biomedicina slovenica

"AI" : 42.603-42.702

  1. Vogler A; Rainer S; Lenasi H; Hudnik-Plevnik T
    Luteal phase endometrial cytosol and nuclear progesterone receptors in infertile women
  2. Tekavčič-Grad O; Farberow NL
    A cross-cultural comparison of ideal and undesirable qualities of crisis line workers
  3. Trontelj JV; Stalberg E; Mihelin M
    Jitter in the muscle fibre
  4. Vodušek DB; Janko M
    The bulbocavernosus reflex. A single motor neuron study
  5. Vodušek DB
    Pudendal SEP and bulbocavernosus reflex in women
  6. Štalc A; Šentjurc M; Klinar B
    The influence of soman on the membrane fluidity of rat superior cervical ganglion
  7. Szebeni Janos; Wahl SMharon; Popovic Mikulas; Wahl L Marry; Gartner Suzanne; Fine Robert L; Skalerič Uroš; Friedmann Robert M; Weinstein John N
    Dipyridamole potentiates the inhibition by 3'-azido-3'-deoxythymidine and other dideoxynucleosides of human immunodeficiency virus replication in monocyte-macrophages
  8. Sterle M; Pipan N
    Influence of antimicrotubular drugs on the Golgi apparatus of stomach secretory mucoid cells and small intestine absorptive cells
  9. Štalc A; Šentjurc M
    A contribution to the mechanism of action of SAD-128
  10. Štajer D; Rode P
    Value of signal averaged electrocardiogram for prediction of successful coronary artery thrombolysis
  11. Šentjurc M; Mason RP
    Inhibition of radical adduct reduction and reoxidation of the corresponding hydroxylamines in in vivo spin trapping of carbon tetrachloride-derived radicals
  12. Stalberg E; Trontelj JV; Mihelin M
    Electrical microstimulation with single-fiber electromyography: a useful method to study the physiology of the motor unit
  13. Pogačnik T; Kiauta T
    Autonomic function in migraine: reply
  14. Smrkolj V
    Incomplete femoral fracture produced by a wooden projectile: case report
  15. Skalerič U; Babnik J; Čurin V; Lah T; Turk V
    Immunochemical quantitation of cysteine proteinase inhibitor cystatin C in inflamed human gingiva
  16. Pšeničnik M; Pipan N
    Prolonged osmification of stomach epithelium
  17. Prestor B; Žgur T; Dolenc VV
    Subpial spinal evoked potentials in patients undergoing junctional dorsal root entry zone coagulation for pain relief
  18. Smahi A; Peterlin B; Onodera O; Tsuji S; Fulchignoni-Lataud MC
    Use of a radiation-reduced hybrid panel for the localization of seven markers in the Xq28 region of the human genome
  19. Slobbe R; Van Esch B; Kveder T; Van Venrooij WJ
    The use of adenovirus-infected HeLa cells for the detection of low titer autoantibodies
  20. Skalerič U; Allen JB; Smith PD; Mergenhagen SE; Wahl SM
    Inhibitors of reactive oxygen intermediates suppress bacterial cell wall-induced arthritis
  21. Sirinathsinghji DJ; Kupsch A; Mayer E; Živin M; Pufal D; Oertel WH
    Cellular localization of tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA and cholecystokinin mRNA-containing cells in the ventral mesencephalon of the common marmoset: effects of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine
  22. Simbruner G; Nanz S; Fleischhacker E; Derganc M
    Brain temperature discriminates between neonates with damaged, hypoperfused, and normal brains
  23. Ribarič S; Stefanovska A; Brzin M; Kogovšek M; Kroselj P
    Biochemical, morphological, and functional changes during peripheral nerve regeneration
  24. Ravnik-Glavač Metka; Glavač Damjan; Chernick Mila; di Sant'Agnese Paul; Dean Michael
    Screening for CF mutations in adult cystic fibrosis patients with a directed and optimized SSCP strategy
  25. Ravnik-Glavač M; Glavač D; Dean M
    Sensitivity of single-strand conformation polymorphism and heteroduplex method for mutation detection in the cystic fibrosis gene
  26. Pruijn GJM; Božič B; Schoute F; Rokeach LA; van Venrooij WJ
    Refined definition of the 56K and other autoantigens in the 50-60 kDa region
  27. Prestor B; Žgur T; Dolenc VV
    Incomplete spinal cord evoked injury potential in man
  28. Nolimal D; Crowley TJ
    Difficulties in a clinical application of methadone-dose contingency contracting
  29. Ponikvar R; Kandus A; Buturović J; Kveder R
    Use of prostacyclin as the only anticoagulant during continuous venovenous hemofiltration
  30. Poljak M; Avšič-Županc T
