biomedicina slovenica

vo="middle age" : 901-1.000

  1. Rubinstein Arthur H
    Moški štiriinšestdesetih let s sladkorno boleznijo, ki se je začela v odrasli dobi
    [A 64-year-old man with adult-onset diabetes]
  2. Ross Philip D
    Osteoporoza: pogostnost, posledice in dejavniki tveganja
    [Osteoporosis: frequency, consequences, and risk factors]
  3. Mainous Arch G; Zoorb Roger J; Heuston William J
    Sodobno ambulantno zdravljenje akutnega bronhitisa: uporaba antibiotikov in bronhodilatatorjev
    [Current management of acute bronchitis in ambulatory care: the use of antibiotics and bronchodilatators]
  4. Newman Marc C
    Čustveni vpliv napak na splošne zdravnike
    [The emotional impact of mistakes on family physicians]
  5. Grossman Ehud; Messerli Franz H; Grodzicki Tomasz; Kowey Peter
    Ali naj se uvede moratorij na uporabo sublingvalnih nifedipinskih kapsul pri urgentnih in psevdourgentnih stanjih visokega krvnega tlaka?
    [Should a moratorium be placed on sublingual nifedipine capsules given for hypertensive emergencies and pseudoemergencies?]
  6. Verdnik Branka; Tomaževič Tomaž; Ribič-Pucelj Martina; Kobal Borut; Vogler Andrej
    Transcervikalna resekcija endometrija in histeroskopska ablacija submukoznih miomov
    [Transcervical resection of endometrium and hysteroscopic ablation of submucous myomata]
  7. Mahne Stanislav
    Laparoskopska hernioplastika na Kirurškem oddelku Splošne bolnišnice Izola
    [Laparoscopic hernioplasty performed at the surgical departemt of the Izola general hospital]
  8. Komadina R; Smrkolj V; Baraga A
    Ueberbrueckung eines ausgedehnten Knochendefekts mit kortikospongioesen Transplantaten bei Femurfraktur durch Schussverletzung
  9. Deindl FM; Vodušek DB; Bischof C; Hartung R
    Zwei verschiedene Formen von Miktionsstoerungen bei jungen Frauen: Dyssynerges Verhalten im Beckenboden oder Pseudomyotonie im externen urethralen Sphinkter?
  10. Preac-Muršič V; Marget W; Busch U; Pleterski-Rigler D; Hagl S
    Kill kinetics of Borrelia burgdorferi and bacterial findings in relation to the treatment of Lyme borreliosis
  11. Vehkalahti Miira M; Vrbič Vito L; Perič Lidija M; Matvoz Edvard Š
    Oral hygiene and root caries occurrence in Slovenian adults
  12. Kraigher A; Matjašič M; Hočevar-Grom A; Turk K
    TBE surveillance in Slovenia
  13. Tomažič J; Pikelj F; Schwarz B; Kunze M; Kraigher A; Matjašič M; Lešničar G; Gorišek J; Kunz C; Marth E; et al ;
    The clinical features of tick-borne encephalitis in Slovenia
  14. Deletis Vedran; Vodušek David B
    Intraoperative recording of the bulbocavernous reflex
  15. Plesničar Andrej; Jereb Berta; Zaletel-Kragelj Lijana
    Half-body irradiation in the treatment of multiple myeloma: a report of nine cases
  16. Kostnapfel-Rihtar Tatja
    Kakovost storitve vzdrževalnega metadonskega programa
  17. Lešničar H; Šmid L; Zakotnik B
    Early glottic cancer: the influence of primary treatment on voice preservation
  18. Antonič J; Rakar S
    Validity of colour and pulsed Doppler US and tumour marker CA 125 in differentiation between benign and malignant ovarian masses
  19. Razga Z; Ivanyi B; Zidar N; Ferluga D; Sonkodi S; Ormos J
    Quantitative ultrastructural study of afferent and efferent arterioles in IgA glomerulonephritis and benign nephrosclerosis
  20. Jevtić V; Rozman B; Kos-Golja M; Watt I
    MR-Bildgebung bei seronegativen Spondyloarthritider
    [MR imaging in seronegative spondyloarthritis]
  21. Krajnc Ivan; Rems Dušan; Vizjak Alenka; Hodl Stefan
    Erworbene generalisierte Cutis laxa mit Paraproteinamie (IgG-lambda): immunfluoreszenzstudie, klinischer und histologischer Befund mit Literaturubersicht
    [Acquired generalized cutis laxa with paraproteinemia (IgG lambda): immunofluorescence study, clinical and histologic findings with review of the literature]
  22. Sotošek B; Arnež ZM
    Rekonstrukcija mandibule s prostim fibularnim režnjem pri kirurškem zdravljenju tumorjev
