biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 26.767-26.866

  1. Seme Katja; Poljak Mario; Jeverica Samo; Koren Anja; Žužek-Rešek Saša
    Prevalence of hepatitis G virus infection in Slovenian hemodialysis patients as determined by the detection of viral genome and E2 antibodies
  2. Grum Mateja; Camloh Marjana; Rudolph Klaus; Ravnikar Maja
    Elimination of bean seed-borne bacteria by thermotherapy and meristem culture
  3. Sedmak Bojan; Kosi Gorazd
    The role of microcystins in heavy cyanobacterial bloom formation
  4. Toman Mihael J; Dall Peter C
    Respiratory levels and adaptations in four freshwater species of Gammarus (Crustacea: Amphipoda)
  5. Pompe Maruša; Štrukelj Borut; Ravnikar Maja
    The influence of the proteinase inhibitor EP475 on some morphological characteristics of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Desiree)
  6. Zupančič P; Murn M; Uhan D
    The safety profile of omeprazole
  7. Boh Bojana; Kornhauser Aleksandra; Krumpak Aleksandra; Novosel Franc; Pokorny Miroslav; Radež Ivan; Škerlavaj Vojko
    Večnamensko fitofarmacevtsko sredstvo s fizikalnim učinkovanjem
    [Pesticide with physical action]
  8. Zupančič-Božič D; Vrečer F; Kozjek F
    Optimization of diclofenac sodium dissolution from sustained release formulations using an artificial neural network
  9. Kristl A; Srčič S; Vrečer F; Šuštar B; Vojnovic D
    Polymorphism and pseudopolymorphism: influencing the dissoltion properties of the guanine derivative acycloric
  10. Fajdiga M; Vizjak M
    Zdravljenje prirodno invadiranih govedi iz antihelmintikom L-ripercol
    [Treatment of naturally infected/invaded catlle with anthelmintic L-ripercol]
  11. Poredoš Pavel; Likar Borut
    Determination of oxemia in claudicant's leg during exercise usingtcpo2 measurement
  12. Stračunski L.S.
    Multicentrična primerjalna klinična raziskava macropena pri otrocih v Rusiji
    [A multicenter comparative clinical trial on macropen in Children in Russia]
  13. Ferkolj Ivo
    Učinkovitost famotidina* v zdravljenju ulkusne bolezni: rezultati multicentričnega prospektivnega kliničnega testiranja v Sloveniji
    [Efficacy of famotidine* in the treatment of ulcer disease: results of a multicenter prospective clinical trial conducted in Slovenia]
  14. Kopač Matjaž
    Povezava polimorfizma gena za citokrom P450 (CYP1A1) z dovzetnostjo za pljučnega raka pri Slovencih
    [Relationship between cytochrome P450 (CYP1A1) gene polymorphism and lung cancer susceptibility in Slovene population]
  15. Malovrh Tadej; Paternoster Alenka
    Merjenje celičnega imunskega odziva pri okužbi z Borrelio burgdorferi
    [Cellular immune response to Borrelia burgdorferi infection in man]
  16. Debeljak Andrej; Triller Nadja; Terčelj Marjeta; Kern Izidor
    Bronhoskopska igelna aspiracija brez računalniške tomografije prsnega koša v zamejevanju pljučnega raka: kdaj in kje
    [Bronchoscopic needle aspiration without computer tomography of the thorax in the staging of lung cancer: when and where]
  17. Šelb Jožica
    Umrljivost v Sloveniji v letu 1996
    [Mortality rates in Slovenia in 1996]
  18. Košnik Mitja; Wraber Branka; Grmek-Košnik Irena; Skralovnik-Štern Aleksandra; Mušič Ema; Šuškovič Stanislav; Fležar Matjaž
    Vloga provokacijskega testa in vitro za ugotavljanje neželenih reakcij na nesteroidneantirevmatike
    [Intolerance to nonsteroidal antiinflamatory drugs: role of in-vitro diagnostic test]
  19. Toplak Cirila; Zupanič-Slavec Zvonka
    Vincenc Kern in njegove zasluge pri uvajanju cepljenja proti črnim kozam v Slovenskih deželah Habsburške monarhije: ob dvestoletnici cepljenja proti črnim kozam (1798-1998)
    [Vincenz Kern and his merit in the introduction of the vaccination in Slovenian lands of the Habsburg monarchy: at 200th anniversary of the vaccination against small pox (1798-1998)]
  20. Božič Janko; Woodring Joseph
