biomedicina slovenica |
vo="male" : 2.679-2.778
Bedalov G
Uzroci i učestalost adenomitisa u prostatektomiranih bolesnika
1991 ►
Milanović L; Spilich G; Vučinić G; Knezović S; Ribarić B; Mubrin Z
Effects of occupational exposure to organic solvents upon cognitive performance
1990 ►
Bošnjak V; Bešenski N; Marušić-Della Marina B; Kogler A
Cranial ultrasonography in the evaluation of macrocrania in infancy
1989 ►
Žuškin E; Skurić Z; Kanceljak B; Pokrajac D; Schachter EN; Witek TJ
Respiratory symptoms and ventilatory capacity in soy bean workers
1988 ►
Kraljić I; Tarle M
Evaluation of endocrine therapy of prostate cancer by assessing tumor markers and hormone parameters: hormonal "cross-over" treatment of false endocrine independent tumors
1987 ►
Gavella M; Lipovac V
A study of additional forms of the human sperm lactate dehydrogenase isoenzyme
1987 ►
Dumić M; Radica A; Jušić A; Stefanović N; Murko Z
Selective ACTH insensitivity associated with autonomic nervous system disorders and sensory polyneuropathy
1987 ►
Gavella M; Cvitković P; Papić Z; Škrabalo Z
Seminal plasma LDH-X in testosterone rebound therapy
1987 ►
Takač Ž
Kronomedicinski aspekti psihosomatskih tegoba i poremećaja spavanja radnika u smjenama
1991 ►
Shkodra XM
Važnost dijagnostičkih postupaka pri funkcionalnoj procjeni šake
1991 ►
Buzov I
Exhibitionism: the essential physical conflict in manifest dream content
1988 ►
Petković I; Nakić M; Tiefenbach A; Konja J; Kaštelan M; Rajić L; Feminić-Kes R
Premature chromosome condensation in children with acute lymphocytic leukemia (L1) and malignant histiocytosis
1988 ►
Škrabalo Z; Cvitković P
1991 ►
Pasini J
Adenom i karcinom prostate
1991 ►
Jajić I; Jambrešić Š; Marinić S; Došen V
Nuspojave fizikalne terapije
[Side-effects of physical therapy]
1991 ►
Ćujić M
Primena visokofrekventnog pulzirajućeg elektromagnetnog polja u tretmanu lumbosakralnog bola nakon disektomije
[Application of pulsating high-frequency electromagnetic field in the therapy of low back pain after disectomy]
1991 ►
Filaković P; Delagić A; Druško Ð
Maprotilin i krvni tlak
[Maprotiline and blood pressure]
1991 ►
Pokrajac M; Miljković B
Uporedno ispitivanje biološke raspoloživosti dva oralna preparata propafenona
[Comparative biovailability of two oral propafenone preparations]
1991 ►
Poldrugo F; Zorzut G
Factors relatet to alcohol relapse in an Italian population
1991 ►
Hećimović A; Sakoman S; Starčević V; Lang B
Extent of drug dependency in the community of Novi Zagreb and some proposals for its resolution
1991 ►
Dabić-Jeftić M; Breitenfeld D; Lang B
Somatosensory evoked potentials in alcoholics during early and late withdrawal period
1991 ►
Dakić-Koretić D; Breitenfeld D; Lang B
Psychiatric complications of alcoholism
1991 ►
Dabić-Jeftić M; Drakulić V; Lang B
Long latency event related potentials (P 300) in the evaluation of cognitive function in alcoholics
1991 ►
Poldrugo F; Bertolucci D; Rigamonti R
Accident history and mortality in an alcoholic population in Trieste, Italy
1991 ►
Mahulja-Stamenković V; Ahel V; Stamenković M
Nedostatak grudne kosti u novorođenčeta
[Absence of the sternum in newborns]
1991 ►
Ligutić I; Juretić D; Lipovac K; Bingulac-Popović J; Žuvela V
Mukopolisaharidoze: suvremena dijagnostika i prevencija
[Mucopolysaccharidoses: present-day diagnosis and prevention]
1991 ►
Stojnić E; Periša M; Mikulandra F
Učestalost neuroloških i psihičkih poremećaja u djece porođene carskim rezom
[Frequency of neurological and psychological disorders in children delivered by cesarean section]
1991 ►
Mikulandra F; Periša M; Merlak I; Šikić D; Jerković J
Novorođenče iz zakašnjele trudnoće
[Newborn infants of advancing pregnancy]
1991 ►
Šikić N; Stracenski M
Longitudinal study of language development in preterm and term children - pilot study
1991 ►
Čuturić N; Domitrović-Kopljar B
Neke osobitosti ponašanja djece s nehotimičnim noćnim mokrenjem
[Some behavioural characteristics of enuretic children]
1991 ►
