biomedicina slovenica |
vo="comparative study" : 701-800
Irman-Florjanc T; Erjavec F
The role of mast cells in redistribution of tele-methylhistamine in the body
1991 ►
Krisch I; Budihna MV; Ručman R
Structure-activity study of some newly synthesized ergoline derivatives on 5-HT2 receptors and alpha-adrenoceptors in rabbit isolated aorta
1992 ►
Kragelj B; Jereb B; Kragelj L; Stanonik M
Concurrent vinblastine and radiation therapy in bladder cancer
1992 ►
Budihna MV; Strojan P
Ca2+ channel antagonists inhibit the intestinal absorption of digoxin in the guinea-pig
1993 ►
Sketelj J; Črne-Finderle N; Ribarič S; Brzin M
Interactions between intrinsic regulation and neural modulation of acetycholinesterase in fast and slow skeletal muscles
1991 ►
Končnik-Goršič N
Kvalitativna analiza spisov otrok na temo vojne
[The qualitative analysis of the children's compositions "Experienced the war"]
1992 ►
Ribičič V
Lestvica vplivov izjemnih dogodkov - vprašalnik za otroke
[A scale of the influences of exceptional events]
1992 ►
Kos-Golja M; Rozman B; Jevtić V; Jarh O; Demšar F
Magnetic resonance imaging of small joints
1990 ►
Osredkar J
Comparison of the radioimmunologic and the monoclonal immunoradiometric method used for the measurement of sex hormonebinding globulin (SHBG) levels
1992 ►
Davila D; Kolačny-Babić L; Plavšić F
Pharmacokinetics of azithromycin after single oral dosing of experimental animals
1991 ►
Pulanić R; Vrhovac B; Jokić N; Rosandić-Pilaš M; Šalamon V; Opačić M; Rustemović N; Korać B; Vucelić B
Prophylactic administration of ranitidine after sclerotherapy of esophageal varices
1991 ►
Šolajić-Božičević N; Stavljenić A; Šesto M
Lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase activity in patients with acute myocardial infarction and coronary heart disease
1991 ►
Schonwald S; Skerk V; Petričević I; Car V; Majerus-Mišić L; Gunjača M
Comparison of three-day and five-day courses of azithromycin in the treatment of atypical pneumonia
1991 ►
Ogrizek-Pelkič Ksenija
Usporedba učestalosti Downova sindroma u trudnica starijih od 35 godina prije i poslije uvođenja rane amniocenteze
1992 ►
Babić D
Razlike u određivanju histološkog tipa i stupnja zrelosti karcinoma endometrija na temelju bioptičkog materijala dobivenog kiretažom i histerektomijom
1992 ►
Mlinarić S
Korelacija kolelitijaze i karcinoma žučnog mjehura u kliničkom i obdukcijskom nalazu
1992 ►
Schoenwald S; Gunjača M; Kolačny-Babić L; Car V; Gošev M
Comparison of azithromycin and erythromycin in the treatment of atypical pneumonias
1990 ►
Rezaković DE; Goldner V; Batinić Z; Weiss M; Stalec J; Pavičić L
Intravenous isosorbide-5-mononitrate in the treatment of acute myocardial infarction
1990 ►
Romić-Stojković R; Jovančević M; Santel DJ; Grčević N; Gamulin S
Sex steroid receptors in intracranial tumors
1990 ►
Štambuk N; Čurković T; Trbojević-Čepe M; Ožegović J
Measurement of intraocular IgA and IgM synthesis and filtration through the blood aqueous barrier in cataract patients
1990 ►
Kostović I; Rakić P
Developmental history of the transient subplate zone in the visual and somatosensory cortex of the macaque monkey and human brain
1990 ►
Beck M; Welsz-Maleček R; Meško-Prejac M; Radman V; Juzbašić M; Rajninger-Miholić M; Prišlin-Mušklić M; Dobrovšak-Sourek V; Smerdel S; Stainer DW
Mumps vaccine L-Zagreb, prepared in chick fibroblast. 1. Production and field trials
1989 ►
Gerenčer M; Valpotić I; Jukić B; Tomašković M; Bašić I
