biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 18.167-18.266

  1. Romih Rok; Koprivec Daša; Štiblar-Martinčič Draga; Jezernik Kristijan
    Restoration of the rat urothelium after cyclophosphamide treatment
  2. Ebert Martin
    Ranking radiotherapy treatment plants: physical or biological objectives?
    [Vrednotenje načrtov za obsevalno zdravljenje: fizikalni ali biološki pristop?]
  3. Brountzos Elias; Panagiotou Irene; Bafaloukos Dimitrios; Kelekis Dimitrios
    Bone metastases from malignant melanoma: a retrospective review and analysis of 28 cases
    [Zasevki malignega melanoma v kosteh. Retrospektivni pregled in analiza 28 primerov]
  4. Puc Marko; Flisar Karel; Reberšek Stanislav; Miklavčič Damijan
    Electroporator for in vitro cell permeabilization
    [Elektroporator za permeabilizacijo celičnih membran in vitro]
  5. Maček-Lebar Alenka; Miklavčič Damijan
    Cell electropermeabilization to small molecules in vitro: control by pulse parameters
    [Elektropermeabilizacija celic z majhnimi molekulami in vitro: vpliv električnih parametrov]
  6. Miletić Damir; Uravić Miljenko; Fučkar Željko; Glavaš Robert; Topljak-Polić Dubravka
    Percutaneous drainage of abdominal fluid collections that require laparotomy or relaparotomy with ultrasound giudance
    [Ultrazvočno vodena perkutana drenaža trebušne tekočine namesto laparotomije ali relaparotomije]
  7. Groell Reinhard; Schaffler Gottfried J; Schloffer Stephan
    Breath-hold times in patients undergoing radiological examinations: comparison of expiration and inspiration with and without hyperventilation
    [Zadrževanje diha pri bolnikih, ki so radiološko preiskovani: primerjava časov po izdihu in po vdihu z ali brez hiperventilacije]
  8. Rodi Zoran; Vodušek David B
    Intraoperative monitoring of the bulbocavernosus reflex: the method and its problems
  9. Podnar Simon; Vodušek David B
    Standardization of anal sphincter electromyography: utility of motor unit potential parameters
  10. Rozman Janez; Zorko B; Bunc M
    Recording of electroneurograms from the nerves innervating the pancreas of a dog
  11. Burger H; Marinček Č
    Functional testing of elderly subjects after lower limb amputation
  12. Kovacs Jozsef; Bratanič N; Dolžan V; Kržišnik C; Repič-Lampret B; Stopar M; Trebušak K; Uršič-Bratina N; Žerjav-Tanšek M
    Lessons from 30 years of clinical diagnosis and treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in five middle European countries
  13. Kovacs Josef; Votava Felix; Heinze Georg; Solyom Janos; Lebl Jan; Pribilincova Zuzana; Frisch Herwig; Battelino Tadej
    Lessons from 30 years of clinical diagnosis and treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia in five middle European countries
  14. Cihakova Daniela; Trebušak Katarina; Kržišnik C; Bratanič N; Žerjav-Tanšek M; Uršič-Bratina N; Stopar-Obreza M; Repič-Lampret B
    Novel AIRE mutations and P450 cytochrome autoantibodies in Central and Eastern European patients with APECED
  15. Cihakova Daniela; Trebušak Katarina; Heino Maarit; Fadeyev Valentin; Tiulpakov Antony; Battelino Tadej
    Novel AIRE mutations and P450 cytochrome autoantibodies in Central and Eastern European patients with APECED
  16. Isakov Eli; Burger H; Krajnik J; Gregorič M; Marinček Č
    Knee muscle activity during ambulation of trans-tibial amputees
  17. Kavalar R; Sarčević B; Spagnoli GC; Šeparović V; Samija M; Terracciano L; Heberer M; Juretič A
    Expression of MAGE tumour-associated antigens is inversely correlated with tumour differentiation in invasive ductal breast cancers: an immunohistochemical study
  18. Gračner T; Gračner B
    Primaeres kongenitale Glaukom: Langezeiterfolg nach primaerer Goniotrepanation mit Skleradeckel
    [Primary congenital glaucoma: long-term success after goniotrepanation with scleral flap]