Raos M; Dodig S; Bela-Klancir S; Koncul I
Atopijski dermatitis i respiratorna alergija u dječjoj dobi
[Atopic dermatitis and respiratory allergy in childhood]
1991 ►
Kapetanović-Žiher T; Kolaček S; Pluščec-Zimolo A
Nutritional status in early childhood - a predictor of subsequent growth
1991 ►
Rendić S; Medić-Šarić M; Ðeraković J; Vestemar V
Vezanje steroidnih hormona na proteine plazme s posebnim osvrtom na testosteron
[Binding of steroid hormons to plasma proteins with a review to testosterone]
1991 ►
Križanović D
Alanine aminotransferase activity in the sera of Simmental young bulls. 1. Connection with the fattening capacity
1991 ►
Kitajima M; Nakajima M; Chiba A; Tsuji T; Hayashi M; Ubukata N
Experimental and clinical studies on the development of acute gastric mucosal lesions in portal hypertension
1991 ►
Hernandez DE; Walker CH; Valenzuela JE; Mason GA
Biochemical identification of dopamine binding sites in human gastric muscle
1991 ►
Glavin GB
Intramesolimbic dopamine D1 receptor activation reduces stress gastric lesions and gastric acid secretion
1991 ►
Quon MG; Moreira MA; Hernandez DE
Imipramine prevents acute pancreatitis in rats
1991 ►
Mozetič V; Fučkar Ž; Gržetić M; Dimec D; Šustić A; Čohar F
Sonografski prikaz emfizematoznog pijelonefritisa
[Sonographic presentation of the emphysematous pyelonephritis]
1991 ►
Hozo I; Perić G; Bakotin J
Maligni tumori jetre pri ekspoziciji vinilkloridmonomeru
[Malignant tumors of the liver in the exposition to vinylchloridmonomer]
1991 ►
Rumboldt Z; Šimunić M; Drinovec J; Kocijančič M; Benc D; Zdravković M; Simić D; Lijić J; Naranča M
Usporedba enalaprila i njegove kombinacije s hidroklortiazidom u liječenju blage i umjerene hipertenzije
[Comparison of enalapril and its combination with hydrochlorothiazide in the menagement of mild-to-moderate hypertension]
1991 ►
Sasso A; Paučić-Kirinčić E; Križ M
Polygraphic study of oculo-cardiac reflex in children with syncopal attacks
1991 ►
Krajcar J
Doppler-sonografski i fotopletizmografski zapis kod cervikobrahijalnog sindroma
[Doppler sonographic and photoplethysmographic record in cervicobrachial syndrome]
1991 ►
Milas M
Komparacija mortaliteta alkoholičara i nealkoholičara prema grupama bolesti i spolu
[Comparison of mortality between alcoholics and non-alcoholics according to the sex and disease groups]
1991 ►
Hlavka V; Miklić P; Bešenski N; Miklić D; Franz G
Dumbbel meningioma of the cervico-clavicular region
1991 ►
Lisić M; Himbele J; Beus I; Marton E; Baršić B; Poljaković Z
The clinical picture of rabies in a child
1991 ►
Hodoba D; Perušić D; Zdravković V; Goldoni V; Durrigl V
Sleep-waking cycle disturbance in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
1991 ►
Podobnik-Šarkanji S; Demarin V; Rundek T; Futač M
Development of carotid stenosis
1991 ►
Kalanj S; Kračun I; Rosner H; Ćosović Č
Regional distribution of brain gangliosides in Alzheimer's disease
1991 ►
Rundek T; Demarin V; Lovrenčić M; Vargek-Solter V; Carillo-Pintos J
Transcranial Doppler diagnostic criteria in the evaluations of arteriovenous malformations
1991 ►
Tatalović-Osterman Lj; Jadro-Šantel D; Bešenski N
Diagnostic possibilities of closed head injuries of acceleration type using computed tomography
1991 ►
Malčić I; Barišić N; Brzović Z; Pažanin L; Senečić I
Cardiomyopathies in children with neuromuscular disorders
1991 ►
Stojnić E; Periša M; Mikulandra F; Merlak I; Kimer M
Tjelesni rast i psihomotorički razvitak djece rođene carskim rezom
[Body growth and psychomotor development of children delivered by caesarean section]
1990 ►
Aglić V; Filipović M; Vanjaka K
Utjecaj topički primijenjenog ciklopiroksolamina na klinički tijek superficijalnih dermatomikoza
[Influence of topically applied cyclopyroxolamine on clinical course of superficial dermatomycoses]
1990 ►
Maričević A; Gekić K
Konzervativno liječenje lateralnog epikondilitisa
[Conservative treatment of epicondylitis lateralis]
1990 ►
Jukić M
