biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 17.967-18.066

  1. Kopač I; Marion L
    Določanje fiziološke mirne lege mandibule z elektrognatografijo
    [Determination of mandibular rest position with electrognathography]
  2. Kersnik-Levart T; Kenig A; Buturović-Ponikvar J; Ferluga D; Avguštin-Čavić M; Kenda RB
    Real-time ultrasound-guided renal biopsy with a biopsy gun in children: safety and efficacy
  3. Geginat Gernot; Schenk Simone; Škoberne Mojca; Goebel Werner; Hof Herbert
    A novel approach of direct ex vivo epitope mapping identifies dominant and subdominant CD4 and CD8 T cell epitopes from Listeria monocytogenes
  4. Škoberne Mojca; Holtappels Rafaela; Hof Herbert; Geginat Geernot
    Dynamic antigen presentation patterns of Listeria monocytogenes-derived CD8 T cell epitopes in vivo
  5. Černe Rok; Haglund Michael M
    Electrophysiological correlates to the intrinsic optical signal in the rat neocortical slice
  6. Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka; Rus Rina R; Kenda Rajko B; Bren Andrej F; Ponikvar Rafael R
    Low-flux versus high-flux synthetic dialysis membrane in acute renal failure: prospective randomized study
  7. Poberaj Igor; Rupnik Marjan; Kreft Marko; Sikdar Sujit K; Zorec Robert
    Modeling excess retrieval in rat melanotroph membrane capacitance records
  8. Kreft Samo; Kreft Marko
    Localization and morphology of the buckwheat embryo
  9. Kastelic Andrej; Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja
    Integrating methadone treatment in the Slovenian public health system
  10. Stirn-Kranjc Branka; Sketelj Janez; D'Albis Anne; Eržen Ida
    Long-term changes in myosin heavy chain composition after botulinum toxin A injection into rat medial rectus muscle
  11. Švab Igor; Vatovec-Progar Irena; Vegnuti Miljana
    Private practice in Slovenia after the health care reform
  12. Fokter Samo K; Glavnik Metod
    Zdravljenje sindroma zapestnega prehoda z endoskopsko metodo
    [Endoscopic treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome]
  13. Buhanec Božidar; Brilej Drago; Komadina Radko; Vlaović Miodrag
    Analiza kakovosti zdravljenja politravmatiziranih poškodovancev v Celju od 1991 do 1999
    [Quality control and improvement of care in treatment of polytraumatized patients in Celje from 1992-1999]
  14. Novak Ernest; Komadina Radko
    Ocena prehranjenosti bolnikov v Splošni bolnišnici Celje pred velikim operativnim posegom v trebušni votlini
    [Nutritional assessment in patients predicted to major abdominal surgery at the General hospital Celje]
  15. Šegota Nikša; Kovačič Dragan; Božanić Vinko; Skale Rafael; Papuga Vesna
    Vloga bronhoskopije v diagnostiki in zdravljenju bolnišničnih pljučnic
    [Bronhoscopy in the diagnosis and therapy of nosocomial pneumonia]
  16. Parežnik Roman; Voga Gorazd; Podbregar Matej; Skale Rafael; Krivec Bojan; Žuran Ivan
    Ocena neprekinjene termodilucijske metode za merjenje minutnega srčnega iztisa
    [Evaluation of continuous thermodilution method for cardiac output measurement]
  17. Gabršček Lucija; Voga Gorazd; Krivec Bojan; Skale Rafael; Parežnik Roman; Podbregar Matej
    Pomen prokalcitonina pri prepoznavanju bakterijske okužbe
    [The role of procalcitonin in bacterial infection recognition]
  18. Veninšek Gregor
    Nekateri vidiki kakovosti ambulantne obravnave bolnikov s sladkorno boleznijo v Splošni bolnišnici Celje
    [Diabetes management in Celje general hospital]
  19. Veninšek Gregor
