biomedicina slovenica

vo="male" : 701-800

  1. Oblak Ciril
    Sodobno zdravljenje erektilne disfunkcije z zdravili
  2. Tršinar Bojan
    Sodobno zdravljenje hipospadije
    [Modern treatment of hypospadias]
  3. Rakoš Romina; Kveder M; Gavella M; Lipovac V; Pifat G; Pečar S; Schara M
    Detection of spermatozoa membrane lipid peroxidation by end-products analysis and electron paramagnetic resonance assay
  4. Ravnik-Oblak Maja
    Erektilne motnje
  5. Zorn B; Virant-Klun I; Drobnič S; Stanovnik M
    Testicular sperm extraction (TESE) and ICSI in patients with absence of sperm in the ejaculate after cancer treatment
  6. Peterlin B; Kunej T; Writzl K
    Y chromosome microdeletions in subfertile men: clinical implications
  7. Zorn B; Ihan A; Virant-Klun I; Kopitar A; Kolbezen M
    Advanced sperm analysis: sperm apoptosis, mitochondrial membrane potential and DNA fragmentation in men of infertile couples
  8. Šimunić V; Radaković B; Strelec M; Pavičić-Baldani D
    Obstructive azoospermia and results of ART
  9. Fon-Tacer Klementina; Kalanj-Bognar Svjetlana; Waterman Michael R; Rozman Damjana
    Lanosterol metabolism and sterol regulatory element binding protein (SREBP) expression in male germ cell maturation
  10. Laifaoui JIA; Guillen E; Worret WI; Ring J
    A case of subcorneal pustular dermatosis (Sneddon-Wilkinson-disease) not responding to dapsone: therapeutic alternatives
  11. Harangi F; Schneider I; Seboek B
    The appearance of atopic dermatitis after primary BCG vaccination in a male infant
  12. Pohar-Marinšek Ž; Lamovec J
    Clear cell hidradenocarcinoma
  13. Juretić Antonio; Živković Mirko; Gamulin Marija; Herceg Tonko; Bagović Davorin; Kučan Damir; Zeljko Žarko; Ajduković Radmila
    Radiotherapy for stage IAE non-Hodgkin's lymphoma of the testicle - a case report
    [Radioterapija pri bolniku z ne-Hodgkinovim limfomom testisa, stadij IAE - prikaz primera]
  14. Roić Goran; Posarić Vesna; Marušić Ante; Borić Igor; Vlahović Tomislav; Vrliček Kristina
    Unexpected diagnosis for preauricular swelling - two case reports
    [Nepričakovana diagnoza predušesne otekline - prikaz dveh primerov]
  15. Eržen Ivan; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana
    Cadmium measurements in blood and hair of occupationallly non-exposed military recruits and in the foods of plant origin produced in Slovenia
  16. Kravos Matej
    Bolnišnično vodenje pacienta z osebnostno motnjo
  17. Zver Samo; Dovšak Tadej
    Paralitični ileus kot zaplet zdravljenja z vinkristinom in itrakonazolom
    [Paralytic ileus as a side effect of vincristine and itraconazole treatment]
  18. Vidovič Damjan; Potrč Stojan
    Travmatska ruptura trebušne slinavke pri otroku
  19. Ekart Robert; Pečovnik-Balon Breda; Dvoršak Benjamin; Hojs Radovan
    Sterilni peritonitis nakon primjene ikodekstrina
    [Sterile peritonitis after application of icodextrin]
  20. Vesel Samo; Stopar-Obreza Mirjam; Trebušak-Podkrajšek Katarina; Jazbec Janez; Podnar Tomaž; Battelino Tadej
