biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.02 : 3.501-3.600

  1. Horvat Matej; Štabuc Borut
    Microsatellite instability in colorectal cancer
  2. Križnar I; Fidler A
    Vrste adhezivnih sistemov ter mehanizem njihove vezave na sklenino in dentin
    [Types of adhesive systems and the mechanism of bonding to enamel and dentine]
  3. Gašperšič D; Jan J; Štamfelj I
    Zgodnji razvoj zob
    [Early tooth development]
  4. Špec-Marn Ana; Kremžar Boriana; Prosen Barbara; Bukovac Tatjana; Gradišek Primož
    Intenzivno zdravljenje akutnega pankreatitisa
    [Intensive treatment of acute pancreatitis]
  5. Tepeš Bojan
    Zgodnje odkrivanje raka debelega črevesa in danke pri bolj ogroženih skupinah ljudi
    [Early detection of colorectal cancer in population groups at increased risk]
  6. Boc Nina; Boc Marko; Popovič Petar
    Vloga endovaskularnega zdravljenja jetrnih zasevkov
  7. Sollner Dolenc Marija
    Zastrupitve s kemičnimi bojnimi strupi
    [Poisoning by chemical warfare agents]
  8. Krčevski-Škvarč Nevenka
    Variability in the response to opioid therapy
  9. Krstanoska Frosina; Umek-Brcman Irena; Fikfak Nataša; Čeh Marija; Preložnik-Zupan Irena
    Resni neželeni učinki zdravljenja kronične levkemije z zaviralci tirozinske kinaze - prikaz primerov in pregled literature
    [Severe adverse effects associated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors therapy in chronic myeloid leukaemia - case reports and literature review]
  10. Takač Iztok; Čufer Tanja; Gorišek Borut; Čas-Sikošek Nina; Bali Robert; Bosilj Damijana; Borštnar Simona; Lampelj Maja; Ravnik Maja; Kavalar Rajko; Fokter Nina; Arko Darja
    Vloga urokinaznega aktivatorja plazminogena (uPA) in njegovega inhibitorja (PAI-1) pri raku dojk
    [The role of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and its inhibitor (PAI-1) in breast cancer]
  11. Tominšek Janko; Bilban Marjan
    Vpliv hrupa na srčno-žilne bolezni
    [The influence of noise on cardiovascular diseases]
  12. Leskovar Robert; Accetto Rok; Baggia Alenka; Lazarevič Zlatko; Vukovič Goran; Požun Peter
    Discrete event simulation of administrative and medical processes
    [Diskretna dogodkovna simulacija administrativnih in medicinskih postopkov]
  13. Fležar Matjaž; Šuškovič Stanislav; Škrgat- Kristan Sabina; Košnik Mitja
    Kako izbrati in tolmačiti rezultate preiskave pljučne funkcije pri astmi in KOPB
    [How to choose and interpret lung function tests in asthma and COPD]
  14. Kovač A; Paro-Panjan D
    Trombocitopenija pri novorojenčkih
    [Thrombocytopenia in the newborn]
  15. Rogač M; Rener-Primec Z; Župančič N
    Migrena pri otroku in mladostniku: obravnava in zdravljenje
    [Migraine in childhood and adolescence: current approach and treatment]
  16. Nadrah Kristina; Strle Franc
    Antibiotic combinations with daptomycin for treatment of staphylococcus aureus infections
  17. Oorschot Dorothy E
    Indirect measures of neuroprotection are parameters to avoid: examples from research on neonatal rat hypoxia-ischemia
  18. McDonagh Theresa A; Blue Lynda; Clark Andrew L; Dahlstroem Ulf; Ekman Inger; Lainščak Mitja; McDonald Kenneth; Ryder Mary; Stromberg Anna; Jaarsma Tiny
    European society of cardiology heart failure association standards for delivering heart failure care
  19. Lainščak Mitja; Blue Lynda; Clark Andrew L; Dahlstrom Ulf; Dickstein Kenneth; Ekman Inger; McDonagh Theresa; McMurray John J; Ryder Mary; Stewart Simon
    Self-care management of heart failure: practical recommendations from the Patient care committee of the Heart failure association of the European society of cardiology
  20. Šeruga Boštjan; Zhang Haibo; Bernstein Lori J; Tannock Ian
    Cytokines and their relationship to the symptoms and outcome of cancer
  21. Šeruga Boštjan; Ocaña Alberto; Tannock Ian
    Drug resistance in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer
  22. Jobbagy Akos; Csordas Peter; Mersich Andras
    Blood presure measurement: assessment of a variable quantity
    [Merjenje krvnega tlaka: določanje variabilne spremenljivke]
  23. Vrtovec Bojan; Poglajen Gregor
    Sodobni načini zdravljenja srčnega popuščanja
    [Modern treatment methods for heart failure]
  24. Gradišek Primož; Osredkar Joško; Kremžar Boriana; Koršič Marjan
    Biokemijski označevalci nezgodne možganske okvare
    [Biochemical markers of traumatic brain injury]
  25. Tomažič Janez
    Preprečevanje in zdravljenje okužb, povzročenih z virusom citomegalije, pri presaditvah čvrstih organov
    [Prevention and treatment of cytomegalovirus infections in solid organ transplantation]
  26. Perše Martina; Cerar Anton
    Morphological and molecular alterations in 1,2 dimethylhydrazine and azoxymethane induced colon carcinogenesis in rats
  27. Prebil Mateja; Jensen Jorgen; Zorec Robert; Kreft Marko
    Astrocytes and energy metabolism
  28. Fokter Samo K
    Update review and clinical presentation on chronic low back pain treated by AxiaLIF
  29. Mujezinović Faris; Prosnik Anica; Alfirević Žarko
    Different communication strategies for disclosing results of diagnostic prenatal testing
  30. Avberšek Andreja; Sisodiya Sanjay
    Does the primary literature provide support for clinical signs used to distinguish psychogenic nonepileptic seizures from epileptic seizures?
