biomedicina slovenica

pr=Bunc : 627-726

  1. Tušek-Bunc Ksenija; Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Švab Igor; King Michael; Nazareth Irwin; Torres Francisco; Maaroos Heidi; Neeleman Jan; Xavier Miguel
    Prediction of future episodes of depression in primary medical care: evaluation of a risk factor profile
  2. Tušek-Bunc Ksenija
    Odnos med bolnišničnim in zdravnikom družinske medicine
  3. Klemen Petra; Grmec Štefek; Tušek-Bunc Ksenija
    Izkušnje in predlogi za še boljše sodelovanje med primarnim in sekundarnim nivojem pri napotitvah
    [Experiences and suggestions for improving communication between primary care physicians and specialists]
  4. Tušek-Bunc Ksenija; Kersnik Janko
    Napotitev h konzultantu kot del odločanja v družinski medicini
    [Referral to the consultant as a part of decision making in family medicine]
  5. Bunc Matjaž
    Fiziološke spremembe kardiovaskularnega sistema med nosečnostjo
  6. Brvar Miran; Koželj Gordana; Možina Martin; Bunc Matjaž
    Acute poisoning with autumn crocus (Colchicum autumnale L.)
  7. Rozman J; Bunc M; Zorko B
    Modulation of hormone secretion by functional electrical stimulation of the intact and incompletely dysfunctional dog pancreas
  8. Tušek-Bunc Ksenija
    Etične dileme pri primarni preventivi bolezni srca in ožilja
  9. Vodopivec-Jamšek Vlasta; Švab Igor; Bulc Mateja; Kolšek Marko; Žorž Gojmir; Kersnik Janko; Rotar-Pavlič Danica; Klančič Dean; Kavčič Sašo; Tomazin Iztok; Tušek-Bunc Ksenija; Car Josip; Živčec-Kalan Gordana; Grmec Štefek; Kopčavar-Guček Nena; Poplas-Susič Tonka; Židanik Suzana; Klančar Darinka; Petek-Šter Marija
    Družinska medicina: delovni zvezek: študijsko leto 2003/2004
  10. Brvar Miran; Ploj Tom; Koželj Gordana; Možina Martin; Noč Marko; Bunc Matjaž
    Case report: fatal poisoning with Colchicum autumnale
  11. Tušek-Bunc Ksenija; Kersnik Janko
    Meje med psihiatrijo in družinsko medicino
  12. Bunc Gorazd; Voršič Matjaž; Šeruga Tomaž
    Long-term outcome following microsurgically excised lumbar herniated discs - our experience
  13. Bunc Matjaž
    Patološka fiziologija sinkope
  14. Tušek-Bunc Ksenija; Kersnik Janko
    Etične dileme pri obravnavi nasilja nad otrokom
  15. Tušek-Bunc Ksenija
    Etične dileme v preventivi
  16. Bunc Matjaž
    Patološka fiziologija sinkope
  17. Kovačič Srečko; Bunc Gorazd; Kovačič Petra Brina
    Influence od alpha-adrenergic blockade on noradrenergic activity after experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage
  18. Vrabič Erik; Bunc Gorazd; Jesenšek-Papež Breda
    Izkušnje pri zdravljenju sindroma zapestnega prehoda v SB Maribor
  19. Bunc Gorazd; Kovačič Srečko; Strnad Simona
    The influence of noradrenergic blockade on vasospasm and the quantity of cerebral dopamine beta-hydroxylase following subarachnoid haemorrhage in rabbits
  20. Bunc Gorazd; Ravnik Janez
    Uporaba nevronavigacije na Oddelku za nevrokirurgijo Splošne bolnišnice Maribor
  21. Tušek-Bunc Ksenija
    Bolnik z bolečinami v sklepih v ambulanti družinske medicine
  22. Kersnik Janko; Tušek-Bunc Ksenija
    Trpinčen otrok v ambulanti zdravnika splošne medicine
  23. Vadnjal S; Matela J; But I; Tušek-Bunc K
    Embolization of uterine artery - a new way of treating uterine myomas
  24. Vadnjal S; Matela J; But I; Tušek-Bunc K
    Uterine artery embolisation
  25. Bunc Gorazd; Ravnik Janez; Lipovšek Matej; Milojković Vojin; Strojnik Tadej; Šeruga Tomaž; Voršič Matjaž; Smole Tatjana; Ljepović Nevenka
    Kirurško zdravljenje možganskih anevrizem - izkušnje mariborske nevrokirurgije
  26. Grmec Štefek; Tušek-Bunc Ksenija; Kupnik Dejan
    Akutna stanja: znamenja, simptomi, sindromi, diferencialna diagnoza in ukrepanje. Zbornik predavanj 1. strokovni seminar z mednarodno udeležbo; 2003 sep 26-27; Maribor
  27. Bunc M; Šuput D; Rozman J
    Improved stimulation of motor nerve using quasitrapezoidal stimulating pulses
  28. Bunc Matjaž; Rozman Janez
    Sensor of forces in small volume contracting tissues
    [Senzor sile za meritve krčenja drobnih mišic]
  29. Tušek-Bunc K; Kersnik J
    Can we use patient's preference of a doctor as a surrogate for patient satisfaction score
  30. Poplas-Susič T; Kersnik J; Tušek-Bunc K
    Attitudes towards health insurance card in family practice
  31. Vipotnik-Zupanc V; Kersnik J; Tušek-Bunc K
    Does consultation lenght have an impact on patient satisfaction?