    Variations of brain biogenic amines in mature honeybees and induction of recruitment behavior
  21. Škarabot M; Čepič Mojca; Žekš B; Blinc R; Heppke G; Kityk AV; Muševič I
    Birefringence and tilt angle in the antiferroelectric, ferroelectric, and intermediate phases of chiral smectic liquid crystals
  22. Prešern-Štrukelj Marjeta; Erjavec Tatjana; Grabljevec Klemen
    Dejavniki tveganja in spremljajoče bolezni pri bolnikih z amputacijo spodnjih udov zaradi PAOB
  23. Kozarev J
    Carbon dioxide laser vaporization in treatment of verrucae vulgares
  24. Marschalko M; Ruzsovits A; Horvath A
    Anticardiolipin antibody in lupus erythematosus
  25. Russi-Zagožen Ingrid
    Odnos zdravstvenih delavcev do terminalnih bolnikov in njihove oskrbe
    [Attitude of medical personnel towards terminal patients and their care]
  26. Ušaj Anton
    Nadzor v procesu športne vadbe kajakašev na divjih vodah: značilne vrednosti uporabljenih kazalcev in njihova uporaba v procesu športne vadbe
    [Monitoring training process of the whitewater kayakers]
  27. Potočnik Slavko
    Delovanje povišanega parcialnega tlaka ogljikovega dioksida na organizem potapljača in njegov vpliv na potapljaške nesreče. 2. del
    [Effects of increased partial carbon dioxide pressure on a diver's organism and its influence on diving accidents. Part 2]
  28. Bobrowska-Haegerstrand Malgorzata; Haegerstrand Henry; Iglič Aleš
    Membrane skeleton and red blood cell vesiculation at low pH
  29. Soomets Ursel; Haellbrink Mattias; Zorko Matjaž; Langel Uelo
    From galanin and mastoparan to galparan and transportan
  30. Vince Adriana; Poljak Mario; Seme Katja
    DNA extraction from archival Giemsa-stained bone-marrow slides: comparison of six rapid methods
  31. Hovnik-Keršmanc Marjetka; Belec Miran; Prodan Viljam
    Analiza umrljivosti, hospitalizacij in začasne odsotnosti z dela za bolezni, poškodbe in zastrupitve, ki jih lahko neposredno pripišemo alkoholu, v Sloveniji
    [Analysis of mortality, hospitalization and temporary absence from work due to diseases, injuries and adverse effects directly attributable to alcohol in Slovenia]
  32. Urh Irma
    Vpliv izobrazbe na kajenje v nosečnosti
    [Influence of education on smoking during pregnancy]
  33. Bratina Dunja
    Analiza poškodb med delavci, zaposlenimi v goriški regiji, v obdobju 1992-1996
    [The analysis of injuries among active population in the region of Nova Gorica in 1992-1996]
  34. Eržen Irena; Vegnuti Miljana; Švab Igor; Teržan Metka
    Poškodbe pri delu s smrtnim izidom v letih 1985-1995
    [Injuries at work with fatal outcome in the period 1985-1995]
  35. Kersnik Janko; Bossman Peter; Švab Igor
    Vodilni razlogi bolnikov pri izbiri osebnega zdravnika družinske medicine
    [The patient's leading reasons for choosing personal family physician]
  36. Haegerstrand H; Kralj-Iglič V; Bobrowska-Haegerstrand M; Bialkowska K; Isomaa B; Iglič A
    Torocytes - a new class of vesicle shapes
  37. Vizjak A; Perković T; Rozman B; Koselj-Kajtna M; Ferluga D
    Skeletal muscle immune deposits in systemic lupus erythematosus
  38. Bren AF; Kandus A; Buturović J; Koselj M; Kaplan-Pavlovčič S; Ponikvar R; Kovač D; Lindič J; Vizjak A; Ferluga D
    Cyclosporine-related hemolytic-uremic syndrome in kidney graft recipients: clinical and histomorphologic evaluation
  39. Kandus A; Kovač D; Černe D; Koselj M; Kaplan-Pavlovčič S; Buturović J; Ponikvar R; Kveder R; Lindič J; Bren AF
    Therapy of hyperlipidemia with lovastatin in kidney transplant patients on cyclosporine A immunosuppression: 3-year experience
  40. Iglič Aleš; Kralj-Iglič Veronika; Haegerstrand Henry
    Amphiphile induced echinocyte-spheroechinocyte transformation of red blood cell shape
  41. Kralj Metka; Pipan Nada
    Degradation processes in different functional states of the mouse mammary gland
  42. Mihelin Marjan; Liščić Rajka M
    A custom designed system to measure corticospinal tract jitter: tehnical note