  31. Cerar Andraž; Bunc Matjaž
    Povišana srčna frekvenca v mirovanju: dejavnik tveganja za srčnožilne zaplete
    [Elevated resting heart rate: a risk for cardiovascular events]
  32. Cvijić Marta; Žižek David; Zupan Igor
    Zdravljenje napredovalega srčnega popuščanja z elektrostimulacijo srca na način resinhronizacije
    [Treatment of heart failure with cardiac resynchronization therapy]
  33. Smrkolj Špela
    Citološke in biopsijske tehnike ter kolposkopija v ginekologiji
    [Cytology and biopsy techniques and colposcopy in gynecology]
  34. Kokalj Anja; Štor Zdravko
    Poškodbe jeter
    [Liver injuries]
  35. Ostrovršnik Jaka; Cvirn Anina; Peterlin-Mašič Lucija
    Amfetamin in metamfetamin: mehanizem delovanja, učinki, zastrupitev in diagnostika
    [Amphetamine and methamphetamine: mechanism of action, effects, poisoning and diagnostics]
  36. Bizjak Tina; Saletinger Rajko
    Južnoameriška tripanosomoza - Chagasova bolezen
    [American trypanosomiasis - Chagas disease]
  37. Teif Vladimir B; Bohinc Klemen
    Condensed DNA: condensing the concepts
  38. Prijič Sara; Serša Gregor
    Magnetic nanoparticles as targeted delivery systems in oncology
    [Magnetni nanodelci kot dostavni sistemi v onkologiji]
  39. Prevolnik-Rupel Valentina; Ogorevc Marko
    Prostorska analiza nenujnih reševalnih prevozov: možnost uvedbe nočitev za bolnike, ki se vozijo na obsevanje na Onkološki inštitut
    [Spatial analysis of non-urgent ambulance transport: a possibility of overnight stay for radiotherapy patients at the Institute of Oncology]
  40. Rumboldt Mirjana; Kuzmanić Marion; Petrić Dragomir; Rumboldt Zvonko
    Unsatisfactory cardiovascular risk control - opportunities for family medicine
    [Nezadostno obvladovanje dejavnikov tveganja za srčno-žilne bolezni - priložnost za družinsko medicino]
  41. Korošec-Jagodič Helena; Novak-Jankovič Vesna; Pregelj Peter
    Sodobno zdravljenje z elektrokonvulzivno terapijo
    [Up-todate treatment with electroconvulsive therapy]
  42. Eržen I; Janaček J; Kubinova L
    Characterisation of the capillary network in skeletal muscles from 3D data- a review
  43. Hodolič M; Fettich J; Banti E; Chondrogiannis S; Al-Nahhas A; Rubello D
    Diagnostics of neuroendocrine tumours
  44. Rode M
    Učinkovita uporaba analgetikov v stomatologiji
    [Effective use of analgesics in dentistry]
  45. Gašperšič R; Petelin M; Skalerič U
    Vzroki in zdravljenje periimplantitisa
    [Causes and treatment of periimplantitis]
  46. Cvetko E; Bajec T; Pečar-Čad S; Skalerič U; Čižman M
    Predpisovanje antibiotikov v zobozdravstvu v Sloveniji
    [Antibiotic prescribing practices among Slovene dentists]
  47. Matos T; Gašperšič R
    Vloga gliv Candida spp. pri boleznih ustne sluznice
    [The role of Candida spp. in oral mucosal diseases]
  48. Breznikar Brane; Dinevski Dejan; Skalicky Marjan
    Želodčni obvod: slovenske izkušnje - prvi rezultati našega dela
    [Gastric bypass: the Slovenian experience - preliminary results]
  49. Black Ashly D; Car Josip; Pagliari Claudia; Anandan Chantelle
    The impact of eHealth on the quality and safety of health care: a systematic overview
  50. Lah Katja; Grmec Štefek
    The role of end-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring in rapid sequence intubation
  51. Urlep Žužej Darja; Mičetić-Turk Dušanka; Dolinšek Jernej
    Biološka zdravila v zdravljenju otrok in mladostnikov s kronično vnetno črevesno boleznijo
    [Biologic agents in the treatment of children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease]
  52. Krebs Bojan; Potrč Stojan
    Rak debelega črevesa in danke
