biomedicina slovenica |
vo="middle age" : 82-181
Preželj Janez; Ostanek Barbara; Bitenc-Logar Darja; Marc Janja; Hawa Gerhard; Kocjan Tomaž
Cathepsin K predicts femoral neck bone mineral density change in nonosteoporotic peri- and early postmenopausal women
2008 ►
Brvar M; Okrajšek R; Kosmina P; Starič F; Kaps R; Koželj G; Bunc M
Metabolic acidosis in prometryn (triazine herbicide) self-poisoning
2008 ►
Knehtl Maša; Ćeranić Davorin; Urlep Dejan; Glumbić Ivana; Kavalar Rajko; Skalicky Marjan; Skok Pavel
Jetrna amiloidoza - predstavitev bolnika in pregled literature
[Hepatic amyloidosis - case report and literature review]
2008 ►
Panajotović L; Ðordević B; Pavlović MD
A giant primary cutaneous melanoma of the scalp--can it be that big?
2007 ►
Kopač I
Fiksnoprotetična oskrba znižane višine griza pri obrabi zob
[Posthodontic management of reduced occlusal vertical dimension caused by tooth wear]
2007 ►
Kregar-Velikonja Alenka; Coer Andrej; Gorenšek Miro; Knežević Miomir; Kmetec Andrej
Tissue formation following implantation of cultured elastic chondrocytes for treatment of vesicoureteral reflux
2008 ►
Brvar Miran; Vrtovec Matjaž; Kovač Damjan; Koželj Gordana; Pezdir Tomaž; Bunc M
Haemodialysis clearance of baclofen
2007 ►
Ravnik Janez; Jugović Domagoj; Vranič Andrej
Vstavitev subduro-peritonealne drenaže pri bolniku s ponavljajočim se obojestranskim subduralnim higromom: prikaz primera
[Insertion of the subduro-peritoneal drainage in a patient with recurrent bilateral subdural hygroma: a case report]
2007 ►
Starc Vito; Schlegel Todd T
Real-time multichannel system for beat-to-beat QT interval variability
2006 ►
Pinn Melva E; Austin Laura M; Schomas David A; Miller Robert C
Case report from Mayo clinic: locally advanced Bartholin gland carcinoma
[Prikaz primera z Mayo clinic: lokalno napredovali karcinom Bartholinijeve žleze]
2007 ►
Smrke Dragica; Gubina Borut; Domanović Dragoslav; Rožman Primož
Allogeneic platelet gel with autologous cancellous bone graft for the treatment of a large bone defect
2007 ►
Klokočovnik Tomislav; Kržišnik-Zorman Simona; Weiss Miha
Uspešno zdravljenje disekcije aorte tipa A z rekonstrukcijo aortne zaklopke po Tirone-Davidu pri bolniku z dvotirno antiagregacijsko zaščito. Prikaz primera
[Successful treatment of aortic dissection type A with reconstruction of aortic valve according to Tirone-David in patient who received two-tier antiplatelet therapy. Case report]
2007 ►
Černič-Šuligoj Nataša; Cvetičanin Branko; Noč Marko; Reschner Hrvoje
Perkutani koronarni poseg pri anomalnem izstopišču desne koronarne arterije iz levega koronarnega sinusa. Prikaz primera
[Percutaneous coronary intervention in anomalous right coronary artery arising from the left coronary sinus]
2007 ►
Rode Matjaž
Kronični ulcerativni stomatitis - opis primera
2007 ►
Klokočovnik Tomislav
Give the sternum a break ‐ endoscopic-assisted atraumatic coronary artery bypass: a case report
[Nedotaknjena prsnica ‐ endoskopsko opravljeni obvod koronarnih arterij (prikaz primera)]
2007 ►
Koršič Marjan
Nevroendoskopska odstranitev intraventrikelnega hematoma: prikaz primera
[Neuroendoscopic removal of intraventricular haemorrhage: case report]
2007 ►
Bukovsky Antonin; Copas Pleas; Virant-Klun Irma
Potential new strategies for the treatment of ovarian infertility and degenerative diseases with autologous ovarian stem cells
2006 ►
Danieli Aljoša
Vpliv vzdržljivostnega treninga na uravnavanje delovanja srca preko avtonomnega živčevja pri petdesetletnih preiskovancih
2007 ►
Bošnjak Roman; Bačovnik Urška; Podnar Simon; Benedičič Mitja
T1-nerve root neuroma presenting with apical mass and Horner's syndrome
2007 ►
Badri T; El-Euch D; Maamouri N; Ben-Tekaya N; Ben-Osman-Dhahri A
Generalized cutaneous morphea in a patient with post-hepatitis C cirrhosis
2007 ►