    Obravnava bolnikov s sladkorno boleznijo z akutnim miokardnim infarktom v Splošni bolnišnici Celje v letu 1999
    [Management of diabetes in acute myocardial infarction in Celje general hospital in 1999]
  20. Habijanič Jožica; Berovič Marin; Wraber Branka; Hodžar Damjan; Boh Bojana
    Immunostimulatory effects of fungal polysaccharides from Ganoderma lucidum submerged biomass cultivation
  21. Dodič-Fikfak Metoda; Kristančič Zvonimir; Rahotina Lidija; Vidic Robert
    Case study: Slovenia - asbestos valley
  22. Sojar Valentin; Stanisavljevič Dragoje
    Laparoskopska kirurgija jeter: trenutne možnosti in perspektive
    [Laparoscopic liver surgery: current possibilities and future trends]
  23. Kmetec Andrej; Pleskovič Alojz; Kandus Aljoša
    Laparoskopsko ali kirurško zdravljenje limfokele pri prejemniku presajene ledvice
    [Laparoscopic or surgical treatment of lymphocoele in renal transplant recipient]
  24. Novak-Jankovič Vesna; Požar-Lukanović Neva
    Vpliv intravenske premedikacije s klonidinom na hemodinamski stresni odgovor in porabo fentanila pri laparoskopskih odstranitvah žolčnika
    [The influence of intravenous premedication with clonidine on haemodynamic stress response and fentanyl dosage during laparoscopic cholecystectomy]
  25. Debeljak Andrej; Triller Nadja; Kecelj Peter
    Upogljiva bronhoskopija v diagnostiki perifernih pjučnih malignomov
    [Flexible bronchoscopy in the diagnostics of peripheral lung malignant tumours]
  26. Ruijter Jan M; Hagoort Jaco; de Boer Piet AJ; Moorman Antoon FM
    Calibration of densitometry in radio-isotopic in situ hybridization
  27. Soufan Alexandre T; Ruijter Jan M; van den Hoff Maurice; Moorman Antoon FM
    Quantitative 3D reconstructions as identification tool in heart development
  28. Bertram John F; Johnson Kelli; Hughson Michael D; Hoy Wendy E
    Renal glomerular number and size in Australian aborigines, African Americans and white populations from the same locations: a preliminary report
  29. Pokrajac Tatjana; Wraber Branka; Gubina Marija; Dragaš Ana Zlata; Beović Bojana; Muzlovič Igor
    Pomen topnega receptorja za interlevkin-2 pri sepsi
    [Significance of soluble interleukin-2 receptor in sepsis]
  30. Tršinar Bojan
    Rezultati zdravljenja benigne prostatične obstrukcije s finasteridom
    [The results of treatment of benign prostatic obstruction with finasteride]
  31. Skerbinjek-Kavalar Maja; Brunčko Aleksander; Primožič Stanislav; Kos Mitja; Lampe-Ivanovska Dalila; Strbad Ervin
    Spremljanje varnosti in učinkovitosti flutikazon propionata pri otrocih in mladostnikih z astmo
    [Follow-up of safety and effectiveness of fluticasone propionate in children and adolescents with asthma]
  32. Minovič A; Milošev I; Pišot V; Coer A; Antolič V
    Isolation of polyacetal wear particles from periprosthetic tissue of isoelastic femoral stems (vol B)
  33. Bulc Mateja; Švab Igor; Yaphe John
    The countrywide integrated noncommunicable disease intervention programme (CINDI) and the effects of healthcare system reform in Slovenia
  34. Haigh Rachel; Tennant Alan; Biering-Sorensen Fin; Grimby Gunar; Marinček Črt; Phillips Suzanne; Ring Haim; Tesio Luigi; Thonnard Jean-Louis
    The use of outcome measures in physical medicine and rehabilitation within Europe
  35. Begić H; Tahirović H; Atić N
    Mitral valve prolapse in childhood
  36. Skok P
    Sengstaken tube: useful also in removing sharp foreign bodies from esophagus - a case report
  37. Weber Stefanie; Schneider Linda; Peters Melanie; Misselwitz Joachim; Roennefarth Gabriele; Boeswald Michael; Bonzel Kluas E; Seeman Tomas; Sulakova Tereza; Gregorič Alojz
