biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 26.267-26.366

  1. Stojan Jure; Marcel Veronique; Fournier Didier
    Inhibition of Drosophila acetylcholinesterase by 7-(methylethoxyphosphinyloxy)1-methyl-quinolinium iodide (MEPQ)
  2. Stojan Jure; Marcel Veronique; Fournier Didier
    Effect of tetramethylammonium, choline and edrophonium on insect acetylcholinesterase: test of a kinetic model
  3. Stojan Jure
    Homology built model of acetylcholinesterase from Drosophila melanogaster
  4. Kambič V; Radšel Z; Gale N
    Alterations in the laryngeal mucosa after exposure to asbestos
  5. Podnar Simon; Rodi Zoran; Lukanovič Adolf; Tršinar Bojan; Vodušek David B
    Standardization of anal sphincter EMG: technique of needle examination
  6. Hellquist H; Cardesa A; Gale N; Kambič V; Michaels L
    Criteria for grading in the Ljubljana classification of epithelial hyperplastic laryngeal lesions. A study by members of the Working group on epithelial hyperplastic laryngeal lesions of the European society of pathology
  7. Plemenitaš Ana; Lu Xiaobin; Geyer Matthias; Veranič Peter; Simon Marie-Noelle; Peterlin B Matija
    Activation of the Ste20 by Nef from human immunodeficiency virus induces cytoskeleton rearrangements and downstream effector functions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
  8. Benulič T; Stanovnik M; Hrabar B; Cerar A; Jančar B
    Five-year survival of patients treated for esophageal cancer at the Institute of oncology in Ljubljana in the years 1960-1989
  9. Bantan Tjaša; Milačič Radmila; Pihlar Boris
    Quantitative determination of trace amounts of Al-citrate by anion-exchange FPLC-ETAAS
  10. Bantan Tjaša; Milačič Radmila; Pihlar Boris
    Possibilities for speciation of Al-citrate and other negatively charged Al complexes by anion-exchange FPLC-ICP-AES
  11. Mitrović B; Milačič R; Pihlar B; Simončič P
    Speciation of trace amounts of aluminium in environmental samples by cation-exchange FPLC - ETAAS
  12. Mitrović Bojan; Milačič Radmila; Pihlar Boris
    Speciation of aluminium in soil extracts by employing cation-exchange fast protein liquid chromatography-inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
  13. Knežević Svetlana; Milačič Radmila; Veber Marjan
    ETAAS determination of aluminium and copper in dialysis concentrates after microcolumn chelating ion-exchange preconcentration
  14. Milačič R; Ščančar J; Urbanc M
    Is spectrophotometry a reliable technique for determination of Cr(VI) in leather samples?
  15. Milačič Radmila; Kožuh Nevenka; Mitrović Bojan
    Combination of three analytical techniques for speciation of Al in environmental samples
  16. Falnoga I; Tušek-Žnidarič M; Milačič R
    Mercury and methallothionein-like proteins in the particulate cell fraction of human cerebellar nucleus dentatus
  17. Milanič Tanja; Kunstelj Andrej; Marš Tomaž; Grubič Zoran
    Morphometric characteristics of myonuclear distribution in the normal and denervated fast rat muscle fiber
  18. Petelin M; Skalerič U; Cevc P; Schara M
    The permeability of human cementum in vitro measured by electron paramagnetic resonance
  19. Heinrich Volkmar; Božič Bojan; Svetina Saša; Žekš Boštjan
    Vesicle deformation by an axial load: from elongated shapes to tethered vesicles
  20. Bajrović Fajko; Remškar Mojca; Sketelj Janez
    Prior collateral sprouting enhances elongation rate of sensory axons regenerating through acellular distal segment of a crushed peripheral nerve
  21. Ivanova Saša; Šalehar Anja; Milačič Radmila; Požek-Novak Tončka
    Določanje koncentracije aluminija v rastlinskih vzorcih z merjenjem emisije v induktivno sklopljeni plazmi
  22. Kožuh N; Milačič R; Gorenc B; Abollino O; Sarzanini C
    Speciation of aluminium in environmental water samples employing microcolumn chelating ion-exchange chromatography-ETAAS