  19. Pahor Dušica
    Visual field loss after argon laser panretinal photocoagulation in diabetic retinopathy: full- versus mild-scatter coagulation
  20. Gračner Tomaž
    Intraocular pressure response to selective laser trabeculoplasty in the treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma
  21. Lazar-Erznožnik Anka; Pišljar Marko
    Zdravljenje depresije pri odvisnih od alkohola
  22. Bajd Tadej; Munih Marko; Šavrin Rajmond; Benko Helena
    The use of a wireless electrical stimulator as a therapeutic ambulatory aid for incomplete SCI patients
  23. Bardorfer Aleš; Munih Marko; Zupan Anton; Primožič Alenka
    Rehabilitation training in virtual environment using haptic interface - a case study
  24. Kamnik Roman; Bajd Tadej
    Standing-up robot: an assistive rehabilitative device for training and assessment
  25. Kmetec A; Kaplan-Pavlovčič S; Ferluga D
    Renal cell carcinoma in nonfunctioning transplanted kidney
  26. Dhall GI; Calder A; Gomez-Alzugaray M; Ho PC; Pretnar-Darovec A
    Medical abortion at 57 to 63 days' gestation with a lower dose of mifepristone and gemeprost: a randomized controlled trial
  27. Templeton A; Dhall GI; Calder A; Gomez-Alzugaray M; Ho PC; Pretnar-Darovec A
    Lowering the doses of mifepristone and gameprost for early abortion: a randomised controlled trial
  28. Kruljc P
    Možganski valovi beta, alfa, teta in delta ter njihova medsebojna razmerja med anestezijo s ketaminom in halotanom pri konjih
    [Beta, alpha, theta and delta brain waves and their proportions during ketamine- and halothane-induced anaesthesia in horses]
  29. Ivanuša T
    Blood flow evaluation in SA-1 tumours in mice using macromolecular contrast agents in magnetic resonance imaging
    [Merjenje pretoka krvi v SA-1 tumorjih miši z uporabo makromolekularnih kontrastnih sredstev pri slikanju z magnetno resonanco]
  30. Pengov A; Čeru S; Jurčevič A
    Zdravljenje vimenskih okužb (mastitisa) pri kravah, ki jih povzročajo bakterije vrste Staphylococcus aureus
    [Treatment of bovine udder infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus]
  31. Šinigoj-Gačnik K
    Analitika polietrskih antibiotikov (salinomicina, monensina, lasalocida) v kokošjih jajcih
    [Analysis of polyether antibiotics (salinomycin, monensin, lasalocid) in eggs]
  32. Cerkvenik V
    Analitika ostankov ivermektina v krvni plazmi in v živilih živalskega izvora
    [Analytics of ivermectin residues in blood plasma and food of animal origin]
  33. Vrecl M; Jan J; Fazarinc G; Bavdek SV; Pogačnik A
    Ultramorfološke spremembe v jetrih brejih podgan po tretiranju s pyralenom 3000
    [Ultra-morphological alteration in pregnant rat liver induced by pyralene 3000]
  34. Vodušek DB
    Sphincter EMG and differential diagnosis of multiple system atrophy
  35. Koren Igor; Rainer Saša
    CT vodene pertorakalne punkcije sprememb v prsnem košu
    [CT-guided transthoracic needle biopsy of focal thoracic lesions]
  36. Kadivec Saša; Eržen Damjan; Šorli Jurij
    Trajanje postopka za sprejem v bolnišnico
    [Waiting times in the university hospital]
  37. Kersnik Janko
    Multivariatna analiza zadovoljstva bolnikov z zdravnikom družinske medicine
    [Multivariable analysis of patient satisfaction with family physician]
  38. Tetičkovič Erih; Matela Jože
    Tridimenzionalna ultrasonografija v diagnostiki skoraj popolne zožitve in zapore notranje karotidne arterije
    [Three-dimensional ultrasonography in diagnosing subtotal stenosis and occlusion of internal carotid artery]
  39. Lovrečič Mercedes; Dernovšek Mojca Z; Tavčar Rok; Maremmani Icro
    The differences between inpatients and outpatients with illegal drug use: prevalence of comorbid mental disorders
  40. Lalić H; Radošević-Stašić B; Volavšek Č
