biomedicina slovenica

pr=Barlič : 70-169

  1. Barlič Ariana; Bonaca Orjeta; Drobnič Matej; Kregar-Velikonja Nevenka
    In a search of a better chondrocyte phenotype
  2. Barlič-Maganja Darja
    Virusne okužbe s hrano in vodo
    [Foodborne and waterborne viral infection]
  3. Barlič A; Radosavljevič D; Drobnič M; Kregar-Velikonja N
    Advancing in the quality of the cells assigned for autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) method
  4. Steyer Andrej; Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja; Barlič-Maganja Darja; Jamnikar Uroš; Zimšek-Mijovski Janet; Marin Jožica
    Molecular characterization of a new porcine rotavirus P genotype found in an asymptomatic pig in Slovenia
  5. Barlič AB; Bonaca O; Drobnič MD; Kregar-Velikonja NKV
    Quantitative analysis of gene expression in human articular chondrocytes used for autologous chondrocyte transplantation
  6. Martinez Diana; Otero Anabel; Alvarez Carlos; Pazos Fabiola; Tejuca Mayra; Lanio Maria Eliana; Gutierrez-Aguirre Ion; Barlič Ariana; Iloro Ibon; Arrondo Jose Luis
    Effect of sphingomyelin and cholesterol on the interaction of St II with lipidic interfaces
  7. Steyer Andrej; Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja; Barlič-Maganja Darja; Jamnikar Uroš; Zimšek-Mijovski Janet; Marin Jožica
    A new rotavirus genotype P found in the stool of an asymptomatic pig in Slovenia
  8. Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja; Steyer Andrej; Barlič-Maganja Darja; Jamnikar Uroš; Zimšek-Mijovski Janet; Marin Jožica
    Similarity between human and animal rotavirus strains in Slovenia
  9. Barlič-Maganja Darja; Štrukelj Borut; Pungerčar Jože; Meško Pika; Gubenšek Franc; Kregar Igor; Turk Vito
    Isolation and sequence analysis of an aspartic proteinase inhibitor homologue gene from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
  10. Štrukelj Borut; Pungerčar Jože; Ravnikar Maja; Barlič-Maganja Darja; Meško Pika; Turk Vito; Kregar Igor
    Aspartic proteinase inhibitors from potato: isolation, molecular cloning, immunolocalization and induction of their genes by jasmonic acid
  11. Steyer A; Poljšak-Prijatelj M; Barlič-Maganja D; Bufon T; Marin J
    The emergence of rotavirus genotype G9 in hospitalised children in Slovenia
  12. Zimšek-Mijovski Janet; Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja; Barlič-Maganja Darja; Hočevar-Grom Ada
    Human calcivirus outbreaks in Slovenia in 2000-2002
    [Epidemije povzročene s človeškimi kalcivirusi v Sloveniji v letih 2000-2002]
  13. Puhar S; Barlič A; Bonaca O; Maličev E; Wozniak G; Repnik U; Kregar-Velikonja N; Jeras M
    Quality control in tissue engineering laboratory
  14. Froehlich M; Maličev E; Barlič A; Malovrh P; Gorenšek M; Jeras M; Kregar-Velikonja N
    Growth of rabbit elastic cartilage in cell cultures
  15. Barlič Ariana; Bonaca Orjeta; Drobnič Matej; Kregar-Velikonja Nevenka
    In a search of a better chondrocytic phenotype
  16. Kregar-Velikonja Nevenka; Bonaca Orjeta; Maličev Elvira; Puhar Saša; Barlič Ariana; Knežević Miomir; Jeras Matjaž; Drobnič Matej; Radosavljevič Damjan
    Tissue engineering approaches in cartilage regeneration
    [Tkivno inženirski pristop pri zdravljenju poškodb sklepnega hrustanca]
  17. Barlič Ariana; Gutierrez-Aguirre Ion; Caaveiro Jose MM; Cruz Antonio; Ruiz-Argueello Maria-Begona; Perez-Gil Jesus; Gonzalez-Manas Huan M
    Lipid phase coexistence favors membrane insertion of equinatoxin-II, a pore-forming toxin from Actinia equina
  18. Gutierrez-Aguirre Ion; Barlič Ariana; Podlesek Zdravko; Maček Peter; Anderluh Gregor; Gonzales-Manas Juan
    Membrane insertion of the N-terminal alpha-helix of equinatoxin II, a sea anemone cytolytic toxin
  19. Gutierrez-Aguirre Ion; Barlič Ariana; Podlesek Zdravko; Anderluh Gregor; Maček Peter; Gonzalez-Manas Juan M