  23. Verovnik Rudi; Trontelj Peter; Sket Boris
    Genetic differentiation and species status within the snail leech Glossiphonia complanata aggregate (Hurudinea: Glossiphoniidae) revealed by RAPD analysis
  24. Rifel Marko; Guna Tadej; Jazbec Ladislav
    Laparoskopsko holecistektomirani bolniki v Splošni bolnišnici Trbovlje
    [Laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the Trbovlje general hospital]
  25. Stefanovič Milan; Gorenšek Milan; Pegan Vladislav; Juteršek Albert
    Označevanje endoskopsko ugotovljenih sprememb pred kirurškim posegom (kovinske sponke Olympus HX-5/6)
    [Preoperative marking of lesions identified by endoscopy - Olympus HX-5/6 metal clips]
  26. Podboj Jernej
    Endoskopska kirurgija pri orbitalnih zapletih sinusitisov
    [Endoscopic surgery for orbital complications of sinusitis]
  27. Zajc I; Sampson J
    Utility of canine microsatellites in revealing the relationships of pure bred dogs
  28. Emelianov Dmitri; Accetto R; Bučič B; Dobovišek J; Dolenc P; Kolšek B; Lapanja Z; Mihelič-Bričič M; Petrin J; Perc-Čerček O; Žemva A
    Conventional and ambulatory measurements of blood pressure in old patients with isolated systolic hypertension: baseline observtions in the Syst-Eur trial
  29. Blum WF; Hall K; Ranke MB; Wilton P; Kržišnik C
    Growth hormone insensitivity syndromes: a preliminary report on changes in insulin-like growth factors and their binding proteins during treatment with recombinant insulin-like growth factor I
  30. Zaletel Marija
    Kakovost življenja starostnikov in zdravstvena nega
    [Quality of life in aged people and nursing]
  31. Rok-Simon Mateja
    Umrljivost in hospitalizacije starejših zaradi poškodb v Sloveniji v letih 1988-1996
    [Mortality and hospitalizations of eldery people due to the injuries in Slovenian in years]
  32. Molj Jelka; Ivanuša Marjan; Drinovec Jože; Mrhar Aleš; Urleb Uroš
    Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of ulcer disease traetment in Slovenia
    [Farnakoekonomska ocena zdravljenja ulkusne bolezni v Sloveniji]
  33. Rebolj Marija; Toff Renata; Cerar Vasilij; Novak-Antolič Živa
    Preliminary report: nitroglycerin patch for tocolysis in threatened preterm labour
    [Preliminarno poročilo: nitroglicerinski obliž za tokolizo pri grozečem prezgodnjem porodu]
  34. Marušič Andrej; Gudjonsson Gisli H; Eysenck Hans J; Starc Radovan
    Biological and psychosocial risk factors in ischaemic heart disease: empirical findings and a biopsychosocial model
  35. Kogovšek Danijela
    Srečanja s smrtjo in umirajočimi v času šolanja
    [Encounters with death and dying during education process]
  36. Unterlechner Silva
    Vpliv dejavnikov na vpis učencev v Srednjo zdravstveno šolo v Mariboru
    [The influence of different factors on the enrollment of students to the High school of nursing in Maribor]
  37. Dornik Ema
    Splošna orientiranost študentov zdravstvene nege in zdravstvene vzgoje
    [General orientation of the students of nursing care and health education]
  38. Hoyer Silvestra; Urankar Marjeta
    Seznanjenost z možnostmi okužbe z virusom HIV med učenci podeželske in mestne osnovne šole
    [Familiarity with the possibilities of HIV infection among pupils of rural and urban elementary school]
  39. Debevec-Švigelj Metka; Pahor Majda
    Odnos zaposlenih v Zdravstvenem domu Center do uporabnikov metadonske ambulante
    [The attitude of the staff of Health Center Ljubljana-center towards the clients of methadone clinic]
  40. Naka Sandra; Pavčič-Trškan Bara
    Delovne obremenitve medicinskih sester in zdravstvenih tehnikov
    [Nursing workload]
  41. Meglič Dušanka
    Standardizacija nekaterih kardiocirkulatornih testov pri zdravih otrocih
    [Standardization of some cardiovascular tests in healthy children]