    Novel paracellin-1 mutations in 25 families with familial hypomagnesemia with hypercalciurua and nephrocalcinosis
  38. Woodruff Prescott G; Fahy John V
    Astma: prevalenca, patogeneza in novosti pri zdravljenju
    [Asthma: prevalence, pathogenesis, and prospects for novel therapies]
  39. Spechler Stuart Jon; Lee Edward; Ahnen Dennis; Goyal Raj K; Hirano Ikuo; Ramirez Francisco; Raufman Jean-Pierre; Sampliner Richard; Schnell Thomas; Sontag Stephen
    Dolgoročni izid konservativnega in kirurškega zdravljenja refluksne bolezni požiralnika: sledenje randomizirane kontrolirane študije
    [Lomg-term outcome of medical and surgical therapies for gastroesophageal reflux disease. Follow-up of a randomized controlled trial]
  40. Ray Joel G; Mamdani Muhamed; Tsuyuki Ross T; Anderson David R; Yeo Erik L; Laupacis Andreas
    Uporaba statinov in kasnejši nastanek globoke venske tromboze
    [Use of statins and the subsequent development of deep vein thrombosis]
  41. Strom Brian L; Schinnar Rita; Ziegler Ekhart E; Barnhart Kurt T; Sammel Mary D; Macones George A; Stallings Virginia A; Drulis Jean M; Nelson Steven E; Hanson Sandra A
    Kako vpliva uživanje sojinega mleka v dojenčkovem obdobju na endokrinološke in reproduktivne sposobnosti mladih odraslih
    [Exposure to soy-based formula in infancy and endocrinological and reproductive outcomes in young adulthood]
  42. Honein Margaret A; Paulozzi Leonard J; Mathews TJ; Erickson J David; Wong Lee-Yang C
    Vpliv dodajanja folne kisline živilom v ZDA na pojavljanje okvar nevralne cevi
    [Impact of folic acid fortification of the US food supply on the occurrence of neural tube defects]
  43. Bilban-Jakopin Cvetka; Bilban Marjan
    Persistent chromosomal aberrations in somatic cells in testicular cancer patients after different therapies
    [Prisotnost kromosomskih sprememb v somatskih celicah pri bolnikih s tumorji mod po različnih načinih zdravljenja]
  44. Jarm Tomaž; Lešničar Hotimir; Serša Gregor; Miklavčič Damijan
    First experience with a novel luminescence-based optical sensor for measurement of oxygenation in tumors
    [Prve izkušnje z novo luminiscenčno optično metodo za merjenje oksigenacije v tumorjih]
  45. Šlampa Pavel; Seneklova Zuzana; Simicek Jiri; Soumarova Renata; Burkon Petr; Burianova Ludmila
    The technique of craniospinal irradiation of paediatric patients in supine position
    [Obsevanje kraniospinalnega predela pri otrocih, ki ležijo na hrbtu]
  46. Pohar-Marinšek Živa; Anžič Jožica; Jereb Berta
    Evolving strategies in the treatment of childhood rhabdomyosarcoma: Slovenian experience
    [Spremenjeni načini zdravljenja rabdomiosarkoma pri otrocih, slovenske izkušnje]
  47. Čizmarevič Bogdan; Lanišnik Boštjan; Didanovič Vojko; Kramberger Kristina
    Combined therapy for oral cavity and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma: Depth of invasion as prognostic factor
    [Kombinirano zdravljenje ploščatoceličnega karcinoma ustne votline in ustnega žrela. Globina tumorske invazije kot napovedni dejavnik]
  48. Primic-Žakelj Maja; Pompe-Kirn Vera; Škrlec Fani; Šelb Jožica
    Can we rely on cancer mortality data? Checking the validity of cervical cancer mortality data for Slovenia
    [So podatki o umrljivosti za rakom verodostojni - analiza podatkov o umrljivosti zaradi raka materničnega vratu]
  49. Frković Marija; Klapan Tatjana; Moscatello Ines; Frković Marijan
    Diagnostic value of pneumoperitoneum on plain abdominal film