    Transfer of N-terminal part of equinatoxin II followed by engineered tryptophan mutants
  20. Poljšak-Prijatelj M; Leskovar T; Steyer A; Bufon T; Barlič-Maganja D
    Molecular characterization of group a rotaviruses in Slovenia in 2001
  21. Barlič-Maganja D
    Genotyping of bovine viral diarrhoea virus isolates from Slovenia
  22. Steyer Andrej; Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja; Barlič-Maganja Darja; Bufon Tatjana; Marin Jožica
    Molecular characterisation of emerging human G9 rotavirus in Slovenia
  23. Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja; Zimšek-Mijovski Janet; Barlič-Maganja Darja; Hočevar-Grom Ada
    Human calcivirus outbreaks in Slovenia in 2000-2003
  24. Poljšak-Prijatelj M; Zimšek J; Hočevar-Grom A; Barlič-Maganja D
    Norovirus associated outbreaks of gastroenteritis in homes for the elderly in Slovenia in the winter season 2002-2003
  25. Gutierrez-Aguirre Ion; Barlič Ariana; Podlesek Zdravko; Anderluh Gregor; Maček Peter; Gonzales-Manas Juan M
    Tryptophan mutants in the N-terminal alpha-helix of equinatoxin-II, a sea anemone pore-forming toxin
  26. Hostnik Peter; Barlič-Maganja Darja; Toplak Ivan; Bidovec Andrej; Grom Jože; Stantič-Pavlinič Mirjana
    Epidemiološko stanje in tveganje okužbe z virusom stekline v Sloveniji
    [Epidemiological situation and risk of rabies infection in Slovenia]
  27. Mankoč S; Barlič-Maganja D; Grom J; Toplak I; Klobučar I; Kosec M; Hostnik P
    Molecular characterization of equine arteritis virus (EAV) from the semen of carrier stallions
  28. Krapež U; Zorman-Rojs O; Mankoč S; Barlič-Maganja D
    Molecular detection of chicken anemia virus in different organs of infected chickens
  29. Hostnik P; Bidovec A; Toplak I; Barlič-Maganja D; Grom J
    The situation of animal rabies cases established in Slovenia
  30. Toplak I; Hostnik P; Grom J; Barlič-Maganja D
    Detection and genetic characterisation of type 2 porcine circovirus (PCV-2) from pigs with postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) in Slovenia
  31. Zimšek J; Poljšak-Prijatelj M; Barlič-Maganja D; Hočevar-Grom A
    Human calicivirus outbreaks in Slovenia in 2000-2002
  32. Poljšak-Prijatelj M; Steyer A; Bufon T; Barlič-Maganja D; Marin J
    Circulation of the novel G9 rotavirus genotype in Slovenia in 2001/2002
  33. Barlič-Maganja D; Krapež U; Toplak I; Mankoč S; Grom J; Zorman-Rojs O
    Characterisation of pigeon paramyxovirus type-1 (PPMV-1) isolates by phylogenetic analysis of fusion and matrix protein genes
  34. Toplak I; Grom J; Hostnik P; Barlič-Maganja D
    Unique five nucleotides deletion in the 5'UTR among bovine viral diarrhoea virus type if isolates from Slovenia
  35. Štrumbelj Iztok; Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja; Petraš Teodora; Zimšek Janet; Lanjšček Majda; Barlič-Maganja Darja
    S kalcivirusi povzročena epidemija gastroenteritisa v domu za starejše osebe
    [Human calcivirus outbreak of acute gastroenteritis in an aged-care facility]
  36. Jenčič V; Hostnik P; Barlič-Magajna D; Grom J
    Razširjenost virusnih bolezni postrvi v Sloveniji
    [The spread of salmonid viral diseases in Slovenia]
  37. Hong Qi; Gutierrez-Aguirres Ion; Barlič Ariana; Malovrh Petra; Kristan Katarina; Podlesek Zdravko; Maček Peter; Turk Dušan; Gonzales-Manas Juan M; Anderluh Gregor
    Two-step membrane binding by equinatoxin II, a pore-forming toxin from the sea anemone, involves and exposed aromatic cluster and a flexible helix
  38. Anderluh Gregor; Barlič Ariana; Podlesek Zdravko; Maček Peter; Pungerčar Jože; Gubenšek Franc; Zecchini Maria; Dalla Serra Maura; Menestrina Gianfranco
    Cysteine-scanning mutagenesis of an eukaryotic pore-forming toxin from sea anemone: topology in lipid membranes
  39. Toplak I; Barlič-Maganja D; Hostnik P; Grom J
    Genetic heterogeneity of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) strains isolated in Slovenia
