biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 17.867-17.966

  1. Rakar Stelio
    Radical surgery in the treatment of cervical cancer
    [Radikalna kirurgija u liječenju raka vrata maternice]
  2. Buturović-Ponikvar J; Kmetec A; Ponikvar R
    Urolithiasis/calcinations in renal graft-a link with renal transplant bone disease treatment?
  3. Rozman Jerica; Stojan Jure; Kuhelj Robert; Turk Vito; Turk Boris
    Autocatalytic processing of recombinant human procathepsin B is a bimolecular process
  4. Marcel Veronique; Estrada-Mondaca Sandino; Magne Frederic; Stojan Jure; Klaebe Alain; Fournier Didier
    Exploration of the Drosophila acetylcholinesterase substrate activation site using a reversible inhibitor (Triton X-100) and mutated enzymes
  5. Podust Larisa M; Stojan Jure; Poulos Thomas L; Waterman Michael R
    Substrate recognition sites in 14alpha-sterol demethylase from comparative analysis of amino acid sequences and X-ray structure of Mycobacterium tuberculosis CYP51
  6. Liović Mirjana; Stojan Jure; Bowden Paul E; Gibbs Daniel; Vahlquist Anders; Lane Brigitte E; Komel Radovan
    A novel keratin 5 mutation (K5V186L) in a family with EBS-K: a conservative substitution can lead to development of different disease phenotypes
  7. Stojan Jure
    Slow detection reaction can mimic initial inhibition of an enzymic reaction
  8. Stojan Jure; Goličnik Marko; Froment Marie-Therese; Estour Francois; Masson Patrick
    Concentration-dependent reversible activation-inhibition of human butyrylcholinesterase by tetraethylammonium ion
  9. Goličnik Marko; Fournier Didier; Stojan Jure
    Interaction of Drosophila acetylcholinesterases with D-tubocurarine: an explanation of the activation by an inhibitor
  10. Goličnik Marko; Fournier Didier; Stojan Jure
    Acceleration of Drosophila melanogaster acetylcholinesterase methanesulfonylation: peripheral ligand D-tubocurarine enhances the affinity for small methanesulfonylfluoride
  11. Goličnik Marko; Šinko Goran; Simeon-Rudolf Vera; Grubič Zoran; Stojan Jure
    Kinetic model of ethopropazine interaction with horse serum butyrylcholinesterase and its docking into the active site
  12. Goličnik Marko
    Progress curves analysis as an alternative for exploration of activation-inhibition phenomena in cholinesterases
  13. Goličnik Marko
    On a nonelementary progress curve equation and its application in enzyme kinetics
  14. Mavri Alenka; Stegnar Mojca; Sentočnik Jožica T; Videčnik Viktor
    Impact of weight reduction on early carotid atherosclerosis in obese premenopausal women
  15. Mavri A; Alessi MC; Bastelica D; Geel-Georgelin O; Fina F; Sentočnik JT; Stegnar M; Juhan-Vague I
    Subcutaneous abdominal, but not femoral fat expression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) is related to plasma PAI-1 levels and insulin resistance and decreases after weight loss
  16. Garte Seymour; Gaspari Laura; Alexandrie Anna-Karin; Ambrosone Christine; Autrup Herman; Autrup Judith L; Baranova Helena; Bathum Lise; Breskvar Katja; Dolžan Vita
    Metabolic gene polymorphism frequencies in control populations
  17. Kunič B; Truan G; Breskvar K; Pompon D
    Functional cloning, based on azole resistance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and characterization of Rhizopus nigricans redox carriers that are differentially involved in the P450-dependent response to progesterone stress
  18. Podlesnik Maja; Ravnik Janez
    Povezanost biokemičnih označevalcev in ehokardiografskih značilnosti pri karcinoidni srčni bolezni
    [The relationship between tumor markers and echocardiographic findings in carcionid heart disease]
  19. Bartolić Andrej
    Močnostni spekter nihanja med mirno stojo pri bolnikih s Parkinsonovo boleznijo
    [Power spectrum of body oscillations during free stance in patients with Parkinson's disease]
