biomedicina slovenica

ct=1.01 : 27.167-27.266

  1. Klančar Darinka
    Kakovost dela zdravstvenega doma in ekonomičnost kot nosilca dejavnosti
  2. Omejc M; Repše S; Bračko M
    Is DNA aneuploidy a prognostic factor in gastric cancer?
  3. Omejc Mirko; Repše Stane; Bračko Matej
    DNA flow cytometry in gastric carcinoma: implication in patients with potentially curative resection
  4. Huang Jessie C; Deletis Vedran; Vodušek David B; Abbott Rick
    Preservation of pudendal afferents in sacral rhizotomies
  5. Milošev I; Strehblow H-H; Navinšek B
    Comparison of TiN, ZrN and CrN hard nitride coatings: electrochemical and thermal oxidation
  6. Sterle Maksimiljan; Erdani-Kreft Mateja; Batista Urška
    The effect of epidermal growth factor and transforming growth factor beta1 on proliferation and differentiation of urothelial cells in urinary bladder explant culture
  7. Veranič Peter; Pšeničnik Majda
    A mini organ culture as a model for studying the gallbladder epithelium of mouse
  8. Poljak M; Bednarik J; Rednak K; Seme K; Kristančič L; Čelan-Lucu B
    Seroprevalence of human T cell leukaemia/lymphoma virus type I (HTLV-I) in pregnant women, patients attending venereological outpatient services and intravenous drug users from Slovenia
  9. Romih Rok; Jezernik Kristijan
    Ultrastructural aspects of proliferative response in the urinary bladder urothelium induced by sodium saccharin or cyclophosphamide
  10. Miklavčič Damijan; An Dongjian; Belehradek Jean Jr; Mir Lluis M
    Host's immune response in electrotherapy of murine tumors by direct current
  11. Kotnik Tadej; Bobanović Feđa; Miklavčič Damijan
    Sensitivity of transmembrane voltage induced by applied electric fields - a theoretical analysis
  12. Kotnik Tadej; Miklavčič Damijan
    Elektrorotacija kot metoda spremljanja časovnega poteka okrevanja biološke celice po elektropermeabilizaciji
    [Time course of cell recovery after electropermeabilization monitored by electrorotation]
  13. Karba Renata; Šemrov Dejan; Vodovnik Lojze; Benko Helena; Šavrin Rajmond
    DC electrical stimulation for chronic wound healing enhancement. Part 1. Clinical study and determination of electrical field distribution in the numerical wound model
  14. Šemrov Dejan; Karba Renata; Valenčič Vojko
    DC electrical stimulation for chronic wound healing enhancement. Part 2. Parameter determination by numerical modelling
  15. Miklavčič D; Jarm T; Čemažar M; Serša G; An DJ; Belehradek J Jr; Mir LM
    Tumor treatment by direct electric current. Tumor perfusion changes
  16. Serša Gregor; Miklavčič Damijan; Čemažar Maja; Belehradek Jean Jr; Jarm Tomaž; Mir Lluis M
    Electrochemotherapy with CDDP on LPB sarcoma: comparison of the anti-tumor effectiveness in immunocompetent and immunodeficient mice
  17. Hočevar-Boltežar Irena; Radšel Zora; Žargi Miha
    The role of allergy in the etiopathogenesis of laryngeal mucosal lesions
  18. Hočevar-Boltežar Irena; Radšel-Burger Zora; Žargi Miha
    Instability of voice in adolescence: pathologic condition or normal developmental variation?