    [Diagnostična vrednost pneumoperitoneja pri rentgenskem slikanju abdomna na prazno]
  50. Smrkolj Tomaž
    Morfometrična analiza sinaptičnih jedrnih skupkov v posamičnih vlaknih hitre in počasne skeletne mišice
    [A morphometric analysis of synaptic nuclear clusters in isolated fibers of fast and slow skeletal muscle]
  51. Vlaisavljević Veljko; Kovačič Borut; Reljič Milan; Gavrić-Lovrec Vida
    Three protocols for monitoring follicle development in 587 unstimulated cycles of in vitro fertilization and intracytoplasmic sperm injection: a comparison
  52. Cimerman Nina; Meško-Brguljan Pika; Krašovec Marta; Šuškovič Stanislav; Kos Janko
    Serum concentration and circadian profiles of cathepsin B, H and L, and their inhibitors, stefins A and B, in asthma
  53. Bunc Matjaž; Strupi-Šuput Jerneja; Vodovnik Aleksander; Šuput Dušan
    Toxic effects of head-to-tail 3-alkylpyridinium polymers isolated from the marine sponge Reniera sarai in rat
  54. Rozman Janez; Bunc Matjaž; Zupan Anton
    Evaluation of the strength of elbow flexors in patients with neuromuscular diseases
  55. Novak-Antolič Živa
    Predicting preterm delivery and lowering very preterm delivery rate
  56. Fazarinc G; Uršič M; Lovšin E; Juntes P
    Parna sprednja velika dovodnica (vena cava cranialis dextra et sinistra) pri psu
    [Paried cranial venae cavae (vena cava cranialis dextra et sinistra) in the dog]
  57. Piccione G; Assenza A; Attanzio G; Fazio F; Caola G
    Chronophysiology of arterial blood pressure and heart rate in athletic horses
    [Kronofiziologija arterijskega krvnega tlaka in srčnega utripa pri športnih konjih]
  58. Ščuka R; Lazar P; Ščuka L
    Pregled pogostnosti serovarov salmonel v desetletnem obdobju 1979 - 1988
    [Retrospective survey of the incidence of Salmonella serovars over a 10-year period 1979 - 1988]
  59. Kožuh-Eržen N
    Ugotavljanje zaostankov dapsona v mišičnem tkivu in urinu klavnih živali
    [Determination of dapsone residues in muscle tissue and urine of food-producing animals]
  60. Frangež R; Pardubsky T; Beravs K
    MRI evaluation of acute brain injury caused by kainate intoxication
    [Prikaz s kainatom povzročenih poškodb možganov s slikanjem z magnetno resonanco]
  61. Golob Z
    T3 in T4 v krvnem serumu, nekateri elementi v perju in iztrebkih ter višina vrhnjice na glavi pri papigi skobčevki (Melopsittacus undulatus) po tretiranju z L-T4 in TRH
    [T3 and T4 blood serum concentrations, some elements in plumage and excrements, and head epidermis height in the budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) after treatment with L-T4 and THR]
  62. Bardorfer Aleš; Munih Marko; Zupan Anton; Primožič Alenka
    Upper limb motion analysis using haptic interface
  63. Podnar Simon; Vodušek David B
    Protocol for clinical neurophysiologic examination of the pelvic floor
  64. Saciri V; Pavlovčič V; Zupanc O; Baebler B
    Knee arthroscopy in children and adolescents
  65. Radešček Darja; Šelb Jožica
    Vzroki smrti zaradi alkohola na Dolenjskem v primerjavi z ostalo Slovenijo
    [Causes of death attributable to alcohol in Dolenjska in comparison with other parts of Slovenia]
  66. Pokorn Dražigost; Hlastan-Ribič Cirila
    Vpliv načina življenja na dolgo življenje preiskovancev, starih nad 60 let, v Ljubljani
    [The effect of life style on longevity in elderly people aged over 60 years in Ljubljana]
  67. Marenco John P; Wang Paul J; Link Mark S; Homoud Munther K; Estes NA Mark III