    [Colorectal cancer]
  53. Potrč Stojan; Krebs Bojan; Jagrič Tomaž
    Žlezni rak želodca s kirurškega vidika
    [Surgical aspects in gastric adenocarcinoma]
  54. Skok Pavel
    Peptična razjeda in okužba s Helicobacter pylori
    [Peptic ulcer and Helicobacter pylori infection]
  55. Lejko-Zupanc Tatjana
    Infekcijska driska
    [Infectious diarrhea]
  56. Orel Rok
    Sindrom razdražljivega črevesja
    [Irritable bowel syndrome]
  57. Brecelj Jernej; Sedmak Marjeta
    [Celiac disease]
  58. Dolenc-Stražar Zvezdana; Cerar Anton
    Patologija kronične vnetne črevesne bolezni
    [Pathology of the inflammatory bowel disease]
  59. Jeruc Jera
    Helicobacter pylori in z njim povezane bolezni
    [Helicobacter pylori and associated diseases]
  60. Jović Viktor; Cerar Anton
    Histopatološke značilnosti Barrettovega požiralnika
    [Histopathological changes in Barrett's esophagus]
  61. Stožer Andraž; Dolenšek Jurij; Rupnik Marjan
    Fiziologija prebavne cevi, 2. del
    [Gastrointestinal physiology, part 2]
  62. Stožer Andraž; Dolenšek Jurij; Rupnik Marjan
    Fiziologija prebavne cevi, 1. del
    [Gastrointestinal pjysiology, part 1]
  63. Čebašek Vita
    Anatomija prebavne cevi
    [Anatomy of the alimentary canal]
  64. Sket Dušan
    Razvoj in perspektive slovenske medicinske terminologije in leksikografije - zgodovinska vloga Zdravniškega vestnika
    [Development and perspectives of Slovenian medical terminology and lexicography - the historical role of Zdravniški vestnik]
  65. Florijančič Urša; Majdič Elga; Hočevar Marko; Ahčan Uroš
    Sodobno kirurško zdravljenje raka dojke: metode rekonstrukcije po ohranitveni kirurgiji in po mastektomiji
    [Current surgery for breast cancer: reconstruction methods after conservative operations and after mastectomy]
  66. Pintar Tadeja
    Presaditev tankega črevesa
    [Intestine transplantation]
  67. Rozman Aleš; Marc-Malovrh Mateja; Osolnik Katarina; Camlek Luka; Triller Nadja
    Endobronhialna ultrazvočna preiskava v diagnostiki in zdravljenju mediastinalnih sprememb
    [Endobronchial ultrasound for the diagnosis and treatment of mediastinal lesions]
  68. Gajšek Peter
    Vplivi elektromagnetnih sevanj na zdravje
    [Health effects of electromagnetic fields]
  69. Zakšek Teja
    Spiritualnost v zdravstveni negi in babištvu
    [Spirituality in nursing and midwifery care]
  70. Premuš-Marušič Alenka; Locatelli Igor; Mrhar Aleš
    Farmakokinetika penicilinskih antibiotikov: preklop iz intravenske na peroralno terapijo
    [Pharmacokinetics of penicillin antibiotics: intravenous-to-oral switch therapy]
  71. Kopčavar-Guček Nena
    Obravnava bolečine v trebuhu pri zdravniku družinske medicine
    [Management of abdominal pain in family practice]
  72. Strojan-Fležar Margareta
    Urine and bladder washing cytology for detection of urothelial carcinoma: standard test with new possibilities
    [Citološka preiskava urina in izpirka sečnega mehurja pri ugotavljanju urotelijskega karcinonma: standardni test in nove možnosti]
  73. Kubale Valentina
    Taste perception: from anatomical to molecular level
    [Zaznavanje okusa: anatomski in molekularni mehanizmi]
  74. Jenko Mojca; Zupan Anton
    Models and instruments for selection of assistive technology for computer access
    [Modeli in orodja za izbiro podporne tehnologije za delo z računalnikom]
  75. Gan Hui Kong; Šeruga Boštjan; Knox Jennifer J
    Sunitinib in solid tumors
  76. Strojan Primož; Ferlito Alfio; Langendijk Johannes A; Silver Carl E
    Indications for radiotherapy after neck dissestion
  77. Amir Eitan; Šeruga Boštjan; Serrano Rosario; Ocaña Alberto
