroš; Auger Genevieve; Blanot Didier
    Synthesis and biochemical evaluation of some novel N-acyl phosphono- and phosphinoalanine derivatives as potential inhibitors of the D-glutamic acid-adding enzyme
  2. Gobec Stanislav; Urleb Uroš
    Synthesis of phosphono phthalimido-desmuramyldipeptide analogs
  3. Gobec Stanislav; Urleb Uroš
    Synthesis of new phosphonamidate and phosphinamide desmuramyldipeptide analogs
  4. Fošnarič Miha; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Haegerstrand Henry; Iglič Aleš
    On stabilty fo circular hole in membrane bilayer
  5. Haegerstrand Henry; Bobacka Johan; Haegerstrand-Bobrowska Malgorzata; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Fošnarič Miha; Iglič Aleš
    Oxyethylene chain-cation complexation; nonionic polyoxyethylene detergents attain a positive charge and demonstrate electrostatic head group interactions
  6. Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Remškar Maja; Vidmar Gregor; Fošnarič Miha; Iglič Aleš
    Deviatoric elasticity as a possible physical mechanism explaining collapse of inorganic micro and nanotubes
  7. Fošnarič Miha; Nemec Marjana; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Haegerstrand Henry; Schara Milan; Iglič Aleš
    Possible role of anisotropic membrane inclusions in stability of torocyte red blook cell daughter vesicles
  8. Kotnik Tadej; Mir Lluis M; Flisar Karel; Puc Marko; Miklavčič Damijan
    Cell membrane electropermeabilization by symmetrical bipolar rectangular pulses. Part 1: increased efficiency of permeabilization
  9. Kohl M; Bohinc Klemen; Potokar Milan; Širca Simon
    Self energies of the pion and the delta isobar from the 3He(e,e'pi+)3H reaction
  10. Kubon G; Bohinc Klemen; Potokar Milan; Širca Simon
    Precise neutron magnetic from factors
  11. Bartsch P; Bohinc Klemen; Potokar Milan; Širca Simon
    Measurement of the Beam-Helicity asymmetry in the p((e)over-right-arrow,e' p)pi(0) reaction at the energy of the Delta(1232) resonance
  12. Merkel H; Bohinc Klemen; Potokar Milan; Širca Simon
    Neutral pion threshold production at Q2 = 0.05 GeV2/c2 and chiral perturbulation theory
  13. Pospischil T; Bohinc Klemen; Potokar Milan
    The horizontal drift chambers for the focal plane proton-polarimeter of the 3-spectrometer setup at MAMI
  14. Pospischil T; Bohinc Klemen; Potokar Milan
    The focal plane proton-polarimeter for the 3-spectrometersetup at MAMI
  15. Ewald I; Bohinc Klemen; Potokar Milan; Širca Simon
    Coherent pi0 threshold production from the deuteron at Q2=0.1 GeV2/c2
  16. Pospischil T; Bohinc Klemen; Potokar Milan; Širca Simon
    Measurement of the recoil polarization in the p((e)over-right-arrow, e '(p)over-right-arrow)pi(0) reaction at the Delta(1232) resonance
  17. Pospischil T; Bohinc Klemen; Potokar Milan; Širca Simon
    Measurement of GEp/GŠ(Mp) via polarization transfer at Q2=0.4 GeV/c2
  18. Liesenfeld A; Širca Simon; Bohinc Klemen; Potokar Milan; Rokavec Aleš; Vodenik Branko
    A measurement of the axial form factor of the nucleon by the p(e,e'(pi)(sup)+)n reactor at W=1125 MeV
  19. Rohe D; Bohinc Klemen; Potokar Milan; Širca Simon
    Measurement of the neutron electric form factor G(sub)(en) at 0.67 (GeV/c)2 via 3(vector)H((vector)e,e'n)
  20. Florizone REJ; Bohinc Klemen; Potokar Milan; Širca Simon
    High-precision studies of the (sup)3He(e,e'p) reaction at the quasielastic peak
  21. Drnovšek-Olup Brigita; Beltram Matej
    ER:YAG dual-mode skin resurfacing long-term follow-up