  20. Avčin T; Ambrožič A; Božič B; Accetto M; Kveder T; Rozman B
    Estimation of anticardiolipin antibodies, anti-beta2glycoprotein I antibodies and lupus anticoagulant in a prospective longitudinal study of children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis
  21. Muellegger RR
    Clinical aspects and diagnosis of erythema migrans and borrelial lymphocytoma
  22. Trevisan G
    Atypical dermatological manifestations of Lyme borreliosis
  23. Ružić-Sabljić E
    Microbiological diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis
  24. Weger W; Muellegger RR
    Histopathology and immunohistochemistry of dermatoborrelioses
  25. Cinco M
    Borrelia bugdorferi genospecies in humans and ticks in the Alpe Adria region
  26. Lipozenčić J; Šitum M
    Epidemiology of Lyme disease
  27. Geršak Borut; Drevenšek Gorazd
    Combining coronary revascularization and valvular surgery on a beating heart: an analysis
  28. Jurič Damijana M; Čarman-Kržan Marija
    Interleukin-1 beta, but not IL-1 alpha, mediates nerve growth factor secretion from rat astrocytes via type I IL-1 receptor
  29. Lovrečič Mercedes; Dernovšek Mojca Z; Tavčar Rok; Maremmani Icro
    The differences between heroin addicts with and without comorbidity
  30. Wilcox Allen J; Day-Baird Donna; Dunson David; McChesney Ruth; Weinberg Clarice R
    Omejitve testov za ugotavljanje nosečnosti glede na pričakovani začetek menstruacije
    [(Natural limits of pregnancy testing in relation to the expected menstrual period)]
  31. Gum Patricia A; Thamilarasan Maran; Watanabe Junko; Blackstone Eugene H; Lauer Michael S
    Uporaba aspirina in skupna umrljivost pri potencialnih bolnikih s prizadetostjo koronarnih arterij: analiza dovzetnosti
    [(Aspirin use and all-cause mortality among patients being evaluated known or suspected coronary artery disease. A propensity analysis)]
  32. McGrae-McDermott Mary; Greenland Philip; Liu Kiang; Guralnik Jack M; Criqui Michael H; Dolan Nancy C; Chan Cheeling; Celic Lilian; Pearce William H; Schneider Joseph R
    Simptomi v nogah pri bolnikih s periferno arterijsko boleznijo: pridružene klinične značilnosti in funkcijske težave
    [(Leg symptoms in peripheral arterial disease. Associated clinical characteristics and functional impairement)]
  33. Mokdad Ali H; Bowman Barbara A; Ford Earl S; Vinicor Frank; Marks James S; Koplan Jeffrey P
    Epidemija debelosti in sladkorne bolezni v Združenih državah ne popušča
    [(The continuing epidemics of obesity and diabetes in the United States)]
  34. Brvar Miran; Jamšek Marija; Možina Martin; Horvat Matija; Gorjup Vojka
    Epidemiološki pregled zastrupitev z ogljikovim monoksidom v Ljubljani od 1990 do 1999
    [Epidemiology of carbon monoxide poisoning in Ljubljana from 1990 to 1999]
  35. Tomič Viktorija; Šorli Jurij
    Diagnostična vrednost razmaza sputuma in endotrahealnega aspirata, obarvanega po Gramu
    [Diagnostic value of sputum and endotracheal aspirate Gram stain]
  36. Radešček Darja; Šelb-Šemerl Jožica
    Ocena škodljivih posledic pitja alkohola na Dolenjskem in v ostali Sloveniji
    [Estimation of harmful consequences of alcohol drinking in Dolenjska region and in the rest of Slovenia]
  37. Soukup T; Zacharova G; Smerdu V; Jirmanova I
    Body, heart, thyroid gland and skeletal muscle weight changes in rats with altered thyroid status
  38. Glavan Gordana; Sket Dušan; Živin Marko
    Modulation of neuroleptic activity of 9,10-didehydro-N-methyl-(2-propynyl)-6-methyl-8-aminomethylergoline bimaleinate (LEK-8829) by D1 intrinsic activity in hemi-parkinsonian rats
  39. Markotić A; Nichol ST; Kuzman I; Sanchez AJ; Ksiazek TG; Gagro A; Rabatić S; Zgorelec R; Avšič-Županc T; Beus I; Dekaris D
    Characteristics of puumala and Dobrava infections in Croatia
