biomedicina slovenica

vo="male" : 2.679-2.778

  1. Bedalov G
    Uzroci i učestalost adenomitisa u prostatektomiranih bolesnika
  2. Milanović L; Spilich G; Vučinić G; Knezović S; Ribarić B; Mubrin Z
    Effects of occupational exposure to organic solvents upon cognitive performance
  3. Bošnjak V; Bešenski N; Marušić-Della Marina B; Kogler A
    Cranial ultrasonography in the evaluation of macrocrania in infancy
  4. Žuškin E; Skurić Z; Kanceljak B; Pokrajac D; Schachter EN; Witek TJ
    Respiratory symptoms and ventilatory capacity in soy bean workers
  5. Kraljić I; Tarle M
    Evaluation of endocrine therapy of prostate cancer by assessing tumor markers and hormone parameters: hormonal "cross-over" treatment of false endocrine independent tumors
  6. Gavella M; Lipovac V
    A study of additional forms of the human sperm lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme
  7. Dumić M; Radica A; Jušić A; Stefanović N; Murko Z
    Selective ACTH insensitivity associated with autonomic nervous system disorders and sensory polyneuropathy
  8. Gavella M; Cvitković P; Papić Z; Škrabalo Z
    Seminal plasma LDH-X in testosterone rebound therapy
  9. Takač Ž
    Kronomedicinski aspekti psihosomatskih tegoba i poremećaja spavanja radnika u smjenama
  10. Shkodra XM
    Važnost dijagnostičkih postupaka pri funkcionalnoj procjeni šake
  11. Buzov I
    Exhibitionism: the essential physical conflict in manifest dream content
  12. Petković I; Nakić M; Tiefenbach A; Konja J; Kaštelan M; Rajić L; Feminić-Kes R
    Premature chromosome condensation in children with acute lymphocytic leukemia (L1) and malignant histiocytosis
  13. Škrabalo Z; Cvitković P
  14. Pasini J
    Adenom i karcinom prostate
  15. Jajić I; Jambrešić Š; Marinić S; Došen V
    Nuspojave fizikalne terapije
    [Side-effects of physical therapy]
  16. Ćujić M
    Primena visokofrekventnog pulzirajućeg elektromagnetnog polja u tretmanu lumbosakralnog bola nakon disektomije
    [Application of pulsating high-frequency electromagnetic field in the therapy of low back pain after disectomy]
  17. Filaković P; Delagić A; Druško Ð
    Maprotilin i krvni tlak
    [Maprotiline and blood pressure]
  18. Pokrajac M; Miljković B
    Uporedno ispitivanje biološke raspoloživosti dva oralna preparata propafenona
    [Comparative biovailability of two oral propafenone preparations]
  19. Poldrugo F; Zorzut G
    Factors relatet to alcohol relapse in an Italian population
  20. Hećimović A; Sakoman S; Starčević V; Lang B
    Extent of drug dependency in the community of Novi Zagreb and some proposals for its resolution
  21. Dabić-Jeftić M; Breitenfeld D; Lang B
    Somatosensory evoked potentials in alcoholics during early and late withdrawal period
  22. Dakić-Koretić D; Breitenfeld D; Lang B
    Psychiatric complications of alcoholism
  23. Dabić-Jeftić M; Drakulić V; Lang B
    Long latency event related potentials (P 300) in the evaluation of cognitive function in alcoholics
  24. Poldrugo F; Bertolucci D; Rigamonti R
    Accident history and mortality in an alcoholic population in Trieste, Italy
  25. Mahulja-Stamenković V; Ahel V; Stamenković M
    Nedostatak grudne kosti u novorođenčeta
    [Absence of the sternum in newborns]
  26. Ligutić I; Juretić D; Lipovac K; Bingulac-Popović J; Žuvela V
    Mukopolisaharidoze: suvremena dijagnostika i prevencija
    [Mucopolysaccharidoses: present-day diagnosis and prevention]
  27. Stojnić E; Periša M; Mikulandra F
    Učestalost neuroloških i psihičkih poremećaja u djece porođene carskim rezom
    [Frequency of neurological and psychological disorders in children delivered by cesarean section]
  28. Mikulandra F; Periša M; Merlak I; Šikić D; Jerković J
    Novorođenče iz zakašnjele trudnoće
    [Newborn infants of advancing pregnancy]
  29. Šikić N; Stracenski M
    Longitudinal study of language development in preterm and term children - pilot study
  30. Čuturić N; Domitrović-Kopljar B
    Neke osobitosti ponašanja djece s nehotimičnim noćnim mokrenjem
    [Some behavioural characteristics of enuretic children]