    [Reconstruction of the mandibule with a free fibular flap in surgical treatment of tumours]
  23. Ponikvar Rafael; Drinovec Jože; Varl Janez; Bren Andrej; Kveder Radoslav
    Asorption and desorption of proteins on plasmafilter membrane and its efect on macromolecular sieving coefficient
  24. Pokrajac T; Wraber B; Gubina M; Dragaš AZ; Koren S
    Measurement of concentration of inflammatory cytokines and soluble interleukin-2 receptor in human blood
  25. Lešnik-Musek Petra
    Vrednote v različnih življenjskih obdobjih
    [Values in different periods of life]
  26. Grobovšek-Opara Sonja; Paučič Marija
    Hospitalizacije zaradi bolezni in poškodb v Sloveniji v letu 1995
  27. Ribič Helena; Kraigher Alenka; Hočevar-Grom Ada; Zrimšek Romana; Radšel-Medvešček Alenka
    Ogroženost zaradi davice v Sloveniji
    [Risk of diphtheria in Slovenia]
  28. Štefančič M; Prevec TS; Janež J; Mihelič M; Krajnik J; Žgur T; Zupan A; Goljar N
    Optimizacija diagnostičnih in terapevtskih postopkov v fizikalni medicini
  29. Gregorič M; Vodušek DB; Klopčič-Spevak M; Matoic B; Krajnik J; Oblak B; Klemen A; Tomšič I
    Vrednotenje funkcijskih sprememb pri bolečinah v križu: končno poročilo
  30. Rakovec-Felser Zlatka; Kos Martina
    Biopsihosocialna obremenjenost in proces izgorevanja pri medicinskih sestrah
    [Biopsychosocial burdens and the burn-out process in nurses]
  31. Eržen Irena
    Poškodbe pri delu v Republiki Sloveniji v letih 1990-1992
    [Work injuries in the Republic of Slovenia in the period from 1990 to 1992]
  32. Šteblaj Anton; Tavčar Rok
    Depresija, depresivnost in samomor v bolnišnici
  33. Mohor Mitja
    Hospitalizacija proti volji bolnika - dilema v splošni ambulanti
  34. Obersnel-Kveder Dunja
    Spolno in reproduktivno vedenje
    [Sexual and reproductive behaviour]
  35. Obersnel-Kveder Dunja
    Rodnostno vedenje Slovencev
    [Fertility attitude of Slovenes]
  36. Skok Pavel
    Vpliv endoskopske hemostaze na zmanjšanje umrljivosti pri bolnikih s krvavitvami iz prebavil
    [Effect of endoscopic hemostasis on reduction of mortality in patients with hemorrhage from the digestive tract]
  37. Eržen Barbara; Gradišek Primož
    Spremembe žilne stene in sestave krvi pri arterijski hipertenziji
    [Arterial hypertension - induced changes in blood vessels and blood structure]
  38. Verovnik Franc
    Ehografska evalvacija mehanske funkcije levega preddvora po konverziji atrijske fibrilacije
    [Echographic assessment of left atrial mechanical function after conversion of atrial fibrillation]
  39. Flis Vojko; Miksić Kazimir; Pavlovič Milan
    Rezultati kirurškega zdravljenja pri razpočenih anevrizmah abdominalne aorte
    [The outcome of the surgery in ruptured aneurysms of the abdominal aorta]
  40. Holc I; Krajnc I; Pahor T
    Akute Schmerzzustaende in der Rheumatologie
  41. Janša R; Preželj J; Kocijančič A; Osredkar J; Ferlič F
    Androstanediol glucuronide in patients with pancreatic cancer and in those with chronic pancreatitis
  42. Švigelj V; Grad A; Kiauta T
    Heart rate variability, norepinephrine and ECG changes in subarachnoid hemorrhage patients
  43. Hojs R
    Hydronephrosis in a patient on haemodialysis demonstated by ultrasound
  44. Kaplan-Pavlovčič S; Kveder R; Nagode B; Ferluga D
    Clinical course of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic autoantibody (ANCA) - associated glomerulonephritis and systemic vasculitis in the elderly
    [Klinički tijek glomerulonefritisa povezanog s anti-neutrofilnim citoplazmaskim autoantitijelima (ANCA) i sustavni vaskulitis u starijih osoba]
  45. Jevtič V; Watt I; Rozman B; Presetnik M; Logar D; Praprotnik S; Tomšič M; Šipek A; Kos-Golja M; Sepe A; Jarh O; Demšar F; Musikić P; Campion G
    Prognostic value of contrast enhanced Gd-DTPA MRI for development of bone erosive changes in rheumatoid arthritis
  46. Kraigher A; Marinič-Fišer N
    Prijavljanje in spremljanje akutnih infekcij dihal
  47. Luzar B; Coer A; Ferlan-Marolt V
    Chronic hepatitis C - a morphometric and immunohistochemical evaluation of intraportal lymphoid aggregates