  43. Čemažar Maja; Miklavčič Damijan; Serša Gregor
    Intrinsic sensitivity of tumor cells to bleomycin as an indicator of tumor response to electrochemotherapy
  44. Remškar Zlata; Šorli Jure; Eržen Damjan; Zalokar Polona
    Miliarna tuberkoloza na Golniku v letih 1995-1997
    [Miliary tuberculosis at Golnik hospital during 1995-1997]
  45. Debeljak Andrej; Mušič Ema; Kumelj Marko
    Bakterijska poslabšanja kronične obstruktivne pljučne bolezni (KOPB) in občutljivost za antibiotike
    [Bacterial exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and sensitivity for antibiotics]
  46. Rok-Simon Mateja; Obersnel-Kveder Dunja; Toplak-Ostan Majda
    Nasilno povzročene poškodbe otrok in mladostnikov v Sloveniji
    [Inflicted injuries in children and adolescents in Slovenia]
  47. Skalerič Uroš; Venkateshan C; Wahl Sharon M
    Superoxide release and cytopathogenic effects in gingival fibroblasts exposed to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV)
    [Vpliv virusa imunske pomanjkljivosti (HIV) in herpes simpleks virusa (HSV) na sproščanje superoksida in citopatogene učinke pri fibroblastih dlesne]
  48. Matičič Mojca; Poljak Mario; Tomažič Janez; Vidmar Ludvik; Kramar Barbara; Skalerič Uroš
    Detection of anti HIV-1/2 antibodies in saliva of HIV-seropositive persons in Slovenia
    [Prisotnost protiteles proti HIV-1/2 v slini oseb, okuženih s HIV v Sloveniji]
  49. Kramar Barbara; Matičič Mojca; Tomažič Janez; Vidmar Ludvik; Skalerič Uroš
    Prevalence of oral pathology and periodontal disease in HIV-1 infected patients in Slovenia
    [Pogostnost bolezni ustne sluznice in obzobnih tkiv pri pacientih, okuženih s HIV-1, v Sloveniji]
  50. Kovač-Kavčič Marija; Skalerič Uroš
    Systemic health in patients with periodontal disease
    [Sistemsko zdravje pacientov s parodontalno boleznijo]
  51. Gašpirc Boris; Skalerič Uroš
    Effect of ND- and ER:YAG lasers irradiation on the root surface structure
    [Struktura koreninske površine po obsevanju z ND- in ER:YAG laserjema]
  52. Šušterčič Dušan; Lukač Matjaž; Majaron Boris; Funduk Nenad
    Influence of Er:YAG laser parameters on ablation of enamel and dentin
    [Vpliv parametrov Er:YAG laserskega snopa na ablacijo sklenine in dentina]
  53. Pavlica Zlatko; Petelin Milan; Juntes Polona; Skalerič Uroš
    Plausible histopathological changes in liver and kidney based on experimental periodontitis in beagle dogs
    [Možne histopatološke spremembe na jetrih in ledvicah po eksperimentalno povzročenem parodotitisu pri psih]
  54. Cvetko Erika; Skalerič Uroš
    The influence of approximate amalgam restorations on alveolar bone loss
    [Vpliv aproksimalnih plomb na izgubo alveolarne kosti]
  55. Gašperšič Rok; Štiblar-Martinčič Draga; Skalerič Uroš
    Influence of dexamethasone on progression of experimental periodontitis in rats
    [Vpliv deksametazona na razvoj poskusno povzročenega vnetja obzobnih tkiv podgane]
  56. Lah Tamara; Babnik Joža; Skalerič Uroš; Turk Vito
    Lysosomal proteolysis in inflammation
    [Lizosomalna proteoliza pri vnetju]
  57. Jevnikar Peter; Jarh Orest; Sepe Ana; Funduk Nenad
    The effect of setting mode on water diffusion and flexural strength of resin modified glass ionomer cements
    [Vpliv načina strjevanja na difuzijo vode in upogibno trdnost steklasto ionomernih cementov z dodatki kompozitov]
  58. Demšar Franci; Lestan Boris; Ivanuša Teodora
    The application of macromolecular contrast media to define the abnormal microvascular permeability in the temporomandibular joint by MRI
    [Uporaba makromolekularnih kontrastnih sredstev za določanje nenormalne prepustnosti malih žil v čeljustnem sklepu pri slikanju z magnetno resonanco]
  59. Schara Milan; Cevc Pavle; Petelin Milan; Skalerič Uroš
    An EPR approach to dental tissue research
    [Raziskave zobnih tkiv z elektronsko paramagnetno resonanco]
  60. Kores-Plesničar B