    Immunohistochemical detection of Hantaan virus antigen in renal tissue from patient with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (letter)
  31. Poljak M; Cerar A
    Detection of human papilloma virus type 6 DNA in an esophageal squamous cell papilloma
  32. Pogačnik T; Šega S; Pečnik B; Kiauta T
    Autonomic function testing in patients with migraine
  33. Peterlin B; Smahi A; Holvoet-Vermaut L; Heitz D; Dahl N; Hors-Cayla MC
    An irradiation-reduced hybrid panel for fine-structure mapping of the Xq28 region in the human genome
  34. Nuti M; Agostini M; Albini E; Avšič-Županc T; Kraigher A
    Hantaan antibody in Italian ex-soldiers who served in the Balkans
  35. Noč M; Weil MH; Sun S; Gazmuri RJ; Tang W; Pakula JL
    Comparison of gastric luminal and gastric wall PCO2 during hemorrhagic shock
  36. Noč M; Weil MH; Gazmuri RJ; Sun S; Biscera J; Tang W
    Ventricular fibrillation voltage as a monitor of the effectiveness of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  37. Noč M; Weil MH; Sun S; Tang W; Bisera J
    Spontaneous gasping during cardiopulmonary resuscitation without mechanical ventilation
  38. Montpellier Claire; Burgeois Claire A; Kokalj-Vokač Nadja; Muleris Martine; Niveleau Alain; Reynaud Cecile; Gibaud Anne; Malfoy Bernard; Dutrillaux Bernard
    Detection of methylcytosine-rich heterochromatin on banded chromosomes. Application to cells with various status of DNA methylation
  39. Mlinarič-Raščan I; Asa SL; Siminovitch KA
    Increased expression of the stefin A cysteine proteinase inhibitor occurs in the myelomonocytic cell-infiltrated tissues of autoimmune motheaten mice
  40. Klun B; Prestor B
    Microvascular relations of the trigeminal nerve: an anatomical study
  41. Klun B; Janković V
    Stunning device as a suicide weapon
  42. Khuraibet AJ; Shakir RA; Trontelj JV; Butinar D; al-Din AS
    Brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) abnormalities in brucellosis
  43. Milutinović S; Gašparovič V; Milutinović E; Buturović-Ponikvar J
    Ticlopidine improves dialysis clearance of solutes in uremic patients by reducing blood clotting in dialyser fibers
  44. Mercier B; Lissens W; Novelli G; Kalaydjieva L; de Arce M; Kapranov N; Canki-Klain N; Estivill X; Palacio Ana; Cashman S
    A cluster of cystic fibrosis mutations in exon 17b of the CFTR gene: a site for rare mutations
  45. Meden-Vrtovec H; Vujić D
    Bromocriptine (Bromergon, Lek) in the management of premenstrual syndrome
  46. Malovrh M; Kandus A; Ponikvar R; Premru V; Koselj M; Kveder R
    The incidence and etiology of chronic renal failure in the Republic of Slovenia
  47. Lefrancois D; Kokalj N; Viegas-Pequignot E; Montagnier L; Dutrillaux B
    High recurrence of rearrangements involving chromosome 14 in an ataxia telangiectasia lymphoblastoid cell line and in its mutagen-treated derivatives
  48. Kozlowski M; Mlinarič-Raščan I; Feng GS; Shen R; Pawson T; Siminovitch KA
    Expression and catalytic activity of the tyrosine phosphatase PTP1C is severely impaired in motheaten and viable motheaten mice
  49. Kopitar-Jerala N; Čurin-Šerbec V; Jerala R; Križaj I; Gubenšek F; Turk V
    Monoclonal antibodies to human stefin B and determination of their epitopes
  50. Kokalj-Vokač N; Almeida A; Viegas-Pequignot E; Jeanpierre M; Malfoy B; Dutrillaux B
    Specific induction of uncoiling and recombination by azacytidine in classical satellite-containing constitutive heterochromatin
  51. Kokalj-Vokač N; Alemeida A; Gerbault-Seureau M; Malfoy B; Dutrillaux B
    Two-color FISH characterization of i(1q) and der(1;16) in human breast cancer cells
  52. Kofler M; Kržan M; Žgur T; Vodušek DB; Deletis V
    Neuromonitoring during surgery-a comment
  53. Hein L; Ammer K; Rathkolb O; Krčevsky N
    Physikalische Behandlung herpetischer Erkrankungen. Bericht uber eine Pilotstudie mit einer niederfrequenten Elektrotherapie
    [Physical threatment of herpetic diseases. Report of a pilot study with low-frequency electrotherapy]
  54. Tetičkovič E; Miksić K; Tetičkovič S
    Transkranielle Dopplersonographie wahrend der Karotisendarterektomie
    [Transcranial Doppler ultrasound in carotid endarterectomy]
  55. Kandus A; Ponikvar R; Drinovec J; Kladnik S; Ivanovich P
    Anaphylatoxins C3a and C5a adsorption on acrylonitrile membrane of hollow-fiber and plate dialyzer--an in vivo study
