biomedicina slovenica


  1. Vindiš Bojan; Gašperšič Rok; Skalerič Uroš; Kovačič Uroš
    Toll-like receptor 4 expression in trigeminal neurons is increased during ligature-induced periodontitis in rats
  2. Skvarč Miha; Kofol Romina; Jeverica Samo; Kopitar Andreja Nataša; Tepeš Bojan; Ihan Alojz
    Multi locus sequence typing (MLST) used as a tool to confirm the ability of susceptible Helicobacter pylori strains to gain resistance to clarithromycin during eradication therapy
  3. Goličnik Alenka; Podbregar Matej; Lainščak Mitja; Anker Stefan A; Grubič Zoran; Marš Tomaž
    Atorvastatin modulates constitutive and lipopolysaccharide induced IL-6 secretion in precursors of human skeletal muscle
  4. Jukić Tomislav; Abidov Musa; Ihan Alojz
    A tetrahydrophthalazine derivative 'Sodium Nucleinate' exerts a potent suppressive effect upon LPS-stimulated mononuclear cells in vitro and in vivo
  5. Okeoma Chioma M; Low Audrey; Bailis Will; Fan Hung Y; Peterlin Matija B; Ross Susan R
    Induction of APOBEC3 in vivo causes increased restriction of retrovirus infection
  6. Drozina Gorazd; Kohoutek Jiri; Nishiya Tadashi; Peterlin Matija B
    Sequential modifications in class II transactivator isoform 1 induced by lipopolysaccharide stimulate major histocompatibility complex class II transcription in macrophages
  7. Terčelj M; Stopinšek S; Ihan A; Salobir B; Simčič S; Wraber B; Rylander R
    In vitro and in vivo reactivity to fungal cell wall agents in sarcoidosis
  8. Pirkmajer Sergej
    Molekularni mehanizmi odziva na hipoksijo v začetnih stopnjah regeneracije človeške skeletne mišice
    [Response to hypoxia in the elderly stages of human skeletal muscle regeneration: molecular mechanisms]
  9. Stopinšek Sanja; Ihan Alojz; Wraber Branka; Terčelj Marjeta; Salobir Barbara; Rylander Ragnar; Simčič Saša
    Fungal cell wall agents suppress the innate inflammatory cytokine responses of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells challenged with lipopolysaccharide in vitro
  10. Stopinšek Sanja; Terčelj Marjeta; Salobir Barbara; Wraber Branka; Ihan Alojz; Rylander Ragnar; Simčič Saša
    Effects of fungal cell wall polysaccharides and lipopolysaccharide on in vitro tumour necrosis factor alpha production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells of sarcoidosis patients
    [Učinki polisaharidov iz celične stene gliv in lipopolisaharidana in vitro sintezo tumorskega nekroznega dejavnika alfa v mononuklearnih celicah iz periferne krvi bolnikov s sarkoidozo]
  11. Grošelj-Grenc Mojca; Ihan Alojz; Pavčnik-Arnol Maja; Kopitar Andreja Nataša; Gmeiner-Stopar Tanja; Derganc Metka
    Neutrophil and monocyte CD64 indexes, lipopolysaccharide-binding protein, procalcitonin and C-reactive protein in sepsis of critically ill neonates and children
  12. von Haehling Stephan; Schefold Joerg C; Lainščak Mitja; Doehner Wilfram; Anker Stefan D
    Inflammatory biomarkers in heart failure revisited: much more than innocent bystanders
  13. Morgan Tina; Bajrović Nisera; Šilar Mira; Košnik Mitja; Korošec Peter
    Aspirin-induced COX-2 overexpression in monocytes of aspirin-intolerant patients
  14. Koprivnjak Tomaž; Mlakar Vid; Swanson Lindsey; Fournier Benedicte; Peschel Andreas; Weiss Jerrold P
    Cation-induced transcriptional regulation of the dlt operon of Staphylococcus aureus
  15. Drožina Gorazd
    Vloga posttranslacijskih modifikacij CIITA pri prepisovanju genov MHC II
  16. Pavčnik-Arnol Maja; Hojker Sergej; Derganc Metka
    Lipopolysaccharide-binding protein, lipopolysaccharide, and soluble CD14 in sepsis of critically ill neonates and children
  17. Prelovšek Oja; Marš Tomaž; Jevšek Marko; Podbregar Matej; Grubič Zoran
    High dexamethasone concentration prevents stimulatory effects of TNF-alpha and LPS on IL-6 secretion from the precursors of human muscle regeneration
  18. Pristovšek Primož; Simčič Saša; Wraber Branka; Urleb Uroš
    Structure of a synthetic fragment of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) binding protein when bound to LPS and design of a peptidic LPS inhibitor