    A novel mutation in the G4.5 (TAZ) gene in a kindred with Barth syndrome
  21. Oblak Ciril
    Rak prostate
  22. Ravnik-Oblak Maja; Oblak Ciril
    Sladkorna bolezen: kako lahko vpliva na moško spolno življenje
  23. Kupnik Dejan; Vadnjal Sabina; Brvar Mirjana
    Bolnik z netipično klinično sliko akutnega abdomna
    [The patient with and atypical clinical picture of acute abdomen]
  24. Kupnik Dejan; Svenšek Franci; Glogovšek Martin; Zafošnik Uroš; Kovačič Bojan; Vernik Darino; Horvat Ilija
    Diagnostične zanke v ambulanti SNMP: primer bolnika s pljučno tromboembolijo
    [Diagnostical traps in the prehospital setting - the patient with the pulmonary thromboembolism]
  25. Ocepek Andreja; Skok Pavel; Tošovič Zdravko
    Akutna dispneja zaradi pljučne trombembolije pri bolniku z bronhopnevmonijo in prirojenim pomanjkanjem proteina C
    [Acute dyspnea due to pulmonary thromboembolism in a patient with bronchopneumonia and protein C deficiency]
  26. Oblak Ciril
    Zdravljenje erektilne disfunkcije s penilnimi protezami, Peyronijeva bolezen in ejaculatio praecox
  27. Žemva Aleš
    Zdravljenje erektilne disfunkcije z viagro
  28. Preželj Janez
    Hormonski vzroki erektilne disfunkcije
  29. Bizjak Igor; Žuntar Milan
    Diagnostični postopek in sodobni načini zdravljenja erektilne disfunkcije
  30. Štrus Bojan
    Anatomija spolnega uda in fiziologija erekcije
  31. Ravnik-Oblak M
    Erectile dysfunction in diabetic patients
  32. Bubendorf Lukas
    Molecular cytogenetis of prostate cancer
  33. Oosterhuis Wolter J; Looijenga Leendert HJ
    Molecular biology of testicular germ cell tumours
  34. Sesterhenn Isabell A
    Prostate and testis tumours
  35. Letonja Mitja; Petrovič Daniel
    Complete atrioventricular block induced by alcohol abuse
  36. Weirich Gregor; von Bubnoff Nikolas; Langer Rupert; Rudelius Martina; Peschl Christian; Hoefler Heinz
    Molecular diagnosis of hereditary hemochromatosis
  37. Skoog Lambert
    Prostatic lesions
  38. Fournier M; Huang ZS; Li H; Da X; Čerček B; Lewis MI
    Insulin-like growth factor-I prevents corticosteroid-induced diaphragm muscle atrophy in emphysematous hamsters
  39. Li H; Dimayuga P; Yamashita M; Yano J; Lewis M; Fournier M; Čerček B
    Arterial injury in mice with severe insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) deficiency
  40. Dimayuga P; Čerček B; Oguchi S; Fredrikson GN; Yano J; Shah PK; Jovinge S; Nilsson J
    Inhibitory effect on arterial injury-induced neointimal formation in RAG-1 KO mic
  41. Kaul S; Čerček B; Regnstrom J; Lake JP; Yano J; Xu XP; Dimayuga P; Tripathi RB; Shah PK
    Polymeric based periadventitial delivery of a nitric oxide donor inhibits intimal hyperplasia after balloon-induced arterial injury: role of nuclear factor-kappaB
  42. Lovdahl C; Thyberg J; Čerček B; Blomgren K; Dimayuga P; Kallin B; Haltgardh-Nilsson A
    Antisense oligonucleotides to stromelysin mRNA inhibit injury-induced proliferation and migration of arterial smooth muscle cells in vitro and neointimal thickening after balloon injury in vivo