    Targeting DNA repair in breast cancer: a clinical and translational update
  78. Bavcon Jože
    Botanični vrt Univerze v Ljubljani - 200 let
    [University botanic gardens Ljubljana - 200 years]
  79. Langendijk Johannes A.; Ferlito Alfio; Takes Robert P; Rodrigo Juan P; Suárez Carl; Strojan Primož; Haigentz Missak; Rinaldo Alessandra
    Postoperative stategies after primary surgery for squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck
  80. Pilko Gašper; Bešić Nikola; Žgajnar Janez; Hočevar Marko
    Prognostic heterogeneity after the excision of lymph node metastases in patients with cutaneous melanoma
  81. Župan Anja; Ahčan Uroš
    Dismorfna telesna motnja
    [Body dysmorphic disorder]
  82. Lunder Mojca; Žiberna Lovro; Drevenšek Gorazd; Šabovič Mišo
    Zaščitni pleiotropni učinki statinov
    [Beneficial pleiotropic effects of statins]
  83. Zaloker Ante; Zaloker Urška
    Komplementarna in integrativna medicina
    [Complementary and integrative medicine]
  84. Božič-Mijovski Mojca
    Hyperhomocysteinemia and thrombophilia
  85. Živin Marko
    Potential applications of dopamine D1 agonist and D2 antagonist LEK-8829
  86. Borko Elko; Brumec Viljem; Janžekovič Boža; Pivec Gregor
    Zgodovina medikohistorične sekcije Slovenskega zdravniškega društva
    [History of the medicohistorical section of Slovenia within the Slovenian medical association]
  87. Kravos Alenka; Hočevar-Boltežar Irena
    Reinkejev edem glasilk
    [Reinke's edema of the vocal cords]
  88. Bren Andrej; Kandus Aljoša
    Klinične smernice za diagnozo, oceno, preprečevanje in zdravljenje kronične ledvične bolezni - mineralne in kostne bolezni (KLB-MKB) pri odraslih
    [Clinical guidelines for the diagnosis, assesment, prevention, and treatment of chronic kidney disease - mineral and bone disorders (CKD-MBD)]
  89. Hawlina Marko; Drnovšek-Olup Brigita
    Obojestransko idiopatsko vnetje orbite: prikaz dveh primerov in pregled področja
    [Bilateral idiopathic orbital inflammation: report of two cases with a review]
  90. Šurlan-Popovič Katarina; Koren Aleš; Pečarič-Meglič Nuška; Popovič Peter
    Vloga računalniške tomografije in megnetne resonance v obravnavi netravmatskih bolezenskih stanj orbite
    [Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging of nontraumatic orbital conditions]
  91. Zupan Marija; Gril Alenka
    Glavkom in možnosti nevroprotektivnega zdravljenja
    [Glaucoma and options for neuroprotective treatment]
  92. Štabuc-Šilih Mirna
    Preprečevanje tanjšanja roženic
    [Preventing corneal ectasia]
  93. Lumi Xhevat; Irman-Grčar Irena
    25-gauge brezšivna vitrektomija
    [25-gauge sutureless vitrectomy]
  94. Vidović-Valentinčič Nataša; Kraut Aleksandra
    Intermediarni uveitis
    [Intermediate uveitis]
  95. Leonardi Matilde; Burger Helena; Marinček Črt
    Integrating research into policy planning: MHADIE policy recommendations
  96. Planinšek-Ručigaj Tanja; Tlaker-Žunter Vesna; Miljković Jovan
    Naša iskustva s kompresijskom terapijom limfedema
  97. Amir Eitan; Freedman Orit C; Šeruga Boštjan; Evans Gareth D
    Assessing women at high risk of breast cancer ea review of risk assessment models
  98. Arriagada R; Debevec Miha; Kovač Viljem
    Postoperative radiotherapy for non-small cell lung cancer
  99. Bregant T
    Vročinski krči
    [Febrile seizures]
  100. Sykiotis Gerasimos P; Pitteloud Nelly; Seminara Stephanie B; Kaiser Ursula B; Crowley William F
    Deciphering genetic disease in the genomic era: the model of GnRH deficiency

   3.001 3.101 3.201 3.301 3.401 3.501 3.601 3.701 3.801 3.901  

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