  40. Markowska-Daniel I; Kolodziejczyk P
    The usefulness of amoksiklav susp. (Lek Ljubljana) in the control of mastitis-metritis-agalactia syndrome in sows
    [Uporabnost amoksilava susp. (Lek, Ljubljana) pri nadzoru sindroma mastitis-metritis-agalakcija pri svinjah]
  41. Podpečan O; Hrušovar-Podpečan S
    Terapija leve dislokacije siriščnika s tehniko valjanja in perkutane paramedialne abomasopeksije z drenovimi fiksatorji pri kravah v mlečni proizvodnji
    [Treatment of left abomasal displacement in dairy cattle rolling and percutaneous paramedian abomasopexy using toggle pin fixators of cornel wood]
  42. Pestevšek U; Žust J; Vengušt A
    Vpliv obroka z velikim deležem voluminozne krme na potek vampove fermentacije ter količino in kakovost mleka pri kravah
    [Influence of a high roughage diet for dairy cows on rumen fermentation, milk production and quality of milk]
  43. Ivanuša T; Pogačnik M
    Radiološka diagnostika in forenzična presoja kolčne displazije pri psih
    [Radiological diagnostics and forensic of canine hip dysplasia]
  44. Kožuh-Eržen N
    Analitska metoda za ugotavljanje zaostankov klorpromazina v mišičnem tkivu in urinu klavnih živali
    [Analytical procedure for the determination of chlorpromazine residues in muscle tissue and urine of food-producing animals]
  45. Lovšin E; Fazarinc G; Bavdek SV
    Vrednosti anatomskih parametrov vratu in trupa lipicanskih žrebet v obdobju od tretjega do štitiinštiridesetega meseca starosti
    [Values of the anatomical parameters of the neck and body of the Lipizzan foals in the period between three and forty four months of age]
  46. Grecs-Smole G
    Slovenski veterinarski zbornik in njegovo uveljavljanje
    [Slovenian veterinary research and its development]
  47. Butinar D; Starr A
    Auditory neuropathy in HMSN- Lom
  48. Rupnik M; Runovc F; Sket D; Kordaš M
    Cardiovascular physiology: simulation of steady state and transient phenomena by using the equivalent electronic circuit
  49. Rupnik Marjan; Runovc Franc; Kordaš Marjan
    The use of equivalent electronic circuits in simulating physiological processes
  50. Pfeifer V; Morela K
    Ectopic lens extraction in children
  51. Hren Rok; Salobir Boštjan; Breznik Mateja; Kocijančič Andreja
    Predlog racionalnega presejanja osteoporoze v osnovnem zdravstvu
    [Proposal of rational screening for osteoporosis in the primary care]
  52. Ferk Jože
    Osteoporotični zlomi kolka, zapestja in hrbteničnega vretenca ter stroški zdravljenja
    [Osteoporotic fractures of hips, wrists and vertebra with cost of treatment]
  53. Kovač Vilma; Vlaisavljević Veljko; Reljič Milan; Gavrić-Lovrec Vida; Kovačič Borut; Petrovič Vidka; Čižek-Sajko Mojca
    Zanositev po intrauterini osemenitvi in spodbujanju ovulacije s klomifen citratom
    [Pregnancy with intrauterine insemination and ovulation stimulation with clomiphene citrate]
  54. Kuder Lucija; Vlaisavljević Veljko; Reljič Milan; Gavrić-Lovrec Vida
    Pomen ultrazvočnih značilnosti endometrija pri napovedovanju vgnezditve zarodkov v postopkih zunajtelesne oploditve v naravnem ciklusu
    [Predictive value of the echographic characteristics of endometrium on implantation rate in in-vitro fertilization in unstimulated cycle]
  55. Čižek-Sajko Mojca; Vlaisavljević Veljko
    Značilnosti razmnoževanja kumulusnih celic dominantnega folikla v in vitro pogojih
    [The proliferation of dominant follicle cumulus cells in vitro conditions]
  56. Reljič Milan; Vlaisavljević Veljko; Gavrić Vida; Kovačič Borut; Čižek-Sajko Mojca; Kovač Vilma
    Postopki zunajtelesne oploditve v naravnem ciklusu
    [In vitro fertilization in natural cycle]
  57. Vlaisavljević Veljko; Kovačič Borut; Gavrić-Lovrec Vida; Reljič Milan; Petrovič Vidka; Čižek-Sajko Mojca; Kovač Vilma