  43. Yamashita M; Dimayuga P; Kaul S; Shah PK; Regnstrom J; Nilsson J; Čerček B
    Phosphatase activity in the arterial wall following balloon injury: effect of somatostatin analog octreotide
  44. Dhar S; Hayes S; Čerček B; Fishbein MC
    Cardiac tuberculosis (Images in cardiovascular medicine)
  45. Calara F; Dimayuga P; Niemann A; Thyberg J; Diczfalusy U; Witztum JL; Palinski W; Shah PK; Čerček B; Nilsson J; Regnstrom J
    An animal model to study local oxidation of LDL and its biological effects in the arterial wall
  46. Nilsson J; Calara R; Regnstrom JR; Hultgardh-Nilsson A; Ameli S; Čerček B; Shah PK
    Immunization with homologous oxidized low density lipoprotein reduces neointima formation following balloon-injury in hypercholesterolemic rabbits
  47. Čerček B; Yamashita M; Dimayuga P; Zhu J; Fishbein MC; Kaul S; Shah PK; Nilsson J; Renstrom J
    Nuclear factor-kappaB activity and arterial response to balloon injury
  48. Yumi K; Fagin JA; Fishbein MC; Shah PK; Kaul S; Forrester JS; Nilsson J; Čerček B
    Inhibitory effect of somatostatin analog octreotide on vascular insulin-like growth factor-I gene expression and neointimal proliferation following arterial balloon injury in rats
  49. Ameli S; Hultgardh-Nilsoon A; Regnstrom J; Calara F; Čerček B; Shah PK; Nilsson J
    Effect of immunization with homologous unmodified and oxidized low density lipoprotein on early atherosclerosis in hypercholesterolemic rabbits
  50. Hultgardh-Nilsson A; Čerček B; Wang JW; Naito S; Lovdahl C; Sharifi B; Forrester JS; Fagin JA
    Regulated expression of the ets-1 transcription factor in vascular smooth muscle cells in vivo and in vitro
  51. Nishioka T; Friedman A; Čerček B; Chaux A; Luo H; Berglund H; Kim C-J; Carlos B; Siegel RJ
    Usefulness of transesophageal echocardiography for positioning the intraaortic balloon pump in the operating room
  52. Dubin D; Peters JH; Brown LF; Logan B; Kent KC; Berse B; Berven S; Čerček B; Sharifi BG; Tratt RE
    Balloon catheterization induces arterial expression of embryonic fibronectins
  53. Zahger D; Fishbein MC; Grafinkel LI; Shah PK; Forrester JS; Regnstrom J; Yano J; Čerček B
    VCL, an antagonist of the platelet PG1b receptor, markedly inhibits adhesion and intimal thickening following balloon injury in the rat
  54. Ameli S; Hultgardh-Nilsson A; Čerček B; Shah PK; Forrester JS; Ageland H; Nilsson J
    Recombinant apolipoprotein A-I Milano reduces intimal thickening following balloon-injury in hypercholesterolemic rabbits
  55. Pirola CJ; Wang HM; Strgacich MI; Kamyar A; Čerček B; Forrester JS; Clemens TL; Fagin JA
    Mechanical stimuli induced vascular parathyroid hormone-related protein gene expression in vivo and in vitro
  56. Marušič Andrej; Marušič Dorjan; Starc Radovan
    Can psychological risk factors for coronary heart disease predict extent and severity of coronary atherosclerosis?
    [Ali lahko psihološki dejavniki tveganja za koronarno srčno bolezen napovedujejo razširjenost in težavnost koronarne ateroskleroze?]
