biomedicina slovenica

vo="cattle" : 201-300

  1. Turk B; Ritonja A; Bjork I; Stoka V; Dolenc I; Turk V
    Identification of bovine stefin A, a novel protein inhibitor of cysteine proteinases
  2. Cimerman N; Brzin J; Turk V
    Low molecular weight protein inhibitors of cysteine proteinases from bovine parotid glands
  3. Niepold F; Dovč P; Rottmann OJ
    Expression of an alphas1-casein cDNA-clone in a cell-free and procaryote model system
  4. Dovč P; Niepold F; Rottmann OJ
    In vitro expression of bovine alphas1-casein cDNA
  5. Dovč P; Niepold F; Elbertzhagen H; Rottmann OJ
    In vitro expression of bovine pre alphas1-casein B cDNA in CHO cells
  6. Dovč P; Birkenmaier S; Foerster M
    Nonradioactive detection of microsatellite polymorphisms
  7. Turk B; Križaj I; Kralj B; Dolenc I; Popovič T; Bieth JG; Turk V
    Bovine stefin C, a new member of the stefin family
  8. Turk B; Križaj I; Turk V
    Isolation and characterization of bovine stefin B
  9. Križaj I; Turk B; Turk V
    The complete primary structure of bovine stefin B
  10. Kordiš D; Gubenšek F
    Horizontal SINE transfer between vertebrate classes
  11. Križaj I; Rowan EG; Gubenšek F
    Ammodytoxin a acceptor in bovine brain synaptic membranes
  12. Ritonja A; Machleidt W; Turk V; Gubenšek F
    Amino-acid sequence of ammodytoxin B partially reveals the location of the site of toxicity of ammodytoxins
  13. Zorec R; Hoyland J; Relf G; Bunting R; Mason WT
    Dynamic four-wavelength video imaging of intracellular pH and calcium homeostasis in cultured bovine lactotrophs
  14. Janežič D; Brooks BR
    Harmonic analysis and molecular dynamics for proteins
  15. Brown D; Mason WT; Sikdar SK; Zorec R
    Intracellular dialysis with non-hydrolysable GTP analogues affects cainduced exocytosis in bovine pituitary lactotrophs in vitro
  16. Mason WT; Sikdar SK; Zorec R
    Ca2+-induced cell membrane capacitance increase in bovine lactotrophs in vitro
  17. Mason WT; Hoyland J; Kato M; Akerman S; Bunting R; Zorec R
    Dynamic video imaging of intracellular calcium and exocytosis in anterior pituitary cells secreting prolactin and growth hormone
  18. Zorec R; Henigman F; Mason WT; Kordaš M
    Electrophysiological study of hormone secretion by single adenohypophyseal cells
  19. Zadnik T; Pirc B; Fatur B; Jazbec I
    Maslena kislina v travni silaži in pojav acetona v mleku
  20. Zadnik T; Modic T; Jazbec I
    Treatment of serious claw diseases at the Clinic for ruminants in Ljubljana
  21. Pipan V
    Informacijski sistem za vodenje reprodukcije in zdravstvenega varstva goved
    [An information system for the management of reproduction and health care in cattle]
  22. Lipužič E
    Proučevanje vimenskih vnetij pri kravah v hlevski reji in na planinski paši na Tolminskem
    [A study of mastitis in stable-breeding cows and cows on the pasture in the area of Tolmin]
  23. Vesel Š
    Vpliv različnega beljakovinskega in energetskega obroka na nekatere parametre vampovega soka
    [The effect of different protein and energy intake on some rumen fluid parameters]
  24. Verdnik M; Amon M
    Influence of microclimate on hematologic profile of dairy cows
  25. Amon M
    Govedarska proizvodnja i njezin utjecaj na okoliš
  26. Zemljič B; Šketa J
    Zdravje črede in živali: analiza problema šepavosti
    [Herd health control, problem analysis: lameness]
  27. Žust J; Orešnik A
    Delo veterinarske stroke na področju prehrane krav v okviru kontrole proizvodnosti in zdravja črede
  28. Hočevar J; Pengov A
    Kako lahko z ukrepi veterinarske službe prispevamo k boljši higienski kakovosti mleka in zdravja vimena
  29. Fatur B; Jazbec I; Zadnik T
    Zdravje črede in živali - presnova in presnovne bolezni v čredah molznic
    [Herd health and animal - metabolism and metabolic disorder in dairy herds]
