biomedicina slovenica |
vo="case report" : 2.501-2.600
Šuškovič S
1993 ►
Peternel P
Antikoagulacijsko zdravljenje
1993 ►
Peternel P; Kozak M
Zdravljenje venskih trombembolizmov
1993 ►
Poredoš P; Kozak M; Videčnik V
Kronične in akutne motnje arterijske prekrvitve udov
1993 ►
Kolšek B; Dobovišek J
Hipertenzivna kriza
1993 ►
Mušič E; Zupančič M; Šorli J
Drei verschiedene pulmonale Manifestationen der Crohn-Krankheiten
1993 ►
Barrow-Clough C; Tarrier N
Vrnitev v stanje pred "duševno boleznijo": sodelovanje z družino (prevod)
1993 ►
Kranjc S
Otroški govor v zgodnjem obdobju svojega razvoja
[Children's speech in early stages of development]
1993 ►
Lamovec J
Phyllodes tumor of the breast
1993 ►
Sobel HJ; Lamovec J; Us-Krašovec M; Žitnik V
Benign clear cell thyroid tumor with "balloon cell" change: evidence suggesting its pathogenesis
1993 ►
Praprotnik S; Kos-Golja M; Brinovec V
Coganov sindrom
[Cogan's syndrome]
1993 ►
Čižman M; Uhlig T; Perković T; Belohradsky BH
Leukozyten-adhaesionsdefizienz bei 2 Kindern
1993 ►
Rakovec P
Ventrikularna tahikardija neishemične geneze
1992 ►
Mis M; Strlič M; Pegan V
Zreli cistični teratom - prikaz dveh primerov
[Mature cistic teratoma - presentation of two cases]
1993 ►
Skerget B; Prinčič J; Janež J
Primer nediagnosticirane in napačno zdravljenje displazije medenice
1993 ►
Arko-Mihev D; Avsec-Letonja D; Zalar J; Franko-Kancler T
Interdisciplinarna diagnostika pljučnice pri bolnikih v enoti intenzivne terapije
[Interdisciplinary diagnosis of pneumonia in the intensive care unit]
1993 ►
Mušič E; Petrič V; Mesič M; Rajter M
Pljučnica z dolgotrajno povišano telesno temperaturo. Neuspeh antibiotičnega zdravljenja
[Pulmonary infiltration associated with persistent fever. Inefficacy of antibiotic therapy]
1993 ►
Veselko M; Smrkolj V
Avulsion of the anterior-superior iliac spine in athletes: case reports
1994 ►
Logar D; Rozman B; Vizjak A; Ferluga D; Mulder AH; Kallenberg CG
Arteritis of both carotid arteries in a patient with focal, crescentic glomerulonephritis and anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibodies
1994 ►
Švigelj Viktor; Grad Aanton; Tekavčič Igor; Kiauta Tomaž
Cardiac arrhythmia associated with reversible damage to insula in a patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage
1994 ►
Sinkovič Andreja
Vozlanje balonskega pljučnega arterijskega katetra v desnem srcu - prikaz primera
1994 ►
Hojs R
Netravmatska rabdomioliza in akutna ledvična odpoved, zdravljena s hemodializo
[Nontraumatic rhabdomyolysis and acute renal failure treated with haemodialysis]
1994 ►
Gadžijev E; Pegan V
Extended excision of the ampulla of Vater - a new operative technique for elderly patients
1992 ►
Rakovec P; Brecelj A; Zupan I
Complete cure after a seemingly unsuccessful operation for Wolf-Parkinson-White syndrome
1992 ►
Strle F; Pleterski-Rigler D; Stanek G; Pejovnik-Pustinek A; Ružič E; Cimperman J
Solitary Borrelial lymphocytoma: report of 36 cases
1992 ►
Šmid L; Lavrenčak B; Žargi M
Laryngo-tracheo-bronchopathia chondro-osteoplastica
1992 ►
Canki-Klain N; Stanescu V; Stanescu R; Šinkovec J; Debevec M; Maroteaux P
Lethal short limb dwarfism with dysmorphic face, omphalocele and severe ossification defect: Piepkorn syndrome or severe "boomerang dysplasia"?