    High incidence of chromosome aberrations after radiochemotherapy for Hodgkin's disease: a report of a case and a review of the literature
  41. Bunc Matjaž; Rozman Janez
    Electronic brace for the measurements and eliciting of muscle contractions in a dog's ankle
    [Elektronska opornica za pasivno gibanje pasje noge in meritev kontrakcije v pasjem kolenskem sklepu]
  42. Strojnik Tadej
    Measurement of the lateral recess angle as a possible alternative for evaluation of the lateral recess stenosis on a CT scan
  43. Turk Zmago
    Knochenbruchheilung und biochemische Blutparameter bei Kaninchen nach kuenstlicher Femurosteotomie im schwachen niederfrequenten Magnetfeld
    [Bone healing and biochemical blood parameters after arteficial osteotomy of rabbits' femur treated by low-frequency magnetic filed]
  44. Ekart Robert; Hojs Radovan; Krajnc Ivan
    Unkomplizierte Nierenzysten und arterielle Hypertonie
    [Simple renal cysts and hypertension]
  45. Dajčman Davorin; Skalicky Marjan; Pernat Cvetka; Pocajt Maksimiljan
    Argonplasmakoagulation (APK): Neue Technik in der Endoscopie des Gastrointestinaltrakts - erste Erfahrungen
    [Argon plasma coagulation (APC): a new mode in gastrointestinal endoscopy - first experiences]
  46. Veingerl Bojan
    Serum carcinoembryonic antigen levels in patients operated for colorectal carcinoma
  47. Mićetić-Turk Dušanka; Umek-Bradač Stanislava; Dolinšek Jernej; Gorenjak Maksimiljan; Turk Zmago; Skalicky Marsan
    Ultrasonographic assessment of celiac disease in children: comparison with antiendomysium antibodies and histology
  48. Gavrić-Lovrec Vida; Vlaisavljević Veljko; Reljić Milan
    Dependence of the in-vitro fertilization capacity of the oocyte on perifollicular flow in the preovulatory period of unstimulated cycles
  49. Flis Vojko; Matela Jože; Miksić Kazimir; Pavlović Milan; Mrdja Božidar
    Role of arteriovenous shunting in venous ulcers - therapeutic implications
  50. Arko Darja; Takač Iztok
    A prospective study of the correlation between Chlamydia trachomatis infection and secondary bleeding following large loop excision of the transformation zone (LLETZ)
  51. Flis Vojko; Pavlović Milan; Miksić Kazimir
    The value of adjunctive vein patches to improve the outcome of femorodistal polytetrafluorethylene bypass grafts
  52. Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Petrovec Miroslav; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Nicholson William L; Sumner John W; Childs James E; Strle Franc
    Prospective assessment of the etiology of acute febrile illness after a tick bite in Slovenia
  53. Duh Darja; Petrovec Miroslav; Avšič-Županc Tatjana
    Diversity of Babesia infecting European sheep ticks (Ixodes ricinus)
  54. Markota M; Kern J; Švab I
    Attitudes towards information system security among physicians in Croatia
  55. Boffetta P; Saellsten G; Garcia-Gomez M; Pompe-Kirn V; Zaridze D; Bulbulyan M; Caballero J-D; Ceccarelli F; Kobal AB; Merler E
    Mortality from cardiovascular diseases and exposure to inorganic mercury
  56. Gobec S; Urleb S; Simčič S; Wraber B
    Synthesis and modulation of cytokine production by two new adamantane substituted acyclic desmuramyldipeptide analogs
  57. Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka
    Marko Anton Plenciz (1705-1786) und die neue Theorie vom Kontagium
    [Marko Anton Plenciz (1705-1786) and the new theory of contagium]
  58. Bohinc Klemen; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Iglič Aleš
    Thickness of electrical double layer. Effect of iron size
  59. Gale Nina; Kambič Vinko; Michaels Leslie; Cardesa Antonio; Hellquist Henrik; Zidar Nina; Poljak Mario
    The Ljubljana classification: a practical strategy for the diagnosis of laryngeal precancerous lesions
  60. Banič S; Koren S; Tomažič J; Vidmar L; Ihan A; Poljak M; Avšič-Županc T