  19. Žargi Miha; Šmid Lojze; Fajdiga Igor; Bubnič Bernarda; Lenarčič Jadran; Oblak Pavel
    Laser induced fluorescence in diagnostics of laryngeal cancer
  20. Simčič Saša; Bobanović Fedja; Kotnik Vladimir; Vodovnik Lojze
    Local changes in membrane potential intensify neutrophil oxidative burst
  21. Jezernik K; Sterle M; Batista U
    The distinct steps of cell detachment during development of mouse uroepithelial cells in the bladder
  22. Trobec Roman; Jerebič Izidor
    Local diagnosis in massively parallel systems
  23. Budihna Metka V; Strojan Primož; Trampuš-Bakija Alenka; Grebenc Helena; Ilievski Vladimir; Japelj Irena; Aščerić Mensura; Zorc-Pleskovič Ruda; Prevorčnik Ana; Skitek Milan
    Inhibition of intestinal absorption of digoxin by different Ca2+ channel blockers in guinea-pig in vivo and in vitro
  24. Pehani Špela; Virant-Doberlet Meta; Jeram Sonja
    The life cycle of the cave cricket Troglophilus neglectus Krauss with a note on T. cavicola Kollar (Orthoptera: Rhaphidophoridae)
  25. Leonardis Lea; Zidar Janez; Ekici Arif; Peterlin Borut; Rautenstrauss Bernd
    Autosomal dominant Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A and hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies: detection of the recombination "hotspot" in Slovene patients and exclusion of the potentially recessive Thr118Met PMP22 point mutation
  26. Vodušek DB
    Lower urinary tract dysfunction in the elderly
  27. Grisold W; Mueller E; Ambler Z; Hopkins A; Lopes-Lima JM; Piradow M; Porter-Sanchez A; Vodušek DB; et al ;
    Continuing medical education in Europe - trends and developments
  28. Strle Franc; Picken Roger N; Cheng Yu; Cimperman Jože; Maraspin Vera; Lotrič-Furlan Stanka; Ružić-Sabljić Eva; Picken Maria M
    Clinical findings for patients with Lyme borreliosis caused by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato with genotypic and phenotypic similarities to strain 25015
  29. Tomažič J; Ihan A; Strle F; Cimperman J; Stare J; Matičič M; Zakotnik B
    Immunological differentiation between tickborne encephalitis with and without concomitant neuroborreliosis
  30. Koselj M; Rott T; Kandus A; Vizjak A; Malovrh M
    Donor-transmitted IgA nephropathy: long-term follow-up of kidney donors and recipients
  31. Milošev I; Metikoš-Huković M
    The behaviour of Cu-xNi (x=10 to 40 wt %) alloys in alkaline solutions containing chlorine ions
  32. Klokočovnik Tomislav
    Femoropoplitealni obvod in situ ob pomoči video kamere
    [Video-assisted insitu femoropopliteal bypass]
  33. Podboj Jernej
    Endoskopska kirurgija mukoke lobnosnih votlin
    [Endoscopic surgery for mucoceles of the paranas al sinuses]
  34. Paquet Karl-Joseph
    Endoluminal endoscopic electrosurgical managementof postoperative anastomotic strictures of the upper gastointestinal tract
    [Endoluminalna endoskopska elektrokirurška oskrba pooperativne anstomozne strikture v zgornjih prebavilih]