    Vpliv izbire zarodkov, spočetih z vnosom semenčice v citoplazmo jajčne celice, na vgnezditev zarodkov po prenosu v maternico
    [Influence of embryo selection after intracytoplasmic sperm injection on implantation after embryotransfer]
  58. Pakhomov Andrei G; Gajšek Peter; Allen Lori; Stuck Bruce E; Murphy Michael R
    Compariosn of dose dependences for bioeffects of continuous-wave and high-peak power microwave emissions using gel-suspended cell cultures
  59. Grošelj Dušan; Grabec Igor
    Statistical modeling of tooth mobility after treating adult periodontitis
  60. Groen J; Koraka P; Nur YA; Avšič-Županc T; Goessens WHF; Ott A; Osterhaus ADME
    Serologic evidence of ehrlichiosis among humans and wild animals in the Netherlands
  61. Trček Janja; Teuber Michael
    Genetic and restriction analysis of the 16S-23S rDNA internal transcribed spacer regions of the acetic acid bacteria
  62. Fon-Tacer K; Haugen TB; Baltsen M; Debeljak N; Rozman D
    Tissue-specific transcriptional regulation of the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway leads to accumulation of testis meiosis-activating sterol (T-MAS)
  63. Balažic Jože; Marušič Andrej
    Apparent higher brain weight in suicide victims: possible reasons
  64. Krištofelc Frenk
    Vrednotenje ocenjevanja stanja novorojenčka z meritvami pH vrednosti krvi popkovnične arterije
    [Evaluation of neonatal outcome by measuring umbilical artery blood pH value]
  65. Lužnik Marijan
    Mrežna krpa za korekcijo velike rektokele: prve izkušnje
    [Mesh patch for correction of large rectorele: first experience]
  66. Kotnik Jožica
    Maligni melanom kože v dermatovenerološki ambulanti Splošne bolnišnice Slovenj Gradec v obdobju 1983 do 2000
    [Skin malignant melanoma in dermatovenerological practice at the General hospital Slovenj Gradec in the period between 1983-2000]
  67. Vujkovac Bojan; Vodopija Nado; Lavre Janez
    Sildenafil (Viagra) izboljša erektilno disfunkcijo pri dializnih bolnikih - naše prve izkušnje
    [Use of sildenafil (Viagra) for erectile dysfunction in dialysis patients - our first experience]
  68. Tetičkovič E; Gajšek-Marchetti M; Matela J; Flis V
    Three-dimensional ultrasonography for the evaluation of atherosclerotic stenoses of the carotid trunk
  69. Pahor D; Gračner B
    Surgical repair of Descemet's membrane detachment
  70. Gračner T
    Intraocular pressure reduction after selective laser trabeculoplasty in primary open angle glaucoma
  71. Kveder R; Kandus A; Bren AF; Kovač J; Šega S
    The effect of kidney transplantation on autonomic nervous dysfunction in patients with chronic renal failure
  72. Ponikvar R; Bren A; Kandus A; Buturović-Ponikvar J
    Treatment of reccurence of focal segmental glomerular sclerosis after kidney transplantation with plasma exchange and immunoadsorption
  73. Kmetec A; Kaplan-Pavlovčič S; Kandus A; Bren AF
    Surgical management of high-grade vesicoureteral reflux in renal transplant recipients
  74. Kmetec A; Buturović-Ponikvar J; Kandus A; Bren AF
    The value of renal resistive index for the detection of vesicoureteral reflux in renal transplant recipients
  75. Buturović-Ponikvar J; Župunski A; Urbančič A; Kandus A; Malovrh M; Guček A; Bren A; Ponikvar R
    Long-term follow up of renal transplant artery stenosis by Doppler
  76. Koselj M; Koselj-Kajtna M; Kandus A; Bren A
    Posttransplant diabetes mellitus in renal allograft recipients
  77. Bren AF; Kandus A; Lindič J; Kovač D; Buturović J; Vizjak A; Ferluga D
    Cyclosporine-triggered hemolytic-uremic syndrome in kidney graft recipients: a series of 12 cases
  78. Kandus A; Kovač D; Buturović-Ponikvar J; Ponikvar R; Koselj M; Lindič J; Kmetec A; Bren AF
    Absence of acute rejection using basiliximab with triple immunosuppression in cadaveric kidney recipients in first three months