Qualitative analyses of cellular immune functions in equine infectious anemia show homology with AIDS
1989 ►
Tomić S; Sesartić L; Tomašić J
Enzymatic deacylations of esterified saccharides-3: comparison of de-esterifications by serum esterases from different sources
1989 ►
Batinić D; Pavletić Z; Kolevska T; Bogdanić V; Žalud I; Nemet D; Marušić M; Labar B
Lymphocyte subsets in normal human bone marrow harvested for routine clinical transplantation
1989 ►
Manev H; Peričić D; Muck-Seler D
Inhibitory influence of dihydroergosine on the aggressiveness of rats and mice
1989 ►
Bradamante V; Kunec-Vajić E; Lisić M; Dobrić I; Beus I
Plasma cholinesterase activity in patients during therapy with dexamethasone or prednisone
1989 ►
Franekić J; Skupnjak S; Matijašević Z
Genotoxicity of nitrosated ranitidine
1989 ►
Domljan Z; Vrhovac B; Duerrigl T; Pučar I
A double-blind trial of ademetionine vs naproxen in activated gonarthrosis
1989 ►
Herak JN; Pifat G; Brnjas-Kraljević J; Lipka G; Muller K; Knipping G
Causal relationship between the transitions in the core and the surface in porcine low-density lipoproteins
1988 ►
Car N; Škrabalo Z; Verho M
The effects of piretanide in patients with congestive heart failure and diabetes mellitus: a double-blind comparison with furosemide
1988 ►
Jakšić B; Brugiatelli M
High dose continous chlorambucil vs intermittent chlorambucil plus prednisone for treatment of B-CLL--IGCI CLL-01 trial
1988 ►
Vodopija I; Sureau P; Smerdel S; Lafon M; Baklaić Z; Ljubičić M; Svjetličić M
Comparative study of two human diploid rabies vaccines administered with antirabies globulin
1988 ►
Knesaurek K
Comparison of 360 degrees and 180 degrees data collection in SPECT imaging
1987 ►
Škarić V; Matulić-Adamić J; Jokić M
Stereochemically controlled transformations related to pyrimidine nucleosides and their analogues
1987 ►
Kerum G; Profozić V; Granić M; Škrabalo Z
Blood glucose and free insulin levels after the administration of insulin by conventional syringe or jet injector in insulin treated type 2 diabetics
1987 ►
Gentilizza M; Vadjić V
Size distribution of suspended particulates in different areas and seasons as a function of their sulphate and ammonium content
1987 ►
Kurelec B; Krča S
Metabolic activation of 2-aminofluorene, 2-acetylaminofluorene and N-hydroxy-acetylaminofluorene to bacterial mutagens with mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) and carp (Cyprinus carpio) subcellular preparations
1987 ►
Kralj-Klobučar N
Comparative analysis of gastrin-immunoreactive and argyrophil cells in bony fish larvae
1987 ►
Tišlarić D; Solter M; Petek M; Sekso M
The urinary iodide excretion in subjects on different diets
1987 ►
Bohaček N; Ravić M; Biziere K
Minaprine and imipramine in the treatment of major depressive disorders: a comparative double-blind study
1987 ►
Borčić Z; Baršić B; Schoenwald S; Car V; Davila D; Brlić V
H2 receptor antagonists' influence on the clinical course of infectious mononucleosis
1987 ►
Wolf-Coporda A; Plavšić F; Vrhovac B
Determination of biological equivalence of two atenolol preparations
1987 ►
Sertić J
Homologija između mišjeg kromosoma 17 i ljudskog kromosoma 6
1991 ►
Mosallem ORM
Correlation among clinical picture, non-invasive tests and coronary angiography in women with suspect coronary disease in reproductive and postmenopausal periods
1991 ►
Čolak B