  35. Shamiyeh A; Schrenk P; Woisetschlaeger R; Rieger R; Wayand W. U.
    Biliarytract complications following laparoscopic cholecystectomy - etiogy, diagnosis and management
    [Poškodbe žolčnih izvodil po laparoskopski holecistektomiji - vzroki, diagnoza in zdravljenje]
  36. Reš J
    Rezultati zdravljenja izpahnjenih stegnenic pri psih s konzervativnimi in operativnimi tehnikami
    [Results of coxofemoral luxation treatment using surgical and conservative techniques]
  37. Šegula B
    Sezonski vpliv na plodnost svinj na farmi Krško
    [Seasonal effect on fertility of sows on the farm Krško]
  38. Doganoc Darinka Z; Florjanec Katica
    Arzen v naših živilih
    [Arzenic in our food]
  39. Dobeic M
    Vpliv klinoptilolita in deodoraze na zmanjšanje emisij neprijetnih vonjav in amoniaka v perutninski in prašičerejski proizvodnji
    [Influence of clinoptilolite and deodorase on reducing of odour and ammonia emmisions from poultry and pig production]
  40. Černe Manica
    Določanje količine kalcija v očesni tekočini poginulih krav molznic
    [Estimation of postmortem calcium concentration in aqueous humor in dairy cows]
  41. Modic T; Jazbec I
    Umerjanje elektronskega števca Lericont II in hemoglobinometra za določanje števila eritrocitov in levkocitov ter koncentracije hemoglobina pri domačih živalih
    [Calibration of electronic instrument Lericont II and hemoglobinometer for erythrocyte and leukocyte as well as of the hemoglobin concentration at domestic animals]
  42. Zorman-Rojs Olga; Černe Manica
    Primerjava patogenosti zelo virulentnega in blagega virusa gumborske bolezni pri SPF piščancih
    [Pathogenicity of highly virulent isolate of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) in comparison with vaccinal strain of IBDV in specific pathogen free chickens]
  43. Klinkon Martina; Zadnik T
    Bela krvna slika v obporodnem obdobju pri črno-belih molznicah
    [White blood cell picture during around partum period in black and white dairy cows]
  44. Zadnik T; Klinkon Martina
    The effect of different protein feed intake on blood, rumen fluid and milk composition in dairy cows
    [Vpliv različnega beljakovinskega obroka na parametre krvi, vampovega soka in mleka pri molznicah]
  45. Pengov A
    Razlike v obrambnem odzivu mlečne žleze pri kravah in ovcah ob kolonizaciji vimena s koagulazno negativnimi stafilokoki
    [Differences in the inflammatory response of the mammary gland of cows and ewes infected with coagulase-negative staphylococci]
  46. Barlič-Maganja Darja; Grom J
    Hitra metoda za določanje virusa goveje virusne diareje (BVDV) v serumu trajno okuženega goveda s polimerazno verižno reakcijo
    [Rapid detection of bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) in the serum of persistently infected cattle by a nested polymerase chain reaction]
  47. Krt B
    Ugotavljanje protiteles proti zajedavcu Toxoplasma gondii pri mačkah v Sloveniji
    [Detection of antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in cats in Slovenia]
  48. Zdovc Irena; Brglez Ivanka
    Malassezia pachydermatis pri mesojedih v Sloveniji
    [Malassezia pachydermatis isolated from carnivora in Slovenia]
  49. Ocepek M; Cvetnić Ž
    Primerjava serovarov mikobakterij iz sklopa M. avium, izoliranih iz perutnine in prašičev v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem
    [Comparison of serovars M. avium complex isolated from poultry and swine in Slovenia and Croatia]
  50. Eržen Janez; Kocijančič Andreja; Jerman Jože; Gantar-Rott Urška; Rott Tomaž
    Razmerje med težo nenormalnega obščitničnega tkiva, intaktnim parathormonom in serumskim kalcijem pri primarnem hiperparatiroidizmu
    [The relationship between weight of abnormal parathyroid tissue, intact parathormone and serum calcium level in primary hyperparathyroidism]
  51. Gantar D; Družina B; Maček J
    Stanje razvojno-raziskovalne dejavnosti v kemični industriji Slovenije
  52. Gantar D; Družina B; Maček J
    Slovenska kemična industrija in njeni razvojni potenciali
  53. Brus Alojz