    Učinkovitost in varnost olanzapina v zdravljenju bolnikov s shizofrenijo, shizofreniformnimi in shizoafektivnimi motnjami - preliminarni podatki študije v Sloveniji
  61. Kordiš Dušan; Gubenšek Franc
    Bov-B long interspersed repeated DNA (LINE) sequences are present in Vipera ammodytes phospholipase A2 genes and in genomes of Viperidae snakes
  62. Križaj Igor; Faure Grazyna; Gubenšek Franc; Bon Cassian
    Neurotoxic phospholipases A2 ammodytoxin and crotoxin bind to distinct high-affinity protein acceptors in Torpedo marmorata electric organ
  63. Gregorič Milan
    Suppression of flexor reflex by transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in spinal cord injured patients
  64. Vračko J; Wiechel KL
    How often might a trans-cystic-duct stone extraction be feasible?
  65. Krbavčič A; Pečar S; Schara M; Wiegrebe W
    Anthranoid free radicals found in pseudomelanosis coli
  66. Ningsheng Liang; Pungerčar Jože; Ziqing Meng; Gubenšek Franc
    A study on codon usage of phospholi-pase A2 genes from Vipera ammodytes
  67. Erzin Robert; Bajd Tadej; Kralj Alojz R; Šavrin Rajmond; Benko Helena
    Influence of sensory biofeedback on FES assisted walking
    [Vpliv senzorne povratne zanke na hojo paraplegikov s funkcionalno električno stimulacijo]
  68. Burger H; Valenčič V; Marinček Č; Kogovšek N
    Properties of musculus gluteus maximus in above-knee amputees
  69. Isakov E; Burger H; Gregorič M; Marinček Č
    Isokinetic and isometric strength of the thigh muscles in below-knee amputees: brief report
  70. Gunčar Gregor; Podobnik Marjetka; Pungerčar Jože; Štrukelj Borut; Turk Vito; Turk Dušan
    Crystal structure of porcine cathepsin H determined at 2.1 AE resolution: location of the mini-chain C-terminal carboxyl group defines cathepsin H aminopeptidase function
  71. Stegnar Mojca; Uhrin Pavel; Peternel Polona; Mavri Alenka; Salobir-Pajnič Barbara; Stare Janez; Binder Bernd R
    The 4G/5G sequence polymorphism in the promoter of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) gene: relationship to plasma PAI-1 level in venous thromboembolism
  72. George Jacob; Gilburd Boris; Hojnik Maja; Levy Yair; Langevitz Pnina; Matsuura Eiji; Koike Takao; Shoenfeld Yehuda
    Target recognition of Beta 2-glycoprotein I ( beta 2 GPI) - dependent anticardiolipin antibodies: evidence for involvement of the fourth domain of beta 2 GPI in antibody binding
  73. Lavrenčič Aleša; Kosmina Barbara; Keber Irena; Videčnik Viktor; Keber Dušan
    Carotid intima-media thickness in young patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia
  74. Nolimal Dušan
    Estimating the exent of the heroin problem in Slovenia: application of the key informant approach and the nomination technique where there are no other reliable sources of information
  75. Blinc Aleš; Francis Charles W
    Transport processes in fibrinolysis and fibrinolytic therapy
  76. Stegnar M; Peternel P; Uhrin P; Cvelbar-Marinko T; Goršič-Tomažič K; Binder BR
    Fibrinolysis in patients with the 1691 G-A mutation in factor V gene and history of deep vein thrombosis
  77. Kordiš Dušan; Gubenšek Franc
    Ammodytoxin C gene helps to elucidate the irregular structure of Crotalinae group II phospholipase A2 genes
  78. Križaj Igor; Bdolah Avner; Gubenšek Franc; Benčina Petra; Pungerčar Jože
    Protein and cDNA structures of an acidic phospholipase A2, the enzymatic part of an unusual, two-component toxin from Vipera palaestinae
  79. Križaj Igor; Faure Grazyna; Gubenšek Franc; Bon Cassian
    Re-examination of crotoxin-membrane interactions
  80. Pungerčar Jože; Vučemilo Nataša; Faure Grazyna; Bon Cassian; Verheij Hubertus M; Gubenšek Franc; Križaj Igor
    Ammodytin L, an inactive phospholipase A2 homologue with myotoxicity in mice, binds to the presynaptic acceptor of the beta-neurotoxic ammodytoxin C in torpedo: an indication for a phospholipase A2 activity-independent mechanism of action of beta-neurotoxins in fish?