  22. Bartsch P; Bohinc Klemen; Potokar Milan; Širca Simon
    Evidence for narrow (Delta)(sup)0(1232) states in the (sup)12C(e,e'p(pi)(sup)-)(sup)11C
  23. Erdani-Kreft Mateja; Romih Rok; Sterle Maksimiljan
    Antigenic and ultrastructural markers associated with urothelial cytodifferentiation in primary explant outgrowths of mouse bladder
  24. Anderluh Marko; Sollner-Dolenc Marija
    Thrombin receptor antagonists; recent advances in PAR-1 antagonist development
  25. Cesar Jožko; Sollner-Dolenc Marija
    Trimethylsilyldiazomethane in the preparation of diazoketones via mixed anhydride and coupling reagent methods: a new approach to the Arndt-Eistert synthesis
  26. Cesar Jožko; Sollner Marija
    Use of 3,5-disubstituted 1,2,4-triazoles for the synthesis of peptidomimetics
  27. Sollner Marija; Kotnik Vladimir; Pečar Slavko; Štalc Anton; Simčič Saša; Povšič Lučka; Herzog-Wraber Branka; Klampfer Lidija; Ihan Alojz; Grosman Polonca
    Apyrogenic synthetic desmuramyldipeptide, LK-409, with immunomodulatory properties
  28. Pavlin Mojca; Slivnik Tomaž; Miklavčič Damijan
    Effective conductivity of cell suspensions
  29. Bohinc Klemen; Iglič Aleš; Slivnik Tomaž; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
    Charged cylindrical surfaces: effect of finite ion size
  30. Mahkovič Rajko; Slivnik Tomaž
    Constructing the generalized local Voronoi diagram from laser range scanner data
  31. Križaj Dejan; Jan Janja; Valenčič Vojko
    Numerical computation of impedances of a human tooth for estimation of the root canal length
  32. Amon Tomaž; Valenčič Vojko
    VRML - enhanced learning in biology and medicine
  33. Valenčič Vojko; Krašna Andrej; Jurčič-Zlobec Borut; Berkopec Aleš
    Numerical calculation and comparison of electromagnetic field parameters inside biological tissue
  34. Anderluh Gregor; Barlič Ariana; Podlesek Zdravko; Maček Peter; Pungerčar Jože; Gubenšek Franc; Zecchini Maria; Dalla Serra Maura; Menestrina Gianfranco
    Cysteine-scanning mutagenesis of an eukaryotic pore-forming toxin from sea anemone: topology in lipid membranes
  35. Rezar Vida; Marinšek-Logar Romana; Ješe-Janežič Vesna; Pajk Tanja; Salobir Karl; Orešnik Andrej; Salobir Janez
    Wheat and oat bran effectively reduce oxidative stress induced by high fat diets in pigs
  36. Boh Bojana; Kornhauser Aleksandra
    Informatizacija raziskovalno-razvojnega dela: primer na področju mikrokapsuliranja
  37. Preželj Andrej; Pečar Slavko
    Synthesis of novel thiol-reactive clenbuterol analogues
  38. Balantič Zvonko
    Prenos toplote in tehnologija gradnje sprejemnikov son ne energije z veliko površino
    [Heat transfer and the construction technology of large surface solar energy collectors]
  39. Drinovec Jože; Bagar-Povše Majda; Bohar Franc
    Wirkungen von Peloidpackungen auf den Grossteil der Koerperoberflaeche
  40. Ambrožič Jerneja; Ferme Darja; Grabnar Miklavž; Ravnikar Maja; Avguštin Gorazd
    The bacteriophages of ruminal prevotellas
  41. Merhar Mojca; Podgornik Aleš; Barut Miloš; Štrancar AleŠ
    The structure of a poly(styrene-co-divinylbenzene) monolithic chromatographic supports and its effect on the chromatographic properties
  42. Bajd Tadej; Munih Marko; Šavrin R; Benko H; Cikajlo Imre
    Dermatome electrical stimulation as a therapeutic ambulatory aid for incomplete spinal cord injured patients
  43. Žbontar Lea; Glavič Peter
    Total site: wastewater minimization: wastewater reuse and regeneration reuse
  44. Munih Marko; Ichie Masayoshi