  31. Raos M; Dodig S; Bela-Klancir S; Koncul I
    Atopijski dermatitis i respiratorna alergija u dječjoj dobi
    [Atopic dermatitis and respiratory allergy in childhood]
  32. Kapetanović-Žiher T; Kolaček S; Pluščec-Zimolo A
    Nutritional status in early childhood - a predictor of subsequent growth
  33. Rendić S; Medić-Šarić M; Ðeraković J; Vestemar V
    Vezanje steroidnih hormona na proteine plazme s posebnim osvrtom na testosteron
    [Binding of steroid hormons to plasma proteins with a review to testosterone]
  34. Križanović D
    Alanine aminotransferase activity in the sera of Simmental young bulls. 1. Connection with the fattening capacity
  35. Kitajima M; Nakajima M; Chiba A; Tsuji T; Hayashi M; Ubukata N
    Experimental and clinical studies on the development of acute gastric mucosal lesions in portal hypertension
  36. Hernandez DE; Walker CH; Valenzuela JE; Mason GA
    Biochemical identification of dopamine binding sites in human gastric muscle
  37. Glavin GB
    Intramesolimbic dopamine D1 receptor activation reduces stress gastric lesions and gastric acid secretion
  38. Quon MG; Moreira MA; Hernandez DE
    Imipramine prevents acute pancreatitis in rats
  39. Mozetič V; Fučkar Ž; Gržetić M; Dimec D; Šustić A; Čohar F
    Sonografski prikaz emfizematoznog pijelonefritisa
    [Sonographic presentation of the emphysematous pyelonephritis]
  40. Hozo I; Perić G; Bakotin J
    Maligni tumori jetre pri ekspoziciji vinilkloridmonomeru
    [Malignant tumors of the liver in the exposition to vinylchloridmonomer]
  41. Rumboldt Z; Šimunić M; Drinovec J; Kocijančič M; Benc D; Zdravković M; Simić D; Lijić J; Naranča M
    Usporedba enalaprila i njegove kombinacije s hidroklortiazidom u liječenju blage i umjerene hipertenzije
    [Comparison of enalapril and its combination with hydrochlorothiazide in the menagement of mild-to-moderate hypertension]
  42. Sasso A; Paučić-Kirinčić E; Križ M
    Polygraphic study of oculo-cardiac reflex in children with syncopal attacks
  43. Krajcar J
    Doppler-sonografski i fotopletizmografski zapis kod cervikobrahijalnog sindroma
    [Doppler sonographic and photoplethysmographic record in cervicobrachial syndrome]
  44. Milas M
    Komparacija mortaliteta alkoholičara i nealkoholičara prema grupama bolesti i spolu
    [Comparison of mortality between alcoholics and non-alcoholics according to the sex and disease groups]
  45. Hlavka V; Miklić P; Bešenski N; Miklić D; Franz G
    Dumbbel meningioma of the cervico-clavicular region
  46. Lisić M; Himbele J; Beus I; Marton E; Baršić B; Poljaković Z
    The clinical picture of rabies in a child
  47. Hodoba D; Perušić D; Zdravković V; Goldoni V; Durrigl V
    Sleep-waking cycle disturbance in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
  48. Podobnik-Šarkanji S; Demarin V; Rundek T; Futač M
    Development of carotid stenosis
  49. Kalanj S; Kračun I; Rosner H; Ćosović Č
    Regional distribution of brain gangliosides in Alzheimer's disease
  50. Rundek T; Demarin V; Lovrenčić M; Vargek-Solter V; Carillo-Pintos J
    Transcranial Doppler diagnostic criteria in the evaluations of arteriovenous malformations
  51. Tatalović-Osterman Lj; Jadro-Šantel D; Bešenski N
    Diagnostic possibilities of closed head injuries of acceleration type using computed tomography
  52. Malčić I; Barišić N; Brzović Z; Pažanin L; Senečić I
    Cardiomyopathies in children with neuromuscular disorders
  53. Stojnić E; Periša M; Mikulandra F; Merlak I; Kimer M
    Tjelesni rast i psihomotorički razvitak djece rođene carskim rezom
    [Body growth and psychomotor development of children delivered by caesarean section]
  54. Aglić V; Filipović M; Vanjaka K
    Utjecaj topički primijenjenog ciklopiroksolamina na klinički tijek superficijalnih dermatomikoza
    [Influence of topically applied cyclopyroxolamine on clinical course of superficial dermatomycoses]
  55. Maričević A; Gekić K
    Konzervativno liječenje lateralnog epikondilitisa
    [Conservative treatment of epicondylitis lateralis]
  56. Jukić M
    Redoslijed tumačenja predložaka u Rorschachovu testu u religioznih shizofrenih osoba