Redoslijed tumačenja predložaka u Rorschachovu testu u religioznih shizofrenih osoba
[The sequence of explanations of tables in Rorschach test in religious shizophrenic persons]
1990 ►
Vidović R; Boban N; Stipić V
Učestalost varikoznog sindroma u populaciji otoka Visa
[Prevalence of varicose syndrome among population of the island of Vis]
1990 ►
Mirić D; Eterović D; Gelić A; Čapkun V
Radionuklidno određivanje globalne i regionalne kontraktilnosti u evaluaciji funkcije lijeve klijetke
[Radionuclide determined global and regional contractility in evaluation of left ventricular function]
1990 ►
Petričević A; Ilić N; Vulić M; Gelić A; Janković S
Intratorakalna struma - dijagnostičke teškoće i kirurško liječenje
[Intrathoracic goitre - diagnostic considerations and surgical treatment]
1990 ►
Gazdić I; Ilić O; Nikolov V
Ispitivanje delotvornosti i podnošljivosti tiapropfenske kiseline u degenerativnim bolestima
[The investigation of the effects and acceptance of tiaprophenic acid in degenerative diseases]
1990 ►
Štambuk B; Bartolović Ž; Car A; Gnjidić Z; Vukšić B; Štambuk K
Ispitivanje analgetskog učinka tramadol-hidroklorida kod reumatskih bolesnika
[Investigation of analgetic effect of tramadol-hydrocloride with rheumatic patients]
1990 ►
Vujčić M
Flurbiprofen ("flugalin", Galenika) u liječenju bolesnika s lumboišijalgijom i cervikobrahijalnim sindromom
[Flurbiprofen in the treatment of patients with lumbo-ischias and cervico-brachial syndrome]
1990 ►
Maštrović Ž; Maštrović K
Naša opažanja u liječenju artroza koljena i kuka brufenom 600
[Our observations in the treatment of knee and thigh arthritis with brufen 600]
1990 ►
Mladenović V
Brufen 600 u obolelih od degenerativnog reumatizma - multicentrična studija
[Brufen 600 with patients having degenerative rheumatism - multicentrical study]
1990 ►
Marina N; Grličkov M; Čalovski J; Perčinkova-Miševska S; Puševski A
Auropan u terapiji reumatoidnog artritisa
[Auropan in the therapy of rheumatoid arthritis]
1990 ►
Durrigl T
Multicentrično ispitivanje elderin tableta
[Multicentral research of elderin tablets]
1990 ►
Vučetić Č; Stevanović M; Bumbaširević M; Šljivar S; Suđić V
Mallet finger deformitet, mogućnosti lečenja
[The cure of the mallet finger deformation]
1990 ►
Matanović B; Kovač I; Ostojić K
Naša iskustva u terapiji cervikobrahijalnog sindroma iontoforezom redergina
[Our experience in the therapy of cervico-brachial syndrome by redergin ionophoresis]
1990 ►
Poposka V; Ežova N; Kostovski A
Pojava alergijske manifestacije kod liječenja reumatskih bolesti nesteroidnim antireumaticima
[Alergic manifestations appearance in the treatment of rheumatic diseases with non-steroid antirheumatics]
1990 ►
Bebek-Nadalin M; Stiglić-Rogoznica N
Iskustva sa auropanom u reumatoidnom artritisu sa posebnim osvrtom na kožne nuspojave
[Experience with auropan in rheumatic arthritis with special attention given to cutaneous side effects]
1990 ►
Tomić S; Konstantinović S; Zogović N; Budimir M; Tomić M
Promene na koži u toku primene auroterapije u juvenilnom hroničnom artritisu
[Cutaneous changes during the application of aurotherapy in juvenile chronic arthritis]
1990 ►
Punda M; Grgurev S
Kožne nuspojave tijekom auroterapije u vlastitoj reumatološkoj praksi uz prikaz zanimljivog slučaja
[Cutaneous side effects during aurotherapy in our rheumatological practice together with the presentation of an interesting case]
1990 ►
Trebinjac S; Solaković E; Radulović R; Buljina A
Degenerativne promjene na zglobovima kod pacijenata sa varikoznim sindromom
[Degenerative changes in joints with patients with varicose syndrome]
1990 ►
Čengić H; Zupčević S; Bošković V; Mesihović H; Lojpur V; Terzić R; Dinarević S; Karčić E; Kazić S
Henoch-Schonleinov vaskulitis u djece
[Henoch-Schonlein vasculitis in children]
1990 ►
Mladenović V
Mukokutane promene u Reiterovom sindromu
[Mucocyte changes in Reiter syndrom]
1990 ►
Ostrogović Ž; Čaćić K; Skrbin-Smeh A
Naše iskustvo u liječenju psorijaze i psorijatičnog artritisa naftalanoterapijom