  42. Novak Mojca; Prosen Barbara
    Pogostnost bakterijske vaginoze in povezava s prezgodnjim porodom
    [Incidence of bacterial vaginosis and its relation to preterm delivery]
  43. Repež Andrej; Giacomelli Valentina Otja
    Vloga mikrocistinov pri razvoju bolezni parenhimskih organov
    [The role of microcystins in the development of parenchymal disorders]
  44. Jackevič JJ; Korž AA; Kostrub AA; Loskutov AJ; Bilinski BT; Jaremčuk AJ; Pregelj S
    Multicentrična klinična raziskava zdravljenja bolečine s Tramadolom v Ukrajini
    [The Ukraininan multicentre clinical study on Tramadol in the management of painful conditions]
  45. Hovnik-Keršmanc Marjetka
    Primerjava porabe alkohola in njenih negativnih posledic med Slovenijo in državami evropske regije
    [Comparison of alcohol consumption and its negative consequences between Republic of Slovenia and countries of European region]
  46. Rus-Makovec Maja; Tomori Martina
    Povezanost med družinskimi dejavniki in avtodestruktivnostjo pri slovenskih srednješolcih
  47. Ferluga Dušan; Vizjak Alenka; Hvala Asta; Kuhar Marija
    Lupus nephritis in children with particular emphasis to vascular involvement
    [Lupusni nefritis u djece sa posebnim naglaskom na vaskularnim promjenama]
  48. Maučec Marko; Glumac Bogdan; Rant Jože; Krištof Edvard
    Epithermal neutron beam for BNCT at the JSI TRIGA reactor - modelling and experimental verification
    [Epitermični izvor nevtronov za terapijo raka z zajetjem nevtronov v boru na reaktorju TRIGA Instituta Jožef Stefan - modeliranje in eksperimentalna preveritev]
  49. Wagner Wolfgang; Beeke Erik; Barsnick Peter
    Radiotherapy for choroidal neovascularisation of age-related macular degeneration
    [Radioterapija neovaskularizirane žilnice pri starostni makularni degeneraciji]
  50. Borštnar Simona; Čufer Tanja; Vrhovec Ivan; Rudolf Zvonimir
    Prognostic relevance of urokinase plasminogen activator and its inhibitors in patients with breast cancer
    [Napovedni pomen urokinaznega aktivatorja plazminogena in njegovih inhibitorjev pri bolnicah z rakom dojk]
  51. Kašuba Vilena; Kusić Zvonko; Garaj-Vrhovac Vera
    Micronuclei in cytokinesis-blocked lymphocytes of patients following iodine-131 radiotherapy
    [Mikro jedra v limfocitih z zavrto citokinezo pri bolnikih po radioterapiji z I-131]
  52. Ihan Alojz
    A correlation of NK cytolitic test and BLT esterase test in determining activity of NK cells, stimulated by tumor target cells
    [Korelacija med NK citolitičnim in BLT esteraznim testom pri določevanju aktivnosti NK celic stimuliranih s tumorskimi celicami]
  53. Kurbel Sven; Kristek Branka; Kovačić Damir; Glavina Krešimir; Kurbel Beatrica
    Spectral characteristics of the high-resolution liver CT data: detection of iron-overload and cirrhosis
    [Odkrivanje preobremenitve z železom in jeterne ciroze z analizo podatkov o spektralnih značilnostih CT-ja jeter z visoko ločljivostjo]
  54. Hadjiev Junaki; Horvath Laszlo; Mezofi Beata; Szalay Gabriella
    Pharmaco-mechanical technique for selective thrombolysis in peripheral vessels
    [Farmakološko-mehanska tehnika za selektivno trombolizo na perifernem žilju]
  55. Weber Urška; Brank Martina; Grubič Zoran
    Glucocorticoids differentially control synthesis of acetylcholinesterase and butyrylcholinesterase in rat liver and brain
  56. Vodiškar Janez; Zgonc Vid; Ribarič Samo; Grubič Zoran
    Combined effects of glucocorticoids and electromechanical activity on the acetylcholinesterase expression in the fast rat muscle
  57. Tepeš B; Ferlan-Marolt V; Juteršek A; Kavčič B; Zaletel-Kragelj L
    Interobserver agreement in the assessment of gastritis reversibility after Helicobacter pyori eradication
  58. Kompan L; Kremžar B; Gadžijev E; Prošek M