  19. Zavašnik-Bergant Tina; Repnik Urška; Romih Rok
    Inhibitor cystatin C in the TNF-alpha and LPS stimulated dendritic cells
  20. Grošelj-Grenc Mojca
    Pomen interlevkina 6 (IL-6) in beljakovine, ki veže lipopolisaharid (LBP), v diagnostiki akutnega vnetja slepiča pri otrocih
  21. Simčič Saša; Wraber Branka; Pristovšek Primož; Sollner-Dolenc Marija; Gobec Stanislav; Urleb Uroš
    In vitro trials for discovering novel immunomodulatory substances and possibilities for immunointerventions
    [Odkrivanje novih imunomodulatorjev in možnosti za posege v imunski sistem - poskusi in vitro]
  22. Pavčnik-Arnol Maja
    Pomen beljakovine, ki veže lipopolisaharid, prokalcitonina in interlevkina 6 v zgodnji diagnostiki hude okužbe kritično bolnih novorojenčkov in otrok
  23. Meisel SR; Xu XP; Edgington TS; Dimayuga P; Kaul S; Lee S; Fishbein MC; Čerček B; Shah PK
    Differentiation of adherent human monocytes into macrophages markedly enhances tissue factor protein expression and procoagulant activity
  24. Muzlovič Igor
    Dodatno zdravljenje sepse
    [Adjuvant tretment of sepsis]
  25. Pavelić Jasminka
    Molekularno-genetska osnova patogeneze sepse
  26. Ihan Alojz
    Bolniško obnašanje kot posledica imunsko-živčnih odzivov na vnetje
  27. Fister Petja; Svetec Matej
    Vpliv dražljajev v tarčnem tkivu na dopaminergične nevrone substance Nigre pri podgani
  28. Poljak Mario; Žakelj-Mavrič Marija
    Bakterijska presnova, rast in razmnoževanje
  29. Manček Mateja; Pristovšek Primož; Jerala Roman
    Identification of LPS-binding peptide fragment of MD-2, a toll-receptor accessory protein
  30. Majerle Andreja
    Priprava in karakterizacija človeških rekombinantnih peptidnih fragmentov laktoferina in CD14 za vezavo na lipopolisaharide
  31. Skalerič U; Manthey CM; Mergenhagen SE; Gašpirc B; Wahl SM
    Superoxide release and superoxide dismutase expression by human gingival fibroblasts
  32. Goto Masakatsu; Battelino Tadej; Ravindranath Thyyar; Pathomvanich Anuttura; Zeller Patrick W
    Insulin torelance during endotoxic shock in 10-day-old rats
  33. Mandić-Mulec Ines; Prohinar Polona; Draškovič Irena; Weiss Jerrold
    Inaktivacija gena ompR poviša občutljivost bakterije Escherichia coli na antibiotik BPI
    [ompR mutant of Escherichia coli shows increased sensitivity to the bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI)]
  34. Goto Masakatsu; Yoshioka Toyokazu; Young Rita I; Battelino Tadej; Anderson Craig L; Zeller Patrick W
    A sublethal dose of LPS to pregnant rats induces TNF-alpha tolerance in their 0-day-old offspring
  35. Battelino T; Goto M; Kržišnik C; Patrick-Zeller W
    Tissue glucose transport and glucose transporters in suckling rats with endotoxic shock
  36. Battelino Tadej
    Neurejenost presnove glukoze in spremembe mRNA za glukozne prenašalce pri modelu neonatalnega endotoksičnega šoka
    [Glucose metabolism dyshomeostasis and changes in glucose transporter mRNA abudance in a model of neonatal endotoxic shock]
  37. Satz N
    Immunology of lyme borreliosis
  38. Jezernik K; Medalia O; Aronson M
    A comparative study of the desquamation of urothelial cells during gestation and in adults mice following moderate stress or endotoxin treatment
  39. Goto M; Yoshioka T; Ravindranath T; Battelino T; Young RI; Zeller WP
    LPS injected into the pregnant rat late in gestation does not induce fetal endotoxemia
  40. Novaković S; Boldogh I
    In vitro TNF-alpha production and in vivo alteration of TNF-alpha RNA in mouse peritoneal macrophages after treatment with different bacterial derived agents
  41. Klampfer L
    Uravnavanje aktivnosti limfocitov B z muramildipeptidi
  42. Simčič S; Kotnik V; Ihan A; Wraber B; Klampfer L; Vozelj M
    Vpliv lipopolisaharida, muramildipeptida in strukturnega analoga muramildipeptida-substance S410 na oksidativno eksplozijo mišjih peritonealnih makrofagov

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