Komparativna studija modela sekundarne zdravstvene zaštite bolesnika od šećerne bolesti
1991 ►
Žuran Ivan
EKG spremembe v odvodih V4R in CR4R pri akutnem miokardnem infarktu spodnje stene in desnega prekata
1991 ►
Brdar B; Graf D; Padovan R; Nola P; Rudan N; Petrinec Z; Sarčević B; Belicza M
Estrogen and progesterone receptors as prognostic factors in breast cancer
1988 ►
Schonwald S; Beus I; Car V; Mahovlić V; Jeren T; Plavšić F; Brlić V
Bacampicillin, amoxycillin and talampicillin concentrations in bronchial secretions
1988 ►
Begovac J; Soldo I; Presečki V
Cytomegalovirus mononucleosis in children compared with the infection in adults and with Epstein-Barr virus mononucleosis
1988 ►
Dermelj M; Šlejkovec Z; Byrne AR; Stegnar P; Hojker S; Porenta M; Šestakov G
Rapid radiochemical neutron activation analysis for iodine in urine by different separation techniques
1992 ►
Pokrajac M; Miljković B
Uporedno ispitivanje biološke raspoloživosti dva oralna preparata propafenona
[Comparative biovailability of two oral propafenone preparations]
1991 ►
Miličević G; Planinc D; Planinc-Peraica A; Popović Ð
O terapiji ovisna učestalost komplikacija akutnog infarkta miokarda: nitroglicerol iv. infuzija vs. izosorbitdinitrat ili molsidomin p.o
[Frequency of complications of acute myocardial infarction depends on therapy: nitroglycerol (iv) vs isosorbide dinitrate or molsidomine (po)]
1991 ►
Poldrugo F; Zorzut G
Factors relatet to alcohol relapse in an Italian population
1991 ►
Ligutić I; Juretić D; Lipovac K; Bingulac-Popović J; Žuvela V
Mukopolisaharidoze: suvremena dijagnostika i prevencija
[Mucopolysaccharidoses: present-day diagnosis and prevention]
1991 ►
Šikić N; Stracenski M
Longitudinal study of language development in preterm and term children - pilot study
1991 ►
Biuk-Rudan N
Istraživanje protutijela za konjski herpesvirus tip 1 (EHV-1) serum-neutralizacijskim i munoenzimskim testom
[Study of antibodies for equine type 1 herpesvirus (EHV-1) by serum-neutralization and the immunoenzyme test]
1991 ►
Wikerhauser T; Kutičić V; Ražem D
A comparative study of the effect of gamma-irradiation on the infectivity of three different isolates of Toxoplasma gondii cysts in murine brains
1991 ►
Pevčević N; Jelić-Ivanović Z; Stojiljković A
Plasma fibrinogen determination by different methods
1991 ►
Rumboldt Z; Šimunić M; Drinovec J; Kocijančič M; Benc D; Zdravković M; Simić D; Lijić J; Naranča M
Usporedba enalaprila i njegove kombinacije s hidroklortiazidom u liječenju blage i umjerene hipertenzije
[Comparison of enalapril and its combination with hydrochlorothiazide in the menagement of mild-to-moderate hypertension]
1991 ►
Vukelić B; Bulat-Kardum Lj; Banac S; Brusić V
Utjecaj lijekova na bronhalnu hiperreaktivnost
[The effect of drugs on the airway hyperresponsiveness]
1991 ►
Milas M
Komparacija mortaliteta alkoholičara i nealkoholičara prema grupama bolesti i spolu
[Comparison of mortality between alcoholics and non-alcoholics according to the sex and disease groups]
1991 ►
Bogdanova M
Određivanje amilaze u urgentnom laboratoriju
1990 ►
Ivanovski R
Alternativne metode kod urgentnih stanja putem suhe kemije - određivanje glukoze Amesovim test trakama
1990 ►
Pančeva S; Arsova V; Bogdanova M; Hrisoho R
Četiri parametra u komparaciji rezultata analitike na reflotronu i VP analizatoru
1990 ►
Baniška A; Hrisoho R
Komparativna studija određivanja glukoze u krvi
1990 ►
Jesenovec N
Treba li analizirati vensku ili kapilarnu krv?