  56. Kališnik M; Zorc-Pleskovič R; Pajer Z; Pavlin K
    The effect of chronic hypercalcemia or hypocalcemia on the follicular and parafollicular cells in rat thyroid gland
  57. Jezernik K; Pipan N
    Reduction capacity of untreated and of repeatedly isoproterenol treated parotid gland of the mouse
  58. Kambič V; Gale N; Fischinger J
    Local immune response in hyperplastic lesions of the larynx
  59. Jezernik K; Pipan N
    Cytochemical localization of carbohydrates in intercalated duct and acinar cells of mouse parotid gland
  60. Jerman-Blažič B; Fabič-Petrač I; Pečar S; Štalc A
    QSAR analysis of acetylcholinesterase inhibitors by use of structure similarity methods
  61. Jan J; Adamič M
    Polychlorinated biphenyl residues in foods from a contaminated region of Yugoslavia
  62. Gulati J; Akella AB; Nikolić SD; Starc V; Siri F
    Shifts in contractile regulatory protein subunits troponin T and troponin I in cardiac hypertrophy
  63. Glavač D; Ravnik-Glavač M; O'Brien SJ; Dean M
    Polymorphisms in the 3' untranslated region of the I kappa B/MAD-3 (NFKBI) gene located on chromosome 14
  64. Gill K; Nolimal D; Crowley TJ
    Antisocial personality disorder, HIV risk behavior and retention in methadone maintenance therapy
  65. Geršak B
    Comparison between absorbable and nonabsorbable sutures in arterial anastomoses in growing dogs
  66. Geršak B
    Presence of calcium in the vessel walls after end-to-end arterial anastomoses with polydioxanone and polypropylene sutures in growing dogs
  67. Hudnik-Plevnik T; Črešnar B
    Factors affecting the induction of 11 alpha-hydroxylase of progesterone in the filamentous fungus Rhizopus nigricans
  68. Eržen M; Stanescu R; Stanescu V; Maroteaux P
    Comparative histopathology of the growth cartilage in short-rib polydactyly syndromes type I and type III and in chondroectodermal dysplasia
  69. Flis V; Antonič J; Crnjac A; Zorko A
    Air-to-surface missile wound of the thorax reconstructed with a polytetrafluoroethylene patch: case report
  70. Francis Charles W; Onundarson Pall T; Carstensen Edwin L; Blinc Aleš; Meltzer Richard S; Schwarz Karl; Marder Victor J
    Enhancement of fibrinolysis in vitro by ultrasound
  71. Ferlan-Marolt V; Ferlič F
    Histological diagnosis of different liver lesions using fine-needle aspiration biopsy
  72. Favaro L; Caplin JL; Fettich JJ; Dymond DS
    Sex differences in exercise induced left ventricular dysfunction in patients with syndrome X
  73. Erdel M; Trefz G; Spiess E; Habermaas S; Spring H; Lah T; Ebert W
    Localization of cathepsin B in two human lung cancer cell lines
  74. Elgazzar AH; Mahmoud AH; el-Sayed M; Nilson TE; Abdel-Dayem HM; Fettich JJ; al-Mohannadi S
    Evaluation of renal functional changes after extracorporeal piezoelectric lithotripsy (EPL) by radionuclide studies
  75. Drinovec J; Bren A; Guček A; Lindič J; Kandus A; Ponikvar R
    The treatment of staphylococcus peritonitis in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
  76. Dolenc VV
    Contemporary treatment of peripheral nerve and brachial plexus lesions
  77. Dolenc VV; Škrap M; Šušteršič J; Škrbec M; Morina A
    A transcavernous-transsellar approach to the basilar tip aneurysms
  78. Breskvar K
    The properties of cytochrome P-450 induced in the rat small intestine by estradiol
  79. Dolenc P; Staessen JA; Lauwerys RR; Amery A
    Short report: low-level lead exposure does not increase the blood pressure in the general population. Cadmibel Study Group
  80. Deindl FM; Vodušek DB; Hesse U; Schussler B
    Pelvic floor activity patterns: comparison of nulliparous continent and parous urinary stress incontinent women. A kinesiological EMG study
  81. Čurin-Šerbec V; Novak D; Babnik J; Turk D; Gubenšek F
    Immunological studies of the toxic site in ammodytoxin A
  82. Bessiso MS; Cindro L; Neubauer D; Trontelj JV; al-Busairi S; Bushnak R; al-Mansoor S; Hammuri M; al-Rashied AA; Ravnik I
    Prognosis and risk factors in febrile convulsions: a prospective study of 150 children in Kuwait
  83. Koetsawang Suporn; Shangchun Wu; Ling Xiao; Alihonou E; Batar I; Jiallang Ho; Andolšek-Jeras Lidija; Dubnitskaya L; Xue-Man Ni; Pizzaro E; Liu-qi Zhuang; Quing-xi Liu
    A randomized multicentre trial of the Multiload 375 and TCu380A IUDs in parous women: three-year results.