  30. Vojtic I; Kosec M; Pipan V
    Razmnoževanje, kot sestavni del zdravja črede in usmerjanja racionalne govedorejske proizvodnje
    [Reproduction as integral part of herd health and management of economically effective bovine production]
  31. Zver J; Žunec V
    Higiensko stanje mlekarskega obrata po razkuževanju s peroksiocetno kislino
    [Hygienic situation in the dairy after disinfection with peroxyacetic acid]
  32. Zadnik T; Potočnik E; Pirc B; Jazbec I
    Vsebnost svinca (Pb) v krvi molznic kot indikator kontaminacije okolja v Mežiški dolini
  33. Rajčevič M; Jazbec I
    Sečnina v mleku zrcalo neuravnotežene prehrane krav in prekomernega izločanja dušika
    [Urea in milk as a reflection of unbalanced nutrition of cows and over-excretion of nitrogen]
  34. Mihelič-Vipotnik A; Petač D; Lazar P
    Učinkovitost bolusov amoksiklav pri zdravljenju in preprečevanju infekcij maternice po porodu pri kravah
    [The efficiency of amoksiklav bolus for a prevention and treatement of postparturient uterine infections in cows]
  35. Zadnik T; Mesarič M; Modic T; Pengov A
    Bradavičavost - papilomatoza: pregled literature in naše izkušnje z zdravljenjem
    [Papillomatosis: a review of literature and our own experiences with the therapy]
  36. Klinkon Z; Klinkon M; Jazbec I
    Metabolični profil pri molznicah s klinično poporodno parezo
    [Metabolic profile in dairy cows with parturient paresis]
  37. Vojtic I; Vengušt M
    Dovoljena uporaba rastnega hormona (somatotropina) pri molznicah v ZDA
  38. Medjugorac I; Kustermann W; Lazar P; Russ I; Pirchner F
    Marker-derived phylogeny of European cattle supports demic expansion of agriculture
  39. Vojtic I; Vengušt M
    Dovoljena uporaba rastnega hormona (somatotropina) pri molznicah v ZDA
    [Legalised use of growth hormone (somatotropin) in dairy cows in U.S.A.]
  40. Žust J; Hrovatin B
    Assessment and prevention of selenium and vitamin E deficits in dairy herds
  41. Modic T; Zadnik T
    Atresia coli in newborn calves
  42. Hostnik P; Železnik Z; Grom J; Veternik D
  43. Klinkon M; Jazbec I; Zadnik T
    Red blood cell (RBC) count in cattle in Slovenia
  44. Zadnik T; Modic T
    Diagnosis and surgery of displacement of the abomasus in dairy cows in Slovenia
  45. Nemec M; Zadnik T; Klinkon M; Jazbec I
    Acetone content in bulk tank milk samples
  46. Jazbec I; Zadnik T; Klinkon M; Modic T
    Hematologic and biochemical profile of cattle in 1992, exposed to lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) in the Mežica valley from 1975 to 1992
  47. Klinkon Z; Klinkon M; Jazbec I
    Metabolic profile in dairy cows with clinical signs of parturient paresis
  48. Čadonič-Špelič V; Veternik D; Zadnik T
    Protein and urea coefficients' effect on dairy cows' reproduction indexes weekly bulk tank milk samples
  49. Ambrožič I; Kosec M; Černe F; Mrkun J; Pristov V; Petač D
    Study of new methods for the observation of involution processes in dairy cows after parturition
  50. Fatur B
    Ca, P, Mg, K and Na serum levels of dairy cows with special ketosis
  51. Pristov V; Kosec M; Černe F; Mrkun J; Ambrožič I; Petač D
    Comparison of procedures for sexual cycle attendance in cattle
  52. Mavsar N; Amon M
    Traumatic lesions in dairy cows caused by housing systems
  53. Mijovič A; Jazbec I
    Efficacy eradication and control programme of bovine leukemia virus infection in large commercial dairy herds
  54. Prevorčnik J; Ocepek M
    Die Ausmerzung der Rindertuberkulose in der Republik Slowenien
  55. Žust J; Pestevšek U; Vengušt A
    Beziehungen zwischen postpartaler Mobilisierung von Korpersubstanz und Pansenverdauung bei Milchkuhen
    [Interrelations between postpartal body tissue mobilisation and rumen fermentation in dairy cows]
  56. Pitamic S; Pestevšek U; Žust J; Šketa J