1992 ►
Primožič MM; Križmanič T; Obreza P
Functional electrical stimulation (FES) in the gait training of the tetraparetic patient
1991 ►
Vrabič G; Vrečar I
Our experience in functional electrical stimulation (FES) applied to hemiplegic children
1991 ►
Sannicandro F; Mastrolonardo M
Persistent nodules in scabies: report of an atypical case
1993 ►
Leigheb G; Boggio P; Gattoni M; Bornacina G
A case of Morbihan's disease: chronic upper facial erythematous oedema
1993 ►
Silvestris AM; Giuliani M; Iannantuono M; Bisceglia M; Lomuto M
Erythema dyschromicum perstans
1993 ►
Bisceglia M; Bramante A; di Mattia AL; de Cata A; Paragone T
Gigantic trichilemmal horn
1993 ►
Kopera D; Hoedl S
Creeping disease (larva migrans cutanea)
1993 ►
Dummer R; Zillikens D; Burger M; Burg G
Relapsing polychondritis: presentation of three cases and discussion of therapeutic regimens
1993 ►
Bisceglia M; Nirchio V; Zaffarano L; de Astis C; Bosman C
Cutaneous metastasis from hepatocecullar carcinoma. Report a case with review of the literature
1993 ►
Lomuto M; Ditano G; Nirchio V
Multiple pilosebaceous cysts
1993 ►
Patrizzi A; Pauluzzi P; Badiali de Giorgi L
Dominant dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa, localized (minimus) type. Report of a kinship
1993 ►
Černelč P; Butinar D; Jevtič V; Vodušek DB
Osteosklerotični plazmocitom in polinevropatija
[Osteosclerotic myeloma and polyneuropathy]
1993 ►
Bergant D; Auersperg M; Us-Krašovec M; Petrič G; Hočevar M
Medullary thyroid carcinoma: ectopic ACTH production by liver metastases (report of two cases)
1993 ►
Sotošek B
Leiomyosarcoma of the maxilla: report of a case
1993 ►
Burnet NG; Sadler GM; Griffiths MH; Duchesne GM
Glomerulonephritis and cancer
1993 ►
Mašera A; Ovčak Z; Lamovec J; Pohar-Marinšek Ž
Primary carcinoid of the kidney
1993 ►
Presetnik M; Golli-Gadžijev M; Kveder T; Rozman B
Mešana krioglobulinemija: naše izkušnje pri zdravljenju s plazmaferezo
[Mixed cryoglobulinemia: our experiences in the treatment with plasmapheresis]
1993 ►
Avžner J
Barijev peritonitis po irigografiji
[Barium peritonitis after irrigography]
1993 ►
Žemva A; Pust B; Fettich J; Šinkovec M
Angina pektoris pri bolniku z normalnimi koronarnimi arterijami
1993 ►
Bračko M; Cindro L; Golouh R
Familial occurence of infantile myofibromatosis
1992 ►
Debevec M; Škrbec M
Management of a patient with solitary brain metastasis of unknown origin
1992 ►
Us J
From practice for practice: case presentation
1992 ►
Ahel V; Palčevski G; Šepić A; Rožmanić V
Treatment of congenital pulmonary artery stenosis with transluminal balloon dilatation in childhood
1992 ►
Borković Z; Živković V
Congenital unilateral absence of the right pulmonary artery - diagnosis with digital subtraction angiography: a case report
1992 ►
Debevec M
To the problem of second primary tumor in long-term survivors of small-cell lung cancer
1993 ►
Ovčak Z; Mašera A; Lamovec J
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the heart
1992 ►
Lamovec J; Zidar A; Tršinar B; Jančar J
Sclerosing inflammatory pseudotumor of the urinary bladder in a child
1992 ►
Lamovec J; Kloboves-Prevodnik V
Teleangiectatic sarcomatoid carcinoma of the breast
1992 ►
Tretjak Ž; Cerar A; Pompe-Kirn V
Diffuse-type gastric cancer in a young adult presenting with neurological symptoms and liver rupture
1992 ►
Umek B; Habič M; Jereb B; Štabuc B
Subtotal-skin electron irradiation of the torso
1992 ►
Kranjec I; Cijan A; Pavčnik D
Intravenous thrombolysis of acute coronary occlusion after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty
1992 ►
Štefančič M
Pojav medikamentoznega ekzantema ob zdravljenju s sulfonamidi in trimetoprimom
1993 ►
Grčevska L; Polenakovič M; Ferluga D; Vizjak A; Stavrič G
Membranous nephropathy with severe tubulointerstitial and vascular changes in a patient with psoriatic arthritis treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
1993 ►
Juvan V
Pattern-reversal vep in optic disc drusen: case report
1993 ►
Šmid L; Žargi M; Bajec J
Post-ablative reconstruction following head and neck cancer surgery with microvascular free flaps. An analysis of 36 consecutive cases
1992 ►
Aćimović-Janežič R
Korektivne operacije pri programih rehabilitacije nevroloških bolnikov
1992 ►
Strle F; Cimperman J; Preac-Muršič V; Wilske B; Ružič E
Isolation of Borrelia burgdorferi from a skin lesion in a patient with granuloma annulare
1991 ►
Ružič E; Preac-Muršič V; Strle F; Cimperman J
First isolation of Borrelia burgorferi from the skin in Slovenia