    Current status and future prospects for upper and lower extremity motor system neuroprostheses
  45. Munih Marko; Hunt Ken; Donaldson Nick
    Variation of recruitment nonlinearity and dynamic response of ankle plantarflexors
  46. Abram Maja; Schlueter Dirk; Vučković Darinka; Wraber Branka; Dorić Miljenko; Deckert Martina
    Effects of pregnancy-associated Listeria monocytogenes infection: necrotizing hepatitis due to impaired maternal immune response and significantly increased abortion rate
  47. Donaldson Nick; Munih M; Perkins Tim A; Wood Duncan E
    Apparatus to measure simultaneously 14 isometric leg joint moments: design and calibration of six-axis transducers for the forces and moments at the ankle
  48. Hunt Kenneth J; Munih Marko; Donaldson Nick; Barr Fiona MD
    Investigation of the Hammerstein hypothesis in the modeling of electrically stimulated muscle
  49. Hunt Kenneth J; Munih Marko; Donaldson Nick; Barr Fiona MD
    Optimal control of ankle joint moment: toward unsupported standing in paraplegia
  50. Donaldson Nick; Munih Marko; Phillips GF; Perkins T
    Apparatus and methods for studying artificial feedback-control of the plantarflexors in paraplegics without interference from the brain
  51. Munih Marko; Kralj Alojz
    Modelling muscle activity in standing with considerations for bone safety
  52. Matjačić Zlatko; Munih Marko; Bajd Tadej; Kralj Alojz; Benko Helena; Obreza Pavla
    Wireless control of functional electrical stimulation systems
  53. Matjačić Zlatko; Munih Marko; Bajd Tadej; Kralj Alojz
    Voluntary telemetry control of functional electrical stimulators
  54. Munih Marko; Kralj Alojz; Bajd Tadej
    Normalized muscle bending moments along the femur and tibia bones in sagittal plane
  55. Kralj Alojz; Bajd Tadej; Munih Marko; Turk Rajko
    FES gait restoration and balance control in spinal cord-injured patients
  56. Munih Marko; Kralj Alojz; Bajd Tadej
    Bending moments in lower extremity bones for two standing postures
  57. Kamnik Roman; Rodič Gregor; Mihelj Matjaž; Bajd Tadej
    Automation of the car battery lid assembly operation
  58. Mihelj Matjaž; Matjačić Zlatko; Bajd Tadej
    Postural activity of constrained subject in response to disturbance in sagittal plane
  59. Kopač I
    Reprodukcija hrapavosti obrušenega zoba na kovinskem ulitku po tehnoloških postopkih
    [Surface roughness reproducilibity of the prepared tooth on the metal cast following different technological procedures]
  60. Jevnikar N; Gašperšič D; Coer A
    Povezava med gostoto makrofagov v periapikalnem granulomu in klinično sliko
    [Correlation between areal density of macrophages in periapical granulomas and clinical symptoms]
  61. Eržen Renato; Tomič Viktorija; Košnik Mitja; Mušič Ema
    Pljučnica pri bolnikih iz doma za ostarele
    [Pneumonia in nursing home residents]
  62. Repše Aljaž
    Napovedni dejavniki za prizadetost področnih bezgavk pri bolnikih z zgodnjim rakom želodca
    [Predictive factors for regional lymph node involvement in early gastric cancer patients]
  63. Ahčan Jerneja; Čižman Milan; Pleterski-Rigler Dušica; Rakar Rasta
    Bolnišnično zdravljenje noric
    [Varicella hospitalisation]
  64. Stantič-Pavlinič Mirjana; Hostnik Peter
    Poškodbe in cepljenja proti steklini
    [Bites and post-exposure rabies treatment of humans]
  65. Trampuž Andrej
    Analysis of 405 episodes of pneumococcal bacteremia in adults over a 15-year period
    [Analiza 405 primerov pnevmokokne bakteriemije pri odraslih v obdobju 15 let]