    Gibanje vplačil prispevkov za obvezno zdravstveno zavarovanje in njihove razporeditve v novembru 1995 v Republiki Sloveniji
  54. Borštnar Sonja
    Znanje, stališča in ravnanje šolskih otrok, prebivalcev občine Domžale, v prometu
  55. Ban Helena
    Vpliv histeroskopske odstranitve pregrade maternice na zanositev in nosečnost
    [Influence of hysteroscopic resection of septate uterus on reproductive prognosis and pregnancy]
  56. Cvelbar-Marinko Tanja; Goršič-Tomažič Karmen
    Pogostnost neodzivnosti na aktivirani protein C pri bolnikih z vensko trombozo
    [Incidence of activated protein C resistance among patients with deep vein thrombosis]
  57. Bon Jurij; Mikek Martin
    Operativno zdravljenje raztrganja Ahilove kite
    [Surgical treatment of Achilles tendon rupture]
  58. Stantič-Pavlinič Mirjana; Grilc Eva; Marinič-Fišer Nataša
    An epidemiological survey of Microsporum canis - related infection in Ljubljana
  59. Koželj V
    Functional basis for presurgical orthopaedic treatment of unilateral cleft an palate
  60. Geršak B; Trobec R; Gabrijelčič T; Avbelj V
    Comparison of the ST-40ms isointegral maps prior to and after aortocoronary revascularisation
  61. Grošelj C; Kukar M; Fettich JJ; Kononenko I
    Machine learning improves the accuracy of coronary artery disease diagnostic methods
  62. Strojnik Vojko
    Spremljanje učinkov vadbe moči - primer iztegovalk nog
    [Monitoring the effects of power training (the case of leg extensor)]
  63. Doupona Mojca; Petrović Krešimir; Ambrožič Franci; Sila Boris
    Razlike med spoloma: športnokreativna dejavnost v Sloveniji 1996
    [Sports-recreation activities in Slovenia 1996 - gender diferences]
  64. Burian Maja
    Sagitalna zakrivljenost hrbtenice pri 11- in 13-letnih učenkah in učencih
    [Sagital curvature of the spine in 11- and 13-year old girls and boys]
  65. Leskovec Vesna
    Povezanost sil mišic trupa in kolkov z bolečino v križu
  66. Geršak B; Gabrijelčič T; Trobec R; Slivnik B
    Temperature distribution in human heart during hypothermic cardioplegic arrest
  67. Pavlin Sanja; Karakaš Nina
    Poznavanje delovanja in stranskih učinkov ekstazija med srednješolci
  68. Rehar Tanja; Činč Miroslav; Papež Meta
    Samozdravljenje v Sloveniji na primeru analgetikov
    [Self-medication in Slovenia on the case of analgesics]
  69. Geršak Ksenija; Tomaževič Tomaž; Meden-Vrtovec Helena
    Subpopulations of human granulosa-luteal cells obtained during early timed and during normally timed follicular aspiration in in-vitro fertilization-embryo transfer cycles
  70. Vrbič Vito; Bartenjev Mitja; Košir Narcisa; Škapin Marta
    Slovenia: national oral health education programme
  71. Kocmur Marga
    Stališča do samomora pri Slovencih
  72. Krivec Bojan; Voga Gorazd; Žuran Ivan; Skale Rafael; Parežnik Roman; Podbregar Matej; Noč Marko
    Diagnosis and treatment of shock due to massive pulmonary embolism: approach with transesophageal echocardiography and intrapulmonary thrombolysis
  73. Sinkovič A; Hojs R; Ekart R
    Acute renal failure in patients with acute myocardial infarction
  74. Kocmur Marga; Rus Velko S
    Stališča do samomora: kako se izražajo v različnih študentskih skupinah, kakšen je njihov odnos do drugih stališč in do različnih kognitivnih stilov
  75. Krejci Eric; Thomine Sebastien; Boschetti Nicola; Legay Claire; Sketelj Janez; Massoulie Jean
    The mammalian gene of acetylcholinesterase-associated collagen
  76. Kocmur Marga; Rus Velko
    Depression and locus of control in alcoholics' wives
  77. Grazioli D; Balzan C; Maso S; Simioni L
    Lyme disease in Belluno - a north-eastern Italian province
  78. Martinović N; Micić J; Ivanović S; Krunić A
    Androgen hormone levels in women with male pattern baldness
  79. Muić V; Vodopija I; Ljubičić M; Mayer V
    Limitations and consequences of basing late syphilis seroassessments on VDRL test
  80. Polanec Janja; Pavelič Zlatko P; Križman Igor; Osredkar Jože
    Low serum pancreatitis-associated protein does not exclude complications in mild acute pancreatitis