    Vpliv dodajanja kulture kvasovk v obrok na potek vampove fermentacije pri kravah po porodu
    [The influence of yeast culture application in diet for dairy cows on rumen fermentation after parturition]
  57. Vojtic I; Vengušt M
    Biokemični kazalci presnove pri lisastih bikih z različno intenzivnostjo rasti
    [Plasma level of some metabolities in simmental bulls with different growth rate]
  58. Hrovatin B
    Preskrba goved s selenom in vitaminom E
    [Assessement of selenium and vitamin E by cattle]
  59. Zadnik T; Veternik D; Mesarič M
    Aseptični pododermatitis (AP) - laminitis pri govedu
    [Bovine laminitis]
  60. Amon M
    Kako preprečujemo obolevanje in poškodbe parkljev pri kravah molznicah (etološko-tehnološki pristop k proučevanju problema)
    [How to prevent diseases and damage of claws in dairy cows (welfare-technological approach to examination of a problem)]
  61. Ambrožič I
    Vpliv zmanjšanja telesne kondicije po porodu na plodnost molznic
    [The influence of body condition reduce after parturition on fertility in dairy cows]
  62. Rajčevič M; Jazbec I
    Mineral supply and metabolism profile in cows durineg summer period
    [Oskrbljenost z mineralnimi elementi in presnovni profil krav v poletnem obdobju]
  63. Poklar N; Vesnaver G; Lapanje S
    Denaturation behavior of alpha-chymotrypsinogen A in urea and alkylurea solutions: fluorescence studies
  64. Križaj I; Dolly JO; Gubenšek F
    Identification of the neuronal acceptor in bovine cortex for ammodytoxin C, a presynaptically neurotoxic phospholipase A2
  65. Rajčevič M; Jazbec I; Ponikvar M
    Urea in milk and blood as indicator of nutritive matter supply in highly productive milk-cows
  66. Zorec R; Sikdar SK; Mason WT
    Increased cytosolic calcium stimulates exocytosis in bovine lactotrophs. Direct evidence from changes in membrane capacitance
  67. Ambrožič I; Pristov V; Mrkun J
    Primerjava metod za spremljanje spolnega ciklusa pri molznicah
    [A comparison of different methods for estrus cycle observation]
  68. Zemljič B; Šenk L; Juntes P
    Dermatitis digitalis in interdigitalna papilomatoza govedi - eno ali dve obolenji?
    [Dermatitis digitalis and papillomatosis interdigitalis of cattle - one or two diseases?]
  69. Lahajnar G; Maček P
    Water-selective channels of the erythrocyte membrane as probed by an SH-reactive agent: a pulse NMR study
  70. Pengov A
    Vpliv molzišča, molznega stroja in molznih navad na pogostost vimenskih okužb
  71. Rajčevič M; Jazbec I; Ponikvar M
    Oskrbljenost visokoproduktivnih krav z energijo med poletnim krmljenjem na paši
    [Energy supply in highly productive cows during the summer feeding regime on pasture]
  72. Zadnik T; Pengov A; Florjanc P; Dobbelaar P; Brand A
    A survey of factors influencing milk protein concentration (MPC) in cows
  73. Doganoc D
    Onesnaženost surovega kravjega mleka s svincem, kadmijem in arzenom v Sloveniji v obdobju 1982-1992
    [Contamination of raw cow milk with lead, cadmium and arsenic in Slovenia during the period 1982-1992]
  74. Mason WT; Sikdar SK; Zorec R; Akerman S; Rawlings SR; Cheek T; Moreton R; Berridge M
    Ion channels, intracellular calcium, and exocytosis: control of hormone secretion in cultured bovine pituitary lactotrophs
  75. Sikdar SK; Zorec R; Brown D; Mason WT
    Dual effects of G-protein activation on Ca-dependent exocytosis in bovine lactotrophs
  76. Sikdar SK; Zorec R; Mason WT
    cAMP directly facilitates Ca-induced exocytosis in bovine lactotrophs
  77. Zorec R; Tester M; Maček P; Mason WT
    Cytotoxicity of equinatoxin II from the sea anemone Actinia equina involves ion channel formation and an increase in intracellular calcium activity
  78. Akerman SN; Zorec R; Cheek TR; Moreton RB; Berridge MJ; Mason WT
    Fura-2 imaging of thyrotropin-releasing hormone and dopamine effects on calcium homeostasis of bovine lactotrophs