    [Genetska heterogenost virusnih sevov bovine virusne diareje (BVD), izoliranih v Sloveniji]
  40. Zorman-Rojs O; Krapež U; Grom J; Barlič-Maganja D
    Molecular detection and pathotyping of paramyxovirus type 1 isolates (Newcastle disease virus)
    [Molekularno dokazovanje in tipizacija patogenosti izolatov paramiksovirusov tipa 1 (virusa atipične kokošje kuge)]
  41. Gutierrez-Aguirre Ion; Barlič Ariana; Malovrh Petra; Maček Peter; Anderluh Gregor; Gonzales-Manas Juan M
    Structure-function studies in different mutants of equinatoxin-II
  42. Poljšak-Prijatelj Mateja; Frelih Tatjana; Zimšek Janet; Berce Ingrid; Barlič-Maganja Darja
    Kalicivirusi - povzročitelji epidemičnega gastroenteritisa pri otrocih v vrtcu - izkušnje v Sloveniji
  43. Barlič Ariana
    Interakcije ekvinatoksina II iz morske vetrnice Actinia equina z lipidnimi membranami
    [Interactions of equinatoxin II from sea anemone Actinia equina with lipid membranes]
  44. Barlič A; Malovrh P; Podlesek Z; Menestrina G; Anderluh G; Gutierrez-Aguirre I; Gonzales-Manas JM; Maček P
    Interaction of tryptophan mutant TRP116,117 of equina toxin 2, a pore-forming toxin, with lipid membranes
  45. Barlič A; Malovrh P; Menestrina G; Maček P; Gutierrez-Aguirre I; Gonzalez-Manaz JM; Anderluh G
    Structure-function studies of tryptophan mutant Trp116,117 of equinatoxin 2, a pore-forming toxin
  46. Anderluh G; Barlič A; Malovrh P; Podlesek Z; Menestria G; Maček P
    Functional studies of equinatoxin 2, a pore-forming toxin from the sea anemone Actinia equina
  47. Barlič A; Malovrh P; Podlesek Z; Menestrina G; Maček P; Anderluh G
    The role of tryptophan residues in structure and function of a sea anemone pore-forming toxin
  48. Barlič A; Malovrh P; Podlesek Z; Menestrina G; Anderluh G; Gutierrez-Aguirre I; Gonzales-Manas JM; Maček P
    Interaction of tryptophan mutant Trp116,117 of equina toxin 2, a pore-forming toxin, with lipid membranes
  49. Kopitar-Jerala Nataša; Bevec Tadeja; Barlič-Maganja Darja; Gubenšek Franc; Turk Vito
    Monoclonal antibodies to human cathepsin L, specific and cross reactive to human cathepsin V
  50. Malovrh Petra; Barlič Ariana; Podlesek Zdravko; Maček Peter; Menestrina Gianfranco; Anderluh Gregor
    Structure-function studies of tryptophan mutants of equinatoxin II, a sea anemone pore-forming protein
  51. Anderluh G; Barlič A; Potrich C; Maček P; Menestrina G
    Lysine 77 is a key residue in aggregation of eguinatoxin II, a pore-forming toxin from sea anemone Actinia equina
  52. Barlič Ariana; Anderluh Gregor; Menestrina Gianfanco; Gubenšek Franc; Maček Peter
    Topological studies with three cysteine mutants of equinatoxin II
  53. Anderluh Gregor; Barlič Ariana; Podlesek Zdravko; Menestrina Gianfranco; Maček Peter
    Structure-activity study of equinatoxins, poreforming toxins from sea anemone
  54. Barlič Ariana; Škarabot Miha; Kočevar Klemen; Muševič Igor; Anderluh Gregor; Maček Peter
    Atomic force microscopy of Equinatoxin II on supported planar membrane bilayer
  55. Barlič Ariana; Malovrh Petra; Maček Peter; Anderluh Gregor
    Interaction of Equinatoxin II tryptophan mutants with the lipid membrane
  56. Anderluh Gregor; Barlič Ariana; Malovrh Petra; Podlesek Zdravko; Menestrina Gianfranco; Maček Peter
    Structure-function studies of equinatoxin II, a pore-forming toxin from the sea anemone Actinia equina
  57. Petrovec M; Sumner JW; Nicholson WL; Childs JE; Strle F; Barlič J; Lotrič-Furlan S; Avšič-Županc T
    Identity of ehrlichial DNA sequences derived from Ixodes ricinus ticks with those obtained from patients with human granulocytic ehrlichiosis in Slovenia
  58. Barlič Ariana
    Izolacija in karakterizacija cisteinskih mutant ekvinatoksina II
    [Isolation and characterization of equinatoxin II cysteine mutants]
  59. Barlič Ariana; Anderluh Gregor; Menestrina Gianfranco; Gubenšek Franc; Maček Peter