  81. Samardžija Zoran; Čeh Miran; Makovec Darko; Kolar Drago
    Determination of the solubility of cerium in BaTiO3 by quantitative WDS electron probe microanalysis
  82. Poljak M; Tomažič J; Seme K; Matičič M; Vidmar L
    Prevalence of mutant CCR5 allele in Slovenian HIV-1-infected and non-infected individuals
  83. Navinšek B; Panjan P; Krušič J
    Hard coatings on soft metallic substrates
  84. Panjan P; Navinšek B; Cvelbar A; Zalar A; Vlcek J
    High-temperature oxidation of Tin/CrN multilayers reactively sputtered at low temperatures
  85. Kenda Rajko B; Trebše R
    New paediatric urine collector
  86. Zidar Nina; Avguštin-Čavić Marija; Kenda Rajko B; Koselj Mira; Ferluga Dušan
    Effect of intrauterine growth retardation on the clinical course and prognosis of IgA glomerulonephritis in children
  87. Čeh M; Gu H; Muellejans H; Rečnik A
    Analytical electron microscopy of planar faults in SrO-doped CaTiO3
  88. Batista Jurka; Pintar Albin; Čeh Miran
    Characterization of supported Pd-Cu bimetallic catalysts by SEM, EDXS, AES and catalytic selectivity measurements
  89. Stroemstedt Maria; Waterman Michael R; Haugen Trine B; Tasken Kjetil; Parvinen Martti; Rozman Damjana
    Elevated expression of lanosterol 14 alpha-demethylase (CYP51) and the synthesis of oocyte meiosis-activating sterols in postmeiotic germ cells of male rats
  90. Šuput D; Pleskovič A; Serša I; Demšar F
    Assessment of liver regeneration after a major surgical resection: a MRI study
  91. Šuput D; Zupan A; Demšar F
    Discrimination between muscular dystrophies and the juvenile spinal muscular atrophy by means of MRI
  92. Samardžija Zoran; Čeh M
    Electron probe microanalysis in materials characterization
    [Karakterizacija materialov z metodami elektronske mikroanalize]
  93. Andoljšek Matej
    Poškodbe pri deskanju na snegu
    [Snowboarding injuries]
  94. Šegota Nikša; Kajba Stanislav; Žolnir-Dovč Manca
    Test pomnoževanja nukleinskih kislin iz bronhialnega izpirka v diagnostiki pljučne tuberkuloze
    [The value of nucleic acid amplification test from bronchoaspirate in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis]
  95. Mikuž Mitja; Kavčič Benjamin; Kavčič Ivan; Knap Črtomir
    Poškodbe mehkih delov vratne hrbtenice v prometnih nezgodah
    [Injuries of the cervical spine in traffic accidents]
  96. Mohar Simona; Frankič Darja
    Ali se regija Murska Sobota razlikuje v predpisovanju zdravil glede na predpisovanje v Sloveniji?
    [Are there any differencies in prescribing of drugs among Slovenia and the region of Murska Sobota?]
  97. Ribarič Samo; Stefanovska Aneta; Eržen Ida
    Direct-current stimulation of crushed nerve increases capillary density in rat muscle
  98. Liščić Rajka M; Zidar Janez; Mihelin Marjan
    Evidence of direct connection of corticobulbar fibers to orofacial muscles in man: electromyographic study of individual motor unit responses
  99. Brecelj Jelka; Kakigi Ryusuke; Kayama Sachiko; Hoshiyama Minoru
    Visual evoked magnetic responses to central and peripheral stimulation: simultaneous VEP recordings
  100. Rudan I; Vidovič M; Bartenjev M; Rudan P
    Model-bound and model-free approach in the holistic analysis of population structure

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