  32. Kovačič Srečko; Bunc Gorazd; Novak Bojan; Strnad Simona
    A computer image analysis of vasospasm and DBH immunoreactivity after experimental subarachnoid haemorrhage in rabbits
  33. Rozman J; Trlep M; Zorko B; Bunc M
    Stimulation of nerves innervating the pancreas of a dog
  34. Bunc Gorazd
    Vpliv noradrenergične blokade na koncentracijo dopamin-beta-hidroksilaze in cerebralni vazospazem po subarahnoidni krvavitvi pri kuncih
  35. Šarc Lucija; Jamšek Marija; Možina Martin; Bunc Matjaž
    Najpogostejše zastrupitve s psihofarmaki, antidoti in možni zapleti
    [Commonest psychopharmaca poisonings, antidotes and complications]
  36. Brvar Miran; Možina Martin; Bunc Matjaž
    Živčni strupi
    [Nerve agents]
  37. Brvar Miran; Jamšek Marija; Bunc Matjaž; Možina Martin
    Register zastrupitev R Slovenije
    [Slovenian register of intoxications]
  38. Bunc Gorazd; Kovačič Srečko; Strnad Simona
    Attenuation of cerebral vasospasm in rabbits using clonidine hydrochloride, a central adrenergic agonist
  39. Čizmarevič B; Lanišnik B; Didanovič V; Munda A; Bunc G
    Subcaranial approach to the tumors of anterior skull base and paranasal sinuses
  40. Lanišnik B; Čižmarević B; Munda A; Didanovič V; Groseta T; Bunc G
    Management of frontobasal fractures. Maribor experience
  41. Šeruga T; Bunc G
    Use of intraoperative ultrasound in patients with expansive lesions of brain
  42. Brvar Miran; Možina Hugon; Osredkar Joško; Možina Martin; Bručan Andrej; Bunc Matjaž
    The potential value of the protein S-100B level as a criterion for hyperbaric oxygen treatment and prognostic marker in carbon monoxide poisoned patients
  43. Rozman J; Krajnik J; Tegou E; Bunc M; Gregorič M
    FES of the common peroneal nerve for hemiplegia: long-term clinical follow-up
  44. Tušek-Bunc Ksenija
    Boleča rama
    [Painful shoulder]
  45. Židanik Suzana; Tušek-Bunc Ksenija; Masten Majda; Bojc Zora; Kersnik Janko
    Fizikalna terapija v ambulanti zdravnika družinske medicine. Zbornik 2. mariborsko srečanje zdravnikov družinske medicine; 2002 nov 29-30; Maribor
  46. Rozman J; Krajnik J; Tegou E; Bunc M
    FES of the common peroneal nerve for hemiplegia: seven-year clinical follow-up
  47. Rozman Janez; Bunc Matjaž; Zupan Anton
    Evaluation of the torque development by the elbow flexors in patients with neuromuscular diseases
  48. Rozman J; Kmetič M; Bunc M; Pihlar B
    The stainless steel screw as an orthopaedic implant
  49. Kovačič S; Bunc G; Strnad S
    Computer-assisted image analysis for quantification of central adrenergic immunoreactivity in a rabbit model
  50. Brvar Miran; Grenc Damjan; Možina Martin; Bunc Matjaž
    Zastrupitve z gama-hidroksibutiratom, gama-butirolaktonom in 1,4-butandiolom
    [Poisoning with gamma-hydroxybutyrate, gamma-butyrolactone and 1,4-butandiol]
  51. Kovačič Srečko; Bunc Gorazd; Novak Bojan; Strnad Simona