    Topological studies with three cysteine mutants of equinatoxin II
  60. Anderluh Gregor; Barlič Ariana; Podlesek Zdravko; Menestrina Gianfranco; Maček Peter
    Structure-activity study of equinatoxins, poreforming toxins from sea anemone
  61. Barlič-Maganja Darja; Grom Jože
    Molekularna diagnostika pestivirusov
  62. Grom J; Barlič-Maganja D; Hostnik P
    Razvoj in uporaba "VELCIA" (virus enzyme-linked cell immunoassay) testa za diagnostiko pestivirusov
  63. Hostnik P; Grom J; Barlič-Maganja Darja
    Imunoprofilaksa stekline pri lisicah v Sloveniji
    [Immunoprophylaxis of fox rabies in Slovenia]
  64. Prosenc K; Petrovec M; Barlič J; Radulovič S; Strle F; Avšič-Županc T
    Gozdni klop (Ixodes ricinus) kot gostitelj rikecij v Sloveniji
    [Detection of spotted fever group rickettsiae in Ixodes ricinus ticks in Slovenia]
  65. Anderluh Gregor; Barlič Ariana; Križaj Igor; Menestrina Gianfranco; Gubenšek Franc; Maček Peter
    Avidin-FITC topological studies with three cysteine mutants of equinatoxin II, a sea anemone pore-forming protein
  66. Barlič J; Poljak M; Seme K; Vince A
    Comparison of five rapid methods for DNA extraction from routinely processed Giemsa-stained bone marrow slides
  67. Barlič J; Poljak M; Seme K
    Processing of long-stored archival Papanicolaou-stained cytological smears
  68. Žener N; Poljak M; Seme K; Barlič J; Kristančič L; Koren S
    A particle agglutination test Serodia HIV 1/2 as a novel anti-HIV 1/2 screening test: a comparative study on 3096 clinical samples
  69. Barlič Ariana
    Molekulsko kloniranje in cDNA sekvenca inhibitorjev cisteinskih proteinaz iz konjske morske vetrnice (Actinia equina L.): diplomsko delo
    [Molecular cloning and cDNA sequence of cysteine proteinase inhibitors from sea anemone (Actinia equina L.): graduation thesis]
  70. Kopitar-Jerala Nataša; Bevec Tadeja; Barlič-Magajna Darja; Gubenšek Franc; Turk Vito
    Anti human cathepsin L monoclonal antibodies: characterization and the use in immunoassays
  71. Petrovec M; Avšič-Županc T; Strle F; Barlič J; Sumner JW; Childs JE
    Ixodes ricinus as a potential vector of human granulocytic Ehrlichia in Europe
  72. Barlič-Maganja Darja; Grom J
    Hitra metoda za določanje virusa goveje virusne diareje (BVDV) v serumu trajno okuženega goveda s polimerazno verižno reakcijo
    [Rapid detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in the serum of persistently infected cattle by a nested polymerase chain reaction]
  73. Anderluh G; Barlič A; Pungerčar J; Menestrina G; Gubenšek F; Maček P
    Lys-77 is important for hemolytic activity of equinatoxin II, a pore forming toxin from the sea anemone Actinia equina
  74. Anderluh G; Barlič A; Podlesek Z; Zecchini M; Pungerčar J; Dalla-Serra M; Gubenšek F; Menestrina G; Maček P
    Cysteine scanning mutagenesis of equinatoxin II, a pore forming protein from Actinia equina
  75. Barlič A; Anderluh G; Gubenšek F; Maček P
    Isolation and characterization of equinatoxin II cysteine mutants S1C, K77C, R126C, A179
  76. Barlič-Maganja D; Grom J
    Pomen molekularne biologije v veterinarski diagnostiki virusnih bolezni
  77. Poljak M; Seme K; Barlič J
    Processing of long-stored archival Papanicolaou-stained cytological smears
  78. Dolinar M; Kuhelj R; Barlič-Magajna D; Kopitar G; Kunič B; Mozetič-Francky B; Štrukelj B; Pungerčar J; Turk V
    Production of recombinant human cathepsins B,H, L and S in Escherichia coli
  79. Barlič-Magajna D; Dolinar M; Gubenšek F; Turk V
    The optimization of refolding and activation process of recombinant human procathepsin L
  80. Dolinar M; Barlič-Magajna D; Gubenšek F; Turk V
    Cloning of PCR-amplified human procathepsin L cDNA and its expression in Escherichia coli
  81. Dolinar M; Barlič-Magajna D; Kopitar G; Kuhelj R; Pungerčar J; Štrukelj B; Turk V