  79. Kovač D; Lindič J; Kandus A; Bren AF
    Bone mineral density in kidney transplant recipients
  80. Selesnick Samuel H; Rebol Janez; Heier Linda A; Wise Jeffrey B; Gutin Philip H; Lavyne Michael H
    Internal auditory canal involvement of acoustic neuromas: surgical correlates to magnetic resonance imaging findings
  81. Pahor Dušica; Pahor Artur; Gračner Bojan
    Postoperative inflammation after cataract surgery in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
  82. Rebol Janez; Takač Iztok; Bumber Željko
    Intraoral sonographic evaluation of parapharyngeal space tumors
  83. Urbančič A; Buturović-Ponikvar J
    Emergency intra- and perioperative Doppler after kidney transplantation: a guide for immediate surgical intervention
  84. Podnar Simon; Vodušek David B
    Standardisation of anal sphincter EMG: high and low threshold motor units
  85. Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Maraspin Vera; Cimperman Jože; Pleterski-Rigler Dušica; Strle Franc
    Analysis of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato isolated from cerebrospinal fluid
  86. Buturović-Ponikvar J; Urbančič A; Kenda RB; Ponikvar R
    Duplex Doppler follow-up of renal transplant artery stenosis in children
  87. Jarc-Vidmar M; Popović P; Hawlina M; Brecelj J
    Pattern ERG and psychophysical functions in Best's disease
  88. Jutzeler David; Rebeušek Franc; Sala Giovanni; Verovnik Rudi
    The confirmation of the specificity of Erebia stirius (Godart, 1824) and Erebia styx (Freyer, 1834), diagnosed by Lorković (1952) with a nomenclatural abstract concerning the specific names of the styx-stirius-complex (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae, Satyrinae): (1st part)
  89. Čuk Tonka; Leben-Seljak Petra; Štefančič Marija
    Lateral asymmetry of human long bones
  90. Milavec Mojca; Ravnikar Maja; Kovač Maja
    Peroxidases and photosynthetic pigments in susceptible potato infected with potato virus YNTN
  91. Brancelj Anton
    Male of Moraria radovnae Brancelj, 1988 (Copepoda: Crustacea), and notes on endemic and rare copepod species from Slovenia and neighbouring countries
  92. Maraspin V; Ružić-Sabljić E; Cimperman J; Lotrič-Furlan S; Jurca T; Picken RN; Strle F
    Isolation of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato from blood of patients with erythema migrans
  93. Gaberščik Alenka; Novak Mateja; Trošt Tadeja; Mazej Zdenka; Germ Mateja; Bjoern Lars-Olof
    The influence of enhanced UV-B radiation on the spring geophyte Pulmonaria officinalis
  94. Stanič-Racman Darja; McGeachy Kara; Reavy Brian; Štrukelj Borut; Žel Jana; Barker Hugh
    Strong resistance to potato tuber necrotic ringspot disease in potato induced by transformation with coat protein gene sequences from an NTN isolate of Potato virus Y
  95. Vrezec A
    Winter diet of one female Ural owl (Strix uralensis) at Ljubljansko barje (central Slovenia)
  96. Tome Davorin
    Pomen odvodnikov za ptice na Ljubljanskem barju
    [The significance of drainage channels at Ljubljansko barje for birds]
  97. Raphael Robert M; Waugh Richard E; Svetina Saša; Žekš Boštjan
    Fractional occurrence of defects in membranes and mechanically driven interleaflet phospholipid transport
  98. Božič B; Heinrich V; Svetina S; Žekš B
    Shapes of nearly cylindrical, axisymmetric bilayer membranes
  99. Gorjanc M
    Terapevtska uporaba antibiotikov med slovenskimi zobozdravniki
    [Therapeutic use of antibiotics among Slovene dentists]
  100. Ihan-Hren N; Gorjanc M; Kansky AA
    Uspešnost vsadkov v brezzobih čeljustih
    [Success of implants in edentulous jaws]

   17.367 17.467 17.567 17.667 17.767 17.867 17.967 18.067 18.167 18.267  

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