  57. Štabuc Borut; Stevanović Živojin; Tajnšek Tomaž; Janša Rado; Vodopivec Boris; Štepec Srečko; Kocijančič Borut; Markovič Saša
    Eozinofilni gastroenteritis
    [Eosinophilic gastroenteritis]
  58. Židanik Suzana
    Obravnava bolnikov z benigno hiperplazijo prostate pri zdravnikih splošne medicine
    [General practitioner's approach to patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia]
  59. Mozzaffarian Dariush; Kumanyika Shiriki K; Lemaitre Rozenn N; Olson Jean L; Burke Gregory L; Siscovick David S
    Uživanje žit, sadja in rastlinskih vlaknin ter tveganje za srčno-žilne bolezni pri starostnikih
    [Cereal, fruit and vegetable fiber intake and the risk of cardiovascular disease in elderly individuals]
  60. Ravnik-Oblak M; Janež A; Kocijančič A
    Insulinoma induced hypoglycemia in a type 2 diabetic patient
  61. Černe Darko; Ledinski Gerhard; Kager Gerd; Greilberger Joachim; Wang Xiasong; Juergens Guenther
    Comparison of laboratory parameters as risk factors for the presence and the extent of coronary or carotid atherosclerosis: the significance of apolipoprotein B to apolipoprotein all ratio
  62. Marušič Andrej; Starc Radovan; Marušič Dorjan
    Constructing a coronary scale for ischemic heart disease: case-control study
  63. Pangršič Tina
    Analiza faz povišane porabe kisika v očesu muhe (Calliphora erythrocephala - chalky)
    [Analysis of the phases of increased oxygen consumption in the eye of the blowfly Calliphora erythrocephala - chalky during illumination]
  64. Kapš Peter; Kocmur Marga
    Depression in a patient with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis
  65. Jarc-Vidmar Martina; Kraut Aleksandra; Hawlina Marko
    Fundus autofluorescence imaging in Best's vitelliform dystrophy
  66. Cesar Simona; Potočnik Nejka; Starc Vito
    Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure-volume relationship in septic rats with open thorax
  67. Cesar Simona
    Diastolične lastnosti levega prekata podgane v sepsi pri odprtem prsnem košu
  68. Čokolič M; Hren R
    Idiopathic osteoporosis in male patients: assessment and treatment
  69. Bervar M
    Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: our experience after ten years of patient's surgical follow-up
  70. Skok P
    Fatal hemorrhage from a giant Mallory-Weiss tear
  71. Ružič-Medvešček Nadja
    Praktični napotki za zdravljenje bolnikov s srčnim popuščanjem zaradi okrnjenega sistoličnega delovanja
    [Practical guidelines for the therapy of patients with chronic heart failure due to systolic disfunction]
  72. Kržišnik-Zorman Simona; Okrajšek Renata
    Bolečina v prsnem košu pri pljučni emboliji
    [Chest pain in pulmonary embolism]
  73. Bratuš Dejan; Kolenc Alojzij; Hlebič Gregor
    Naše izkušnje z zdravljenjem omejenega karcinoma prostate z radikalno retropubično prostatektomijo
    [Our results of treating early prostatic cancer by radical retropubic prostatectomy]
  74. Stavrev Pavel; Hristov Dimitre
    Prostate IMRT fractionation strategies: two-phase treatment versus simultaneous integrated boost
    [Radiobiološka primerjava dveh optimiziranih načinov obsevanja (IMRT) prostate: obsevanja v dveh delih in istočasnega visokodoznega obsevanja na manjše polje]
  75. Mahne Stanislav; Cvetičanin Branko; Krošnjar Doroteja; Mioč Vanda; Jugovac Nives; Bratina Radoslav; Snoj Vivijana
    Jejunalni Meckelov divertikel kot izvor hude krvavitve pri mladostniku
    [Jejunal Meckel's diverticulum as a source of major bleeding in an adolescent]
  76. Dietner Tomaž; Dietner Sabina
    Anafilaktična reakcija po piku strupene ribe - prikaz primera
    [Anaphylactic reaction after sting of a poisonous fish - case report]
  77. Korošec Simon; Kandido Andrej
    Obravnava poškodovanca s politravmo na težko dostopnem terenu
    [Management of a polytraumatized patient on an unaccessible terrain]
  78. Kovačič Bojan; Marčič Boštjan; Grmec Štefek
    Reševanje obešenca - predstavitev primera
    [Rescuing the patient after suicide attempt by hanging - a case report]