    Izboljšanje preživetja po nenadnem zastoju srca: vloga avtomatskega zunanjega defibrilatorja
    [Improving survival from sudden cardiac arrest: the role of the automated external defibrillator]
  68. Hebert Patricia R; Hennekens Charles H
    Pregled štirih naključnih raziskav o učinku jemanja aspirina za primarno preventivo bolezni ožilja
    [An overview of the 4 randomized trials of aspirin therapy in the primary prevention of vascular disease]
  69. Gillman Matthew W; Rifas-Shiman Sherly L; Camargo Carlos A Jr; Berkey Catherine S; Fraizer Lindsay; Rockett Helaine RH; Field Alison E; Colditz Graham A
    Tveganje, da bi bili adolescenti, ki so bili kot dojenčki dojeni, pretežki
    [Risk of overweight among adolescents who were breastfed as infants]
  70. van Brederode JFM; Rho JM; Černe R; Tempel BL; Spain WJ
    Evidence of altered inhibition in layer v pyramidal neurons from neocortex of Kcna 1-null mice
  71. Milošev Ingrid; Pišot Venčeslav
    Umetni kolčni sklepi kovina/kovina
    [Metal on metal hip prostheses]
  72. Robertson C; van den Donk M; Primic-Žakelj M; MacFarlane T; Boyle P
    The association between induced and spontaneous abortion and risk of breast cancer in Slovenian women aged 25-54
  73. Pastore G; Magnani C; Verdecchia A; Pession A; Viscomi S; Coebergh JW; Oberaigner W; Storm H; Aareleid T; Pompe-Kirn V
    Survival of childhood lymphomas in Europe, 1978-1992: a report from the EUROCARE study
  74. Magnani C; Aareleid T; Viscomi S; Pastore G; Berrino F; Oberaigner W; Storm H; Hakulinen T; Mace-Lesec'h J; Pompe-Kirn V
    Variation in survival of children with central nervous system (CNS) malignancies diagnosed in Europe between 1978 and 1992: the EUROCARE study
  75. Sant M; Capocaccia R; Badioni V; Oberaigner W; Storm H; Aareleid T; Hakulinen T; Mace-Lesec'h J; Arveux P; Pompe-Kirn V
    Survival for retinoblastoma in Europe
  76. Spix C; Aareleid T; Stiller C; Magnani C; Kaatsch P; Michaelis J; Oberaigner W; Storm H; Aareleid T; Pompe-Kirn V
    Survival of children with neuroblastoma. time trends and regional differences in Europe, 1978-1992
  77. Berrino F; Gatta G; Sant M; Capocaccia R; Oberaigner W; Storm H; Aareleid T; Hakulinen T; Hedelin G; Pompe-Kirn V
    The EUROCARE study of survival of cancer patients in Europe: aims, current status, strengths and weaknesses
  78. Pavlović Eduard; Marušič Andrej
    Suicide in Croatia and in Croatian immigrant groups in Australia and Slovenia
  79. Pleško I; Kramarova E; Stiller CA; Coebergh J-W; Santaquilani M
    Survival of children with Wilms' tumour in Europe
  80. Pirtošek Zvezdan; Jahanshahi Marjan; Barrett Geoff; Lees Andrew J
    Attention and cognition in bradykinetic-rigid syndromes: an event-related potential study
  81. Burnik Janez
    Diabetes pri umrlih v letih 1992 do 1996 na področju Zavoda za zdravstveno varstvo Nova Gorica
    [Diabetes mellitus among deceased from 1992 to 1996 in region of Public health unit Nova Gorica]
  82. Margić Krunoslav; Pirc Jelka
    Kontinuirana senzorna analgezija olajša diferencialno diagnozo in zdravljenje kompleksnega regionalnega bolečinskega sindroma (CRPS/Sudeck)
    [Continuous sensory analgesia helps the differential diagnosis and the treatment of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS/RSD)]
  83. Margić Krunoslav
    Zunanje fiksiranje zlomov dlančnic in členkov
    [External fixation of metacarpal and phalangeal fractures]
  84. Koglot Franci; Štrbenc-Mozetič Marija; Beltram Matej
    Zlom kolka pri starostniku
    [Hip fractures in the elderly patient]