    Expression of recombinant human procathepsins B, L and S in Escherichia coli - refolding and activation studies
  82. Barlič-Magajna D; Dolinar M; Turk V
    Renaturation and processing of insoluble recombinant human procathepsin L expressed in Escherichia coli
  83. Dolinar M; Kopitar G; Kuhelj R; Barlič-Magajna D; Pungerčar J; Štrukelj B; Turk V
    Recombinant human procathepsins B,L and S: expression in Escherichia coli, purification, refolding and activation
  84. Štrukelj B; Pungerčar J; Barlič-Magajna D; Meško P; Gubenšek F; Turk V; Kregar I
    Molekulsko kloniranje inhibitorjev aspartatnih proteinaz iz krompirja in njihova ekspresija v bakteriji E. coli
    [Molecular cloning of aspartic proteinase inhibitors from potato and their expression in E. coli]
  85. Dolinar M; Barlič-Magajna D; Gubenšek F; Turk V
    Kloniranje in ekspresija rekombinantnega človeškega prokatepsina L v bakteriji Escherichia coli
    [Cloning and expression of recombinant human procathepsin L in Escherichia coli]
  86. Barlič-Magajna D; Štrukelj B; Pungerčar J; Gubenšek F; Turk V; Kregar I
    Obramba rastlin pred mikroorganizmi: izolacija in sekvenčna analiza gena za inhibitor aspartatnih proteinaz iz krompirja (Solanum tuberosum L.)
    [Plant defense against microorganisms: isolation and sequence analysis of an aspartic proteinase inhibitor gene from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)]
  87. Štrukelj B; Pungerčar J; Barlič-Maganja D; Turk V; Gubenšek F; Kregar I
    Aspartic proteinase inhibitor homologues from potato: cDNA and gene characterization
  88. Štrukelj B; Pungerčar J; Barlič-Magajna D; Kregar I
    Molecular cloning and nucleotide sequence analysis of cDNAs coding for aspartic proteinase inhibitor homologues from potato
  89. Štrukelj B; Pungerčar J; Barlič-Magajna D; Meško P; Gubenšek F; Kregar I; Turk V
    Molecular characterization of aspartic proteinase inhibitors from potato
  90. Lah TT; Kokalj-Kunaver M; Babnik J; Kastelic L; Drobnič-Košorok M; Štrukelj B; Pungerčar J; Barlič-Magajna D; Golouh R; Turk V
    Stefins A and B in human malignant tumors
  91. Barlič-Magajna D; Dolinar M; Turk D; Križaj I; Turk V
    Production of wild-type and mutant forms of human cathepsin L in Escherichia coli
  92. Poljak Mario; Barlič Jana
    Rapid, simple method of extracting DNA from archival Papanicolaou-stained cervical smears
  93. Dolinar M; Barlič-Magajna D; Turk V
    Expression of full-lenght human procathepsin L cDNA in Escherichia coli and refolding of the expression product
  94. Barlič-Magajna D
    Kloniranje, ekspresija in mutageneza človeškega rekombinantnega katepsina L
    [Cloning, expression and mutagenesis of human recombinant catepsin L]
  95. Štrukelj B; Pungerčar J; Meško P; Barlič-Maganja D; Gubenšek F; Kregar I; Turk V
    Characterization of aspartic proteinase inhibitors from potato at the gene, cDNA and protein level
  96. Barlič-Maganja D; Štrukelj B; Pungerčar J; Gubenšek F; Turk V; Kregar I
    Isolation and sequence analysis of the genomic DNA fragment encoding an aspartic proteinase inhibitor homologue from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
  97. Poljak M; Barlič J; Seme K; Avšič-Županc T; Zore A
    Isolation of DNA from archival Papanicolaou stained cytological smears using a simple salting-out procedure
  98. Barlič Jana
    Izolacija DNA iz arhivskih citoloških razmazov, barvanih po Papanicolaou
    [Isolation of DNA from archival Papanicolaou stained cytological smears]
  99. Avšič-Županc T; Poljak M; Lavrenčak J; Seme K; Barlič J
    Izolacija in ekstrakcija DNA in RNA iz kliničnih vzorcev
  100. Lah TT; Kokalj-Kunovar M; Štrukelj B; Pungerčar J; Barlič-Maganja D; Drobnič-Košorok M; Kastelic L; Babnik J; Golouh R; Turk V
    Stefins and lysosomal cathepsins B, L and D in human breast carcinoma

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