Ličina Milan; Vitorovič Sveto; Velikonja Ingrid
Frontotemporal arachnoid cyst connected to relapsing stupor
2004 ►
Ravnik-Oblak Maja; Lainščak Mitja
Namerno povzročena hipoglikemija pri bolnikih s sladkorno boleznijo, zdravljenih z inzulinom
[Intentional hypoglycaemia in diabetic patients treated with insulin]
2007 ►
Pevec Teodor; Smrkolj Vladimir; Jazbec Darko; Toš Aljoša
Zapoznela odstranitev zunanjega fiksatorja po prelomu nadlaktnice
[Late removal of external fixation, after a humerus fracture]
2007 ►
Lavrič Alenka; Švigelj Viktor; Prestor Borut; Hawlina Marko
Homonimna hemianopsija - prikaz primera
2007 ►
Benedik Janez; Gradišek Primož; Šereg-Bahar Maja; Slabe-Vrečič Simona; Župevc Avgust
Zožitev spodnjega dela grla in sapnika po endotrahealni intubaciji
[Laryngo-tracheal stenosis following endotracheal intubation]
2007 ►
Tamiolakis D; Antoniou C; Venizelos J; Lambropoulou M; Alexiadis G; Ekonomou C; Tsiminikakis N; Alifieris E; Papadopoulos N; Konstandinidis T
Papillary thyroid carcinoma metastasis most probably due to fine needle aspiration biopsy: a case report
2006 ►
Verovnik Franc
Klinični potek in zdravljenje Fabryjeve bolezni pri treh bolnikih pred uvedbo nadomestnega encimskega zdravljenja
[Clinical course and management of Fabry disease in three patients before the introduction of enzyme replacement therapy]
2006 ►
Krajnc Mitja; Čokolič Miro
Zollinger-Ellisonov sindrom: prikaz primera
[Zollinger-Ellison syndrome: a case report]
2006 ►
Trebše Rihard; Poberaj Boris; Coer Andrej; Levašič Vesna
Prvi primer artroskopske odstranitve osteoid-osteoma iz glavice radiusa
[The first case of arthroscopically removed osteoid osteoma of the radial head]
2006 ►
Ravnik-Oblak Maja; Oblak Ciril; Stankovič Sašo
Psoas and spinal epidural abscess in a diabetic patient - case report
2005 ►
Pahor D; Gračner B; Gračner T; Pahor A
Wegener-Granulomatose: ein diagnostisches Problem
[Wegener's granulomatosis: a diagnostic challenge]
2006 ►
Flis Vojko
Arterijski zapleti sindroma utesnitve izhoda iz prsnega koša
[Arterial complications of thoracic outlet syndrome]
2006 ►
Ivetić Vesna; Hodolič Marina; Popović Mira; Kovačević Branka
Kantarion i spavanje
[St. John's wort and sleeping]
2001 ►
Gračner B; Pahor D; Gračner T
Behandlung einer umfangreichen Korneoskleraperforation bei okulaerer Rosacea mit der Keratoplastik
[Repair of an extensive corneosclear perforation in a case of ocular rosacea with a keratoplasty]
2006 ►
Černe Andreja; Zupan Igor; Ramovž Andrej
Dual-chamber pacing in a patient with left ventricular outflow tract obstruction
[Dvo-komorna elektrostimulacija srca pri bolnici z obstrukcijo v iztočnem traktu levega prekata]
2006 ►
Krnić Anton; Sučić Zvonimir; Vučić Nikša; Krolo Ivan
Partial subclavian steal syndrome in congenitally anomalous subclavian artery
[Sindrom kraje krvi pri prirojeni anomaliji podključnične arterije]
2006 ►
Pahor Artur; Hojs Radovan; Holc Iztok; Ambrožič Aleš; Čučnik Saša; Kveder Tanja; Rozman Blaž
Antiphospholipid antibodies as a possible risk factor for atherosclerosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
2006 ►
Gomez MI; Perez B; Contreras JA; de Las Heras MH; Rocamora A; Ledo A
Xanthoma disseminatum associated with hypocholesterolemia and hypolipoproteinemia
1994 ►
Lazarević Viktor; Tiodorović Jelica; Tiodorović-Živković Danica; Stanojević Milenko; Popović Danijela; Janković Aleksandar
Immunophenotyping of amelanotic melanoma. A case report
2006 ►
Bajuk-Studen Katica; Kocjan Tomaž
Huda rezistentna hipokalemija - diagnostični izziv
2006 ►
Jug Borut; Šebeštjen Miran; Šabovič Mišo; Keber Irena
Clopidogrel is associated with a lesser increase in NT-proBNP when compared to aspirin in patients with ischemic heart failure
2006 ►
Rahne-Otorepec Irena; Furman-Bajc Vida
Odvisnost od zdravil in komorbidne motnje - terapevtski pesimizem ali optimizem?