  66. Podnar Simon; Mrkaić Mićo
    Predictive power of motor unit potential parameters in anal sphincter electromyography
  67. Podnar Simon; Mrkaić Mićo; Vodušek David B
    Standardization of anal sphincter electromyography: quantification of continuous activity during relaxation
  68. Brecelj J; Štrucl M; Zidar I; Tekavčič-Pompe M
    Pattern ERG and VEP maturation in schoolchildren
  69. Mekjavić Igor B; Rogelj Klemen; Radobuljac Maja; Eiken Ola
    Inhalation of warm and cold air does not influence brain stem or core temperature in normothermic humans
  70. Benhamou Simone; Lee Won Jin; Alexandrie Anna-Karin; Boffetta Paolo; Bouchardy Christine; Butkiewicz Dorota; Brockmoller Jurgen; Clapper Margie L; Daly Ann; Dolžan Vita
    Meta- and pooled analyses of the effects of glutathione S-transferase M1 polymorphisms and smoking on lung cancer risk
  71. Turk Zmago; Barovič Jože; Lonzarić Dragan
    Sudeckov sindrom i magnetoterapija
  72. Rozman Janez; Bunc Matjaž; Zupan Anton
    Evaluation of the torque development by the elbow flexors in patients with neuromuscular diseases
  73. Schibler A; Hall GL; Businger F; Reinmann B; Wildhaber JH; Černelč M; Frey U
    Measurement of lung volume and ventilation distribution with an ultrasonic flow meter in healthy infant
  74. Marš T; King MP; Miranda AF; Walker WF; Miš K; Grubič Z
    Functional innervation of cultured human skeletal muscle proceeds by two modes with regard to agrin effects
  75. Rozman J; Kmetič M; Bunc M; Pihlar B
    The stainless steel screw as an orthopaedic implant
  76. Smerdu Vika; Eržen Ida
    Dynamic nature of fibre-type specific expression of myosin heavy chain transcripts in 14 different human skeletal muscles
  77. Banduka Milorad S; Vasić Dušan D
    Static dosimetry space image in which urology diagnosis are performed
    [Statična dozimetrična slika v prostoru za diagnosticiranje v urologiji]
  78. Žunič Alenka; Čokl Andrej; Serša Gregor
    Effects of 5-Gy irradiation on fertility and mating behaviour of Nezara viridula (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
    [Vpliv obsevanja z dozo 5 Gy na plodnost in paritveno vedenje pri vrsti Nezara viridula (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae)]
  79. Sudol-Szopinska Iwona; Ciesielski Adam; Bielecki Krzystof; Baczuk Lech; Jakubowski Wieslaw; Tarnowski Wieslaw
    Endosonographic and manometric assessment of the anal sphincters in patients operated on for Crohn's disease of the colon
    [Endosonografska in manometriena ocena analnega sfinktra pri bolnikih operiranih zaradi Crohnove bolezni širokega črevesa]
  80. O'Quigley J; Stare J
    Proportional hazards models with frailties and random effects
  81. Koprivnik Natalija
    Besedno in telesno nasilje oskrbovancev nad negovalnim osebjem v Domu upokojencev in oskrbovancev Impoljca v Sevnici
    [Verbal and physical violence of inmates against nursing staff]
  82. Klampfer Suzana; Železnik Danica
    Zdravstvena vzgoja bolnikov s sladkorno boleznijo v Splošni bolnišnici Ptuj
    [Health education of patients with diabetes at Ptuj general hospital]
  83. Grilc Tjaša; Miklavčič Vesna; Slemenjak Janja; Muzlovič Igor; Jereb Matjaž; Trampuž Andrej
    Analiza upoštevanja higiene rok na intenzivnem oddelku
    [Analysis of compliance of hand hygiene in an intensive care unit]
  84. Sočan M; Kraigher A; Fišer-Marinič N
    Hepatitis A seroprevalence in Slovene travellers
  85. Maremmani Icro; Canoniero Stefania; Pacini Matteo; Lovrečič Mercedes; Tagliamonte Alessandro