    A computer image analysis of vasospasm and DBH immunoreactivity after experimental subarachnoid haemorrhage in rabbits
  52. Rozman Janez; Zorko Bojan; Bunc Matjaž; Mikac Urša; Tegou Evangelia
    Recording of ENGs from the nerves innervating the pancreas of a dog during the intravenous glucose tolerance test
  53. Bunc G; Kovačič S; Strnad S
    Clonidine hydrochloride, a central adrenergic blocker, prevents cerebral vasospasm in rabbits
  54. Starc Radovan; Bunc Matjaž
    Patofiziologija akutnih koronarnih sindromov
    [Pathophysiology of acute coronary syndromes]
  55. Kovačič Srečko; Bunc Gorazd
    Dopamin beta hydroxylase immunoreactivity of central adrenergic neurons before and after subarachnoid hemorrhage in rabbits
  56. Bunc Rudi; Ninčevič Alan; Pavlič Miran
    Varnost elektromedicinskih naprav in inštalacij v medicini. 4.del
    [Safety of electric medical devices and installations in medicine. 4]
  57. Drevenšek G; Kirbiš S; Bunc M; Žitko M; Budihna MV; Šuput D
    Tezosentan inhibits both equinatoxin II and endotelin-1 induced contractions of isolated porcine coronary artery in a similar way
  58. Bunc Matjaž; Rozman Janez; Vidmar Alenka; Rakovec Peter; Drevenšek Gorazd; Budihna Metka V; Šuput Dušan
    Nicardipine diminished equinatoxin II-induced decrease of coronary flow in isolated rat and pig hearts
  59. Bunc Matjaž; Rozman Janez; Starc Radovan; Maček Peter; Šuput Dušan
    Equinatoxin II-induced lysis of the cultured endothelial cell line ECV-304
  60. Roškar Z; Bunc G; Voršič M; Meglič D
    Pneumocephalus secondary to a neck stab wound without neurologic injury in a 13-year-old girl
  61. Kovačič S; Bunc G
    Correlation between different histological, roentgenological and MR grades of intervertebral disc degeneration
  62. Lanišnik Boštjan; Čižmarevič Bogdan; Grošeta Tomislav; Didanovič Vojko; Bunc Gorazd; Munda Anton
    Oskrba frontobazalnih poškodb
  63. Brvar Miran; Koželj Gordana; Osredkar Joško; Pezdir Tomaž; Možina Martin; Bunc Matjaž
    Sindrom neustreznega izločanja vazopresina pri zastrupitvi z ekstazijem
    [Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion after ecstasy poisoning]
  64. Brvar Miran; Grenc Damjan; Jamšek Marija; Možina Martin; Bunc Matjaž
    Zastrupitev z gama-hidroksibutiratom
    [Poisoning with gamma-hydroxybutyrate]
  65. Matela J; But I; Tušek-Bunc K
    Embolisation of uterine artery the new way of treating uterine myoma
  66. Zupanc O; Vengust R; Pavlovčič V; Bunc M
    Acute paraparesis due to lumbal vertebral osteoblastoma in an adolescent patient after several years of treatment for 'idiopathic scoliosis'
  67. Šarc L; Jamšek M; Bunc M
    Chloroform poisoning
  68. Šarc L; Gorjup V; Jamšek M; Bunc M
    Carbon monoxide poisoning - a report on two cases
  69. Bunc M; Sepčić K; Rotter A; Turk T; Vidmar A; Šuput D
    Lethal effects of head-to-tail 3-alkypiridium polymers isolated from the marine sponge raniera sarai: AChE inhibition or unspecific binding to serum proteins?