    Influenza vaccination of human immunodeficiency virus 1-infected patients receiving antiretroviral therapy
  61. Poljak Mario; Marin Irena J; Seme Katja; Brinovec Vladimir; Matičič Mojca; Meglič-Volkar Jelka; Lešničar Gorazd; Vince Adriana
    Second-generation hybrid capture test and amplicor monitor test generate highly correlated hepatitis B virus DNA levels
  62. Iglič Aleš; Veranič Peter; Batista Urška; Kralj-Iglič Veronika
    Theoretical analysis of shape transformation of V-79 cells after treatment with cytochalasin B
  63. Svetina S; Božič B; Majhenc J; Žekš B
    Mechanical properties of closed lamellar membranes and cellular processes
  64. Milošev Ingrid; Minović Aleksandra
    Corrosion of Cu-xZn alloys in slightly alkaline chloride solutions studied by stripping voltammetry and microanalysis
  65. Eldar R; Burger H; Marinček Č
    Rehabilitation for elderly persons in rural areas with special reference to countries of central/eastern Europe
  66. Potočnik U; Glavač D; Golouh R; Ravnik-Glavač M
    Causes of microsatellite instability in colorectal tumors: implications for hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer screening
  67. Golouh R; Stanta G; Bračko M; Bonin S
    Correlation of MTS1/p16 and nm23 mRNA expression with survival in patients with peripheral synovial sarcoma
  68. Ščuka Leon; Asanica Vasile
    Rezistenta bacteriana fata de substantele antibacteriene active si folosirea lor in medicina veteinara
  69. Luzar Boštjan; Gale Nina; Klopčič Ulrika; Fischinger Janez
    Laryngeal granuloma: charactersitics of the covering epithelium
  70. Hojs Radovan
    Carotid intima-media thickness and plaques in hemodialysis patients
  71. Reljič M
    The significance of crown-rump length measurements for predicting adverse pregnancy outcome of threatened abortion
  72. Tomori M; Zalar B; Kores-Plesničar B; Ziherl S; Stergar E
    Smoking in relation to psychosocial risk factors in adolescents
  73. Kragelj Rudi; Jarm Tomaž; Erjavec Tatjana; Prešern-Štrukelj Marjeta; Miklavčič Damijan
    Parameters of postocclusive reactive hyperemia measured by near infrared spectroscopy in patients with peripheral vascular disease and in healthy volunteers
  74. Zwitter M; Čufer T; Wein W
    Gemcitabine and vincristine: an effective outpatient regimen with low myelotoxicity for stage IV non-small cell lung cancer
  75. Braunwald E; Drinovec I; Horvat M; Krivec B; Markež J; Parežnik R; Pehnec Z; Resman J; Šifrer F; Skale R; Trinkaus D; Voga G
    Intravenous NPA for the treatment of infarcting myocardium early: in TIME-II, a double-blind comparison of single-bolus lanoteplase vs accelerated alteplase for the treatment of patients with acute myocardial infarction
  76. Pajntar Marjan; Leskošek Branimir; Rudel Drago; Verdenik Ivan
    Contribution of cervical smooth muscle activity to the duration of latent and active phases of labour
  77. Tomori Zoltan; Krekule Ivan; Kubinova Lucie
    Disector program for unbiased estimation of particle number, numerical density and mean volume
  78. Zaitoun Abdul M; Record Christopher O; Al-Mardini Hanan
    Sequential quantitative analysis of oval cell proliferation in thioacetamide treated rats
  79. Košmelj Katarina; Cedilnik Anton; Veranič Peter; Zupančič Gregor; Rupnik Marjan; Kocmur-Bobanović Laura; Zorec Robert
    Intergranule fusion in rat pars intermedia cells
  80. Škerjanc A
    Sickness absence in diabetic employees
  81. Vilar Polona; Dimec Jure
    Krnjenje kot osnova nekaterih nekonvencionalnih metod poizvedovanja
  82. Arnež M; Lužnik-Bufon T
    Transient hyperphosphatasemia of infancy and childhood
  83. Besednjak-Kocijančič L
    Vpliv daljšega dojenja na pojavljanje akutnih okužb dihal, gastroenterokolitisov in vnetij srednjega ušesa v prvem letu starosti