  84. Bomanji J; Flatman WD; Horne T; Fettich J; Britton KE; Ross G; Besser GM
    Quantitation of iodine-123 MIBG uptake by normal adrenal medulla in hypertensive patients
  85. Chi IC; Smith SC; Borko E; Sun TH; Begum SF; Hunt WL; Wilkens LR
    Clinical acceptability, use-patterns and use-effectiveness of the vaginal contraceptive sponge and Neo Sampoon tablets--an international multi-center randomized clinical trial
  86. Canki-Klain N; Stanescu V; Bebler P; Maroteaux P
    Pseudodiastrophic dysplasia evolution with age and management. Report of two new cases and review of the literature
  87. Butinar D; Trontelj JV; Khuraibet AJ; Khan RA; Hussein JM; Shakir RA
    Brainstem auditory evoked potentials in Wilson's disease
  88. Cosyns JP; Jadoul M; Squifflet JP; De Plaen JF; Ferluga D; van Ypersele de Strihou C
    Chinese herbs nephropathy: a clue to Balkan endemic nephropathy?
  89. Castiglioni T; Merino MJ; Elsner B; Lah TT; Sloane BF; Emmert-Buck MR
    Immunohistochemical analysis of cathepsins D, B, and L in human breast cancer
  90. Peterlin B; Canki-Klain N; Morela V; Stirn B; Rainer S; Cerar V
    Prevalence of retinitis pigmentosa in Slovenia
  91. Budihna N; Milčinski M; Heberle J
    Long-term follow-up after heterotopic splenic autotransplantation for traumatic splenic rupture
  92. Breznik R; Borko E
    Effectiveness of antiestrogens in infertile men
  93. Breznik R; Vlaisavljević V; Borko E
    Treatment of varicocele and male fertility
  94. Brecelj J; Stirn-Kranjc B
    Electrophysiologic evaluation of the visual pathway in children. Case reports
  95. Brecelj J; Denišlič M; Škrbec M
    Visual evoked potential abnormalities in chiasmal lesions
  96. Avšič-Županc T; Čižman B; Gligić A; Hoofd G; van der Groen G
    Evidence for Hantavirus disease in Slovenia, Yugoslavia
  97. Dhall GI; Nguyen C; Andolšek-Jeras L; Narone JN; Jia-Zheng C; Hingorani V; Yu-Fen Z; Zhi-heng C; Prasad RNN; Bygdeman M
    Menstrual regulation by intramuscular injections of 16-phenoxy-tetranor PGE2 methyl sulfonylamide or vacuum aspiration. A randomized multicentre study
  98. Blinc A; Planinšič G; Keber D; Jarh O; Lahajnar G; Zidanšek A; Demšar F
    Dependence of blood clot lysis on the mode of transport of urokinase into the clot--a magnetic resonance imaging study in vitro
  99. Barbin A; Montpellier C; Kokalj-Vokač N; Gibaud A; Niveleau A; Malfoy B; Dutrillaux B; Bourgeois CA
    New sites of methylcytosine-rich DNA detected on metaphase chromosomes
  100. Avšič-Županc T; Xiao SY; Stojanović R; Gligić A; van der Groen G; LeDuc JW
    Characterization of Dobrava virus: a Hantavirus from Slovenia, Yugoslavia

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