    [The sequence of explanations of tables in Rorschach test in religious shizophrenic persons]
  57. Vidović R; Boban N; Stipić V
    Učestalost varikoznog sindroma u populaciji otoka Visa
    [Prevalence of varicose syndrome among population of the island of Vis]
  58. Mirić D; Eterović D; Gelić A; Čapkun V
    Radionuklidno određivanje globalne i regionalne kontraktilnosti u evaluaciji funkcije lijeve klijetke
    [Radionuclide determined global and regional contractility in evaluation of left ventricular function]
  59. Petričević A; Ilić N; Vulić M; Gelić A; Janković S
    Intratorakalna struma - dijagnostičke teškoće i kirurško liječenje
    [Intrathoracic goitre - diagnostic considerations and surgical treatment]
  60. Gazdić I; Ilić O; Nikolov V
    Ispitivanje delotvornosti i podnošljivosti tiapropfenske kiseline u degenerativnim bolestima
    [The investigation of the effects and acceptance of tiaprophenic acid in degenerative diseases]
  61. Štambuk B; Bartolović Ž; Car A; Gnjidić Z; Vukšić B; Štambuk K
    Ispitivanje analgetskog učinka tramadol-hidroklorida kod reumatskih bolesnika
    [Investigation of analgetic effect of tramadol-hydrocloride with rheumatic patients]
  62. Vujčić M
    Flurbiprofen ("flugalin", Galenika) u liječenju bolesnika s lumboišijalgijom i cervikobrahijalnim sindromom
    [Flurbiprofen in the treatment of patients with lumbo-ischias and cervico-brachial syndrome]
  63. Maštrović Ž; Maštrović K
    Naša opažanja u liječenju artroza koljena i kuka brufenom 600
    [Our observations in the treatment of knee and thigh arthritis with brufen 600]
  64. Mladenović V
    Brufen 600 u obolelih od degenerativnog reumatizma - multicentrična studija
    [Brufen 600 with patients having degenerative rheumatism - multicentrical study]
  65. Marina N; Grličkov M; Čalovski J; Perčinkova-Miševska S; Puševski A
    Auropan u terapiji reumatoidnog artritisa
    [Auropan in the therapy of rheumatoid arthritis]
  66. Durrigl T
    Multicentrično ispitivanje elderin tableta
    [Multicentral research of elderin tablets]
  67. Vučetić Č; Stevanović M; Bumbaširević M; Šljivar S; Suđić V
    Mallet finger deformitet, mogućnosti lečenja
    [The cure of the mallet finger deformation]
  68. Matanović B; Kovač I; Ostojić K
    Naša iskustva u terapiji cervikobrahijalnog sindroma iontoforezom redergina
    [Our experience in the therapy of cervico-brachial syndrome by redergin ionophoresis]
  69. Poposka V; Ežova N; Kostovski A
    Pojava alergijske manifestacije kod liječenja reumatskih bolesti nesteroidnim antireumaticima
    [Alergic manifestations appearance in the treatment of rheumatic diseases with non-steroid antirheumatics]
  70. Bebek-Nadalin M; Stiglić-Rogoznica N
    Iskustva sa auropanom u reumatoidnom artritisu sa posebnim osvrtom na kožne nuspojave
    [Experience with auropan in rheumatic arthritis with special attention given to cutaneous side effects]
  71. Tomić S; Konstantinović S; Zogović N; Budimir M; Tomić M
    Promene na koži u toku primene auroterapije u juvenilnom hroničnom artritisu
    [Cutaneous changes during the application of aurotherapy in juvenile chronic arthritis]
  72. Punda M; Grgurev S
    Kožne nuspojave tijekom auroterapije u vlastitoj reumatološkoj praksi uz prikaz zanimljivog slučaja
    [Cutaneous side effects during aurotherapy in our rheumatological practice together with the presentation of an interesting case]
  73. Trebinjac S; Solaković E; Radulović R; Buljina A
    Degenerativne promjene na zglobovima kod pacijenata sa varikoznim sindromom
    [Degenerative changes in joints with patients with varicose syndrome]
  74. Čengić H; Zupčević S; Bošković V; Mesihović H; Lojpur V; Terzić R; Dinarević S; Karčić E; Kazić S
    Henoch-Schonleinov vaskulitis u djece
    [Henoch-Schonlein vasculitis in children]
  75. Mladenović V
    Mukokutane promene u Reiterovom sindromu
    [Mucocyte changes in Reiter syndrom]
  76. Ostrogović Ž; Čaćić K; Skrbin-Smeh A
    Naše iskustvo u liječenju psorijaze i psorijatičnog artritisa naftalanoterapijom