  81. Elgh Fredrik; Lundkvist Ake; Alexeyev Oleg A; Stenlund Hans; Avšič-Županc Tatjana; Hjelle Brian; Wang-Lee Ho; Smith Kenneth J; Vainiopaa Raija; Wiger Donna; Wadell Goran; Juto Per
    Serological diagnosis of hantavirus infections by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay based on detection of immunoglobulin G and M responses to recombinant nucleocapsid proteins of five viral serotypes
  82. Scherberger Hansjoerg; Leder Ortwin
    Section topology and 3D-visualization of pig liver lobules
  83. Kayalioglu Guelguen; Goevsa Figen; Ertuerk Mete; Oyar Orhan
    Morphometry of the human corpus callosum related to handedness studied by magnetic resonance imaging
  84. Meredith Lisa S; Sherbourne Cathy Donald; Jackson Catherine A; Camp Patti; Wells Kenneth B
    Običajno zdravljenje anksioznosti, ki se pojavlja ob nekaterih boleznih
    [Treatment tipically provided for comorbid anxiety disorders]
  85. Dragaš Ana Zlata
    Možnosti izobraževanja o bolnišnični higieni in preprečevanju okužb za zdravnike v Republiki Sloveniji
    [Possibilities of education in hospital hygiene and infection control for physicians in the Republic of Slovenia]
  86. Burjak Mateja
    Vpliv famotidina in kloropiramina na ishemično okvaro pri izoliranem podganjem srcu
    [The influence of famotidine and chloropyramine on ischemic rat hearts]
  87. Golmajer Peter
    Zgodnje odkrivanje maligne alteracije pigmentnih znamenj
    [Early detection of pigmented nevi malignant alteration]
  88. Orehek Marta; Tratnik Erika
    Vpliv kajenja na funkcijske in morfološke spremembe arterijske stene
    [The influence of smoking on functional and morphological changes of the arterial wall]
  89. Ho Anthony K; Sibata Claudio H; Thomadsen Bruce R
    Comparison of TDF and LQ models using the bioeffects algorithm of a treatment planning system
  90. Klančič Marko; Milčinski Metka; Zorman Darko
    Diagnostic value of planar myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in patients with coronary artery disease
  91. Huebner Ralf-Harto; Bohuslavizki Karl H; Brenner Winfried; Klutmann Susanne; Feyerabend Bernd; Luettges Jutta; Tinnemeyer Stephan; Mester Janos; Clausen Malte; Henze Eberhard
    Radioprotection of salivary glands by amifostine in high-dose radioiodine therapy investigated in a new rabbit animal model
  92. Rubinić Milivoj
    Endoscopic retrograde pancreatography in the diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis
  93. Adamič Štefan; Dimec Jure; Hristovski Dimitar; Rožić-Hristovski Anamarija
    Poskus ocene raziskovalne uspešnosti na Medicinski fakulteti
    [An evaluation attempt of the research efficiency at the Medical faculty]
  94. Premik Marjan; Viršček Andrej
    Standardizirano razmerje umrljivosti kot kazalec zdravstvenega stanja železničarjev v Sloveniji
    [Death as a health indicator of railroad employees in Slovenia]
  95. Godić Dobrivoje
    The distribution of chlorinated pesticides in mother's serum and milk as well as in the serum of their new-born children in the region of Prekmurje - Slovenia
    [Distribucija kloriranih pesticidov v materinem serumu in mleku ter serumu novorojenčkov v regiji Prekmurje]
  96. Vatovec Jagoda; Žargi Miha; Černelč Smilja
    Spreminjanje dejavnikov hude okvare sluha v predšolskem obdobju
    [Changes in etiology of childhood deafness]
  97. Skok Pavel
    Krvavitve iz zgornjih prebavil - analiza vzrokov v triletnem obdobju
    [Upper gastrointestinal hemorrhage - an analysis of its causes in a 3-year period]
  98. Ravnik-Glavač Metka; Potočnik Uroš; Koželj Matjaž; Križman Igor; Glavač Damjan
    Molekularna genetska analiza dednega kolorektalnega raka v slovenski populaciji
  99. Potrč Stojan; Kavalar Rajko; Horvat Matjaž; Šturm Maja; Koželj Miran
    Results of gastrectomies for gastric cancer: preliminary results
  100. Bohinc Marija
    Menedžment in izobraževanje vodilnih medicinskih sester
    [Management and education of nurse managers]

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