    Effects of early enteral nutrition on intestinal permeability and the development of multiple organ failure after multiple injury
  59. Pokorn Dražigost; Dermelj Marjan; Stibilj Vekoslava; Gregorič Barbara
    Iodine in daily diet samples from some old people's homes in Slovenia
  60. Brecelj Jelka; Stirn-Kranjc Branka
    ERG and VEP follow-up study in children with Leber's congenital amaurosis
  61. Žemva Nada
    Aphasic patients and their families: wishes and limits
  62. Markotić A; Dašić G; Gagro A; Sabioncello A; Rabatić S; Kuzman I; Zgorelec R; Smoljan I; Beus I; Županc TA
    Role of peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) phenotype changes in the pathogenesis of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS)
  63. Miš Katarina; Zajc-Kreft Katarina; Grubič Zoran
    Localization of cells expressing AChE mRNA in rat striatum using nonradioactive in situ hybridization
  64. Šentjurc Marjeta; Pečar Slavko; Stojan Jure; Marchot Pascale; Radić Zoran; Grubič Zoran
    Electron paramagnetic resonance reveals altered topography of the active center gorge of acetylcholinesterase after binding of fasciculin to the peripheral site
  65. Šprah Lilijana; Živin Marko; Sket Dušan
    Ergoline derivative LEK-8829-inducet turning behavior in rats with unilateral striatal ibotenic acid lesions: interaction with bromocriptine
  66. Milošev I; Metikoš-Huković M
    Effect of chloride concentration range on the corrision resistance of Cu-xNi alloys
  67. Simonič Igor; Stanovnik Branko
    The synthesis of some dialkyl 4-(3-substituted amino)phenyl-1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethylpyridine 3,5-dicarboxylates
  68. Pfeifer Marija; Verhovec Renata; Žižek Bogomir; Preželj Janez; Poredoš Pavel; Clayton Richard N
    Growth hormone (GH) treatment reverses early atherosclerotic changes in GH-deficient adults
  69. Novakovič Srdjan; Ihan Alojz; Wraber Branka; Jezeršek Barbara
    An effective tumor vaccine against malignant melanoma: irradiated autologous tumor cells admixed with MVE-2
  70. Japelj Irena; Budihna Metka V; Stanovnik Lovro; Krisch Igor
    Stereoselective and endothelium-independent action of nicardipine on the isolated porcine coronary artery
  71. Marušič Andrej
    Suicide mortality in Slovenia: regional variation
  72. Deindl FM; Vodušek DB; Bischoff CH; Hofmann R; Hartung R
    Dysfunctional voiding in women: which muscles are responsible?
  73. Cimerman Nina; Trstenjak-Prebanda Mojca; Turk Boris; Popovič Tatjana; Dolenc Iztok; Turk Vito
    Interaction of cystatin C variants with papain and human cathepsins B,H and L
  74. Vrhovec Nevija; Suhadolc Poldka
    Umrljivost mladih od 5. do 19. leta starosti v Sloveniji v obdobju od 1986 do 1996
  75. Stergar Eva
    Evropska raziskava o alkoholu in preostalih drogah med šolsko mladino: poročilo ESPAD za Republiko Slovenijo 1995
  76. Dragoš Vlasta; Lunder Majda
    Lack of efficacy of 6-week treatment with oral terbinafine for tinea capitis due to Microsporum canis in children
  77. Petrovec M; Sumner JW; Nicholson WL; Childs JE; Strle F; Barlič J; Lotrič-Furlan S; Avšič-Županc T
    Identity of ehrlichial DNA sequences derived from Ixodes ricinus ticks with those obtained from patients with human granulocytic ehrlichiosis in Slovenia
  78. Bren A
    Fungal peritonitis in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
  79. Iglič A; Kralj-Iglič V; Peterlin P; Haegerstrand H
    Cylindrical shapes of red blood cell microexovesicles
  80. Petelin Milan; Šentjurc Marjeta; Stolič Zorka; Skalerič Uroš
    EPR study of mucoadhesive ointments for delivery of liposomes into the oral mucosa
  81. Liščić RM; Zidar J
    Functional organisation of the facial motor system in man
  82. Poredoš Pavel; Kek Anita
    Detection of early atherosclerotic changes of arterial wall using ultrasound
  83. Spiess Anita E; Kahrilas Peter J