1990 ►
Banović I; Tadin I; Poljak B; Romanović L; Barišić A; Vidović-Filipović S
Valjanost carskog reza u smanjenju smrtnosti djece niske porođajne težine
[The value of caesarean section in lowering perinatal mortality in the low birth newborns]
1990 ►
Viceić M; Dražančić A; Kuvačić I
Učinak verapamila i atenolola na smanjenje tahikardije uzrokovane ritodrinom
[The effect of verapamil and atenolol on reduction of the tachicardia caused by ritodrine]
1990 ►
Vrtačnik-Bokal E; Cerar V
Usporedba prostaglandina E2 i oksitocina u infuziji za indukciju porođaja u prvorotkinja u terminu sa nezrelim cerviksom i preranim prsnućem vodenjaka
[Comparison of prostaglandin E2 and oxytocin in infusion for labor induction in nulliparas with unripe cervix and premature rupture of the membranes]
1991 ►
Rumboldt Z; Janežič A; Knežević S; Marinković M; Šimunić M; Lijić J
Usporedba kaptoprila i lizinoprila u liječenju blage i umjerene arterijske hipertenzije
[A comparative trial between captopril and lisinopril in patients with mild and moderate arterial hypertension]
1991 ►
Čučević I; Čučević B; Pongrac I; Roglić M
Komparativna analiza bronhoalveolne lavaže i transbronhalne biopsije u plućnoj sarkoidozi
[Comparative analysis of bronchoalveolar lavage and transbronchial biopsy in sarcoidosis]
1991 ►
Jovanović L; Veljović S; Janjić V
Parametri vodnog režima i fotosinteze kod dve linije kukuruza različite otpornosti na sušu
[The water regime and photosynthesis parameters in two maize lines differing in drought susceptibility]
1991 ►
Banič S; Gubina M; Banič B
Efficiency of a liquid CSF medium for isolation of bacteria from cerebrospinal fluid
1989 ►
Tambić T
Poročilo o biološki aktivnosti netilmicina proti različnim sojem bakterij, izoliranih pri bolnikih
1987 ►
Čalovski J; Grličkov M; Marina N; Puševski A
Erazon in acetilsalicilna kislina: proučevanje izgube krvi v prebavilih z označenimi eritrociti
1987 ►
Ocvirk M
Primerjava farmakodinamskega delovanja kalcijevih antagonistov: felodipina, verapamila in diltiazema "in vitro"
[A comparison of pharmacodynamic action of calcium antagonists: felodipine, verapamil and diltiazem "in vitro"]
1991 ►
Gubina M; Ružić E
Sensitivity of clinical bacterial isolates to three quinolones
1989 ►
Ružić E; Gubina M
The sensitivity study of Gram negative bacteria to some quinolones
1990 ►
Čuk A; Škerlj M; Palka E; Murn M
In vitro and in vivo phototoxicity studies of piroxicam and diclofenac
1991 ►
Weygand-Ðurašević I; Jerala R
Seryl-tRNA synthetase from Saccharomyces cerevisiae shows considerable sequence homology with its bacterial counterpart
1990 ►
Zirojević T
Preskušanje učinkovitosti in prenašanja ciprofloksacina (ciprinola) v primerjavi z orofloksacinom pri bolnikih z infekcijami sečil in rodil
1991 ►
Včev A; Čandrlić I; Božić D
Famotidin (ulfamid) v primerjavi z ranitidinom pri preprečevanju recidivov duodenalnega ulkusa
1991 ►
Tržan-Herman N
Inteligentna knjižnica - pogoj za uspešno delo malih enot, kot so specialne knjižnice
[Intelligent library - an option for a successful work of small units, as there are special libraries]
1990 ►
Marn-Vukadinović D; Krajnik J; Saksida A; Močnik M; Primožič A
Komparativno proučavanje klasične ortoze i modificirane ortoze kod paraplegičara