2005 ►
Nissen Steven E; Nicholls Stephen J; Sipahi Ilke; Libby Peter; Raichlen Joel S; Ballantyne Christie M; Davignon Jean; Erbel Raymond; Fruchart Jean-Charles; Tardif Jean-Claude
Učinki zelo intenzivne terapije s statini na zmanjšanje obsega koronarne ateroskleroze: študija ASTEROID
[Effect of very high-intensity statin therapy on regression of coronary atherosclerosis: the ASTEROID trial]
2006 ►
Mušič E; Kern I; Kecelj P
Pulmonale Lymphangioleiomyomatose (LAM) - ein Fallbericht mit guter Prognose
2006 ►
Šabovič Mišo; Salobir Barbara; Preložnik-Zupan Irena; Bratina Petra; Bojec Vida; Buturović-Ponikvar Jadranka
The influence of the haemodialysis procedure on platelets, coagulation and fibrinolysis
2005 ►
Franko Alenka; Budihna Metka V; Dodič-Fikfak Metoda
Long-term effects of elemental mercury function in miners of the Idrija mercury mine
2005 ►
Ekart Robert; Horvat Matjaž; Hojs Radovan; Pečovnik-Balon Breda
An accident with Tenckhoff catheter placement: urinary bladder perforation
2006 ►
Lainščak Mitja; Hočevar Alojzija; Logar Dušan; Beović Bojana; Matos Tadeja; Tomšič Matija
Subcutaneous infection with Pseudallescheria boydii in an immunocompromised patient
2007 ►
Babič Dunja Z; Poljak Mario; Seme Katja; Tomažič Janez; Vidmar Ludvik
Molecular epidemiology of HIV-1 subtypes based on analysis of pol sequences in Slovenia, 1996-2005
2006 ►
Brvar Miran; Možina Martin; Bunc Matjaž
Prolonged psychosis after Amanita muscaria ingestion
2006 ►
Gregorič Igor; Košir Roman; Smart Frank W; Messner Gregory N; Patel Vijay S; La Francesca Saverio; Cervera Roberto D; Frazier OH
Left ventricular assist device implantation in a patient with congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries
2005 ►
Jeruc Jera; Popović Mara; Vizjak Alenka; Jurčić Vesna; Lestan Boris; Ferluga Dušan
Multiple mononeuropathy due to vasculitis associated with anticardiolipin antibodies: a case report
2006 ►
Jelenc F; Brenčič E
Laparoscopically assisted resection of an ascending colon lipoma causing intermittent intussusception
2005 ►
Starc Radovan
Stresna kardiomiopatija
[Stress cardiomyopathy]
2006 ►
Molnar-Novak Helena; Bedernjak-Bajuk Nataša; Hojker Sergej
Hipertiroza povzročena z amiodaronom - prikaz dveh primerov
[Cordarone induced hyperthyroidism - presentation of two cases]
2006 ►
Štupnik Tomaž; Srpčič Matevž; Jerman Jože; Vidmar Stanko; Eržen Janez; Sok Mihael
Iatrogeni kontralateralni pnevmotoraks po pnevmonektomiji
[Iatrogenous contralateral pneumothorax following pneumonectomy]
2006 ►
Ocepek Andreja; Pernat Cvetka
Epistaksa - simptom krvavitve iz prebavil? Prikaz primera
[Epistaxis - a symptom of git bleeding? A case report]
2006 ►
Šarman Majda; Pišek-Šuta Karmen
Poti iskanja pomoči terminalnega bolnika
2006 ►
Lopuh Mateja
Ambulantno zdravljenje bolečine: prikaz primerov iz prakse
2006 ►
Cornelis Marilyn C; El-Sohomy Ahmed; Kabagambe Edmond K; Campos Hannia
Kava, CYP1A2 genotip in tveganje za miokardni infarkt
[Coffee, CYP1A2 genotype, and risk of myocardial infarction]
2006 ►
Galič E; Vrtovec M; Bozikov V; Schwarzenhofer M; Miličevič Z
The impact of the timing of Humalog Mix25 injections on blood glucose fluctuations in the postprandial period in elderly patients with type 2 diabetes
2005 ►
Hodolič Marina
Uticaj ekstrakta ginkgo bilobe na funkcionalno stanje organizma čoveka