  48. Čebašek V; Pernuš F; Eržen I
    Histochemical composition of human latissimus dorsi muscle
  49. Hudomalj E; Eržen I
    Successive shape hulls as a tool for capillary distribution analysis
  50. Ravnik-Glavač M; Potočnik U; Križman I; Koželj M; Golouh R; Glavač D
    Microsatellite instability of colorectal cancer
  51. Cvetko E; Skalerič U; Pernuš F
    Computer-aided assessment of alveolar bone loss from panoramic radiographs
  52. Žemva N
    Bolniki z afazijo in njihove družine: ovire in želje
  53. Ušaj A
    The increase of duration of isometric contraction may not relate to change of relative oxygenation of forearm muscle
  54. Šteblaj A; Tavčar R
    Predictors of suicide during hospitalization
  55. Dernovšek MZ
    Kakovost življenja bolnikov s shizofrenijo
    [The quality of life of patients with schizophrenia]
  56. Zoechling N; Muellegger RR; Schluepen EM; Soyer HP; Hoedl S; Wienecke R; Volkenandt M; Kerl H
    Minocycline in early Lyme borreliosis
  57. Fuchs D; Dotevall L; Gasse T; Hagberg L; Tilz GP; Baier-Bitterlich G; Demel U; Schmutzhard E; Wachter H
    Enhanced intrathecal neopterin production and tryptophan degradation in patients with Lyme neuroborreliosis
  58. Breier F; Schmidt B; Crowe B; Stanek G; Aberer E
    Sclerosing and granulomatous skin lesions in Borrelia burgdorferi infection
  59. Muellegger RR; Brunner-Koehler G; Zoechling N; Reiter H; Hoedl S; Soyer HP; Kerl H
    Erythema migrans multiloculare in Styria (Austria)
  60. Gorišek J; Rogl J
    Ceftriakson pri zdravljenju zgodnje lymske borelioze
  61. Lotrič-Furlan S
    Lymska borerioza in ohromitev obraznega živca po perifernem tipu
  62. Hawlina M; Jarc M; Raič P; Jaki P; Brecelj J; Peterlin B
    Clinical and genetic heterogeneity in retinitis pigmentosa
  63. Medica I; Logar N; Marković D; Peterlin B
    Direct molecular analysis of patients with myotonic dystrophy in Istria - Croatia
  64. Logar N; Zidar J; Peterlin B
    Normal (CTG)n repeat expansion in a family with a clinical picture of myotonic dystrophy
  65. Angelini C; Menegazzo E; Mostacciuolo ML; Gennarelli M; Novelli G; Piccola BD
    Myotonic dystrophy: a disease model of disorders with dynamic mutation
  66. Kersnik Janko
    Praksa zdravnika splošne medicine v ZD Jesenice na področju preventive kardiovaskularnih bolezni: preliminarni podatki projekta izboljšanje kakovosti preventivne dejavnosti v splošni medicini
    [Practice of general practitioner (GP) in primary health center Jesenice in prevention of cardiovascular diseases: preliminary results of the project quality improvement in preventive services in general practice]
  67. Pokorn Dražigost; Eržen Nada; Kelšin Nevenka
    Vpliv števila rojenih otrok na telesno težo žensk v starosti
    [The influence of the number of pregnancies on the women weight in old age]
  68. Lederle FA
    Nevarnost za rupturo velikih abdominalnih aortnih anevrizem: razhajanje med žilnimi kirurgi
    [Risk of rupture of large abdominal aortic aneurysms: disagreement among vascular surgeons]
  69. Olanow CW
    61-letni bolnik s Parkinsonovo boleznijo
    [A 61-year-old man with Parkinsons disease]
  70. Gazvoda A
    Arhetipi in njihovi simboli
    [Archetypes and their symbolism]
  71. Battelino Saba; Žargi Miha; Černelč Smilja
    Sifilis in slušna prizadetost
    [Syphilis and hearing impairment]
  72. Avčin Tadej; Korošec Marko
    Odzivi posamičnih motoričnih enot na neinvazivno draženje motorične možganske skorje pri bolnikih z okvaro zgornjega motoričnega nevrona
    [Single motor unit responses to noninvasive magnetic stimulation of motor cortex in patients with upper motor neuron lesions]
  73. Košir Roman; Kristan Anže
    Rezultati rekonstrukcije stopala s prostim mišično-kožnim režnjem latissimus dorsi
    [Results of the reconstruction of the foot with musculo-cutaneous latissimus dorsi free flap]
  74. Cvetko E; Pernuš F; Skalerič U