1991 ►
Žgur T; Ravnik I; Janko M
Kirurško zdravljenje epilepsije
[Surgical treatment of epilepsy]
1992 ►
Maček V; Kopriva S; Šorli J
Aspiracija tujka pri 18-mesečni deklici z astmo
[Bronchial foreign body in an 18-month old girl with asthma]
1992 ►
Gale N; Kambič V; Ferluga D; Fischinger J; Remškar Z
Asbestos exposure and laryngeal carcinoma: is there a relationship: a case report
1992 ►
Praprotnik D; Ferluga D; Rott T; Drinovec J; Accetto R; Debeljak A
Patološke spremembe ledvic pri sindromu Churg-Strauss
[Churg-Strauss syndrome: renal morphologic findings]
1989 ►
Stritih B; Možina M
Zapis udeleženca drugega srečanja Balintove skupine na poletni šoli s sistemsko teoretičnim komentarjem
1992 ►
Norell J
Vidiki samopomoči in samoorganizacije v gibanju Balintovih skupin
1992 ►
Kocmur M; Zavasnik A
Krizna stanja v psihiatriji
[Crisis states in psychiatry]
1992 ►
Žargi M; Podboj J
Trofični defekt nosnega krila
[Trophic defect of the ala nasi]
1992 ►
Koselj M; Rott T; Božič D; Furlan P
Holesterolni embolizmi
[Cholesterol embolisation]
1992 ►
Petrič G; Lamovec J; Kansky A
Actinic reticuloid-like cutaneous T cell lymphoma
1992 ►
von Gizycki-Nienhaus B; Volkenandt M; Konz B
Cytodiagnosis of malignant melanoma in a clinically atypical lesion
1992 ►
Kansky A; Balić-Winter A; Marković-Glamočak M
Metastatic carcinoma of the skin: erysipelas carcinomatosum
1992 ►
Strle F; Ružić E; Preac-Mursic V; Cimperman J; Wilske B
Isolation of Borrelia burgdorferi from skin in patients with erythema migrans, unspecific skin lesions and granuloma annulare
1992 ►
Toeroek L; Husz S; Korom L; Horvath K; Forizs A
Bullous systemic lupus erythematosus with malignant papulosis atrophicans and Schoenlein-Henoch vasculitis symptoms
1992 ►
Berčič M; Vrečko S; Miljković J; Rems D
Keratosis palmaris et plantaris cum degeneratione granulosa Voerner
1992 ►
Kopera D; Cerroni L; Soyer HP; Hoedl S
Porokeratosis linearis: a variant of linear epidermal nervus with cornoid lamellae?
1992 ►
Verovnik F
Prikaz bolnice z recidivnim miksomom
1992 ►
Pregl M
Nepojasnjen način sklepanja
1992 ►
Angelski R
Ehokardiografija pri koarktaciji aorte
[Echocardiography and coarctation of the aorta]
1992 ►
Mikuš-Kos A; Gorišek M; Slodnjak V
Posttravmatski stresni sindrom pri otroku
[Posttraumatic stress disorders in childhood]
1992 ►
Felc Z; Tikvič-Barič J; Ilijaš-Trofenik A; Peterlin S
Ultrazvočni prikaz krvavitve v nadledvično žlezo novorojenca
[Ultrasound diagnosis of neonatal adrenal haemorrhage]
1992 ►
Rožman Primož; Levičnik Snežana; Potočnik Marjeta
Pridobljena krvna skupina B. Prikaz kliničnega primera
[Acquired B blood group B. Case report study]
1992 ►
Dumić M; Radica A; Sabol Z; Plavšić V; Brkljačić L; Sarnavka V; Vuković J
Adrenocorticotropic hormone insensitivity associated with autonomic nervous system disorders
1991 ►
Batinica S; Gagro A; Bradić I; Benjak V
Cloacal exstrophy: a case report
1991 ►
Gagro A; Batinica S
Duplication of the anus and rectum in an infant
1991 ►
Posinković B; Pavlović M
Bilateral pseudarthrosis of the femur after stress fracture
1990 ►
Lupret V; Vidović D; Negovetić L; Novak M
Surgical approach to a large basilar artery bifurcation and upper basilar trunk aneurysm: case report
1990 ►
Jušić A
Hereditary increased muscle mechanical irritability and progressive contracture with strech-induced electromyographic activity
1989 ►
Grahovac B; Labar B; Stavljenić A
Subtyping of erythrocyte phosphoglucomutase-1 as a genetic marker for bone-marrow engraftment and hematopoietic chimerism after allogeneic bone-marrow transplantation in a patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia
1988 ►
Bulić M; Podobnik M; Korenić B; Bistrički J
First-trimester diagnosis of low obstructive uropathy: an indicator of initial renal function in the fetus
1987 ►
Dumić M; Radica A; Jušić A; Stefanović N; Murko Z
Selective ACTH insensitivity associated with autonomic nervous system disorders and sensory polyneuropathy
1987 ►
Uglešić V; Bagatin M
Congenital epulis: a case report
1988 ►
Begovac J; Puntarić V; Borčić D; Baršić B; Zrinščak J; Beus I; Presečki V
Mononucleosis-like syndrome associated with a multisystem Coxsackie virus type B3 infection in adolescence
1988 ►
Buzov I
Exhibitionism: the essential physical conflict in manifest dream content
1988 ►
Bešenski N; Bošnjak V; Ligutić I; Marušić-Della Marina B
Cortical heterotopia in Aicardi's syndrome--CT findings
1988 ►
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