2005 ►
Novak Brigita; Milčinski Metka; Grmek Marko; Kocmur Margareta
Early effects of treatment on regional cerebral blood flow in first episode schizophrenia patients evaluated with 99Tc-ECD-SPECT
2005 ►
Edelbaher Natalija; Varga Tomaž
Maligni mezoteliom - prikaz primera
[Malignant mesothelioma - case report]
2006 ►
Zemljič Eva; Čokolič Miro
Dislipidemija in sladkorna bolezen - prikaz primera
[Dyslipidemia and diabetes - case report]
2006 ►
Dajčman Davorin
Bolnik z mešano hiperlipidemijo, periferno okluzivno arterijsko boleznijo in prsno bolečino - prikaz primera
[Patient with mixed hyperlipidemia, peripheral occlusive arterial disease and chest pain - case report]
2006 ►
Novak-Grubič V; Tavčar R
Lithium intoxication secondary to unrecognized pontine haemorrhage
2001 ►
Klokočovnik Tomislav
Minilaparatomy for repair of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. Case report
[Zdravljenje po ruptirirani anevrizmi abdominalne aorte z minilaparotomijo: prikaz primera]
2006 ►
Cerar Daša; Strle Franc
Odgovori na vprašanja sodišča
2006 ►
Ogrinc Katarina
Kronična lymska borelioza
2006 ►
Videčnik Jerneja; Maraspin-Čarman Vera
Erythema migrans pri osebi z okvarjeno imunostjo
2006 ►
Pikelj-Pečnik Andreja; Maraspin-Čarman Vera
Lymski karditis
2006 ►
Ogrinc Katarina
Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans
2006 ►
Bogovič Petra; Cimperman Jože
Borelijski limfocitom
2005 ►
Bogovič Petra; Logar Mateja
Erythema migrans
2006 ►
Pretnar-Oblak J; Šabovič M; Pogačnik T; Šebeštjen M; Zaletel M
Flow-mediated dilatation and intima-media thickness in patients with lacunar infarctions
2006 ►
Bunc M; Pezdir T; Možina H; Možina M; Brvar M
Butanol ingestion in an airpost hangar
2006 ►
Sanchini Maria Aurora; Gunelli Roberta; Nanni Oriana; Bravaccini Sara; Fabbri Carla; Sermasi Alice; Bercovich Eduard; Ravaiolo Alberto; Amadori Dino; Calistri Daniele
Pomen urinske telomeraze v diagnostiki raka sečnega mehurja
[Relevance of urine telomerase in the diagnosis of bladder cancer]
2006 ►
Frucht Steven J; Trošt Maja; Ma Yilong; Eidelberg David
The metabolic topography of posthypoxic myoclonus
2004 ►
Trošt Maja; Su Philip C; Barnes Anna; Su Sherwin L; Yen Ruoh-Fang; Tseng Ham-Min; Ma Yilong; Eidelberg David
Evolving metabolic changes during the first postoperative year after subthalamotomy
2003 ►
Smrdel Uroš; Kovač Viljem
Erlotinib in previously treated non-small-cell lung cancer
[Erlotinib pri zdravljenju nedrobnoceličnega raka pljuč]
2006 ►
Bhatia Sumita; Miller Robert C; Lachance Daniel L
Neck extensor muscle weakness (dropped head syndrome) following radiotherapy
[Zmanjšana moč vratnih iztegovalnih mišic (sindrom padajoče glave) kot posledica obsevalnega zdravljenja]
2006 ►
Radovancevic Branislav; Vrtovec Bojan; Thomas Cynthia D; Croitoru Mihai; Myers Timothy J; Radovancevic Rajko; Kham Tehreen; Massin Edward K; Frazier OH
Nitric oxide versus prostaglandin E1 for reduction of pulmonary hypertension in heart transplant candidates
2005 ►
Radovancevic Branislav; Golino Alessandro; Vrtovec Bojan; Thomas Cyntia D; Radovancevic Rajko; Odegaard Peggy; Van Rossem Charles C; Gaemers Sebastiaan JM; Vaughn William K; Smart Frank W; Frazier OH
Is bridging to transplantation with a left ventricular assist device a risk factor for transplant coronary artery disease?