    Zdravljenje ahalazije: od ribje kosti do laparoskopa
    [Treating achalasia: from whalebone to laparoscope]
  84. Bensoussan Alan; Talley Nick J; Hing Michael; Menzies Robert; Guo Anna; Ngu Meng
    Zdravljenje sindroma razdražljivega črevesa s kitajskimi zeliščnimi zdravili: randomizirana kontrolirana študija
    [Treatment of trritable bowel sydrome with Chinese herbal medicine: a randomized controlled trial]
  85. Eisemberg David; Davis Roger B; Ettner Susan L; Appel Scott; Wilkey Sonja; Rampay Maria Van; Kessler Ronald C
    Uporaba alternativne medicine v Združenih državah, 1990-1997: izsledki pregleda raziskave v državi
    [Trends in alterantive medicine use in the United states, 1990-1997: results of a follow-up national survey]
  86. Kotnik Tadej; Miklavčič Damijan; Slivnik Tomaž
    Time course of transmembrane voltage inducad by time-varying electric fields - a method for theoretical analysis and its application
  87. Susil Robert; Šemrov Dejan; Miklavčič Damijan
    Electric field-induced transmembrane potential depends on cell density and organization
  88. Šemrov D; Miklavčič D
    Calculation of the electrical parameters in electrochemotherapy of solid tumours in mice
  89. Levičnik-Stezinar Snežna; Baraga Ludvik; Hrašovec Vesna; Kavaš Erika; Kramar Irena; Maračič Irena; Slokan Marija; Šalinovič Vera; Šunjevarić Marija
    Presejalno testiranje krvodajalcev kot ukrep za zagotavljanje varne transfuzije
    [Screening of blood donors as safety measure for a safe transfusion]
  90. Škapin Marta
    Zobozdravstveno varstvo otrok v posebnih zavodih
    [National dental child-care service in special institutions]
  91. Avguštin Cveta; Premik Marjan
    Preizkus modela za merjenje zdravja v mestni občini Celje
    [A test of health measuring model in the municipality of Celje]
  92. Godić Dobrivoje; Belović Branislava; Godić Aleksandar
    Vpliv pesticidov iz okolja na njihovo koncentracijo v serumu žensk 30 dni po porodu
    [The influence of environmental pesticides on ther concentration in serum of women 30 days after delivery]
  93. Seliškar Andrej
    Vegetacija poplavnega območja Jovsi ob reki Sotli (Brežice, Slovenija)
    [Vegetation of the Javsi flood plain beside the Sotla river (Brežice, Slovenia)]
  94. Dakskobler Igor
    Novo nahajališče vrste Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw. v Julijskih Alpah
    [New locality of Botrychium virginianum (L.) Sw. in the Julian Alps]
  95. Vreš Branko
    Prispevek k poznavanju kislic (rod Rumex) v Sloveniji
    [A contribution to the knowledge to the genus Rumex in Slovenia]
  96. Praprotnik Nada
    Prispevek k poznavanju flore osrednjih in zahodnih Karavank
    [A contribution to the knowledge of central and western Karavanke flora]
  97. Dakskobler Igor
    Prispevek k flori južnih Julijskih Alp in njihovega predgorja
    [A contribution to the flora of southern Julian Alps and their foothills]
  98. Trpin Darinka; Vreš Branko; Seliškar Andrej
    Flora in vegetacija ribnikov južne avstrijske Štajerske
    [Flora and vegetation of the pounds in southern Austrian Styria]
  99. Eržen Ivan; Renčelj-Rus Simona; Planinšek Andrej; Škapin-Bošnjak Ksenija; Hus Lorena; Vudrag Marko
    Ocena vnosa nitratov in težkih kovin z živili domače proizvodnje v človeški organizem - poročilo 1. faze projekta
    [Study of dietary exposure to heavy metals and nitrates in foods - 1. phase report]
  100. Otorepec Peter; Gajšek Peter; Pompe-Kirn Vera
    Elektromagnetna sevanja oddajnikov na Belem Križu in njihov vpliv na zdravje ljudi
    [Electromagnetic radiations of the transmitters on Beli Križ (coastal region, Slovenia) and their influence on human health]

   25.767 25.867 25.967 26.067 26.167 26.267 26.367 26.467 26.567 26.667  

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