  70. Šuput Dušan; Bunc Matjaž
    Toplotne poškodbe: opeklina
  71. Bunc Matjaž; Šuput Dušan
    Ishemična bolezen srca
  72. Bunc Matjaž; Šuput Dušan
  73. Bunc Matjaž; Bresjanac Mara
    Srce in krvna obtočila
  74. Šuput Dušan; Bunc Matjaž
  75. Rozman Janez; Zorko Bojan; Bunc Matjaž; Žitko Mojca
    Stimulation of nerves innervating the dog's pancreas
  76. Bunc M; Šarc Lucija; Rozman J; Turk T; Sepčič K; Šuput D
    Intravascular plug formation induced by poly-APS is the principal mechanism of the toxin's lethality in rats/rat tissues
  77. Čelan-Lucu B; Kovačevič M; Omahen L; Bunc B; Grmek M; Korene L; Debevec-Švigelj M
    Pregnant addicted women, care for her and her baby
  78. Čizmarevič Bogdan; Lanišnik B; Bunc Gorazd; Didanovič V; Munda A
    Subcranial approach to the tumors of anterior skull base and paranasal sinuses
  79. Šuput Dušan; Bunc Matjaž; Pavlin Rudolf
  80. Bunc M; Remškar Z; Bručan A
    The idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome: case report
  81. Rozman Janez; Doberšek Mirko; Bunc Matjaž; Zupanc Oskar
    Vijaki za preprečitev zdrsa glavice stegnenice: test materiala in vijakov iz nerjavnega jelka
  82. Bunc Matjaž; Strupi-Šuput Jerneja; Vodovnik Aleksander; Šuput Dušan
    Toxic effects of head-to-tail 3-alkylpyridinium polymers isolated from the marine sponge Reniera sarai in rat
  83. Rozman Janez; Bunc Matjaž; Zupan Anton
    Evaluation of the strength of elbow flexors in patients with neuromuscular diseases
  84. Kovačič S; Bunc G
    Subarachnoid hemorrhage in rabbits - a computer image analysis and DBH immunoreactivity: results of a prelimiinary study
  85. Šeruga Tomaž; Bunc Gorazd; Klein Guenther Etich
    Helical high-resolution volume-rendered three-dimensional computer tomography angiography in the detection of intracranial aneurysms
  86. Bunc Gorazd; Kovačič Srečko; Strnad Simona
    Evaluation of functional response of cerebral arteries by a new morphometric technique
  87. Bunc Gorazd; Roškar Zdravko; Voršič Matjaž
    Pneumocephalus secondary to a neck stab wound without neurologic injury in a 13-year-old girl
  88. Bunc G; Kovačič S; Strnad S
    The effect of sympathetic nervous system exclusion on cerebral vasospasm following subarachnoid hemorrhage in rabbits
  89. Bunc Gorazd; Voršič Matjaž
    Presentation of a previously asymptomatic Chiari I malformation by a flexion injury to the neck
  90. Rozman J; Trlep M; Zorko B; Bunc M
    Stimulation of nerves innervating the pancreas of a dog
  91. Kirbiš S; Drevenšek G; Bunc M; Budihna MV
    FR 139317, an ETA selective antagonist, inhibits equinatoxin II-induced contraction of isolated porcine coronary artery
  92. Bunc M; Drevenšek G; Rozman J; Rakovec P; Budihna MV; Šuput D
    The effect of equinatoxin II on coronary flow in isolated rat and pig heart and modulation of the effect by nicardipine
  93. Bunc M; Žitko M; Zupanc O; Starc R; Budihna MV; Maček P; Strupi-Šuput J
    The effects of equinatoxin II on isolated porcine coronary rings and cultured endothelial cell line ECV-304
  94. Bunc M; Šarc L; Rozman J; Turk T; Sepčič K; Šuput D
    Plugs formationtion induced by I. V. application of poly-aps isolated from raniera sarai may be the principal mechanism of the lethality
  95. Grašič-Kuhar Cvetka; Bunc Matjaž; Drevenšek Gorazd; Budihna Metka V; Šuput Dušan
    Nicardipine dose dependently reduces the effect of equinatoxin II on coronary flow in isolated rat heart
  96. Rozman J; Zorko B; Bunc M; Žitko M
    Stimulation of nerves innervating the dog's pancreas
  97. Rozman Janez; Zorko B; Bunc M
    Recording of electroneurograms from the nerves innervating the pancreas of a dog
  98. Bunc Matjaž; Rozman Janez
    Electronic brace for the measurements and eliciting of muscle contractions in a dog's ankle
    [Elektronska opornica za pasivno gibanje pasje noge in meritev kontrakcije v pasjem kolenskem sklepu]
  99. Bunc Gorazd; Voršič Matjaž
    Long-term survival following treatment of multiple supra- and infratentorial aspergillus brain abscesses
  100. Kirbiš S; Drevenšek G; Bunc M; Rozman J; Šuput D; Budihna MV
    Tezosentan inhibits contraction of isolated porcine coronary artery induced by equinatoxin II

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