2005 ►
Pavlović MD
Dermatitis herpetiformis presenting as intertriginous dermatitis
2006 ►
Eržen Darja; Špiler Marko; Novak Janez
Sarkomi mehnikh tkiv; problemi diagnostike in zdravljenja z vidika onkološkega kirurga
[Soft tissue sarcoma]
2005 ►
Ekart Robert; Hojs Radovan; Hojs-Fabjan Tanja; Pečovnik-Balon Breda
Predictive value of carotid intima media thickness in hemodialysis patients
2005 ►
Zorc-Pleskovič Ruda; Teran Nataša; Pleskovič Aleš; Milutinović Aleksandra
Deletion/deletion genotype of angiotensin-I converting enzyme gene is not associated with coronary artery disease in Caucasians with type 2 diabetes
2005 ►
Artnik Barbara; Vidmar Gaj; Javornik Jana; Laaser Ulrich
Premature mortality in Slovenia in relation to selected biological, socioeconomic, and geographical determinants
2006 ►
Rekič Andreja
Analiza topografije papile vidnega živca pri zdravih osebah s Heidelbergovim tomografom mrežnice in z analizatorjem debeline mrežnice
[Optic nerve head topography analysis in healthy adults using Heidelberg retina tomograph and retinal thickness analyzer]
2005 ►
Žvan B; Zaletel M; Pogačnik T; Bajrović FF
Effect of generalized sympathetic activation by cold pressor test on cerebral hemodynamics in diabetics with autonomic dysfunction
2005 ►
Zaletel M; Štrucl M; Bajrović FF; Pogačnik T
Coupling between visual evoked cerebral blood flow velocity responses and visual evoked potentials in migraneurs
2005 ►
Brennan P; Scelo G; Hemminki K; Mellemkjaer L; Tracey E; Andersen A; Brewster DH; Pukkala E; McBride ML; Pompe-Kirn V
Second primary cancers among 109 000 cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma
2005 ►
Arnež Zoran M; Snoj Marko
Sampling of internal mammary chain lymph nodes during breast reconstruction by free flaps from the abdomen
2005 ►
Kolodziejczak Malgorzata; Sudol-Szopinska Iwona
The usefulness of transrectal endosonography in differentiating an anal abscess from a rectal carcinoma. A case report
[Koristnost transrektalne endoluminalne ultrazvočne preiskave pri ločevanju analnega abscesa in rektalnega karcinoma. Prikaz primera]
2005 ►
Fajdiga Igor
Snoring imaging: could Bernoulli explain it all?
2005 ►
Uršič-Vrščaj M; Rakar S; Možina A; Takač I; Šubic Z; Kodrič T; Smrkolj Š
Clinical audit of patients with cervical cancer in Slovenia - data analysis for the year 2003
2005 ►
Margić Krunoslav; Pirc Jelka
The treatment of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) involving upper extremity with continuous sensory analgesia
2003 ►
Borovečki F; Lovrečić L; Zhou J; Jeong H; Then F; Rosas HD; Hersch SM; Hogarth P; Bouzou B; Jensen RV; Krainc D
Genome-wide expression profiling of human blood reveals biomarkers for Huntington's disease
2005 ►
Pretnar-Oblak Janja; Zaletel Marjan; Žvan Bojana; Šabovič Mišo
Cerebrovascular reactivity to L-arginine in patients with lacunar infractions
2006 ►
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