  79. Stanič Karli; Prestor Jože
    Oživljanje v zvoniku
    [Resuscitation in the church tower]
  80. Pleskovič Alojz; Omejc Mirko; Vidmar Dubravka
    Ruptura tankega črevesa ob topi poškodbi trebuha - prikaz primera
    [Perforation of the small intestine caused by blunt abdominal trauma - case report]
  81. Gradišek Primož; Visočnik Božidar; Pernat Andrej
    Nezavest - posledica poškodbe glave ali motnje ritma? - Prikaz primera
    [Unconsciousness - caused by head injury or rhythm disturbance? - Case report]
  82. Bilić Aleksandar; Sobočan Alojz; Podhostnik Samo
    Uporaba zunanje jugularne vene na terenu - prikaz primera
    [Use of external jugular vein in pre-hospital setting - case report]
  83. Prokšelj Katja; Gorjup Vojka; Gričar Marko; Ploj Tom
    Poinfarktni defekt prekatnega pretina
    [Postinfarction vetricular septal defect]
  84. Marušič Dorjan; Korošec Simon; Rupnik Erik; Starc Rado; Brecelj Aleš
    EKG kot označevalec bolnikov z veliko ogroženostjo - prikaz primera
    [ECG as predictor of high risk patients - case report]
  85. Kariž Stojan; Ambrožič Jana; Marušič Tamar; Požar Klara
    Zastoj srca po vdihavanju butana - prikaz primera
    [Cardiac arrest following butane gas inhalation - case report]
  86. Vidmar Dubravka; Višnar-Perovič Alenka
    Torzija moda - diagnostika z ultrazvočno preiskavo po doplerju - prikaz primera
    [Testicular torsion - diagnosis by color duplex sonography - a case report]
  87. Grmec Štefek; Špindler Mateja
    Dihalna stiska pri električnem udaru
    [Respiratory distress due to electrocution]
  88. Skok Pavel; Ocepek Andreja
    Neobičajen zaplet pri bolniku s končno ledvično odpovedjo, zdravljenim s hemodializo - prikaz primera
    [Unusual complication in a patient with end-stage renal failure treated with hemodialysis - case report]
  89. McKay WB; Tuel SM; Sherwood AM; Stokić DS; Dimitrijević MR
    Focal depression of cortical excitability induced by fatiguing muscle contraction: a transcranial magnetic stimulation study
  90. Jacobs MAJM; Salobir B; Popp-Snijders C; Ader H; Heine RJ
    Counterregulatory hormone responses and symptoms during hypoglycaemia induced by porcine, human regular insulin, and Lys(B28), Pro(B29) human insulin analogue (insulin Lispro) in healthy male volunteers
  91. McKay WB; Stokić DS; Sherwood AM; Vrbova G; Dimitrijević MR
    Effect of fatiguing maximal voluntary contraction on excitatory and inhibitory responses elicited by transcranial magnetic motor cortex stimulation
  92. Stokić DS; McKay WB; Scott L; Sherwood AM; Dimitrijević MR
    Intracortical inhibition of lower limb motor-evoked potentials after paired transcranial magnetic stimulation
  93. Kunej Tanja; Zorn Branko; Peterlin Borut
    Y chromosome microdeletions in infertile men with cryptorchidism
  94. Finderle Žare; Cankar Ksenija
    Delayed treatment of frostbite injury with hyperbaric oxygen therapy: a case report
  95. Kitanovski Lidija; Kuhar Marijana; Jazbec Janez
    Omennov sindrom - prikaz primera
  96. Lejko-Zupanc T; Kolman J; Kirbiš J; Brecelj A
    Okužba z MRSA z zmanjšano občutljivostjo za glikopeptide - prikaz primera
    [Infection by MRSA with reduced susceptibility to glycopeptides - a case report]
  97. Nussdorfer P; Virant-Klun I; Drašlar K; Tomaževič T; Meden-Vrtovec H
    Scanning electron microscopy assay of sperm cells used in in vitro fertilization procedures
  98. Žorž Gojmir; Kenda Miran F; Oblak Ciril; Ravnik-Oblak Maja; Ziherl Slavko; Bulc Mateja; Židanik Suzana; Šinigoj Damijana; Kolander-Bizjak Ljubica; Babnik Andrej
    Družinski zdravnik in bolnik z erektilno disfunkcijo: klinične smernice
  99. Rozman D; Fink M; Fon-Tacer K; Ačimovič J; Kalanj-Bognar S
    Tissue-specific transcriptional regulation of cholesterogenesis
  100. Kunej T; Peterlin B
    Identifying male infertility associated genes of the Y chromosome using smallest regions of deletion overlaps smallest regions of deletion overlaps

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