[A comparative study of classical orthosis and modified orthosis for a paraplegic]
1989 ►
Urlep-Šalinović V; Jelatancev B
Prevencija tromboembolijske bolesti kod ginekoloških operacija
[Prevention of thromboembolism by gynecologic operations]
1990 ►
Gašparac I
Usporedba elektrokardiografskih, rendgenoloških i ehokardiografskih M-mode kriterija hipertrofije lijevoga i desnoga ventrikula
1989 ►
Bizjak M; Štangl B
Ocena elektronskog spirometra "vitalomer-1"
[Evaluation of the electronic spirometer vitalomer 1]
1990 ►
Košnik M; Šušković S
Upoređenje rezultata pertorakalne iglene biopsije pluća iglom prema Nordenstroemu i Rotex iglom
[Comparison of the results of thoracic needle biopsy by Nordenstroem and Rotex needle]
1990 ►
Pajić N
Ciprofloksacin - pregled izkušenj v svetu in Jugoslaviji
[Ciprofloxacin - review of experience in the world and in Yugoslavia]
1991 ►
Radešček-Rakar R
Infekcije z varicela zoster virusom pri imunsko prizadetih otrocih z malignimi boleznimi na Infekcijski kliniki v Ljubljani (1980-1989); možnosti zdravljenja in preprečevanja
[Varicella zoster virus infections in immunosuppressed children with malignancies hospitalized in the Department for infectious diseases in Ljubljana (1980-1989); the possibility of treatment and prophylaxis]
1991 ►
Mušič E; Schoss-Videnšek Z
Ambroksol in bromheksin v terapiji kronične obstruktivne pljučne bolezni
[Ambroxol and bromhexin in the therapy of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease]
1991 ►
Gorički M
Komparativna studija ehosonografije i kompjuterizirane tomografije u bolesnika sa diskogenim ishijasom
1989 ►
Kumelj M; Rus A; Mušič E
Uporedna in vitro aktivnost ciprofloksacina i pefloksacina prema sojevima izolovanim iz kliničkog materijala
[Comparative in vitro activity of ciprofloxacin and pefloxacin against bacterial strains isolated from clinical material]
1989 ►
Mušič E; Kumelj M; Prlja D; Paulin A; Potokar T
Upoređenje amoksicilina i amoksiklava u terapiji respiracionih infekcija (RI)
[Comparison of amoxicillin and amoksiklav in the treatment of respiratory tract infections]
1989 ►
Vrečer B; Adamčič M
Vrijednost određivanja hidroksiprolina u mokraći u dijagnostici koštanih metastaza raka dojke
[Measurement of urinary hydroxyproline excretion in the diagnostics of bone metastases from breast cancer]
1988 ►
Alečković Z; Zobundžija M; Radić L; Vuković S
O morfologiji vezivnog tkiva u skeletnim mišićima nekih domaćih sisara
[On the morphology of the connective tissue in the skeletal muscles of some domestic mammals]
1989 ►
Erjavec M; Noč G; Pahor S
Uspoređivanje izravno izmjerenog ERPF sa dvoprostorskim modelom izračunavanja
[Comparing of the directly determined ERPF with the two-compartemental calculation model]
1988 ►
Zupančič P; Zalar S; Uhan D
Comparative anti-inflammatory effects of two topically applied piroxicam formulations
1989 ►
Lacković Z; Buneta Z; Bakran I; Lang S; Petrak J; Čečuk A; Bekavac A; Dimec J; Relja M; Čečuk Lj
Medicinske znanosti Jugoslavije u Science Citation Indexu. 3. Zašto nemamo više časopisa u međunarodnim indeksima?
[Yugoslav medical science in the Science Citation Index. 3. Why do we not have more journals in international indexes?]
1988 ►
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