  85. Klemenc Matjaž
    Analiza dejavnikov ogrožanja pri hipertonikih v Braniku
    [Analisys of risk factors in hypertensive patients in Branik]
  86. Pišljar Marko; Denišlič Miro; Meh Duška
    Ocena vala P300 pri bolnikih s Parkinsovo boleznijo
    [P300 wave confirmation in patients with Parkinson's disease]
  87. Šoštarič Zvonko
    Merjenje pretokov uterine arterije v normalni in patološki nosečnosti
    [Uterine artery blood flow measurements in normal and abnormal pregnancies]
  88. Klemenc Matjaž
    Aktivnost avtonomnega živčnega sistema in diastolična disfunkcija levega prekata pri mladih hipertonikih
    [Activity of the autonomic nervous system and diastolic dysfunction of the left ventricle in young hypertensive patients]
  89. Fišer Jerneja; Špacapan Suzana; Prinčič Dragica; Frelih Tatjana
    Odkrivanje kolonizacije nosečnic z bakterijo Streptococcus agalactiae v severno primorski regiji
    [Detection of colonization of pregnant women with Streptococcus agalactiae in the Northprimorska region]
  90. Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja; Frelih Tatjana; Zimšek Janet; Berce Ingrid; Barlič-Maganja Darja
    Kalicivirusi - povzročitelji epidemičnega gastroenteritisa pri otrocih v vrtcu - izkušnje v Sloveniji
  91. Maver Jerica; Štrucl Martin
    Central and local microvascular reactivity in normotensive subjects with a family history of hypertension
    [Centralni in lokalni vplivi na odzivnost drobnega žilja pri normotonikih, družinsko obremenjenih s hipertenzijo]
  92. Tincani Angela; Allegri Flavio; Sanmarco Marielle; Cinquini Massimo; Taglietti Marco; Balestrieri Genesio; Koike Takao; Ichikawa Kenji; Hojnik Maja; Kveder Tanja
    Anticardiolipin antibody assay: a methodological analysis for a better consensus in routine determinations: a cooperative project of the European Antiphospholipid Forum
  93. Šeruga Tomaž; Bunc Gorazd; Klein Guenther Etich
    Helical high-resolution volume-rendered three-dimensional computer tomography angiography in the detection of intracranial aneurysms
  94. Bunc Gorazd; Kovačič Srečko; Strnad Simona
    Evaluation of functional response of cerebral arteries by a new morphometric technique
  95. Bunc G; Kovačič S; Strnad S
    The effect of sympathetic nervous system exclusion on cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage in rabbits
  96. But I; Gorišek B
    DNA-ploidy as an independent prognostic factor in patients with serous ovarian carcinoma
  97. Triller Nadja; Eržen Damjan; Debeljak Andrej; Kecelj Peter; Osolnik Katarina
    Bronhoskopija z upogljivim bronhoskopom: primerjava anestezije skozi delovni kanal bronhoskopa s transkrikoidno lokalno anestezijo z atropinom ali brez v premedikaciji - randomizirana študija
    [Flexible bronchoscopy: transcricoid versus bronhoscopic administration of lidocaine for topical anaesthesia with or without atropine as premedication - a randomized study]
  98. Senekovič Vladimir; Šaćiri Valdet
    Artroskopske operacije v zgornjem skočnem sklepu
    [Operativne arthroscopy of the ankle joint]
  99. Lopert Anton; Kern Izidor
    Kronična eozinofilna pljučnica z neznačilnim potekom pri bolniku s srčnim popuščanjem - prikaz primera
    [Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia with atypical presentation in patient with heart failure - case report]
  100. Požlep Barbara; Meden-Vrtovec Helena
    Ovulation induction agents and ovarian cancer
    [Induktorji ovulacije in rak jajčnika]

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