    Ocena prizadetosti koreninskih razcepišč iz panoramskih rentgenskih posnetkov
    [Assessment of furcation involvement in molars from panoramic radiographs]
  75. Kovač-Kavčič M; Skalerič U
    Nekateri sistemski dejavniki tveganja za razvoj napredovale parodontalne bolezni
    [Systemic risk factors of advanced periodontal disease]
  76. Grošelj D; Dragaš AZ; Seme K; Malus M; Vendramin V
    Subgingivalna flora in klinična diagnostika parodontalnih bolezni
    [Subgingival microflora and clinical diagnosis of periodontal disease]
  77. Kramar B; Skalerič U
    Preoblikovalni rastni faktorji-beta1 v dlesni in njeni tekočini pri parodontalni bolezni
    [Transforming growth factor beta1 in gingiva and crevicular fluid in periodontal disease]
  78. Zakotnik B
    Multidisciplinarno zdravljenje raka širokega črevesa in danke
  79. Gadžijev EM
    Kirurgija metastaz širokega črevesa in danke
  80. Benulič T
    Obsevanje raka širokega črevesa in danke
  81. Štepec S
    Endoskopski ultrazvok v diagnostiki raka danke
  82. Flis V
    Deep vein thrombosis - intraarterial application of the thrombolytic agent: a case report
  83. Caron JL; Souhami L; Podgoršak EB
    Dynamic stereotactic radiosurgery in the palliative treatment of cerebral metastatic tumors
  84. Freeman CR; Suissa S; Shenouda G; Vuong T; Souhami L; Pla M; Podgoršak EB; Pla C
    Clinical experience with a single field rotational total skin electron irradiation technique for cutaneous T-cell lymphoma
  85. Selke P; Roman TN; Souhami L; Freeman CR; Clark BG; Evans MD; Pla C; Podgoršak EB
    Treatment results of high dose rate brachytherapy in patients with carcinoma of the cervix
  86. Shenouda G; Gordon PH; Podgoršak EB; Evans MD; Freeman CR
    Long source-skin distance rectal irradiation technique: a review of results
  87. McKenzie MR; Souhami L; Caron JL; Olivier A; Villemure JG; Podgoršak EB
    Early and late complications following dynamic stereotactic radiosurgery and fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy
  88. McKenzie MR; Freeman CR; Pla M; Guerra J; Souhami L; Pla C; Podgoršak EB
    Clinical experience with electron pseudoarc therapy
  89. Gosselin M; Benk V; Charron F; Podgoršak EB; Evans MD
    Postoperative radiotherapy for chondrosarcoma of the L1 vertebral body: a case report
  90. Faria SL; Souhami L; Bahary JP; Caron JL; Villemure JG; Olivier A; Clark B; Podgoršak EB
    Metastase cerebral: tratamento paliativo com radiocirurgia
    [Brain metastasis: palliative treatment with radiosurgery]
  91. el-Khatib EE; Freeman CR; Rybka WB; Lehnert S; Podgoršak EB
    The use of CT densitometry to predict lung toxicity in bone marrow transplant patients
  92. Souhami L; Olivier A; Podgoršak EB; Hazel J; Pla M; Tampieri D
    Dynamic stereotactic radiosurgery in arteriovenous malformation: preliminary treatment results
  93. Souhami L; Olivier A; Podgoršak EB; Pla M; Pike GB
    Radiosurgery of cerebral arteriovenous malformations with the dynamic stereotactic irradiation
  94. Roman TN; Souhami L; Freeman CR; Pla C; Evans MD; Podgoršak EB; Mendelew K
    High dose rate afterloading intracavitary therapy in carcinoma of the cervix
  95. Souhami L; Olivier A; Podgoršak EB; Villemure JG; Pla M; Sadikot AF
    Fractionated stereotactic radiation therapy for intracranial tumors
  96. Poredoš Pavel; Fras Zlatko
  97. Mihelič F; Vezjak M; Šinkovec M; Babič A; Gyergyek L; Janežič A
    Diagnostic value of vectorcardiographical parameters for the exercise test
  98. Peterzen B; Loenn U; Babič A; Grandfeldt H; Casimir-Ahn H; Rutberg H
    Postoperative management of patients with hemopump support after coronary artery bypass grafting
  99. Lonn U; Peterzen B; Granfeldt H; Babič A; Casimir-Ahn H
    Hemopump treatment in patients with postcardiotomy heart failure
  100. Koželj M; Angelski R; Pavčnik D
    Lipomatous hypertrophy of the interatrial septum: diagnosis by echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging. A case report

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