    [Effect of increasing duration of breastfeeding on incidence of acute respiratory infection, gastroenterocolitis and otitis media]
  84. Umek-Bradač S; Mičetić-Turk D
    Vloga ultrasonografije pri otrocih s celiakijo
    [The role of ultrasonography in children with coeliac disease]
  85. Pompe-Kirn Vera; Japelj Barbara; Primic-Žakelj Maja; Šircelj Milivoja
    Kaj je vplivalo na incidenco raka dojk v Sloveniji in kako bo z zbolevnostjo v tem desetletju
    [Which risk factors could have affected breast cancer incidence in Slovenia in the past, and what are the predictions for this decade]
  86. Zupan Igor; Gorkič Nataša; Zorman Darko
    Neinvazivno spremljanje zavrnitvene reakcije z analizo intramiokardnih elektrogramov pri bolniih po ortotopni presaditvi srca. Naše izkušnje s prvimi sedmimi bolniki
    [Intramyocardial electrograms for noninvasive monitoring of rejection in cardiac transplant recipients. Initial experience with seven cases]
  87. Keše Darja; Čižman Milan; Marin Jožica
    Chlamydia pneumoniae - prevalenca protiteles pri zdravi populaciji in bolnikih z doma pridobljeno pljučnico
    [Chlamydia pneumoniae - the prevalence of antibodies in healthy population and patients with community acquired pneumonia]
  88. Strašek Katja; Marin Jožica
    Epstein-Barr virus infections - avidity test for IgG antibodies
    [Okužbe z virusom Epstein-Barr - določanje avidnosti protiteles IgG]
  89. Šuput Dušan; Frangež Robert; Bunc Matjaž
    Cardiovascular effects of equinatoxin III from the sea anemone Actinia equina (L.)
  90. Bunc M; Starc R; Podbregar M; Bručan A
    Conversion of atrial fibrillation into a sinus rhythm by coronary angioplasty in a patient with acute myocardial infarction
  91. Čokl Andrej; McBrien Heather L; Millar Jocelyn G
    Comparison of substrate-borne vibrational signals of two stink bug species, Acrosternum hilare and Nezara viridula (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae)
  92. Ling Kai-Shu; Zhu Hai-Ying; Petrovič Nataša; Gonsalves Dennis
    Comparative effectiveness of ELISA and RT-PCR for detecting grapevine leafroll-associated clotserovirus-3 in field samples
  93. Trkov M; Accetto T; Kostanjšek R; Avguštin G
    Preliminary characterization of a tentatively novel rumen bacterial species from the genus Treponema
  94. Verovnik R; Glavan G
    Notes on butterflies collected in the Philippines from January to March 1994: (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera)
  95. Jutzeler David; Hoettinger Helmut; Malicky Michael; Rebeušek Franc; Sala Giovanni; Verovnik Rudi
    Biology of Neptis sappho (Pallas, 1771) based on the monograph by Timpe and Timpe (1993) and its actual distribution and conservation status in Austria, Italy and Slovenia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
  96. Plank Darja; Papuga Vesna; Milovanovič Slavomir
    Prikaz izvajanja tečajev temeljnih postopkov oživljanja in rezultati raziskave o pomembnosti izvajanja tečajev, opravljene med medicinskimi sestrami
  97. Skela-Savič Brigita
    Uvajanje izboljšav v proces pripravništva v zdravstveni negi
    [Modifications of the training process in nursing care]
  98. Lokar Katarina
    Rak mod - znanje in stališča mladih moških
    [Testicular cancer - knowledge and attitudes of young men]
  99. Peric Helena Kristina
    Uvajanje sprememb v operacijskih dvoranah - strokovna in zakonodajna izhodišča
    [The introduction of changes in operating theatres - professional and legal issues]
  100. Urbančič Klaudia
    Izvedba in rezultati akcijske raziskave procesa zdravstveno vzgojnega svetovanja staršem. (2. del)
    [Performance and results of action research of the process of health education counseling to parents. (Part 2)]

   17.667 17.767 17.867 17.967 18.067 18.167 18.267 18.367 18.467 18.567  

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