    [Our experience in the treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis with naphthalan-therapy]
  77. Pilipović N; Mladenović V; Kecman-Prunić B; Palić-Obradović D
    Medikamentno lečenje bolesnika sa psorijaznim artritisom - analiza lečenja u 215 bolesnika
    [Treatment of patient with psoriatic arthritis with medicaments]
  78. Krapac L; Vojnić-Zelić D
    Medicinska prognoza radnih mogućnosti bolesnika s psorijatičnim artritisom
    [Medical prognosis of the working abilities of patients with psoriatic arthritis]
  79. Buljina A; Radunović R; Taljanović M; Trebinjac S
    Kliničke i radiološke manifestacije psorijatičnog artritisa na šaci
    [Clinical and radiological manifestations of psoriatic arthritis of hands]
  80. Kerimović-Morina Ð; Mladenović V; Kićevac-Miljković A
    Arthritis psoriatica sine psoriasi
  81. Gnjidić Z; Car A; Jelčić A; Pašić A
    Psorijaza i psorijatični artritis - klinička, radiološka i laboratorijska evaluacija naših bolesnika
    [Study of psoriatic arthritis in patients with psoriasis]
  82. Mladenović V; Kerimović-Morina Ð; Kićevac-Miljković A
    Kliničke i radiološke manifestacije u 320 bolesnika sa psorijaznim artritisom
    [Clinical and radiological manifestations in 320 patients with psoriatic arthritis]
  83. Miko M; Degmečić M; Jajić I
    Psiho-socio-somatski čimbenici u etiopatogenezi psorijatičnog artritisa
    [Psycho-social and somatic factors in the etiopathogenesis of psoriatic arthritis]
  84. Dekleva-Ðorđević J; Radunović L; Krstić A
    Histokompatibilni antigeni kod bolesnika sa psorijazom i psorijaznim artritisom
    [Histocompatible antigenes in patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis]
  85. Gverić M; Petričić B; Bajek-Bubičić G; Perina J
    Učestalost psorijatičnog artritisa u naših bolesnika
    [The frequency of psoriatic arthritis with the patients with psoriasis]
  86. Jajić I; Jajić I
    HLA i psorijatični artritis - analiza 216 bolesnika
    [HLA and psoriatic arthritis: an analysis of 216 patients]
  87. Mermolja M; Rott T
    Cytology of endobronchial granular cell tumor
  88. Novaković S; Marolt F; Serša G
    The use of MCA and CEA in prostatic cancer follow up
  89. Guelch RW; Dierbreger B; Jacob R
    Effects of alterations in ventricular wall thickness and myocardial elasticity on cardiac performance
  90. Borovničar A
    Vpliv lipemije po maščobnem obroku na fibrinolitične inhibitorje
  91. Gregorič A
    Uratna urolitiaza pri dečku z delnim pomanjkanjem encima hipoksantin-gvanin fosforiboziltransferaze
    [Uric acid urolithiasis in a boy with partial deficit of the enzyme hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase]
  92. Andolšek L
    Sterilizacija - gdje smo i što hoćemo?
    [Sterilization - where we are and what we want?]
  93. Rumboldt Z; Janežič A; Knežević S; Marinković M; Šimunić M; Lijić J
    Usporedba kaptoprila i lizinoprila u liječenju blage i umjerene arterijske hipertenzije
    [A comparative trial between captopril and lisinopril in patients with mild and moderate arterial hypertension]
  94. Gažić M
    Obiteljska studija seronegativnih spondilartritisa
    [Family study of seronegative spondylarthritides]
  95. Krajnc I; Novak D
    Anti-RANA protutijela i reumatoidni artritis
    [Anti RANA antibodies and rheumatoid arthritis]
  96. Vlaisavljević V; Breznik R; Borko E; Gavrić V; Kovačić B; Takač I
    Rezultati IVF/GIFT programa Maribor
    [Results of IVF/GIFT programme Maribor]
  97. Švigelj V; Šteblaj S; Grad A
    Low-dose subcutaneous heparin decreases mortality from pulmonary embolism in patients with ischemic stroke
  98. Župan G; Simonić A; Ðorđević N
    Dihidroergotoksin i pasivno izbjegavanje kazne u štakora s oštećenom kolinergičkom inervacijom korteksa
    [Dihydroergotoxine and the passive avoidance behaviour in rats with damaged cholinergic innervation of the neocortex]
  99. Lindtner J
    Raki dojk
    [Cancer of the breast]
  100. Ravnik D
    Descensus testis
    [Descent of the testis]

   2.079 2.179 2.279 2.379 2.479 2.579 2.679 2.779 2.879 2.979  

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