    Psihiatrični pacienti na vzdrževalni terapiji z metadomom - osemletne longitudinalne študije
    [An eight year longitudinal study of psychiatric patients on methadone maintenance treatment]
  86. Preložnik-Zupan Irena; Zver Samo; Pretnar Jože
    Huda oblika akutne reakcije presadka proti gostitelju (aGVHD) po alogenični presaditvi krvotvornih matičnih celic
    [Severe (grade III-IV) acute graft versus host disease after allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation]
  87. Smrke Dragica; Zupan Blaž; Lenarčič Blaž; Arnež Zoran
    Dlančniki in register bolnikov z zlomom v področju zapestja
    [Handhelds and registry of patients with wrist fractures]
  88. Cabadaj R; Nagy J; Popelka P; Mate D; Bugarsky A
    The determination of salinomycin residues in the tissues of broiler chickens by using microbiological diffusion methods
    [Ugotavljanje ostankov salinomicina v tkivih brojlerskih prašičev z mikrobiološkimi difuzijskimi metodami]
  89. Marinšek J; Grebenc S
    Listeria monocytogenes v mletem mesu in toplotno neobdelanih mesnih izdelkih v Sloveniji
    [Listeria monocytogenes in minced meat and thermally untreated meat products in Slovenia]
  90. Ocepek M; Pate M; Posedi J
    Primernost gojišča BBL MGIT za uporabo v veterinarskem mikobakteriološkem laboratoriju
    [Suitability of BBL MGIT growth medium in veterinary mycobacteriology]
  91. Toplak I; Barlič-Maganja D; Hostnik P; Grom J
    Genetic heterogeneity of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) strains isolated in Slovenia
    [Genetska heterogenost virusnih sevov bovine virusne diareje (BVD), izoliranih v Sloveniji]
  92. Juntes P; Zabavnik-Piano J; Čurin-Šerbec V; Kovač Z; Pogačnik M
    Neuropathological lesions in the first case of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in Slovenia
    [Nevropatološke spremembe pri prvem primeru goveje spongiformne encefalopatije v Sloveniji]
  93. Bajrović F; Kovačič U; Pavčnik M; Sketelj J
    Interneuronal signalling is involved in induction of collateral sprouting of nociceptive axons
  94. Rozman Janez; Zorko Bojan; Bunc Matjaž; Mikac Urša; Tegou Evangelia
    Recording of ENGs from the nerves innervating the pancreas of a dog during the intravenous glucose tolerance test
  95. Volavšek Metka; Mašera Andrej; Ovčak Zdenka
    Tumor neoangiogenesis in rebiopsied patients with prostatic carcinoma
  96. Bošnjak R; Kordaš M
    Circulatory effects of internal jugular vein compression: a computer simulation study
  97. Korachi M; Rupnik M; Blinkhorn AS; Boote V; Drucker DB
    Comparison of polar lipid profiles of Clostridium difficile isolates from different geografical locations
  98. Urbanič Gorazd; Waringer Johann
    The Larva of Beraea dira McLachlan, 1875 (Trichoptera, Beraeidae)
  99. Mutch L; Alberman E; Hagberg B; Kodama K; Veličković-Perat M
    Cerebral palsy epidemiology: where are we now and where are we going?
  100. Kolarz G; Hermann J; Krajnc I; Palkonyai E; Scherak O; Schoedl C; Singer F; Temesvari P; Wagner E; Wottawa A
    Funktionelle Kapazitaet und Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein (COMP) im Serum bei Patienten mit Alterspolyarthritis
    [Functional capacity and cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP) in the serum of patients with late onset rheumatoid arthritis]

   16.767 16.867 16.967 17.067 17.167 17.267 17.367 17.467 17.567 17.667  

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