  79. Pengov A; Zadnik T; Lam TJGM
    A review of the effect of minor pathogens in bovine mammary gland
  80. Hostnik P
    Respiratorni sincicialni virus pri govedu
    [Respiratory syncytial virus in cattle]
  81. Zemljič B
    Zdravljenje in preprečevanje bolezni parkljev krav molznic v intenzivni mlečni proizvodnji
    [Therapy and prophylaxis of hoof diseases in dairy cows in intensive milk production]
  82. Hostnik P; Železnik Z
    The isolation and the identification of the respiratory syncytial virus from the cattle in Slovenia
  83. Jazbec I
    Epizootološke raziskave enzootske goveje levkoze v Sloveniji od 1960. do 1990. leta
    [Epizootological studies of enzootic bovine leukosis in Slovenia from 1960 till 1990]
  84. Zorec R; Hoyland J; Mason WT
    Simultaneous measurements of cytosolic pH and calcium interactions in bovine lactotrophs using optical probes and four-wavelength quantitative video microscopy
  85. Čarman-Kržan M
    Characterisation of histamine-H1 receptor binding sites in bovine, rat and guinea pig thoracic aorta
  86. Čarman-Kržan M
    Endothelial catecholamine and histamine receptors
  87. Telisman S; Prpić-Majić D; Keršanc A
    Relationships between blood lead and indicators of effect in cows environmentally exposed to lead
  88. Gomerčić H; Vuković S; Gomerčić V; Škrtić D
    Histological and histochemical characteristics of the bovine notochord
  89. Rajčević M; Jazbec I
    Hematološki in biokemijski profil ob krmljenju s tapioko
    [Haematological and biochemical profile of cows fed with tapioca]
  90. Hostnik P; Železnik Z
    Izbruh okužbe IBR v dveh pitališčih goved
    [An outbreak of IBR infection in two herds of feedlot cattle]
  91. Brglez I
    Streptococcus agalactiae - uzročnik zaraze u krava i čovjeka: Prikaz stanja u Sloveniji
    [Streptococcus agalactiae - infection agent in cows and humans: The presentation of conditions in Slovenia]
  92. Dolenc M
    Goveđa kuga u Kranjskoj u 19. stoljeću
    [Cattle plague in Kranjska in the 19th century]
  93. Jazbec I; Klinkon M; Gregorović V
    Hematološki profil v čredi inficirani z enzootsko govejo levkozo
    [Hematological profile in herd infected with enzootic bovine leukosis]
  94. Fatur B
    Ocena zdravstvenega stanja krav molznic na Idrijskem z vidika metaboličnega profila
    [Evaluation of health condition in dairy cows in the region of Idrija through metabolic profile]
  95. Pestevšek U; Žust J; Vengušt A; Šketa J
    Preverjanje uspešnosti odkrivanja pojatve pri molznicah z radioimunskim določanjem progesterona v krvi
    [Control of oestrus detection efficiency in dairy cows by serum progesterone RIA]
  96. Čarman-Kržan M
    Histaminergic H1-receptors in smooth muscle and endothelium of bovine thoracic aorta
  97. Fatur B
    Razširjenost klinično zaznavne in subklinične ketoze pri molznicah v poporodnem obdobju in vpliv krmljenja na njen pojav
    [Epidemiology of clinicaly evident and subclinical ketosis in dairy cows in postpartum period and influence of nutrition on its appearance]
  98. Pestevšek U; Likosar D; Žust J; Vengušt A
    Količine uree v mleku kot kriterij za ugotavljanje pomankljive oskrbe molznic
    [The use of milk urea test for malnutrition detection in dairy cows]
  99. Jazbec I; Klinkon M; Gregorović V
    Modifikacija imunodifuzijskega testa za ugotavljanje enzootske goveje levkoze
    [Modification of immunodifusion test in the diagnostics of enzootic bovine leucosis]
  100. Hostnik P; železnik Z; Pšikal I; Grom J; Valenčak Z
    Indirektni imunofluorescenčni test (IIF) za ugotavljanje protiteles proti govejemu respiratornemu sincicialnemu virusu
    [Indirect fluorescent tests for the detection of antibodies to bovine respiratory syncytial virus]

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