[Our experience in the treatment of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis with naphthalan-therapy]
1990 ►
Pilipović N; Mladenović V; Kecman-Prunić B; Palić-Obradović D
Medikamentno lečenje bolesnika sa psorijaznim artritisom - analiza lečenja u 215 bolesnika
[Treatment of patient with psoriatic arthritis with medicaments]
1990 ►
Krapac L; Vojnić-Zelić D
Medicinska prognoza radnih mogućnosti bolesnika s psorijatičnim artritisom
[Medical prognosis of the working abilities of patients with psoriatic arthritis]
1990 ►
Buljina A; Radunović R; Taljanović M; Trebinjac S
Kliničke i radiološke manifestacije psorijatičnog artritisa na šaci
[Clinical and radiological manifestations of psoriatic arthritis of hands]
1990 ►
Kerimović-Morina Ð; Mladenović V; Kićevac-Miljković A
Arthritis psoriatica sine psoriasi
1990 ►
Gnjidić Z; Car A; Jelčić A; Pašić A
Psorijaza i psorijatični artritis - klinička, radiološka i laboratorijska evaluacija naših bolesnika
[Study of psoriatic arthritis in patients with psoriasis]
1990 ►
Mladenović V; Kerimović-Morina Ð; Kićevac-Miljković A
Kliničke i radiološke manifestacije u 320 bolesnika sa psorijaznim artritisom
[Clinical and radiological manifestations in 320 patients with psoriatic arthritis]
1990 ►
Miko M; Degmečić M; Jajić I
Psiho-socio-somatski čimbenici u etiopatogenezi psorijatičnog artritisa
[Psycho-social and somatic factors in the etiopathogenesis of psoriatic arthritis]
1990 ►
Dekleva-Ðorđević J; Radunović L; Krstić A
Histokompatibilni antigeni kod bolesnika sa psorijazom i psorijaznim artritisom
[Histocompatible antigenes in patients with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis]
1990 ►
Gverić M; Petričić B; Bajek-Bubičić G; Perina J
Učestalost psorijatičnog artritisa u naših bolesnika
[The frequency of psoriatic arthritis with the patients with psoriasis]
1990 ►
Jajić I; Jajić I
HLA i psorijatični artritis - analiza 216 bolesnika
[HLA and psoriatic arthritis: an analysis of 216 patients]
1990 ►
Mermolja M; Rott T
Cytology of endobronchial granular cell tumor
1991 ►
Novaković S; Marolt F; Serša G
The use of MCA and CEA in prostatic cancer follow up
1990 ►
Guelch RW; Dierbreger B; Jacob R
Effects of alterations in ventricular wall thickness and myocardial elasticity on cardiac performance
1991 ►
Borovničar A
Vpliv lipemije po maščobnem obroku na fibrinolitične inhibitorje
1989 ►
Gregorič A
Uratna urolitiaza pri dečku z delnim pomanjkanjem encima hipoksantin-gvanin fosforiboziltransferaze
[Uric acid urolithiasis in a boy with partial deficit of the enzyme hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase]
1991 ►
Andolšek L
Sterilizacija - gdje smo i što hoćemo?
[Sterilization - where we are and what we want?]
1991 ►
Rumboldt Z; Janežič A; Knežević S; Marinković M; Šimunić M; Lijić J
Usporedba kaptoprila i lizinoprila u liječenju blage i umjerene arterijske hipertenzije
[A comparative trial between captopril and lisinopril in patients with mild and moderate arterial hypertension]
1991 ►
Gažić M
Obiteljska studija seronegativnih spondilartritisa
[Family study of seronegative spondylarthritides]
1989 ►
Krajnc I; Novak D
Anti-RANA protutijela i reumatoidni artritis
[Anti RANA antibodies and rheumatoid arthritis]
1989 ►
Vlaisavljević V; Breznik R; Borko E; Gavrić V; Kovačić B; Takač I
Rezultati IVF/GIFT programa Maribor
[Results of IVF/GIFT programme Maribor]
1991 ►
Švigelj V; Šteblaj S; Grad A
Low-dose subcutaneous heparin decreases mortality from pulmonary embolism in patients with ischemic stroke
1991 ►
Župan G; Simonić A; Ðorđević N
Dihidroergotoksin i pasivno izbjegavanje kazne u štakora s oštećenom kolinergičkom inervacijom korteksa
[Dihydroergotoxine and the passive avoidance behaviour in rats with damaged cholinergic innervation of the neocortex]
1991 ►
Lindtner J
Raki dojk
[Cancer of the breast]
1991 ►
Ravnik D
Descensus testis
[Descent of the testis]
1991 ►
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